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DevOps Professional Syllabus

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DevOps Professional Training Course

About Course
This course guides you on the path on becoming a DevOps professional with
the knowledge of managing DevOps Software Delivery Management and CI-
CD Pipeline on Cloud.

Target Audience
The DevOps Professional Training Course has been designed for people both
with and without any prior knowledge of Software Delivery Management. This
course benefits both freshers/students and experienced personnel willing to
achieve careers as a DevOps Engineer on Cloud, DevOps Architect, DevOps
Practitioner, DevOps Administrator.

There is no pre-requisite for this course. However, any prior experience in SDLC
and/or Linux will be

Good-to-have Skills
Fundamentals of SDLC
Fundamentals of Linux

1. Linux Essentials Training
¤ Configuring Linux Vms
¤ Launching a Linux based EC2 Instance on AWS
¤ Distributions of Linux - RedHat / Debian
¤ Connect to Linux Machine through SSH
¤ Configuring PuTTY as terminal for SSH to Linux Vms
¤ Familiarization with Linux Commands
¤ Getting Help in the Command Line
¤ Navigating the Linux Filesystem
¤ Working with Files and File Permissions
¤ Working with Users and Groups
¤ Working and Viewing Text Files in Linux
¤ Familiarization with NANO and VIM Text Editor

Hands On
¤ Creating/Deleting directories
¤ Copying/Moving files
¤ Installation/Update of packages
¤ Working with Bash Shell variables
¤ Bash Shell Scripting

2. Overview of Cloud Computing and AWS

¤ What is Cloud Computing?
¤ Different Cloud Vendors
¤ AWS introduction
¤ How AWS is used for DevOps

Hands On
¤ Signing up for AWS account and familiarization with Console

3. Overview of DevOps
¤ What is DevOps?
¤ Understanding Agile Methodology
¤ Why DevOps is required?
¤ DevOps Market Trends
¤ Ecosystem of DevOps
¤ Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery Pipeline teqstories
4. Version Control with Git / GitHub
¤ Understanding Version Control
¤ Need of Version Control
¤ Centralized / De-centralized Version Control Systems
¤ Concept of Repositories
¤ What is Git
¤ Where/How Git fits in SDLC
¤ Comparison of Git with other Version Control systems
¤ Installation of Git
¤ Common Linux Commands in Git
¤ Introducing GitHub
¤ Git vs GitHub
¤ Working with Remote Repositories

Hands On:
¤ Signing up for account on GitHub
¤ Installing and initializing local Git repository on Red Hat Linux
¤ Configuring local git with credentials to connect to GitHub account
¤ Connect local and remote repositories
¤ Creating Origin Master
¤ Creating files, staging, committing and pushing to remote repository
¤ Pulling from Remote repository
¤ Checking status and logs

5. Advanced Git Commands

¤ Concept of Branching
¤ Need of Branching
¤ Branching and Merging in Git
¤ Rebasing in Git
¤ Git workflows
¤ Git cheat sheet
Hands On:
¤ Creating branches
¤ Checking out to different branches and setting upstreams
¤ Pushing code to different branches
¤ Merging / Rebasing branches
6. Continuous Integration using Jenkins
¤ What is CI?
¤ Why CI is Required?
¤ Introduction to Jenkins
¤ Jenkins GUI Walkthrough
¤ Jenkins Management
¤ Credential management
¤ What are Jenkins Plugins?
¤ Need of plugins
¤ Common plugins and their uses
Hands On:
¤ Installation of Java on Red Hat Linux
¤ Installation of Jenkins on Red Hat Linux
¤ Signing in with auto generated password
¤ Installation of Plugins on Jenkins
¤ Setting up global security on Jenkins

7. Integration of Git, Jenkins & Maven - Building a CI Pipeline

¤ Introducing Key based Authentication
¤ Generating Public/Private Key pairs
¤ Authenticating Jenkins with GitHub
¤ Maven Integration with Jenkins
¤ Building a Maven project on Jenkins
¤ Connecting Git Repository to Jenkins project

Hands On:
¤ Installing Maven Integration plugin
¤ Creating Keys on Jenkins and configuring with GitHub repository
¤ Setting up Maven Goals
¤ Setup git connectivity
¤ Setup Continuous Integreation between Git and Jenkins

8. Continuous Integration using Jenkins
¤ Requirement of Testing
¤ Testing of Web Application
¤ Creating test cases using Selenium Webdriver
¤ Learning TestNG
¤ Selenium Test Framework
¤ Integrating TestNG and Maven
¤ Running Maven Lifecycle commands
Hands On:
¤ Configuring Selenium in Eclipse
¤ Writing test cases for testing a simple web page
¤ Using Selenium in maven project
¤ Creating a Jenkins job using Selenium

9. Containerization with Docker

¤ What is containerization?
¤ Challenges and their solutions with containerization
¤ Introducing Docker and Docker Hub
¤ Concept of Docker images and Docker containers
¤ Running Hello Docker through Docker Container
¤ Container Life Cycle
¤ Working with multiple containers
¤ Concept of Base Image
¤ Creating Dockerfile
¤ Publishing Image on Docker Hub
Hands On:
¤ Installing Docker on Red Hat Linux
¤ Creating and configuring a docker user
¤ Pulling Docker Image from docker hub
¤ Running docker images to create containers
¤ Running containers on foreground and background
¤ Keeping multiple versions of same image
¤ Creating a Dockerfile to install Apache2 server on a Ubuntu instance
¤ Configuring Port mapping during containerization
¤ Exposing Ports through Dockerfile
¤ Building dockerfile to create containers and access
through host port
¤ Creating dockerfiles with custom names and building teqstories
10. Docker Ecosystem
¤ Introduction to Docker Ecosystem
¤ Need of Docker Compose
¤ Understanding YAML
¤ Write Docker Compose YAML files
¤ Managing and Running Containers with Compose
¤ Docker Swarm
¤ Introduction to Docker Networking
¤ Network Types
¤ Docker Container Networking

Hands On:
¤ Installing docker-compose
¤ Configuring docker-compose to pull multiple images
¤ Add Dockerfiles to docker-compose for custom build of images
¤ Scaling up of containers through docker-compose up command
¤ Setting up Docker swarm for docker container management
¤ Deployment through Docker

11. Container Orchestration using Kubernetes

¤ Containers and Container Orchestration
¤ Introduction to Kubernetes
¤ Understanding Kubernetes Cluster Architecture
¤ Setting up a K8s Cluster
¤ Creating a Deployment in Kubernetes using YAML
¤ Creating a Service in Kubernetes
¤ Installing Kubernetes Dashboard
¤ Deploying an App using Dashboard
¤ Using Rolling Updates in Kubernetes
Hands On:
¤ Installation and setup of Kubernetes on Ubuntu
¤ Setting k8s cluster on AWS
¤ Configuring YAML files for K8s deployment
¤ Autoscaling and Loadbalancing in Kubernetes
¤ Registering services through Kubernetes
¤ Deployment through Kubernetes

12. Continuous Monitoring with Nagios
¤ What is Continuous Monitoring?
¤ Why Continuous Monitoring is required?
¤ Introduction to Nagios
¤ Installing Nagios
¤ Installing Themes
¤ Nagios Plugins (NRPE) and Objects
¤ Understanding Nagios Configuration files
¤ Adding Hosts through Configuration files
¤ Adding Services through Configuration files
¤ Nagios Commands and Notification

Hands On:
¤ Installation and setup of Nagios
¤ Installing Nagios Plugins
¤ Adding new servers to Nagios for monitoring
¤ Editing configuration files on Red Hat Linux
¤ Run services against Amazon EC2 instances for monitoring
¤ Configuring EC2 instances on Nagios through CLI

13. Configuration Management with Ansible

¤ Introduction to Ansible
¤ Ansible Installation
¤ Configuring Ansible Roles
¤ Write Playbooks
¤ Executing adhoc command
Hands On:
¤ Installation of Ansible
¤ Writing Playbooks
¤ Running playbooks
¤ Continuous Deployment through Jenkins by publishing
through SSH on Ansible

14. Configuration Management with Terraform
¤ Introduction to Terraform
¤ Terraform Installation
¤ Creating resources with terraform
¤ Introduction to HCL
¤ Terraform Scripting
Hands On:
¤ Installation of Terraform
¤ Creating EC2 instances on AWS cloud using Terraform
¤ Writing Terraform scripts
¤ Integration of Terraform and Ansible for configuration management


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