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Note 3:15 pm Scribd will not take the upload…changing the title to

“forensic facts re speakerPelosi sec1 to 9” – as pdf.

Building Evidence Against Pelosi_sections 1 thru 9
(Incl Raw Data links still live as of 01/18/2021 230PM)

Pelosi seemingly has an expectation of Plausibile Deniability when it comes

to conjecture about her role in the siege at the capiton Jan 6 2021. We
suggest otherwise~
Saul Loeb-remember this name.

(first, a personal comment from an Anon:)

What I know so far…

The smphony of International Media Liaisons playing through concerted efforts to

ring True the global deception of the “siege” at the U S Capitol Building is staggering. It
is reminiscent of the 2020 Covid Phenom. Ten days ago a coalition of truth lovers
began conducting separate methodical open-sourced investigations into “THE CAPITOL
RIOTS”, amid the cacophony occurring across the aisle in the US Congress, wafting
down its hallowed halls, seeping out across America and carried world-wide on a hot air
of deception easily blown into the minds and hearts of the world populations. It is a Lie,
designed to relegate Truth and Facts to an annoying background score mindlessly
humming against an intentional deception seemingly impossible to end in time to save
our American Freedom or our Nation from this Global abomination.
These Free and Open investigations are occurring because everyday people know
that a Travesty of Justice in America has been vacuumed up into a chorus of lies
blasting this Orchestrated Sedition relentlessly against the diminishing sounds of our
Constitutional Republic which binds Americans together in a common acceptance of our
God-given right to Life, to Liberty, and to The Pursuit of Happiness.
It appears to Rational Human Beings that our Constitution has irretrievably perished
at the hand of cacophony spewed from ill-timed half-notes and quarter-tones, bleated
from lecterns and microphones and hand-scribbled notes, edited together from curated
cyber-posts contaminating the known universe conducted in graffiti-like tagging by the
worst yet most prolific among us: the tone-deaf megaphone wielders with no Vision
beyond Destruction, and no accountability for their lack of it. The world, and particularly
America, has been drenched in this flood of fiction pretending to be music and harmony
and solemn prayerful Justice. It is all a lie.

This cesspool is the reality into which I tenuously wade. The waters are chilling,
bone-numbing, and yet these waters stand as the only possible conduit for the glorious
music of Freedom and Liberty and Justice that is yet to come. Yet because I was born
into a God-Fearing Nation, a nation created freely on Judeo-Christian concepts of
Peace and Law and Resurrection, I understand the chill of the waters, the graying of the
skies, the din of destruction playing in the air around me, and strike out unafraid along
with hundreds of millions of other Souls straining to hear the truth among these evil
Songs of Sedition Gaslit Insurgence and Treason playing to capture me and swallow
me in their evil wake.
Not going to happen, not this time…Here endeth the Poet’s lament

(another Anon chimes in…)

Here’s what I know:

I can list specific sources of information working in concert to spread the lies designed
to topple our nation and install an alternative World Government in its place. And I will.
I can show you how, in their arrogance and their greed and their unbridled machinations
against us, the Would-Be-Powerful in our suffering Nation’s Government, are complicit
in the terrible evil that has befallen us. And I will.
I can show you how you, too, were conscripted into this Army of Destruction and now
unwittingly participate in your own destruction as well as mine, knowing that had you
Loved me as I have Loved you, an awakening within your soul would have taught you
my Vision is the Truth of our shared God: while your eyes saw a lie, and your ears
absorbed a dangerous lullaby which was flawed, and you slept while my lips whispered
the truth to you, yet in your unconsciousness you sought to silence me instead. I can
show you how there is now no reconciling between us: you have chosen the sleep of
lullabies and I have chosen the wakefulness of truth..I can do nothing but waken you
with it.
And I will.
Building Evidence Against Pelosi_2:
You Decide.

..we are just throwing this up here Raw, before the data gathered is thrust down the memory hole – follow the links
check the data come to your own conclusions~
Search “dgb3dgb” on ScribD for more raw data etc.

Here Beginneth Fact and Forensics

Okay, then let’s begin with the particular assemblage of Facts and Truth, bound within
this photograph below of the Office of the speaker of the House having been desecrated
with a Hate-Speech note written by an Insurrectionist who sullied her office.., shall we?
Let’s start with the burning Q, What Is on Pelosi’s Desk?

(see my page on/search

@APBenven in the “More on the italian Job”/ Italian Job 2 piece.)
A supporter of Trump leaves a note in the office of Pelosi. SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

Pelosi seemingly has an expectation of Plausible Deniability when it

comes to conjecture about her role in the siege at the U. S. Capitol
Building on Jan 6 2021.We conclusively suggest otherwise~

Building Evidence Against Pelosi_3

PREFACE: Fact Foundation.

Here’s what I have learned in the last 11 days….that is NEW to me… having been
researching the government’s lies goals and deceptions for several years consciously.
1. The day before the Rally, tour busses arrived at the capitol Building despite it
being closed to tourists due to the Pandemic. Photog evidence of the arrival of
these busses is no longer in the Public Domain. Several lawmakers are asserting
this fact however.

2. The night before the Rally, a small collection of campers’ tents were seen
occupied at the Capitol Building Grounds. Eyewitness recounting.

3. No global information or notice went out that Air B&B units would be closed for
the duration of the Rally events nor the weekends before or after. This publicized
notice is now in play for the Inauguration occurring in 3 days, however.

4. Not unlike Benghazi, there were initially multiple personal accounts by Law
Enforcement of having sought increased security; calls for which went
unanswered by the Democrat Leaders in the Nation’s Capital.

5. The weather on Rally Day was in the 40’s; people began arriving at the venue
where POTUS would speak as early as pre-6 AM.

6. POTUS was scheduled to speak to his citizens on Rally Day at 11:00 AM.
Several spoke before he did. Potus arrived late, it was an hour later when he
stood before his people and addressed them. He spoke for just under an hour.

7. There were at least a million people in attendance at his speech, a location 45

minutes’ walk from the Capitol Building. The Trump Supporters did not begin to
move from witnessing the POTUS address until after 1PM.

8. Patriots stood waiting for Trump in 45 degree chilling weather for hours, until he
arrived mid-day and spoke; his speech ended and the 45 minute march to the
Capitol Building began no earlier than 1 PM

(below pic source

trump-in-tweets-had-encouraged-them-to-come-1 ) Apparently a coordinated blast of tweets
went out at 12:15 – 12:30..had POTUS kept to his scheduled 11am start time, that would
have been 15 mins past the ETA of “the mob” they’d planned on hijacking from the Rally.
In fact, the rally had begun around noon and went on an hour or more. It’s a 45 min walk
then to the Capitol Building.
Some media anchors that day commented it was “rude” by DC
standard for Pence to begin his speech in congress before Trump had
finished his speech before the one million plus assembled Citizens..
Perhaps not rude, but Imperative that {Pence begin when he did to adhere
to the pre-planned timeline imposed on the Agent Provocateurs

..POTUS’s Account DELETED:edict of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. (& see Ralph
Notham 12:29 pm tweet also..CNN is claiming this all occurred at 3:30 pm now…invoking PST vs EST.)

9. Eyewitness accounts of the Rally and March and subsequent fate of Trump
Supporters in attendance was well documented on social media especially via
Twitter in real-time. The majority of the accounts carrying this information to the
public have been closed by Twitter and the content of these posts Removed.

10. These eyewitness accounts 1,2,4,&9 above are no longer available online.
Possibly the point in closing TRUMPs twitter was to smokescreen the fact that it’s
not Conservatives but EYEWITNESSES and users in possession of accounts of
EYEWITNESSES who are being banned. It’s Fascism at its finest.

11. There are highly suspicious tweets from other/Democrat accounts that are Still
Active: real-time records that were included in News accounts which were logged
and preserved:
a. Social Media posts complaining about Trump Supporters Violently
Clashing with LE; gunfire sent before 3pm;
b. Accounts of smoke bombs; rioting, etc. sent before 2pm
c. All of which are recorded on Twitter as having been launched, in fact,
before the Trump Supporters In Reality had ever begun their 45 minute
march to the Capitol Building.

12. The entry 11. Above illustrates coordination between Agent Provocateurs
“storming the Capitol Building” and those “Handling” them, informing Social
Media of the impact of their pre-arrival and mayhem, as well as dressing them to
easily be identified as “trump Supporters”, ideally suited to Photo Ops.

13. One particular Photographer had Multiple Bylines for the photographs used both
in the 12-1 pm timeframe of reporting the “conflict” as well as after the 1:45-2:15
pm arrival ( thru the front )of actual Rally Goers who were invited in, seen
reverently walking between theatre ribbon red velvet restraints. See my
companion piece: “More on the Italian Job including Sam Loeb”

14. That photographer is assigned by the French Press AFP to the White House.
Despite Trump’s pending Speech and the highly publicized Rally, this person
chose instead to be at the joint session Elector Vote in the Chambers of
Congress and somehow was able to wander around the building into various
Office rooms, including the Office of the Speaker of the House, randomly
photographing “the insurrection” well in advance of the arrival of any Real rally-
goers.. Recall the Roger Stone arrest, where CNN was there and ready, before the FBI hit
squad ever arrived to dramatically ram the front door and arrest him at gunpoint a la Fascist
Gestapo Tactics.

15. Many of this person’s photographs were already licensed to Getty Images by the
time they began reappearing online later that day. In fact SEVERAL Getty Image
notices appear on tweeted photos of the events at the Capitol Building.

16. There is a photograph of a “note” scrawled, allegedly by an Insurgent Trump

Supporter Terrorist, on the back of a manila file folder in red ink, which was a
close –up of a desk taken in the office of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
There is also a post-it note reading: “Distribute flags Jan 4th” Also there is a stack
of “floor access” passes for June 6th on her desk. Despite the Elector Count
Process already having being in session when the Agent Provocateurs “took
over”, storming the House Chamber.

17. THESE photographs, of Pelosi’s desk referenced above & the distance from the
Venue to the Capital Bldg, are going to serve as my own personal “launch pad”
into recounting for you my investigating the involvement of the Democrat
Speaker of the House in these events which led her 6 days later to impeach
Potus for a second time based solely on the “Capitol Bldg Siege” by “Terrorist
Trump Supporters” asserting POTUS is “guilty of insurrection and is also subject
to Article 25 removal which VP Pence has refused to invoke, leaving me no
choice but to impeach.”
Building Evidence Against Pelosi – cont’d_4:
You Decide:

Immediate Action – In which Speaker Pelosi launches the Impeachment Delusion

off of a “riot” she’s complicit in orchestrating?

Background Note on Pelosi:

REMEMBER: Nancy Pelosi arrogantly and defiantly, (psychotically?) publically
destroyed the Official Copy Of Record of the President of the United States’ historic
State of the Union address, an act televised by every traditional Media outlet worldwide.
By the time Pelosi does this, it is apparent in retrospect that the CCP had already been
enlisted to assist the Democrat Party with fixing the 2020 election against Trump, a Paid
concentrated deception which had failed in 2016 when Trump was elected by the
people, in an historic Landslide. Pelosi acts in Strength of Communist China’s
backing… this may have been an act by Pelosi to definitively solidify to governments /
dictators/communist fascists’ world wide the “American Commitment” to overthrowing
President Trump, and letting all know China was on board now as well.

Nancy Pelosi on Smear Tactics – YouTube › watch- from press conference
from June 22, 2017 (1 mo into Weissmann/ Mueller Investigation: after firing by POTUS of James
Comey, FBI director-complicit in falsifying FISA warrants & illegally spying on his 2016 Presidential
Campaign, just before Avenatti and Stormy Daniels become Media Darlings…) Jun 23, 2017 · Uploaded
by NorthStarOasis
Nancy Pelosi puts out a smear then basically explains its use as a "wrap up smear a political tactic".
And also has the temerity to say "I'm not disrespectful of peoples views" and "the difference is we don't
participate in the politics of personal destruction". Quite the sham.
(License Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) )

Building Evidence Against Pelosi_RAW DATA:

Building Evidence Against Pelosi_5
You decide.

What is in the alleged office of Speaker Pelosi?

Pelosi seemingly has an expectation of Plausibile Deniability when it
comes to conjecture about her role in the siege at the capiton Jan 6
2021.We suggest otherwise~

The day before Impeaching Trump for Insurrection based on the 1/6/21 capitol
bldg. “siege”, Speaker Pelosi was seen in a video clip carried in a politico article,
answering allegations that there were tours given the day before the Storming of
the Rotunda/Capitol Bld, suggesting perhaps those were a level of
“reconnaissance Exercise”

That suggestion actually comes from a letter by Rep Sherrill, here is the link to that
letter: 2020.01.13_Sherrill Letter to USCP and SAA.pdf

And below is a paste of the text of that letter from this site:

(Also, The full text of the letter can be found here:

Paste of Page 1 of the letter:

The Honorable Timothy Blodgett
Acting House Sergeant at Arms
Room H-124 U.S. Capitol
Washington, DC 20510

The Honorable Jennifer A. Hemmingway

Acting Senate Sergeant at Arms
Room S-151 U.S. Capitol
Washington, DC 20510

Yogananda Pittman
Acting Chief
United States Capitol Police
119 D Street, NE
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Mr. Blodgett, Ms. Hemmingway, and Acting Chief Pittman:

We write today to request an immediate investigation into the suspicious
behavior and access given to visitors to the Capitol Complex on Tuesday,
January 5, 2021 - the day before the attacks on the Capitol.
Many of the Members who signed this letter, including those of us who have
served in the military and are trained to recognize suspicious activity, as well as
various members of our staff, witnessed an extremely high number of outside
groups in the complex on Tuesday, January 5. This is unusual for several
reasons, including the fact that access to the Capitol Complex has been
restricted since public tours ended in March of last year due to the pandemic.
The tours being conducted on Tuesday, January 5, were a noticeable and
concerning departure from the procedures in place as of March 2020 that limited
the number of visitors to the Capitol. These tours were so concerning that they
were reported to the Sergeant at Arms on January 5.
The visitors encountered by some of the Members of Congress on this letter
appeared to be associated with the rally at the White House the following day.
That group left the White House and marched to the Capitol with the objective of
preventing Congress from certifying our election. Members of the group that
attacked the Capitol seemed to have an unusually detailed knowledge of the
layout of the Capitol Complex. The presence of these groups within the Capitol
Complex was indeed suspicious. Given the events of January 6, the ties
between these groups inside the Capitol Complex and the attacks on the Capitol
need to be investigated.
It is important that we feel safe in the halls of Congress, and we applaud the
Sergeant at Arms (SAA) and U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) for their efforts. But the
fact remains that there were unusually large groups of people throughout the
Capitol who could only have gained access to the Capitol Complex from a
Member of Congress or a member of their staff.
To that end, please provide answers to the following questions:
1. Are logbooks of Capitol Complex visitors inspected regularly and collected
in any type of database?
1. Do additional law enforcement agencies have access to that
2. Does SAA/USCP track visitors by Member?
3. Does SAA/USCP ask for ID from visitors?
4. If yes, will SAA/USCP provide the information, including names of
Members or staff who were part of these tours?

2. Does SAA/USCP enforce Members signing in guests?

1. Does SAA/USCP have logs of which Members signed guests in on
2. If yes, will SAA/USCP provide the information, including names of
Members or staff who were part of these tours?

3. Have any additional law enforcement agencies requested access to these


4. What would prevent the SAA/USCP from permitting a visitor from entering
the building?

5. What tracking does the SAA/USCP employ to ensure that one staffer did
not bring more than their allotted “official visitors” through multiple

6. Are there video logs of the day in question?

1. If Yes, will SAA/USCP provide the video logs?
7. Is facial recognition software used for visitors entering the complex?
1. If Yes, will SAA/USCP provide the facial recognition results?

8. Are any of the individuals recorded in the Capitol complex on January 5

being investigated for their role in the insurrection the following day?

We appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.


ALSO: from:

it seems there was pre-concern on Jan 3rd:Paste below is from the above

The Pentagon says Trump authorized the National

Guard deployment days before the protest, but the
timeline does not say what that entailed
On Sunday, Jan. 3, Miller and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, met
with Trump. According to the memo, the president “concurs in activation” of the National Guard
to “support law enforcement.” Miller approved the activation of 340 Guard members the
following day.
The details of Trump’s conversation with Miller and Milley are not known. Included in the
above paste is this article excerpt pasted below…remember the name “McCarthy”, which
…in a photograph (to follow) of items on Nancy Pelosi’s desk taken During the “riot”:

Washington’s mayor and the Pentagon offer

conflicting accounts of the lead-up to the protests
After Bowser sent her New Year’s Eve request for help from the D.C. National Guard, the DOD
memo says it approved sending 340 Guard members to support local officials. It further says that
on Tuesday, Bowser delivered a letter confirming that Washington officials had all the support
they needed.
But a spokesperson for Bowser’s office told NBC News that it was McCarthy, not the mayor,
who made the key decisions about the National Guard’s response, including setting the number
of personnel and establishing “that the guard members were not to move East of 9th Street NW,”
blocks away from the Capitol itself.

MORE ON THIS: RAW LINKS(active as of 1/16/2021 10:45 pm:

Lawmakers gave groups 'reconnaissance' tours of the Capitol ... › nation › 2021/01/13 › mik... › nation › 2021/01/13 › mik...

1. Cached
J.) claimed a group of lawmakers gave 'reconnaissance' tours of the Capitol one day before the pro-
Trump mob stormed the federal building. ... Jan. 13, 2021 at 3:58 a.m. PST. One day before a pro-
Trump mob stormed the Capitol, ... GOP lawmaker who tweeted out the location of House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) ...

Missing: meets busload

Congress opens for new session as growing number of ... › news › california › pelosi-set-to-be-reelected... › news › california › pelosi-set-to-be-reelected...

1. Cached
Democrat Nancy Pelosi was set to be reelected as House speaker by her party, which ... Posted:
Jan 3, 2021 / 08:42 AM PST / Updated: Jan 3, 2021 / 11:39 AM PST. The U.S. Capitol building is
seen on a cold and sunny winter day as ... plan to object to the election results when Congress
meets on Wednesday to tally his ...

Missing: busload | Must include: busload

WHY is there a note on Pelosi’s desk reading “distribution of Flags, Nov 4th ol”
you mean flags like THESE?:

”Toi staff” – Times of

Israel.. Oh and BTW…Times of Israel erased all of their tweets prior to 5AM on
Jan7th – effective as of Jan 17 2PM. Interesting – no reporting timeline available
that way~

Trump was nearly an hour late to address his supporters, beginning to speak at
about 11:55 and talking for nearly an hour. While Trump was still speaking to the
assembled supporters on 6/1/2021, Pelosi sent this tweet:
This will be one of the most interesting decodes:
More on this^ later.
For now…..keep going!

Ryan Lizza’s tweet CLEARLY PROVES that the siege was well underway LONG
BEFORE Trumps speech even ended: The Lizza tweet, already with the photo, (and
with the computer cut out) was posted just as Trump was ENDING his speech. Which
I’m sure he knew~
These two tweet screen-captures below I did are from Yahoo article posted at 1:30 pm -
Jeva Lange
Wed, January 6, 2021, 1:33 PM PST btw-why is this showing PST?? Shouldn’t it be EASTERN time???If it
was PST he would have spoken at 4:30 in the afternoon! DC Time Did they ALTER this article to make it
LOOK like it was later? WAS it later?! Or am I just exhausted and cannot think it thru???Gonna look
onlinetomorrow at @apbenven and find out.

here: the article
ends with this label: “Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over
interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily
suspending article commenting.”a MAJOR TELL.

Bottom Tweet shows Computer CLEARLY present in “nancy’s office”

Saul Loeb is not credited in either one. Getty is on the Alexis one, not the Lizza
one???? Wow, that was fast. Here’s the reports bio on twitter:
This Business Insider article is dated the day of the Siege, and not only does it NOT
mention the missing laptop, it claims a derogatory note was left lying on a computer
keyboard. There’s a photo to prove it. There is definitely an HP unit, a mouse, and a
keyboard in the photo.

What ELSE is pictured? (Full text of the article pasted below – retrieved 1/12/2021

You Decide~
Trump supporters who broke into Nancy
Pelosi's office during their siege of the
US Capitol left her a note warning they
'will not back down'


Connor Perrett Jan 6, 2021, 1:53 PM

<See related dgb3dgb research page:

“MORE on The Italian Job Incl Saul Loeb” >

 Note how quickly theup and the article written – posted by Business Insider in under an hour
after it all began?? WTF??

 A pro-Trump mob on Wednesday stormed the US Capitol as part of its "Stop the Steal" protest
that baselessly alleged President-elect Joe Biden's win was the result of widespread voter fraud.
 Some rioters entered the office of Rep. Nancy Pelosi, who was elected this week to another term
as the speaker of the House.
 CNN first reported that a person had left a threatening note for Pelosi, which said: "WE WILL
 There have been bipartisan calls for those who stormed the Capitol to leave the building and
follow the instructions of authorities.
 Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

An ominous note was left for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in her office Wednesday after rioters
in support of President Donald Trump stormed the US Capitol building as lawmakers were
discussing the certification of the 2020 election results.
CNN first reported the existence of the note, which was left on a desk in Pelosi's office atop a
computer keyboard. The note was written on a manila folder in red ink.

"WE WILL NOT BACK DOWN," the note said.

The New York Times reported Pelosi's office was vandalized by some of the president's
supporters who mobbed the Capitol on Wednesday. Congress was forced to abruptly enter
recess. Vandals ripped photos off the wall and flipped furniture in the house speaker's office,
according to The Times.

Pelosi on Sunday was reelected by her peers in Congress to serve her fourth term as speaker of
the House.

In The News
Coming Soon: Bills Requiring Fiduciaries to Consider ESG Factors
in 401(k) Plans
December 17, 2020 In The News &”Andy Levin” are on her desk…this is from his website
under “media:
Coming Soon: Bills Requiring Fiduciaries to Consider ESG Factors in 401(k) Plans
Congressman Andy Levin, D-Michigan is drafting legislation that has the potential to open the
floodgates for socially responsible investments in retirement accounts.
The bills — there are two to amend existing laws — would require investment fiduciaries to take
into account environmental, social and governance factors when making investment decisions.

Jane Harman | Harvard Law School › faculty › directory › Harman › faculty › directory › Harman

1. Cached

1. Biography. Jane Harman resigned from Congress February 28, 2011 to join the Woodrow
Wilson Center as its first female Director, President, and CEO. This name was Also on her desk.
2. Similar
Jane Margaret Lakes Harman (born June 28, 1945) is the former U.S. Representative for
California's 36th congressional district, serving from 1993 to 1999, and ...

Education: Smith College (BA); Harvard Unive...

Spouse(s): Richard Frank (m. 1969⁠–⁠1978...

Political party: Democratic

Career · Early career · 2009 wiretap/AIPAC ... · Political positions

Is she barney frank’s sister in law I wonder? She looks CIA really… see?: U.S.
Representative, 2000 to 2011[edit]

Harman's portrait during her second term as US Rep

Harman narrowly won her old seat in 2000, defeating Republican incumbent Steven T. Kuykendall,
and was easily re-elected in 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, and 2010.
Representing the aerospace center of California during her nine terms in Congress, she served on
all the major security committees: six years on Armed Services, eight years on Intelligence, and
eight on Homeland Security. She made numerous congressional fact-finding missions to hotspots
around the world, including North Korea, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and
Guantanamo Bay. During her long public career, Harman has been recognized as a national expert
at the nexus of security and public policy issues. She received the Defense Department Medal for
Distinguished Service in 1998, the CIA Agency Seal Medal in 2007, and the CIA Director's Award
and the Director of National Intelligence Distinguished Public Service Medal in 2011.

Aaand a girl after Obama’s own heart apparently, also: 2009 wiretap/AIPAC
In 2009, it was revealed NSA wiretaps reportedly intercepted a 2005 phone call between Harman
and an agent of the Israeli government, in which Harman allegedly agreed to lobby the Justice
Department to reduce or drop criminal charges against two employees of AIPAC in exchange for
increased support for Harman's campaign to chair the House Intelligence Committee.[14] The NSA
transcripts reportedly recorded Harman ending the phone call after saying, "this conversation doesn't
exist."[15] It was reported that Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General at the time of the phone call,
blocked Justice Department lawyers from continuing the investigation into Harman (in spite of the
alleged crime) because the Bush administration "needed Jane" to support their warrantless
wiretapping program, which was soon to be revealed to the public by The New York Times.[16]
Harman denied the allegations, and called for the government to release the full transcript of the
wire-tapped conversation, something they never did.[17] In June 2009, Harman received a letter
from the Justice Department declaring her "neither a subject nor a target of an ongoing
investigation by the Criminal Division." Though the espionage charges were later dropped on the
two employees from AIPAC, against the wishes of the FBI, Harman did not become chair of the
House intelligence committee.[18]

Enter Adam Schiff I guess??? Jeeeeeze. Future Proves Past. She’s now head of the Wilson
Center …wonder how much $$ was in the Dec budget for THAT. Ohhhh..ok 14 MILLION?

Looks like “ambassador Kathryn” is there also…found this

KATHRYN HALL | National Democratic Institute

KATHRYN HALL Board Member and Former United States Ambassador to the Republic of Austria
Kathryn Walt Hall is the proprietor of HALL Wines and WALT Wines, and has been involved in the
California wine industry since her family first purchased a vineyard in the 1970’s.

Uhh..Nancy has a Sonoma vineyard, Nephew Gavin Newsom has a Sonoma Restaurant –
Kathryn Hall is on Nancy’s Desk pre- Siege….wonder whose WINES Gavin CARRIES
hmmm???And oh lookie, she went to the EXACT SAME SCHOOLS as BOTH Obama
(allegedly) and Kamala Harris….how Convenient!! Here lemmie show you….

Kathryn Walt Hall - Wikipedia

Kathryn Walt Hall is an attorney, businesswoman and the American ambassador to Austria (1997-2001).
Hall earned an A.B. in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley, and a J.D. from the
University of California, Hastings College of Law. She also has a joint MBA from UC California, Berkeley,
and Columbia University.
1. Here’s her wine crapola: Kathryn Walt Hall-temp | Sonoma, Napa, Healdsburg
Wine ...

Kathryn Hall and her family have been grape growers in Mendocino County since 1972. The Walt family
owns 63 acres of Cabernet Sauvignon, Gamay, Zinfandel, Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc
in the Redwood Valley and has sold their grapes to such wineries as Fetzer, Parducci and Beringer.
Kathryn managed the family vineyard from 1982 to 1992.
2. Kathryn Walt Hall - Charleston Wine + Food

Kathryn and her brother managed the family vineyard from 1982 to 1992, selling grapes to other
wineries, as well as producing Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Sauvignon under the label WALT
Vineyards. Kathryn began her public career as assistant city …

MY MY MY turns out SHE is with the Wilson Center also..or was. From the link above,
her Charleston wine & food bio – old~
Kathryn Walt Hall

1 min read

Kathryn Walt Hall is the proprietor of HALL Wines and WALT Wines, and has been involved in
the California wine industry since her family first purchased a vineyard in the 1970’s. She is a
New York Times Bestselling Author of A Perfect Score, and has had a distinguished career as a
successful businesswoman, attorney, and community activist. From 1998 to 2001 she served as
the United States Ambassador to Austria.

Kathryn and her brother managed the family vineyard from 1982 to 1992, selling grapes to other
wineries, as well as producing Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Sauvignon under the label WALT
Vineyards. Kathryn began her public career as assistant city attorney in Berkeley, California.
Later, she joined Safeway Stores, where she was responsible for developing and administering
one of the nation’s first and largest affirmative action programs. Subsequently, she worked as an
attorney and businesswoman in Dallas, Texas, where she was president of an inner city
development company and partner of Hall Financial Group, Inc.

Long committed to social issues, Kathryn has served on numerous non-profit and institutional
boards, addressing issues related to social care and mental health. She co-founded the North
Texas Food Bank, served on the U.S. House of Representatives Hunger Advisory Committee,
and was the director/vice president of the Texas Mental Health Association. Kathryn has served
on the National Advisory Council for Violence Against Women and as a trustee of the
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

From 1998 to 2001, Kathryn served as the United States Ambassador to Austria. Since her return
to America, she has resumed her role as proprietor of HALL Wines along with her husband
Craig. Continuing upon her experience promoting American agriculture in Austria, in September
2001 she was appointed to the United States Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Technical
Advisory Committee (ATAC) for International Trade and to Texas One, promoting international
investment in Texas.

Kathryn serves on the Napa Legal Aid Board, the Board of Directors of Festival Napa, and is a
Trustee of the Southwestern Medical Center. She is fluent in French and German, earned a B.A.
in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley, a joint MBA from UC California,
Berkeley & Columbia University and a J.D. from the University of California, Hastings College
of Law. Together with her husband Craig, they have four children.

Also on pelosi’s desk : “Julie” (and on the lower Check list = “Secretary of the Senate”)

..introducing Julie Adams:

“As an undergraduate, Adams participated a Luther College semester-long

internship program in Washington, D.C., during which she interned with the Children's Defense
Fund.”…[2]”Adams went to Washington, D.C., where she served for 17 months as an aide to First
Lady Laura Bush, before joining the staff of then-Senate Majority Whip, Mitch McConnell, as deputy
communications director in 2003.[1]
From September 2007 to January 2009, Adams worked in the East Wing of the White House Office
as a spokesperson for First Lady Laura Bush.[1] Adams then served six years as director of
administration and member relations for Senate Majority Leader McConnell.”[1]


Secretary of the United States Senate · Office Holder Julie E. Adams

“PPO Liason” also on her desk: Bing search 1/13/21 8:30 AM returned this article:

Text of the article pasted below…highlights mine.

02/25/2020 07:36 PM EST
Updated: 02/25/2020 10:55 PM EST
A new senior leader at the White House personnel office: A college senior
2 mins read

The director of the personnel office, John McEntee, has installed a young, loyal aide as he evaluates the loyalty of
officials across the administration.

Bacon will be PPO’s director of operations overseeing paperwork and will assist on vetting. The role was
previously filled by Katja Bullock, who is in her late 70s and was a veteran of the office in both Bush
administrations, as well as the Reagan administration.

The White House has not yet sent around any formal internal notice of Bacon’s new role. A White House spokesman
declined to comment.

McEntee replaced Sean Doocey, who is heading to the State Department.

Presidential Personnel Office director John McEntee (above) has brought in 23-year-old James Bacon. |
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

McEntee, 29, held a meeting in a conference room in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building last Thursday with
White House liaisons of Cabinet departments where he asked officials to find Trump appointees who may be anti-
Trump, according to an administration official familiar with the meeting. McEntee also told them that PPO was
going to take a look at all appointees at some point and re-vet them to see if they’ve been disloyal in any way.

More dramatic changes are likely to be delayed until after November but the agency liaisons have been told to stop
moving around officials who are viewed as anti-Trump to other agencies. (Axios first reported the details of the

Another administration official described the meeting as “very positive” and McEntee reassured colleagues that
there won’t be delays even though some PPO officials are leaving.

At least during his transition into the office, McEntee has for now kept on Michael Burley, who is associate director
of presidential personnel and a special assistant to the president, but Burley is trying to figure out his next steps if
he decides to leave.

After his acquittal, the president — emboldened and increasingly skeptical of anyone not a part of his original team
— has relied on people like McEntee to act on his unofficial edict to fill the White House with loyalists and get rid of
anyone feared to be part of the “deep state.”

McEntee worked on the Trump campaign in 2016 as the president’s body man, and in his role at the White House
had constant access to the president, flying with him on Marine One and Air Force One, and at the president’s side
to assist with any needs. He was fired from his role in 2018 by former chief of staff John Kelly because of security
concerns tied to gambling allegations.

But McEntee wanted to return to the White House and is trusted by Trump, his family, and senior staff, was brought
back earlier this year as the president is about to head into a reelection year and personnel changes are expected at
the White House.

Despite having the trust of the president, McEntee’s lack of experience has raised concerns among some White
House staff about his ability to run a critical White House office. One White House official pointed out that loyalty,
in this case, trumped age and experience.

There is a post-it referencing “Board of education room - H128 (VP.U)” and what appears
to read:”Opening Electoral College” and “Distribution of flags January 4th or”(Snip
According to speaker Pelosi/Staff, her Lecturn, “Stolen during the Riots” was in this room:

“On or about January 8, 2021, the FBI consulted with members of the
Speaker’s staff and learned that before the forced entry to the Capitol
building began on January 6, 2021, the Speaker’s lectern was stored in
the Speaker’s Suite, located under a staircase to the third floor on the House
side of the Capitol building. On or about January 7, 2021, the lectern was
found by a member of the Senate staff in the Red corridor of the Senate
wing off the Rotunda in the Capitol building,” the criminal complaint
says. “According to the House of Representatives’ curator, the Speaker’s
lectern has a market value of more than $1,000.”
3. Curator of the House of Representatives - Wikipedia
The United States House of Representatives' Curator is an employee of the United
States House of Representatives, under the supervision of the Clerk of the House, who
is responsible for the care of the House Collection of Fine Arts and Artifacts, on behalf
of the House Fine Arts Board. The House's Office of Art and Artifacts collects,
preserves, and interprets the House's fine and decorative arts, and historic objects.

Here’s info on room H128:

1. Cloture Detective: H-128

May 15, 2012 · After Rayburn died in 1963, the Board of Education Room remained in control of the
Speaker. Use of the room, however, declined over the years as additional space was given to new
Speakers. However between the tenures of Speaker’s Nicholas Longworth and Sam Rayburn, H-128 was
a favorite hangout and watering hole for Members of Congress.
Quote from theabove: “H-128 is a pretty awesome room. If you ever read Speaker Tip
O’Neill’s Man of the House or any biography of Speaker Sam Rayburn, you’ll notice that room
comes up in a lot of fun and interesting stories. H-128 served many purposes, such as the room
for the Journal Clerk, a room for the Committee on Elections and there were other House
Committee’s that met there from time to time. However, the room has since been used (and is
currently controlled by) the Speaker of the House, ... Both Longworth and Garner used this room
to `instruct’ and `educate’ freshmen Members on how to vote on a particular bill and engage in
drinking bouts with friends. This first floor hideaway the Speaker used is located at the bottom
of the marble staircase that leads to the Speaker’s lobby on the second floor of the Capitol.”


The Board of Education

View Larger
Image courtesy of the Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives The murals of flora and fauna of the territories, and
Native American objects reflect the room's original use.

The small room tucked away on the first floor of the Capitol became famous in the 20th century
as the “Board of Education,” where House leaders met to relax and share information and
strategy. The space was part of the 1857 extension of the Capitol, and the Committee on
Territories claimed it first, but Speakers of the House have used it since the turn of the 20th

A Room for Speakers

The Speaker of the House took over the future Board of Education in 1901. For many Speakers,
it offered an escape from their public offices near the House Chamber. Tucked away on a narrow
corridor, close to storage rooms and the barbershop, the little room had a relatively low profile.
Speaker Henry Rainey liked to work there “unbothered by job hunters and self-appointed advice
givers,” according to the newspapers. Speaker Jack Garner used it as a second home. Ettie—his
wife, secretary, and close advisor—cooked his meals there on a stove especially installed for

View Larger
Collection of the U.S. House of Representatives
About this object Ettie and Jack Garner were a powerful pair during the latter's three decades in the House. Ettie served
as his secretary and cooked his lunch every day in the Board of Education.
Speaker William Bankhead gave the room to Majority Leader Sam Rayburn, beginning the
space’s most storied era as Rayburn’s hideaway during his long Speakership.
Soon the room took on the name it is still known by today—the Board of Education. Party
leaders met to drink, quiz selected House Members on political matters, and plot legislative
strategy. In a different spot in the Capitol Speaker Nicholas Longworth pioneered the custom,
and the name, of the convivial retreat, but it was Rayburn who most famously used it as a
political tool. His ability to gather new and seasoned Representatives in the Board of Education,
serving them bourbon while he gathered information and issued tactical marching orders, was the
stuff of lore. Although Rayburn made the Board of Education legendary, he never referred to it
that way, calling it simply “the little room” downstairs from the House Chamber.

View Larger
Image courtesy of the Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives Sam Rayburn's tribute to his home state occupies the
west wall lunette.

Rayburn's Influence
Rayburn outfitted the room with shabby, comfortable furniture—old “Turkish” tufted chairs, a
long leather couch, threadbare carpet, and a big desk that had drawers jammed with bottles of
bourbon and Scotch. Rayburn had the Texas seal painted on the west wall of the room, and
below it he placed two stanchions holding the U.S. flag and the Lone Star banner carried by the
Texas Delegation at the 1932 Democratic National Convention. He also hung two portraits: his
official Speaker’s portrait and a rendering of Senator Morris Sheppard of Texas.

The small circle of regulars who joined Rayburn to “strike a blow for liberty”—as Garner called
their tumblers of liquor in the days of Prohibition—included longtime House Parliamentarian
Lewis Deschler, Representative Lyndon Johnson of Texas, and a few committee chairs. Senator,
and later Vice President, Harry Truman was another frequent visitor. Truman was relaxing with
Rayburn and friends when President Franklin Roosevelt died. The Capitol switchboard patched
the White House’s urgent call to the Board of Education. Truman went pale, muttered “Jesus
Christ and General Jackson,” and grabbed his hat as he rushed out the door to assume the

2. Speaker Rayburn’s “Board of Education” | U.S. Capitol ...

Dec 20, 2011 · So, I hit the books to find out the history of this room, H-128, and to take a closer look at
its relationship to Speaker Sam Rayburn (D-TX). The “Board of Education” room, as it is known in the
Capitol, is tucked away on the first floor of the building and was a part of the 1857 expansion, originally
housing the Committee on Territories ...
3. The Board of Education | US House of Representatives ...

Sep 11, 2001 · The small room tucked away on the first floor of the Capitol became famous in the 20th
century as the “Board of Education,” where House leaders met to … at this site it


“Five Levels

The U.S. Capitol Building is divided into five levels.

The first, or ground, floor is occupied chiefly by committee rooms and the
spaces allocated to various congressional officers. The areas accessible to
visitors on this level include the Hall of Columns, the Brumidi Corridors, the
restored Old Supreme Court Chamber, and the Crypt beneath the Rotunda,
where historical exhibits are presented.

The second floor holds the Chambers of the House of Representatives (in the
south wing) and the Senate (in the north wing) as well as the offices of the
congressional leadership. This floor also contains three major public areas. In
the center under the dome is the Rotunda, a circular ceremonial space that
also serves as a gallery of paintings and sculpture depicting significant people
and events in the nation's history. The semicircular chamber south of the
Rotunda served as the Hall of the House until 1857; now designated National
Statuary Hall, it houses part of the Capitol's collection of statues donated by
the states in commemoration of notable citizens. The Old Senate
Chamber northeast of the Rotunda, which was used by the Senate until 1859,
has been returned to its mid-19th-century appearance.

The third floor allows access to the galleries from which visitors to the U.S.
Capitol may watch the proceedings of the House and the Senate when
Congress is in session. The rest of this floor is occupied by offices, committee
rooms and press galleries.

The fourth floor and the basement/terrace level of the U.S. Capitol are
occupied by offices, machinery rooms, workshops and other support areas.

“Hoyer” and “Clyburn” are also seen on a list just below the mouse. Pelosi’s engagements with
these two goes back to 2010 at a minimum:
Look at this: Read Full Article:

Capitol secured after assault from Trump supporters

Jan 06, 2021 · House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that after consulting with House Majority Leader Steny
Hoyer, Clyburn, the majority whip, and speaking with the …

There is also a note with the entry: “Jim Rattner – pay <illegible>
There is this online via Wikipedia/bing search:
And look at this…. – apparently it was NOT DONE during the 1/6/2021 rally
weekend hmmm? Is THAT where some of the Agent Provocateurs/ the Hired
Thugs stayed?

James Rattner - Associate Principal, Corporate Development ...

Liked by James Rattner Sent this farewell email to colleagues at Airbnb when I left a few months ago.
The core message — that the business is yours to shape — is at once…
 Title: Associate Principal, Corporate …
 Location: San Francisco, California, United States
Linked-in partial paste:

4 years 9 months

o Associate Principal, Corporate Development and Strategy

Aug 2019 - Present1 year 6 months
o Senior Associate, Corporate Development and Strategy
Feb 2018 - Aug 20191 year 7 months
San Francisco Bay Area
o Public Policy
May 2016 - Feb 20181 year 10 months
San Francisco Bay Area

Investment Banking Summer Analyst

J.P. Morgan
Jun 2014 - Aug 20143 months
New York
Diversified Industries Group

National Economic Council Intern

The White House
Jun 2013 - Aug 20133 months


J.P. Morgan
Feb 2011 - Apr 20113 months
Shanghai, China
..listed with the name “Izzy” but address bar uses JamesRattner

OR..does the entry say “Tim Keller – pay”?? Look:

1. 8 from North Carolina arrested during US Capitol riots ...

Jan 07, 2021 · Timothy Keller, 34, charged with no permit Thomas Gronek, 46, charged with carrying a
pistol without a license, possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device, possession of …
The article lists N Carolina arrestees, and begins like this:
Author: Lea Wilson
Published: 12:17 PM EST January 7, 2021
Updated: 3:40 PM EST January 7, 2021

WASHINGTON D.C., DC — Eight people from North Carolina were arrested

Wednesday amid the chaos at the Capitol in Washington D.C. when a pro-
Trump mob overran and broke into the building.
Angry supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol to
prevent a peaceful transfer of power, forcing lawmakers
to be rushed from the building and interrupting challenges to Joe Biden’s
Electoral College victory. MOTIVE FOR THE LEFT????

OR.. does it read “Tim Hosmer”? Look:

Our Team - Hosmer Estate Winery › hosmercrew › hosmercrew
1. Cached
Vineyard Manager and Owner of Benchmark Planting. Tim Hosmer, the next generation
of the Hosmer family, is an esteemed member of the wine industry. He ...

L E H121; S 154 – see Sherrill letter above – Timothy Blodgett and Jennifer A Hemingway

There is also a postit with Capitol Building Room Number entries. One is H-137. Look:

depicting this:
Then there’s this:

White House Tunnel System and Underground Command Center

An underground passageway provides pedestrian access between the White House and the Old
Executive Office Building next door. There are rumors of tunnels connecting the White House to the
Capitol, Blair House, VP Residence, Camp David and the Pentagon, but these are unsubstantiated at
this time. White House Tunnel Photos Photos from Truman Library

Capitol Building Tunnel System – Washington, D.C. - Atlas ...

Mar 16, 2017 · In 1958 when the east front of the Capitol was being expanded, the government built an
entirely new tunnel with a station under the Senate steps. The new …

1. Why is There a Hidden Network of Tunnels Underneath of ...

Dec 01, 2016 · This secret tunnel system currently connects the White House to the Eisenhower
Executive Office Building next door, the New Executive Office Building (NEOB), the bunker under the
Blair House, the bunker under the VP Residence at the Naval Observatory, a hotel near the White House,
the U.S. Capitol, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, the Pentagon ...
2. Obama declassifies secret White House train system | The ...

Dec 23, 2013 · This secret tunnel system currently connects the White House to the Eisenhower
Executive Office Building next door, the New Executive Office Building (NEOB), the bunker under the
Blair House, the bunker under the VP Residence at the Naval Observatory, the U.S. Capitol, Joint Base
Anacostia-Bolling, the Pentagon, the State Department, and some ...

3. The Capitol, the White House & the Washington Monument

Oct 01, 2015 · The Capitol One of the best-known and architecturally-impressive buildings in the world,
the neoclassical United States Capitol in Washington, DC has been home to the House of
Representatives and Senate for over two centuries. In that time it has been built, set on fire, rebuilt,
restored and expanded. George Washington laid the cornerstone in September 1793 to great …

4. United States Capitol | Architecture, History, United ...

Jan 08, 2021 · Designed as an underground extension of the Capitol, it features exhibits about the
building and Congress; the centre also provides shelter to visitors who previously had to wait in lines
outdoors. Not including the Capitol Visitor Center, the building contains about 540 rooms and stands in
a 131-acre (53-hectare) park. (personal comment:This article was accessed 01/16/2021 at
10:00PM and includes a completely untrue entry about the 1/6/2021 “siege” by
“trump supporters”, it was disgusting to read. Section pasted below. This Has To

Jan 08, 2021 On

January 6, 2021, the Capitol was the scene of domestic
terrorism when supporters of Pres. Donald Trump stormed the
building as Congress was in the process of certifying Joe Biden’s
victory in the 2020 presidential election. Trump and his backers
challenged the results, citing unproven claims of voter fraud. Several
people died, but the Capitol suffered relatively minor damage.
U.S. Capitol: attack by pro-Trump supporters
Supporters of Pres. Donald Trump during an attack on the U.S. Capitol, Washington,
D.C., January 6, 2021.
Jon Cherry/Getty Images News

B. Philip Bigler The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica

IS that what THIS post-it was all about??? There is this, from

Bing Images search:

US Capitol Police banned building tours on day of riot after Democrats raised security
concerns ...|4

60 × 259 jpeg
and this:
A supporter of Trump leaves a note in the office of Pelosi. SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

The rioters came to Washington, DC, Wednesday to protest as part of the "Stop the Steal"
movement, which is named for Trump's baseless claims of widespread fraud in the election.
Their actions were condemned by both Democrats and Republicans. Trump had previously
encouraged his followers to come to Washington to protect the certification of the election

President-elect Joe Biden on Wednesday called the mob of Trump supporters a "violent siege"
and an "insurrection," urging for calm amid the chaos.

In a joint statement with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Pelosi said she was "calling on
President Trump to demand that all protesters leave the US Capitol and Capitol Grounds

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, a Republican leading the effort to object to the certification of the election
results in the Senate, tweeted: "Those storming the Capitol need to stop NOW."

And in a video posted on Twitter, Trump urged his followers to leave the Capitol and head
home, though he repeated his baseless accusations about the 2020 election.



1. Capitol Siege: Man Photographed In Pelosi’s Office Charged ...

5 hours ago · A man photographed sitting in Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office during the violent siege of
the U.S. Capitol by President Donald Trump's supporters now faces 11 …
1. Man Who Posed For Photos Sitting At A Desk In Pelosi's ... HAS A LIST OF
PEOPLE ARRESTED, FBI claims they are going to track down people via
Jan 08, 2021 · The Department of Justice says Richard Barnett, identified as the man who sat at a desk
in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office during the siege …
2. Richard Barnett arrested for being in Pelosi's office ...

Jan 09, 2021 · Richard Barnett, a supporter of US President Donald Trump sits inside the office of US
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi as he protest inside the …
3. Man seated at Pelosi’s office among those newly accused of ...

Home Breaking News Man seated at Pelosi’s office among those newly accused of the Capitol...
Breaking News; Man seated at Pelosi’s office among those newly accused of the Capitol siege. January
8, 2021. 0. 5. Share. Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest. WhatsApp. Linkedin. ReddIt. Email. Print. Tumblr.
Telegram. Mix. VK.
riots/? Times of Israel continues the lie of association between Q
and other radical infiltrators / agent provocateurs/ paid actors.

Remember my piece on Blunt and Direct Time vs BLOUNT? Here is the Wikipedia for Billy Long:
:: Billy Long - Wikipedia

William Hollis Long II (born August 11, 1955) is an American auctioneer and politician serving as the U.S.
Representative for Missouri's 7th congressional district since 2011. The district includes much of the
southwestern quadrant of the state and is anchored in Springfield.The district also includes Joplin and the
popular tourist destination of Branson.
 Born: William Hollis Long II, August 11, 1955 (age …
 Preceded by: Roy Blunt
 Political party: Republican
 Children: 2
Billy Long- Net Worth - Personal Finances • OpenSecrets

Billy Long's estimated net worth for 2018 is $2,783,022. Learn more about their investments and
1. Latest News | U.S. Representative Billy Long

Congressman Long made the following statement regarding the events that took place at the United
States Capitol on January 6, 2021. “What happened at the Capitol Building is disgraceful and completely
unacceptable and I condemn the actions of those involved,” said Rep. Long.
2. Press Releases | U.S. Representative Billy Long

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Rep. Billy Long (R-MO) released the following statement after being selected by
President Trump to join the President’s Task Force on Reopening the Economy: “Though COVID-19 has
created unprecedented challenges for our nation, I am confident that we can continue to protect our
citizens without crushing our economy," said Rep. Long.
Billy Long - Today, I will object to the certification of ...

Next week, your 117th United States Congress will convene for the first time. After the election of
Speaker and the adoption of the Rules of Congress, the action will quickly move to reading aloud the
electoral votes submitted by each state from this past November's election - counting them, and ...

4. Laptop stolen from Nancy Pelosi’s office during siege

Jan 08, 2021 · NEW YORK (1010 WINS) -- A laptop belonging to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was
stolen during Wednesday's siege on the U.S. Capitol by …
The new security procedures were announced Tuesday, coming after last week's riot on
Capitol Hill that left five people dead and a trail of destruction through the building,
including smashed windows, torn papers, and broken furniture.

'Effective immediately, all persons, including Members, are required undergo security
screening when entering the House Chamber,' acting House Sergeant at Arms
Timothy Blodgett wrote Tuesday in a memo to lawmakers obtained by
Building Evidence Against Pelosi_6

Pelosi_Lawmakers who helped

insurrectionists could face criminal

Workboard paste:
v=GMBeUORJWj4 Link to Pelosi’s infamous
“Wrap-up-smear” tutorial to her Press Corp.
Floor passes pic can be found at :

Below is all from:
timeline back THREE HOURS at least.

Here is the read file – will try paste the twitter graphics next:

Tweets From The U.S. Capitol During The Attempted Coup Are A Frightening Read
1 min read


There's no other word but terrifying. On Jan. 6, rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol Building
in Washington D.C. after President Donald Trump delivered a rally speech where he
claimed, once again without evidence, that the November 2020 election was stolen from
him. As police failed to hold back crowds, some Trump supporters forced their way into
the building. These tweets from the U.S. Capitol during the attempted coup are a
frightening read, and show the disturbing perspective on the ground.
While information is still coming out, the initial details from those present are frightening.
Around 1 p.m. ET, rioters reportedly entered the Capitol and forced their way into the
chambers where legislators were confirming the election of President-elect Joe Biden.
Legislators and those inside the Capitol were reportedly instructed to shelter in place,
per multiple accounts. The White House did not immediately respond to Elite Daily's
request for comment regarding the situation and President Trump's influence on events.

Terrifying photos and videos showed glimpses of the events inside the Capitol building,
including security with guns pointed at rioters and legislators and congressional staff
crouching beneath chairs and desks in the legislative chambers. Many members of
Congress and those present tweeted out what they were seeing.

According to live reports from The Washington Post, the national guard will be
activated, and at least one person has been shot inside the building. According to a Jan.
6, 1:31 p.m. tweet from Complex's Steven Nelson, there appeared to be some type of
gas in the Capitol building entryway.

As of Jan. 6, there's no evidence Trump directly or intentionally incited his supporters to

riot. However, he's received criticism in the past for failing to condemn certain right-wing
militia groups, such as the Proud Boys. In fact, in September 2020, Trump directly
addressed the Proud Boys, telling them to "stand back and stand by" during the first
presidential debate, and many Americans interpreted his words as a cryptic message
for the future should he lose to Biden in the presidential election — which, he did. The
Trump 2020 campaign did not respond to Elite Daily's request for comment at the time.
Since then, Trump has refused to concede the election, and has only seemed to drift
further and further away from reality as he continues to make baseless claims about
election fraud on nearly every public platform he can. His supporters have already
stormed the Capitol, so who knows what might happen next between now and Biden's
inauguration on Jan. 20? Hopefully, it won't be more of this.
XXXXXXXXXPAsting currentRandom clipboard
to preserve copies made this eve thru 11:PM 1/17/2021:


Nancy Pelosi puts out a smear then basically explains its use as a "wrap up smear a political tactic

Jun 23, 2017 · Uploaded by NorthStarOasis

Nancy Pelosi on Smear Tactics - YouTube › watch › watch

(beginning of Mueller Investigation: after firing by POTUS of James Comey, FBI

director, for spying on his 2016 Campaign) June 22, 2017
c". And also has the temerity to say "I'm not disrespectful of peoples views" and "the difference is we don't participate in the politics of
personal destruction". Quite the sham.

Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)

What is in the alleged office of Speaker Pelosi?

Pelosi seemingly has an expectation of Plausibile Deniability when it
comes to conjecture about her role in the siege at the capiton Jan 6
2021.We attempt to suggest otherwise~

The day before Impeaching Trump for Insurrection based on the 1/6/21 capitol
bldg. “siege”, Speaker Pelosi was seen in a video clip carried in a politico article,
answering allegations that there were tours given the day before the Storming of
the Rotunda/Capitol Bld, suggesting perhaps those were a level of
“reconnaissance Exercise”
That suggestion actually comes from a letter by Rep Sherrill, here is the link to that
letter: 2020.01.13_Sherrill Letter to USCP and SAA.pdf

And below is a paste of the text of that letter from this site:

(Also, The full text of the letter can be found here:

Paste of Page 1 of the letter:

The Honorable Timothy Blodgett
Acting House Sergeant at Arms
Room H-124 U.S. Capitol
Washington, DC 20510

The Honorable Jennifer A. Hemmingway

Acting Senate Sergeant at Arms
Room S-151 U.S. Capitol
Washington, DC 20510

Yogananda Pittman
Acting Chief
United States Capitol Police
119 D Street, NE
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Mr. Blodgett, Ms. Hemmingway, and Acting Chief Pittman:

We write today to request an immediate investigation into the suspicious
behavior and access given to visitors to the Capitol Complex on Tuesday,
January 5, 2021 - the day before the attacks on the Capitol.
Many of the Members who signed this letter, including those of us who have
served in the military and are trained to recognize suspicious activity, as well as
various members of our staff, witnessed an extremely high number of outside
groups in the complex on Tuesday, January 5. This is unusual for several
reasons, including the fact that access to the Capitol Complex has been
restricted since public tours ended in March of last year due to the pandemic.
The tours being conducted on Tuesday, January 5, were a noticeable and
concerning departure from the procedures in place as of March 2020 that limited
the number of visitors to the Capitol. These tours were so concerning that they
were reported to the Sergeant at Arms on January 5.
The visitors encountered by some of the Members of Congress on this letter
appeared to be associated with the rally at the White House the following day.
That group left the White House and marched to the Capitol with the objective of
preventing Congress from certifying our election. Members of the group that
attacked the Capitol seemed to have an unusually detailed knowledge of the
layout of the Capitol Complex. The presence of these groups within the Capitol
Complex was indeed suspicious. Given the events of January 6, the ties
between these groups inside the Capitol Complex and the attacks on the Capitol
need to be investigated.
It is important that we feel safe in the halls of Congress, and we applaud the
Sergeant at Arms (SAA) and U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) for their efforts. But the
fact remains that there were unusually large groups of people throughout the
Capitol who could only have gained access to the Capitol Complex from a
Member of Congress or a member of their staff.
To that end, please provide answers to the following questions:
1. Are logbooks of Capitol Complex visitors inspected regularly and collected
in any type of database?
1. Do additional law enforcement agencies have access to that
2. Does SAA/USCP track visitors by Member?
3. Does SAA/USCP ask for ID from visitors?
4. If yes, will SAA/USCP provide the information, including names of
Members or staff who were part of these tours?

2. Does SAA/USCP enforce Members signing in guests?

1. Does SAA/USCP have logs of which Members signed guests in on
2. If yes, will SAA/USCP provide the information, including names of
Members or staff who were part of these tours?

3. Have any additional law enforcement agencies requested access to these


4. What would prevent the SAA/USCP from permitting a visitor from entering
the building?

5. What tracking does the SAA/USCP employ to ensure that one staffer did
not bring more than their allotted “official visitors” through multiple

6. Are there video logs of the day in question?

1. If Yes, will SAA/USCP provide the video logs?
7. Is facial recognition software used for visitors entering the complex?
1. If Yes, will SAA/USCP provide the facial recognition results?

8. Are any of the individuals recorded in the Capitol complex on January 5

being investigated for their role in the insurrection the following day?

We appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.


ALSO: from:

it seems there was pre-concern on Jan 3rd:Paste below is from the above

The Pentagon says Trump authorized the National

Guard deployment days before the protest, but the
timeline does not say what that entailed
On Sunday, Jan. 3, Miller and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, met
with Trump. According to the memo, the president “concurs in activation” of the National Guard
to “support law enforcement.” Miller approved the activation of 340 Guard members the
following day.
The details of Trump’s conversation with Miller and Milley are not known. Included in the
above paste is this article excerpt pasted below…remember the name “McCarthy”, which
…in a photograph (to follow) of items on Nancy Pelosi’s desk taken During the “riot”:

Washington’s mayor and the Pentagon offer

conflicting accounts of the lead-up to the protests
After Bowser sent her New Year’s Eve request for help from the D.C. National Guard, the DOD
memo says it approved sending 340 Guard members to support local officials. It further says that
on Tuesday, Bowser delivered a letter confirming that Washington officials had all the support
they needed.
But a spokesperson for Bowser’s office told NBC News that it was McCarthy, not the mayor,
who made the key decisions about the National Guard’s response, including setting the number
of personnel and establishing “that the guard members were not to move East of 9th Street NW,”
blocks away from the Capitol itself.

MORE ON THIS: RAW LINKS(active as of 1/16/2021 10:45 pm:

Lawmakers gave groups 'reconnaissance' tours of the Capitol ... › nation › 2021/01/13 › mik... › nation › 2021/01/13 › mik...

1. Cached
J.) claimed a group of lawmakers gave 'reconnaissance' tours of the Capitol one day before the
pro-Trump mob stormed the federal building. ... Jan. 13, 2021 at 3:58 a.m. PST. One day before a
pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol, ... GOP lawmaker who tweeted out the location of House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) ...

Missing: meets busload

Congress opens for new session as growing number of ... › news › california › pelosi-set-to-be-reelected... › news › california › pelosi-set-to-be-reelected...

1. Cached
Democrat Nancy Pelosi was set to be reelected as House speaker by her party, which ... Posted:
Jan 3, 2021 / 08:42 AM PST / Updated: Jan 3, 2021 / 11:39 AM PST. The U.S. Capitol building is
seen on a cold and sunny winter day as ... plan to object to the election results when Congress
meets on Wednesday to tally his ...

Missing: busload | Must include: busload

WHY is there a note on Pelosi’s desk reading “distribution of Flags, Nov 4th ol”
you mean flags like THESE?:

”Toi staff” – Times of

Israel.. Oh and BTW…Times of Israel erased all of their tweets prior to 5AM on
Jan7th – effective as of Jan 17 2PM. Interesting – no reporting timeline available
that way~

Trump was nearly an hour late to address his supporters, beginning to speak at
about 11:55 and talking for nearly an hour. While Trump was still speaking to the
assembled supporters on 6/1/2021, Pelosi sent this tweet:
This will be one of the most interesting decodes:
More on this^ later.
For now…..keep going!

Ryan Lizza’s tweet CLEARLY PROVES that the siege was well underway LONG
BEFORE Trumps speech even ended: The Lizza tweet, already with the photo, (and
with the computer cut out) was posted just as Trump was ENDING his speech. Which
I’m sure he knew~
These two tweet screen-captures below I did are from Yahoo article posted at 1:30 pm -
Jeva Lange
Wed, January 6, 2021, 1:33 PM PST btw-why is this showing PST?? Shouldn’t it be EASTERN time???If it
was PST he would have spoken at 4:30 in the afternoon! DC Time Did they ALTER this article to make it
LOOK like it was later? WAS it later?! Or am I just exhausted and cannot think it thru???Gonna look
onlinetomorrow at @apbenven and find out.

here: the article
ends with this label: “Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over
interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily
suspending article commenting.”a MAJOR TELL.

Bottom Tweet shows Computer CLEARLY present in “nancy’s office”

Saul Loeb is not credited in either one. Getty is on the Alexis one, not the Lizza
one???? Wow, that was fast. Here’s the reports bio on twitter:
This Business Insider article is dated the day of the Siege, and not only does it NOT
mention the missing laptop, it claims a derogatory note was left lying on a computer
keyboard. There’s a photo to prove it. There is definitely an HP unit, a mouse, and a
keyboard in the photo.

What ELSE is pictured? (Full text of the article pasted below – retrieved 1/12/2021

You Decide~
Trump supporters who broke into Nancy
Pelosi's office during their siege of the
US Capitol left her a note warning they
'will not back down'


Connor Perrett Jan 6, 2021, 1:53 PM

<See related dgb3dgb research page:

“MORE on The Italian Job Incl Saul Loeb” >

 Note how quickly theup and the article written – posted by Business Insider in under an hour
after it all began?? WTF??

 A pro-Trump mob on Wednesday stormed the US Capitol as part of its "Stop the Steal" protest
that baselessly alleged President-elect Joe Biden's win was the result of widespread voter fraud.
 Some rioters entered the office of Rep. Nancy Pelosi, who was elected this week to another term
as the speaker of the House.
 CNN first reported that a person had left a threatening note for Pelosi, which said: "WE WILL
 There have been bipartisan calls for those who stormed the Capitol to leave the building and
follow the instructions of authorities.
 Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

An ominous note was left for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in her office Wednesday after rioters
in support of President Donald Trump stormed the US Capitol building as lawmakers were
discussing the certification of the 2020 election results.
CNN first reported the existence of the note, which was left on a desk in Pelosi's office atop a
computer keyboard. The note was written on a manila folder in red ink.

"WE WILL NOT BACK DOWN," the note said.

The New York Times reported Pelosi's office was vandalized by some of the president's
supporters who mobbed the Capitol on Wednesday. Congress was forced to abruptly enter
recess. Vandals ripped photos off the wall and flipped furniture in the house speaker's office,
according to The Times.

Pelosi on Sunday was reelected by her peers in Congress to serve her fourth term as speaker of
the House.

In The News
Coming Soon: Bills Requiring Fiduciaries to Consider ESG
Factors in 401(k) Plans
December 17, 2020 In The News &”Andy Levin” are on her desk…this is from his website
under “media:
Coming Soon: Bills Requiring Fiduciaries to Consider ESG Factors in 401(k) Plans
Congressman Andy Levin, D-Michigan is drafting legislation that has the potential to open the
floodgates for socially responsible investments in retirement accounts.
The bills — there are two to amend existing laws — would require investment fiduciaries to take
into account environmental, social and governance factors when making investment decisions.

Jane Harman | Harvard Law School › faculty › directory › Harman › faculty › directory › Harman

1. Cached

1. Biography. Jane Harman resigned from Congress February 28, 2011 to join the Woodrow
Wilson Center as its first female Director, President, and CEO. This name was Also on her desk.
2. Similar
Jane Margaret Lakes Harman (born June 28, 1945) is the former U.S. Representative for
California's 36th congressional district, serving from 1993 to 1999, and ...
Education: Smith College (BA); Harvard Unive...

Spouse(s): Richard Frank (m. 1969⁠–⁠1978...

Political party: Democratic

Career · Early career · 2009 wiretap/AIPAC ... · Political positions

Is she barney frank’s sister in law I wonder? She looks CIA really… see?: U.S.
Representative, 2000 to 2011[edit]

Harman's portrait during her second term as US Rep

Harman narrowly won her old seat in 2000, defeating Republican incumbent Steven T. Kuykendall,
and was easily re-elected in 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, and 2010.
Representing the aerospace center of California during her nine terms in Congress, she served on
all the major security committees: six years on Armed Services, eight years on Intelligence, and
eight on Homeland Security. She made numerous congressional fact-finding missions to hotspots
around the world, including North Korea, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and
Guantanamo Bay. During her long public career, Harman has been recognized as a national expert
at the nexus of security and public policy issues. She received the Defense Department Medal for
Distinguished Service in 1998, the CIA Agency Seal Medal in 2007, and the CIA Director's Award
and the Director of National Intelligence Distinguished Public Service Medal in 2011.

Aaand a girl after Obama’s own heart apparently, also: 2009 wiretap/AIPAC
In 2009, it was revealed NSA wiretaps reportedly intercepted a 2005 phone call between Harman
and an agent of the Israeli government, in which Harman allegedly agreed to lobby the Justice
Department to reduce or drop criminal charges against two employees of AIPAC in exchange for
increased support for Harman's campaign to chair the House Intelligence Committee.[14] The NSA
transcripts reportedly recorded Harman ending the phone call after saying, "this conversation doesn't
exist."[15] It was reported that Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General at the time of the phone call,
blocked Justice Department lawyers from continuing the investigation into Harman (in spite of the
alleged crime) because the Bush administration "needed Jane" to support their warrantless
wiretapping program, which was soon to be revealed to the public by The New York Times.[16]
Harman denied the allegations, and called for the government to release the full transcript of the
wire-tapped conversation, something they never did.[17] In June 2009, Harman received a letter
from the Justice Department declaring her "neither a subject nor a target of an ongoing
investigation by the Criminal Division." Though the espionage charges were later dropped on the
two employees from AIPAC, against the wishes of the FBI, Harman did not become chair of the
House intelligence committee.[18]

Enter Adam Schiff I guess??? Jeeeeeze. Future Proves Past. She’s now head of the Wilson
Center …wonder how much $$ was in the Dec budget for THAT. Ohhhh..ok 14 MILLION?

Looks like “ambassador Kathryn” is there also…found this

KATHRYN HALL | National Democratic Institute

KATHRYN HALL Board Member and Former United States Ambassador to the Republic of Austria
Kathryn Walt Hall is the proprietor of HALL Wines and WALT Wines, and has been involved in the
California wine industry since her family first purchased a vineyard in the 1970’s.

Uhh..Nancy has a Sonoma vineyard, Nephew Gavin Newsom has a Sonoma Restaurant –
Kathryn Hall is on Nancy’s Desk pre- Siege….wonder whose WINES Gavin CARRIES
hmmm???And oh lookie, she went to the EXACT SAME SCHOOLS as BOTH Obama
(allegedly) and Kamala Harris….how Convenient!! Here lemmie show you….

Kathryn Walt Hall - Wikipedia

Kathryn Walt Hall is an attorney, businesswoman and the American ambassador to Austria (1997-2001).
Hall earned an A.B. in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley, and a J.D. from the
University of California, Hastings College of Law. She also has a joint MBA from UC California, Berkeley,
and Columbia University.
1. Here’s her wine crapola: Kathryn Walt Hall-temp | Sonoma, Napa,
Healdsburg Wine ...

Kathryn Hall and her family have been grape growers in Mendocino County since 1972. The Walt family
owns 63 acres of Cabernet Sauvignon, Gamay, Zinfandel, Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc
in the Redwood Valley and has sold their grapes to such wineries as Fetzer, Parducci and Beringer.
Kathryn managed the family vineyard from 1982 to 1992.
2. Kathryn Walt Hall - Charleston Wine + Food

Kathryn and her brother managed the family vineyard from 1982 to 1992, selling grapes to other
wineries, as well as producing Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Sauvignon under the label WALT
Vineyards. Kathryn began her public career as assistant city …

MY MY MY turns out SHE is with the Wilson Center also..or was. From the link above,
her Charleston wine & food bio – old~
Kathryn Walt Hall

1 min read

Kathryn Walt Hall is the proprietor of HALL Wines and WALT Wines, and has been involved in
the California wine industry since her family first purchased a vineyard in the 1970’s. She is a
New York Times Bestselling Author of A Perfect Score, and has had a distinguished career as a
successful businesswoman, attorney, and community activist. From 1998 to 2001 she served as
the United States Ambassador to Austria.

Kathryn and her brother managed the family vineyard from 1982 to 1992, selling grapes to other
wineries, as well as producing Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Sauvignon under the label WALT
Vineyards. Kathryn began her public career as assistant city attorney in Berkeley, California.
Later, she joined Safeway Stores, where she was responsible for developing and administering
one of the nation’s first and largest affirmative action programs. Subsequently, she worked as an
attorney and businesswoman in Dallas, Texas, where she was president of an inner city
development company and partner of Hall Financial Group, Inc.

Long committed to social issues, Kathryn has served on numerous non-profit and institutional
boards, addressing issues related to social care and mental health. She co-founded the North
Texas Food Bank, served on the U.S. House of Representatives Hunger Advisory Committee,
and was the director/vice president of the Texas Mental Health Association. Kathryn has served
on the National Advisory Council for Violence Against Women and as a trustee of the
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

From 1998 to 2001, Kathryn served as the United States Ambassador to Austria. Since her return
to America, she has resumed her role as proprietor of HALL Wines along with her husband
Craig. Continuing upon her experience promoting American agriculture in Austria, in September
2001 she was appointed to the United States Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Technical
Advisory Committee (ATAC) for International Trade and to Texas One, promoting international
investment in Texas.

Kathryn serves on the Napa Legal Aid Board, the Board of Directors of Festival Napa, and is a
Trustee of the Southwestern Medical Center. She is fluent in French and German, earned a B.A.
in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley, a joint MBA from UC California,
Berkeley & Columbia University and a J.D. from the University of California, Hastings College
of Law. Together with her husband Craig, they have four children.

Also on pelosi’s desk : “Julie” (and on the lower Check list = “Secretary of the Senate”)

..introducing Julie Adams:

“As an undergraduate, Adams participated a Luther College semester-long

internship program in Washington, D.C., during which she interned with the Children's Defense
Fund.”…[2]”Adams went to Washington, D.C., where she served for 17 months as an aide to First
Lady Laura Bush, before joining the staff of then-Senate Majority Whip, Mitch McConnell, as deputy
communications director in 2003.[1]
From September 2007 to January 2009, Adams worked in the East Wing of the White House Office
as a spokesperson for First Lady Laura Bush.[1] Adams then served six years as director of
administration and member relations for Senate Majority Leader McConnell.”[1]


Secretary of the United States Senate · Office Holder Julie E. Adams

“PPO Liason” also on her desk: Bing search 1/13/21 8:30 AM returned this article:

Text of the article pasted below…highlights mine.

02/25/2020 07:36 PM EST
Updated: 02/25/2020 10:55 PM EST
A new senior leader at the White House personnel office: A college senior
2 mins read

The director of the personnel office, John McEntee, has installed a young, loyal aide as he evaluates the loyalty of
officials across the administration.

Bacon will be PPO’s director of operations overseeing paperwork and will assist on vetting. The role was
previously filled by Katja Bullock, who is in her late 70s and was a veteran of the office in both Bush
administrations, as well as the Reagan administration.

The White House has not yet sent around any formal internal notice of Bacon’s new role. A White House spokesman
declined to comment.

McEntee replaced Sean Doocey, who is heading to the State Department.

Presidential Personnel Office director John McEntee (above) has brought in 23-year-old James Bacon. |
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

McEntee, 29, held a meeting in a conference room in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building last Thursday with
White House liaisons of Cabinet departments where he asked officials to find Trump appointees who may be anti-
Trump, according to an administration official familiar with the meeting. McEntee also told them that PPO was
going to take a look at all appointees at some point and re-vet them to see if they’ve been disloyal in any way.

More dramatic changes are likely to be delayed until after November but the agency liaisons have been told to stop
moving around officials who are viewed as anti-Trump to other agencies. (Axios first reported the details of the

Another administration official described the meeting as “very positive” and McEntee reassured colleagues that
there won’t be delays even though some PPO officials are leaving.

At least during his transition into the office, McEntee has for now kept on Michael Burley, who is associate director
of presidential personnel and a special assistant to the president, but Burley is trying to figure out his next steps if
he decides to leave.

After his acquittal, the president — emboldened and increasingly skeptical of anyone not a part of his original team
— has relied on people like McEntee to act on his unofficial edict to fill the White House with loyalists and get rid of
anyone feared to be part of the “deep state.”

McEntee worked on the Trump campaign in 2016 as the president’s body man, and in his role at the White House
had constant access to the president, flying with him on Marine One and Air Force One, and at the president’s side
to assist with any needs. He was fired from his role in 2018 by former chief of staff John Kelly because of security
concerns tied to gambling allegations.

But McEntee wanted to return to the White House and is trusted by Trump, his family, and senior staff, was brought
back earlier this year as the president is about to head into a reelection year and personnel changes are expected at
the White House.

Despite having the trust of the president, McEntee’s lack of experience has raised concerns among some White
House staff about his ability to run a critical White House office. One White House official pointed out that loyalty,
in this case, trumped age and experience.

There is a post-it referencing “Board of education room - H128 (VP.U)” and what appears
to read:”Opening Electoral College” and “Distribution of flags January 4th or”(Snip
According to speaker Pelosi/Staff, her Lecturn, “Stolen during the Riots” was in this room:

2. “On or about January 8, 2021, the FBI consulted with members of the
Speaker’s staff and learned that before the forced entry to the Capitol
building began on January 6, 2021, the Speaker’s lectern was stored in
the Speaker’s Suite, located under a staircase to the third floor on the House
side of the Capitol building. On or about January 7, 2021, the lectern was
found by a member of the Senate staff in the Red corridor of the Senate
wing off the Rotunda in the Capitol building,” the criminal complaint
says. “According to the House of Representatives’ curator, the Speaker’s
lectern has a market value of more than $1,000.”
4. Curator of the House of Representatives - Wikipedia
The United States House of Representatives' Curator is an employee of the United
States House of Representatives, under the supervision of the Clerk of the House, who
is responsible for the care of the House Collection of Fine Arts and Artifacts, on behalf
of the House Fine Arts Board. The House's Office of Art and Artifacts collects,
preserves, and interprets the House's fine and decorative arts, and historic objects.

Here’s info on room H128:

1. Cloture Detective: H-128

May 15, 2012 · After Rayburn died in 1963, the Board of Education Room remained in control of the
Speaker. Use of the room, however, declined over the years as additional space was given to new
Speakers. However between the tenures of Speaker’s Nicholas Longworth and Sam Rayburn, H-128 was
a favorite hangout and watering hole for Members of Congress.
Quote from theabove: “H-128 is a pretty awesome room. If you ever read Speaker Tip
O’Neill’s Man of the House or any biography of Speaker Sam Rayburn, you’ll notice that room
comes up in a lot of fun and interesting stories. H-128 served many purposes, such as the room
for the Journal Clerk, a room for the Committee on Elections and there were other House
Committee’s that met there from time to time. However, the room has since been used (and is
currently controlled by) the Speaker of the House, ... Both Longworth and Garner used this room
to `instruct’ and `educate’ freshmen Members on how to vote on a particular bill and engage in
drinking bouts with friends. This first floor hideaway the Speaker used is located at the bottom
of the marble staircase that leads to the Speaker’s lobby on the second floor of the Capitol.”


The Board of Education

View Larger
Image courtesy of the Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives The murals of flora and fauna of the territories, and
Native American objects reflect the room's original use.

The small room tucked away on the first floor of the Capitol became famous in the 20th century
as the “Board of Education,” where House leaders met to relax and share information and
strategy. The space was part of the 1857 extension of the Capitol, and the Committee on
Territories claimed it first, but Speakers of the House have used it since the turn of the 20th

A Room for Speakers

The Speaker of the House took over the future Board of Education in 1901. For many Speakers,
it offered an escape from their public offices near the House Chamber. Tucked away on a narrow
corridor, close to storage rooms and the barbershop, the little room had a relatively low profile.
Speaker Henry Rainey liked to work there “unbothered by job hunters and self-appointed advice
givers,” according to the newspapers. Speaker Jack Garner used it as a second home. Ettie—his
wife, secretary, and close advisor—cooked his meals there on a stove especially installed for

View Larger
Collection of the U.S. House of Representatives
About this object Ettie and Jack Garner were a powerful pair during the latter's three decades in the House. Ettie served
as his secretary and cooked his lunch every day in the Board of Education.
Speaker William Bankhead gave the room to Majority Leader Sam Rayburn, beginning the
space’s most storied era as Rayburn’s hideaway during his long Speakership.
Soon the room took on the name it is still known by today—the Board of Education. Party
leaders met to drink, quiz selected House Members on political matters, and plot legislative
strategy. In a different spot in the Capitol Speaker Nicholas Longworth pioneered the custom,
and the name, of the convivial retreat, but it was Rayburn who most famously used it as a
political tool. His ability to gather new and seasoned Representatives in the Board of Education,
serving them bourbon while he gathered information and issued tactical marching orders, was the
stuff of lore. Although Rayburn made the Board of Education legendary, he never referred to it
that way, calling it simply “the little room” downstairs from the House Chamber.

View Larger
Image courtesy of the Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives Sam Rayburn's tribute to his home state occupies the
west wall lunette.

Rayburn's Influence
Rayburn outfitted the room with shabby, comfortable furniture—old “Turkish” tufted chairs, a
long leather couch, threadbare carpet, and a big desk that had drawers jammed with bottles of
bourbon and Scotch. Rayburn had the Texas seal painted on the west wall of the room, and
below it he placed two stanchions holding the U.S. flag and the Lone Star banner carried by the
Texas Delegation at the 1932 Democratic National Convention. He also hung two portraits: his
official Speaker’s portrait and a rendering of Senator Morris Sheppard of Texas.

The small circle of regulars who joined Rayburn to “strike a blow for liberty”—as Garner called
their tumblers of liquor in the days of Prohibition—included longtime House Parliamentarian
Lewis Deschler, Representative Lyndon Johnson of Texas, and a few committee chairs. Senator,
and later Vice President, Harry Truman was another frequent visitor. Truman was relaxing with
Rayburn and friends when President Franklin Roosevelt died. The Capitol switchboard patched
the White House’s urgent call to the Board of Education. Truman went pale, muttered “Jesus
Christ and General Jackson,” and grabbed his hat as he rushed out the door to assume the

2. Speaker Rayburn’s “Board of Education” | U.S. Capitol ...

Dec 20, 2011 · So, I hit the books to find out the history of this room, H-128, and to take a closer look at
its relationship to Speaker Sam Rayburn (D-TX). The “Board of Education” room, as it is known in the
Capitol, is tucked away on the first floor of the building and was a part of the 1857 expansion, originally
housing the Committee on Territories ...
3. The Board of Education | US House of Representatives ...

Sep 11, 2001 · The small room tucked away on the first floor of the Capitol became famous in the 20th
century as the “Board of Education,” where House leaders met to … at this site it


“Five Levels

The U.S. Capitol Building is divided into five levels.

The first, or ground, floor is occupied chiefly by committee rooms and the
spaces allocated to various congressional officers. The areas accessible to
visitors on this level include the Hall of Columns, the Brumidi Corridors, the
restored Old Supreme Court Chamber, and the Crypt beneath the Rotunda,
where historical exhibits are presented.

The second floor holds the Chambers of the House of Representatives (in the
south wing) and the Senate (in the north wing) as well as the offices of the
congressional leadership. This floor also contains three major public areas. In
the center under the dome is the Rotunda, a circular ceremonial space that
also serves as a gallery of paintings and sculpture depicting significant people
and events in the nation's history. The semicircular chamber south of the
Rotunda served as the Hall of the House until 1857; now designated National
Statuary Hall, it houses part of the Capitol's collection of statues donated by
the states in commemoration of notable citizens. The Old Senate
Chamber northeast of the Rotunda, which was used by the Senate until 1859,
has been returned to its mid-19th-century appearance.

The third floor allows access to the galleries from which visitors to the U.S.
Capitol may watch the proceedings of the House and the Senate when
Congress is in session. The rest of this floor is occupied by offices, committee
rooms and press galleries.

The fourth floor and the basement/terrace level of the U.S. Capitol are
occupied by offices, machinery rooms, workshops and other support areas.

“Hoyer” and “Clyburn” are also seen on a list just below the mouse. Pelosi’s engagements with
these two goes back to 2010 at a minimum:
Look at this: Read Full Article:

Capitol secured after assault from Trump supporters

Jan 06, 2021 · House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that after consulting with House Majority Leader Steny
Hoyer, Clyburn, the majority whip, and speaking with the …

There is also a note with the entry: “Jim Rattner – pay <illegible>
There is this online via Wikipedia/bing search:
And look at this…. – apparently it was NOT DONE during the 1/6/2021 rally
weekend hmmm? Is THAT where some of the Agent Provocateurs/ the Hired
Thugs stayed?

James Rattner - Associate Principal, Corporate Development ...

Liked by James Rattner Sent this farewell email to colleagues at Airbnb when I left a few months ago.
The core message — that the business is yours to shape — is at once…
 Title: Associate Principal, Corporate …
 Location: San Francisco, California, United States
Linked-in partial paste:

4 years 9 months

o Associate Principal, Corporate Development and Strategy

Aug 2019 - Present1 year 6 months
o Senior Associate, Corporate Development and Strategy
Feb 2018 - Aug 20191 year 7 months
San Francisco Bay Area
o Public Policy
May 2016 - Feb 20181 year 10 months
San Francisco Bay Area

Investment Banking Summer Analyst

J.P. Morgan
Jun 2014 - Aug 20143 months
New York
Diversified Industries Group

National Economic Council Intern

The White House
Jun 2013 - Aug 20133 months


J.P. Morgan
Feb 2011 - Apr 20113 months
Shanghai, China
..listed with the name “Izzy” but address bar uses JamesRattner

OR..does the entry say “Tim Keller – pay”?? Look:

1. 8 from North Carolina arrested during US Capitol riots ...

Jan 07, 2021 · Timothy Keller, 34, charged with no permit Thomas Gronek, 46, charged with carrying a
pistol without a license, possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device, possession of …
The article lists N Carolina arrestees, and begins like this:

Author: Lea Wilson

Published: 12:17 PM EST January 7, 2021
Updated: 3:40 PM EST January 7, 2021

WASHINGTON D.C., DC — Eight people from North Carolina were arrested

Wednesday amid the chaos at the Capitol in Washington D.C. when a pro-
Trump mob overran and broke into the building.
Angry supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol to
prevent a peaceful transfer of power, forcing lawmakers
to be rushed from the building and interrupting challenges to Joe Biden’s
Electoral College victory. MOTIVE FOR THE LEFT????

OR.. does it read “Tim Hosmer”? Look:

Our Team - Hosmer Estate Winery › hosmercrew › hosmercrew
1. Cached
Vineyard Manager and Owner of Benchmark Planting. Tim Hosmer, the next generation
of the Hosmer family, is an esteemed member of the wine industry. He ...

L E H121; S 154 – see Sherrill letter above – Timothy Blodgett and Jennifer A Hemingway

There is also a postit with Capitol Building Room Number entries. One is H-137. Look:

depicting this:
Then there’s this:

White House Tunnel System and Underground Command Center

An underground passageway provides pedestrian access between the White House and the Old
Executive Office Building next door. There are rumors of tunnels connecting the White House to the
Capitol, Blair House, VP Residence, Camp David and the Pentagon, but these are unsubstantiated at
this time. White House Tunnel Photos Photos from Truman Library

Capitol Building Tunnel System – Washington, D.C. - Atlas ...

Mar 16, 2017 · In 1958 when the east front of the Capitol was being expanded, the government built an
entirely new tunnel with a station under the Senate steps. The new …

1. Why is There a Hidden Network of Tunnels Underneath of ...

Dec 01, 2016 · This secret tunnel system currently connects the White House to the Eisenhower
Executive Office Building next door, the New Executive Office Building (NEOB), the bunker under the
Blair House, the bunker under the VP Residence at the Naval Observatory, a hotel near the White House,
the U.S. Capitol, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, the Pentagon ...
2. Obama declassifies secret White House train system | The ...

Dec 23, 2013 · This secret tunnel system currently connects the White House to the Eisenhower
Executive Office Building next door, the New Executive Office Building (NEOB), the bunker under the
Blair House, the bunker under the VP Residence at the Naval Observatory, the U.S. Capitol, Joint Base
Anacostia-Bolling, the Pentagon, the State Department, and some ...

3. The Capitol, the White House & the Washington Monument

Oct 01, 2015 · The Capitol One of the best-known and architecturally-impressive buildings in the world,
the neoclassical United States Capitol in Washington, DC has been home to the House of
Representatives and Senate for over two centuries. In that time it has been built, set on fire, rebuilt,
restored and expanded. George Washington laid the cornerstone in September 1793 to great …

4. United States Capitol | Architecture, History, United ...

Jan 08, 2021 · Designed as an underground extension of the Capitol, it features exhibits about the
building and Congress; the centre also provides shelter to visitors who previously had to wait in lines
outdoors. Not including the Capitol Visitor Center, the building contains about 540 rooms and stands in
a 131-acre (53-hectare) park. (personal comment:This article was accessed 01/16/2021 at
10:00PM and includes a completely untrue entry about the 1/6/2021 “siege” by
“trump supporters”, it was disgusting to read. Section pasted below. This Has To

Jan 08, 2021 On

January 6, 2021, the Capitol was the scene of domestic
terrorism when supporters of Pres. Donald Trump stormed the
building as Congress was in the process of certifying Joe Biden’s
victory in the 2020 presidential election. Trump and his backers
challenged the results, citing unproven claims of voter fraud. Several
people died, but the Capitol suffered relatively minor damage.
U.S. Capitol: attack by pro-Trump supporters
Supporters of Pres. Donald Trump during an attack on the U.S. Capitol, Washington,
D.C., January 6, 2021.
Jon Cherry/Getty Images News

B. Philip Bigler The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica

IS that what THIS post-it was all about??? There is this, from

Bing Images search:

US Capitol Police banned building tours on day of riot after Democrats raised security concerns ...|4

60 × 259 jpeg
and this:
A supporter of Trump leaves a note in the office of Pelosi. SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

The rioters came to Washington, DC, Wednesday to protest as part of the "Stop the Steal"
movement, which is named for Trump's baseless claims of widespread fraud in the election.
Their actions were condemned by both Democrats and Republicans. Trump had previously
encouraged his followers to come to Washington to protect the certification of the election

President-elect Joe Biden on Wednesday called the mob of Trump supporters a "violent siege"
and an "insurrection," urging for calm amid the chaos.

In a joint statement with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Pelosi said she was "calling on
President Trump to demand that all protesters leave the US Capitol and Capitol Grounds

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, a Republican leading the effort to object to the certification of the election
results in the Senate, tweeted: "Those storming the Capitol need to stop NOW."

And in a video posted on Twitter, Trump urged his followers to leave the Capitol and head
home, though he repeated his baseless accusations about the 2020 election.


1. Capitol Siege: Man Photographed In Pelosi’s Office Charged ...

5 hours ago · A man photographed sitting in Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office during the violent siege of
the U.S. Capitol by President Donald Trump's supporters now faces 11 …
1. Man Who Posed For Photos Sitting At A Desk In Pelosi's ... HAS A LIST
OF PEOPLE ARRESTED, FBI claims they are going to track down people
via hotels…???

Jan 08, 2021 · The Department of Justice says Richard Barnett, identified as the man who sat at a desk
in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office during the siege …
2. Richard Barnett arrested for being in Pelosi's office ...

Jan 09, 2021 · Richard Barnett, a supporter of US President Donald Trump sits inside the office of US
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi as he protest inside the …
3. Man seated at Pelosi’s office among those newly accused of ...

Home Breaking News Man seated at Pelosi’s office among those newly accused of the Capitol...
Breaking News; Man seated at Pelosi’s office among those newly accused of the Capitol siege. January
8, 2021. 0. 5. Share. Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest. WhatsApp. Linkedin. ReddIt. Email. Print. Tumblr.
Telegram. Mix. VK.
riots/? Times of Israel continues the lie of association between Q
and other radical infiltrators / agent provocateurs/ paid actors.

Remember my piece on Blunt and Direct Time vs BLOUNT? Here is the Wikipedia for Billy Long:
:: Billy Long - Wikipedia

William Hollis Long II (born August 11, 1955) is an American auctioneer and politician serving as the U.S.
Representative for Missouri's 7th congressional district since 2011. The district includes much of the
southwestern quadrant of the state and is anchored in Springfield.The district also includes Joplin and the
popular tourist destination of Branson.
 Born: William Hollis Long II, August 11, 1955 (age …
 Preceded by: Roy Blunt
 Political party: Republican
 Children: 2
Billy Long- Net Worth - Personal Finances • OpenSecrets

Billy Long's estimated net worth for 2018 is $2,783,022. Learn more about their investments and
1. Latest News | U.S. Representative Billy Long

Congressman Long made the following statement regarding the events that took place at the United
States Capitol on January 6, 2021. “What happened at the Capitol Building is disgraceful and completely
unacceptable and I condemn the actions of those involved,” said Rep. Long.
2. Press Releases | U.S. Representative Billy Long

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Rep. Billy Long (R-MO) released the following statement after being selected by
President Trump to join the President’s Task Force on Reopening the Economy: “Though COVID-19 has
created unprecedented challenges for our nation, I am confident that we can continue to protect our
citizens without crushing our economy," said Rep. Long.
Billy Long - Today, I will object to the certification of ...

Next week, your 117th United States Congress will convene for the first time. After the election of
Speaker and the adoption of the Rules of Congress, the action will quickly move to reading aloud the
electoral votes submitted by each state from this past November's election - counting them, and ...

4. Laptop stolen from Nancy Pelosi’s office during siege

Jan 08, 2021 · NEW YORK (1010 WINS) -- A laptop belonging to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was
stolen during Wednesday's siege on the U.S. Capitol by …
The new security procedures were announced Tuesday, coming after last week's riot on
Capitol Hill that left five people dead and a trail of destruction through the building,
including smashed windows, torn papers, and broken furniture.

'Effective immediately, all persons, including Members, are required undergo security
screening when entering the House Chamber,' acting House Sergeant at Arms
Timothy Blodgett wrote Tuesday in a memo to lawmakers obtained by
Pelosi seemingly has an expectation of Plausibile Deniability when it
comes to conjecture about her role in the siege at the capiton Jan 6
2021.We attempt to suggest otherwise~
A supporter of Trump leaves a note in the office of Pelosi. SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images

1. Shocking photos, videos of pro-Trump mob storming Capitol ...
Jan 06, 2021 · The world was watching as a mob of Trump supporters broke windows and breached the
Capitol in Washington, D.C. Wednesday. A crowd pushed their way into the government building as
Congress held a ...
2. Mob breaks into Nancy Pelosi's offices during breach of ...

Jan 06, 2021 · — Alexis Benveniste (@apbenven) January 6, 2021. While lawmakers sheltered in an
undisclosed location, MSNBC confirmed that Pelosi is safe. ...
3. Mob breaks into Nancy Pelosi's offices during breach of ...

Jan 06, 2021 · — Alexis Benveniste (@apbenven) January 6, 2021. While lawmakers sheltered in an
undisclosed location, MSNBC confirmed that Pelosi is safe. More stories from The decline
and fall of Donald Trump GOP Sen. Tom Cotton not-so-subtly knocks Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley for
inspiring Capitol siege for 'political advantage'

1. Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT)

January 6, 2021Haberman also pointed out that Trump and those in his orbit, including his daughter
Ivanka Trump and his attorney Rudy Giuliani, have hedged while calling on people to act without
o Author: WCVB-Boston
2. Alexis Benveniste (@apbenven) | FDNitter

@apbenven. Jan 10. Many Trump supporters live in alternative information ecosystems, sharing and
recycling false information from unreliable sources. ... PayPal is cutting ties with Christian crowdfunding
site GiveSendGo following the January 6 US Capitol siege. 2. 2. 7.
3. Digital Brief: Jan. 6, 2021

Jan 06, 2021 · Congress has 21 days to act. > > Since Trump now has less than 14 days left in his term,
Congress can just run out the clock with Pence in place until Biden is sworn in.> > -- George Conway
(@gtconway3d) January 7, 2021The idea of removing Trump with 13 days left in his term is not yet being
embraced by House or Senate GOP leaders, Axios says ...

Tweets From The U.S. Capitol During The Attempted Coup Are A Frightening
1 min read


There's no other word but terrifying. On Jan. 6, rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol
Building in Washington D.C. after President Donald Trump delivered a rally
speech where he claimed, once again without evidence, that the November 2020
election was stolen from him. As police failed to hold back crowds, some Trump
supporters forced their way into the building. These tweets from the U.S. Capitol
during the attempted coup are a frightening read, and show the disturbing
perspective on the ground.
While information is still coming out, the initial details from those present are
frightening. Around 1 p.m. ET, rioters reportedly entered the Capitol and forced
their way into the chambers where legislators were confirming the election of
President-elect Joe Biden. Legislators and those inside the Capitol were
reportedly instructed to shelter in place, per multiple accounts. The White House
did not immediately respond to Elite Daily's request for comment regarding the
situation and President Trump's influence on events.

Terrifying photos and videos showed glimpses of the events inside the Capitol
building, including security with guns pointed at rioters and legislators and
congressional staff crouching beneath chairs and desks in the legislative
chambers. Many members of Congress and those present tweeted out what they
were seeing.
According to live reports from The Washington Post, the national guard will be
activated, and at least one person has been shot inside the building. According to
a Jan. 6, 1:31 p.m. tweet from Complex's Steven Nelson, there appeared to be
some type of gas in the Capitol building entryway.

As of Jan. 6, there's no evidence Trump directly or intentionally incited his

supporters to riot. However, he's received criticism in the past for failing to
condemn certain right-wing militia groups, such as the Proud Boys. In fact, in
September 2020, Trump directly addressed the Proud Boys, telling them to "stand
back and stand by" during the first presidential debate, and many Americans
interpreted his words as a cryptic message for the future should he lose to Biden
in the presidential election — which, he did. The Trump 2020 campaign did not
respond to Elite Daily's request for comment at the time.
Since then, Trump has refused to concede the election, and has only seemed to
drift further and further away from reality as he continues to make baseless
claims about election fraud on nearly every public platform he can. His
supporters have already stormed the Capitol, so who knows what might happen
next between now and Biden's inauguration on Jan. 20? Hopefully, it won't be
more of this.
washington-after-trump-in-tweets-had-encouraged-them-to-come-1 re
PElosi_12 Noonish riot tweets
XXXXXXXXXXXClipboard cleared.

Building Evidence Against Pelosi_7

MORE on the Italian job Incl Saul Loeb

Photo Journalist
Aka Building Evidence Against Pelosi_7

So I noticed that a photographer named Saul Loeb is credited on most of the Getty
Images posted online from the “siege of the Capitol Building” seemingly taken in real
time as President Trump was still speaking to a massive crowd of American Citizens
during the 1/6/2021 Stop The Steal rally 45 minutes away. Open Sourced research
shows that Loeb is a “photojournalist” assigned to the WH, yet on 1/6/2021 Saul was
photographing at the Capitol Building Elector Vote in the joint session of Congress,
instead of following Trump from the WH to his speaking engagement,
Saul Loeb works for AFP – the French state newspaper. I have a solid understanding of
the French language, and can also invoke Google Translate as can any other Citizen
Researcher. I looked up Saul Loeb on Bing, went to his page on Twitter, and from there
followed a contact chain that led me down a tight rabbit hole of associations that lead to
both Italy and China. The contact chain also has branches of influence from Corporate
America, Banking/Wall Street and Radical Ideologies WW.
The pastes below show that contact chain:

By the late 1990s, analysts were forecasting that the mobile telephone market would
become the world's dominant means of both data and voice transmission in the early
years of the 21st century, a forecast that appeared increasingly more likely with the
introduction of the WAP (wireless application protocol) standard in 1999. AFP made a
strong move toward establishing a position in this new market when it signed a global
cooperation agreement with mobile telephone giant Nokia, of Finland, in December
1999. Under terms of the agreement, AFP began providing sports, financial, and general
news transmissions in English, French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish to a market
expected shortly to undergo a huge expansion; by 2005, industry analysts expected
mobile telephones to replace personal computers as the chief means of accessing the
As AFP entered the new century, however, it remained hampered by its quasi-
governmental status. New CEO Eric Giuily, elected in 1999, began his tenure
proposing changes to the legislation governing AFP's operations. He was
particularly interested in opening the company to private investors; he also promised
to orient the company more toward English-language news. Vehement protests to the
latter by the company's journalists, who shut down the company during a strike, forced
Giuily to back off from this proposal. Nonetheless, it seemed evident that in order to
maintain its position as one of the world's top three news agencies, AFP needed a new
and more financially independent status.
Principal Subsidiaries: AFX News; AFP GmbH (Germany); Sports-Informations-Dienst
(Germany); PolyCom (joint venture); Companynews (joint venture); Nolis; Inédit.
Principal Competitors: The Associated Press; Reuters Holdings PLC; Bloomberg L.P.;
Corbis Corporation; Crain Communications, Inc.; Dow Jones & Company, Inc.; Knight
Ridder, Inc.; United Press International, Inc.

Read more:


Saul Loeb works for AFP

Agence France-Presse (AFP) is the world's oldest news agency and one of the
world's top three, behind the United Kingdom's Reuters and The Associated
Press of the United States. Unlike its publicly traded rivals, AFP remains largely
controlled by the French government, along with a number of its top media

Agence France-Presse - Company Profile, Information ... › history2 › Agence-Fran...
Eric Giuliy is head of Clai Communications
1. Cached
Charley Dubois. Consultant. See bio. Eric Giuily. President. See bio. Pascale
Giuily. HR and Public Relations Director. See bio. Agathe Joubert. Account

Éric Giuily — Wikipédia › wiki › Éric_Giuily › wiki › Éric_Giuily

1. Cached
2. Similar
Translate this page
Éric Giuily, né le 10 février 1952 à Alger, est un conseiller en communication
et haut fonctionnaire français. Directeur général de la chaîne de télévision
France 2 ...
Activités: Conseiller en communication, haut fo...

At the start of the year,


takes stock of the major media and journalism trends
for the year 2021: newsletters, subscriptions, activist
media, television
New concept: “Activist Media”…???
Here is the page for @LADN_EU:

translation, The
mutation is part of our genes.
With a gif of Fauci laughing at Trump resident in media on their site as of 01/17/2021
9:30 AM:
Sud Radio:

We cannot
make 4-year-olds pay for their parents' mistakes.
We must take all security measures but repatriate
these children " @EricGiuily #Children #jihadists #
MORE on Saul Loeb:

Trump supporters who broke into Nancy Pelosi's office during their siege of the
US Capitol left her a note warning they 'will not back down'

A supporter of President Donald Trump sits in the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi inside
the US Capitol on January 6. SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images (Who is Saul Loeb?)

>>>>INSERT ON SAUL LOEB: (Edit down /Transfer elsewhere before posting

this paper publically)
Agence France-Presse (AFP) is the world's oldest news agency and one of the
world's top three, behind the United Kingdom's Reuters and The Associated Press of
the United States. Unlike its publicly traded rivals, AFP remains largely controlled by the
French government, along with a number of its top media clients.

Agence France-Presse - Company Profile, Information ... › history2 › Agence-Fran...

Run by: Eric Giuily:

We cannot make 4-year-olds pay for their

parents' mistakes. We must take all security
measures but repatriate these children "
@EricGiuily #Children #jihadists # 10h12h

1. this paper
See all
Photographer for Agence

Saul Loeb. Photographer for Agence France-Presse based in Washington, DC,

covering the White House, American politics and major national and international

SAUL LOEB | Photojournalist – Washington, DC
Was this helpful?

2. SAUL LOEB | Photojournalist – Washington, DC

Saul Loeb. Photographer for Agence France-Presse based in Washington, DC,

covering the White House, American politics and major national and international
3. News about Who Is Saul Loeb

Saul Loeb
AFP photographer Saul Loeb captured some of the most iconic photos from inside
the US Capitol …
The Guardian Nigeria · 5d
MBtv: Inside the US Capitol, as seen by AFP Photographer Saul
AFP photographer Saul Loeb captured some of the most iconic photos from inside
the US Capitol …
Macau Business · 3d

See more news about Who Is Saul Loeb

4. MAGA Capitol Riot: Photojournalist Saul Loeb on His Iconic ...

Jan 08, 2021 · For the past 13 years, Saul Loeb, a Washington, D.C.-based staff
photographer for the newswire service Agence France-Presse (AFP), has
documented events at the White House and on Capitol Hill, in ...
o Author: Elizabeth Yuko
5. Photographer Who Was Inside Capitol During Riots on Scene ...

Jan 08, 2021 · Clearly, something had gone terribly wrong," Loeb, who is one of a
team of eight photographers assigned to cover the Capitol by the wire service,
Agence France-Presse, tells PEOPLE after the...
6. Images of Who is Saul Loeb
See all

See all images

7. Inside the US Capitol, as seen by AFP Photographer Saul Loeb


Jan 09, 2021 · AFP photographer Saul Loeb captured some of the most iconic
photos from inside the US Capitol when a mob of Donald Trump supporters stormed
Congress. In an interview outside Congress the day …
o Author: AFP
8. Saul Loeb | Vanity Fair Journalist | Muck Rack

May 29, 2020 · By Saul Loeb. — FILE - In this Nov. 24, 2020,
file photo, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks to the media prior to meeting with
Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Ahmad Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah at the State
Department in Washington. The State Department said Thursday, Dec. 24, 2020, the
United States will open a ...
9. Capturing the Chaos inside the Capitol: photographer with ...

Jan 08, 2021 · Saul Loeb snapped thousands of pictures as pro-Trump rioters
stormed the White House on Wednesday. His photos have been seen and shared all
over the world. “ [I was] assigned to cover the joint session of Congress,” said Loeb,
who is a staff photographer at AFP.
10. NYC man who breached US Capitol is son of prominent ...

(Photo by SAUL LOEB / AFP) (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)
Rioters breeched security and entered the Capitol as Congress debated the …


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<img src="" style="display:none;" /> 15 July
SEC Newgate S.p.A. ("SEC Newgate" or the "Group")
Artificial Intelligence TRUE® platform for communications industry launch in Italy
SEC Newgate (AIM: SECG), the international communications, advocacy and
research group, announces the launch of TRUE®, its proprietary AI powered
platform to run extensive and totally new-to-market semantic and reputation
TRUE® is being launched in Italy in July following €1.5 million of investment and
nearly three years of development in association with a pool of experts from
international universities including Bocconi, Italy's leading business school, and
Imperial College London. The launch is also being supported by the platform's
first client, TreNord, Italy's largest local rail services company, which has been
using the tool as a beta tester.
TRUE® is initially functional in Italian but, from its inception, has been
engineered to work in five European languages (English, French, German and
Spanish, in addition to Italian) and will be progressively developed and fine-tuned
to be operative in these linguistic contexts; English will be the next development
stage of the platform, which is expected to be available during Q4 2020.
Commenting on this state-of-the-art technology, Fiorenzo Tagliabue, the
Group's CEO, said:
"SEC Newgate has taken a significant step forward in boosting the
communications industry's influence in reputation assessment through the
adoption of Artificial Intelligence. TRUE® will provide unprecedented analysis
capability for entities for which reputation is a strategic asset. TRUE® is the sole
platform allowing continuous assessment and real time measurement of any
reputational aspect across all available public data sources.
"TRUE® moves away from traditional reputation assessment tools which only
use sample data and were developed to create corporate rankings. Our AI
platform is a solid and consistent tool which can analyse an infinite number of
data sources to support the protection and development of brand value. It
provides senior communications professionals and company executives with
detailed insights into all the elements that are positively or negatively impacting
their brand's reputation, across a wide range of stakeholders."

- Ends
Further information: For further information please contact: SEC Newgate S.p.A.
Fiorenzo Tagliabue (Group CEO) Telephone: +39 335 6008858
Emma Kane (Deputy Group CEO, CEO Newgate Communications UK)
Telephone: +44 (0) 20 3757 6860
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Arden Partners Richard Johnson / Benjamin Cryer Telephone: +44 207 614
5900 Notes to Editors - About SEC Newgate · Further information is
available at · The Group specialises in research,
advocacy and communications and achieves positive change for its clients by
operating at the interface of business, politics, markets and media. · The
Group's entrepreneurial roots started in 1989 when SEC S.p.A. was created by
Fiorenzo Tagliabue. It became the number one agency in Italy and developed a
European presence. On 3 September 2019, SEC S.p.A. and Porta
Communications Plc merged to create SEC Newgate S.p.A. This created a top
30 global strategic communications group with a team of 600 SEC Newgate
people based at 34 offices, in 15 countries and five continents - from London to
Sydney, from Milan to Bogota, and Berlin to Shanghai. · The Group's
principal brands are: ACH SEC Global (Spain); Cambre Associates (Belgium);
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Page 1 of 2

Page 2 of 2

I also saw a photo that credited both FPA and the Times Of Israel with a joint

Times of Israel had an article done by its Live Blog twitter acct that had
MULTIPLE tweets that were timestamed BEFORE 11 AM about the “mob”
arriving at the Capitol Bldg.

When I snipped it and copied my system crashed.

Here is @APbenven:

1. Shocking photos, videos of pro-Trump mob storming Capitol ...
Jan 06, 2021 · The world was watching as a mob of Trump supporters broke windows and breached the
Capitol in Washington, D.C. Wednesday. A crowd pushed their way into the government building as
Congress held a ...
2. Mob breaks into Nancy Pelosi's offices during breach of ...

Jan 06, 2021 · — Alexis Benveniste (@apbenven) January 6, 2021. While lawmakers sheltered in an
undisclosed location, MSNBC confirmed that Pelosi is safe. ...
3. Mob breaks into Nancy Pelosi's offices during breach of ...

Jan 06, 2021 · — Alexis Benveniste (@apbenven) January 6, 2021. While lawmakers sheltered in an
undisclosed location, MSNBC confirmed that Pelosi is safe. More stories from The decline
and fall of Donald Trump GOP Sen. Tom Cotton not-so-subtly knocks Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley for
inspiring Capitol siege for 'political advantage'

1. Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) January 6, 2021Haberman also pointed out that Trump and those in
his orbit, including his daughter Ivanka Trump and his attorney Rudy Giuliani, have hedged while calling
on people to act without violence.
o Author: WCVB-Boston
2. LOOK:
3. Alexis Benveniste (@apbenven) | FDNitter
@apbenven. Jan 10. Many Trump supporters live in alternative information ecosystems, sharing and
recycling false information from unreliable sources. ... PayPal is cutting ties with Christian crowdfunding
site GiveSendGo following the January 6 US Capitol siege. 2. 2. 7.
News or Instructions? Note PAYPAL in above sponsored media ties.

4. Digital Brief: Jan. 6, 2021

Jan 06, 2021 · Congress has 21 days to act. > > Since Trump now has less than 14 days left in his term,
Congress can just run out the clock with Pence in place until Biden is sworn in.> > -- George Conway
(@gtconway3d) January 7, 2021The idea of removing Trump with 13 days left in his term is not yet being
embraced by House or Senate GOP leaders, Axios says ...

Was it a Trap for Trump?

Cc:File: Was storming the capitol a trap for trump
A photo surfaced the day of the Capitol Siege of the desk of Speaker Pelosi.
The computer is there, and at the bottom of the HP screen are several Postit-notes
hand-written and barely notice-ale as more than Office Clutter. WE decided to take a
closer look:

Below is a clip from the desk of Speaker Pelosi:
The Board of Education

View Larger
Image courtesy of the Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives The murals of flora and fauna of the territories, and
Native American objects reflect the room's original use.

The small room tucked away on the first floor of the Capitol became famous in the 20th century
as the “Board of Education,” where House leaders met to relax and share information and
strategy. The space was part of the 1857 extension of the Capitol, and the Committee on
Territories claimed it first, but Speakers of the House have used it since the turn of the 20th

A Room for Speakers

The Speaker of the House took over the future Board of Education in 1901. For many Speakers,
it offered an escape from their public offices near the House Chamber. Tucked away on a narrow
corridor, close to storage rooms and the barbershop, the little room had a relatively low profile.
Speaker Henry Rainey liked to work there “unbothered by job hunters and self-appointed advice
givers,” according to the newspapers. Speaker Jack Garner used it as a second home. Ettie—his
wife, secretary, and close advisor—cooked his meals there on a stove especially installed for
View Larger
Collection of the U.S. House of Representatives
About this object Ettie and Jack Garner were a powerful pair during the latter's three decades in the House. Ettie served
as his secretary and cooked his lunch every day in the Board of Education.

Speaker William Bankhead gave the room to Majority Leader Sam Rayburn, beginning the
space’s most storied era as Rayburn’s hideaway during his long Speakership.
Soon the room took on the name it is still known by today—the Board of Education. Party
leaders met to drink, quiz selected House Members on political matters, and plot legislative
strategy. In a different spot in the Capitol Speaker Nicholas Longworth pioneered the custom,
and the name, of the convivial retreat, but it was Rayburn who most famously used it as a
political tool. His ability to gather new and seasoned Representatives in the Board of Education,
serving them bourbon while he gathered information and issued tactical marching orders, was the
stuff of lore. Although Rayburn made the Board of Education legendary, he never referred to it
that way, calling it simply “the little room” downstairs from the House Chamber.

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Image courtesy of the Office of the Clerk, U.S. House of Representatives Sam Rayburn's tribute to his home state occupies the
west wall lunette.
Rayburn's Influence
Rayburn outfitted the room with shabby, comfortable furniture—old “Turkish” tufted chairs, a
long leather couch, threadbare carpet, and a big desk that had drawers jammed with bottles of
bourbon and Scotch. Rayburn had the Texas seal painted on the west wall of the room, and
below it he placed two stanchions holding the U.S. flag and the Lone Star banner carried by the
Texas Delegation at the 1932 Democratic National Convention. He also hung two portraits: his
official Speaker’s portrait and a rendering of Senator Morris Sheppard of Texas.

The small circle of regulars who joined Rayburn to “strike a blow for liberty”—as Garner called
their tumblers of liquor in the days of Prohibition—included longtime House Parliamentarian
Lewis Deschler, Representative Lyndon Johnson of Texas, and a few committee chairs. Senator,
and later Vice President, Harry Truman was another frequent visitor. Truman was relaxing with
Rayburn and friends when President Franklin Roosevelt died. The Capitol switchboard patched
the White House’s urgent call to the Board of Education. Truman went pale, muttered “Jesus
Christ and General Jackson,” and grabbed his hat as he rushed out the door to assume the


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