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Kelly Loeffler (Australia) 10-1-2021


20210110-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Sen. Kelly Loeffler-The ultimate betrayal

I understand from media reports that you and some fellow Senators reneged to oppose
the certification of the Electoral College slates allegedly because of the alleged unauthorised
entering of people into the Congress. Ordinary I would compliment you for opposing any
unauthorised entry however in my view it is not simple as that.
I some months ago downloaded a video where the police showed how a group of anarchist had
infiltrated a peaceful protest and then commenced to injure the police, etc. I understand from
various comments published by others that Antifa was involved to instigate the alleged unlawful
entry into Congress.

If I hypothetically was a juror in a trail and the “evidence” presented at the trail as to what I over
the years have come across what is going on in the USA then more than likely most of the
alleged trespassers would be found “NOT GUILTY” other than those who all along planned to
invade the Congress, including their leadership, such as Kamala Harris also known as Senator
Kamala Harris and what appears to me is that you any numerous others fools felt for the perfect
set up and abandoned your oath/affirmation to uphold the Constitution and your President.

I will briefly refer to some matters albeit recommend you take your time to read also:

Let us all work to restore democracy in as peaceful manner and as this document sets
out correct the wrongdoings. Reclaim constitutional and other legal rights and hold
those involved in election FRAUD legally accountable.

This document can be downloaded from:

Before going into further details let me give an example what it is to have the “TRUST” of a
I a senior citizen was visiting a friend who was a carer of a 7 year old Rett Syndrome girl. A terrible illness,
where a girl suddenly can be crippled and may soon die.
My friend asked if I liked a cup of coffee and I confirmed, and so she withdrew into the kitchen.
Having been a single parent with a 2 year old daughter I knew how to talk to a tender age child and so went
to sit on the floor next to the couch the girl was lying on and simply talked to her as I used to do with my
daughter. When the friend returned with my coffee I turned around but remained to sit on the floor with my
back against the couch. Suddenly I felt something against the side of my face and my friend immediately
commented to me some thing like: You inspired Anna (not her real name) as she never was doing this. From
then on Anna and I were more like father and daughter even so her biological parents would visit about once
a year, this even so they were only merely about 0 minutes away residing in a nearby suburb.

p1 10-1-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
When I accompanies the carer to the school for disabled children teachers often would comment “Your father
is here” and Anny would show to be very exited seeing me. When the school had a dance for the disabled
children I danced with Anna (confined in a wheelchair) and we even won a prise. A dinner for 2 but it was
never taken up as Anna was fed through a tube into her stomach. I used to transfer Anna from her wheelchair
via a sling on a crane into her bed, which ordinary would take me a few minutes. But before I did so I would
always first rest her head against my chest so she could hear my calm heart beat.
Anna had to have a stainless steel rod fitted onto her spinal to try to keep her straight and I received a text
message to urgently come to the Children Hospital because Anna was in a coma and the doctors had
indicated to prepare for a funeral as Anna simply was giving up to life.
I rushed to the hospital and the carer was in tears and begged me to get Anna back. She indicated that I am
the only person who could achieve this and she had told that to the doctors that I would be able to get her out
of the coma. Well, they really didn’t believe her.
I at arrival placed each of Anna hand in one of my hands and stood for over an hours like that. Not speaking
it all, just silent, just to let Anna feel my rhythm. A nurse walked in softly stating it was useless when on that
moment Anna opened her eyes briefly and then closed them again. The nurse run out and I could hear her
calling for a doctor. The doctor rushed in and asked me what I had done to Anna. I explained that “ TRUST”
is what she needed and she knows my rhythm from over the years having her head against my chest and so i
had no doubt that this is what will help her through. Anna vital signs on the monitors started to improve and
about half an hour later, still holding her hands she again opened her eyes and smiled to me. About half an
hour later when, her parents had rushed to the hospital they arrived at an empty bed and assumed Anna had
died, but instead being informed that Anna recovery was such in that half an hour the doctors approved for
me and her carer to have Anna in a wheelchair below in the hospital park.
A few years later I was about to transfer Anna from her wheelchair via a sling in a crane to her bed when, as I
always observe her eyes, held there was fear in her eyes. I simply placed her head against my chest and talked
to her. It this time took more then half an hour to transfer her but did so without Anna becoming upset. I then
notified the carer that something was terribly wrong with Anna. The carer responded it must be her knees but
I indicated there was really something else terrible wrong. As Anny was unable to speak I always used her
eyes to communicate with me. Anna had then just returned from Respite and a hospital appointment was due
after the weekend and so as usual I went also to the hospital. In particular, if Anna need a vaccination I had to
be there to calm her down. This time the carer asked the specialist to check Anna but the special announced
she could find nothing wrong. The carer insisted to have x-rays taken as something had to be wrong (The
carer trusted my judgment) and the specialist then caved in and ordered x-rays to be taken albeit indicating
they wouldn’t find anything wrong as otherwise she already would have found it. The x-rays came and well
the specialist ordered a major investigation as to why Anna had a fractured leg. In the end, the investigation
concluded that the fracture was a natural event due to Anna weak bone structure. As such not the result of
inappropriate care.
The merit of the story is that Anna who had been forecasted to live maximum until the age of 10 so far lived
past this to become a young adult. Yet, this may never have eventuated was it not for the “ TRUST” she had
in me, when she was in the coma and I held her hands in my hands.

Now let us turn to citizens who elect representatives to the Congress (Parliament) to represent the
citizen’s interest. Once those Representatives are in the Congres they far too often will misuse
and abuse their powers. It will be “RULES FOR THEE BUT NOT FOR ME”.
Very few members of Congress will follow through their oath/affirmation of office to uphold the
This is a vital oath/affirmation as soldiers do when they joint the defence forces and may lose
their lives to protect what the constitution stands for.

Regretfully many if not most Members of Congress are not just misusing and abusing their
positions but are even placing the Congress in disrepute.
Every House in a Congress (Parliament) had the inherited right to expel from its House any
Member which placed the House in disrepute.

Regretfully the silence is deafening when it comes to Congress. Members of Congress openly
vilifying a sitting president claiming he is a TRAITOR, and yet despite there being no reliable
evidence such a Members is not at all expelled.

p2 10-1-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
Worse is that those members of Congress are “lawmakers” and yet not just promoting, or
encouraging violence and murder but even claiming to be part of such a “movement”.

What Members of Parliament as a group have done is to denigrate the States of Congress and is a
House in disorder that one cannot respect, when their own Members do not even do so.
You may argue well where is the evidence?
Dan Bongino – Media Sit in Shameful Silence as Pres Sec

interviewer: ...... protest still happening..

That is right. They are not going to stop.
Kamala Harris:
They are not going to stop. And this is a movement
they are not going to stop. And everyone be aware
that they are not going to stop. They are not going
to stop before election day in November. And they
are not going to stop after election day. And that
should be everyone taking notice of this on both
levels. This is, they are not going to let up. And they
should not, and we should not.
And they should not, and we should not.

I can assure you that I even today checked that the video link still is allowing the video to be
downloaded, as I did again.

What we have is a sitting Senator Kamal Harris despite that police officers were also murdered,
making clear that she and the “movement” would continue to pursue riots, etc.

The silence of members of Congress is deafening, that they didn’t bother to expel a Senator for
daring to incite and participate in a coup to overthrow the sitting President.

If you were to listen to the various highly degrading and inappropriate statement by Nany Pelosi
as to President Donald J Trump then for members of the House of Representatives to
nevertheless let her to continue to be a Speaker during 2020 underlines that they showed
absolutely no respect for what really is deemed the Peoples House (Congress). Adam Schiff in
my view is one of the many to disgrace the status of the Congress.
And, even so as I understand California ballots in the November 2020 all were in violation of the
California Legal provisions and couldn’t be counted nevertheless instead of not counting the
purported about 55 Electoral college votes they still were. Nancy Pelosi and others from
California legally cannot be accepted to be Members of Congress where the ballots were invalid,
and so neither has Nancy Pelosi any legal standing to be a Speaker in 2021 but let not deter you

p3 10-1-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
and other Members of Congress as after all who cares about what is constitutional right and
appropriate, that is unless of course you can make an argument when it suits you.

California Clearly Violated Election Law—

Votes are Invalid

California violated its own election laws

In California state law, the election code is titled “Division 13. BALLOTS, SAMPLE
In Article 1 of this code we find Election Code 13200, which reads as follows:
“Ballots not printed in accordance with the chapter [Chapter 3] shall not be cast nor
counted at any election.”
That’s straightforward English. It’s at the 9th-grade reading level, so assuming California’s
election officials can understand it, here it is one more time, with emphasis:
“Ballots not printed in accordance with the chapter [Chapter 3] shall not be cast nor counted at
any election.”
When we read a little further, we find Section 13205. Since we’re talking about the election
of the President and Vice President, we’ll look at the applicable subsection:
13205 (b). In elections when electors of President and Vice President of the United States
are to be chosen, there shall be placed upon the ballot, in addition to the instructions to
voters as provided in this chapter, an instruction as follows:
“To vote for all of the electors of a party, mark the voting target next to the names of the
presidential and vice presidential candidates of that party. A mark of the voting target next
to the name of a party and its presidential and vice presidential candidate, is a vote for all
of the electors of that party, but for no other candidates.”

And then consider:
37 Am Jur 2d at section 8 states, in part: "Fraud vitiates every transaction and all contracts.
Indeed, the principle is often stated, in broad and sweeping language, that fraud destroys
the validity of everything into which it enters, and that it vitiates the most solemn contracts,
documents, and even judgments."

p4 10-1-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
The clip shared by Trump, McEnany and others starts around the 19:13 mark, when Biden
tells Pfeiffer and Lovett, “Secondly, we’re in a situation where we have put together—
and you guys did it for President Obama’s administration before this—we have put
together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the
history of American politics.”

Here you have Joe Biden openly admitting that even during the Obama election fraud was used,
and this I view was not a slip of the tong as many reports indicates this was actually then also
eventuating. And, during the Georgia run off Senate election already I understood that this
election as also unsecure. In fact during the Georgia legislators listening to “evidence’ they were
informed that the voting systems were accessible via WiFi. And how can you achieve “negative”
votes in a political election, as I am not aware any negative votes, even is cast, are to be counted.

So, it appears to me the Georgia Senate run off also was a stolen election.
But it appears to me you do not care about the constitution other than when it suits you.
51 Percent of Americans Believe Capitol Riots Were Attempted Coup: Poll

While I an Australian sitting behind my computer far away from the USA somehow I may have a
much better view as to what really should be considered.
To speak of a “coup” hardly can be correct when those who were protesting hardly desired to
overthrow the Trump Administration.
Much of the misconception by many more than likely has resulted because of the way the Media
misrepresent matters versus “peaceful protests” when it came to BLM and Antifa riots and even

Obviously one cannot do a “coup” if one demonstrates in favour of a sitting President.

While the President may have referred to the word “WILD” that is not to be taken as meaning

I many decades ago was an insurance agent, and actually, the company had me as to best
performer in insurances. I would simply visit potential clients and if I after several hours held
that they were already adequately covered by insurance I would explain that to them. The result
was that being so honest those persons would then recommend their family members, friends and
others to contact me.
But, I did also something else. We had a Dutch Sint Nicolaas fest in December and I decided to
give out a trophy for the “craziest dancer” and the “worst dancer”. The Dutch consul from The
Netherlands handed them out in Melbourne Australia. I just held that instead, everyone having to
compete for the best in dancing, it be better to do the opposite. And, people were mighty proud
upon participating in this.

As such, when it came to “TRUST” as an insurance agent people trusted me. And, then one day
I discovered that the insurance company was cheating some of my clients, so I went around
making clear I could not condone this and would leave the company. I did.
I held that my credibility was not for sale and I wouldn’t deceive those who trusted me.

p5 10-1-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
When President Donald J Trump referred to “WILD” this in my view was no more but to attract
supporters to come to the rally without any unlawful intentions.

However when it came to Senator Kamala Harris she was unexpected to the interviewer suddenly
boasting and smiling about it. This was not some slip of the tong and neither that the interviewer
somehow had conned her into making such statement, as he seemed rather surprised about what
Senator Kamala Harris suddenly proclaimed.

It is therefore clear to me, that Senator Kamala Harris (as she then was) as a member of Congress
and a lawmaker made clear she was inciting and even being part of a “movement” to pursue
unlawful conduct of riots, etc, not only before but after the election was held.

And you now declared that this utter disregard for constitutional rights, etc, and inciting unlawful
conduct and participating in this somehow you now find it acceptable to betray your
oath/affirmation to uphold the constitution and join the bandwagon of Joe Biden and kamala
If this is how you perceive the constitution is providing for then it appears to me you do not
know a thing about the constitution.
In my view this kind of backstabbing conduct, as I view it to be, earns you to be forever banned
to hold any public office.

In my view a World Wide “White” Colour Revolution would be the best way to universally combat this
New World Order dictatorship. Perhaps you may not care about yourself, but then at least care about
your family members, and others.

This document can be downloaded from:

This World Wide “White” Colour Revolution-Supplement 1 raises various issues regarding the lack of
safety regarding vaccinations. Ask yourself, who will pay the financial bills if your child becomes
disabled or even dies?

This document can be downloaded from:

This World Wide “White” Colour Revolution-Supplement 2 raises further questions such as “For
Emergency Use Only” being now used for whomever and we may find, as in the past, vaccines replaced
by vaccines not approved at all, in addition of further complications.

This document can be downloaded from:

This “World Wide “White” Colour Revolution” isn’t about overthrowing any government but to
RECLAIM constitutional and other legal rights.

If politicians around the world in the first place represented their constituents in the first place in
an appropriate manner then most of the grievances would not exist.
p6 10-1-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
Here you are dealing with an ELECTION FRAUD on a large scale and you abandon to pursue
the Rules of law seemingly for that certain citizens fed up with the failure of members of
Congress now make clear they take it no more.

Those citizens had for years their duly elected President Donald J Stump vilified, etc, and even
death threats and instead of pursing those criminals you have now so to say rolled over and
joined their bandwagon. The saying is if you sleep with dog you can expect to get flies.

My wife lived through World War II, and, also, through a communist takeover of the then named
Czechoslovakia. She had her husband tortured, not because he had done anything wrong, but
merely they assumed he had sold his invention to the West. He never did. And, that is what you
and others may in the end also face because as reportedly Stalin did, those who betrayed their
own country to join him were regarded as traitors and couldn’t be trusted. My wife has lived
through it in real time how the communist were joined by the many, and then the communist
turned against them many ending up with a bullet in the back of the head but other in far worse
conditions. I understand that the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) has special prison camps
where nuns and other women are thrown into male prisons camps, to allow them to be raped until
they are death. That may just be a small insight as to how they are dealing with people they do
not accept have human rights. I doubt many, if any, civilized women may look forwards to such
kind of ending of life.

Let me be very clear there are a few Members of Congress I in a way admire that they stand up
for their oath/affirmation to uphold the constitution, and are not weasels to abandon their duties
and obligations.

You with withdrawing your objection against counting certain disputed State results including
that of Georgia have thumbed your nose upon the State legislators, and I view betrayed them big
time. Also I view violated your very position as Senator to represent your State.
You cannot claim to uphold the rule of law when in fact you are so to say joining forces with the
home grown terrorist a Member of Congress, who advocates and participate in a “movement” to
overthrow a sitting President.

This unauthorised entry of the Congress could have been avoided by each and every Member of
Congress if they had denounced the FRAUDULENT ELECTION results and VP Mike Pence
had adhered to his constitutional obligations. But, that was not to be. The real culprits are in my
view those Members of Congress who failed to uphold their constitution and placed their
personal views above their oath affirmation of office.

If you can excuse yourself that perhaps you acted in haste when not objecting to the vote count
well then seek to pursue that VP Pence act appropriately also and revoke his ill-conceived
decision. Failing that I view those who violated the provisions of the Constitution are beyond
redemption and no religious faith of whatever can get you out of the betrayal.
If it is true that as in the past Antifa was the originator of the unlawful entry into the Congress
then this may underlines that Kamala Harris and others with her have successfully conned most
to fall in line with her that after all riots and murders will be the governance of the day.

You are entitled to disapprove of any unlawful entry into the Congress but where were you when
the riots were not only destroying businesses but even killing people including law enforcement
officers doing no more but their laid up duties? Why is you position in any manner more sacred
then the police officer who did no wrong but nevertheless is not only injured but even killed?
p7 10-1-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
When Congress in particular the Senate regarding Senator Kamala Harris failed to sanction her
for her promotion of uprising, etc, and so the House failing to deplore the coup against President
Donald J Trump then you all violated the Congress standing. If you do not respect the Congress
then why should anyone else do so?

As I view it, Americans became fed up with the inaction by Members of Congress to ensure free
and proper elections. Even where it appears certain military leaders abandoning the President and
colluding with Nancy Pelosi even so I view she has no legal standing to be Speaker.

How many Republicans, or for that even Democrats, who sworn an oath/affirmation to uphold
the constitution have challenged each and every purported California Member of Congress as to
that they were not duly elected in November 2020?

I will now quote some part of a website which may indicate what Americans are viewing about
After Riot in Capitol, Sen. Kelly Loeffler, Other GOP Lawmakers Drop Plans to Object
Loeffler, speaking from the Senate floor, said the unrest and acts of violence that occurred earlier in the day
had forced her to reconsider challenging the electoral votes in several disputed states.
“I cannot now in good conscience object to the certification of these electors,” she said in a brief speech. “The
violence, the lawlessness, and siege of the halls of Congress are abhorrent and stand as a direct attack on what
my objection was intended to protect, the sanctity of the American democratic process.”
Heavily armed police eventually secured the grounds by dispersing protesters and rioters
with teargas and percussion grenades. One woman, a Trump supporter, was killed after she
was shot inside the U.S. Capitol, police have confirmed.
Upon resuming the session on Wednesday evening, Vice President Mike Pence condemned
the violence.
“We condemn the violence that took place here in the strongest possible terms. We grieve
the loss of life in these hallowed halls to those who wreaked havoc in our Capitol today:
you did not win. Violence never wins. Freedom wins. And this is still the people’s house,”
he said.
And then comments
Jan 7, 2021 at 23:32
−Vote up+22Vote down
Further investigations will reveal that this was merely a Trump supporter impersonator. There is a
video taken on the phone of a citizen showing 3-4 white vans full of antifa members dressed as trump
supporters that were escorted in by state troopers to the capitol. THESE PROTESTERS WERE
ANTIFA, marxist communists who stole our election, rally, country and children’s future.

p8 10-1-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
Jan 8, 2021 at 02:00
−Vote up+1Vote down
Her companion said in interview that they just followed the group toward the capital which Antifa was
leading in the breakin of windows and glass. They were allowed in but shot her when she appeared and
was cornered near a windowed partition above the Antifa. The Antifa were readily identified and
confirmed on social media. But, that doesn’t fit the coup narrative at this critical moment.
Lawfler is laughing all the way the bank or Gitmo, which ever comes first. He who is first shall be last. There
may be others in line for that first.
Jan 8, 2021 at 06:26
−Vote up+1Vote down
Where is video? Any chance we can see it? I haven’t heard anything like this. I do wonder about mayor
bowers though. Plus wonder about people like congressman tim kane whose son is with antifa. Very
suspicious this happened as repubs started objecting to electors. Was this coordinated with someone at
capital? Why would trump supporters do this when they were doing what we wanted?
Jan 8, 2021 at 02:05
−Vote up+4Vote down
They lie to trick everybody. They are all on the same side. That’s why trump not being a politician,
cannot be allowed by them to take his rightful win by choice of the people. It’s a big coup d’état. Rime
Itally changed thé votes on election night nov 3, it’s been confessed. They didn’t want that to be
revealed yesterday in broadcasting it on live outlets around the world and nation wide with all eyes on
it, so Antufa was brought in to the capital at that moment to intercept the exposé.
Jan 7, 2021 at 23:30
−Vote up+12Vote down
The unarmed woman that was shot in the neck by a congressional personal body guard. SHOULD BE
Jan 8, 2021 at 01:34
−Vote up+4Vote down
A third party is a must, bona fide republicans can always join. But you cannot continue with this Trash
& spineless politician that has become the GOP. Graham, Cruz, they had it all prepared. The 10 days
commission was a scam. Itw as admitted publicly that such commission was supposed to be a
mascaraed to convince you there was no fraud. A Congress certifying fraud because two actors and
Antifa stormed in the most secure building in the Universe? They take you folks for simpleminded.
ANTIFA was let it. Where was the CIA, FBI? Where does your tax money go if they are not doing
their jobs and work against the American people? You tell me FBI/CIA had not anticipated such a
basic Antifa Scam? They were only capable of installing a Plexiglas? In a addition Pence and many
didn’t even leave the building, they knew it was a scam. They were in a rush to certify. They acted like
traitors and thieves usually do: during the night. Poor American people. You take the tear gas, while
ANTIFA gets the deals with the Democrats.

p9 10-1-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
Jan 8, 2021 at 02:13
−Vote up+4Vote down
It’s been a coup d’état all along. Now we know the extent of it in our faces sneaking around in the dark
behind our backs stabbing America in the neck violently.
Jan 8, 2021 at 02:14
−Vote up+2Vote down
That won’t happen when they are are all in Gitmo or hiding in bunkers whichever.
Jan 7, 2021 at 19:52
−Vote up+20Vote down
Loeffler should join Warnock´s Senate team flipping from GOP to DEM. Without character, without
moral. Instead of fighting side by side with TRUMP she is stabbing him in the back. It is HARVEST
TIME as Jesus explained-dividing the good from the bad, the good for the Kingdom, the bad ones for
the oven (hell in Jesus´ time).
Jan 7, 2021 at 16:20
−Vote up+19Vote down
How did she get negative votes?
Jan 7, 2021 at 18:55
−Vote up+10Vote down
Kelly just doesn’t have what it takes. Kemp put her in instead of the Trump choice 2 years ago. She
sold stock and got caught that is one of the reasons she lost.
Simple Samuels
Jan 7, 2021 at 16:18
−Vote up+43Vote down
Taxation Without Representation!
I guess it is time for over 50% of American Wage Earners to increase their W4 dependents to 100+ and
refuse to pay taxes to the feds and the states or at least file for tax extensions to October.
Let the almighty dollar speak for us.
Prosecuting over 70 million hard working Americans would be next to impossible.
Democrats suggested this in 2016.
Jose Rodriguez
Jan 7, 2021 at 20:16
−Vote up+7Vote down
I think many senior members of the Republican Party is in on this rouse. There are still many good
ones, but it is becoming more apparent a third party is needed. Trump is an outsider in an exclusive
members only Country Club.
p10 10-1-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
Let us back track what VP Pence allegedly stated:

Upon resuming the session on Wednesday evening, Vice President Mike Pence condemned
the violence.
“We condemn the violence that took place here in the strongest possible terms. We grieve
the loss of life in these hallowed halls to those who wreaked havoc in our Capitol today:
you did not win. Violence never wins. Freedom wins. And this is still the people’s house,”
he said.

Well, it seems to me that Kamala Harris with her “movement” actually succeeded in using
violence and VP Pence, yourself, and many others seemed to me to have joined in.

BLM-blackmail Image EbjAdVFXQAERsdL

Feds Bust Black Lives Matter Organiser for Blackmailing Local Businesses
“You don’t want 600 people to come here and destroy your business and burn it down”
Fri June 26 Daniel Greenfield
Dan Bongino – Media Sit in Shameful Silence as Pres Sec
Kamala Harris as a Member of Congress I understood stated
They are not going to stop before election day in
November. And they are not going to stop after
election day. And that should be everyone taking
notice of this on both levels. This is, they are not
going to let up. And they should not, and we should
This is not in my view the kind of language a Senator or for that any Member of Congress (a
lawmaker) should use. Moreover, it appears to me she was in control of what was going on with
the riots, as she seems to determine if they should stop or not.
p11 10-1-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
State senator under investigation for allegedly donating money for paint used in district attorney’s office
A Utah state senator and four others are being investigated for small donations they made to a protester
accused of buying paint spilled outside the Salt Lake County District Attorney’s Office during anti-police
violence demonstrations.
Sen. Derek Kitchen, D-Salt Lake City, told The Salt Lake Tribune on Wednesday that he did donate to
Madalena McNeil’s Venmo account, a platform used for mobile payments. McNeil has been charged with a
first-degree felony in connection with the July 9 protest that ended with confrontations with police and
damage to the district attorney’s office.
As such, even without any factual financial donation to support ELECTION FRAUD by
withholding your laid up duties to object then I view you are supporting the ELECTION FRAUD
and as much guilty as those who originally committed the ELECTION FRAUD.

If in the end it does show that as the police in some states appear to have done, prove that the
original unlawful entry was spearheaded by Antifa then you can never rectify what you have
done but at least you are still in a position to address matters and seek that VP Pence fulfil his
obligations within the context of the constitution which my 10 January 2021 correspondence
referred to above set out also. As shown before, Kamala Harris’s aide allegedly had false police
uniforms, and then who is to ignore she may have the same done again to pretend to be Trump

Is that how you honour those whose lives were lost by supporting the very lawbreakers who
originated the ELECTION FRAUD?
Is this the kind of “TRUST” you seek to convey to fellow Americans, that you are too emotional
and blinded by it all, and cannot make a proper informed decision where there is a critical time to
do so? You can blame those who unlawfully entered the Capitol building but in the end the
failure rest not with the Sergeant-at-Arms but with the Members of Congress to have failed to
ensure that Americans could not be caused to be subjected to such elaborate ELECTION
FRAUD. The gross unacceptable failure to not have a proper legal system in place where
election disputed and its “evidence” are appropriately adjudicated upon. It are Members of
Congress who are in principle responsible for their failure to have acted properly while they
could and joining a terrorist “movement” isn’t going to resolve it rather will embolden the
terrorist to continue with terrorism. That is really what in the end you appear to me to achieve.
And, you support Kamala Harris having supported and participated in their reign of terror,
killings, etc, to become Vice President and likely eventually President?

An excellent article also to consider is:
Austin: The Capitol Incursion Was Nearly a Win for Democrats - But They Couldn't Keep
Their Mouths Shut
Joe Biden claim of “UNITY” was in my view was a gross deception while Members of Congress
were promoting a list of those supporting and working with President Donald J Trump. And,
their comments on 6 January 2021 seem to underline this. Again placing the race card.

One need to return to the organics and legal principles embedded in of the federal constitution!
This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.

Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)

MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL® (Our name is our motto!)
p12 10-1-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://

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