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Relationship of logic with

other sciences

Logic is the study of correct reasoning. Aristotle (384-322
B.C) founded the discipline of logic as a system of principles
on which all other knowledge rests. Indeed, logic
pertains to all subjects, since people can reason about
anything they can think about. Politics, the arts, literature,
business, the science, and everyday problems are all
subjects open to reasoning. Sometimes the reasoning is
good; sometimes not so good. People use logic to difference.

• A science that deals with the principles and validity of
inference and demonstration: the science of formal
principle of reasoning, branch or variety of
logic, a branch of semiotics, especially, syntactic.

• Something that forces a decision apart from or in

opposition to reason

<The logic of war>

Perhaps the most important thing to give your child to
prepare him to confront this world is a firm grasp of logical
thinking skills. Without this refined skill — the ability to
reason correctly — his thinking is not firmly anchored, but is
"tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of
doctrine." Children who can logically understand what they
believe will hold fast to the truth and will be able to defend it
throughout their lives.

• To analyze other people’s beliefs.

Logical fallacies are everywhere in our society. If your
child cannot detect the logical mistakes he hears, then
how will he discern who is right? The study of logical
fallacies (common mistakes in reasoning) is important
to critically reason through the arguments of others.

• To understand and communicate our

own beliefs.
The Scripture commands us to prove our doctrines and
practices. (Ephesians 5:10) We are to reason and
dispute from the Scriptures with persuasive and
convincing arguments (Acts 17:2). If we are able to
think through and clearly reason from the Bible, then
we will be better equipped to give a proper defense of
our faith. (I Peter 3:15)
• Long life skill in proper reasoning
Unfortunately, the study of logic is dispensed with in
the modern curriculum. Social skills are considered
more important than thinking skills. Children do not
learn to think for themselves. The study of formal logic
will give your child life-long skill in proper reasoning.
The study of logic should be considered indispensible to
every classical education. Why bother to learn more
about logic and argument? Does it really matter and
does it really help anyone? As a matter of fact, yes it
does- and there are several good reasons to take the
time to learn more about both topics.

• To improve the quality of the

The most immediate and obvious benefit from such a
study is that it can allow you to improve the quality of
the arguments you use. When you create logically
unsound argument, you are much likely to convince
people that you have a valid point to make, or get them
to agree with you.




Generally, our decision making involves the mind (or the
brain) sensory mechanism, perception, cognition and the
expression of results. We often will feel, perceive, think,
remember and reason in an adaptive conscious and unconscious
manner. In our daily lives, when we are faced with problems
or just a situation which require a decision, we are often
reminded to apply logic and reasoning for the most desired
results. Hence, this is a basic reason why logic and reason
are so essential in our lives. But there are other reasons. The
emphasis we are often reminded of is the theoretical,
philosophical or moral in our decisions

Logic is generally based on deduction which is a

method of exact inference. It is a study of correct
reasoning that consist of language and reasoning.
Reasoning practically in our daily lives involves deciding
what to do and when successful, issuing in an intention.
Importantly, we are to remember that a problem of
reasoning about actions is given in terms of an initial
situation, a terminal situation, a set of feasible actions,
a set of constraints and such alike.

In addition, we often apply common sense in our daily
routine. Common sense determines what we do,
regardless what we think. Common sense is a key
factor for acting in our real world. For if we use logic
alone, we use logic alone, we would probably be able to
take only a few action a day. Common sense helps us
to deal with the complexity of real world. Common
sense provides us a shortcut to making critical decision.


We face moral questions in our daily life, sometimes we
act instinctively and sometimes we pause to reason
about what we ought to do. Thus logic helps us to make
reasonable answer to satisfy someone.

Another important aspect of Logic is in PHILOSOPHICAL logic and the
philosophy of language is closely related. Philosophy of language has to do
with the study of how our language engages and interacts with our thinking.
Logic has an immediate impact on other areas of study. Studying logic and
the relationship between logic and ordinary speech can help a person better
structure their own arguments and critique the arguments of others. Many
popular arguments are filled with errors because so many people are
untrained in logic and unaware of how to correctly formulate an argument.


From all of this, we should commence a sequence of
activities: defining the problem to be solved, or
establishing the circumstances of the decisions to be
made; generating a list of possible alternative actions;
evaluating, as best as possible, the relative risks, costs
and benefits associated with the various options
available; and carry out the alternative(s) chosen at the
most appropriate time. Experts are those who, who
because of the training and experience they possess,
are able to do things we often cannot do. They are not
only proficient, but smooth and efficient in the actions
they take. Experts will plow through our irrelevant
information to get at the essential issues and are good
at recognizing they face as similar instances. If our own
logic and reasoning are insufficient, those of experts
will often help.


The skills in up-grading thinking are the same skills as
those required in up-grading learning. The art of
thinking well illuminates the art of learning well. The art
of learning well illuminates the art of thinking well. Both
require intellectually skilled metacognition. For
example, to be a skilled thinker in the learning process
requires that we regularly note the elements of our
thinking/ learning:

• What is my purpose?

• What question am I trying to answer?

• What data or information do I need?

• What is my key concept?

• What assumptions am I making?

• What is my point of view?


Mathematics is the science of quantity. Traditionally, there were two
branches of mathematics: arithmetic and geometry, dealing with two kinds
of quantities: numbers and shapes. Modern mathematics is richer and deals
with a wider variety of objects, but arithmetic and geometry are still of
central importance.
Mathematical logic really refers to two distinct areas of research: the first is
the application of the techniques of formal logic to mathematics and
mathematical reasoning, and the second, in the other direction, the
application of mathematical techniques to the representation and analysis of
formal logic.


Economics logic is used in colloquial language as the
application of certain form of economic thinking in policy
making and management. Since Economics as a science is one in
which conclusions generally are not made from controlled tests done in a
laboratory but from the analysis of statistics drawn from real world
happenings, making sound conclusions from a set of data depends on a
sound application of the principles of logic.

The logical relationship between two economic variables, inflation and

unemployment is as follow:-
Logic has been called "the calculus of computer science".
The argument is that logic plays a fundamental role in
computer science, similar to that played by calculus in the
physical sciences and traditional engineering disciplines.
Indeed, logic plays an important role in areas of Computer
Science as disparate as architecture (logic gates), software
engineering (specification and verification), programming
languages (semantics, logic programming), databases
(relational algebra and SQL), artificial intelligence (automatic
theorem proving), algorithms (complexity and
expressiveness), and theory of computation (general notions
of computability).


Logic is related to rationality and the structure of concepts,
and so has a degree of overlap with physiology. Logic is
generally understood to describe reasoning in a perspective
manner, whereas physiology is descriptive, so the overlap is
not so marked. Gottlob Frege however was adamant about
anti-psychologist: that logic should be understood in a
manner independent of the idiosyncrasies of how particular
people might reason.

So, from the above detail discussion we conclude that logic
plays a very important role in our daily life. Logic is
necessary to analyze, communicate and understand other
people’s beliefs. It also helps us in problem and morale
related problems. Generally, our decision making involves
the mind sensory mechanism, perception, cognition and the
expressions of results. Hence, this is basic reason why logic
and reason are so essential in our lives.

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