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An Open Letter to the University of Dallas Board of Trustees, the Bishop Chancellor, the 

Faculty Senate, the Office of the President, and the Office of the Provost Regarding the  
Social Media Posting of Hatred Against Trans Persons by Chair of the Political 
Philosophy Department, Prof. David Upham 
My name is Bethany A. Beeler (UD Class of 1985), and I am a trans woman. All three of my 
now-adult children attended UD, with two graduating from there. I met my wife of 33+ 
years (we’re still joyfully married) at UD, and she is also an alumna (Class of 1987). 
Yesterday, I came across the following public Facebook post by Prof. David Upham, Chair 
of the UD Political Philosophy Department: 

Dr. Rachel Levine was born RIchard [​ sic] L ​ evine. He was married and became the father of two 
human beings--whom God made in His image, male and female He created them.  
Dr. Levine has since, through ingesting various drugs, put on a somewhat convincing hormonal 
costume to go along with his conventionally feminine dress. He may also, in addition have surgcially 
[sic]​ mutilated his once functioning organs of generation--powers of procreation given to him by God 
Almighty. Dr. Levine is to now to be called a "woman" and to appointed ​[sic]​ the Secretary of the 
Department of Health and Human Services.1​​ There, Dr Levine, in concert with the whole Biden 
administration, will try to use the powers of the federal government to FORCE others, by their words 
and their deeds, including their medical expertise and know-how--to participate in these falsehoods, 
these hormonal and surgical harms--these wrongs. 
Dissenters will have to say "SHE and "WOMAN" or "HE' and "MAN" even when they know 
it's false. 
Dissenters will have to pay for and provide hormonal treatments that will materially harm men and 
women's capacity to fulfill the command of almighty God to be fruitful and multiply by the mutual 
clinging of male and female. Dissenters will have to pay for and personally participate in surgeries 
that will mutilate men and women's powers of procreation. I fear that not one member of the United 
States Senate--even the supposedly "strong" or "tough" or "courageous," whether cheerleader or 
booleaders for Trump--will speak out against the violence to truth, liberty, and the great gift of 
fatherhood and motherhood? 
Will any member of the United States Senate step up? 
I no longer argue such points of view that persons like Prof. Upham here espouses. He 
obviously believes, with religious conviction, in what he is saying. I write to ask the Trustees, 
the Faculty Senate, the President, and Provost to consider the judgment, character, and 
fitness of Prof. Upham in his publicly posting these remarks which he has since scrubbed 
from his Facebook page. 
Dr. Upham teaches courses on Constitutional Law and Civil Rights, as well as advising UD’s 
pre-law students. Given a time period when, two weeks ago, insurrectionists stormed the 
U.S. Capitol at the urging of President Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump, Jr., Steve 
Bannon, and other public figures, one might think it prudent to scrutinize one’s remarks as 
to their potential to incite hatred and violence. 
Prof. Upham, of course, is entitled to free speech. Yet, he possesses a bully pulpit financed 
and abetted by UD’s continued employment of him. He teaches young, impressionable 
minds. If he feels so free in the currently violent political atmosphere to publicly post such 
statements, we can barely imagine what he feels free to say in the classroom or to advisees. 
His public post (on Facebook and at UD) is disconcerting because, in 2020 alone, 44 trans 
persons (mostly persons of color) were savagely murdered for being who they are. In 

​Point of Fact​: ​Dr. Rachel Levine has been appointed ​Assistant​ Secretary of the Department of Health and 
Human Services. 
addition, trans persons are 41 percent more likely to commit suicide in the face of hatred 
espoused against them by comments similar to Upham’s. Dr. Upham’s mischaracterization 
of trans persons flies in the face of established medical science, psychological science, and 
public consensus on the trans experience.​2​ As such, his inflammatory descriptions of trans 
persons only promotes prejudice against, misconceptions about, and violence upon us. 
Prof. Upham is free to practice his deeply felt religious convictions. Please know that I 
personally do not wish to be in his presence online, in-person, or otherwise, let alone “force” 
him to do anything other than to stop inciting hatred of my existence. I pose no threat to his 
ability to think as he wishes, nor am I wanting to “force” him or any of his mindset to 
“participate in” what he believes to be a falsehood.  
But just because he believes something to be a falsehood doesn’t make it so (as President 
Trump’s denial of the 2020 Presidential Election results shows). In the wake of President 
Trump’s purveyance of a lie, five people are now dead, our democracy shaken, and our 
history scarred with an attempted overthrow of the rule of law. One can ​believe​ something a 
falsehood. Believing so doesn’t make it so. Further, publicly insisting that it’s a falsehood is 

The following articles and studies back up this claim: 
Julia Serano. “​Transgender People and ‘Biological Sex’ Myths​.”​. 17 Jul 
2017. Accessed 12 Dec 2020. 
Denise Grady. “​Anatomy Does Not Determine Gender, Experts Say​.”​. ​The New York Times.​ 22 Oct 2018. 
Accessed 12 Dec 2020. 
Gender Spectrum. “​Understanding Gender​.”​ ​​. 
Accessed 12 Dec 2020. 
Simón(e) D. Sun. “Stop Using Phoney Science to Justify Transphobia.”
Si8fnrfHrAacxBn5GDZGqbMJ1js9oWSOEaTB3tkrRqlyxHJb4​. ​Scientific American. ​12 Jun 2019. Accessed 12 Dec 2020. 
Katherine J. Wu. “​Between (Gender) Lines: the Science of Transgender Identity​.”​. ​SITN: Science in the News.​ Harvard 
University: The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. 25 Oct. 2016. Accessed 12 Dec 2020. Here are three of the NIH 
studies on which the Harvard Blog is based: 
·  ​ 
·  ​ 
·  ​ 
The upshot of these and other studies is that trans individuals’ brains are aligned to the gender with which they identify, 
and not to the shape of their genitalia or arrangement of their chromosomes.​ ​Biological sex is not just XX/XY 
chromosomes​.[i]​​ Gender is ​not​ what we have between our legs. 
Sara C. “​The XX & XY Lie: Our Social Construction of a Sex and Gender Binary​.”​.​ 20 Oct 2017. Accessed 14 Dec 2020. 
Prof. Dick F. Swaab. “​Sexual Differentiation of the Brain and Behavior​.”​. Elsevier: ​Best Practice 
& Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.​ Vol 21, Issue 3. Sept 2007. Accessed 12 Dec 2020. 
so much screaming “Fire!” in a crowded theater, where there is none. In light of recent 
events, such behavior harms others, “forcing” them to death or to suffer others’ attempted 
Is this the kind of behavior and person UD wants to place in front of children growing into 
young adults? 
Moreover, why is the existence of persons with variant approaches to their gender and 
gender presentation something of such immediacy to Prof. Upham that he goes out of his 
way to encourage mockery, revilement, and hatred of them? “Perfect love casteth out all 
fear,” says John’s epistle. How does someone with Prof. Upham’s unassailable pulpit fear the 
appointment of a trans woman to Assistant Secretary of HHS? Why even bring it up? 
Prof. Upham’s is an unreasoning hatred that flies in the face of a University that promotes 
the pursuit of Truth. I (and the undersigned) therefore ask the Bishop Chancellor, Board of 
Trustees, the Faculty Senate, the President, and the Provost to remove Prof. Upham from a 
position in which he feels free to broadcast such hatred that hardly reflects the love of Christ 
or the mission of the University of Dallas. Given the presence of Prof. Upham on campus, I 
today cannot say I would entrust my children to UD’s care or curriculum. That material was 
once taught to me as sacred and worth conforming my life to, without taint of fear and petty 
hatred. Yet, now it is in the hands of those who would rip, tear, and sully it. 
Reassure our faith in the Western intellectual and theological tradition by providing no haven 
or pulpit for those espousing hate out of fear of difference. Be a beacon of Truth, Beauty, 
and, most of all, ​Love. 
Bethany A. Beeler 
(Class of 1985) 
And 66 undersigned 

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