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gender related roles

1. Introduction:
our preparation
1. Abhinav & Roel
2. Dillisha & Toine
3. Siddh & Thirza
4. Verushka & Britt
5. Zaara & Shirel
6. Conclusion
7. Appendix: Evidence
and method of

We had several unofficial meetings where we

discussed the answers to decide upon the

questions, how we were going to take interviews,

what questions we should ask our Dutch

counterparts, and other details. We used websites

such as Canva and Padlet to fill in all the

information and prepare questions, this was a

great help to us as it made our work much

organized and easier, making us more efficient.

We also used Padlet for our questions, we

decided to use this as it would be organized and

our Dutch counterparts would be able to answer

the questions easily without any confusion.

Finally, on the day of our much-awaited meeting

with the Dutch students, we exchanged our

research, discussed each others' opinions, and

deliberated on how the Dutch and Indian society

compare with one another. We also had the

opportunity to talk about our culture which

helped us gain a deeper insight and understand

the other's perspective better. The Zoom meeting

helped us understand gender-related roles in The

Netherlands as well as helping us learn the

invaluable skills of collaboration,

communication, and critical listening.

Roel feels that most of the changes had happened from grandparents to parents time,

this was the time when most of the awareness was spread and women’s right which

once used to be available to the 1% is now available to almost 70%. This is not to say

that change hadn’t happened from parents to our time too, as the internet has made

awareness more accessible and there is only some inequality in rural areas nowadays.

He has faced no discrimination in his school nor in his family, work opportunities

seem aligned to your experience and studies only, and the salary given is mostly the

same as there are many rules governing it. In the official video call we had, we had

discussed answers to each other, we asked questions to each other. Almost 60% of our

research was done there but we further asked them our questions and the general

questions and some optional questions about our topic to get a better understanding.

He and his team had 2 unofficial meetings to decide on the questions and have a list

prepared for each student and revise their questions. They also had to prepare for the

interaction via zoom which was unusual for them at first since they have a normal

school at this time. They had an official meeting the day before the official meeting to

finalize some discussions too. In our whole interaction, the fact that the amount of

change in opinion of our research between gen 1 and 2 (grandparents and parents) and

their report of generation 1 and 2 have been so different was very interesting to him as

an individual.
Thirza states that there have been many changes in terms of gender equality from her

grandparent's time to today. She says that everyone in her family was treated equally and

there was no bias in the upbringing of her siblings and her. In terms of work, she said that

today men and women are getting equal opportunities for work, but earlier in her parents

and grandparents' time, the men had much bigger chances to get a job. She thinks that men

get paid more than women because everyone feels that women are supposed to stay at

home and do work but according to her this is not true, she feels that women and men are

both equal and women can do just as much work as men. Then she tells that today the

women do more of the household work compared to men but the men are doing more than

what they used to in the past. She feels that the government has done little to change the

mindset of the people and the stereotype and she further says that they should keep on

doing more and more in the future. In terms of discrimination, she feels that there is still

some discrimination in the Netherlands, but it has reduced from the past and the world is

working on ending gender equality now. In the official zoom meeting, we discussed our

answers with each other and asked a few more questions to get a better understanding. She

and her group had researched how gender-related roles affected her parents and

grandparents and then her group compared it to theirs. They also had many unofficial

meetings during breaks and after-school to decide the questions to ask us


Tonie has stated that there has been no direct difference in his own family,

Boys and girls have the same rights to education and a free choice to

choose their school without any pressure, Teachers do not prefer to assign

any “gender-related tasks”. Due to the rise in feminism, both genders have

had the same salary nowadays and everyone has the same opportunities to

work. There might be still some jobs you don’t come across as women, but

it's totally up to the individual to choose their career. Common household

chores are done by both women and men, men mostly prefer to do

household chores like cooking, folding the laundry, and taking care of the

children, The most interesting thing that Toine has come across is that

India’s government has taken more initiative to make women work too

rather than their constitution which has mostly relied on passing laws

governing women rights and making changes to the constitution

Britt feels that if she compares her answers with her grandmother it has changed a lot.

She said that girls now have more rights and rights for free choices and can do what

they love. In her family, she feels that everything is equal both her brother and her have

the same chances. The only difference was that she was older so sometimes it was a

little easier for her brother. In relation to work from what she has heard and seen

women do get paid less. She thinks this is related to old stereotypes that women are

worthless or work differently. But sometimes many mothers in the Netherlands work

one day less in the week

( Wednesdays, because the children finish school early that day ). She does think the

government has helped but feels that they could do more. She feels that women work

free as compared to the amount men earn. In her family, both her mom and dad do the

same amount of household work . They both cook and get groceries and do the

vacuuming and laundry so she feels in her house it is very well divided.
Shirell has stated that the treatment in her family is quite

equal and they all get what they deserve. Girls and boys

both get to go to school. She also answers that she has seen

no direct difference in their schools and that girls aren't

considered a different way from boys at all. She believes

that everyone has their own preferences and there are no

“gender-related” specific jobs in society nowadays.

Household work is almost divided equally too, Shirell and

her brothers help around the house equally. She says that

when her grandmother had fewer schools growing up the

girls were taught to take care of the home while boys were

taught how to earn money. She concludes by saying that

girls now have more opportunities now. With respect to

careers now, she says, although the pay is still unequal it

has come a long way and is more equal than it used to be.

Video conference 1 conducted on 26th November

10th December

6th December
10th December

7th December

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