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FRIDAY, NOVEMBER II, 191H-I'.,/"",., 25, No, (, The hopes and happenings of tlu Eastern Main Line Newsstand price, 5c. By mail, one Yl'ar, $2.00

Narberth Wonlen to lH emory to be Honored .----------------,IMain Line Returned to Old-Time

Nearby P~lling Places
. Entertain Delegates
A Few Results In
Republican Majorities Tuesday
Of Neighbor Clubs:
Narberth Man Elected Lower Alerioll <lIld N arbcrth I
Annual Rceiprocitv LUl1chcol1 to l <:: National President' F.1Jor G. O. P. Calldidatcs
Bt' Bi~ En'111 of Ncxt I .
Karl II. I{,,~,f Ill<' ('alllOlll'! by Afore Thall 10,000
W"ck (;()\"prnnr -- Inf"rmati"n L"al-!:lIl' "f ;'\a",..'tll. \'.:J! TIll' Fr('IIl'l\ captlll't'd 1-;111" "Ith fly-
\I()I ·1~2 /,10 111,1
J 11m"" (H,) H"I '"I""I,'d l'I't'SI'!<-1I1 ,,1'1111' :\:111"11:11 (':ttl, : ill~ (',,1,,1'.- TlI,·,da,' "h"11 thl' :\Iain
MISS HARSH"I W TO Jon,·" (I I, ) 17fi III 1111 111 1;lI
I "lie !':\id"n .. l· (;ulld "t th, :1111111.,1 1.'111' a",1 :\1""t,L:"""", 1'''11111, ",'Iurned
:\Iar;:'ar"t 1\:11-1,;1\\. :\"rl"" III Iflr! I'. s. S,-nall'-- i Illl'l.tlllg' (If tilt' \l1'~':llli7.;l1iI111 ,,11]('" ,II' til tht' llld tlllll' l~t'IJLddll';lJ; lllal'g,·lll~.
ll" ( I " (I{) ~j( I~ ,II 111:1 'illl Ili-lrw\,- "hwh h"d ""\1'1' d "I' g'one
v-,'ho J,[junl·d lla~ lflll;tl rl'("'1:11111'lIl wlll'll; 17,1 1:\7 III :11 ,117
Earl<- ([>,) 11111 1It-"I,.,.r"II" III tilt' :'I"k 1':illl,· four
slit' :--HIlg la--1 :'llnd;I.\- ll\"t'r \\',IZ pll' Tlj(' WIld, llf (;ulld J:- 1111 ;1 ("'llll
thl' ~t'aL": ag- l ) ~\\lJlI~ Il~lt'k t i l tllC' tradi-
('. S. ('ongn-ss
tilt' "711 11;,11 : trY-\\"ldl' Ila;-:i~_ ;lIld It 11l('lud,· . . . -lJ'1 11 11 "11;11 11]'fIIHl/ tlllll.... flllll't.,ollllt' or
1 Ill'
!lill('1' (H,) ·1~
I~l 113 ns \·IS 1,1 ~ !'n·al'illlW. radiO alld ;:"""1',,1 ,,,i1,I"'II, ,11I~hl'I', 1.<1«1 I' \11'11"" c':"" Arthur
RlItt"r (D.)
ill it ...; l'lldl'a\llj:-: til ·...;II."t·ad :llltlll-II1,(011l. ,I;tll\l'> :l ldlll;t!lt\- f :1~.-11; :\ar- l
th" \\·(lIlll'II· .... (','111111Ilt1lly ('ltd, III :';;11' Sial" S .. nator facls r,'gardllig ('alh"I,(' IlI'lwf. IlI'l'lli 1;,1;,. .
bt'l'th at tlll'll It'{'~IIJ"('II~ Illlcll!' II' Edllltllllb (H,) ·I~:l /1:, II,IS II~I

• Ta,'ltlr (lJ,) 115 1:\" 1;>1 ·j,iIi W . , (Jill,' III S"utli ,\,,111\"1'1' '\'" ;! and
for prl""ft."I.' of "'will."rllll-!: l'lllil
Local Olllen to JOin I
\\,,·~t :\lalla, UII" did tli(' IJt'lll"nats
Tu,'"lay at 1~,:W at (; I'l'lli 11,\1 Fa rill,. , 111 Play at Pottstown' farl' !>l't!l'r thall t\\p-tU-PIi(' ulJ<krdllgs,
Cad walladl'l' (R,) 425 ~t:\ I Hf) 'l"\il 1;,111
:\11,," lIar,haw, who '" 1l0W :\Ir",: 1'/", I"f, ('/",,,1, H \' . .\'lId, 'II Kalil' (I).) , . " " ... 11:\ l:l:1 1;, I 102 ,I,lf> ~ • 1.. ).' • " ' . ; alld the VlJtt~ wa:..;, far 1'1"11111 t'lu~e in
(j,,"ar 1-:lch"<I, of Brooklyn, will Opl'll, wltll."r 1I11'1II1Iri/ (l 1'[,11/11" will I.e fhl 1,1,1 I rt 'Id, Ills Club of :\Iont-, tit"",· dl"tl"·!.... I"'kd 'ldlttlJIg' was
the lunchl'oli I,y SIl1~lDg the Lurd's lo,n'ile,} 1/I'rt H/(r11I1t. gonll'ry County will Jln'~l'nt "Jlospi-' pral't1l'all\' npll-t'XI~tl'llt· 1:\ , " Haver-
Pray"I·. 1I,'r pro~ram w'\l inl'iud(' a i Narberth Players To Unveil Plaque m ta I't
I y, .. a one-act pay, I at the p ' 1'''1 d, lit" ' hpJlle of Gp\('l'Ilpr Gl'lIrge
group (If (;t'rlllan Llcdl'r :--:ull~:' and (lilt" - _.._ - _ . town 'Nomen', Club on Tuesday eve-. II. ~arl<-, ~plit oilly tp tlte l'xtl'nt uf
of Am"l'Il'all H'Ilg'~. ~hl' will I", <Ie Board 0/ Health Expect Good Season Memory of C. V. Noel ning, November 22. In the cast are II,·"s than a doz"n \'otl'''; ill his favor
compallit'd by :\lj~." :\Iarl-!:arl't Squll'r, Thl' I~:HJ budg-d was sl't at $3000 I
Mr,. Charles E. Neville, Mr". Thomas I a" COlllpUI'l'J with thl' tid-;d.
well-kllowll mU~lc ill"trud"r of ;'\ar- at Ill' I I a,,1 1l1"I'llIlg
' 10' t h e boroug h "Th F' M- F " Mill~, Mrs.'I Walt('r B. Suppl ..e, all of I l" "1 ,'h I .. I 'f ' I
berth. Mi~s lIar~haw, who ~pl'cial- !3"al'll of Hl'allh. I e . ,rst rs, rascr to be' Mcmori.. 1 is Work of Student C' A I F M I :lll II Y', \\ I t I' u I a I t"'b II Ilcar y
C ynwyc l ; .' rs. ,. r ey arnwr, 1 rs.: ' I ' '
ized in Gl'l'mall music at the Juillard G,Ycn December 9th ..t the Bames J h H II 1 1':-.1 b tl l\I ' elg It to unl', and the lIlily dlstl'lct to
(;('orgl' B. Suppl('l', health officer,
ose P S'I ong er'fo A' adr er 1; ~Irs.! gl \'1.' the Republicans 11,\111'(: than 1000
Schoul in I'I'W York and who ,allg rl'p"rted onl' l'U,,(, uf mumps and one an d 10th Foundation g. E . ocum, 0 r more; n rs.
I ' f B 'I Yutl'S, was the uutstandlng 10l'al exam-
on a program in Rochester with Jose "I' ChiCkI'll pox for the munth. Report I G 00 d wyn M . D ans, 0 ryll .• all'l', .
I. L \. ,I 1\1 pie 111' G. O. 1'. pP(\,'(·r.
Iturbi ill :\Iarch, has a rich, full, beau- was also madl' of the progress of MANY AT MEETING TUES COMMITTEE IS FORMING an< I 1\1 rs. II eruert e' an, anu rs. .
l'\arbl'rth turnl'd III witacklng tlltals
tifully traim'd cuntralto voice. "<Irk oil Iht· n'paving of Windsor ave- J o h n S pa(' th , 0 l' L anStI a I!'. of 2Ull for Jame~ to -1~ti fill' Junes;
Gue~ts of the club who will be in- IlUt' and oil Ihe installation of the In spitl' of it hping t'lectinn night- l'nv('ilin~ of a bronze plaque in
202a for DaVIS t<l -1bti fUI' ~al'!l', and
truduced by the club president, l\lrs. ~Illrm s('Wl'r on Ikechwuod lane.
E. W. Hl'ymann, are: Mrs. Charles
and a rainy on('--the attendance at memory ni Charlps V. Noel will occur
the monthly meeting of the' Narberth at Elm Hall on Monday, Decemh('r
Planners Ponder nearly identical totals for thl' rest of
the vallot.
R. Ridington, first vice-prl'sident-at-
Former Pastor in Players, Tuesclay ev('ning, was thp 26, Ifl38, \~'hj('h is the first annin'r- Parking Problem Sl'llator Davis It'd thl' tll:ket in
large of the Pennsylvania Federation; largest since the Players have been sary of th:e Fire Chief's d('ath. ,Luwer Merion, pllllll1g' a tutal of
Mrs. John Nichols Adee, presidl'nt (If
the Montgon1l'ry county Fl'deration of
Collision meeting at Elm Hall. A committee is heing organizpd for Borough Commission Told Merits' 12,G02 \'ut"s ill the Hl Yutlllg precincts
A fin(' program was enjoyed and the forma.l occasion which is planned 0/ 3D-Minute Law I to :JIGI fur ~arle in the St'nate con-
Women's Clubs; 1\lrs, Juhn D. Gill, the one-act play presentation rc- and it is expected there will be a nu-
state chairman of intprnational rela- Escapes Iniury When Autos Crash; cpived a mo"t unusual ovation. Ex- merous attendance.
test. I
Lcft-Hand Turn Responsible B. G. Simpson, chairman of tIl<' ;,\ar'l Judge Jallll'S flllillwed clos"ly with
tions; Mrs. H. S. Brown, second vicl'-
president of the Junior Woml'n', Club
cpllent work was done by a cast in- The plaque was conceived by Dr. I
berth Planning Comuissioll, stated at a tlltal ~'lIle of 12,520 tl.) :l2ti~ for
cluding Grace Wernpr, William Hand, Albert C. flarnes, who del ('gated its
'. of Narberth. R"v. John Van ;,\('s" pastor emeri- RohPrt Wells and Jean Sutherland.
Also tIl{' fullowing club presidl'nts: IU~ of :--.iarberth Presbyterian Church,
('xecution to Marcella Brouda, nnw an
the meeting of the commission on Jonl's. Congrl'sslllan J. \\ i1llam DIL-
Monday evelling that general co-opera-llL.r plll!"d 12,5:l~1 t,: :l2bl for his Demo-
The guest speaker of the evening advanced student at the Rarnes Foun- tion should be expected in the ob- CI'atlc 0l'p<lnellt, Carroll L. I{utler.
Mrs. Edwin Brown, Woman's Club l'~caped injury in a collision with a was Anthony Wayne Robinson, 3rd, of dation, ha "i ng previously pursued her servance of the nt'W parking r ..gula- Franklin SpenceI' Edmonds, Re-
of Ardmorl'; :\1 r~. R. Benjamin Smith, machine driven by ,J uhn Conlin, Phil a- the Shawnee Player, and Alden Guild art ~tud ir,; in Philadelphia and tions in the business s('Ctioll. puvllcan candidate fol' ,statl' Senator,
Woman's Club of Bryn Mawr; Mrs. dulphia, on Sunday. Players, who plans to mO\'e to Nar- Europe. lIer work has been pxhib- Mr. Simpsun pointed uut that thl' received a similar majority over Fran-
• Rus~l'1l Callow, Woman's Club uf The accident occurred at Montgom-
berth this month. ited in many of the leading" art cen- allotted time should be ample fur or- cis R. Tay'IUI', l'l'cl'i\'ulg' 12,535 votes
Bala-Cynwyd; ~I rs. F. G. Myers, pry and Wuodbine avenues when Dr. ters in Atllerica.
Always an enjoyable feature--eom- dinary shopping needs and that when t<l :J227 for Ta~'lor.
Woman's Club of Con,huhockenj Mrs. Van N es, made a left-hand turn in munity singing-gave ev('ryone a good The present plaque is dpscribed as a longer time was required hy citizen~ Lambert Cadwallader, of Villanova,
J. Hansdl Fr'ellch, Community Club frullt of Conlin's car. A third machine time. Mrs. Ed Pollack was at the pi- - a particular triumph in the l'xtraor-
for special purposes, cars should be representative in the General Assem-
(f Cullegeville; Mrs, R. W. Wright, was grazed in the mix-up and Con-
ano and Mat Callahan led the singing. dinary di sCe'rnment which has been parked in those areas where no re- uly from the First IPgislative district,
Abington Civic Club; Mrs. A. V. lin's car suffered a broken wheel. achieved. strict ions have been made. polled 12,526 votes in Lowl'!' ;\Ierion,
Ti"dale, Century Club of rott~town; Announcement was made of the E .J
. d' "Th F' t .ngrosse" r(',nlutions will also 1)(' The proper spirit, according to to :J226 for Joseph G. Kane, Demo-
Mrs. John E. Sdton, Old York Road n('xt major pro uctlOn, e Irs d
Dr. Town Chosen " F .. h ' J hE' I presente . Chairman Simpson, would n . sult in I crat, of Bridgl>pol't.
Comtemporary Club; :\Irs. L. \\'alter
Will Examine Schoot Students
II'J r~. raser, y St. 0 n .r'.'II1P, to, 'I M r. N oeI' seat d h , w h'l . I v ('n-
I e actIve the use of the limited spaces on Ha\'- Samuel S. u'wis, candidate for
• Heiss, Woman', Club of Jenkintown; he presented Decemher 9 and 10-1Il-
stead of Decemb('r 2 and 3.
d' fl hl'
Igage III g IIlg a ar ert re,
N b h' fi
erford avenue being made available Lieutenant Governor, polled 12,489
Mrs. FredlTick Ellis, Hathaway I brought to a clos(' a long and valuable to many mure patrons of the stores, votes to 3250 for Leo C. :\1 undy.
Shakespeare Club; :\Irs. Roy Schwei- At tIll' fl'gular monthly meeting of A number of npw mpmhers wpre I career ns a leader in the community.
and therefore add to the great('r con- Wdliam S. Livl'l\go(HI, Jr., candi-
ker, \\'oman's Club of Lallsda"'; :\Irs. Ill<' borough school hoard held Mon- accepted and prospects for the com-I As leader of the Rppublican forces in
venience of the community-at-Ian~l" date for Secretary of Internal Af-
Harry Eg;n.. r, Everywoman's Club of day night, Dr. ~. C. Town, 200 N. ing' years are most encouraging. I Narberth. fire chid and horough sec- The Planning Commi,sion !lI'ogram fairs, received 12,45:J vutl'S tu :J288
Glenside; l\hs. O. O. Holfmall, Wom- Narberth, wa, appointed to take l retary, h~ had fill('d a large place in includes practically all f('alul'es of for Thomas A. Logue.
an's Civic Club of Nurth Wa"',; 1\1rs. charge of mt'dil'al examinations for
James Willsi .. , Woman's Club of borough publ ic "chool ,tudents. De- Photography Exhibit : communi(~ atfairf~.
community construction and many pro- The G. O. P. carri ..d all three vot-
posed changl's are receiving studied ing districts in the Borough by wide
Put!stow n; :\Irs. F. L. Gager, !\Iunt- ci"iun was made aft!'r Principal Dren- Sponsored by Merion Cricket Please Itemove the attention. margins, getting out a hi~h percent-
gomery Cou nly League of \\' omen lien had asked for medical tests in or- Club
• Voters; Mrs. F. :\1. Garver, The dt-r to maintain a check-up for possi- $1000 Bills at Once age of the registered vute. Heaviest
Neighbors, Hatboro; Mrs. W. Z. bl,· physical dl'fects.
Thl' ,econd annual photographic ex- N('w ~(ain Line telephone direc-
~Y' Groups Organize voting took place in the Secund dis-
trict, where the Repuulican guberna-
Cope, Soulh'rtoll-Telfllrd \\'oman's Utht'r busin,·s~ of the meeting in-
hibit for members of the Merion I tories will be delivered in Narberth New Life in New Management turial candIdate n'ceiVL'd ~01 vutes to
Club, and :\1 rs. Clara Bruke, Wh,te- cludt~1 authorization for payment of
Cricket club will. be held m the h-I and vieill ily next Monday, Tuesday 175 for his opponent.
mar~h Woman's Club. $If',:H,2,;,O tuition to Luwer Merion
brary of the mam clubhouse, Mont-I and Wednesday, it was announced to- The Main Line Y. M. C. A., recently Congressman Ditter received 2008
The hospitality committ('l' will Ill' for :-.Iarberth students and the pur- gomt'ry av('nue, December 19 to Janu-iday by [Jonald M. Huber, district
reorganized and [('opened at A rel- votes in the three distl'icts of the
hoste~sl's for thl' day, with :\Irs. ,J. D. chase of Ill-W ventian blinds for the
ary 4. ! manager for the Bell Telephone Com- more, is rec('iving numerous reque,ts Borough t,) 502 for his oppunent, Car-
Sutherland in charge of thl' luncht-oll principal's office.
Prizes will be awarded by a jury i pany of Pennsylvania. tu assist in the starting of ~'oung roll L. Rutter.
and :\1 rs. J. Eo Burrell of n'~l'rvaliom:,
consisting of Juhn P. Mudd, Carroll Th(' ne~' is,ue contains 468 pages peuple's gruups. Franklin SpenCt'r Edmonds pulled
• which must bl' in to her by Sunday, Tap Room Robber Trapped Fry, John Allen, Alfred A. DeLardi and 75 nen will distribute 36,000 E. W. Barnes, secretary, reports 2010 to 502 fur Francis R. Taylor.
November la.
On Odober 20 the taproom oper- and Edward W. Quigley. Prints may copies to subscribers in the Narberth, that a 'group of girls and young Lambert Cadwalader recei\'ed 2007
atpd hy Da\'id Mawhinney, at Mont- be submitte<l up to December 15. Ardmore, Ilerwyn, Bryn Mawr, Cyn- women interested in the study of in- votes to 50-1 for Joseph G. Kane.
Political Pot
g'olllery and Brookhurst, was entert-d t wyd, Malvern, Merion, Newtown terior decorating and sewing has al- For Lil'utenant Governur, Samuel S.
and robbed of $26. :-.low, township M cV ickar Tells Rotary i Square, Paoli and Wayne exchange ready met to lay plans for a club. Lewis had Hl~~ to 495 for Leo C.
of Inspector lob !area s . Another group, with purpose to train Mundy.
The Rl'publican victory Tuesday police announce apprehension of th ..
was pn'cl'dl'd by many last minute ral- culprit.
I "Ill-cause hundreds of new and leaders
. ht for discussion, organized last For Secretary of Internal Affairs,
lil's. Probably the most outstanding Jack Rahn, 19, of 119 North Edg'l" The duties of a postal inspector: changed numbers appear in the new m~h' "y" I t'd _ h . I William S. Livengood, Jr., polled 1998
e pans 0 al groups, C UIC 1; to 506 for Thomas A. Logue.
g'athel'ing was that hpld in Ardmore mont, Philadelphia, a caddy at Llan- were explained Tuesday to the Bala-: edition, considerable time will be
• Monday night when Main Line Demo- erch Country Club, was picked up on Cynwyd-Narberth Rotary Club byisaved if telepho~e users refer to the
and otherwlsl', sOCIal to choral, III 01'- I

crats heartl Governor Earle deliver ,u~picinn by Patrolman George Pot- Matthew McVickar, of Bala-Cynwyd" bouk befOTe placlllg calls, Mr. Powell
ganizing and will he glad to take I . .
care of calls for help on problems of, Mrs. Gill Quahfies as
his final campaign speech. A parade ter, of the horough, and has con- United States Postal Inspector. ;explained. such clubs. I Teacher and Lecturer
. . . i "Telephone directories now in use
.' and mil itary display, with a drum fessed the crime.
ami bugle corps ca,pturin g main atten-II
tion, \\'('re forerunners of the rally.
. The speaker enlivened. hIS . ,\\·'11
d(,scrlp- I b e co() II e ted
Magistrate Walter ~. Lownes, Jr., twn of the ~cope of the Job With per-: for subsnibers to look through the
held Rahn III $1000 bal! for court on sonal experiences encountered 111 th.. a
. .
c . It mIg· . ht 'be we II

p ges 0 f t'-lIel'r 0 ld b 00 k s, "M r. H u b er

Youths Fined Suzanne Joret Gill, of Suzanne's
Beauty Salon, 216 Dudley avenue,
"!Ip an., effort to"extriCate his car
1\I,'mhl'rs of the Young R('publican charges of breaking, entering and course of hIS dutIes. 'cautioned. "Money and valuable Narberth, has pa~sed the State Board
w h ich was .Ill i n'd-iTr-wftground ,.,st-a n-
Club of ;'\arb.. rth received ek-etion n--I r<lbl)(-r~·. TIll' youth admittpd having Examinatiun as teacher and lecturer
'papers are sometimes placed in tele- ley Baginski, \\'t-~t Conshohuck('n, tore
turns via radio and ('Il.ioyed a party,; be('n in the establishment whpn Maw· in Beauty Culture.
Motor Registrations in Mail Iphone books during their months uf down and made use of a large sign
dancl' and r<'freshments while doing hinney put money away and having 1\lrs. Gill is alsu vice-president of the
Applications for Hl39 motor vphie!<' usage." on the estate of J uhn A. Lafore, Penn
so. j\1<'muprs and their friends gath- later entered the taproom by ureal<- :-':ational Cosmetician Association and
registration pla~s wpnt into till' mail: \·allt,y. At the tuwnship pulice sta-
erl'd at the A rl'adia election night to ing glass in a rear door. treasurer of the Philadelphia Chapter
from Harrishurg this wpek. N,·di·: Township Building is ll',n, the youth was fineJ $6.00 for
await )'<,turns. of Cosmeticians.
gence in rpporting changp in addl'l'~' Close to That of 1937 malicious misch ief and onlered to
Rummage Sale
have' thl' ,ign repaired and rehung.
D, A. R. to Hold Luncheon TIl<' boroug-h Parent- Tl-achel' as~o- will result in failurp to obtain appli· Mrs. McCartney 011 Two Boards
Two lI1ell arr('sted by Lower Mer-
The Dr. Benjamin Rush Chapter of: ciation will hold a rummage sale De- catiuns, ,inee law prohibits forward, j\'l'arIy a half million dollars in
ion police, charged with drunken Mrs. Samuel J. McCartnpy, of
N. S. D. A. R. will hold a desliert Cl'mber 17. Mrs. Haynes F. Darnes, ing of the same to th(' nl'\\' add n·ss.: ne\\' bui Iiling was started in Lower driving, were sent('nced in county \Voodside avenue, was appointed as
~tatl' law I'('(luires filing of notic.. l\Ierion TOlVn~hip last month, accord-
luncheon and meeting on Monday, chairman of the finance and budget cour( last week. They are: Jo,eph director of the Nal'berth Public Li-
November 21, at 1 P. M. at the home l'olllmittee i, in charge. Donations of of change of address with the Bureau: ing to a report by C. E. Rahll, super- Hoyle, finNI $100 and costs; James M. brary and al,o of the c Rl'creation
of Mrs. R. A. Mizner, 101 Woodbine cast-off clothing or other articles may of, Motor Vehicles, Harrisburg, with-:' in(endent of building inspection. Gain, Paxinos, fined $200 and also Boai'll at the met-ting on Thursday,
avenue, Narberth. Mrs. J. H. Baker be spnt to the school, or will be col- in 4S hours of its occurrence. Blanks: October"s construction brought the ~t'nteneed tu fou I' months in jail. November 3.
is the co-hostess. I..!'t.·d if Mrs. Da mes is notified. for recording' this changp muy he ob-: total for the year to $4,202,865, a
tained f!'Om magistrates, notaries, or' slight in<:rease over the same ten-
• Recreation Board Meets
direct from the department. [month period uf 1937. A total of 129
permits w"cre issued in October.
Cherry Lane Woods to be Built Up
Rabid Dogs Reported Two apal·tment buildings are to cost Haunt oj Scouts Will be Split Into Lots
• Playground Impro..,ement Sanctioncd
The township Board of Health has $153,000. Eight single family dwell-
ings amounted to $129,500. Permits Scouts and nature lovers who have into two-acre sites.
At a meeting of the borough recre- and the lengthening of the summer received reports that two dogs under found the Charles Keith tract on The tract had been in the posses-
sports season. Reports showed that suspicion tested rabid. Owners of the for alterations and. additions total
ation board held last Thursday, ap- Cherry lane, Wynnewood, a rendez- sion of the Keith family for more
$20,465. Permits for oil burning
proval was given to plans to build participants in playground activities dog!! are Frank W. Cortright, 116 vous for bird and plant study, to say than 50 years. It contains 24 acres
averaged 160 per day. Wynnedale, Narberth, and Gordon equipment total $22,296.
another tennis court, to raise the level nothing of doggie roasts, will miss and is heavily wooded, rolling land
Mrs. S. J. McCartney succeeds Mrs. Smith, 31 Snowden, Cynwyd. The district summary showed the
of existing courts to prevent flooding that woods. McMullin and McMullin, with several beautiful streams run-
Edna Rinehart as board member. Since both dogs had been quaran- largest nu mber of permits were issued
by rain, and to lengthen the paddle brokers, report the sale of the prop- ning through. Many a scout has
courts. Other members are: Dr. LeRoy A. tined in veterinary hospitals, it is be- for the North Ardmore district, which practiced fire making here, to say
also led irl the amount of valuations, erty to Frank H. Wilson, Ardmore
• The board anticipates the purchase King, Clarence Kaeber, Jr., Frank J. lieved that neither had any contact builder, who will sub-divide the land nothing of camping out.
with other pets. $165,614, In other districts:
of additional playground equipment Dwyer, Henry P. Carr.
" " .1,',: - ; ~ ,.' "'.1 . ..," ,., ....

TOWN and TOWNSHIP Noyember 11, 1938


:~.~:',~Sl:-:'.~d'~:~':~:,~:~S'h!I ~:~:,~~.,'it,h.~" ,~~.:~"
Unscratched FI'r 26 years the

F()\l 11111"t I~' I'. 11"

111" :--';.11 Il"1 1 I. ('I \ i,
a~ Ill' I~ 1'1 1\\' ~ ,11101 .'11-
Edltl" '.~ .1 1 •11 , lit' /11:-. 11\1,11 tllTI:-.lllll and Jll'xt ('XCltl'llll'lIt III 11111' \\!l1 III tIll I Goodwear Shoe Repair
ARROl"\al Illl1.
la,~,-'r1. l:.:iS. 10 ~I" " ' . it,Ir\lll'l!L;J.II~',
"""",01, al'oI \\1111 llll' IJ('~t \\1.,11." 1'1'11111 ""\III~' "I' tl1,' TI,alll.-,!I\i"jC 1'"1.,,\ ~ has done "particlIl.n \,ork for particular people"-with
L< I't,.· I'" ~1I'rl'I'1 l"W'I~I.rp ;.11 ,'''I'''' 111,01, Iii lal.l' Ul' a I'lty lil'l.l \1
_ I .... :.........
', , J l III' 1'1'11
I J , "II'
~ I LII'
L' I
re,honahlc prices for good \,ork on allY kind of shoe"

III' LII;;I' IlIIIIIIJtallt'I't \\ilt'n'll1~ ullqul·:"'I~II(.\', 11:1:--

tlll/lI'd ,-kill III Iluldll'lty and apt t·X- 11;·1....; qu:d;ti.'d ll~ .... Lltl· 1.. 1;[1.1 1 \:1111
ill~t 1'.'('1'1\1''\ ""Ill t11:d -II.
Speciali7ing in corrective work,

11;1' I-r f,,! ,I \" '\." I I" TI I 1'_1 !llt· ........ lltll \\111 Ila\(· a II1IJadl-r tit·ld. Illat!(lll."'; a:-: a tt';lclJ"1 ;lllrI ]II'IIIII'! "II 252 Haverford Avenue B. G. Constantine
1-1.\ III ,I' r;1 I '" r·
\\ I: .1 T
III llll' 1'\'\\' \,'lIlun' lJl~ l,n'"l,J..:" al,t1 IW:ltlt.\ I'll It il rt', \11'- (; II_ t I I ;1-11 I' I

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... Il"ldd, (tJ!

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Illl'! Il"l all."":. I'" \ It-I' 1111' I,ll lit ,·1 1 ill
ill AIIII!"'I" I ~.I i.t 1'\ 1,\\ \
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\ \ .\ !.I,' \\ " .. d ;llldllt.:-- ... llllldd lit' tIll' Get vOllr Christmas gifts here

Illllldt'lJ! ld· I;ljlll' ,11(';11 II ,-:r!, lit, l·I,,,. Ii 'II

'\..,il,_·1 ,I,; fld ;tlir! II LJlt jill >t'l \ 1\'" \\ Illcll Ill' /1'11 tIll' :\. IVt /111" r t 1'1 I I 1,1 t 1<1 1"111.1., -for the house, many lIseful
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'1 t. lit \\ ./J III ;dl·Jt til d,' 111- lull :\ : LI I II ·I't II; ,11.ll!1 (. ( i ,I I I" . 1."1 I 1.:11.1 .. - -for the children, toys and
t II I I , ~~... :'1 I I .\1; II 1\ :--- 11,ll
Iru1.)\. ]';n\ t-,nlwr I 1_ I q';K .... t 1; I I I' ; ! I , tIll I ' ,I I III til I I...... \\ II ., ., I • ttl', I Illll II; I t Ill, I
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tt:I 1"':1101. I,: ,,' I, I"~ 11,\1 'I":,,,
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Ernest A . H enry H Ol JSEH 'RNISllH'\(iS
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( , , /'" 1i' I II .... \ I I. ;\Ild I" 1'1 I I I \ I II" 1,111, T'II',lll'

li,'i,1 'I'",i .. ,\ \\.Iliid II' 111111.

I J 110101,11'1. l'Jl'l.p 1..\.ll~-t"l. .\ 11.111 J; I ~ t, I I 1.• 111 '

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I 1 II . , ; 1\'( • I oj J ~ 1},~ t" l' Illllj " • II I Of I ).1 I I!
"Ill lIlah"'S oj /Jinclcs repaired
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" I"
g"\I'!'):!1 ",':;" ,I' : i I' ~ \ \\ I
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II' 1" I I, I, ",\' I ' ,,' 'I" ,I" ,_' 1,1 1 .. i'·\. 1i .11 ; I "I I,. :...:, >l J, .,1 tIll 111'\\ 1,1.11, I III, ,ill" I' ,\1 .11 I"~ ,Ii'

, , I'IIO;,\;O(jR,,\I'I/ IH:CORllS; \',,,I<.r, C"lotlllhi,\' Brunswi"k, /) .. n',I.

hi,;tl ll ,'1 ,;l!l \\ .1 .... 11 1 .... I'I·I·I:J I./III~ IJI .1 t .... ! ,I I I I I I ; I ~ , ',I ! I I I I 1\ II \,,/111'11 ;IJI' Jl1 1'1'1". :','" til 111;li,I' tIl. 1.1',1,' I. I I ~: ( I" ) J 'III I , "I ':' ,". , ! I "I' f ,', Bille Bird, "\)('_II,on .. \lhuT11 ,,('t".. ft'(llro pl.l\'('r~. ;H'n''i~llrit·s
',llllotl;1 t'll ! .. ' ! l 1I-1 Illl ;11,01 dI t lit' 111,1 j /."11. ( I : ,I' I~ j : I I :.'. j t R,\l 1I0 S,\lrS ,Ind SrR \'(T,
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' .• ,1 III .~IJlIlIII..·'Jd ra('ILt~. tIll "\'.\, i,I'1 1',1" I" I ",I I!il 10.1 11-1 \\" 1.."'LI'l('r, Ardlll"r,'
bl"il'1.III: 1 i! 1111.1'1' !1[·l':IIJ .... 1 tl~. 1111' , ' I I IJ 1 I I 1'.\ 1I 1, r I 1 ,\ I. I' ~ t· I I I I \ ,\' .
Iii!! II ';.11 ....I' ,\1, 'I" I, II ii!)" I ~ I :\rdlllon' ,l-t22_ ([,(. JlJl C;)
/:,,1 ,\ "" Ii
JIlt II'" ,"'r:;,: II \\ d - II'> 1 (I ill' 111\111I1
Jill J.I! llill \\ .il lIt· \I.:-tt·d :11 ;1 111,1 -1,,,\"., ,I . I ~. I , ! I.,~ I r
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t I i l L l I . I, l, I \ I " ~ .' . I ~ ,: !. ,1 I' . !

-p() ~1t~rll.~'H1H'n : \ \ "11th', Bn n ~1.I,,·r B, 1\1, 1022
.. ! '\ . . f·1 ... 1;1"k.·! II
; .1 ,j 'I
,\'( I 1"l1llL fAct TTY I,\'CU'DES:
'1'1'111' 111:lll,\ .1\' 111.' ;11 1 1'1 .111 11 Ill',,:
I " .... i:"';! .... II'...!
I I. I ,01. JI ~ t· I I r l'l II I j II II it J , I .\ ... 1 t.
JO\l"f \X·is ...,,"'·, PI_IIHl: Imperi.1) Cnn .. ('r\·,llon·, RlIs"ia: Soloi",t ",'ith
:\ lllt·ll •. '\ (. I t I ~
II~'.'J 11 I III I 1'1'1111'11 ;11111. 1111'[ \ 111;11 Jj \ , J II I 11.1 11 t" . . . t, 11111 Il't I '11t",~ l'"j j \ It" ! ,I 1,1 ': I
I'hil,,,J..lplll,) Or,h",lr,1 I",d,'r Orm,llld,' /),'c"ll1l",r 2, 1,1918
tll".\ ;11'1' llHlk 1111 ;1~;jll1 11l"lr Illl . . ~ ... \\.1 .... 111' ;11:11 1 '1111"1'111.111 tt!' ;1 111'
" II, \ll;11
" (f"urth aplwarance),
»;L,-I 1'- 1,.\, ;111,1 ;1 II II" Konrad l';1·ugt·r, \'Oln': J\ll'tfopoliLIr1 Opt'ra Chnru'i·Mastf'r. fornH'rly
ill ,'1\ II 1,1',' \\1",1'" ;1".11 I"" II,,' 111"".1,,", -I,"lIdll'C: .11'1\"1.\ 11,,' ,';1 - I I rll I', ,II, " t :11 I" I", Conductor \'a'fln,1. I.t.'iplig .Ind l\.-lunich Opt'r,ls, Professor at Royal
(·II'l(I.L:II t·lrlllIIIJttlll·llt .....
I~, 1'1"'-"1,
tl'\lIII.:" ,111,1 1",,"'111 11';11 11",,'" 11"1" "i,',I"I" 1I1i1'II"- 1'1]'1' hllt! .... !· thl Ill" I Ii J r I~' ;1 Itt· I • ·k(·1 I' '1 I
A,'"demy of J\1u,i.-. J\lunich, T",'Cher of ll1,llly Metropolilan and
Lt·l Ii 11I;lril- t'l ;ll·l\lllll· Jl/cal (1\\ IWI ..... IIIJ •• [urop",ln Op,'ra Sl,lrs,
aI'" ",,1 1",11' "111>11:.'1, "1'11,,.,11 ito 1'1 , ~",H\" ,,\ \""1'1,"'11 1I11',i,,1' ',1'1"111' II,d ,'LlI .\~ilol)ll;d iL1111.- uf .:\<11 111'1 til
I';l.!lill·:-- ;11111 .... til·l, \\1 II t" 1>1 l'· I
OTTO MEyrR, \'iolin: :\nll'riC;lll Reprn.. rtlali\'l' of Prof. Olakar
Ital''' ;" 11"',1' 11"l'k, I" Itll 1111 III' '"'" \\111, 11"1'1'",,,1"111 111\\'11,11111:.' II.ld t,: t.Jt" til ;11 tl·r! tIl 1lt'111 i.H·l'111Illrll ... 11 " ,,1';1-" \\;,- "II ~ 'I'l" "d, 1""w,ld I .. St'\'cik, Pra ..~uc, Pupil "f S,'\'cik and Y saYI',
!'I'nc!l'r a i . . t ;l1l(·I. 1:1'1 t Ill' I ,till I \\. ;1 ..
illtl'''I'!;11I1 1'1;",,'" ,\1' 01"1,;'10-1, 1,1'1'11"" '''II 111'.1 ", ;'1' til., \\ lllC]1 III·j I ,<lII>t I <t tl-,.... ag~llll till
11\1 t III t III' ell ,1]'.1'1:, 1 J' til
It , I ';' ... \\. I
IltTd 11r' 11i.!\ all i.l,-..:;.!.ll' .......- l \ l ' lill.tllt·laJ
\\1,;11 1';'1'111'11,,01 I" "III' """1111',\, II ,\,11101" oI"I,LI,\ "I' 1'1'1"11011111' 111111·1\ .... ll(llll )Il~ ;tll'! tll'll Ii 11 ,.,' \\ 1;11
lll.,t.tllt,llli 111'11·~11'llut.--, :'11', ~\l\·tz,
ltal'I"'II,,oI 1<1 101111'1" ,\ 1,,1 "I' 11,,' \I 111,,1, 1"1'1 II". ";'1', 1,,1 c:11,'''III:.' , 'II.... t lit' ~ I!I· "'1·1 III II I j 11.1" 1 I:, :I11I >
,~I'J' ~llid Ili.~ dIJt·l·tt)I.~ .... llllll1d til I'"".
('1'1':1111 t'nllli lIlt' 11111 lIt' till' I1l111!. ;IIIIJltlllll'I'(! ;1 LII' r";ll,IIIIJ~ 11I'tl~,!"I';1111 \\'lJI II t h., 1'1""\\ '! 11:1.1 ell ;11 I rl III t ,.
]'III)!' lltt d 1('1 tilt· .... tdl ..... talllLal :llt! tilt ~
IIa, 1""'11 1'<1111,.,01 01"11'" 11,,' 011';1111' I" ,1"'1,:.'11"'11 1,"II"IIIt! ,1,'1'<'11'" ;11111 .tnl>lllt-d,
I'll ..... 1l It \\ ;1"'; 111ilHI- d>lf' t"

,1111 ~II,,,I ,llIlIlIi"I,'
11"]"p'- 1l:llllt· ,rll!' 1:11:..'1
'1'11\' 1,111., 111;11" I,,!'I " 1111111'11',\ \'\ ",!';IIIIIIIIc: I"il.- ,j",,- II"t liI",lIl tltat ll", 1';11,1,
t'l'.'alll, \'"1 ""'I't I"'~III I" 1'1'111;': 11,,' 1"'1\;'1" 1'''\1''1' L",11,1i'" 1l,'!;lil, \\a ..... a ...... l\l,d til lialttl uut tIl(' 111(11l('~ \\ltll
LIY t'ld.1 U]llltl tilt· 1':1\ lliit Ilt. Couturiere •
At a :'I"'l'lal ."'-.'1"", til,' I .. '''II~II
r,',1 III' 11,11' 1"1\1 it' 11I1 III 1';11' I, 11 1111',,11., '1"'"oIllI~ III 1"",1 ,;;~,IIII,I, Ilut j',·ft·/l'IlC"- til till' u .. ual ;-.aft·.~ualli~
I'lllllll'il JllIl'l'h:t-l d ;1 III \'. r"l rI (edll"
Custom made
:lIlt! a .......... Ul"<tIlt't' Ill' n-paylll('llt, a:-, alllJd
allY 1I">lld,'1' Iltal tilt' 111".\" "I' 1'11111 111111,'11"1 III til,' 11,',1 1\\<1 ,\1';11', ;1 11l l'1'ldacl' Illlt· 1111\\' III Il-(' 11.\ till' !lfl-

l'.atilJl! I, 1I1l!,,,lall"I'd '.' Till'

,.\d ,III" 011111101" 1Ill' 1"""'111 I';lft' ,,j' ";11"
.";l-CUll1y and guaranty Wt·rt·, Ilf l'IIUI :-t·,
JUT t!1'par111wnt, :\ I'adill :--1'lldrll~' . . . I·t Gowns, & Tailoring
tl loIlt-n·d, \\Itil a n·ducllllJ1 III th(' )lllt'"
world 1I1,('ds palll'l1l,.'-a 111';11 1 " ,;t! ""1"'110111111'1' 1',1' 1111' illdll"II',1 \1 ill Ill' ill"tallt-d alld till' 1'.'1'.'1\ lilt: ,.'t
I" lI)g' Iliad., ,'at'h Illtll,th, :\"I"'l'tlll"
tl"all..... (\·I'l"ld fr.llll tlj(' (rid cal".
[lali"II"I' alld a 1111 II' kll',1 II'lId;, illid ]'lIyill:,! ~lInil'il'lIt (''1 l1i l'llIl'1I1 1.,,_,_, 1I1t'I't' "h"uld I... I'ublic 1'1'1'111'11"
:\ oI"Z.'11 1IlI'lId",r- "I' tl1. IIar,,]oI 1708 Locust Sm'el. Philadl'Iphia Pennypacker 7830
III 110101 1,,:,:11,'111111'''1''''1'"\\''1' Ill.', t,"11 "f tl" fad that Ih., Balli, al'l'al I). ~ll('akll1all J'1l .... t •• \IIII·I·jeal! l.t·gil11I,
Shop Talk ,\ '" I il I . . . ('lltly ..... a \\' I II tilt, :--lll)'11 til' tIlt, tll"C;L .... II ill
1';11 1 ;1 1 '11,\
alllltl.~t all !:\:ll't parallt'l to tl1" . . I· ('J/
lIe :\arlwrth. :il't "'1'1'\ ltlg' tilt' (-(1111-

,/,111' II'I'I'!;" 1,.11111111 "I' '/'''11 .... /I"ri ';II'/. I .... 11/11,\ I Ill' III" I "I;I!!" I I' 11I11l11t, "' all "f1i"I,,1 ""I"tt'lly: 1-'1 all!;
l'UIII"[;illl'",, 1\llIl'h !'t'"ultl'd III it~ 1111 I,
'1'.1\\' .... "1111· '" a Il'd'III" t<l IIII' "" 11];111'" ~II 1111'1111~11 a", ",111,,1111," I. .. Xistt'III'" alld its "UI)~.'qlH'lll 1l11!,1",' ,\, ~eh!'t'I'f,'r, BIII't:.,:,-; \\'''I,a'il II,
(Jjlt'l';\ll\t' 1ll'\\ .... ~;lt lll'l'ill~ "II,illyl'll ,,,,111 \ !.:1',,;tl.'1' t· \ I ';1 I I""" It III \I jill'" II II 1\ .... 1\(· g'l"u\\'tli, !tl'llt-\· It .... n·rl"l,>lllll,l..: (' 011 PUl'hin. ftlrlllt ('ll\lll('illnall. 1111\\ :\ The
Il]('IIl!'t'l' Ilf tltl' Pl~llilllllL' ('lllllIllJ.... ,... illll:
It,\ 11,1' 1'lIl1lll1lllllly 11111"'1', II ,'"III''' I: "",11"111 IIII~ 111',\ "'lit t" tit" ]"all \\'111'11 thl' j't'qllt',-t ""
National Bank of Narberth
I' II", ;1111 I,"1<1
:\ JtIIUI' I., ('''''!;'', 111"11,1,,1' <If th, B"arol
til yllll a.... :-'11111l'111111~ 11111 1 1111 ' ;1
I,ti., 1111111,11',\', 1';'1"tI "III"I'C:"III'"
,,1' Ilt-allll; 1,:,,1"'1" <'. (',,1111'-, \11"- III ,-I 1'1"""1111'.1 tIl It.

11;11 " '1' \1'111111111 ;ill 1"lit,,1' Til" ~;'1' frlrtll lilt· ",'111141111[1' dlt~IHI11""1·. pl'",iol"lIt ,,1' til., ~ .. htl,>I H<I"'oI: tilt'
III l,oI'I"l'ial dirl,,'II"11 ,""'111" \", ,,'I' '1',' ,1,11101<11\ II III 1'1"" 111"1 i,,"
~Il fal' till' !'l't,j"J't I..; 1111 a , .. If'~IIJ'
!lld·till.e.· Ila .... l:', ha\'lllg thn-I' drdlal" . . III
H.,\', 1{"I"'l't E, h"I'!llt,,", .. il,q,lalll ,,1' • Deposits Insured under the Govf'rnmcnt Plan •
\.'il '''',' <If I lit' !'t'" :!II;I I II >II III' t I II' f.",k I,L",,' 1"'1 '1'1'111:.' ;11101 '111111111'1' ";j,h al,d aJ','"Ullb jill' I'\','ry d,>llal' It til,' I'".'t, 1'1'I-ld,'I,t ,,1' th" I.lj,ral',\
!l"al'oI "I' Tl'u_I.,.,~: F,all!; .1. Ih\'y,'r, • Hnnbt'Y 0/ Federal Rescryt ~rstem • •
P rn'i<lll' pil"t It <'1'" 1', , tilt' ;11'1'<11111, \\';\ .... it .... 11'11I1~ t1,']JI'I· ......... HIII LII-l11t' Hy "\\1''', alld ,t..; dl'!)t tf) the bank is ollly Illt'lIilll'l' of till- HI·t·rl·atlll)l HI';I!'d: .JolllI
1111'111 ,,1' a "'II'I'I'~'"I', I Ill' ';11111' l<lk.'II, III" 1I11111<11;,'d 1">1' al><lut ~tJ', of its fJ'unchi~e wOl'th a, :\. :\111\\"I'(·r • .J 1' .• IlflJ'tlul:11 audltl'l': 11111'- • Open at 8 A. M. daily for your convenience •
'1'" l'l'lll'galllz,' 1111' J'uloll,llillg 111'1'1''' \ "lilt' IJ1 III 1'1" " 111,'1 11111 ;I 1I,j ~lIl'h \'aIUI'" a 1'1' 1't'l'!;II11t'd hy the lIt'I\" ;11'1' T, :'1111,01]",', ,Iu-t,,'.' "I' till' I','a",';
!',IJIt'r fralt'!'llity, It i~ nllt int.'IIIj,.d,
, , , ;llld a"'''1 II,,' ,'ill/"II< 1'111'1 oI"III;IIII! 11<1\\ 11111,,1, Ila, ,'all"',j hllll'e\, .. r, that tht' t'llt.. rprist' shall Ill' l{iehal'oI L, :\1 il"'r, H",,,II,t:h ('"UI"'"
IlIill"" ill ih la"k .,1' .1",,:.'11111:.' i1l1d "'"11' 11I;lk.'I" III "I'illlg., llil'ir plall' l't'gal'tlt'd as a "" ill tht' Inall; \\'alt .. I' Ie ()'~ulli\'all, 1111,,"1"'1
"I' tilt' I'lallllill~ ("'llllIli""illll; ({alph
Jl1111 ill,:.' illl11 IlI'IIt!Iit'1 ilill tilt, lal'g.'I' ,,1111 1"IILIIl'k <III 111"1'1' .,I"I'''I'i1I'' 1'.'11 u:-:ual :--:l.'II;-;C, as what('\'el' IIJlroflt:-:." art ~, !lUIlII", '1'('I"'lal'y ,,1' tilt' J·/aI,nillJ..:
p a l"'1' II'I,i"I, '" III'III:! ''I','all''1. fill' 1111"" 111;111 lit"." tlillll)!l,l \\'1'" 1'\"'11 1,lad,' can IlI'tll'r he uSI'd for thl' pal"'!' ('''"I,"i~<ltlll allol I'I'I'.'iol"llt "I' til., Hu.'i,
('Ollllllittl'I' Itas dl'al'l.'t1 1'lliI,1' .\, it \' .'\\ IIlldl1 I I~ jl~()- - Is a :-.11"1I11g' l't'- It",'lf, afk!' fail' "alarles a!'t' paid 11t'~~ ('IIUt\Ci!: Charlt':""' (;ir\'in. :'('I'~'l'aJlt •
Ih""., 1"lIpllly,'d daily in it" !,1'I1t!UI'-
Li\'i'lg,I'>lI, IlId.\',III'I' ,d' ()ur TIJII'/( (-Cl\'I'l'y 1';,,'1111'
fOl' 1, 1llIl'"I'lallt I,,\' JlI'II tlllll, and Sll your subscription fill' thl tlf 1',>1,,'1'; 11,11',' A, Fry." j,,,,,,uc.:'h ,''''
,\'I'al''', as a,h,,,"1' alit! il1'till)! .1111'1 III tl,i, lit'lti I,a" 11('.'11 a "Iii" nlill-assl'"sable stock should hI' mad, lieittlJ'. IMAGINE.
eoit,,1' 1'01' a 11I'l'i"t! 1'1' a 1'1'11' 1I'1"'k,,, ,I ;1111 i,,1 alll<llllil 1Ij' Iliglr-wagl' I'e, With the undel'standing that y"UI II,
A /11\'111£-:\/1 FUll /IUY/,\/; IILHll/FUL STfJf:hL".;CS:
11,':.'ilillillg IwXI :\llIlIday Iii.' ""- "lIIJdll,\'1I1l'1I1, ".'rtificatl's \1'111 hal'e IOU', pal' \'alul', The Fireside
\I ith dl\'id,'n.b, if any, a IlIatll'l' IIf
)1'1'11"11 <If a 1'1'l'llIallt'1I1 "tall'. alld
'" l'I'il'l'. 1111' I,a 1'III1I,'II'I'S f!)r )!i I'.' 1111' tlIl' far dlstallt future, \.

tlte l'''lah\isltIlH'lIt "I' all altnll'li\'I' llt,jlll!. :IIi"" Bl'tty (;I'acl', daughtl'r of :llrs,
('IHIIIIH'Illalld' l'\'pry rt'a:--'4111 Ruth (;I'al't', seerdary of hOl'ough
alltl 1"'i1t1ald., "tyl,' oj' II rllilll! alld
l'lilll"llloda,\' '1'11"1'" IIla\' lit' IlIill!)r ~
III 1,lu,'II"I' \1'111'(1"" y"'U ',il'l' a,"kt'l! tl" council, rt'prpsented Lowl'!' :llerion ,
pl'ilit I"l! will be wol'l\"tI out. ~ulr­ ""11'iIl,k, 1"pl'I'ially III "('('lIrit\' ('Xpl't'S"; your bdl('f 111 \lIur Iwn1l' s('('- high school student council as spt'uker', •
W'''li<l'''' 1'1'11111 l'<'atlt'1'~ \I'ill lit' aI" \'al" •.'" wllI'l'l' 1'lIl1slIl('ral>l,' prolil- tion by I'utting at its service a fp\\, at a 111l'I'tlllg at lJo\\'ninxtown high
,lllln-t'arnlllg dollars, I, 2 or 5 shar\'s, I " "hl)I'} Ias,'t ",,"'k, I'
pl't'I'I<I t I'll. t a I.; Ill:! a t III t ('I' \. a I s j ~ t (J 1III ('X·' ~ ...
, $ 1 0 each, alld thu~ beeome part of that Thl' Alt~xandl'r ,J ames Pu rring~, 104' I
'fir" alllll1al tlri\'I' fill' flilltis for
pl','ll'd 11111 11 ,,"I'IllS ('I'l'lalll lliat" Sl'trllll'nt " of thl' neitrhborhood
,.., which FOl'n'st, art· !'ecl'iving' con!!:ratulations --- A.
IIPX I yl'lI I' \\'i11 Ill' ao; gOlld as allY: al ways brings good thing'S to )lass on the bil'th of a son, Alexander '--
thl' .\Illerit'all H,'d ('ro"s IS OIl,
yl'lI r SIIIl'(' I :UlI-a lid ill a II pl'olta- I alHI which can be depended upon to ,J ames, J r. The couplp has two':
I1l'1p"rs III the campaigll for mem- •
oership 011 the ~Iaill LillI' ill('\\Il\('
Itility 1)('tlt'I', !protl'ct that whole scheme of civic, daughtl'rs,
cultural and material values which al'e I
] Oln
: l1l'I'I's"ary to a rcasonably well-onlPred '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

;:],J11an ~hipe'j
500 \'oIUlltl'('rs, ,AlllllOIH'\' rt,(,pi\'('d
ill tire ellrollmC'lIt will go fill' I
• First Mortgage
elll.'I'g'ellt')' wOl'k alld first aid, This Annual Election of Officers Will be' It should al50 he said the papl'l' FUNDS AVAILABLE
WUI't Iiwlrile or!!allizalillll 1Il'('tls alld'
ml'l'its all possilrll' support
Held November 29 : will proceed without "control," neither!
The following list of nominel's fol" financial, political, nor otherwise, an i
officers and directors of the Main impartial basis whieh Roland Fll'l'l'I
Prompt Reply
Next Year a Big One ; Line Kiwanis Club, to be voted on will can'fully assure in the documents: Inc. 8 South 40th St, Your firsl purc~aS0 c' love:y
":\inl'trl'lI-thil't\'-lJilll' \\'ill he 111t';at the annual mel'ting, Tuesday eve- which he is fo~mula~ing, altogeth,eri Evergreen 2386 West 1676 Ro:::::r-: S:r:rc !los;cr-:· ::-: Jr:('~-i y,=,u
oest y"a!' for busilless alld illdusll'\" IlIng, N'ovember 29, has been an- an I'ndeavor whIch WIll be of the ilk liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ a ~:U?:;:;~I'~'Jt ~~lC rf'-:'0 r':T~ Club. •
, PI't'sident, William J, ,Lloyd; vice-I happenl'd in this section, and this mat- ~-------------===~
ill a tIt'eade," That S('lIlt'III'1' al:': nounced: lof thl' many fine things \\'hich have I V:":1,,~: ~::,]vc b0t~1~:' ~:~,.,. 12:h
CUI'lItp!)' !'lI111S up , Ihe \'II'\I'S of I I t, l ",
i'n'sldl'nt, R 0 IJel't E" L , J 0 h nson; I ter 0 f a tru I y coopl'ratlve
' '
r .1 ~ ·.;CJ~~ r,~,::-c~';f:' I r-'o.r '.Ji.. . :,8:',l~(':y
ff("> 1\r.1 1:10'1 rn :'.'.1'::-:' ~:;~~r'~('r:;
mpl'ollS 1'1'011011111' fOl't'I'aslt'l's loti,,)', tn'aSUl'er, Ll'ster S, Lamb; dirl'ctors, Ilewspaper can be made an achieve-
III their OJ:illioll, thl' 1'1','o\'t'~'Y lIIO\''''1 H" C, Hurlingame, M, J, Casey, Fred- llH'nt of unique suc~ess if the solici-
ment, Idlll'h was staggerlllg' alld' erick Dreher, Charles Fanslo\\', Harry tulle for It develops In a manner com-
',-Cl:.J':1 ;\lC~ Ie';"
Roman Stripe HosICry,
• -;'.

1I11l'l'rtaill whell it \H'gall sevclI ori FI:ied, Sandy L, Hurst, William C. 1l1t'I~S~l'ate with its excellent oppor-
, , I I 'II' Wilson, tunitles,
.65 to $1.25 A membership card to
record your purchase.

": It mont,~ IS aero , WI <,olltllllle,to A t 1, uesday night's , '
meet1l1g an im- "
::;ubscnbe ' It
for Dill' share If , IS
' not a pair
galll both III !'Irellgth antl velOCity, promptu program was given by thp convenient to pay for more, and do
Thp forl't'aslel's, of t'O\lrsC', hav(' members, no guest speaker having what you can to assure the widespread JACKSON and FOLTZ, Hosiery
be(,11 \ITOllg h<,fore. alld gril'vo\lsly been scheduled on account of election, ownership (and interest) whieh ?ug~1
205 Haverford Ave" Narberth
so, Bill it is a faet thai at preSl'll! to be, FOR THE PUBLISHERS,
lt will be intel'esting to see the out-
opinion al1lazin~ly IS t1l1animotls come of the bl'ihel'Y and graft chal'g('~ Phone Narberth 4271 (opposite the Station) I
as 10 I he pleasant prospects ahead now untler investigation by the Statl' The Want Ads in this paper bring
for the immediate future, You call legislature. result!\, Use them.
.. ~.. . 1.
, .....'.
,. ~

fOWN and TOWNSmp Page Three

No'Vember 11, 1938

The Fir e sid e Ohio, after a VISit with their son and
YOUR FACE dau~hter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James
d"uT'YeJ Ihe Iredlmen' of II M. Hanson, Avon road.
Scientific Beautician Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. McCart- Mr, and Mrs, William Winsor Phil-
Ipr, Gypsy lane, will ~ive a Mask

Strawbridge &Clothier
ney, Woodside, will entertain the mem-
SUZANNE TORET GiLL bel's of their club at buffet supper and Wi~ party on l\:ovember 2:1 in
216 Dudley-NdrbtTlh 2324 and bridge Saturday evening-. hunor of ttwir debutante daughter,
The Theta Kappa Sorority g'avp a Mi;;s Mary Stockton Philler,
:::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.I surprise shower last nig-ht at the home Mrs. Thomas G, Ashton, of Red-
lof , ;'111'5, Louis " Claug-es, in " honor of Ipaf, I'ntl'rtainpd Wednesday after- Fon THE CONVENIENCE OF THE Mi\IN LINE
FOR CHRISTMAS . . ;'I11~5 ;'II a 1'1<' QUinn, of Philadelphia" noon for the members of the card
forn1l'rlv_ of l\:arberth ' whose mar-IIparty commltte(' , I

Openinq a oVew
of t J
11' "
CIVIC cub,
Givc your fricnd a por- 'riagl' to ;'II r. John C, Magu il'l', will
, ' i :\11', and I\lrs. Jack Scatt"n~ood
trait . , . Our day and
cvening Art Classes arc
opcn to novilTs 01' ad-
tak,' pial'" :\ov"mhl'r 19 III till' Church,
C' '
(I f ."""lalll
t I' ' I S I
• rancis ( (l ~ a e~,
\V es
t Ph'l
I a-
have taken an apartment on \\':I-,'nne-I
,!PI ph ia, (; uest" Wl'rc: :\1 iss Harriett wood road, ~ rs. Scatterg-ood ,I~ the,
. ' are
vanccd Artists, , _I, 'I', L'j'tl v
II I Ill. ( r, ..l' ISS L( 1 1 rUn
k 'I' .. D
oro- forml'r MISS bllth Uartl.. tt, oJ Ard-I

£\ ISS


th~' Cabr.. y, Miss Margaret Butler, n1<ll'l', formerly of I\arllt'rth,

Miss Margery Cowin :\Ii" :\Ionica TII'rlll'y, :\Irs. All!'n Ml'-, :\11'. and Mrs, Rabton Biddl,' I-'It- i
zoe) Merion Avc.-Narb. 2764 ('001. :\11'5, .Jordan Caul, !\1i"s Joan 1,,1', Lov,',,; lanl', .. nt .. rta'll,'d a party at i
Boxman, :'ollSs ('Iail'!' :\ll'Clatchy. :'IIi" tIll' lirst of the Town !lan",·" at th"

S(Or!' hour. 9,30 to 5.30

lIal'l'idt IIt'iu-d,'r, :WI \rindsor, will !l .. II,'vu,,-Stratful'd Satul'day nlg-"t.
"lIt,'rtain at a pantry ~howl'r Oil :'11011
day ill hOllor of :'IIi"" (lUIIlIl,
:\11'. and :\Irs, (;,'org-,· F, H, "\1'1',,1.'
Hathaway lan", wtll att"lId till' Y;d.'-,
at tkeir M 1\ IN LIN EST (I II E OlrdJJlore
'I ' All' 11,',rt- !'rillel'loll gam" as w",'k-,,"d g-u,',t, of:
C al'taln ant I .' 1'" Ison It
man, ""0 han' Iw,'n ,lation"u in th,' :\11', alld :\11''', ,Johll S. \\'I'Ig-ht. I'rillet'
" For lltt' rOIlH'lIIl'lH'l' of lltt' l11illly I'lIstOIllPI'S "Ito iII'(' 1Il'\lI'llllill~
'1 'I'
1 11lpplnt·s til"
f tl Ie pa:-. t t \\'0 yl'ar"" t"n, forllll'rl\' ...
of CIIl'-tnllt lid\..
1I101't' fllIlI 11I01'(' 1111 lilli' :\lain Lillt' Slorp, \H' ilf'(' opellill~
wi]1 1I-a\'t' lh:tI ,'ouilln' :'Ilav ~'1. !ll1f'- :\11'. alld :\11'-, \\, :\I"l'g'an ("III'('h-,
· tl' , h I man, ,J 1'" !{Ight,'r's :\1 til ]I,ad, "111"1'-
llll-!' .\1 aTC II ani I : \ prl I H'~' afe ~(' ('j - . . . . . ' a fur sltoll "ilh B willel) -vill'ied rolh'l'lillll III' Slllill'l ful's.
1110-01 for a thr.',' w""I;s' tl'IP to ('hilla tallll'd at th" first "j lilt' lo"'n 1l;1I1""S
:11101 .J~II':1I1. :\11'" lIartll1an I" til,' al th,' H,'II"\'lll,-~tl'atrol'd :--:allll'd;l~

1112-24 CHESTNUT
fllnnt'!' \ll"'~ :\1111 :--:!ll·l·d, tl:lll~htt'r {d'
:'III' "lid :'III'" 1I11~11 I:, :--:"",'d. ('11t"(
"1,,1 da~,-' ,ta~ III C;tJl" :\1ay. :\, ,I,
.J. :-;""'1\'1111,
I ;,tI"h
;1 ~"\'-

\11-', )1;1111 I{. I.lltl~. ~)Ilrlt·~· 1'0:111. 1"1'- :\1 r:--. \\'JlJfit'!d (;i\·('ll~. 1:';lt'!IlJrJl
PHILADELPHIA tlllllt'd ~lllld:l~ frlllli a w",,1\'..; Yl'-Jl lallt., will {'Illt'j"lalll tilt' IlU'!Idll·r:-, (ll"
"';(" :'11,'-, 1:1;IIIl'I- 'j'lllg-I,'~', III !'Itls- h"l' 11I1Ieh,'oll},I'"Ig-" ellll, "II \\,'dllt'S'
"lIlg-h, day I1l'Xt.
[0 S/Z rs M-H
,\11 -, Ilt-I'I"'II H, l'li,'", ~\t'''W~'1l :\11,- Loui,a T",tz, \\'a,l,il'l!'toll, Il,
r":Hi, '-11I"nl t1:., \\"I'I·l\-l'lld 111 l:altII1111fj'. I',. "til I", lilt' l!lI,',t or Illl' LI\,'I,-
,\1,]. tl.l' .L!llt·-t ttl" 111'1' 1I1cd!J,·r. :\11':--. ",,'I' t h,' '\4",1;·"11.1, S"" wtl I al io'ild
(;.'l'! L:\ 1,:11111'1'. tllf' Ya]I,-IIJ"lIlI'I'lllll go,tlll\' ;11 Ilr-JIll'l'·

,\I, \\'11"'1 ('1 11 ].1, 1'-, .. I' j.'"rt lldl ~;ll11l"d;IY.

\\',,:, I,., I"d" "II" lIa- ,h" C'u' -, 01'
'" ':;'W ,l''',
\11, \\,,11" 11"11,1"11,, Lower !\1erion Gir-l on
1.,11':\",\-11 1:111 1 ', I~;l- I', :1Jrlll'd til hI"'· IJ enn Ad' \'I SOl' Y Board

\11'-, I,,'ol~., \\' ~1:"IIII, I'i,,-Inll!, :\11-.- 1J",'i~ I·:, PI'l"", ;,(11; :'II,rl'\n
(,t11tTLtltll"j ;11 ;1 !'lldgt jt;lr~~' :'\11\11- Itl;td. :"al'}Yt'rth, ha:-- 1H'('11 apptlilltt'd
da> aft'l'liooll, tilt, 1'1'0"""01, of 1'111,,11 to till' ~tlld.'llt .-\d\'i,"ol'y H"al'd of thl'
11"'1'" 1'11l1l t" I!I(' :\al'lll'l'th \'OILlllt""1' ('olll',!.!'" III' l.d ll'l'a I Arb for \\'01111'11 at
4·1l11·r~l·rh·~ !"t,lll·l". Til" gllf'--t:.:. \\.('1',' tilt' l·nl\"('I'....;lly (If Ptlnrl;-:..~,I\·allla, ae-
:'111'-, 1':Ill't1I:Jldt :'1111,,11,'1', :'111'-, .J, II, ""I'dll,g- to allnllUIIC,'llll'llt b~ Ill', Karl
Ilak,'I'. :'III'" 1.1 .. ~01 I:, I-: 01 v' '1'1011, :\11'" (;, :\Irll"r, ,It'al1.
FI',",I; lIalllllll:I', :\11''', ('hal'i,',,, I,:, I),'-q,,:'n,'d to f",,(,'r ":""er ("II-ol'l'ra-
lIal'lId"lt, :\1,-, ('lal"'II"" K;ll'lH'1', :\11'-, tloll I",t\\'(','n th,' "tud,'nb anti thl' ad-
l_all'll II, :\lal'(;llllill, :'111''-, (;"org-l' 'Ollll,ll'atlllll alltl faculty of tht' Col·
:'Ili"llt'II"I'. :'Ill'" Fn,d :\lo~,'I', :\Ir" \\',d- I..)..:'" f"r \\'on1l'Il, th,' ad\'lslll-y huard
t,'l' I )·:--:llll,\,all. :\1r-, .-\, C. Stapl,'.-, Illl"'b with Ill-an :\lrlll'I' at r ..gular
(11.'.11'1) \I,<_~< I11lld .. 1 Wllh
:\11''', ('haril,- .J, \'ig-IIl'I'S. ,II'" :\11'''' II, 1l1l!'nal" to discuss \'al'iOll~ I'has(',-;
,111,111 llllLu III Iii .. nl'W mall-
.J, \Valk.,I', :'III'S, ,I"hn \\'dzl'll and "I' th .. ,'dllcational program alld the

\\1 , IH'r. 0, IllU,h,al wllrk .. d I,ke

:\11'-, ('lara WlIlt,'r". "onduct of extracurricular activities. \
mlllk $145,00 ;
:\11'" II, .-\I\'in Snllth, Lalltwyn ianI'. :\li", Prie,', who fornwrly attrnd,'d \ ,

lI'a" 11lI"t,·~,,, at a Illnd1l'on-br](k" 1.,lw,'r .'I1 .. rion High School, is pre,i-

:\Iollday, 'dent of th .. \Vo!n .. n's Studrnt Goverll-
\ \
! '

:\lr~. F, E. Chamll''''', Avon road, Illl'nt Associatioll at the Univprsity ([r}l) to'atural gra\' 'quirrel '
1 \
in a l11i"e,' I11l1dc\ SIll.lI t neW ;:."
ha" rdurJ](·d from a \'isit with lwr ,or Penllsylvania, vicl'-pn'sidl'nt of
'Oil-ill-law alld tlallg-ht,'r, :\11', and Alplla (,Ili Onwga, and a memoer of Petei' Pan collar S".ll-!~cr
:\11''' . .1,1\111 (;. Ih'lInl'lt, ill C!t-\'('!and, till' :\Iortar Board SOl'il'ty, cut , ' $145.00
:'II r~, \\'i1lialll Baily (;oodall, lludl,'y 200 Attend Card Party
a\"'IIUl', will hm',' tl](, Fonnig-htly Of St. Margaret's Guildl
(']u}, at 111'1' hOIlI" for Illndll'oll and I
Ill'Idg,'. :\,,"'mltl'r lro, :\1,,1',' t hall ~()O won1l'n attended the
:\11', lIal'll"'" :'II. Il"r!,>', :\ar1>r,,"k I'al'd party at th .. Bala (;1111' Cluh Oil
Pal k. att"II,l<-d alullllIl day at Bow :\Ionday "rll-rllllll!1 gl \"'n II nd .. r the
.loin C"II,'g", BrllnS\l'll'k, :\"". Oil ~"t
feil t uri n() :"'I
,II 1'1('1',- ul' :--;1. :\larg-an't's (;uild of
Perfectly Simple urday. :\" r1>,'rt h, Till' ho"t .. "",,~ w,'re 1\1 rs.
:\Irs, BUl'lIs F, B",t alld 111'1' """, 1:,I\"'l't ]{ll'thmill,'I', prt'''I,knt of the
Dinner Dress .Juhn, "I'''nt I'art of la"t ,,,,,'k III ,"Jid: :\11", 1I,'nry Smith, :\Irs.•John
:\,'wal'k, :\, J .. \i~iting :\II'''' I:, :'II 1;"1.1, n, :\11'''' .JOst'ph ;'II IIrl'liy, Mrs.

Star the dolman slecvc, the
Campl,,'II. :\1 I'. Burns and his dalll!:ll \1 ",11;",1 I "'\'ir1t', :'III'S. Henry Dug-it.
t,'I'. 1I1'1t-1I, joirwd th"1ll th .. I'!' (III :--:llil 11ilil'l'I''' III' the guild who assi"ted werel
day. TI\l' Il,'~ts will huv,' a" w",'k :\lrs. (;,'orge :Y!eycrs, vicp-president;
,,"d g-u"sts, :\1 r. and :'III'''. H. L. Solie", :'111'". ,John J. Cabrey, tl'l'a~urer; Mrs.
draped h"dicc, the column
skirt. Star the colors,-rose, :"f :'Iuncy, I'a. ,John Cushwa, secretary.
teal, aquamarine, royal, plum. I :'III', Edmund Alden Whiting' anti TIll' ,'x('cutivc board of the :-\arberth
Womcn"s sizcs 36-44, !son, Dick Whiting-, l\:arbrook Pur!<, , Part'nt-T,.acher Association will hold
:I wel'k-,'n(lt-d III \rJilium~t()wll,

a lli<'l'l1llg a ')_.,'lO th'IS F' 1'1'd uy III
' t he
a Women's Shop, Second Floor ;alld alt"Il,lt-d the \\ Jillam~-\\ e,I,'v:\ b ISh I
I foutball g-allll', . . ar ('rt 1 ,c 00.

;\11'. and :'III''', Frank C. Stide!,
will have with t1ll'm over
- - - -Bridge
Narberth ---- Club MINK-DUD MIISKn.u
th,' wel'k-"Illl, ;\11'. and ;\'11'5, l\ormall \\'ednesday, November 2, top score: HUDSON SUL-IlYED
Edward" and son, Bobbie, of Greens- :\'11'5. Allen Shubert and Mrs. H. 1. MUSl\nU
boro, :'lId. 11\I~Connell; sccond place: Mrs. M. C. GRA.\' SQllmnEL
:\11'5, R, Hamill D, Swing, Jr., Bryn Hll1ebaugh and Mrs. E. F. Johnstone, Ci\T
:'olawr, gaw a tea Friday in honor Saturday evening, November 5, top
of :\lrs, Otto Kiene, of Concordia,' score: Mrs. Charles B. Stoudt and
Kansas, th,' guest of her son and Charles Hammer; second place: Mr. Kidskin
daught''T-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Richard land Mrs. Thomas E. Kennedy, Jr. Sil~l'rtone Muskrat
KielH', of Philadelphia. Mrs. Kiene' Monday evenmg, November 7, top \apllnese Mink-llyed Marmot
They Take Pride i, the fornH'r ;\Ibs Betty Swing. score:, Frederick Moyer and H~ward
Mrs. ""alter Hunsichr, Esspx, en- D. Simpson; second place: Milford
And Skunk Jackets

in Their Jobs tertained her club at luncheon and Fox and Dr. Mark Morgan,
bridge Wednesday.
Mr~. Thomas ;-''Ianning, Hampden,: The Want Ads 10 this paper bring
I .
Wherever you find telephone men
and women anti talk with them for a will ha\'(' her club for a lunCheon-I' "esults. Use them_
while, you'll notice these things: bridge next Tuesday. -
A certain pride in the job they're Miss Jane A. Morris, formerly a
doing. A feelinl; Ihat it's part of an resident of Narberth, moved Sat.urday I AVOID THAT
important service (0 the community to Montgomery Court Apartments,'
and the nation. A desire to do the job Embarrassing Moment
from W,>st Philadelphia. '
the hest they know how. Mrs. William Levis, Hampden, vis-!
You'll notice, too, a strong sense ited h,'r mother in New York last ~
of loyalty to their company and a week. I
sincere friendliness that haR made Miss Mary E. Gross, N, Narberth,l
"the voice with a smile" something is stopping at the Dodge Hotel ill
SkiMful es you mey be with the carv·

lIlore than a famous phrase. Perhaps Washlllg-ton, D. C.

all this is best summed up in another er, Juicy end tender as may be
Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. O'Sullivan,
famousphrase-"thespirit of service." the turkey. All availeth little if your
Windsor, will have as guests for the
AU America knows what that means. carving set is no longer equal to (A~ODr) Beautifully marked leopard
Thanksgiving holidays, Mrs, O'Sulli-
It has Leen demonstrated in fire, the case. cat, one of the smartest of sports
• 800d and storm-and in your every·
van's brother and sister-in-law, the
William G. Starks, of Chester, Conn. 3-piece set consisting of knife, fork
CAOovr) Hudson Seal- Dyed furs, in a swaggcr moJe!, 14 to 20
day telephone service, the finest in
Muskrat in a wonderful mod- .. ,$145.00
M,r. and Mrs, Clifford T, Hanson and steel in the famous REMING·
el for all-'round wear, Sizes
the world, TON DUPONT make' $5.00 per set
• • • have left for their home in Toledo, for women and misses . . ,
The more you use your telephone NORTHAMPTON ", $b.75 per set $145.00
service, the more it is worth to you,
Let it help you do your shopping, run
I Dr. Wm. G. Walton WOSTENHOLM - English Sheffield SECOND FLOOR
OPTOMETRIST steel , .. $1 1.55 per set
your errands, speed up your business
affairs and keep you' in touch with
friends and family everywhere, The Bell
417 Anthwyn Road, Merion
Phone: Narberth 2464
If no anawer. Narberth 2570·J
Sin•• 1889
Strawbridge &Clothier's Main Line Store
Telephone Company of Penllsylvania, 12th & Sansom Sh., Philo., Po.
Office HourJ by Appointment
I '--_-.I
, ',';

TOWN and TOWNSHIP Noyember 11, 1938

Page Four
Thp Sen ior Christian Endeavor 7 P. M.- Young People's Servicp.1 I
Under the Marquee The Churches
mppting- will bp in charge of Ruth 7.:lO P. M.-Organ Reeital-Dorothy I I
W oolminR1-on. Boersig'. i
lIll""/" 1I">ln" HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN The Yuung' Ppopl .. 's Christian En- 7,45 P. M,-Sermon: "With and I
An ")(",'pti,,nal d"play "f m"tlon HeY. C1etus A. Senft, Pastor d,'avor ,:"ill have as its speaker war'l'Without the Church," Dr. Gordon 1'0
pictur<' dll"rl,,,nl\1"nl, !'l'pl.,,,, wllh ;\11~s ;\Iarg'aret Squier, Organist n'n Shnver. . teat, professor at CrazeI' Seminary.
thl'lll, and human int,'n"t, is in stOl'l' :-'unday, :\"\,'ml,,,r 1:1, I~;lti: 7.45 P. M.-Narherth's Happy Bible l Wednesday, November 16:
for :\Iain Lln"I" tIll, w.,,·k, :',1.', A, :'>L- Hlhlt, School. lIour, sermon by the pastor: "The H 1', M.-Wor"hip Spl'\'icp, Sel"
Jleadlllg thl' pl'"gl'all1 at till' :\ar- II A. :'>1.- Th .. :\lorning' Service. In! lli"p.. nsation of tlll' Kingdom." Text: man: "The Church Today," the pastor.
berth Tljl'al.'r tl,l' w''l'h-l'nd I' ":\1- f,dl,,\\lIlg (Jur ,,'I'I,'S on \\'hy We AI''' "That 111 th., dlsp.. nsatlOn of tlmps i Friday, November 18:
eXlllllkr', I':agllnl(' Hand." a lir't-rat" LUllltran \\'l' wtll d"cu,s: "Salva- h.. might gathpr tOg'pthpr in on .. all, H r, M.-·-Rpc,'ptiol1 to church 11ll'1\1-
ictu!'l' ,lall'lng '1'> r"llt,r-!",\\.,1', :\1,1"" thing, in Christ." Ephesians 1 :10. h,'r,,' aTl,1 fri,'!Hls,', l\Iu~ic and r .. fl'l'~h
P tltlll Ily (;nH'l','
FayI' and lI"n :\nlt,,'h.'. )'.,u'll Iii,,' Tu,'"lay, :\'ov.. mlH'r 15: 'nwnts.
';.1'-, I'. ~l, - :-','nl"r and I nt.'rnwdi-
th .. stOI'\ ,,1' tilt, \'",IIII-pLIYlng 111"'--- K 1'. !'vI.-- TIll' Community Bib"" ~
;tI •. l.ull\l'!' I.":lg'IIl'S, II
tro wh., 1'1-1-- 1'1 "Ill tilt' b"U.lIIW·' "I' " Class taught by Miss Harrison,
len,j,.rl'"11 ,ai".>I' III ~<1I1 Fl'all('I-"" I" - 1'-, I', ~l. TIll' \'''-1'''1' Blbl" I!our
thc \\'1'11., tit' a.('lalili "I :\.'\\' \,,1'1,'· ~.\..rl ,,\.'1' I" til .. :-'Iory of til(' Early
\V .. dlll'sday, :--;o\'('mb.. r )(i:
H 1'.;\1. -i'h" :'Ilid-\\' .... k S.. rvic ... our
Cal'll"g'I" lIall. :11.01 tl,,,-,' ,\,111,,\1'.1 lillll,'iI: "I"'I,'!", Pd"I"'" "f lIis,l'astor t.'arhing' Ih., Book of 11'('\ .. 1'.
m"l"dlt,- 1'1'''"1 Ii" I" n "I II\lIt~ H.,I' .\1111,,11'> I" tl", (;,'It\llt--," , Thursday, -"'o\·,'mlwr 17:
lin \\<11 1 t ' \ I \ t ' ,ill ,,-Itt',1 111"111"1''''- "I T", .d"" ,,> 1',:'11. '1'•. ,,1'1"'1'," ",.;",- Th., \\'onll'n', ('II-cil' ;\I.",tings will This
til(' ~ 1';lr~ J,:L1II" I,!. I: ~ ,Iil t 11,1":- :1 \ i;d )1011 ~11'lt ,rig' at tLt· !HJllll' td' ~lr til' hpld ill tht, IHlnH':-;.
'[')'TCHle PORer A/ice Fa)e
'w('ll.dJll"('lt.,j I,Wl lIt' :tl;,j I( ~":l \\,tll: ,ll.!\ :\11". ILI . . ltr. :.;1~' lona jl\TJllH'.
to IJ~tt'lll'lll'l Ili,rt- I" lillt ~ ~IIIJ iI-I,d tll \\\·dl,t-d;I~, 1\1,.:11 A.:\1. \\'tlnlt'Il':",
<tHIll'I' 1(1 \,lil'l -\\ /.~ \\,1- (';111'.1 l;tt.: 111,i'l .\It'\lll,g. TIlt, :--Iw;d,t'r at:'; I). I{.,\'. \\" \"'1'111111 .\lld<lll'llln, ,"lll1i~t.'r
tillit', :-,·\1 II' I]r, i l l : . - ":\1. \.tI,ll, I ' .\1., \" II! Ill' l~. \. l';tul (' l<:llJlII'1 :--IlIH,r- ~ll,\(l:t~. ~ll)"t'll1l)l'l" 1:;:
Hag-LIlll' ILl! d .1.\1 I dl'lii II t! (;,'1'111;1111,1\\11 1i1l11l1"1 ~l,
1'-, A, :\1. l'llIIl'ciJ :-'('h",,1.
·'\';111, ..\ "f 'j". (,i;I!.1 ;11/1,1 :1 1 \\Idlll -11;1'., - I'. ~1. ,IIIIIHI!' Cllllll'i II :\.:'11 :\1"l'Iilllg \\'"r,h'l', :'.,1'
tht· \<JIIJlI: L 1'1 . .\1 'II'LI t'l ,rl~' II 1 I Lt.1 r-al : 1111'11: "TIll' \·;llllt· Ill' Flll'gl\'I'III·:-'-';."
~'(ltl \\':I~ 1)1' .\11,) 1.- ;III,J ( ;1,1' II' '-,,'
1-' ", 1:1\ , I', 'oll!'11'1l1iltl,11l l~. 1.-1 l' :\1. Ifltt'rlllt'dlatl' and :--;t'llltt!·
It ~"

1:-- ;1 I I ; I('t I, 1';11' :'" 'I J I I J ,I' 1n ( Ll ~ ~ . l':pw1ll"t h l.l·agUt·". \l"allle Morris
coltll' I,t ~l'llll)r ('lIt II r 1.1.-) 1',.\1. J-:\'t'lllllg ;--:1'1"\"]('1'. T(llll
I·) 1;:1:-, I'
'\' ALLEY of the GIANTS'
II~h(lilti . . ,
\\1'111 1 \\: " polin'
alld "I' I' !.t oll ·;11
;1 \..·IIIl\I·rt"d IIt'llPll
..... 11,d:I,\. :.. 1'", I lId,,·) ~ll, ~ 1.-) II :"\1. IILlll. \\ III -111:-:' and 'I'(·dl\. Ti:,' pilhllt" III fa Imicn/or
() I 1 \ \ , .! I:' -! i; I ~ '1' il! -,:,.', :',1
h,lt, I',/lil t~"11 \\ IJ:l;i111- })Iayl'r:-: \\'111 I,~ In \ I t ('II.

"I,,·til I>" , ~: J • :' I , TIJt':--d;l~. ~11\·I·tlllH·]' 1~):

1\allll'J I I; "I" III'" 1:;',[11 "I ," "lila, "Tit" !{II,h
-:"1:, I, 1,.1:, I', :'II. .\1;1111 1.111" Trallllllg \,'cdnc,da>' and Thursday
',i \ , ! ..
\ ' ,,'
il~. y,,;l'll 1l.1: 1 I" 11" I"" ,~riJ"ol.
\\' ,·dl:",<1".\, \"\"1111"'1' I]',:
Cfatlde Rain.~, The Three
pl'ltlll1 IJl~ Ill' t 1,1 AI.L SAINTS CHURCH
ytJu'li ;11 I :;1/111 :1.( :\Illlllgll/Jlt r.\ }'Ikl'. \\'yII I It· \\'(l()(! '> I'. ~I. :-'.'1 \ ,., •.• ,1' 1'1'",-1' "lid !-'t.! Lcllle Si.~tt'rs, ('-alt' Page
1·:.\', (;II.-"n Ill-II, Rel'tor 1,,\\ .' hi".
.. :--= P:I \\ !, .': 1 I, I .\ 1'1 t fl." ;( t II I ,I 11: L:" ,-':\ :'II. 11,,1., l'.>lIIIlILlllltll1. I'<.\.', (', :'II. (1I1i"lal H"al·.j :'Ill'('lllIg.
R~lg;l .,' 1\,1 .\::l-l,;lll '~lil:l 'J, /1.,1,; :1." ,'. j :\:'11 ~lIlltlay :-'cIJ(l"1. TIlIlI'.,la>·, :\ I)\'llldu 1 ~:
i:--. til" t ):1' II .\:\1 :'I1"l'lIlllg :-"'1'\'1('1'. ,; 1'-, I' :\1 ,11/111"1' :1111! Y"IlII~ l}I'I'-

1';1: II .1 i :.. ;11 ! 1 ill III \:
t II
Friday and Salllrday
\\'1'1 I.., 1.d II I 1l1'~ 1"1 ·111 ::1, I I, '1 1 ,1",,\ I Ji I '- ('11PI J'.

I.: l l i l ' :! I : ,l I r:. /1. ! l ," I: .\ ~ !II 1/11 /'/\1'" /l) I J H/.'\''V U I(! Hell -' I' ,\ 1 } I ,'lIr) FCl/lc/<1 /)orot") LamOlI r
T:IIII l,,:~' I I ! ' ~I"·- ~" /11:11 .• l\\!' II~' I:" .\reht'!' .\. :\Ild.'r,"n. Th, I).,
(' 11 t, I : .I , 1\ III I 11 ~
'I'll, E :. itt:;lll "1":.1':1:1 I )":1 I 11~ 1,,1' I~I'\· .. JI,llll
}'a .... tlll'
\';11/ :\,.:-- ..... n, 1>" l'a~t()r
1J.·1PT/,\T CIIURCII oj the El'ANGEL
H,,!Wl"t E. J·~I'I;..:,litI111. :\lll1l . . t('r
'SPAWN of the NORTH'
w" I;" ,; ",I, .. '''I,t,'", .. ,,, 11,,1 J, l-:nl"l'i11l,' ~11l··](':<1 1111'.,.'1", 11'1," 11"1'.
IlalJlll,.·· \\.t!. ('~;lll\ (,;111\(- ;llll! .\l.\tll;1 ~III:d;I~', :\,,\', /lllwr I::: Ftlrl~-lifth :\11/11\'1'1"-';:11.\ ~ll"\·)t't'--.,
Loy, I: :~ ;t :;l-t 1l11, .. lll!.: :I'I~' 1':;1 ~1.1-';\ ~1 I:ddt· ~\·Jj{HII. ;--:lllltl;l~, :'\(I\I'lllhl'l" 1:;:
rl('\\ 11~IJ'1 1 ~',lll.l 1:1111:11 II. ;idd::l'oIl ] 1 .-\ \1. :'\111]"lllll~ \\'IIl':--lliI1, ~I'I'-
~l 1~) .-\. :\1. Thl' ('hllJ'~'!l ~\..·Il'ltd.
th •. ,III:' II,,,~, \\,,[ ,,1\"" 'Ii th" 1" "'Ii, III"" I" tl,,' 1,,,,1,>1 "Ti,., :'II,'--agl' "I"
11 ,\,:\1. :'I1"lllIng \\'''1''\''1'' :-,,]'-
lap "r tIl' l . n ' l -: 11: )··I!li;I:, ~I~ II 1\1 11;111:11\1.111\." Tl" .. ()"d. rl'\·I\'t' 1111111: "TIlt' l'ray('I'''': Ill' tltv ~;lllll--".'·
o'('lllck. .\ p, :1' :--=lll:tll ~1H'I·j;llt~. 111.\ \\IT\., III tLt' IIl;d ..... t 111' tilt' ~(';lr:-- ... 1'111' pa:-,tlll'.
uFIlltl!',l11 Thrill ...... 1·(1:/1\11 .... 111/1 tilt 11:IL:1LLtlL ".
pro:.'I:II" 'I'll, r, ;1 ·"I"·('ia1 111:11/11\'(' 11 .-\. \1 .Illlllt , !, ('jllll'('h, lllllkl' t11t·
Fl'lda\ . . \nllj~tl("1 1);lY. ;It ~.l~l. oi,llTllldl 1:1 :\11". I)lt.'\'~·'

\\'all,JlI.g 1;II,g 1'1'".1,> ""nil" t" t".' I I .-\.:'11. (·htl,Jrt'Ii'. :\ur,.'ry, lin
Egyptl"li tl". ~lIn,jay, :'11 "l1da>' ;tI,,1 d.r lilt, ·-I1I"')'\·I.,,,n "I' :'III.· Tiblll'lI.
TlIl',day 111 ":-'"Ig )',," :-'111111'1' .... !-'t.r ';.1'-' 1',:'11. Th., l'hrl·tian End"II\'or Friday & Sarurday Nov. II & 12
comIHln>' Hlne:' 11:" FrC'd :'IllIl':'IIlIl'I'ay :'Il,"'IIII~-, TIlt' ~lI."t 'jll,ak,'r at tilt' Clark GABLE Mn1la LOY
and t.'n->"ar "Id IJ"n"ld O'Connol', .I'ln,,,1' (·!JI'I.·lian EIi<ll':lY"r ",ill hl' ~T 00 Hot to Handle'
who -Io,\\,. Hlng h"w ":-'mall Fr~'" :'111". 11'\\'111. !"
should I", 'Ulig'. .-. Friday Night at 9 P. M.
!\cxt Friday "Boys' T\I\\,n" ..onw, "You'd look funny "16.32-41·Hike I" . . . and he's oll is rich and pure. It is safeguarded
to tllWI1 for 1I ~ix-day "lIgagl'nll'nl at down the field to the goal. The more by the SEALTEST SYSTEM OF !.ABORA-
the, Eg>'ptlall.' :,tarl'lng :-'1"'11""1' 1':":'1'.\'1'1,: .>t.. VIII·:I>t·:I:Il'K II, :11 A 1.'-
II. :11 A 1'-
JITTERBUG too if you didn't al· pep he has in his play today, the TORY PROTECTION -with more than
LIc'I'. rltltl'l \\ j .. " \,11"\\/1 :l:-< F ways wear such neat
1.11'1, lalt· of tlH' HllI(j\n~1l of :":arht'l tli, CONTEST harder he will hit the line in 100 dairy laboratories-the world's
l'~­ Nov. ]3·14-15
clothes!" the game 01 life ahead. For both largest organization devoted to im·

1."1/ •. /::-; 1,-","1:1 111"II!.11 \. 1111 tllf' abllY!'
LIl.' It;;, \ t' 1""'11 L:1;lldt·d tq tltt'\ lllH)t'l-
Sun.-Mon.-Tues. on the training tables 01 big uni- proving the purity of dairy products.
",1:"::11"d, \\1111 1"'11/1''''/ ;111 IH·!:-;qll:-; ha\11l1-: Bing Fred versity teams. and at the plate 01 Help your child grow up with
';:11"1:-' Ill' d"lllallc!:-; :IL::-II Il:-:f thl' f·~tatt' of MacMURRAY
dl'I·,·oI1'/I! til !1,;J!", \,III,WII tli,· ~:Iflil',
CROSBY a husky youngsteT 01 eight. milk this fine. pure milk. Telephone
! 1,,_
,til 1"'I:-:'I1I~
/1,:11", 11:1.\ 1111'11',
t'1 till'
10 ~Sing You Sinners' has an important place, Bn'n Mawr 88 I for courteous. de·
11,)j~:\,'I': T ~\tl·:lIJ.I':Y, ":xP,·lJllIJ'. Supplee Seallest Premier A Milk pendable delivery.
11l} \\·IHld~id(·
:":1 rhl'l th
I\\l~ Srarting Next Friday
For 6 Da\'s
Nov. 18
111 ~ :\ t I ' l l II ,. \.


:-:.\\II·':I..T :---:'1' \I~K I"~') Custom Tailors

'011-:- '.'I:II.I,lill TTlI~1 HJd~·. l'lIth .. ":,
11:':-") Cfeatlers • Dyers. Furriers
Narb. 2602 The Sealtest SYltem of Laboratory Protection and Its Member Companies are under the Same Ownersh11l
102 Foresr Ave.
Visit Our Ardmore Store 228 BaJa Aye. Cynwyd 928 SUPPLEE bring. you the LONE RANGER over Station WFIL trom 7:30 to 8 P. Moo E. S. T.,
24 E. LANCASTER AYE. every Monday. and Friday. Heor hI. thrilling adventure •.

Tracy and l\lilk,'y Roon,'y, thi, pic-

tun' brings to lig'ht thl' l'I'al lif .. ~tnry
-" •
...._ - - - - . '''''«:;''
of what oil .. man with an id,'al ha,.;
donc to muuld boys of the ~Iums into '-<;'if \ ,...-..:;.,-
useful citizcns. It pr.. ~ .. nb the Concerning Bifocals . C'
heartening "tory of a ~ucc('~sful px-
perimcl1t in sUcial conscientiousness. Bring your Bifocal troubles to our Ardmore Store.
Whl'ther your L"nses, Frames or Fittings are ar fault, my cooking with I
we'll show you the way ro comfort, wirhout any 1


of the
Virtue of a ..... rlt of J-'If-n FaCias. IS5ut>d
of Common f'lpiis of Court
this new ROPER ,
Prnna .. to mr dlrectf!d.
Monll--:ooH"ry County.
wi! be sold at Public Sale on GUILD 0 PTI CU N8 -~. lEA R8' UPERIENCI


at 1;00 o·clock. P M .• Enst~rn Standard 24 E. LANCASTER AVE., Ardmore
Time. in Court Room "t\ .. at the Court,
222 OLD YORK RD., Jenkintown And no wonder! For her new work-
HOllsf'. in thr Aorou~h of Norri!ltown. said
County. the follOWing described Renl Es· Suburb.n S'or.. Open Mon., Wed.&Fri. E .... 7'08:30 savlOg Roper Gas Range is the la!'t
tate:- word in modern construction, It
makes cook 109 easier . fdsler ...
2.story brick and frame dwellin~ lh~rf'on,
Situate in Narberth. MontA:. Co .. Pa .. kno~'\o'n,
land with
,. cleaner. It has everything
as lot q8
D. on
R, plan of Narberth Grove.: .-i;;;;~;;~~~~~;~~;~~;;;;;~;~~;~~;~~;~;- includlOg beauty.

.1.1_ - IJBd ~
recorded rooD. 431. palle SOO. de.,
scribed as follow.:
0\\1) Look for this Seal of
BEGINNING at point on N'erly sIde of
Merion Ave. at distnnce of \0' W'erly from,
W'erl}' side of Essex Ave..
"~fA, ~ r£" \:V Certified Performance
CONTAINING on said Merion Ave. 2\'
and extending in depth N'dly between par'
allel Iine8 at ri~ht angles to Merton Ave,
12S feet.
!J 'OS _I.~n. ~""'f;Y~
1- I~_IIIA~. The Roper Gas Range opposite
bears the famous CP seal. This
means it fulfills the 22 require-
Being rooo. 1\9 MerlDn Ave. WITHOUT SOLICIT A liON
ments that insure cooking superi-
, ority and savings on time, fuel and

UNDER AND SUBJECT 'a bldg ,est ric· ,
lood. It's an outstanding value at
tlon •.

The improvements thereon are a I Buy $95 cash. Slightly higher on

Z-story brick and frame house. 12 feet' budget plan-$2 down, 2~:! years
front by 40 feet deep. with 1 -story AND JOIN THE RANKS OF COMPLETELY to pay Come in and see it!
addition 12 feet by 8 feet. with 4 rDD"'S on
first .floor. 3 rooms and bath on second SATISFIED CUSTOMERS
floor, cellar, gas. electric light., Springfield Prices Subject to Change Without No/ice
water. heating system. porch front. Deliveries To All Parts of Philadelphia and Suburbs
and token in execu lion as the
of Ralph S. Dunne. and tD be

5201 8400 At All Our Suburban Stores or See Your Dealer ...

Down Money $200.00

.SherilJ'. Olflce, NDrrl.'own, Pe,
November I. 1938 *'I'M
( 11·18)

....' ,'~ j~:'..,.; .' ,

I, ,:,,,.,, .. :.:,-.
.r.••. ,. :' ..... ,':~~ ~:1 ...:,:",' ... :" ~:'"" .. ~::::. ~ . ;- .: .... ~ .......,"...' ,. " .. ~ .~': ..... "'~'.~'; "," ;':".'~.,
'". "'It'l , -~ "h.' ; ";""'':'-'',

Page Five
N ol'('mhcr 11, 1938
• General Chairman Musical Musings Mus i
. ~

Club Columns Good Ne'Jlls, Bad News---Visit of the PIANO a"d ORGAN


Y",mg Mu,.ician MIHical. Mail Man Neyer Dull, Says Peters l.istnli"K to /II/oic
Studio; 305 Grayling Avenue
TIlt· \'Ilillg' Jl\ll--,l'l:lll IIIII .... ]I':l11 '- Tl'tll', \\t' all 1"'·.-11I1Iltl tel Ildl~I(' dlf·

It fl'n'lltl~. NaTb. 4109-/ . . . MaTlI.aret SQui"r
('t llllllllill it ~ . I dt'!WlldlllL:' 1111 thl' l,tl'llt llf

flUI' t.,(·I1I1I(,;l1 II;u·kL.:·l'ldlll.!..... 1111\\"\1'1".

; fl'lllll ;111 Illlj,,(·tl\1 ll'lllit .If \ 11'\\. tllt'I't

: :In' f(ltlr \\:t~::-- 11\ \\ hleb ItlU .... IC :lJlltt':d- Lingerie
tIl 11-, Il:llll( ·I~·, til I'll I' ft'l Jill t:~. tIl llll r
from manufacturer to )'OU
'('11111111111-, til IIUI" Illtl 11. (.t, ;llld t.\ 0\11

, :-lJ!)('1 lll,-!'jl III ~ 111111d. (111\' >ll'-l.\. tIll rl' Mrs. M. Redlich
Il):l~' 11(' ;i ('ll) Ill) Ill:l t II III I' f '-1 \ (' 1';11 I' f
Narberth 2365
,1111'''':1' (·1,·11\1·111 .... ill ;l .... 1111_,11 (·fJlllf1"'-ltlllll.

}'llt L:1'11I 1':lII~ 111\(' III t dldillfl:ltl· ....

].~ I I I' l' \; t 11111 11 '. ....1 I I 11 (. 11. \; ~ 1 t' I II I II; I 11,1

. illL.:· l,ltll "1 Ilcl I" lit" IIII:I! "I' 1.,1\ ;l\·t H, C. Fritsch, Ir.
I ; 1.- ;I 1\; till I t ' I Il 1 I" fI , I 01 . ~' " ; I I ' ! : II \ ! l 1, F;rt' & Cd5ua!h J,Hu;ance
C:d. "Ii I ~, ,I I ,I \. I .• \\":- I,ll' : \\Illt·ll tIll' 1'-"1'1, .11 1 1 11.1,1:1,. :1('('11,1
:\. :\1. Fritsch
"'Il/Ill. ,;11\(\ /'>'1111, ..'. - CI' I tIll ,,1111 I I"lll,l.
,\'0/<11\ 1' .. />/i.. RC<11 EHat"
'1tl:III:11 1I.1t'i<' 1,1.".",1 I,' ;0 '" I I",
HIll h'r,.", Au'. 1\;.". -1112-1
1'01/1 l'al/c) Garde" ( lu/> ! 11; 111 ( I i I t I' 1 I -, II C·ll 'I ~ 1'. I 'l , .1 II

1t- .... t.l) I'.. 11.11, I

'1'111 1.1 :':llll/.tt,"11 \\Jil ll,d,! ;1 JI,ll t·
t h,' .·""tl'll,. I.' Ill' (' ( I ,II ~ . \. :111·III,ll
in,,' \1 ,'" i.1 \ ;tl 111 ::11 .\, \1 "t t I...
h"",, f\l, 1':~'I(;.\\';""",.I:"'!11 "('1:0" ,j, ,,' 1 II, I.:, ,I t, Ethel Ridge Caldwell
",,'.' \1 II , ""o!, I', 1111 \' :,11, \ \11 ,'. 1""'1",1, \, I III : \\ .: ' '1, r,·", It.-r 01 1',,,,,0-.411 (;r"d ..s
III Il~ ! ,11 I'll "I: , (;'ddud/e. (om/)~ CO"'frlc1lory
\\';U.':lll I', II, ('}I;ll L't 1'( tl., IJI (j~J .1/11, ('11.\ HI.I·:S 11. \\,(HlP\\,:\ HI) : tl.l

\\ 111 I, ;101 ;l d: ~(,\J .-,I!II "!I " \ \ ' JIlI.l\\ Ii 1/.": IIf' n I/ltI,! J\ 1 ' ( ' / L.' \1:1 I (' 11'" j,.. l:l I I I (' ..... on .. gl\ t'n in Pupil\ I fOJtH'S

'.'1 flf /1'11/1111/ f l / i l l 1-'111111 .\ II I: ,II -, I '\! I' t·ll )1.1 - ;1 ,I, I"
l'J[()l\T I I 'I!<GRIJ.\' /X/X
(;;lld, I.
~' I ;It I \ ;11'! ;d.... t, 1', ,.
I \t I 1111' f' I f II,,· ( '/f II' !i'II.'I/1 II i ). .11, (' .1. I( > ,111 I!!

11\1 t t. !,I.I._ :It 1111 II,'

,,r III II 1!1l .i' .1 ,I

.1, 1,'1 "

),' . ", ,j F. C. (~RISWOI.D
\11 I·'
III' 1.

\'" !'"
("1,1 I 111;111

" ",[. (. II ',I \ ,\.

Preparing for the "
11' 1'1 I,d I Ilil 11.\ ,Ill !l'l

"t'II" 'I!, , ,'I I" I',

JUllior U'O",Cr/'s CII4I>

Y.M.C.A. Fund Drive ~, I ,1 .'. \\1' ti I lei "11;1 t 1"" \1.11 ,II oj I ." I,:; hd .. lity )t1\e'It1H't1t Ass'n
:---.1 1 " , "\';,j " '1',1·1, I. :- , .. "I-iJcli/y /" .."'", 1'1,,,,"
Till ;\,11 IH I t!1 .JllII 'I ~ ~',I\I ;1 1'1 d~I'
1:1 tll"\1 I.' "II.,
JI:1It.\ \,1-1 1\111111'...: ;It t\11 \ "'I'II,lillll:,
Charles H. Woodward N,lI1H'd I

1./ 1"1'.\'."
t,Ud'!III:": t" 111'1\1 d' t 1lC' 1',,11\1\\.1\'....: 1111'111 General Chairman of C,lm- .\ ! ,-1 1.11 I ( 't'I'" I l l ' : I ' , I:,
h."': .\11 II, I", \1"\,"1.11" \1, .\ palgn to Start Dec- 2 I ,Ill III ,t -, I Ill. l t t t . 1 ~, ~"l ,11. I ~ :I I .j : I: :.' I "
II, II J ,_ :---1' I"; I ~ I I 1-, \11""~ \1 ;11'1 (III I: I I 1\\ II.
.11'11( ,J! 1 .. "\.1 I Ij ,l·;t! ;1 tl 11'1 I. ,11,·1
:\1, .. J ;I'" t \\':1 ",',\ "'l' lit, \1" '1'1,,,,, ", lit I]. , .... ".1 Iii I' "I CU·IS/:RS T.lILORS
'1'" .. 1"" ~I, .1. II II \1,"1 :-1i1'1" " \1" 1I I I I tl I' l > \, I~ II .11 II .. tI I" I (' I ~ I ' 'I III ! II, " A/I CI.-.l"ing Done on P,.'rn;s{'s
(',:,,1, II. I',t, " " I I . \1, \1. (,,,,, 1 ) I' , ! I ,I i ~' I, t. I." .. 1I • j ~ , I t- I • I) > 'Ill:'. B.d" &: l.·"io" ..\,.",,, lI,d.,.C,'nwyd
01\ ..\1,· II, I, I. (; 1111" ,I. '.1,· .1, :", ~l 1'1t,,,,,· ('''lind ,/56;'
Tf'l' \\ 1':11 r. :1
lIu~I"" .\11' . .!:t\l'"
1'1 -Ielt·!,' .... 111(·(·
T L,t, . .\1,·
11;1- ;-:1 t 11 :\arlH'rtli L~T(I\\ 111111 a
.J "Ill' I':, Fl., "". \1,· ,I :",,, I', [!""I"
:\1,_. \\'. \1,1·"" T;I!l"I', \1", ]{"i"l't
~i~'ll. \1/ ...... E. (;l)(l(!l"lt'!I, .11 .• DR. ROBERT E. BARR
News N ores From thc CHIROPODIST
:\1", . .1"1,,, \Iurl,ily. \1. .. ('l1l1l1'li",
Narbcl·th Public Schools Times Medical Bldg,
1'".t, \1" \1. \1. 1',,\\,11. \1,". 1-:01
\\ :11'01 F. I:i~~, \Jr .. H. F. \!:ttt. \11" Rn"11) -l(l,~. Ardmore, £la.
Ct'(II1..!I' 1:1"11\\ II, :\11 .... HI·nJ'alll II. Ta~ Telcpholle Ardmore /772
1,,1'. \11'-. I~"I" ,·t \1;lIla .. \-;. ~II". 11"111' ..
:-;'II,th :1",[ \1,·. II. F. Til,,",!,,"'\.
Draperies. slip covers. new furnl.
lVOl1lcr/',' COl1ll1lll1lity Club ture,.orient<ll ;1nd domestic rugs.
Bedding, rugs. cle.lned ."\nd rep.1ir·
ed ~nd stored. VenetIan blinds,
281 Montgomery. Cynwyd. Former·
. Iy with
Cynwyd 85.
John Wan;lm"ker. Phone

Our ser\'lC'c doesn'r

stop at Cvnwyd. If you Ii,·" in
(or in~tanc('. count on our ('x pert
DIO SERVICE. TIll' pric,' is

Paul A. Kli"ges
120 Rala Avenu" . . . Cy",.')d 1345

\11'~ ..1. A, HOlIgl,'r. Eduratillll chail'-

Ill;l II , \\·,,\1101 Iii", til ha\',' th,' !Wlll"" IIf
th,,,,, atl"lIdilll!' tilt' IlIlIlillll pietllrt'
lUIICh,',," at th,' H"II,,\ 1I,',:-;tl'atflll',J
M,,"day. :\11\'('1\1111'1' :!I. alld thl' 1'1""
vuc J11'"r('din~ it at thl' Btlyd at 11.
for your money~
A fl"1' IUIICh"lI11 '1"'ak,'I''' \\·ill h,· I~,'\·.
Jac!, Hart alld :-;lIi' R,·.. d, f",hi"l1 <,""l' NARBERTH fe"nq
IJ/$pec(I(J" StatIOn
O!fti:IO! •
• LESS bother
jeddo - Highland anthra-
Mulieres Next Monday cite burns longer and more
The !\1u!ipl'l'>' ",ill llH'd \Iollday at steadily than ordinary
2.00 P. M., in EIIll Hall. Officprs will coal. Fewer trips to the
II{' elpctcrl. The NOll1inating- COll1mit- furnace.
tl'e con>,i:,ts of ;\lrs. W. R. O'Sulli·
\'an, Mrs, Charles Vig-Ul'I'S, :\Ir>,. Clif·
ford W. Bates. LESS ashes
• It burns through and
through. Little left for
NOVEMBER the 8th was ashps-none for clinkers,
the last day for the "hot Takes less of your time
and labor,
blasts." Prepare now for
the cold ones that come
regularly every Winter. LESS cost
The safest way is to have AROUND YOUR HOME
je,ddo gives you more heat
STORM SASH made and YOU MAY NEED- because it's the purest coal
A New Drive Drive Resurfaced
installed for the cold ex- New Curblnt Masonry Work made by nature by a wide
Brick Work Chimney. R.bullt margin. No other can
posure windows and an Cement Work
Enclosure built for your Pool. (Swimming or Lily) approach it.
Garden Wall.
Outdoor Fireplaces
main entrance. These will Stepping Stone Walk.
make you comfortable. Flagltone for Walk. and Terrac••
Building Stone or Boulder.
Ce.. Pool. and Drainage
LESS waiting "
Wet Cellar. Corrected
Added pleasure may be New Tile Drain. We'll deliver it before you
Land.cape De.lgn and Construction go out, just make it clear
obtained from Radiator Top Soli
Sodding when you want it. It'll be
C 0 v e r s , Bookshelves, Tree Planting and Trimming
there on the dot.
TrU Removal
Kitchen Cabinets and at Oradlng and Seeding
the bottom of all-a Base-
I Our men are experienced In the work RALPH S. DUNNE
I we .peclalize In, We have our own Nurs· '.':
erl.... Flag.tone and Building Stone
ment Recreation Room. I Quarrle. and othe'r Equipment which
I per,.,lt. ue to give cultomers the be.t
'work at the lealt co.t. Narberth
Shull Lumber Company MAY WE SERVE YOU?
Coal Company
.. Thr Link Bdwf!f!n PorrJt & Homr Telephone Cynwyd 643
Haverford 8<: Narberth Aves.
29 BaJa Ave., BaJa-Cynwyd

load Building Landscape
Call NARBERTH 2430
CYNWYD 662 Garden WolI, Design and

OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL 3 ond Pools I I) Construction Nightr,-SundaYJ and H alidaYJ

Narberth 2651

.' '.:' '., ..

'::~ ~', .
11:1",1.,;I II..1";!:.I,.I.I.I.,I,.; l.:~'·~"'~·~"'l"'" ;l•.•. '~~,· " ," -:~.',,:"~.:;. .•. , ";}.,h." .•. ' '1..'. ;, • • • .-.•.•, ..•..•:".,.•. ' :, ..... "";"1:;': .. ~.
.'!"-' .• .:•

Page Six
TOWN and TOWNSHIP November 11, 193tJ

Annual Luncheon on News Bits F.·IIX :\1111'1,')', :\Iain Lilli' g!'tlUI.1S \\'hich
~ednesday Prepares THE POCKETBOOK Advertisements
I aHiliatl' With this TII\\'n 1'1"ding' will
From Ihe: Alai" Lille Y. M. C. A., J't'c,·iv" thl'lIugh till' Main Lilli' "I'''

For Red Cross Drive 01 KNOWLEDCE rppps

til \'"f'I)-
i ~uggl'~tl'd rl'adings ,'ach w""", alld will
~I,-~,'~ ~LIIl" II. I-"'I'\\"rda, Ali('('1 oq~aniz" With a lI'ad,'r ~" that local
,1""'I,h""11 :lilt! 11,1"11 Harr W·.'!'t' Ch"""II' t11,,'us.-i"ll will I... a part "I' ":I('h S('S-
la-I TllI',da~ "\I'lIll1g a~ till' :;1""J'Illg silJll, M.,eting (lla.. ('~ will 1,1' arrallg",j
TIll' :\I1I1\1al ]{"II (':i11 LUlleh""1I "I will h,. ('IHl.rgPfl ellly to r,'R\· ('Illllllllttt'(' Ilf tlw flr~t ,l..,n·llLJI' (If ~LlJll lt~ HC'('fl!'dallC'{' \\:lth till' ClJll\t'lIit'llt'(' of
df'nt~ Whfl~·W IIHIIlt'H llJJllI':lr ill
till' ~I:till 1.111" BJ:III"1i :"<1. I. .\1111'11 tllp lelppliolle din'I'lory (II' III I.illl· YIIUlIg" \\'llllll'li Jlltl·rt'~tl·d ill dn's:--- {'arh g-rllup.
c;ln Hl'd Cr"~~, was h.,ld at thC' Mer- !-llJhH\Tlhl·I~,
IIla"iflg allt! 1'''liI'' fUrlJl"hillg, Tlll's,'
i"l1 ('l'lckd Cluh, lIa,·.·rf"l'd, "II \\',.,1 ~ltJLJJl:-' \\"Jil hi' IllWl'att'd ill CO-tlIH'ra-
n,·"lay. 3c a word ti"fl with tl\l' ~Iflg"r :;"\\lng 1'1 a 1\1'
Schauble Heads Puhlicity
3 weeks for the price of 2 P,ot .. r L. Schaubii', g1'lwntl informa-
Th",.' al 1111' '1,,·a",·I'" t:t1,I,· 1" 1'1'
-----.---:c:-;:c-=-=== ("'''lJ'alll,', ..\11 "'IUIJ'''"'lIt alld ill~tru..
li,," malla~"r of Th .. B('II T,'kphone
g"lItlll," tilt' ~111I1i 1,111" Ihall<·h :\". II,," an' fUllll-h,·" \\'ithllut extra cost
Phone Narberth 3637 C"mpall)' III' 1'('nll~ylvaIlJa ;llld "I' The
Wl'I"': ~II'.'" Flalll·I., II. ::,.. 1,,',,1/, ,'h.llI 100 Ih,· g'lJ 1.-. Th,' Ii r-t .."ur",' will I'UIl
Pianlolll! SIal<' (lJ"la\l'Ill't') T,·I"phone
Iliall "I' I{,dl (',i1I; ~II- .. 1. I .. ('alii,). ftll' \I'n wI'('k~ alit! ",ill 11l,'!'t in .·\rd
C"IllI'an)', ha.- hl't'll nan1t'd "X,'('utiYC
vic"-"'lall'lI""': ~II-- ..\111'" ('I'·IIlt'II!. HellJ W"nud 111111'1' till Tll(· ... d<l~· t'\'t'IIIIl~~ at 7.:{11
\I""-chainllall <If tho' {'nit<-d Cam-
S"el'dal\; ~II-. (;""I~" B. 1':'''"-' t;lltL (or 1-'('lll'f,.. 1 hUI1:-,:,'\\(,~k :llld ,-,,,,k- ,,', I, "k,
1111-:" 1';\.I"'f If'!J('t'd 11111\", ~ ill farJllh I'alc:n', pllbllClt\,' comrnltt"",
h"lltll':\I')' .. hallll""1 "I' till' \!alll 1.111' \\'l II I' I' ('. I tf' '\11~. ~;~ 1-llI'l t 11. 1';\ '
III (ll'dt'r t'l--l'('U)"t' ~ldl'quaU' IH'r:-;onal
Blall .. h :"". J; ~II-. 11"111)' ('. ]-::111' IlII c"lllpll'\Il'n that I'"mlllltt,'" will
111-tI'Ul'Il"ll tllt'~I"UI'- \\'111 h.. lilllit.·t!
~ha\\, cl,all'll,al'; ~11'-. c. ::'. ,-\-1,1,) til I; X ~1111Jlar ."'t·\\·ifl~ group.--
I", .-tat[,·01 by pn'''ld''llb alld t"p C'x-
Situalions Wall ted j·jlcll. III'

I ('lIt 1\"(':" uf ,('tlrp(lrrrti()n~ flClt('d for

Il'III), 'i ... ·- .. h,"I·II"II; \11,. ,J II,·J
c'lIn1)l' Cl'lltlllt!', dIal rlllall of .J utli'l!
l'II'.()I{I·:11 1;II:r .. g.'III·lal IJIIU:-:I'\\"(flk ~lld t';lll ht· arl";1I1l!.I·d 111 \YaYIll'. :\ll'rJllll, III'
. ( 'v II. I ~14.
flO J;1'lllfll-~', kjl'f'lt (,ul l'all
"th"r l'Olllt.' lll'''" !'t"IU'·'1. TI1t' g-irl.-
Ih,·,,· Illa,tl'ry IJf ad\·.. rti.,ing and pub-
I{,·,j ('1"'_._. (Itlll'I''' at tilt' 'l"a"'·I".- FEDERAl ~IC l2fIT 4-S \'FAR'> AGO I r,·~i.-t,·r.·01 III tl,,· fir,t gTIlUJi an': Ali,"-
11"lt,l' \l'ehlli'lll"". :\II'. :;chauld,' par-
,'IIII.IIItI·::-': ~IJ:"f\1-:11 d;t \. I'" lliL:lIl !I.v t"'ula")' wdl Ilrill~ I" till' carnplligT'l
talolo- \\,,1', ~II'. 1{"llI'n I·:. B"lld)'.:\;I .I"'-'·I,h.-'·II I"ltj 11,,1,'11 Han, "I' \\"a) ",,
'f'SjIlIILSilll,· WII"I:I II 1.11).:111 h'-'\J~t'\\:(11 k a wid" alld IIJltahl(' "xp('rit'nl'l' in that
tl"nal \)'1"'1'\"1' "I' II,-a-t"I' Ikll'l'; \11 :":arhf'rth :..'1~]-"'. ;11101 Sail) ('I'" I', ,\l:lrc:ar,·t Stillw'ag
11:111')' I. Lau' I', '"'1' (·I"ullilan "I' \h, profl's"ilJll,
TYI'I.\;'; illid 1..:1-111'1';11 Ilrlk,· \\01\, dl'~llt'd "II :lllol ~1:111' F"I \\I'rola, of .-\ rollll"l'l',
:;"uth,.:"t'lll 1"'1111") 1\ ailia ('h''I,t, I. ('all furnish l"l'(t-', t'Il\'('~ ~it! " t ' l l l I .t1t1~I­
, \\r.

AnH'licall R,·d CI"--; ~11" . .1"·"'1,1, , _~_____ Thursday night a gl'ou!, of y"ung
T"WII'('Il,j. CI""ll1lall "I' ]{,dl Call 1'''1 i ~Tf':~l )f;H,\I'IIJ-:1{ -lJlI:-illll'''~S :-.:.-111,01 J:r~td- IH'(lph', Inany (Jf til('lll fl'!llll thl' young-
ual{;' dl'silt'H posltillll :\"allJ"lliJ 4111~'-\\'
tho' I'a'.\, Brallch "I' th,' AIIIl'II,'al' - ~___ 1'('lqd(,':-j .... ',('It'tll·.' of tl1(, \"arillu:-:
H,·" CI'''.-.-; th,· I':"'. I{n, ~tl)"l'l i LA{·.'j)ln·::--;~, wid!,', 11\ i11g' III Xarherth, ('hurchl'''':, IIlt'1 ;tt tIll' :\Llin I.ln" .,'\"" tIl
1 • \~·ilL-du.)- (lUI' 'JIlIn., la~Jllllry ht'atJllfull~' . .'. ' . _ ,..
(klllC'nu, th., H,·,·, H<lger C. Stllll"<lll.. ~lllrt ('ollan" ";trl'llt·d Just I i~hl. l'hoTll' c()n~ld(,l thl' fClllll.ltlllTl of (\ L('.ui(,}-

l>rl'~I,!t-lit <If th,' ~I:till I.ill" Fl·,!t-I'atl"" ~ OJ' \\rilt" Idt'a~t', care o( Tl)\\'X and :--:hip training- g-I'()UP in HThfl Art of,
of ChuJ'l'lw-; ~1r. ,Iuliu~ Zi('g"t, 1'1'1'" ; I,T'I\\':""III!'
' j)i"cu,,~ill!l." Th,.' t"lI-\\'I"'!; cours,'
dent of till' 1.,,\\"'1' :\1"1'I1l1l Tllwll~hlJ" I At '~J !JUT 5 eT1"Ce ' \\'ill. IJ1ak,'. a"ailah1t'.t"'\'''ung /il'np,," Oyer a Century
Bliald; Ill'. \\'J1lialll T, Iklk, ]ll'e"id"lIt:
of tfll' :'>Iain l.))1I' :\I<-dical AS~llciatlllll;,
CIU)('III';TJ-:ltS ('x)lNi(,llceo on l"flllll",L:Uldallc,' III th,' ,"Jib lI""I!<-t1 ttl 1l'ad
hand mad!' hoot(>(>.q a.nd t-::l('(lll(>F, ""rit<> a succes:..; ful dJscu,..;...;JoJ) lIH,('tiIlg" deal-
I of Seryice .
1\11', Frallk C. Roy,'I', ]l1',,~ident of th,·· ('haa. r.!pl?, 11 :>:. Sixth "II' .. I'hila., "a. ing with ~ocial J11'"hl"Ill~, /itllitics, 1'1'_
COll1munit\, H('alth and Civic .o\,,;o('ia·· 1 ~_ _ (4) lig-ion, cultul'al ~tud\,' 01' other human •• *
tion' :\11', j,:. W, Harne", exC'cutin' ~"l' : \"A,'Ut:M "LEA:>:l-:ltS r.. palred like lIew, illt,'r",to', All who al'l' int('r('stC'd will
rl'la;'v of thl' 2\lain l.ine' Y. :\1. C. :\ ...
$1.75 up I'h. :>:arb. ~376,
I LO('({SMITIII:-;";: ll(JV('1ty machine re- lit' wl'!cnlllC' in thi, ~tudl,' grnup.
R. R. Bringhurst
and ~1r, Char1l's W, Crist. mflnag.'r "I: I IJairR-waAhlllg' nlRc.:hlfles, etC'. N. E.
th,' S' ,uth"a,U'rn PI'nn~ylvania eh" I'
-------------------------- I Smedley, 104 I )uo)P~·, :>:arberth. :"arh
& Co., Inc.
tl'r, AIlll'l'ican }{C'd ero"".
:\11'. I{tlb"rt E. R<lIHI)·. ~ati()nal lil
TI ill e o u t Frank D. Moore, Sr. 2~166.

Funpral sC'rvicl's werC' held \Veones- FIN~~ llltESSMAKI:>:O, remodeling, al- Don Pryor, of Wayl1<', ha~ olfl'r..d as-
(I f)
Th .. :'Ilain I.ill'· "Y," ,through iL~ 1
Group \\"ork ('''Illlllittl'l', chain'd hI,' FUNERAL DIRECTORS
1924 Arch St. RITtenhou!le 5690
n'etllr Ill' ll"'_"\<'r R"Ii,·f, Anlt'ri,'al' ;\orri~town ., ,12 LO\\'C'r Merion" 0 day for Frank D, !\toor<', Sr" 58, of forteratlons. buttonholes made. Materials sistancl' in
sale. Mias ~Iadelelne Mlesen. 209 Hay-
dl'\'pl"J>incr "ListC'ni!l"
'" '"
Local RepreJen'ali."e:
R,'d ('1""'" "]I"k,' of tIlt' r"hahilit"tllli 1I:1\"'rf"rd Sch. 1:1 Episc(,pal ,., .. , 0 Summit road, Pl'nn Valley. Mr. errord ave. Narb. 2906-J. (tf) Groups" of y"ung 1"'''1'11' in conl1l'ctio!l.
work tlH' H.,d erll" I ' dlllng: In til, \':llan"\'a , ,25 Auburn",.,., ,12 Moorp. who di<,d suddC'nly on Satur- Hb:LIAl.lLE CAHPENTER alterations & with the :-\atiollal Towl1 !'Ill,(·ting of RA YMOND L. WATROUS
flood and hurrican(' d,'\'a-tat,'d aI"'" Michigan ,19 PC'nn ,,',,',,' .13 day, was head of thc F. D. Moore and jobbing, Please phone Gotllleb Essllnger,' til(' Air Program. ThC' hroadca~ts h..-
215 Avon Road, Narberth
Son~ landscapc contractors company, 122 Conway ave, Narb. 3748-H. (tf) gan Thursda)', :\'o\'I'l11b,'1" 10, at !1.:lO,
of LOllg blalld alld ;\,'w Ellglalld, :\Juhl<-nbl't"g" 1:1 Drexel ... ".,. 6 Narberth 2216
A ]lag('ant wa~ ]l1'I''''llt"d hI, t I" :" ar!Jerth ' 0 Dicks C. C. , .. , 0 a business founded 63 years ago by Capable wuman will take care or chil- 0""1' \\".JZ, with tlw topic "\\·h .. I'l' \Vill
his fathC'r, and a mcmber of the Penn- 'loren day ur eYenln~: cUlllpa"lo" to
Junior R,·t! ('I'll"'. Thll~l' taking I':lll L. 1\1. Jr, 11, .. 19 IIav, Jr, High .. 0 . '. f , I a o y : excellent reference, Phu"e Kar- the :'Ilunich Sdtl"lll"nt I.('ad'.''' S)lI'ak-
sy IvaTlla assoclatlOn 0 nurscrymC'n bNlh ~~43-.J. (:1) I'r~ included (;"I1I'l'al IIugh S. John-
in this :;l'r]('" "f taJ.Jt.aux, "Th,· \')-1' lIan(·)· lIarman, 10C'al residcnt and
and of the Amcrican association of
S]lll'lIdid," \\('1'1': 2\11~,~ :\Iar.illl'it- l.llloi RutgC'r's coaeh, was back of the 20-18 nursC'rympn. Surviving him are his,
i son, AnnC' O'Hal'i' :\IeCorlllick and
FOT ~ale
say, from th,' Baldwlll ::'ellll"I, ,., I" tll"l't e:f Princl'\on Saturday. For the wif!', HclC'n, and thirtl'l'n children, Ir,IHL'S H1CYl'L1';, rail' l'Ollditioll, $11.00.
sl'ntln," "TI](, ::'I,il'it "f tho' ,JUIII"" I: lir,t tinl\' ~ince' IH6~1, Rutger:; <]uellcd 1 Miss HI,,!;., :>:arberth 3825.
Cf'Il:--:-:"; t.('11 hlly ...: fr(ljll tilt, Jla\·('rf'l[ tlip TIg'l'Ts. lIarman took plcnty of . .' The WOHL!) BOOK, ano all Ihe vo('a-
ThC' P"nn:;y!vanla HistOrical Com- tlonal ~uidallce and aoult education Dinner Candles
School, ~ingillg' th.· Int"l'Ilatilillal I,,·, crack" a" Penn's coach when that
mission, with thC' aio of thl' National, that goes with It . . , Wor'lo'. best en-
(I'll" Song; \\"t1lialll t;. CUIT"II, ,J, team failC'd to come through, Now ..' , I
John ~1. ('rll"lIlall, ,J 1'" ,J"hll ,J. ~I t ' may!>1' ~()nlt' of his tormenters will
stored thc birthplace of DaniC'! BoonC', _N_a_r_b_e_rt_h_,
('yclopedlc buy ror a~es I 10 101. T..rms
Youth AomJnlstratlOn, has Just re- If dealred. Th .. Elwoods, IIQ Forest,
_ in the color and sIze for
ell, 4th, ,John T. :\1\,,"'<, .lay C. ::'allol stop hounding and give him the credit
locatl'<l at Baum~town, Berks County, WATER HEATER for sale: Welsbach your home. See them at-
Laul't'llc,' S, S('ott, II, ('It-lI11'lIt S "III tlue, \\. e hope so though to thc pub- Pa, A largc tract of land has been Hotzone No.2: r..asunable. 211 Hamp-
2nd, Harry E, T, Thayer, Fred S, lic it'" always thc coach', fault when " " den ave., Narberth. (4)

ThorpI', \\"allacl' II, \\"alla('.·; I'ight", I a t,'am I"",~. hut thc tcam's when it ac<]ulrC'd In conn!'ctlon WIth the house FIREPLACE woon. ,Os('ar Senn &.
boys and girls fr<lm thC' R""l'llllllll \\·ill.-, SOl'! of cock-eyC"d, isn't it?
and it is being dedicatcd to the Ameri-
can boy.
Sons. 113 Elmwood ave., Karberth"
Narb. 3975. (5) i
P~blic Scholll, J'(']ll'l's,'nting nin(' dil' \\'hen 10,000 fans turn out to see a
ferent nati"ns: E"th,'1' Patt"I'-Oll high ~choul football gaml.', high school Lost and Found 224 Haverford Avenue Narberth 4035
Nora F. E!,!,~, ~Ial'gard Irwin, 1)01'" football "ain't what it used to be," UnitC'd State Civil Servicc .Commis- I.OST-Bunch or keys In brown !path..r
th\' l.ou Krau"", Alma OIlTon, Eliza That many witlll'~sed the Norristown- sion has announcpo an open competi- folder. Dollar rpwal·d. Hel urn to Town
beth lle I'am]lhili", ,julia Gingl'\ti, All L. ~1. I{ame wh('n two unbeaten teams tive cxamination for thc position of I a_n_d_T_o_w_n_s_h_l.:.p_o_m_C'_e_, _ Established 1892 Baring 5161
gelina lannacon(', Clara Marcian, cla"lll'd, The ~tory, however, was an postmaster at Strafford , which pays LOST-Boy's hea vy ~repn swealer, vletn-
, Ity of SchetTey's Field. Narberth 37~5.
Thoma" ::'t,'wart, Rol",rt Smith, ,j" old (On,,-hoth tl'am" good, but onc $1600 a yC'ar. RecC'ipt of applicatIon,
c10sc on November 18.
Bradley & Son-Funeral Directors
seph Law, Dllnald Fanllw, AIt,i.- just a little bl'tter than the other. Rooms for Rent
Fu"hn'r, Charl<'s (;rant. l'nllll'r!" ~I\lhll'nb('rg'~ \'ietorl,' over Drexel ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!I!!~~
Mrs. John f. Bradley (
: NICELY furnished 2nd noor st udlo room
Mazzo, Earll' Aigl'iding'l'r, Samu,·! put that team ill thC' Icad for thc i or bed room. Suttahle ror oJlf> or two
S. E. Cor. 48th and Wyalusing Ave., West Philadelphia
UaIe _ _ eo- C~ p"rsons. Ot her 2nd O"or room, $4,
D'Uhaldo. champIOnship of the eastern Pennsyl- .... ...,.••/..-s 50 ..._ Mrs, ,V, J. Butler, Jr.. 207 lIampdell
ExC'rcise~ Illarking thl' o!'C'nillg III vania collegiate cOllferencc, Those in I ......._._ r ..__... avenue, Narberth. tr
FOt'H-ROOM apartment ror rent, fur-
ArmisticC' Day cl'l..JII'at!on and "olll
nlC'morating' Ikn,iamil1 Franklin'~ lui,,' the sea~on,
thl' kn,,,,\' predict a tie at thC' end of
,--""""= nished, 43 Korth Narberth a,·enue. Kal'-
berth, Phone Narberth 4077.
Frallkenfieltl Funeral Home
ycars of ,,('n'ie,' tll till' nati"n "'ill I" This weC'k:
held at ~I,:lO A. ~I., Friday, :'\ow'mw,' Fl'i"lllls Cl'ntI'al at Episcopal.
MTHIRFS Ii: Simpson
Road at Athens Avenue
11, 1~':IK, at the Franklin 11I~titut,. Cpper Darby at Lower Merion. Teler:.hone Ardmore ~646 Ardmore, Pa.
with officns of till' Jkn,ialnin FI'an" \"illanO':a at Temple. WEALTH , .:
lin Pust of till' A nwrican Legion, tho' I'l'nn State at P.'nn, The TOP leER
Amcrican R.'d.Crll~~ and thl' Institute \\'a~hingt"l1 at St. JosC'ph's. OF REFRIGERATOR
partici pa ti ng·. Clothes aTe CleaneT
Phili]l C. Sta!'It'~, !,n'sid,'nt of th,· talk. Rudolf Sahry and E. Wcaver, HEALTH and Last LongeT-at
Institute; 2\1rs, Henry C. Earnshaw, of York, w,'rC' among thC' guC'sb, Mu- ICE CUBES •
vice-chairman of thC' Southeastern sic was furnished by John ano Anna
Pennsylvania Chaptl'r and chairman IToroni, :'Ilary Higgens, Senior Re-
IN and St. Mary's Laundry, Inc.
of the Main Line Branch No, 1, Amer-,gC'nt, sang, :'Ilary Davis was chair- Know Where Your Laundry Goes
ican Red Cross, and Syhcster Smith. man, PHONE TODAY ARDMORE 4400
-commandcr of the Post, will represent, Thl' wOI1lC'n will hold their rummag('
their respccti\'e 'organizations in the' sale Saturday, No\"ember 12, at Bryn
I5-minute cC'rC'mony which is to be. Mawr, on Lancaster avenuC'. ThC'
Chester G. Jones
broadcast. Mrs. Earnshaw will pre- I next meeting will be held on N o\"eln
sent a wn'ath of carnations fashioIll'o'ber 17, at 8 P, M,
in the symbol of the American Rcd;
.GT' Mr•• Belen 1'. Bolten..
Molher 01 Grand ChampiDra BeIr,
200 Woodbine Ave., Narberth
Phone Narberth 4058
Cros, to COllllllalll'll'r Smith, who will, The long"pst and warmcst Indian
place it at the foot of Franklin's sta- I summer in the history of the weatllC'r BROOKMEAD
Security, careful management, and beauty of
tue, in Franklin Hall. bureau call1l'' to an C'nd on Tuesday GUERNSEY DAIRIES surroundings unite to make these beautiful roil-
night with a sharp 01'01' in tC'l1lpera· (Llcenud Producer. "" Dletrlbutore
under Trademark) ing hills an ideal resting place for those we love.
WOMEN OF THE MOOSE : tur(', Till' m<,!Tury stood at 72 at II Select a Lot before the need of its use is upon

Bryn Mawr Chapter Celebrated 11• • • • • • • • • • • • • •_

Wayne, Peltoa. 'Phone Wayne 1121
We know no you.
Crematory SeT1"Ce a1'ailable
Mooseheart Day November 3 other ~ual~ Belmont Ave., west of City Line (Bala.Cynwyd)
WOI1l('ll of thC' Moos(', Bryn 1\1 awl' ~
Cha]ltC't· .a~', celeuratl'd l\10osl'lll'art:
* day Novl'll1hl'l' 3, at tl1l' Parish Housc l
sale plan which ,I
of ';Ill' Church of the Good SIl('pll('rtl.'
Rosemont, with ~!,l'akl'r~ fl'olll ",'vC'l'al
will pay you
chapters anti till' ml'lllhl'l'S of Loyal· as good a J.,
Order of !llllOSe 332 prescnt. '
The first sppakel', Olivcr S, Twist, return on
presidl'nt of tl1l' EastC'l'Il PPllllsyl\"al1ia ! .,
State A~sociation, actC'd as master of i yOUl- money
ceremonies for the e\·cning-. 0\\'1'11 N.I
Davis, Dictator, spoke on his visit to I
Mooseheart and the hospital, whcrc Iw I Phot.,ra.phs
had been confined. Thomas F. Scan-I
lan, Walter Sharp, Paul Young,
6 for $10

Thomas Higgen, officers of Lodge 332,
Bryn Mawr, gave short talks on lodgl'
work. Freda Klinger, Dean of th('
Friendship Degree, spoke of the work
that can be done and has been done
We specialize in the design 01 appropriate memorial$ l::". ~. STUDIOS
.. ~
by the various chapter committees.
Miss Anna Good, a Mooseheart
~()w. A. (jAI2~()LLC(). LOWER MERION 57 W. Lancaster Ave.,
Between West Laurel Hill and Westminster Cemeteries,
graduate of 1938, spoke of her honw on Belmont Avenue Bala-Cynwyd P.O., Pa. FED'ERAL SAVINGS III
and training at Mooseheart. Ada 133 South 52nd St., Philadelphia
35 E. Lancaster Avenue
Stanford, who was the founder of Phone, Manayunk 0166 5541 North 5th SITeet, Olney
Ardmore, Pa.
Bryn Mawr Chapter, gave a short

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