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Professor: Arabellys

Lorayne Mabel Colón
5to Enfermería
Importance of English
La importancia del inglés como
lengua mundial

In recent times, especially since the late nineteenth century and throughout the twentieth
century, English has progressively become the most widely used language in the world. Thus, it
has displaced languages such as French or Italian, even German, which were traditional in
some scientific or artistic fields. Globalization has been of great relevance here as a means
through which English has grown infinitely.

The phenomenon of globalization has contributed greatly to converting English into the most
important and necessary language today, being understood as the language of the dominant
countries worldwide (especially the United States and England). Through cultural consumption
(movies, series, music) and also from political, diplomatic, and economic spheres, English has
been advancing on the native languages of each place, occupying from small places with
colloquial or circumstantial words to allowing idioms to be adopted Abstract concepts, phrases
and phrases even in places where the population does not speak or fully master English.

Thus, today it is essential to train in the level of English not only for work reasons (having a
good level of English is undoubtedly a good gateway to better jobs) but also to communicate,
to be able to access more knowledge and information, to be updated, etc.
(alphabetical order)
1. Antigua y Barbuda

2. Australia

3. Bahamas

4. Barbados

5. Belice

6. Botsuana

7. Camerún

8. Canadá

9. Dominica

10. Estados Unidos

11. Filipinas

12. Fiyi

13. Gambia

14. Ghana
15. Granada

16. Guayana

17. India

18. Irlanda

19. Islas Marshall

20. Islas Salomón

21. Jamaica

22. Kenia

23. Kiribati

24. Lesoto

25. Liberia

26. Malasia

27. Malaui

28. Malta

29. Mauricio

30. Micronesia

31. Namibia

32. Nauru

33. Nigeria

34. Nueva Zelanda

35. Pakistán

36. Palaos

37. Papúa Nueva Guinea

38. Reino Unido

39. Ruanda

40. Samoa

41. San Cristóbal y Nieves

42. San Vicente y las Granadinas

43. Santa Lucía

44. Seychelles

45. Sierra Leona

46. Singapur

47. Suazilandia

48. Sudáfrica

49. Sudán

50. Sudán del Sur

51. Tanzania

52. Tonga

53. Trinidad y Tobago

54. Tuvalu

55. Uganda

56. Vanuatu

57. Zambia

58. Zimbabue


1. Europa (3)
 Reino Unido

 Irlanda

 Malta

3.2. America (14)

 Antigua y Barbuda

 Bahamas

 Barbados
 Belice

 Canadá

 Dominica

 Estados Unidos

 Granada

 Guayana

 Jamaica

 San Cristóbal y Nieves

 San Vicente y las Granadinas

 Santa Lucía

 Trinidad y Tobago

3.3. Asia (5)

 Filipinas

 India

 Malasia

 Pakistán

 Singapur

3.4. África (21)

 Botsuana

 Camerún

 Gambia

 Ghana

 Kenia

 Lesoto

 Liberia

 Malaui

 Mauricio
 Namibia

 Nigeria

 Ruanda

 Seychelles

 Sierra Leona

 Suazilandia

 Sudáfrica

 Sudán

 Sudán del Sur

 Tanzania

 Uganda

 Zambia

 Zimbabue

3.5. Oceanía (14)

 Australia

 Fiyi

 Islas Marshall

 Islas Salomón

 Kiribati

 Micronesia

 Nauru

 Nueva Zelanda

 Palaos

 Papúa Nueva Guinea

 Samoa

 Tonga

 Tuvalu

 Vanuatu
Countries that adopted this language as a second
For the year 2016, the level of English as a second language was evaluated in 71 countries
including Malaysia, India, Singapore, the Philippines, Hong Kong, and Pakistan, in which English
is an official language but is not spoken by the entire population due to the linguistic richness
of these countries.

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