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Oral News Report Rubric

4 3 2 1
Opening & Established Audience had Little or no
Clearly, quickly focus of the an idea of what intro, such that
Introduction established the speech but not was coming, audience did
focus of the very clear. but the intro did not know the
speech, gained Gained not clarify the speaker’s main
audience attention. main focus. focus.

Content Main items in Main items of Audience infers

the headline the headline main Presentation
clearly stated fairly clear; headlines; jumps among
and explained; some missing holes are random topics.
logical, smooth links or evident. Main items of
organization transitions. headline

Clarity & Highly detailed, Reports all the Reports the Incomplete,
well organized, news items in news items reports, few
Organization shows a strong an organized without much details, too
research of the way. research brief,
issues covered. disorganized or
Voice and Loud, clear, Loud, clear, Varies from Difficult to hear
relaxed with with some loud and clear or understand,
Manner, Eye few pauses. pauses to to difficult to seems
Contact Well prepared, gather understand, unprepared or
presentation thoughts. seems has body
Seems well prepared, may movement that
prepared, have some significantly
somewhat nervous and distract
nervous. distracting listeners.

Consistent eye Eye contact Sometimes Little or no eye

contact with mainly with the looks at the contact with the
many members teacher or one audience; often audience.
of the member of the looks at notes
audience; audience; or elsewhere.
rarely looks at occasionally
notes. refers to notes.
Duration of The newscast The newscast The newscast The newscast
was was between was less than was too long or
Presentation between 3-5 3-5 minutes but 3-5 minutes too short.
minutes and seemed and seemed
did SLIGHTLY VERY hurried
not seem hurried or too or too slow.
hurried or too slow.

Total points=_____x 5 =_____

Final Grade=_____/100

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