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t'f A.'R1fE!tTHCOlA

Newspaper Guide
(j~~~OR AVE.

To Vidory Says
Commerce Chief
Terming the newspaper, "A

S · F l . · CD S
GDidepost To Victory,"
of Commerce Mark S. Secretary

pointed out today that tbls year's

~~~.:2:I~!:=I~ri~ _ervlCe . Ja.•:~.:' :'o'lsiFlg" ·.::'~4j·n '~" u·.:n~-d··.'0'

Newspaper Week (Octo-

"Long an and flex- ,
Ible media for Information, the
~ .
newspaper now is helping to

hasten victory through vlgorously
Members of Club Hels on Faculty "Morale For Victory" Keynotes
. Gran d Pa radelsSe heduled
::~~1i.'7n::,=':;I~~ :',;:,,-:':.: Must Be Citizens Narberth School and P- TA. Work To Open Boro ugh Festivities
Ing our citizens and thus expe- The keynote of this year's work at
dltlng the various tasks asked of Sportsmen to Continue
the public by various local, s t a t e '
the Narberth Public School and in
its Parent-Teacher Association will October 19-Dr. Ivor Orimth, OU
P-T. A.Program @ElaborateProgramWill
Be Held At Station
S th sed H' d
I e a
and federal ""'endes-tasks that
must be done well If thc way Is to
Courses in Handling
be "morale for victory," speaker.
declared at the first Fall meeting
presl'd ent of Philadelphia College
of Pharmacy and Science. Irc e
Defense Mee'tlng C· I
be prosecuted successfully.
"Despite rising costs, the Amer- I At its r('cent meeting hcld in Nar-
I of the poT. A. on Tuesday night.
W. J. Drennan, principal of the November 16-Dr. Roy Mar- Fenerty To Speak
0n f rl-day.NIght
Ican newspaper unstlntingly has berVh, the Lower Merion Rod and I school. outlined the school's pro. shall, University of Pennsylvania. More thim 125 persons attended a
given up mUl'h of its space and I Gun Club una'nimously voted to gram for the year, and the Rev. D~cember-Chrlstmas party. Clvllian Defenile meeting for resi-
talent in bringing vital war In- : amend its by-laws to pro\'ide tha-t I Cletus Senft. program chairman of January 18-Dr. Fred Corson, dents of Narberth's south side at
formation to Its vast and recep- : all members of the Club must be I the poT. A.. announced an unusUally president of Dickinson College. the NaI1berth B"aptist Church lJIst
live aUdlcnce-n audience which 'citizens of the United States. It fine prcgram for the season's meet- February-Fotmders Day pro- Friday night.
In many cases has reached a new was brought out that such an ings. gram, Mrs. Walter Fox, chalr- Sponsored by the air raid wardens
high. amendment was in the best interests Mrs. Walter Greenwood, Parent- man. of Sectors I and 2, the meeting was
"All of us are familiar with of the Club and the Country. I
Teacher Association leader, was the March 15-Dr. Paul Hoh, pro- featured by the showing of a sound
the Intt'rmational servlre which Members lJresent at the meeting principal speaker of the evening. fessor of practical theology at I
film, "InterceptOr Command," pro-
the newspaPer provides In con- reported that they had been ques- '1 "Our aim," she said, "will be to Lutheran Seminary, Mt. Airy. duce by the Bell Telephoned Com·
'th h . d have the leadership, determination April 19-P-T. A. Chorus con- pany, and two "'-Ief talks.'
npc tl on, WI such wort y under-' DOll<' by numerous residents 01 c e r t . . . . ·
takings a5 the salvage l'ampalgn, Delaware. Montgomery and p'hlla- and courage to carry out our pro- I May-Installation of omcers. The speakers were Lieutenant
transportatlcn conservatl'ln, bond d{'lphia Counties concerning Fall gram. We must win the war and James Hoffman, of the Philadelphia
campaign. blood donor service, and Winter classes in "Safe Hanrl.- the peace, and our objective must Regional Anti-aircraft Command,
etc. ling of Firearms", such as were be to keep high the morale of our Goldsboro, parent education; Mrs· and Mrs. Betty Hurd Renshaw, a
"Many f us, however, have not under the sponsorship of this Club schools and our children." Mabel Hunsicker, magazines; Mrs. volunteer, public relations division
had the opportunity to note the last Spring. 'The Club voted to c:on- Mrs. Cletus Senft sang two solos, Charles Offenhauser, publications; of the Army Intormatlon Center,
role the newspaper has played In duca similar classes durin~ tile Fall and Mrs. Russell Basler, new pres!- Mrs. George snyder, Jr.• historian; Philadelphia. They were Introduced
stimulating vital Industrial pro- and Wintcr months. Great prog- Lieutenant Richard M. Cabrey dent of the poT. A., announced the Mrs. Karl Williams, publicity; Mrs. by Richard Wood, clvlllan director
duetion. In thl rcs ct s d d I' following chairmen for the year.' Prank Hammer, legislation and par- of e First Fighter Comn1and, Anti-
s - any re s was rna e. an mu. c 1 Improve- Lieutenant Calbrey recei\~d 11i ..
business or Industrial leader ment shown, It was pOInted out. by commissiol1 last week n, t Fo"rt Sil s The Rev. Cl('tus Senft. program; Iiamentary procedure; Mrs. Carlo aircraft Defenses.
could tell us how iii-equipped he those who had never used l\rearmF. ; Okl d I b ". d \, Mrs. Harry Nelson, finance and bud- Mariano, chairman of Italian mo- Thomas J. Ybarra. sector warden
would be to plan and produce for :Jefore last Spring. . a., an las cen appo1l1te to get; Mrs. Edward Merkel, hospital- ther, and Miss Margaret White, na- of NO.1 sector, opened the meeting,
th ff' scrve th£'re as artIllery instructor. 't M W'lIl E Cl J tional defense hll J h h g'1
e war I' ort If his newspaper A timely admonition was given by . ._________ 1 y; rs. I am . ear, r., . w e o n Green all, sector war-
did not furnish up-to-the-min- Earl Moore of Pe£'n Valley, the D kC mrmbership; Mrs. W. J. Drennen, Following the meeting, refresh- den of No.2 sector. presided at a
ute data and trends on Govern- Club's representative to thc Mont- ic abrey Makes
music; Mrs. Harry Sidler, health ments were served in the school business meeting a fthe air raid
ml'nt regulation, availability of gomery County F'ed"ration of Gd f S and Summer Round-Up; Mrs. Ches-11unchroom. with the 7th and 8th wardens which followed the public
raw material an labor, transpor- . Sportsmen's Clubs Pores try Com- ra e at ort ill
ter Jones, social service; Mrs. Lee grade mothers in charge, meeting.
tatlnn farilities, tax setup, etc. mittee. that the approaching small
"Our legislators, our group and large game hunting seasons are
leaders and Mr. Average Citizen times to beware of forest fires. The
himself, are able to condud their State Department ef Forests and
affairs mueh more Intelligently Waters, he added, telI us that "De-
becouse they are able to get all fense against Fares'. Fire IS Na-
the current happenings In an tional Defense".
easily assimilated and hablt-
forming capsule-the newspaper! Thc Lower Merion Rod ami Gun
"Like the traveler of yester- Club announced that they had
year who deprnded on the gulde- h£'lped the MONTGOMERY COUN-
post to takc the right fork In ·the TY FEDERATION OF SPORTS
road, so In a measure, do the MEN'S CLUBS to distribute sev-
American people look toward era I hundred pheasants on open
their "family textbook,' tlte news- hunting ground throughout Mont-
paper In these eventful days as gomery County during the past few
an informational' guide _ a w('ek.~. The pheas?nts wcre provid-
guidepost. that leads to victory," cd when six weeks old by the Penn-
.~ .. In pennsylvania the entire sylvania Game COmmission and
.' '. ._ . PtiI!:t~Jhdu~t~, inlll~ .com. were raised to maturity by the
~.c;. ""in~I&l'"Sbopg"as'JweU --liS ne.· ..Montgo~etY . Federe,tlon. for,the
. papers, employs 40;'600 persons, sportsmen of the County.
with an. annual payroU of more
than $69,692,700. These plants
have more than $117,562,000 in-
vested in buildings and equip-
Agree to Replace Urge Observance
ment and tum out a product
valued at more than $181,338,000
Plants at Half Cost Of 35·Mile, Limit
Albrecht,. Chairman of AAA Says Cooperation
a year.
First neWlipaper In Pennsyl.
vania was the American Wcekly Commtttee That Will Help Govern- Victory Garden to Gen. Martin and
Mercury, established In 1719 by Drew Up Agreement ment Replace Tires feature Harvest Show State Candidates A new course In home nursing be-
Andrew Bradford, postmaster of An agreement by nurserymen to
Pl1i1adelphla. Benjamin Frank· rpplaceiJlants that die at half-cost An urgent appeal to all motorists Victory Gardens calling for the (;ins at the Bala-Cynwyd Red Cross
lin was the publisher of the
Pennsylvania Gazette in 1729,
has been drawn up by the Pennsyl-
vania Nurserymen's Association.
Conrad Albrecht, Narberth. is
urging immediate observance of the
35-mile maximum speed ca.lIed for In
the report of the BaruC!h Committee
cUltivation of every square foot of
a\'ailable soil will increase in im-
portance month by month as our
To Visit County Headquarters on October 16 from
10 A. M. to 12 N. Early enrollment
State's second newspaper, the
chairman of the committee that was issued today by The Automobile country geLs deeper In our all-out
Only Rally of Campaign is urged, as the number in the class
also in Philadelphia. The Pitts-
burgh Gazette was established In prepared the agreement. Club of Philadelphia-AAA. war effort. Will Be Held in Nor- isreceived limited. Registrations are being
for an evening class in
( 1786 as the first newspaper in The agreement reaus as follows: ."The new government rubber pro- Interviewea wday in the offices of ristown Next Thurs.
"Provided a-ceount is paid in ac- gram calls for prompt replenishment the Pennsylvania Horticultural SO- home nursing to start In the near
.J western Pennsylvania.
Today Pennsylvania has 440 cordance with Government credit of tires through providing new tires ciety, 1600 Arch st., sponsoring body General Edward Martin. Republi- future.
weekly and 145 dally newspa- rules, and plants receive reasona:ble and retreads made from reclaim of the Philadelphia Victory Garden can candidate for Governor, will
pers. The circulation of Penn- I care, we will replace at one-half
sylvania dallies is over 4,700,000 prie." of plants, plus cost of planting,
rubber for motorists who need
them," said Frank E. Ballantyne,
Harvest Show, C. Frederick C. Stout,
president of the Society, said:
tour Montgomery County Thurs- Narberth Players
a day and 2,371,000 on Sunday.
Pennsylvania tops the Nation
plants planted In the Spring that
fail to survive the follOWing Sum-
General Manager of the Club. "The
Baruch report states definitely, how-
"The kitchen garden, or Victory
garden, with its vegetables and
day, October 8th, conr:luding his
visit at a County-wide rally that To Meet October 16
night at Norristown City Hall, when The first meeting of the Narberth
with 145 dailies; California, with mer, or if planted In the Fall, fail ever. that this program cannot be small frUits is an essential part of
Players will be a party at the home
two less, is second. Only New to leaf out the following Spring. successful unless mileage controls horticulture." 'he will be the principal speaker.
"Should we not have the same and speed controls are Imposed. Mr. Stout pointed out that the of Mr. and Mrs. John Carver, 110
York exceeds Pennsylvania In
daily and Sunday 'circulation.
plants in stock. we reserve the right S(l~e time must necessarily elapse purpose of the Victory Gardt'n Har-
The program for the day, Which Montgomery aYe" Ba:Ja-Cynwyd, on
:.- --.:1I to give credit or an amount equal berore such controls can be Imposed; vest Show to be held In Convention will be the Republican standard October 16 at 8.30 P. M.
-Ixes Present to one-half the cost of the plants in t.he meantime, motorists should Hall, Octcber 1, 2, 3, is to call these
bearer's only visit to the County All members are asked to attend
prior to the election, I\lso Includes to discus/; plans for tre year.
Mann-Ican An-Imals lost, In other plants of your selec-
cooperate by holding speeds to 35
miles an hour and eliminating all
facts to public attention as well as
to rfl.ise funds for the Army and visits to Pottstown and Cheltenham.
Mex 'h I d I h In explaining the agrcement Al-
brecht said:
(Continued On Pal:e Four) Navy Relief.
Planned also, If time permits, are WE BELIEVE IN ADV1ERTISING
To P Ia e p ia Zoo "Adcptiol1 of this agreement py
Mr. and Mrs. Danj~l Pratt Man- Association members means that THE CHRIST'.....AS COL LE""'''' 0.....
visits to the County I'1stitution Dis-
Once a year, according to standards of our profession.
nix, of Haverford. have returned home own~rs
can now QeRutify their
home grounds with less risk than
IYI' 'lI.I I I ("'II1II
trlc Home to 1I1sPect the new has-
pial and' a he County's Upper Per-
klomen Valley Park at Green Lane.
wo are allowed to blow our own horn - just a~ hard as we
can without breaking your ,ear drums.
home after spending the Summer In was formerly Involved, as Assocla-
Mexico collecting ar d photograph- tlon members have now agreed to
STA'RTS MONDAY NI'CHT General Martin, together with
state and local candidates, wlll
This is during National INewspaper Week, which is ob-
served ,by newspapers lthroughout the Country from October
ing animals. share this risk, and Is a concession meet County Republican Lloyd H.
The animals brought back for to buyers at a time when few con- On Monday evening of next week, delivering the packages to the Wood, County COmmissioners Fred I to 8.
the Philadelphia Zoo are two tame cesslops are being made to purchas- October 5, the Air Wardens wlll pro- camPs and war fronts, estimated to C. Peters and Foster C. H1llegass This year we wan.t to blow lour horn a little louder -loud
coati-mundis, a tame 'klnkajou, a I ers by other trade associations." ceed to visit each household in Nar- oe $50.00. and other leaders at the Vall~y enough, as 'a free Ipress, .50 that it will be heard hy Hitler and
bot-billed heron, four iguanas, and berth and its environs in order t'J The committee is also optimistic Forge Hotel at 10 A. M.
a traln~ golden Mrs. Man-
nix carned It on her wrist, and
Holy Name Union collect the funds which will be re-
quired to send a Christmas kit to
that a similar special donll:tlon will
be secured In order to pay for the
The events of' the day, arranged
-,md sponsored by the County Re-
Hirohito across the wa*er.
Like other businesses, we are suffering from increased
threw It off to capture game, To Meet Sunday every man from this neighborhood
wro Is serving in the armed forces
300 cartons and if there is anyone
In the community Who can arrange-
publlean Committee, begin With a
rally and luncheon at the Elks Club. costs and depleted Irevenue. Perhaps, we are even suffering
M r. an d M rs. M ann ix Ib rought t h e The Philadelphia Archdiocesan T 111' various sectors each contain fOr speCial rates on these cOlltain- ,Pottstown. Later the •gubernatorial a little more than the average business because from reduced
ani ma1some h w ith th em In th I' Ir Holy Name pnlon comprising the approximately 500 persons and that ('rs, It Is hoped that fact w1ll be candi.. •. te and o'ther candidates will advertising schedules we suffer the accumulated woes of all
s t a tl on wagon. an_.. <1 prescn t ed th em counties at Delaware, Montgomery. means ppraoxhnately the same sum made knQwn immediately. be guests
w> of honor at a wa from businesses. As 'you know, ·those generous automobile and other
to thI' Z00 on Tu e""ay. Philadelphia, Buc\(s, and Chester, shOUld be derived from each sector All checks should be made pay- 3 to 5 P. M. at the Curtis Aoboretum, national advertising :schedules are a thing of the past.
wlll hold its first quarterly meeting There Is ev Id ence, h owever, that a bIe to "Gifts for Enlisted Men." a -
Ioye. . of the 1942-43 seaSlJn In St, Joseph's th ere Is a lrea d y a keen. rivalry be- designation whdch, according to
The party will return to Norris- To add to our troublos, most papers are being called up~n
Autocar Emp
'. · ' CIO Church auditorium, Col11ngdale, t ween t h e vanous . sectors as to counSel, will make the donation tax town fOr a buffet supper at 6 :45 to to expand and to carry more and more defense information

VIe Again'sf .
'0' . . Delaware County, this Sunday at 3
Employes Of the Autocar Co., Ard- P~ Rev. John .J. McKenna, Splrlt- sum and this fact wlll no doubt be
which shall contribute the largest tieductible.
The collection should bc conclud- RepUblican Committee, County
which all members of the County and news. This we are,all glad to do. It is our part in the pic-
ture of civilian tdefense; it lis lour contribution to the war effort.
~tressed to the householders when ed at the end of next week and a "row" officials, the Judges, area su •
With all these things. we must as'k you to be patient.
posed by
more, ~tOlleetive'
a vote of '197 to 778,
bargaining op· the
repre- ual principal
Director spt!aker,
of the Union,
and R. will be t h I' wardens make their calls,
Sidney comPlete record of the contributors ervisors and local representatives ...of Somen~wspapers have done away. with extensive society,
sentation in tbe l'ntematlonaJ Union Flood, president, wUl condu-::t the' Already several hundred dollars will be retained a,s a perl11anerft ar- the; Replibllcan Organization and colum'ns 'and othbrs with a certain class of community and club
of United AutornobUe; JUr(iraft iUld meeting. ha:vebeen donat~!(~, from ~Ial chive of Narberth's activities In the 'county'newspaper editors and pub-
~ricultutal .:l:mplement workers, ,o;ources, and several residents whoseSetond World War. Ulihers'have been invited. it~s. Further economies lof wh,ite space may be necesSary•
.Locaii ~31, 010, according to thE E·m.·e'.rg·'·,;.. R·.e'·I-Ie..'·
houlleholds have ·no cUrl;!Ct· represen·: Every househbld will bevis4ted • . . p'oUowlng thellupper.. a county" The historY.of tkfswar h.!ksj,own all of us fhat when Hit.
Natlonar Labotlt.elatlons Board. . tatlon In the foroos have and if every. householi does its wldepubl1c rally w11l :be held In the
. ,.,
The votins took :pla~ last Friday'O
y' ,Mee' Frid"ay .
. .. .
stated" ~bl!y 1nte~~ ~ pay. the en· reasona.ble part the sum SOUght wlll 'Olty AudltonlUil with General Mar-
tire cost of one kit, a.bout '$4, on the. be qUickly realized. particularly tlnasthe pr1i:lclpal speaker.
ler crosses the t~reiholdof a country, the free press is
liquidated.' .
under sUPervision of William Drapel The first Fall meeting of the Nar- score thlllt there is.·a co-operative When it Is rememberJ; that the The state candidates expected to We're in the kind of a business which constitutes one of
LeW~s,. Jr., examiner. for the NbBB. berth Volunteer Eln)ergency Relief call on such households for extra usual Fourth of July ~11ect1on was be wlth. General Martin In the the four freedoms and, with your help in subscriptions and
attha -is a branch
cal 131':tequest 'of the ofemployes.
the UnitedLo- w111 be MIlS. at the home of tbe . nelp . . 'itted this Y e a r. , C o l p l t y are John C. Bell, Jr., Lower
am advertising, we intend to protect our. tp.,VGstment,
_ . . chairman, Mrs. Eberhardt Mueller, In. order tbat the entire amount And the commlttee'.i! respectful· Meorln, candidate fot Lieutenant
AuwmOblle ..WOrkers, 208 Et;sex av.. Narberth, at 10.30 realiZed from tne collectii:in·shB.ll be,sugg~ion is that thedonatlon forI OQvernar: WOllam S. Llvengoocl, Editors ,and publishers know very well that they don't
. ,There wete 1,736. e~ployes el!gi-\ a. m. M~etlngs. Will be held the . (!xplmded on' eriliiited men, 'andnone the Ohrllitmas Kits should be doUble Jr,. candidate for 'Secretary of In- 'Want to do business with Hitler. .
_ bie ·t~ vote, and 1.575 valid votes first f'rlday of eB(lh month thro~gh- o~ 'th,t; l~dder1W.elqjenses, ."Our~e.1 a~9unt· :usualiy 'given fat weternal. Atlairs; Judge A1lenM.
_.- Cl&!t.·_f~ '~,:~=:.-' _"_~~,-, '. _.~_",~__ _ __~~~~~~~ ~~_ .-c. __ • '_'",. ,__ -'---'-"C7~~':!~- ~-~~~~,~~~:~~c~~~~';'~!~~~~~"~:T--""~-- ,.__. ;-;;:.,--;::.~·ii'!!J'!!!~~d 2~!~!~:~o"-:}:,. ..~:_, ...-.-..,. . :----....:.. ,..'-''': ..:, --..t·-"-,,~,:,, -;.:.~

~. ~ ., " :~.;.
':.\ ":'.
~" t.·.,,,,.,' .:' t,' ~.'.\
."!. \. .- - ,,,,t.
' .',

• OCTOBER I, 1942
CALLING THE TURN I Manoa lineup. Originally Manoa got
brij1lant llttIe outfielder, in the

OUR TOW:N Church News

OF t H E ' I
. permission from Narberth to sign
The Main Line Baseball League Schuchman as Insurance for Chet
"ter.~ . . 8e~ond rIa!!1 matter OClober, 19311. at the Po.t Ofrtoe at At.:RION FRlIllNJ>8 MEETING SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE 'BOROUGH OF NARBERTH championship series which ended In Zercher, regular outfielder whom it
Narberth. Pa.. under the "'ct of Karcb l, 111'. I!o"tlrorn er ,. ..v, and Meeun.. Houae lL.
MerIoa Montgomery County. Pennsyh,ania a Manoa triumph last Saturday ~as feared fractured his wrist in
10:00 A. M.--Flrlt Da7 (Sunda7) School under rainy skies at Narberth might
Founded in 1914 by the Narberth Civic Association IO:jll .\. ~1.-~tf'elln~ flll- "'o'1"l'thlfl.
Notice is hereby given that the Auditors Report of the School District have been the last or the preliminary playoffs. However, app~arance
13Al'TI,;T l'IICIF'1I Of' Till' F.\·A:--flET.
It...,,,.. n'llwrt E. KI·t~htnn, Pa~tor of the Borough of Narberth for the year ending July 1, 1942 has been filed semi-pro baseball here for the dura- both Zercher and Schuchman
GEORGE A. WALKER,. Pllblishn
Nnrlwrth, l'a.
~1'SnA Y
In the Office of the Protl1onotary at Norristown on September 18, 1942, and tlon of the war. pla~'ed in every game of the series.
RUSSELL E. FRANZ, Ad'VN'lising MafUlger !' I~, A ~1.--rll\ln'h ~l"'hotll. that the said report will be confidmed absolutely unless an appeal Is talten Managers and otIlcials of the Many thought this unfair but
]1I ul)
II "q
A. ~1 -Atlult CI:lH~.
A. :\1 _\\~orl'thlll ServIcE'. \\"H\,l
therefrom Within thirty days from the date of filing said report. I
league are frankly skeptical of their there evidently was some loophole
chances of operating In 1943. Trans- in the agreement between the two
Published Evcry Thursday 'V Ill,' communion.
Deadline for advertising and news copy-Wednesday, 5 P. M. MOSD.\Y The follOWing Is a cO'llclse summary or statement of said report: portatJon and shortage of players teams because Managpr Gpnl' D:1Vis,
Subscription rate-$2 per year in advlU!Ce ~,on I'. :\l-Uonrtl 01 'l'ru~11·f'.s, presentl'd difficult problems this of Narberth, made no form:ll pro-
~ Ill' I'. ", _1'11t~'l In H"li~lfl\l~ F:dul"':1.·
J(F.rF.I1'TIi year and these will be doubled and test. However. he did privt ,'Iy <'x·
Publication Office-Eight Cricket Avenue, Ardmore, P&. t \'''1. "flow II) TfORdl HI'-
lIal:lnC'f' OIl hAnl1 .Jul~· l~lll t . _' lilt probably tripled by next season.
~,4" press the opinion he had b('('n Ollt-
Phone-Ardmore 5720 and 5721; Greenwood 7740 1i!..'lon ..
1~1~1 Tnxl',,! " ~::"--' 'I Oncl' the 18-20 draft law L~ passed foxed.
III ::U A ..M.-TI\" \Vhit,' .·ro~~ snl1 \Vom· ". I ',n I I there will be few if any young play- It L~ just unfortunate that this
ARtiOClatilin. II :'.. I"
,.t1':-! ~I:"" .\ 1'1'1 'llJlI lllorl<.l :, I' 1'.1' I ers of Main Linl' League calibre situation should hav.' occulTed b.'
uvailable And it doesn't seem likely cause Manoa was clparly the m-
Volunteers Sought 1'0 Dismantle NARBMRTB M&THODIST CHURCB
Deex and. I'ricIl &T~.
HI'\-". Cat I H. Hnmml'lly, Mlnl~ter
that there will be enough married perior team and proba bly \\')ul:1
men and defense workers to fill the I have won just as easily without tl1~

() ..
Tons Of Scrap Available In Homes ':U A. Y.--cburch school.
11 1111 A_ ~I.-:\Ifornlnl; 'Vt)r~htP. Rprmon
IIY tilt, Ht'\'. ('arl H. }lam·
Tax l"ol!.'C'lllr
ItU!~ln,·~s J\dtnlfll~tl :lIIOTl
7 ~ .::
1": 7;
Gladwyne star. We pkkpd Ih.'
Walter Hanley, president of the Manoaltes t:) win in SIX gam!'~,
league since 1929, says it will be im- largely due to their hu~tle, but n~
6:4!'i p, M.-Yuuth F"l1owRhlp.
Defense Official Asks Citizens to Use Own Wi';USl';;nA Y
~UPl'lr~~M, JfHllrlJ('1111Tl ,'\.- .IUTlI\III": possible to operate an:>ther 3eason It turned out tlwy had the pdl' ~ 111
Ih.luli!'l. Tt'xt ,II.: LillI an 1,:.'117',
8:00 P. M.-MI<1-Wopk ~pr\'lce, enough players can be found for a batting, pitching and fklding as
Mechanical Ingenuity Wherever Possible; TUIllIl1l . , . . . • . • • . . • . . . . . • • • . :""1.° 1.: n
NARBERTH PRESBYTIllRIAN CHURCH Tl":\f1Spoltatlon of l'ul'll~ .'
league, he believes it will have to well.
Firemen Make Sounds with Acetylene Torch Wlnd80r and G ....yllnK aT.
Rov. Bryant M, Kirkland. putor Itt'('1 ".ltloll J:"llrtl li-,.) fill bc on an amateur, home town basis Manoa's feat of winnin/:" thrl'!'
with boys of high sehool age and pennants in five )'f'ars in thl'
Tons of 1l~(· L' being kppt from, COllncil of Defense t!lat all salvage Joha Van NU8, D.D.. putor Emerltu8
Fu,·I. '\':ltl"', LIght &. )' •• ,,""
l'p,<p"p of l;"tl\lnd~ ;: ~'''' 1\ II under the same conditions. If league makE'S It thl' third b:!:'
Ill<' i':.ll.ol,·' ,rap p1l,· bl.'caU....c drive,'; would be continued until 9'~~1 A. M.-Sunday ~('hou1.
II) ilO A, ~I.-"If'n·!'l nihlf> dn~". Hl'J •. til~, Bulidltl~ & Equlpllll'lll draft exempt oldsters comprising the power in the league's hist:Jry.
,Lpn' b 1:0 0:;" lU rplll·)\'!' it from' lllldnight of October 17. II 110 ,\ 1\1 -~IIIIlIIlJ: \\'llt ~hiP. teams. Berwyn dominated the leop in
:-"Iatl' Hptlrt'ment BII:t!'d
M".ll Line bm)':; oflit'lal.; at the LOWpl Merion's scrap is bping " 1-, J' :\1.-~I·lll"l" I: J;:. Jp"I'I~ In l)n~' ~, t" .. I
tfll'!'l j:llwly. ,lunlur t". E "This would mean lowering the Its fOmlutative years, then Nar-
Lfll\'l'r :'v11·rL.n Lkrl'll'l' Cuullc:l de· pickl'd up on the rpgular rounds or 111 .. ,·\1111:.
~lnl(inl{ Funtl J-'n) mt'lltlol
calibre of the league," Hanley p:)inL~ berth e,aml' along to hold the
cl:lred IlliS we,·,: :11 all appeal for [hplr trash and rubbish trucks and -; .4~1 r. ~t.-F:\"f'nlnl=: 81"n·1~e. ::.(1::11 I II
"'1·:11:'\1'::-:11 ..\ Y
11111'1 t'~1 I'll BnIlJ-:
out, "But this might be better than spotlight for year after ~'('nr,
lllurl' \O:lIllt('('J'S fur 111h kllld of laken to the Township 'ncinerntor J':ljlll Pllll~1l1 Jt..: FUlIlJIUr,'
" tlll I' :\1 -}'I'I'" r :\It'l'llllg". nlhIf' nOIlI< 1 " -,-, $ "!l.~~~ ~I disbanding the loop entirely."
~~. Now the b<,rough's hold h:l"
\Iork. whrre it is sorted. :-:lllllmalll'~
Let's hope some way ,,111 be been eompletely brokm and the
In their w('l'~l\· l'l'll-a,,!' tllP Coun In addition, the Tuwnship ha..'; found to keep the league going. sway of power rests with Manoa.
FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. Il:IllIlf'(' llil Il.lnd ,;'d!~ 1. \'11' $ 1::. ~ -: -: h"
e:l tuld o! 1I1111](·r .. u·; phone calls and ,Iarred a scrap pile in front of thp SCIENTIST
m' '.';;1''''.' I. ',". Iud 1'l'('P: .;( d aoout MUlllc1pal Buildin~. Ardmore, which LInwood and Athena ava., Ardmore It is one of the oldest Sf'ml-pro
II :00 A. M -Runday School. f .... n\"". '"::' organizations in the country. It
uo:1t'rs. r;lCll .. lul· 1r,1ll [PllCI'S and is growing each day. 11,00 A. M.-Mornlnll' urvlce. IhlltlC" .J1I1~ 1. 1 111 , 1

has operated continuously for

Olllt'.r IHlIlH' !,i)o.llI:·~. ::",1 till' people Walter E. Rospngnrten, hI' ad of . . 001', :\1.-I·:'l'lling WEDNESDAY
:--;I'nil'l". ::,71' 1. $ 11. "inn ,::
1 II.OIIV. \~ 32 years, a record few similar
WIIlI,d be w1ldllQ to d mat-c If some- II T Ii' i· h 'd
11' owns 1 p S ll~ way epnrtment.
8 '00 P. M.-Evenlng meetlng.
on, cOllld di.,:nall I 11' t l1/'m. Rea-ding room .. t 8 RlttenhoUM Pl&Ce loops can match.
Till' ClInell olliclal., -:ec!ared tll.11 : rallpd upon householders again to 18 open week-daYA from 9130 A. M. to
5,SO P. M.. Wednesday from , to P:U
n:l \\1' IH'l'dpd to tap this 1'1'51'1'\'0:1 IpI the TownshIp know If thpy had P. M.. Thursday f"om 1 :SO to P :30
Ii,I!.lnCI' In Pund . .Till.,· 1
* *
Hall the ?'champs!
,;f 11I1':;l! II':;S a few plumbers OT scrap arllr\ps too IH>a\·y to be moved P. M. &nd sunday from S to 6 1'. M.
I! A salute to Manoa Is in order for
S('hp(.! Jllliltlill~-':. I~T"LJn,l~ .\ !':'lllll'llP'1l1
. to t hI' rurb for re""ular collection. its champknshlp conquest. The
sn!lW(ol](' 1)"111(\1' \'.'11 11 lools. He sad I ~ . HOLY WoodbilleTRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH t '1II'tll,) T.,xl'l; )1, .'111 't,

1:1.l: 11 t r.1:'(' 111"n or others wi I 11: Mpmbprs of the Bryn Mawr FIre and Narberth aV'8.
Rev. Cletul A. Senet, Pal tor
Haverford Township club was clear·
t!li.; a!liilt\ WU\l!ct yo]untl'pr th2ir 1 Compa11I' are not waiting for plam-. flU;-.:OAY .... lllk-lllL: FUlld Ihlalil" ly thl' better team and deserVed the
A, ~1.-nlhle Po<-ho(JI tor al1 a~~PI,
H':'\ irl'." :ll'r,:Il".Plllpllts nulct bc; ;)('1'.'; In \,olni:11'1'1'. They are making 119:45(1\1 .\. :\1.-:\10111ilil.! !-=I'nil,,'-llr ~I'llfl
I~, Ilt'I,11 Fund B.ll.11l1 t~ 1': '7; ',11 ie'''; ,,"".'~ pennant if any team ever did.
n::lCl,' In ."1:\'.1"1' I hIS hOllschold scral.: a hOll.,p-to·ho\lSl> can\':lS an,: dis· \\ III t'"llIllll't thl' ~"'1" 1<'1'. Thl're was only one blemish on
pYl'n if il hacl t'l bp done at nig~11 rn~n,llJlg any sa!\'agp matl'nal :1.' aT. MARGARIDT'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 1.1.\ III 1.1 Tit;,.; the Victory. That was thp presence
Also. I," 'll~~,',:!'(l that ~01l1e of the: Illl'I' ~o. TllPY carry along an ace- Rev. Ja.mea F", Toner. Rector IIIInl11'11 Indl'htl'dnl~~q • It. '-, 000 till of Allie Schuchman. Gladwync'5
Rey. Ch&rl.. p. O'Connor
!'1C1l!,d101cler, mi"l1t WiP a little mp- : 11'lcllp torch for this pnrposp. It 1'\'. Cha~. T, lJlnnn :":I't \"IH til

r !Inlli,·.'] in·,clIll:ll· I)l('m:cl\'e~ to do: Accol-d:nr>; to Waller Hammond~. DailY ma~CH'~: 1 and 8 A. M.
SUllday nla8~('8: C·.30, ;;~O, 9, 10:15 nnd 1':.\I:r, 11 III: l 'IITI':L,
the cl:sman;llll". : BI'I'1l Mawr commissioners. the C:l11- II A. M.
:'l'pl t~nlh"1 ~ 1, 1!1 1 ~ I't "Ilioll"(:ll y
Till' c1ri',(' ;" rl'plaim this carhp of i nOll 1>:;115 nrp e\,pn goIng to be re- Holy Day maRAP", 6, 7, 8, 9 nnd 10
lIt 11)·1-1t.
ir,,:I, sl"l'l. llwtal. popper and lin moy::! from the plAyground acro~s A. M
( lJl1l' t1'IO' WI'('k on tl~e 1I('pls of an I the "trePt. from the U. S. Po"toffice
:lllnlllll1('('n1t'n~ e'ol1l tl1C Seai>' i 1I\ Brl'n MawI'.

'. :.~

I eralWaynp), Rep. 32, Dem. 3.

Report Pick Up Lower Merion, Haverford Dist"
Rep. 32, Dem. 2, N. P, 1.

In Registrations Lowpr Merion, Rosemont Dis"

Rep. 42, Th'm. 3,
Leaders Believe People Lower Merion. East Bryn Mawr
Dist.. Rep. 11, Th'm, 1.
Want to Express Lower Merion, West Bryn Mawr
Faith in D~mocracy Dist., Rep. 40, Dem, 21.
A changing public opinion is in· Lower Merion, N. Ardmore Dist"
No.1. Rep. 25, Dem. 6.
qicated in the reports of heavy reg-
Lower Merion. N. Ardmore Dist.•
istrations made by travcling r{'gis-
No, 2, Rep. 41, Dem. 11, N, P. 3.
trars of Montgomery County who
Lower Mprion. S. Ardmore Dlst.,
havc been sitting in Narberth Bor- No 1. Rep 16, Dem. 6, N. P. 1.
ough and Lower Merion Township. Lower Merion, S. Ardmore Dlst.,
MOIl' than 1000 registrations have No, 2, Rep, 23, Dem. 32. N. P. 1.
been reported in the two municipali· Lower Merion, S. Ardmore Dist.,
ties. No, 3, Rep. 89, Dem. 27. N. P. '4.
LDWer Merion, S. Ardmore Dlst"
The registrars report a registra-
No.4, Rep, 82. Dem. 9, N, P, 1.
tion of 803 Rppublicans, 200 Demo- Lower Merion, W. Ardmore D'.st.•
crats and 24 non-partisan voters Rep. 14, Dem. 11.
from the 19 election districts of the Lower Merion, East Lower No, 1
Township and th~ four Boroug'h dis- Dlst., Rep. 14, Oem. 4.
Lower Melion. East Lower No. 2
tricts, Dist., Rep. 12, N, p, 2.
In the face of the light primary Lower Merion, Bala Dist., Rep. 21.
vote In Sarlng this was unexpected. Dem,9.
Pnbllc offi.c1als and party leaders Lower Merl9n. Cynwyd Dist., Rep.
are attributin6 It to the trend in 36, Dem. 3.
public thinking which looks to vot- Totals, Rep. 638, Dem, 178, N. P.
ing as an expression of faith in a 18.
• democratic form of go.vernment, Grand Totals, Rep. 803. Dem. 200,
Rather than a decline In the per- N. P. 24.
centage of those voting, as com-
pared to pl'l'vious years, they ore 'j"_.__--n-n---'-':.. Women Doing War Work
even hopeful of an Increase.
Registra.tion days were In Nar-
berth on September 15 and 16 and
In Lower Merion on September 22
ilnd23.Fol1owl.qj5 is a list of regis·
tratior,s by districts:
, NarbenhBorough
.' .' !'lnrb~rth, No. 1 Dlst., Rep. 62,
.oem. 10,·.
NIl~l'tb, No, 2 olst.. Rep. 68,Dem.
12, N. P,~.
. Narberth, No: 3 plst., P,ep, 35,'
·N. P.2. :'
Totals, Rep" 165, Dem ,22, N. P. 6.
LQwel' Merion Township
, Lower Merion, Upper Dist., , Rep,
29. .Dem~ 1.' .'
Lower Merion, Mel'lon D1st., No. I,
Rep. 65, Dom. 26,. N..P.5.
: .' Lower Merion, Merion D15t., No, 2,'
. ,aep, ·13, ~. 4• ',' !
(.~'.:o-." ..... : '".,. , .... '.' '.
}.. '
, '0'-' J ~ .'. ";' '. ,:'
..... ~" ',"~' .. ': .
"'. ,;;" '

OCTOBER I, 1942=======================-====0 UR
TOW N ==============================
---- - -- ---
.. - .- - - -

Miss Thornburg! I
A dime OUt of ....,
FIRESIDE Book Talk At HasYourOrderBeenTakel'l . .toU••• eam


To Be Bride 0/ . Narberth Club F G· I S C k· :IS OUR QUOTA

E I1S i g 11 Berry U,""noot ,nd Me<. William H.
NevIlle, 415 Narberth av .. Narberth'j
M,. ,nd Me<. h'" Di,on. 124
Conway aV.. Narberth. Is stationed
N ex t Tuesday
Loc~~OO'" !!' of Boo.",'
.' for VIOORY with
Ceremony to Take arc receIving congratulations on
d ht M
at Ft. EustiS. Va., for his basicPlonning Meeting Wi
B H Id Th F'd I
getting in the'r orders for Troop 131, Miss Beatrice Tees, E.
The gal is 13.000 'bxes, 3,000 more Lancaster ave., St. Davids; Troop

ace a ur aya I tSuzllnn.

1le bl rt hon 0 fSrptember
a aug 21.
er, at ary
the traUl ng. i e e 'IS rl ay t Ilan were sold last year, according
. 224, Mrs. R. M. Decker, 116 Runny·
PI t d
Saints SChurch t All MI~['ficorcfiae
Hospitnl, Philadel- * *
:"-dwin C. Town. Jr.. U. 8. N. R..
* Afternoon to Mrs. Henry D. Booth, Jr., of. mede ave.. Wayne; Troop 88: Miss
Mrs. L. G. Crater, president of the St. Davids, who Is chairman of the Julia Jacobs, 182 Maple ave., W.
Till' marrin',p o! Miss Daroth>' Mr.'. N('\'ille I~ the daughter or spent thp wepk-end with his par-
Women's Community Club of Nar- annual cookie s~le fat' the Main Manayunk.
:\1np Th.lrnbunr, dauglltpr 01 Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Hpnry P. Carr, 415 I cnts. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Town.
berth. has call('d a meeting of all Line. Every regIStered Girl SCout Each Troop gets a rebate on ('very
nnd :'viI',. T. n. Thurnbmg, of Che5-
NarbNth a\·., Narberth.
* *
1 200 N. Narberth av .. Narberth. He
committee heaGs and members of
is in his spmDr year at Yale Unl-
the club's board of directors for Fri-I
Is asked to sell 30 boxes.
Assisting the troops are the fol-
box sold. Help your loeal Troop
and Girl Scouting in this PhlladE'l-
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Wales, for- versity. day at 2 p. m. in the Community lOWing cookie chairmen: Troop 35. phla and Suburban area by buying
nnd F.))';~'!l IIarrisnn :\1. Bprry. ~on mPrly Of Narbprth. llnd rpppntly of •• BUilding. Plans for thE' coming * Mrs. F. Zimmerman, 1416 Knox rd .. as many boxes as you con. See your
(J! \1r :\llrl :\1r.'. Harr:son M. Bcrr~·. Harrisburg. arp no\\' living in Wf'f-t Mrs. Kenneth A. Patchen. and
year wlll bE' dL,cUSSE'd with especial Wynnewood; Troop 93. Mrs. Alan G. neighborhood or Troop chairman If
27 1'::IrlJrry;k Park, Na:'berth. will CIll"tE'r. dau?:hter, Judith, of Lock Haven.
cmphasis on the part the various Smith, 140 Cricket ave., Ardmore; you want more cookies.
t.:k(' pla("f' on Saturday. at :l P. M. * * * committecs v,I11 pla~' in the natlon's
Pa .. will make t1wir home Witll Troop 167. Mrs. J. C. Ferguson 3rd,
in All S.I:n~·., Cllllr~'ll, Wynllwoucl. Sprgrllnt H. S. Rose. 110 lona Mrs. Patcl1Pn's mother. Mrs. C. J.
war elIort. Mrs. Richard Pollock. 204 Church rd .. Ardmore; Troop 301 Mobile Unit to Be
T:lt' cpl'I':non>'. whirll wlll bp pf'r.
'orn,,'d }1'," :11:' R,'\' GibsDn Bpll. r,'c-
lor of tl1l' c!lurch. will bp follo\\,pcl
:11". Narbl'rlh,
from Camp
been trnnsferred Burnell. 508 Beechwood Lane, Nnr-
president of the Montgomery Coun·
Ln.. to bf'rth. while Ensign Patchen is tak-
ty Fl'derntion of Women's Clubs,
Fort Brng!(. N. C. SNlrf'llnt Ro);l' is II1g Naval training at Harvard
will be the gurst speaker.
Mrs. J. R. McLaughlln 121 Grand-
vIew rd .. Ardmore; Troop 279. Mrs.
H. Morgan Ruth, Spring Mill rd ..
At B-e Headquarters SPARK PLUGS
ThE' Moblle Unit of the American I
lll' a rcc"p:lnn (or llw Immrdlatp with thr 9th Ordnance Company. University. The first rf'gular meeting of the Vlllanova.
!.'Il11!1f'-" :'I.r1 bricl:l Iparty nl Whitf'
I1A !!. H,1\"('I'ford Mrs. Rus.'ell Linton. of Mnnoa.
* * * *
year \\'111 be held on Tuesday nt 2
Mrs. A \l g n s t Beckmann, 72~ p. m. in thc Community Building.
* * Troop 63, Mrs. J. F. Irwin. 619
Harvard rd .. Cynwyd; Troop 94. Mrs.
Red Cross wl1l be at the BOla.cyn-1
wyd Headquarters on October 15,
from 1 to 9 P. M. to receive blood
i\11" A",l:hn Wilkin~. of Phil~df'l- formrrly of Narbrrth. rntprtninrd Montgomery av .. Narberth, has as Narlwrth. Mrs. S. J. Mccartney
Thomas Hayden. 158 N. Latches donations. I
P~l:~. \\";11 b.. tIlt' Il1CI10 of honO!' (lnd iller bridge clUb Tuesday pvening. ius. *. of New York. *
her !west for the week, Mrs. Pistor- I chairman of program. has An-
nouncpd that Virginia Kirkus. A.U- I Lane. Cynwyd; Troop 140, Mrs. P.
T. Salisbury. 332 Bryn Mawr ave .. Every man and woman in good' Properly adjusted, they enable
bur~. ll'tl'lld:lllt lor M"-,, Tllorn- I Mr~. Wn!trr E. Greenwood, guest
. II spf'nker nt the Nnrbrrth P. T. A. M C. .
thor of "House for the Wepk-f'nd"
nnd operator of the unique Book
*. or Cynwyd; Troop 46, Mrs. Richard
Patterson. 505 Wynnewood rd, Mer-
health between the ages of 18 and
60 has this opportunity to serve
your car to get maximum ef-
ficiency out of gasoline, so pre-
E:,'.. '11 Oni1lp B. Dpnl1lsnn. U. S 1111 •oo. tl11'" ". j\'Olldll\'
' ~..,.
_ e\'elll'll"', Mr'. D. Apnrtment.~.
rs. urtls Grpen. is L:tkp\'lew
Narberth, visitln<T II Shon(' Serv'cI f'. \\'Icl .
. 11 1 glVf'S b 00 k .
lOn; Troop 230. Mrs. Homer Eachus,
their country by helping to save the
Ilfe of someone In our armed forces
CIOUf; to National War Effort.

NII",11 All' COlp.', of Worccstf'r,' W. Fnulk. of Coates\·i!lr. Pa.; nnd h i ' " shops and 11 brn 1'1 l'S pre-publlcRtion 436 Anthwyn rd Merion' Troop 20 Cleaning them regularly also
'1 n l i t
.. >. \\1, ,c :lS )P.' man
for- E'n· i Mi,,' Dorolhy Harri.~. of Phlla.dl'l- er s ster 111 ROllnoke, Va . ' InfOlmallnn
. . . '
on booKs. WIll ~peak on .,
Mrs. Craig Turner. who Is wounded in action. Appoint-
6603 • Lotus rd ..'
SI'.:n Bn!'>·. nne! lilt' mlH'rs \\'11 bp, phia: wrrp thp dil1llPr gurs!s of
:\1,'-<" (;l1y B. P,'t"r,,- of NarIH'l'th: : Mrs. W. Grirr Brinpr. 316 Mrrion

Mr. and Mrs. Judson Laird. of Dook!!."
"Bird'~ Eye Vipw of the season's * * Overbrook; Troop 202, Mrs. George ments should be made in advance.
Elliott, 6400 Sherwood rd, Over- Women are requested to come early
helps. But replacing them a(
evl'ry 10.000 miles helps most.
Come In for an elTieiency
(;I'n:">' II .M,l(k'HZI~. (If L:nroln.; a\'. 1'::lrbprt1l. on Monda\'. Moylan-Rose VnJlpy. wpre thr din- Thr Hospitaiitv Commlttpe, hend· brook; Troop 264. Mrs. Fred R. Hel- In the afternoon, leaving the later
!\I." .. J"',t'P'l T Rowb,llton. of i * *'*
ncr guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. pd b\' Mrs H. F. Darnr.~. \\'ill act a:o man. 1245 N. 65th 8t" OVerbrook; hours for business men. check-Up toda)'!
f:,l' ~II:." Ct'I:ler. L ~.; n~ld R'_le!g('I. Lipntrnant Hugh B. Speed, Jr .. Finf'ran. 336 Woodbllle av., Nar- Ilo~tp,,~rs Mpmbrr; of tl1[' com- Troop 328. Mrs. Walter Beaston. 597
E I. lJ,1 01 13100111fll·,o. l';. J. i <on of ;\-11'. A'lnd .:.,Mrs. Hugh B. ~erth~j last Saturday. millpp llrp: Ml's. \V R. KnAuer. ro- Hansel rd .. Wynnewood.
1'11(' ('<Hlpl,' Will 11\'1' at til" P.ll'k. ,Spt'NI. 127 Chpstnut n\'., Narbprth.
\\;'> AiJ;l:.tll1'nl.'. Plllladclphia ,:l:h bpf'n sUlionrd at Camp Hooo.
The Rev. and Mrs. Bryant M Arthur L. Cookf'. Mr~. William
chairman: Mrs. H. F Str\·en~. Mrs. * * Troop 368, Mrs. W. W. Heindel.
38 Narberth Park. Narberth; Troop
- - - 1••-

:-.!:'" T;ltlrn!JIll'''. wl10 I, :l ~ndu-l Tl'xas. Li('utpnant Spef'd rl'rently Kirkland, of the Narberth Presby· Wrpn, Mrs. Henry HopklllS, Mrs. E 336, Mrs. J. S. Abel. 214 Henley rd., MAIN LINE
alt' oj \.ow"r Ml'rion HIgh School. : I('Cpl\'l'O his commission at Ft. Sill, terian Church. announce the birth is. Drublpl'. Mrs. WilIia.m J Hender- Penn Wynne; Troop 106. Mrs. A.
ntlpnd,.d Washlll~toll Collp~p, whor.' I Oklahoma. cf a daughter. Eleanor Anne Kirk-I son. Mrs., J~11I1 W . .;oyee. Mr.~. M. Suggs. ct. Apts., BAnERY AND
SIll' \\':1S a nlPmbpl' of Alpha Omi. I * * *
1:lnd. on SeptE'mber 28 at Abington I Georgp Gl1pm. Jr.. Mrs A. C. Wayne; Troop 291,·Mrs. Wallace M. SERVICE STATI,ON
eron PI S:)l'orit>., and ~1·:H!unt.('d i Private Edwnrd Dixon. son of Memorial HospltllJ. Abington. i ,SChwabp1l1and, Mrs C. W. Sunder-
Irom In" O"a: H:;gil'lll' Dppar:nwlll, -;-=:...:..:...:....=..:.============::.:=========================::::-llnno. Mr.'. Eowin T. Wolf. Mrs. R
nj tl1l' Unl\'Prsity of Penllsyl-.-~nia' : A. Miznpr, Mr~. ChArles A. Izard.
Sixteen Will Join FOR FINE MEATS When Your Car Won't Start,

DI'HLil S,'!lOnl in 1~41. • Hie H NOT ES • 'Mrs.

Jr .. E.
E.' H.Mrs. Jamf's
Cockrill. Mrs E.
Presbyterian Church CALL NARBERTH 3668

En"~ll Berr~·. a g!'aduntp of Lo\\'- : Burrt'll. Mrs. Rob"rt Nash. Sixteen new mernbers wlll be re- .1. E
J. J- WHITESIDE 304 W. Lancaster Ave.
pr }\11'1"If1n High Srhoo1. took his prr· , by Ml's. G. WOrth. Mr< L. D. Ford eelved into the Narberth Presby- FOOD MARKET
rj,'n:nl \\'o:k a: Bowdol11 Ccl1r~l'. DAVID MALICKSON and Mr~. R. W. Phillipf-. teriRn Churrh this Sunday morning
at thE' World-Wide Communion ser-
Bnln',wick. Me.. wl1Prr he \,,'as a JEPTHA ABBOTT D. A. R. \'ipe at 11 A. M .. when the Rev. •- - - - - - - . -- ----------
ml'lllber f thl' Drta Epsilol1 Fra- Class of 1945 - Lower Merion HiCJh School
Bryant M. Kirkland, pastor of the ••- - - - - - - , , - . - - - - " - ' - ' - . - ;.•:.
trmil\,. Ht' I.' a senior at the Uni- Tile Sludrnt Council held its first tooer 2. The fo,icwing students will TO RESUME MEETINGS church. will officlate. SAFEGUARD YOUR VALUABLES -
\'er3:ty of Prnn~\,I\'ania Dentnl meptlng on Monday, Sept. 21. A I compete (five students WIll be ThE' rE'gular mretlllgS of thf' Jpp- Communion will also be served at RENT )A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX
School, n mpmbpr of the Delta Si~­ Il'\\" of the main topics discussed 8hosen, two boys and three girls): : tl1n Abbott Chapter. D. A. R.. will
llla Dp!ta Fra l('l'l1it \'. prr~jdent of \\'['1'(': thc conduct on the school Sue Brooks. Milada Mraz. Charlotte be rpsumed next Monday. Ortobl'r t.hf' 7.45 p. m. evening service on I
till' Mat:he\\' H. Cr~'rr Honoran So- prt'lI1l.,es llt lunch-time. a Hal- Chandler. Knthrine Giles, Francvs: 5. The mf'l'tlllg will bp held at the Sunda~·.
At the church's Sixth Annual
c wtv, 11l1d a nwmbl'r of the St<lma- IOWl"l'1l Barn Dance to be held on Bernardo, and Bllrbam Knapp. Tile: OY.'rbroGk Prrsbytf'I'iun Sunday
Mlsf-ionary Conference, to bE' held
u::loglcal Societ>·, Oplollpr 17 and thp selling of school boys are. Paul Kuntz. Jim Devlin. SChooL at 2 P. M. Tl1rre \\'111 bp I
stickprs. A student may purchase Harry GilL and Robert Hill. The of plan., for the Year's
~t the church October 18 to 25. one
of the ou tstanding speakers wlll be
St. Francis House 0111' of these stiekrrs for a dime. best of luck to you all!
The monl'~' is uSf'd for vllrious
dances to be given later In the ycal'.
k. and announcements regard

In thf' neRr future the Red Cross Pa .. Octobpr 13 to 16 lI1PIUSl\·e.

I lIlC the Stntp Confprl'l1ce in York. ChlE'f *.
of Na\'y Chaplains. Robert D.
Workman. of Wallhmgton. D. C.
* * *
30th Annu;tl Fair I is going to sponsor FIrst Aid courses Hastes;;es WIll be Mr.'. Hrkn Nrff co'" • u
The remaining soccer schedule for for Lower Merion student.s. There Pf'nny, and Mrs. Rupert C. Schaef-
thl' season reads as follOWS: Octo- will be three types of courses; the fer, Jr.
u • u • » U New
Margaret Davies
Main Line Women to
ber 2, West Philadelphia at home; Junior Course for student.s under 16 PROJECT COMMITTEE DANCE STUDIO
Be in Charge of
October 8. Abingt.on, away; October ~'ears of age, the Standard Course.'
MET ON MONDAY Montgomery' Court Apartments
13. Episcopal, home; October 15. lor students over 16 and an Ad- The Project
Upper Darby. home; October 20, \'anee Course. for stUdents who have Women's Community Club of Nar-
Committre of the NARBERTH
Phone: Na.rb·ertb ...
- -.-.c~~Il~D~~_D_II_a_lI_r_Il_~""~~·. I.
·~iii• •~H:;··a.S. . . ·ADV.TISING
The W9men'S Auxlliary. SI. Fran- Frankford,home; October 22, Hav- alreadY completed the Standard berth held a meeting Monday after-
cis Country House for Convaiescent erford, home; October 29. Abington, Course. .,. noon at the home of Mrs. H. F. Ste-
Wompn. is hoJdi'1g its 30th Annuli}:' home; November 3. Friend's Select,' • \'ens, 420 Haverford ave.. Narberth. * *
country Fair at The Ritz Carlton home; November 5. Upper Darby, The students and Faculty of Low· Members of this committee earn 25 WORD-S FOR SOc (In One Paper)
Hotel ,Saturday, October 10. from .away; November 10, Penn Charter, er Merion wish to extend their sin· money for the Health Center and
10 A. M. to 12 P. M. 110mI'; November 12, Haverford. cerest condolences to the familY of welfarr work of t11f' club. Mrs. J. OUR TOWN, BA\A·CYNWYD & MERION NEWS
A card part~· will be held n t two away; NOVE'mber 17. Germantown, the late Mr. William Hart. Mr. Hart. H. Miller. 426 Haverford ave.. Nar- MAIN LINER, HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP NEWS
o'clock in the French Room. There a\\'ay; November 21. Hill School. was for many ~'ears one of our berth. is the chairman. Plans arc
$1.40 fOR 4 PAPERS
will br a buffet dinner with danc- 1wa,·. All home games are played belol'ed bus drivers.
Ing in t hr Ball Room from 6: 30 to on the new field across from L. M.
being madE' for a movir brnefit t:)
be given next month. * * * ask aboDt special monthly rates
12 P. M. Thrre will be candy an'"1 * *'
The football game betw-een L. M. * you may IIl'nll nlone)' nrdf'f. stamp", or IlPt'~OIl~\1 el1,.( 1{
all communlcations to Lnwf'r Merion :\l,wspnJH·r~. Ardll1"ft', I'a,

D' NN:'E ~
cake tables: 1'\0 \\,p r.<; And iing'E'r;(' A pecllllllr ai.mospllE're was no- and Chester High. wlll be played at
booths. Thf' P3tirnis Table. and TllP ticed In til(' auditorium. on Sept-em- Chester on Saturday. October 3. , CALL
Pllntr~' Shrlf. ber 23, as the Ilghts becamr fainter. Tickets cost 30 cents with an A.A. U
. ·· Ardmore 5720 Greenwood 7740 Hilltop 3600
Mrs. Matthe l \' H. McCloskey, Jr.. .md Dotty Baker. chairlady for the ticket and 55 cents without.

1ssembly. introduced Scheetz and
Indian Crrek rd .. O\'Prbrook. is the Co.. magicians. who brought with
prl'liident of the organization. l\1rs them to L. M. their Thrills, and
Invest at least 10 per cent of your
Narberth 2430 *
Inside and out. upsIdedown FOR SALE WANTED
Joseph D. Israel, Rolllng rd., Cyn· Surprises. Under Mr. Scheetz's mas- rarnings In War Bonds and Stamps, ~oal and all around! That's the Jeddo-Highland
Grimes, ~mokehllllHe. Df'lIrlous
~EEDEn by tlH\ Attlf>orll'fln Hl'd C'I'OflM.
w:u.. hinJ.,:" Tllachlrll', ~lnJ..:l<· h~f1 :1011 T1I~t·
wyd, Is genpral chairman af the
terful guidance dUCks and pigeons
attention and care we give
S V F I 0·1
Good "{tIUP8 tr~tc~. Call Hl'c.l Cft"~8 hendQuarter..
Fair. appeared llnd disappeared', rabbits i1bur S. Muflet I w
to making your old pieces ocony- acuum
Itoppers C kue
»;1. RAXC'flO OUC··.. AIU)f; A I'd more 3100 '

The dinner is being manage" by Were pulled from hats and all the 0 into new. e
Pro\,jclp.nct· neL, on(' mil~ nort h or
n08e Trt'e lIun t ("I.Ub, near r.h·d In. HOME IMPROVEMENTS
.\\1r. John J. Harrington and Mr. other tricks that go with such a _.:::::: -PAJNTING •
John Horstmann. Women working show. FollOWing the program M r . '
on the various tables are Mrs, Jos· Pearce. Vice-principal. cmnmented' .
lOt l,'ORREST Ani:.
DI:"I:-.:r: noo~' ~t'JTr,:.· "ok: In "noll ('n:"('rtI~TE \,"nHK -
contlltlon. THIf'Jlhonf" Hilliop :It)' 1·\'·, ~llll'w:tll\"'.
ALl. 1,(:\"Dt3
til ivr>w;l)tI
eph D. Israel, Mrs. John J. M~.nley. on how well the students assembled '. . Phone Narberth 24~9-1l
. , PA
. fI Narberth 23to E~I'Y<:LOPE[)IA nH1TA=":"[l''\ 01<1 hill FL.\C~Tt ):\"1-: \\'.\ 1.1';::-:. 1·111~(·IIJ.:;-:

Mrs. William J. Ambrose. Mrs. Jos· for fint program

sented in tre auditorium. Dotty I llie~ ~ ~ pre'I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~d MnJI'I~, $~a. AI~~.
In ~1.\(·1I1='1~. II r.
,w"fpc' l'on<1l-
Till' :-:flll.-TIII·: \'EI:Y Bl'~:-:-T
fll'r t"lI, 1 1''11 )",,,,
i l ;:,

eph S~olt, Mr:o. Power WE'ymann. of Baker read an announcement con- .Iun. $30. ('01\ Ar,ln1OI'., 40GG.
1)\';\11' THI·'·I";~ 'I'll )fTI:E
"'_ . •i
Georg£" "l'lI+'I, ::',~ I'"w. 'I 1:<1. ~l'rin~-
Cynwyd; Mrs. John J. Hosey. of SI:':Ol...E ~fF:Ti\L n~1J-!lprlng' Anl1 mnt· fh'I,} 1'11"11" ~":llt!lln"rl' 1~1::
trt-·!:1R. l"s[tu onlY 1lI11Ort lim.'. Ooml BS
Ha\'erford; Mrs. Frank Adam'>. Mrs. cE'rning the Merlonite. the school- npw. $10. ('nil Hilltop 4~I;l, AMo;'\; & ~l):\' l'all1'rll:11lL:j'H~ :\1111 Jl.lint·
A. R. Burton, Mrs. Clayton Boyer. paper, and the students were dis· in~ lIa.rll\\·IIIHl lJ""r~ :-C'1.1I"',) It"n-
METAl... HED-In-n-d.lor. rold1nll bPll, ",'
Mrs. Henry Dagit, of Merion; Mrs. missed. Full slzt', Also 2 burner tnhle tnp
o\':ltlnlt or all\' \(111,1 1" Ill,'flt!lq tn
Jlay C'nll (j"anltl' 4)110 hdWt'I'1l ':.110
Albert D~git. M"s. Louis H. Brown, t"IPctrlc pto,'(', ('all ltilltnp :!:!S!I-<~V.
Mrs. Henry B. Fitzpatrick. Mrs. Cor- The cheE'rleader try-outs, under
nelius McCarthy. and Mrs. Clement the directlon of Mr. Royer, are al-
nn') S :lIlJ P. M.


F. Trainer, of Wj·nnewood. most completed. The final judging W A;";TED-n rooDl for lI~ht housek('('p- NOW 18 thf" limC' to rdu\,(>nnte yuur
will be done by the students on Oc· In~ In SArhrrth 01' "1('1nl1)', h\' ·Wid- homC'. nr . .-\~~ ~J"IT' . .)1)IIS ~. TAC:YE,
~\~~~l'rt:~(1;'600_~:11l arter 4 o'('lock, 7:t15 \Vest l'l1e!oJtPr Pili l ', I"pper Darby.

Named Co-Chairman rustom made minor",; n'sU\,('rlng: rEO·

mCH]pllnJ::': plrturf'" t, "01('(i; furniture

PIANOS tops. Phone 131\"1. 30';:2.

'. Of Canteen Corps Orand. 6>. Uprll!hte SITUATIONS WANTED

MrS. Francls Scoeetz. chairman Quick Removal
Fair Prices LAI':'oIDRY 'WORK to tol,p home-bun-
of the Main Line Canteen Corps. Pianos BoqM Courteau. Mtn dle or hamper. 44 ProHp(>C't B\',. Dr.)'n
.has appointed as her co-chairman. WRITE M:1.\Vr. Phnnl~ Dn"n Mnwr 13~:i,

Mrs. Pllul Bisho'), Haverford. who 8e (Jareful 1", nVGnES & SON
is now serving as a vice-chairman Main Line Service Plano Movlnr
11848 Market 8t.
AU. 74110 lV",,' III ••
of' the Corps. Nutrition has been Plus Quality ~"Ol1 Rpnn' tlln+"' roll ~:O1l1 hllIHl!'l.

Do ha n.'
B"elllDce Ilr8. 1lII29 anI] \\'011).1 y"l1 IH' 1IlII'rt·, In I'art
made a sub-division of the depart- or (ull tIltH> WI)1k \l1l.l.',' pll':l!'lnnt !'Iur-
ment, and Mrs. Rowland Evans, rotlnf1ln~~? ~t :\1 u I') ''''l LauTldr\' ha. ..···f
'. Villanova, has been elected Its chair- nat'll for womf'tl or gli'l~ til mnr)<. ~C1rt,

BROOKMEAD my compliments' Window .hade.· -' Venetian' nUnds or nnl~h. Call Mr. ('rom!f' .r\1"llmuru
man. Mrs. Evans also Is vice-chair- 1.lnoleum .'. 4100. ' " ~.

man of the Canteen Corps. Mrs. RODSc»l & OWENfl

samuel M.Felton. chairman of the' GUEBNSEY-DalImES 1015-1019 LANCASTER AVE.,·BrYn Mawr
Phone Bryn Ma...r 1120 or , •• \
dn~' u Wt:I'1{.
T..\F:-':PHE~~ rlll"
(';111 (·YIIW.\ d ;::"c,,'I_ \\',

Merion Tribute Canteen Corps has West Lancaster av., Wayne During the past months, women everywhere ('()~PA~rl):": ror (l111;"rl~' 1I1ftv :\tllldl.~·
bi!en elected vice-chairman of the
Main Line Branch Corps in recogm-
Phone VVayne 1121 have Jlpitdted In" to help Uncle Sam ~y can"h'lg IJOQMS .Fq, RENT RJ:f'I' wnOla"", "1·nll,·,1. 11\ lng In fir f'ln!'ll
• t,) H"ll11klhw. :"0 hotl!II" \\",11 h,. !1:lO II

. tlon of her splendid work at Merion.

fresh fruits and vegetables. And there's stili time CYS'VYD-Prl'·ote. home. room with In. to ~,·:tn p. rn. (lnlly I'XI· ..'pt :-:lllllln\',
prh'alo both. Will rent rurnl8hed or 'Yrltl' (1'lT" Intpr\·I(·w tq Bo;\: 11~, Jll\\·l·j·.
to put up some of the late season varieties. unfurnished to renned wonlnn. Onral{(! ford 'a'WIlH-hlp ="PWN, Llant't'ch, J',1.

LET US J',Iaturally, you'll Want clearly printed labels to o,·alloble. Five mlnutr. to troln or
bu.. Phone C)'nwyd 1993-.1. C()MI')\~I();";. for ~',ll'I'h" Inf1~', ohm nhlll
place on the jars and glasses in your victory , 10 nea 1.'1 l With ('noh,inu. CnJl Hilltop"e. WArm. 11 "1 n",·hl'<t !H)j~.

DRY CLEAN pantry.

room c.omhlnef'l. 4 minuteR to l'r-nnn.
8tntton. nnd on(l hlu(']{ to bUFI.
neRR couple or Rf!ontJemnn.
'YOUR To show I'm behind this effort 100%, I'm offer- f,!Xclmnged. l'l1ono ~arborth 2!IIS-J, COUPLE (or ~,~neI'AI 110ltPf>work nnd ~nr·

ing a frlJe1~pageboo~ of ~all '~annlng·lab~ls. INSTRUCTION

~I('~J) In"
Telephono Anl-

SUMMER CLorAES Wdte for your free copy today. :4cJ~reis: Adv.,. ~oru . 2721.

.. I ..L ,.,.it..' :,.' . '. tising Depatt.~e!1t., 90

.. O,$a.·nJo"".st:, PhUGde.'·'·p:hla. REAL ESTATE
,emove summei'5~1 .T!,~m.yo.ur comes, . ' .. Pupu. moyre~l,;ter
rlANo .
. before putting the win.thema~liy-for ~-.
.... . '. " . ·a~uM~~~~:TG~~Y::RAve. MAIN 'LINE

··~"'L • .:.:J..~ Notbl1rt~•.1'R.


".. ter. Don't take chances' withmotbs. \ .' . . lJlirbcrth 4109-.1.
315 Montgomery' AVe., Cynwyd
B. p,.pacad I• .t.p ••, ••,;'py a.d ••• 1, ia ••d semmoc', . . JO.IlIIY . .; ..., WASTED -WASll.ERS. nEFnloERA-
. . '''OO
, . . are.
. .'3300
. . TORS. Ally malle. any qOndlUnn. eMh

.. , . " '.
. a' ' . : . ! . . . PHllA' DELPHJ ~ ;'. :,. '. C . an~ at once. WlII 110. ... Cilll Vic,.
Wov. 4669.
AD 7733,' Acter 6;00 P.lII

.. TaU....;. CI••••".,.,.,.,." ... cyo" ' . , . • '" '. J A g;;tECTRI COMPANY M,ISCEi.i.ANlVlIS

~ ~a7'~ '!~"~Ii, ;a~,'I~ .~,AIi.'~ :~ :,~e~: ~:~ ~w~ :_~ :.:·~ !iI:!~ IiI~_~ ·~:~ '~ o.a.~.,~ .~:•.:.:~".i·I·~i ~ "~A~ ~i.i._.·.~ :_~:~.-rth~, -,.,~,~,~ ~.•a.:','~~
. "

",:' .'.~_.,
;....;;".' " ... ' :".
'.. ..'
' ~.'
":" .. '
~~~.;.'A..·I!#~'i'~."~':ft~,."~'~W.~·~d. ,\tic'
,.... .. ',:
-,< '.,
~. si~·'~.tUI'~·r..p.''J.·-~'.:
" ' . ' , . ... ". ! ' , . ' . ' .... ' 4;~;..J ..\:'"
" " ' . : - ,\,,:,;. . . '
I t~o;"
.,.'.,., :
'., ~t.'L;.'..'..,. ; !. ". ".J
.. ':"
4 ;'

". .

".;, . .',:,:,,:.
.. ,·;:t!"Il··~.-~I"J.o'''''' .,wan.
-~"''' -.-c -'. ...-LlaOlllt.r'-:.~I!....Wan. ."'Pa,..; ~
'"; ':
. 9:l;, t..e1l
" L TOWN = =..======================;=:OCTOBER I, 1942
PAGE fOUR==============-==-~G==:::::-==============0 U R
Open Scrap Drive
35,340 Enrolled Beware Of Little 'H;illers, Messy P'olitical Issues,
T~ School Children
Championship Series Season 1942
~ .~AT. I.' . . ' , .
Cou,nty. Defen~e Warns Speaker At Conference Of 200 WOllen's Club
•, '
Gp., .~B.-
' .r'
., _ ...
.1f·;JQU ~j o. , A. E. AVE. Has Third In a challenge to the 250 club fight for.' another chance to baUd a must first smash thE' Axis Military
leaders, representing 200 clubs In world In which the dignity of the program. and b~n now to plan for

Counties Will Receive Schuchman ....• . . 5 ... 19' 3 ' ~ ,'. .': ~ ~..:.:u8 '0" 12..":, 0 o 1000
Zercher , ..• : S" • U~." ~' " 5 ," ".,:\;.•' ~ll·.' t!~ ~ . .,.3 o 1000 L G fV I
arges t roup 0 0 - nine counties gathered at the con- human being Is respected-and in world order, We) must put courage
PeQnants if They Baker .... " ~ " 13· 3 .. ,~ i: '\.1 'k1; :azlS,,,' 8. ;;i3 1 .950
unteers in State ference of the Southeastern District order to succeed in thP. ultimate and sacrifice Into sbaping of World
Kamll1sky . .. . 5 '17 •. ,· 2 . , 8 d' ~ ,,~.n61:' '1,2::;,,,:,•.9 3
Montgomery County now ranks of Pennsylvania Pederatlon of peace, we must overhaul our habits peace-Call rel)lresentatives of all
Exceed Quotas Gwynn , .:" 5 ·1.1 ,'11 :8'~'" ft. ' ?~ ··)16 ,'~, 5 1 .954
third In the State in the number of Woen's C,L1bs at Lancaster, Friday, of speech, and attitude toward other United Nations tovethe , a sort of
School children in Narberth Bor- Henderson ' 5 '13 1 ;:.2:1" 0," ;'115;4.' ,,' .. v'n

r 1 .944
persons enrolled in the Civilian De- Mrs. Bonaro Overstreet asked peoples-we must make the base of United Nations' !n,;tltute, along the
cu~h. Haverford Township and Low·
n Menon To\\nslllp. Will have a
... ... , .. 4
;) 19
12 2
fense corps according to a report whether the women considered democracy strong.
from the State Councl1 of Defense ti?-emselve.s good examples of what
l1nes of the Atlantic Charter, to in-
'~eware of little Hltlers, they clude business rt:Jell, scientists, prac-
Cantwell 3 10 0 1 0 .100 1 5
chancc 30 APt 111 the scrap With F, Bnttlngham 1 1 0 0 0 .000 1 1 1 .667 presented at a meeting ~! th Mont- a free society has produced-as an exi5t in the home and in the Club---:; tical leaders, of Ix>th free and sub-
scrap. All.son 2 6 0 1 0 ,16'7 0 8 1 .888 gomery County Defense' Council. argument for or against a demo- leadership must not be dictatorship ject nations.
The Natleoal War Production Agatone 3 6 3 2 2 ,333 2 0 o 1000 cratic government. warned Mrs. Ov~rstrept in conclu- Intellectual I1beratlon. world heal-
Board Will award prizes and a pen- Rudolph 1 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 o .000 A total of 35,340 ~re. engaged In "The fiag of the U. S. has been slon. lng, even If we .:spend millions to do
nant to every county attall1111g Its .944
Civll1an Defense aetlvilJes in Mont- hauled down and the U S. Govern- Dr. Theodore A. Distler, president it Is the crymg- n~ed and said Dr.
.252 129 58 11
quota III the salvage campaIgn but 5 151 20 38 11 gomery, the report Indicated. Only ment has lost ground, for the first of Franklin Marshall College, de- DL~tler In closl,-g.
1:1 addltlOn to thlo tlwre 1-S aNa·
NARBERTH Philadelphia and Allegheny Coun- tlme-do women I",aders realize that scribed DemOClary a~ an evolution- "If there l.s ~'"Ver going to be any
5 20 132 ,150 6 12 ,782
tlOnal Schaul Campalgn 1Il which I Pott" 7 ,857 ties surpass Montgomery in the total the crust of Clv1l1zation Is very ary process which bpgan 5000 years action, it's got to come from the
021 .125 5
.818 enrolled, Phl1adelpbla having 107.- thll1?" Inq~lred Mrs. O\erstreet. ago, when man first evolved a con· women of the ~ountry." he said.
4 16
scllLUls and s{'}lOul c1l1ldren can pal - R Herrmann 051 .294 8 1
5 17
partl'lp,lt(' Cotton 5 20 062 .300 24 10 .918 806 and Allegheny 70,490. "What stand do women leaders science, derIving Its outstanding Im- Of the three cnferences held, the
Burns o ,897 Among other nearby Counties. I take on day by day problems--do peLUs from the prophets, Christ, one of "War Se::rvlces" conducted by
In thiS call1p:llgn two PIIZCS WIll Walker 5 17 141 .235 44
4 15 I 2 0 .188 2 1 100a Delaware IS 111 sixth place With 15,- . they go to bat on the citizen front the Christian Ideal, With emphasiS Mrs. J. 0, Hop~ood drew the larg-
be awardld 1Il each slate one to the r'ux o 1000 789, Bucks IS eighth with 12,279 and, to sec to It that a me!'sy collection on the Individual.
14 230 .214 5 est number of women-as only 30
'choal proc!uc!l1g the greatc,t ton-l Ty.on .167 20 3 .958 Chester IS sixteenth With 8.284.
6 011 I of pol1tical Issues is not allowed to Our work will begin when we minutes was allowed for the conIer-
IJaJ;l' uf scrap and one to the school :vl.lhallc 17 1000
produclIlg tlle greatcst tnnnage per :,nllt:l
pupil I ;\1\<'IS


o 6
At the meeting of the County I confuse the war effort--do they real- win the war-for we wl1l then have ence penod. Mrs. Hopwood spoke
CounCil. E. Russell Matz, of Hat-: lze that not only a milLtary victory the responsibility and opportunity briefly and dlsL rlbuted leaflets with
1000 field, was ell'l ted chairman Matz. i but a peace victory Is necessary? to refashion the world. helpfUl hints lor war service chalr-
The school campaign opens Octo· !I.' Hcrnn,lnn 2 2 000 .000 1 o
bel' 5 and Will ,0nlII1U,' untll Illid who was chosen unanimously, has "In short, we in the U. S. must However, Dr, Distler bellens we men.
.911 served as actll1~ chairman since the - . - - - - - . - - - -- ---- - - - - - - - - - - -
~llght. O,I'"bl'l' 17
In n,lnOUI1Clm; til! ru\('s of tlH' Manoa
1 2
.208 126
1 2 2
60 18
2-20 reslgnallon of Walter A. Knerr
David C. Birdsell. of Erdenheim,
Brenneman TIk
S a 1School. presided 10 the absence of
the day, Introduced Mr. Brenne· I
Connors Comeely 0pens
Narberth o 1 o o 1 2 o 14-9
cOlltest. It h ('mplla',lzl'<i b\ the
COnSl'f\ allon Dn 1'lOn that only
was named Vice-chairman. To Rotary Club \
and Dr. Richard Mears, chalrman of
Aldan Plallers" Season
-CLIp metal and rubl:x'l'. WlllCl' have
L" M_ 11lvades Chester Grid; The County CounCil approved the
apPointment of Fredenck B. Snlll- John S. Brenneman, of Cynwyd, man.
the president, Dr. F. MuOIO Purse,

81 dD
Barry Conmors' farce-comedy.

onors' U "t
bpell welcl1('d and c!c':l\erpd tu \'lC-
he as chief instruC'tor of Training oil company engmeer who returned \ "The Patsy," a Broadway hit several
[01'\ sto, kpl:c's omual sal\ ,qe dp
DeFelice Ready For Actio11 District No 3 rNornstown and Vi- ! last month aboard the exchange 00 DI I sea.sons ago, IS scheduled to open
pols. or sC Ll p d(',tI('1 S \ ard' Will \)1'
acc('pll'd lor l' C' ,all,lcC rc,ords cmlty) to succped H E Relllmlller.ll lI1er Grlpsholm after harrowing
At Chr"lst's Chur h
the Fall-Wmtp-r season of the Co-
:vl.olllC(OI1lI'1'\ COUl1t) lid, ,1 qUOLI Here's more good news for Lower strong as the other. He'll start Ne- now a IH'utenant 111 the. Army, and! months in China, discussed hiS ex-I lomal Play('rs 01 Aldan. The fall
et 14.462 Ion.' sf'l \\ hICh pl,lC PS II M,'f1on High School football fans. ville. JJlCk Weir, Dan Poore and Victor J, Reberts as chief Illstruc- ! pcriences at the weekly luncheon \ There will be a Blood Donors' production, to I>c presented at the
'''If'nth un t::e 11'1 of quola, Ilxecl Ju,' DcFehcp, veteran taIlback. ap- \ Bud Cantagalll against Chester and tor of Trall1~ng District 4~ t Potts- ! meeting of the Bala.C}'lwyd.Nar- Mobile Unit at the Christ's Church, Colomal Playhouse, Ridley and Mag·
pears fully recovered from a leg 111· 'Will have DeFelice. Young and' two town and VICinIty). sucreedmg Stan-: berth Rotary Club on Tuesday. Manoa and Haverford rds. Penn noha ave.s. Aldoan. Delaware County.
:0:- PennS.,]ldnla ['uunlIes
Dela war,' County lias a quota of I Jury that kept him on the sidelines I peerless sophomores, Mar s h a II ley A, Ward, now a captain in the George W. R. Kirkpatrick. prmcl- Wynne. on FTiday, October 30. The Will open on ~ctober 7. and play
I pal of the BallvCynwyd Junior High time will be announced later.
l~) 531l lOllS to collect. for the last three weeks He got Into Stuart and Frank BaSile, for reserve Marine Corps, nIghtly at 8 31J through October 10.
I a scnmm,lge Wednesday afternoon duty, And If others are needed, Jack
Cantwell Cwynn
I and looked like hiS usual shifty, Toebe. Bob Thomas and Ray cooney
f'luslve self. So he's due to sec Ius Will be there to fill the bill.
Urge Observance
, (Contin.ul'd fro", POl''' ~"',) ,IIi! st actIon of the year when the The Maroon will play its first Big
(Continued from Pa;:e One)
II,s p:ll t ICUl.lI' sllal c III the dCliSIve Maroon tangles With Chester High I Six game Saturday a week against unnecessary driving
lnulllph llut tl,lec plawrs stood at P M C. stadium, Chester, Friday! Abington at Pennypacker Ficld. "Such voluntary caoperatlOn Will
olll a bo\ (' [Ill' otlH'rs ThpI \\lorl' a I [emoon. I Abington defea ted Haverford, 13-7, hdp the ;;o\crnl11ent in solVing Its
problem of provldlllg enour;h stop·
,quare- J,tI' I d tf'mpl"stuous Walt This game originally was slated in Its opener last w~k.
gap lIrl's and rptreads to keep
CU1tIHlIll:iltllandcdpitcher; lug' l or S a t ur d ay b u t was ~ d vance d a,I
'::'d, sl1c'lI[ c1,1I k \'lsaged Allie II day' because P. M. C has a game
(.wvnn, cai( 1:('1 ,llld ,oung shill scheduled thrre for Fflday. At first
Chr-Isfmas Seals on America's vehkles rollmg unlll thrre I
IS an ample supply of fynthetic \
Jack MIlkl 10oklC' Ilrst basemdn Chcoter decided to play at Lower
Cantwl'll W,l" a complete mystery Menon. then changed ItS mInd when .JCI
('-.1e Elf
ar y or
"An important factor in the pic-

[0 the Narb('1 th batlers. pltchl11g It found the P M. C. stadlUm would

:\1anoa to I !clory Jll tlll' Ihl<'c gamu; be available Friday. j
0verseas M"I"
ture IS that th~ stop-gap tlrcs and I
retread~ are stl'lctly low·speed pro- I
11£' wurkpd Ill' allowed only four I
Chrlstmal! Seals for use on holl- duct.". To dr:\'e them fast will not I
"It. III th(> Ilila I gallle 1,ISt S atulda\. IChester,
d a new face on the
. L. M. I day mail and packao-es sent to ser , only wear them out abnarmally fast, I
s( le ule, has had outstandmg teams \ '" -
d vice men abroad arc now on sale in I but IS actually dangerous. TlIe th1l1g I
, ." '
\\ as 111 a ll~lJt ,pot 0111, once and he . f
, . 111 recent years, having de eate
I,at cut ot ,ha t with only an extra . the headquarters of the local Seal to do is to slOW down nght now, in
hitch of III • 'I'OUS, ( 'rs. I n.1'11 C an·t "u<:h strong opponents
and Norristown, as Abington
and showed I I
its cus- 1 Sale office, 25 East Athens ave., Ard· order to make the tues we have last
as long as passlble and to accustom
w"ll pltl hed :!5 lnnml\S, allowed onh, tomary power III trouncll1g R'dl I ey j mQre .
tOllr runs and 18 holl's He fal1lH'd Town"hlp, 25-0, 111 last week's open- I The stamps were relea.o;ed carller oursel\ es to speeds tha t will be
_'lght, and wn~ke~ unlY, thr.ce. . C'r Al Dlgnazio. a brilHant triple-I than mual this year because of the mandatory whcn we begin using

G\\,nn. al\\ ')\ , a dladl~ ma·n ~n threat back, is the chap the Maroon announcement by postal authorities tires and retreads made from re-
a pitch. W,iS l1P\l'r more so than III WIll have tu collar if it hopes to that Chrlstms mail for men serving claim rubb"~
the series Jtt',t endcd Every lime land Its second nictory. overseas should be sent in OCtober,
Manoa Rot nll'n on bases he saw to and not later than November 1 U's commOD seDse to be

It that Ihry came home He batted Glenn Etzwel1er, assistant coach, . thrifty. U you save you are
111 SIX runs four more than any who scouted Chester, was most 1m- The 1~42 seal depicts a farm scene .~ thrifty. War BODds help you
other player' on both teams by col. pressed by the size of the Clippers. on a brIght wmter day and, bears ., to save aDd help to Have
leetlng eight hits in 17 times at who looked Wee giants alongside the the message "l4 y Christmas". , America. Buy yOur teD per
bat. This gave him an average of Ridley Township players. He said C M'- . , cent every I1ay day•
.471 and hitting honors of the series the difference in size, made It dlm- en.' a·i'tin
Miller, a former Upper Darbv cult to gua?e Ches.ter s stre?gth, so (Con,inued'from Page One)
High star who was plaving Ius lr;t Lower ~enon r~a ly doesn t know Stearne. for the Supreme Court;
full season III the league, dazzled what It s up against.
the fans with Ius fiawless fielding

for number of chances handled team on edge for thiS game. He well as M. Harvey Taylor, chairmn
Without an error III a title serics sent the Maroon against Haverford of the State Republican Committee,
Judge Joseph Stadtfeld, for the Su-
Coach Dick Mattis has utilized perior Court: William I. Troutman,
He establIslwd a nC''W I('ague record every moment pl)Sslble to have his candidate for Congress-at· large, as AMUSE_NTS . .' ; .
making 52 putout.~ and three aSSists School and Brown Prep In scrlm- Local candidates who will accom- A WEEKLY
GUIDE to Leetllres. Exhibi-
without a ~1I1g1e 1l1lscue Harry mages ~ast week and since has been pany the party include Congress-
Morris. Manoa's first baseman last smoolhmg the rough spots that man J. WIll1am Ditter, state Sena· tions. Theatres.
Sports. Music. twiotion
year, held the record at 45 ch~nees cropped up In these drills and the tor Franklin Spencer Edmonds, and
Miller did well at the plate 13-13 draw in the opening game Representatives Cadwalader, Char- Pictures. Restaurants. and Cafe!5"
getting five hits III 19 limes at bat with West Ph1lly two weeks ago. les H. Brunner, Jr. Lloyd H. Wood,
for an average of .263. oreer Heindel has replaced Ver- Esmerelda. at Pennsylvania Lj'ing-
The only other senes records were nen Young at end In What w1lJ In Hospital on September 13.
set by Narbrl'th, but they won't be probably be the only change in the
bragged about around the borough llneup that faced West Philly.
Thc veteran Buddy Walker set an Young has returned to his custom-
ind1vidual mark for errors In a ary post at halfback, but won't start
single game when he committed largely due to the fact that Warren
four at first base in the final game Neville Is a lJetter punter,
He and Buddy Polts, Narberth Outstanding In the practlces of CHECK
shortstcp. set a mark for errors in the last two weeks has been the THAT COLD
an entire senes. each makmg five st{'ady improvement In the play of
The Narberth team made the stag Charley Callahan and George Pow· Colds have'U·t a chance
gcnng total of 18 errors 111 the se. ell. Callahan and Blll Ellmaker are
if you've the proper pre-
rles to wipe out the record of 14 set just about a tossup for one of the
by Brookline in 1936. Narberth and tackle spots and Powell, one of the ventatives on han dl L1Tt:'LE THEAT1tE
Manoa togelher made 29 errors for assistant managers last year who Is We've all cold preventa- nf"dgt'ruw T.,ratrf'l. Moylan, I'Il.-Rpp·
another series record. beating by taking a stab at football for the tives ... and a Registered eTtO) y 'Vt'dn~lIllay thr()u~h ~alurday.
CUI taln at !l 30 sharP. SctJl'r1ulc tur week:
two the mark of Brookline-Narberth first time, has come along so fast PharmaCist on duty! h, Ilf'\ Jl'~ IIIF\ lph
I )l't (h.'t
: '. • '\
in 1936. that he'll probably alternate with "l'uddlll": rull I.e 1'llJlll- ' \11 t. i, "~a.Hll
Narberth's generostLy took all the Heindel at end. Powell Is a rangy Id,'\Il,' 'Itt .. ".'llll!::! an.I tl\l' ~Ian'"
(uhmlnl J·IIl!'t-r... of .\ldlili. 1l1111l'Y .\\t·
kick out of Manoa's Victory in the chap, very strong defensively and Ilt 101'" ),1.t1.;ll,'l II. .\.111,111- 'The I'at~) ,"
final game. Three bases on balls by tl. good pass receiver. IHt 7. >. tl 1 II \i ~n. ~,;,f

Pitcher Blll Smith and two errors NOW that DeFelice Is ready to go
by Walker gave Manon three runs and Ver.non Young Is concentrating
~t'h;hborlwl\l:~ 1"111).-''''. ,,07 Fuuth
:'1-'1-:\t' 01 "1 ~1Ulk" (1IIImll'" IIf pia\"

11\ ;\l.lX\\ (II \ ,,011'1'<111\1 {" t. ::, ::, ... ~.

in the first inning. And that was only on his backfield duties. Coach Nar~rt~ ~S8·21139 1011. \1:1 h" anf!"ll.
IlIkt..t:t, "~I 1'1.~1 iii "ill" a,allahlu at
the ball game! Manoa gct two Ma.ttls has the finest group of backS thc,ltJlI at (j~11l11l"1 Bins, (If

more 1n the second and another in 111 recent L, lIII. history. In fact.
the fourth and Narberth was quite he has two baCkfields just about as 'l'J1I __\TJU:
willing to caU it quits when rain, N;:::;;:::;:rv~~;;:::;::;::v::;:::;;:::;;:::;:':v:::::;;:::::;;;:::::;::::;::::::;;:::::;;;::::::;"::v::::::::::::;::::r~ I-nrrt."'t-I;'r,,\rull.' Ll~"llntr III ' l ..tl1\'
III til"
~tartc<i faUlng heavily at thc end of f turl\" l .-411

Service With A Smile

\'I.lrl1,t-I'~:=;;11 H')\lI Lanrl.~ ,lid ",.h~
the seventh. I 11 I,. Ith III 1',11',1 Is .\11.' hI ~llIlllll";
Al Cotton got two of the four Nar· tIlt :. ",:tJ
berth hits off Cantwell, U slllgie and
a triple. Tyson and Burns got the Regular Treatment of your hair, skin
others, The la,tter, leading hitter and nails will give you the individuality BROOKLINE
nnd most valuable player during the and the charm that you desire. Why not ~ :-"COVNTRY J1
regular season. hit an cven ,300 In
the series. Gwynn and Kaminsky. try us 7 ~ CLUB t: ~!£
With two hits each. paced Manoa's
~ "~ Rd.• ~1 Mil~
... .. ,
fifth game attnck.
SUB URBAN BEA UTY SALON ~~ • ~ Brookline
u • • <Open Thursday Evenings) MiSCELLANEOUS ."~J:; •
DaneloK-Dronkllne Country Cluh, ~'III
Itlt, Ulllokllnc.
1"l'lrluy. (Jl"l ::. ,JIll y
~~\t UlII,I)'. Oct. ~, Jll'rhv \\'oorls ":.Frbday,
Dilncing .:"
lndepeDd.,.,.,e Ua1l, • \h ..nd Che.tnllt Oct. 2nd
s,. -l)P~1l d ..Uy and Bunday. I:U" II
........ to 4 ~o r. U. Fr..e. JERRY WALD
Insulate with - Tb.. Aqunrlum, nor,h of Art AND als~CHESTRA
nn 1':,,( hank of the !lchuylklll-o"en I i __"~ iiiiii_iiiiii_iiiiii_;;;.
dailY 9 A .M, to 4 :30 P. II.; Bunda, H Salt:lrday. Oct. 3rd
14..~ 9 A " 'n S P, M. Fr...
1JIllll'lng - r'U1lnn BaIlT"nrn. wmow Arcadia ChIOI. He;IBY WOODS
STORM DOORS GrH\o., Pm J( c,\'ory Fr:lluy ltnrt BtllUrday. ,Restallralt
IlOlhlno ',I
quli. to lolllfylnll oi on. Walklnll' TOllr......-cnnduded by Uavld I,
Thn·~·bm.. l· lour" ot hh!lorlcal
. . .bU8bt4 1.11
Narberlb, P...
.\dnlh.",lnn-I"t ••1C) ('0111111'. "hn" Tux
of our d.ltcloul "'.01., Iklllfully pre. MUll.'\,..
ENCLOSURES ~ '~lIr.cI ond prompll)' i.l'Y~
I'hlhllleh.hh•. ,,"rlll\1': nt'- 1,:10 1'. M, ""cTY
lYe.k'h.), fT0111 9 til !:It. c.nlrRnce ot Ben· :t5BA mOD O~' ... ". Pho..e: HlJltop 1600
\' .. , Il\rnln l.'rnltklln 1I01el, liOc. SPEOJ4!,T:Y' .
.LU"~.~,~. ,55C]e D~NN~-" •• 15c "'"moll. 1II111'nt I\lovlea. Y" Old Tlmea complete Full codile De\", 40c
Th..n,,'ll, Allen'. Jane and McCallum It.
'~~~u Lprtlb~r Co~pany
: Thl! Llllk Between Forest
COCKTAIL tiM. " I TO • P. M.
• j.': ~... " ' •
(:I",rl". Wlnnlngel', 'Belto Ullvl. Ilnll 811m
III "SI.ter;" B"n Ttlrpln In
"w h,'n n 1IIIln·. a {'rlnce," Oc'. 3. THE TOP RESTAURANT

\'\c\or,)' O.. r...... "ot,' !!bo\\'-llcl, 1, E<:A.lloIOUIl FUn
and,Home 2,~, l'Uln-,,"t1on HIlII, 31lh nnll l!l>rucc
til., 1U .A" M. to ,10 .J.'. :11, SPAGltml .:. STEAKS
29 Bal~ A~., Iala-Cynwyd CHICKEN PLAnERS
and :Co'dttafl 'i:.~uil,~ UI'II"""Uh tIond",lrhe.
l'\llh, 1'1.,,,...,..
CIOlled 12 O'clOCk Sat. , .~I~,C~ICI'~II" u'u,U'JaUTan••
14115 CIT~ J.INE
IJu.l SO\lOlh 01 flll"e"lu"11 Ave.)
, -~- ,'- .. '


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