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Ind. Eng. C h e m . Res.

1988,27, 727-735 727


Thermal Hydrolysis of Vegetable Oils and Fats. 1. Reaction Kinetics

T. A. Patil, D. N. Butala, T. S. Raghunathan, and H. S. Shankar*
Department of Chemical Engineering, I n d i a n Institute of Technology, Bombay 400 076, India

A model is proposed to describe the liquid-liquid thermal hydrolysis of vegetable oils and animal
fats. Extensive data on hydrolysis equilibrium and rate have been obtained. Results of the present
and previous studies have been compared with model predictions. Uniformly excellent agreement
is indicated in all the cases.

The direct saponification of oil/fat in small-scale soap system, water and glycerol can distribute between the
manufacturing units poses many problems with regard to aqueous and the oil phases. Thus, both reaction and phase
recovery of byproduct glycerol. The hydrolysis of oils prior equilibria are featured in this reaction. The dependence
to saponification provides possibilities of overcoming this of the equilibrium acid value on the initial water-oil ratio
problem. Fatty acids and glycerol are valuable chemical is available (Lascaray, 1949,1952). These results suggest
intermediates with a variety of end uses. Yet quantitative that the degree of hydrolysis at equilibrium depends on
information on the kinetics, thermodynamics, and engi- the initial water-to-oil ratio alone and is independent of
neering aspects of this reaction is limited. temperature.
The hydrolysis reactions can be conducted thermally as Product glycerol is found to have an adverse effect on
a liquid-liquid reaction or as a gas-liquid reaction using the final degree of hydrolysis, and the empirical equation
superheated steam. It can also be conducted using lipolytic X,= 1.0 - 0 . 8 ~ ~(0.8 ~ IX,I1.0) (1)
enzymes at ambient conditions. All three modes of hy-
drolysis are being investigated, but we present here our is given by Lascaray (1952) to quantify this effect. Here
results on liquid-liquid thermal hydrolysis. X,is the overall conversion and y g eis the glycerol mass
Commercially the reaction is carried out under the fraction in the aqueous phase at equilibrium. Equation
conditions of 100-260 "C and 100-7000 kPa using 0.4-1.5 1 shows clearly that a possible strategy for design would
w/w initial water to oil charge with or without catalysts. be to extract glycerol from the fat phase to shift the
Feed stock flexibility, high extent of hydrolysis, minimal position of equilibrium in the favorable direction, thus the
color degradation, and high concentration of glycerol in importance of the continuous countercurrent scheme.
the aqueous phase are among the principal process re- Mills and McClain (1949) studied the equilibria in the
quirements. Thus, several alternative such as the batch, hydrolysis of beef tallow and coconut oil at 235 and 250
the semicontinuous, and the continuous countercurrent "C in the range of 90-100% completeness using a novel
processes are in use. stirred batch reactor. A t equilibrium, the oil phase was
In the batch Twitchell process, the acid-washed fat is found to contain small quantities of diglycerides, mono-
contacted with water at 100 "C and atmospheric pressure glycerides, and glycerol, providing evidence for the fol-
using 25-50% w/w water and 0.75-1.25% by its own lowing stepwise reaction:
weight Twitchell reagent in covered wooden vats (Mueller
and Holt, 1948). Oxidative discoloration and high steam I. triglyceride + water diglyceride + fatty acid
consumption constitute the major drawbacks of this pro-
cess. No direct information on the rate and equilibrium
characteristics of this process is reported.
In the batch autoclave process, the reaction is conducted
11. diglyceride + water e monoglyceride + fatty acid

in the presence of liquid water and wet steam under 111. monoglyceride + water 6
glycerol + fatty acid
moderate conditions of 1000-3000 kPa and 180-230 "C; (2)
agitation is provided by steam or a mechanical stirrer. The
degree of hydrolysis of about 90% is generally obtained The glycerol distribution coefficient m ( = y g / x ) for beef
which may be increased to 96% at the cost of glycerol tallow and coconut oil at 250 "C was found to \e 12 and
dilution by employing a higher water-to-oil ratio (Lascaray, 6, respectively. The reaction is said to occur in the oil
1949). phase and that water is unimportant in establishing the
In the continuous countercurrent process, the preheated equilibria because it is present in large molecular pro-
fat is fed at the bottom of a hydrolyzing column under portions. However, no data on the concentration of water
pressure while water is sprayed from the top of the reactor. in the oil phase are reported.
The descending stream of water encounters the rising fat Sturzenegger and Sturm (1951) have reported batch
counter currently at around 260 "C and 4700 kPa to ac- hydrolysis data for some oils. These studies indicate an
complish the necessary contact needed for the reaction. autocatalytic behavior with a clear induction period. The
No catalyst is generally used (Burrows, 1953). overall rate of reaction is also seen to be a strong function
Hydrolysis of oils is clearly a case of chemical reaction, of temperature. The reaction is found not to go to com-
accompanied by mass transfer. In this heterogeneous pletion and that equilibrium acid value is a function of
0888-5885/88/ 2627-0727$01.50f 0 0 1988 American Chemical Society
728 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 27, No. 5, 1988

water to oil ratio alone. The acid value-time data reveal In this paper, a model containing four equilibrium pa-
oscillations of 2-3 units around the equilibrium region. rameters and one rate parameter is developed to describe
Despite the above features, a pseudefirst-order irreversible the course of the liquid-liquid thermal hydrolysis. The
kinetic interpretation with rate constant model is tested against present and previous data, and
uniformly good agreement is revealed in all cases.
Mathematical Model
based on half-life is given. An activation energy E I R of The model for batch hydrolysis developed here uses the
7000-8000 K is indicated. following assumptions:
Technically, a number of reactor designs are possible. (a) The reaction takes place in the oil phase as per the
However, very limited studies are reported on the behavior scheme shown in eq 2. Isomers of mono- and diglycerides
of hydrolysis reactors. Jeffreys et al. (1961) assumed which are possible are not explicitly accounted.
overall stoichiometry and pseudo-first-order irreversible (b) The mass and density of the phases remain un-
kinetics to model a countercurrent spray tower as a case changed during the reaction so that
of simultaneous reaction in the oil phase and glycerol
transfer to the aqueous phase. Reaction conditions are not
specified, but results showed abnormal HTU values. where i refers to component.
An approach to describe the performance of a spray (c) All reactions are elementary. Equilibrium constants
column with axial dispersion model is presented by Don- for all the steps are the same and are temperature inde-
ders et al. (1968) using overall reaction stoichiometry. A pendent.
value of the second-order rate constant for forward reac- (d) The reaction belongs to the very slow reaction re-
tion, k, = 0.009 m3/(kmol.min) and K, = 2, is used. A gime, and phase equilibria for glycerol exist at all times
simple equation is suggested to calculate the dispersion so that
coefficient from superficial velocity of the dispersed phase.
A mass-transfer coefficient of kL = 0.001 m/min and in- Yg = mxg (7)
terfacial area of 87 m2/m3is suggested. No experimental where g refers to glycerol.
data or evidence is reported. (e) Water transport to the oil phase is rapid, and its
Basu (1976) presented data on the splitting of rice bran concentration can be given as
oil in a countercurrent column and compared the same
with conversion predicted from irreversible pseudo-first-
order kinetics; considerable disagreementwas found. Desai
et al. (1984) modeled the course of batch hydrolysis using (f)The first step of eq 2 is rate controlling, and the other
the following assumptions: (1)reaction takes place in the two steps are relatively rapid.
oil phase as per eq 2 with the first reaction controlling; (2) (g) Glycerides and fatty acids are insoluble in the
diglycerides and monoglycerides are stationary at their aqueous phase.
equilibrium values; (3) the concentration of water in the Let X1, X2,and X, be the extents of reactions with
oil phase is linearly related to fatty acid concentration in respect to triglyceride in the system; since there is no
the oil phase; (4) the phase equilibria for glycerol hold change in volume due to reaction, we have by stoichiometry
during hydrolysis; (5) elementary kinetic representation
applies so that the equilibrium constant for the reactions
can be given as

Mass balance for triglycerides gives

dCt/dt = k2CdCa - klCtCw (13)
The other two reactions being relatively rapid, we get
(4) Cm - -k3Cw c,
_ -=- k5Cw
Cd k4Ca cm k6Ca
with the overall equilibrium constant given as
Since the solubility of water in fatty acids is large relative
K, = K1K2K3= [C,3C,/C,CW3], (5) to glyceride, eq 14 can be written approximately as
The model applicability is tested against acid value-time
data of Sturzenegger and Sturm (1951) on beef tallow.
Excellent agreement is indicated. Agreement with respect The above approximation leads to a simple solution of the
to other oils was poor. problem. Overall glycerol balance gives
Summing up, the available information on this reaction
is inadequate. The equivalence between acid and glycerol
formation, the concentration of water in the fat phase, and
the role of mass transfer relative to reaction are not well
established. No useful model exists to predict the reactor
performance under different design and operating con-
ditions, hence the motivation for the present work.
The objective of this study is therefore to develop a
suitable model to cover some of the above inadequacies.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 27, No. 5, 1988 729

Table I. Specifications of Autoclave Used in the Present Three methods were tried for the determination of
Work glycerol content in aqueous phase viz. periodic acid oxi-
capacity 1L dation method, sodium metaperiodate oxidation method,
outer diameter of the vessel 0.111 m and specific gravity measurement (Perry and Chilton,
inner diameter of the vessel 0.08 m 1973). Standard samples of glycerol solution of 0.05-35%
depth 0.23 m w/w were prepaxed to evaluate the efficacy of the methods.
max pressure 50 000 kPa Excellent agreement was found between these over the
max temp 600 O C
stirrer type propeller range investigated. Therefore, the specific gravity method
stirring speed 150-1440 rpm which was simple and rapid was used in the present work
propeller diameter 0.05 m with frequent cross-checks against sodium metaperiodate
propeller width 0.017 m titrations. The error of the glycerol measurement by this
method was estimated as *0.026%.
Since mass and density are assumed constant when using The fat-phase glycerol analysis was carried out by
eq 6, we get shakiig a known amount of distilled water with a relatively
C, = Ca(AX3 + A ' ) (18) large fat-phase sample to extract the glycerol in water so
as to facilitate accurate measurement of aqueous glycerol
From eq 16 we get by the specific gravity method. The periodic acid oxidation
X3 = BX2 - B' (19) method was also used to confirm the measurements.
x2 = cx1- C' (20) Levels of monoglyceride were analyzed by the periodic
acid oxidation method. a-Monoglyceride could be mea-
Substituting for C,, Cd,C,, and C, in terms of X 1 in eq 13 sured by this method. Total monoglyceride was calculated
we get as per the procedure given by Mehlenbacher (1960). A
-P dX,/dt = XI2 - Q X 1 - R (21) measurement error of Zm f 0.0008 is indicated here.
Only clean oil free from mono- and diglyceride was used
The solution to eq 21 is given by in the experiments. In general, acid value (AV), saponi-
aP(1 - eNt) fication value (SV), aqueous glycerol fig), and mono-
x1= glyceride (Zm)were measured. A balance for fatty acid is
a - fieNt used to obtain the overall conversion in terms of measured
where a and fi are the roots of the right-hand side of eq quantities as shown below:
21. ( X i + Xz + X 3 ) / 3 = AV/SV - AVo/SVo (23)
Experimental Apparatus The quantities X 2 and X 3 could be expressed in terms
A laboratory autoclave of 1-L capacity made from of X 1 by using eq 19 and 20. The resulting equation in
stainless steel 316 mounted in a compact, electrically X I could be expressed in terms of elapsed time by using
heated furnace was used. The specifications of the auto- eq 22. Thus, we could relate the measured AV and SV
clave are summarized in Table I. The top flange is pro- values to time, and this relation involves the unknown
vided with a cooling coil having provision for cooling water parameters k,, m, K , al, and These parameters are
inlet and outlet. A stainless steel 316 rupture disc tested estimated via regression analysis of present and previous
at 500 atm and 600 "C is provided on the top flange. The data.
flange also contained a thermowell for temperature mea- As per the model, AV and SV data alone are necessary
surement and four ports. One of the ports is connected for the purpose of parameter estimation. In this work, 9,
to a pressure gauge for pressure measurement. The others and Zm are also measured to provide additional checks on
are connected via precision needle valves to sampling tubes the methods employed.
of different lengths for sampling from different points in The experimental data are obtained by analyzing at
the autoclave. A magnetically driven stirrer is housed at room conditions the samples from the reactor. The oil
the center. phase in the reactor contains fatty acids, glycerides, gly-
The stirrer speed was measured with a tachometer. A cerol, and water. During analysis at room conditions, water
precalibrated chromel-alumel thermocouple connected to and glycerol are removed. Thus, measured mass fractions
a digital multimeter indicated the liquid temperature in- are larger than at the reactor conditions. Hence, a cor-
side the reactor to within f0.5 "C. Temperature was rection is required to relate measured quantities to reactor
controlled by using controllers which regulate the power conditions. The magnitude of this correction increases
input to the electrical heaters. with temperature and is about 3% at 260 "C. This rela-
tionship can be found from a fatty matter balance as
Analytical Section 2, = q/(l - x, - X J (24)
Volumetric methods were used for determination of
fatty acid, saponifiable matter, monoglyceride, and gly- If model parameters are known, then this equation could
cerol. Water from the oil sample was removed by perco- be used to relate composition of the oil phase in the reactor
lating through anhydrous sodium sulfate prior to analysis. to the measured quantities at room conditions. The mass
All analytical procedures were adopted from Mehlenbacher fractions 2, and 5, are found as
(1960). x', = (AV)M,/561000 (25)
Free fatty acid content of the sample on a dry basis is
2, = (SV - AV)Mt/168300 (26)
determined via the acid value defined as the milligrams
of potassium hydroxide necessary to neutralize the free Since
acids in 1 g of sample. The saponifiable matter in the Lx, + G y , = G9,
sample is determined via determination of the saponifi-
cation value defined as the milligrams of potassium hy- we have by using eq 7
droxide required to saponify 1g of dry sample. In present mG/L
work, 1-butanol is used as the solvent and an accuracy of
*0.5 unit is estimated. yg= + mG/L
730 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 27, No. 5, 1988

Table 11. Experimental Conditions of Present Work

- 0,A-Sturzonoggcr (1.01 (19511 -
temD 180-280 "C 260- - Model
water-to-oil ratio, G / L 0.0067-2.0 W / W
- -
oil Tollow
rPm 220- GIL- 0 7
glycerol in initial water charge, g, 0.0.171
oil coconut
density of oil 920 kg/m3
initial monoglyceride in oil 0.0
initial diglyceride in oil 0.0
inidial oil saponification value, SVo 253
initial oil-acid value, AVO 2.8-50

where m is at reaction temperature. The value of x g can

then be calculated from eq 7.
The time required to reach equilibrium at different Time (mln)
temperatures was determined by trial. In equilibrium Figure 1. Comparison of fit between model prediction and mea-
experiments, known amounts of reactants were introduced sured acid value for tallow fat.
in the reactor and heated under stirring until equilibrium
was reached. The reaction mixture was quickly cooled to dependences were assumed for the parameters. The re-
room temperature by circulating chilled water through it. gression estimates of parameters for the different oils are
Samples of oil and aqueous phases were then taken for summarized in Table 111,while the Arrhenius temperature
analysis. coefficients are summarized in Table IV.
In the kinetic experiments, reactants were heated and The value of m for beef tallow as shown in Table I1 is
stirred at constantly controlled temperature. Samples were in the neighborhood of the experimental value of Mills and
drawn intermittently for analysis. Aqueous-phaseglycerol McClain (1949). Peanut oil shows a relatively high value
content is estimated from the end sample remaining in the of m at all temperatures, the reasons for which could be
reactor after attaining equilibrium. In another set of runs, the higher level of unsaturation in the oil. The value of
reaction was halted after the desired time intervals; the m for coconut oil decreases from 63 at 190 "C to 4.5 at 280
acid value of the fat phase and glycerol content in the "C, which indicates a exothermic heat of solution of 43.4
aqueous phase were measured. The rate experiments in kJ/mol. The distribution coefficients for other oils also
this work were confined to the temperature range 180-200 show a similar trend.
"C only since sufficient rate data at higher temperatures The magnitude of the equilibrium constant K is esti-
were available in the literature. Experimental conditions mated to be 2.22 which is assumed temperature inde-
have been so chosen as to bring out the effect of reactant pendent in the model.
ratio, feed composition, stirring speed on the equilibria, The concentration of water in the oil phase depends on
and rate. The experimental conditions used in the present the concentration of triglyceride and fatty acid. The
work are summarized in Table 11. contribution due to triglyceride alone can be estimated by
using a1 values and due to fatty acid alone from a2 values.
Model Features and Parameter Estimates The contribution due to triglycerides during coconut oil
The proposed model contains four equilibrium param- hydrolysis is estimated to vary between 0.0005 and 0.004
eters and one rate parameter. Hence, extensive data at w/w and for peanut oil to vary between 0.002 and 0.01 w/w
equilibrium are required for its estimation. If these pa- over the temperature range 180-280 "C.The contribution
rameters were known, then one measurement, say acid to water in the fat phase from fatty acid is seen to vary
value, is necessary to estimate the composition of phases. between 0.025 and 0.06 w/w for coconut oil over the tem-
Thus, all the available acid value-time data in the litera- perature range 180-280 O C . The parameter & increases
ture could be used for the purpose of parameter estimation. with temperature, indicating an endothermic heat of so-
Butala (1984) estimated parameters of this model by lution of 16.7 kJ/mol.
regression analysis of the acid value-time data of Stur- The agreement between model fitting and experimental
zenegger and Sturm (1951). Arrhenius-type temperature data of Sturzenegger and Sturm (1951) is displayed in

Table 111. Regression Estimates of Parameters of Model at Different Temperatures (Butala, 1984)
peanut oil a t tallow at coconut oil a t
225 "C 240 "C 260 O C 280 OC 225 "C 240 "C 260 "C 280°C 190°C 225 O C 240 "C 260 OC 280 "C
K 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22 2.22
m 28 17 11.5 10 20 9 7 4.5 47 27 20 14 8
k," 0.040 0.053 0.075 0.093 0.036 0.055 0.092 0.133 0.016 0.040 0.046 0.064 0.10
62 0.45 0.55 0.60 0.70 0.45 0.55 0.65 0.75 0.326 0.450 0.50 0.55 0.70
6, 0.13 0.30 0.36 0.42 0.045 0.055 0.10 0.15 0.022 0.054 0.060 0.066 0.084
in m3/(kmol.min).

Table IV. Arrhenius Temperature Coefficients of Model Parameters (Butala, 1984)"

oil 62 m k,,kmol/(m3.min) K
coconut exp[4.17 - 2500/T] exp[-9.6 + 6470/T] exp[7.l - 5750/T] 2.22
peanut exp[3.83 - 2310/T] exp[-8.0 + 5680/T] exp[5.83 - 4505/T] 2.22
beef tallow exp[4.25 - 2500/T] exp[-10.25 + 6565/T] exp[10.34 - 6825/T] 2.22
T in degrees kelvin.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 27, No. 5, 1988 731


0,A-Sturzeruggor el. a1 (1951)
- Model
o i l - Tallow
G/L- 0 7
2 60

20 40 80 o 120 160 200 i

Time (min) l i m e (min)

Figure 2. Comparison of fit between model prediction and mea- Figure 5. Comparison of fit between model prediction and mea-
sured acid value for tallow fat. sured acid value for coconut oil.

t i
oil - Peanut
G / L - 0.5

0 10 20 30
Time (min)
40 50

Figure 6. Variation of predicted oil-phase mass fraction of di-

glyceride, monoglyceride, and glycerol during hydrolysis of tallow fat
at 280 "C, G f L = 0.7, and AVO= 5.5.

Time (min)
oil in Figure 5. In all these figures, the equilibrium acid
Figure 3. Comparison of fit between model prediction and mea- value can be seen to be clearly insensitive to temperature.
sured acid value for peanut oil. The simulated variation of the concentration of the in-
termediates is shown in Figure 6. It is observed that
diglyceride, monoglyceride, and glycerol exist in the fat
Model phase but their levels are indeed small. For example, for
oil -Peanut MIOW at 280 "C and G / L = 0.7, Xd = 0.07, X , = 0.04, and
GIL- 0.5 x g = 0.02 are indicated at equilibrium.

Model Prediction and Present Data

Special experiments have been conducted to bring out
the strengths and weaknesses of the present model. Table
V lists the comparison between equilibrium data for co-
conut oil hydrolysis and predictions using parameters of
Table 111. We note that the parameters of Table I11 were
based on literature data, and thus the comparison provides
an independent check on the model proposed.
In these equilibrium experiments, the effects of tem-
Time (min) perature, water-to-oil ratio, and initial composition of
Figure 4. Comparison of fit between model prediction and mea- charge have been investigated. In all these experiments,
sured acid value for peanut oil. uniformly excellent agreement is seen between model
prediction and data.
Figure 1which shows the variation in acid value against Table VI summarizes the experimental level of x , at
time at 280 and 240 " C at GIL = 0.7 for tallow. Initially equilibrium for coconut oil hydrolysis. The independent
the reaction is relatively slow due to the limitation in water predictions from Table I11 model parameters are also
availability in the oil phase. This is the induction period shown. The agreement is satisfactory. The level of
which can be seen to disappear at higher temperatures. monoglyceride is seen to lie in the range 0.01-0.04 w f w.
The time course of reaction reveals a clear maxima, and This low level of intermediates can be taken as a justifi-
the rate then falls markedly due to depletion of glycerides cation for the hypothesis that reactions I1 and I11 are rapid
and consequent accumulation of glycerol in the fat phase relative to reaction I.
as equilibrium is approached. Thus, the model shows most A comparison between the measured course and pre-
of the distinct features of the reaction. Figure 2 shows the dicted course of hydrolysis at 190 "C is shown in Figure
fit for tallow at 260 and 225 "C at G / L = 0.7; the fit for 7 . The comparison between model prediction and data
peanut oil is shown in Figures 3 and 4 and that for cocount to show the effect of initial water-to-oil ratio on the course
732 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 27, No. 5, 1988

2 60

E O.O"t s'
- Model
0 - Experimentol
oil -Coconut

o,oo2\ 1 - 19oc

0 4 8 12 16 20 0
u 2 4 6
Time ( h r )
8 1 0
Time ( h r :
Figure 7. Comparison between model prediction and experimental Figure 10. Comparison between model prediction and experimental
data for coconut oil hydrolysis with feed at AVO= 3 and y@ = 0. values of levels of monoglycerides at 190 OC, G / L = 0.9, AVO= 3, and
ygo = 0.


- Model i
0 Experimentol
oil -Coconut
G/L - 0.9
T - 19oc 1
Time ( h r ) wo i 1 '
lime ( h r )
6 Q iloo
Figure 8. Effect of initial water-to-oil ratio on the time course of
coconut oil hydrolysis at 190 OC, AVO= 3, and jlgo = 0. Figure 11. Comparison between model prediction and experimental
values of aqueous-phase glycerol concentration from termination
3 00 runs with feed at AVO= 3 and jl@ = 0.0.

260 dictions using the parameters of Table 111.

220 Verification of Assumption and Parameter
It is shown so far that there is good agreement between
prediction and data. It is now necessary to check the
goodness of parameter estimates and the applicability of
the assumptions. Carefully selected experiments were
therefore necessary.
Hydrolysis experiments were conducted at 190 and 260
"C using suitable amounts of water so that water, oil, and
other species formed in the reaction remained essentially
in a single phase during the entire course of hydrolysis.
Time ( h r s ) The proportion of water to be added to neutral oil at
Figure 9. Effect of initial composition of charge on the time course different temperatures to form a homogeneous phase was
of coconut oil hydrolysis at 190 "C. judged by extrapolating the results of Hilder (1968). Acid
value, glycerol, monoglyceride, and saponification value
of hydrolysis is displayed in Figure 8. The comparison were measured. The value of kl was estimated from the
with respect to initial composition of charge is shown in initial slope of the acid value-time curve, and the equi-
Figure 9 and that for the intermediate x , is shown in librium constanta K1,K,, and K3 were calculated using x,,
Figure 10. Uniformally excellent agreement is seen in all x g , and x g data at equilibrium.
these comparisons. The purpose of conducting the above homogeneous
In the hydrolysis literature, no data on Qg versus time hydrolysis experiments was to have an independent check
are reported. Runs were therefore carried out so that the on the magnitude of k,,K1,K 2 ,and K3 and also test the
reaction could be frozen rapidly after desired time intervals assumption of the equality Kl = K2 = K3. Table VI1 shows
by rapid chilling of the reaction mixture. These experi- the value of the rate constant k , obtained thus at 190 OC
ments were tedious but were nevertheless done to assess to be 0.015 m3/(kmol-min),which is close to the regression
the goodness of the model proposed. Figure 11 which estimate of 0.016 m3/(kmol.min) shown in Table 111.
displays 9,-t data reveals very good agreement with pre- Equilibrium constants K1,K 2 ,and K 3 so determined are
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 27, No. 5, 1988 733

Table V. Comparison between Model Prediction and Equilibrium Data for Coconut Oil Hydrolysis

8 260 2.0 0.0650 0.0674 257.8 257.0

9 260 1.8 0.0711 0.0750 254.5 255.5
10 260 1.5 0.0843 0.0850 253.4 253.2
11 260 1.3 0.0962 0.1030 251.5 251.5
12 260 1.0 0.1220 0.1287 248.0 248.0
13 260 0.8 0.1433 0.1534 234.7 235.4
14 260 0.6 0.1770 0.1990 221.4 222.4
15 260 0.4 0.2460 0.2610 212.0 211.0
20 260 0.250 0.329 0.3330 184.5 185.5
25 240 1.8 0.0720 0.0750 256.0 256.0
26 240 1.5 0.0850 0.0887 252.8 253.0
27 240 0.96 0.1294 0.1363 249.2 249.3
28 240 0.8 0.1485 0.1547 239.4 238.0
29 240 0.6 0.1840 0.1960 226.4 226.6
30 240 0.4 0.2500 0.2610 210.5 210.9
31 240 0.25 0.3110 0.2820 170.6 170.3
33 220 2.0 0.0670 0.0670 256.5 256.8
34 220 1.5 0.0864 0.0890 255.0 255.4
35 220 1.0 0.1240 0.1310 246.1 246.7
36 220 0.8 0.1480 0.1560 237.4 238.1
37 220 0.6 0.1882 0.1976 229.0 229.8
38 220 0.4 0.2526 0.2580 209.9 210.9
39 220 0.25 0.3400 0.3158 183.8 184.9
41 200 0.9 0.1345 0.1290 241.8 240.9
42 190 2.0 0.0650 0.0656 249.8 250.9
43 190 0.9 0.1330 0.1430 238.3 241.0
45 190 0.825 0.2300 0.2120 232.6 230.2
46 190 0.764 0.3230 0.3330 216.8 222.0
47 190 0.4 0.2730 0.2620 219.1 214.8
48 190 0.0107 NA 0.0023° NA 22.0
49 190 0.0067 NA 0.0009' NA 43.0
50 180 1.0 0.1220 0.1220 249.2 250.3
'Homogeneous hydrolysis. NA = not available.

Table VI. Monoglyceride Levels for Hydrolysis of Coconut In the present work, attempts were made to measure the
Oil at Equilibrium solubility of water in coconut fatty acids alone at high
run T,"C GIL (xm)cxptl (xm),,red
temperatures. In this two-component system, fatty acids
8 260 2.0 0.010 0.024
were found to dissolve upto x, = 0.2 w/w at 240 "C, con-
12 260 1.0 0.017 0.042 firming the results of Mills and McClain (1949). However,
15 260 0.4 0.035 0.078 the batch hydrolysis model predicts only xw = 0.03-0.04
41 200 0.9 0.013 0.014 w/w in the fat phase at 240 "C. The reason for this dif-
42 190 2.0 0.004 0.005 ference in solubility is not clear at this stage. The above
43 190 0.9 0.012 0.011 results also compare favorably with a value of x , =
47 190 0.4 0.017 0.022
59 180 1.0 0.010 0.008
0.01-0.017 w/w at about the same temperature from
countercurrent column experiments of Jeffreys et al.
also seen to be nearly equal and in the vicinity of the (1961).
regression value shown in Table IV. The system has six components (C = 6): two liquid and
Table VI11 summarises the comparison between model one vapor phase (P= 3) and three independent reactions
prediction and present data for xg, yg, and m over the (R = 3). Thus, the phase rule gives (C - R ) 2 - P = 2+
temperature range 190-260 "C. Here equilibrium samples as the number of degrees of freedom. The net heat of
were drawn from both fat and aqueous phases. The results reaction is small so that temperature as one degree of
show good agreement between experimental m and re- freedom has negligible effect. Hence, the observable degree
gression values of Table 111. of freedom is one. This feature explains why the liquid-

Table VII. Estimate of Rate and Equilibrium Constants from Homogeneous Hydrolysis of Coconut Oil (k,in
m3/(kmol min))
T , "C GIL ki K1 K.7 KQ K.
190 0.0067 0.015 2.8 2.0 2.52 14.8
280 0.015 NA 2.48 2.22 2.05 11.3

Table VIII. Comparison between Model Prediction and Experimental Values of Glycerol Distribution Coefficient at
Equilibrium for Coconut Oil Hydrolysis at Different Temperatures
run T , "C (YJprd (YJexptl (xg)prd (Xg)exptl (m)pred (mlexptl
55 260 0.1310 NA 0.0094 NA 14 NA
54 240 0.1344 0.1297 0.0067 0.0063 20 20.6
53 220 0.1356 0.1317 0.0045 0.0043 30 30.6
52 200 0.1346 0.1330 0.0033 0.0028 40 47.5
51 190 0.1329 0.1338 0.0028 0.0021 47 63.0
ONA = not available.
734 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 27, No. 5, 1988
A model which contains four equilibrium parameters
and one rate parameter is developed to describe the
thermal hydrolysis of vegetable oils. The model is shown
to exhibit most of the kinetic and thermodynamic features
and also to give an excellent description of the present and
previous hydrolysis data.
The liquid-liquid thermal hydrolysis of oils could thus

'O0I 1
be viewed as a three-step reaction taking place in the oil
phase with negligible change in the density of phases. The
triglyceride hydrolysis is the controlling step, and the
63 overall reaction belongs to very slow reaction regime. Mass
transfer of glycerol and water across the phases is fast
relative to reaction.
0 2 4 6 8 IO The concentration of water in the oil phase is only 2-4%
Time ( h r )
w/w even though the oil phase may contain predominantly
Figure 12. Effect of stirring speed on the time course of coconut fatty acids and in which water solubilities can be expected
oil hydrolysis at 190 O C , G / L = 0.9, AVO= 3, and QgO = 0. to be high. The reasons for the marked reduction in water
"solubility" in the oil phase are not clear at this stage.
liquid equilibria in this reaction depend on water-to-oil
ratio alone. Nomenclature
The effect of external mass-transfer resistance on the
overall rate of reaction can be understood from runs 56, A = l / ( m G / L + 1)
57, and 58 in which stirrer speed was varied. The exper- A' = (xpo + y p o G / L o ) M t / x t f l g (+
l mG/L)
imental results are shown as acid value-time in Figure 12. AV = acid value, mg of KOH/g of fat
The plot based on the model which ignores external B = K382/(A + K362)
mass-transfer resistance is also shown. The close agree- B' = (-4'- K ~ & C , O / C ~ O ) + / ( AK362)
C = K282/(1 + K262 - B )
ment indicates the role of external mass transfer to be C' = [B' + (Cmo/Cto)- Kz&Cdo/Cto]/(1+ K282 - B )
small a t 190 O C as per model assumption. C, = concentration of species i, kmol/m3
The conventional means of discerning the controlling D=l+C+BC
mechanism compares the kinetic parameter and mass- D'= (Cao/Cm)- (C'+ BC'+ B ' )
transfer parameter. In the present study, KLa = 3.0 min-' DA = diffusion coefficient of the species in the liquid system,
>> d,k,C,, = 0.09 min-l suggests that the overall process mz/s
belongs to a kinetically governed situation. In these cal- E=l-C
culations, KL = 6 X lo3 m/min and a = 500 m2/m3from G = mass of aqueous phase, kg
Sarkar et al. (1980), and kl = 0.1 m3/(kmol.min) at 280 "C, k , = equilibrium constant for the ith reaction step, i = 1-3
d, = 0.35, and Cto = 1.337 kmol/m3 are used. K , = overall reaction equilibrium constant
A criterion, diffusion time tD,much smaller than reaction KL = overall mass-transfer coefficient, m/min
time, t R , is given by Astarita (1967) for the applicability k , = specific reaction rate constant in the fat phase, m3/
of the very slow reaction hypothesis. Values of tR = 1.17 (kmol-min)
min and tD= 0.0167 min are estimated using available data L = mass of fat phase, kg
for D A and KL, indicating the overall process to be a case A4,= molecular weight of species i
of very slow reaction. The activation energy for the re- m = equilibrium distributioncoefficient for glycerol on weight
action velocity constant k l for all the oils is generally in basis
excess of 40 kJ/mol as shown in Table IV which suggests N = (a- p ) / P
the overall process to be kinetically controlled. n = 1, 3, or 5 for forward reactions and 2 , 4 , or 6 for reverse
The concentration of water and glycerol in the oil phase reactions
P = l/[k18,C,(D - 61/82 + D E / ( k & ) ) ]
is small. During the course of reaction, water is transferred
to the fat phase and glycerol produced in the fat phase are Q = (D - 2(61/62) - c,o/Cto - C,c,E/(Ct&z&))/(D - 6 1 / 6 2 +
DEI (K262))
extracted into aqueous phase. Due to these two transfer R = (6,/6z + Ca,/C,)/(D - 61/62 + D E / ( K z ~ z ) )
processes in opposite directions, changes in density and SV = saponification value, mg of KOH/g of fat
mass of both phases and estimated to be less than 2 % ,thus T = temperature, " C
the justification for the constancy of mass and density of t = time, min
the two liquid phases during reaction. tR = 1/(4klCto)= reaction time, min
In the present work and in the work of Sturzenegger and tD = 4D/aKL2= diffusion time, min
Sturm (1951),oscillations of 2-3 units in acid value have x , = mass fraction of species i in the fat phase
been observed around the equilibrium region. These os- y , = mass fraction of species i in the aqueous phase
cillations were generally 1-1.5% of the measured value.
Greek Symbols
This effect was found to be more pronounced above 240
"C and G / L above 0.5. Such behavior is also seen in (Y = [ Q + ( Q 2 + 4R)lI2]/2, as defined in eq 22
industrial batch autoclaves. This feature though small in /3 = [ Q - ( Q 2 + 4R)'I2]/2, as defined in eq 22
magnitude is not explained by the present model. This 6, = as defined in eq 8
d, = fat phase holdup per unit reactor volume
aspect is under investigation. 6, = as defined in eq 8
Summing up, we observe that the model describes the pf = density of the fat phase, kg/m3
course of hydrolysis very well. The assumptions used are
seen to be reasonable. In nonlinear regression, parametric Subcripts and Superscripts
insensitivities are likely. In the present work, these a = fatty acid
problems have been overcome by checking the regression d = diglyceride
estimates with experimental values. e = equilibrium state
Ind. Eng. C h e m . R e s . 1988,27, 735-739 735

f = fat phase Donders, A. J. M.; Wijffels, J. B.; Reitema, K. Proceedings of the

g = glycerol Fourth European Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering,
m = monoglyceride Brussels, Sept 9-11, 1968.
t = triglyceride Hilder, M. H. J. Am. Oil Chem. SOC.1968,45 703.
Jeffreys, G. V.; Jenson, V. G.; Miles, P. R. Trans. Znst. Chem. Eng.
w = water 1961, 39, 389.
0 = initial condition
= measured value at room conditions
Lascaray, L. Znd. Eng. Chem. 1949, 47, 486.
Lascaray, L. J. Am. Oil Chem. SOC.1952,29, 362.
Mehlenbacher, V. L. Analysis of Fats and Oils; Gerrad: Chapaign,
Literature Cited IL, 1960.
Mills, V.; McClain, H. K. Znd. Eng. Chem. 1949, 47, 1982.
Mueller, H. H.; Holt, E. K. J. Am. Oil Chem. SOC.1948, 25, 305.
Astarita, G. Mass Transfer with Chemical Reaction; Elsevier: Am- Perry, R. H.; Chilton, C.H. Chemical Engineers Handbook, 4th ed.;
sterdam, 1967. McGraw-Hill: Kogakusha, Tokyo, 1973; p 3.87.
Basu, P. K. Chem. Age India 1976,27(10), 871. Sarkar, S.; Mumford, C. J.; Phillips, C. R. Znd. Eng. Chem. Process
Burrows, K. Trans. Znst. Chem. Eng. 1953,31(10), 250. Des. Dev. 1980, 19, 672.
Butala, D. N. M.Tech. Dissertation, Department of Chemical En- Sturzenegger, A.; Sturm, H. Znd. Eng. Chem. 1951, 43(2), 510.
gineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India, 1984.
Desai, S. M.; Raghunathan, T. S.; Shankar, H. S. Frontiers in Received for review November 19, 1985
Chemical Reaction Engineering;Wiley Eastern: New York, 1984; Revised manuscript received August 14, 1987
Vol. 1, p 253. Accepted November 30, 1987

Thermal Hydrolysis of Vegetable Oils and Fats. 2. Hydrolysis in

Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor
T. A. Patil, T. S. Raghunathan, and H. S. Shankar*
Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay 400 076, India

The liquid-liquid thermal hydrolysis of coconut oil is studied experimentally on a laboratory-scale

continuous stirred tank reador over the range 225 O C , 3000 kPa to 260 O C , 5500 kPa. Good agreement
is indicated between the model prediction and data.

Hydrolysis as a liquid-liquid reaction has been practiced precision needle valves to sampling tubes of variable length
commercially for a long time. Batch autoclaves are com- for sampling from inside the vessel. A magnetically driven
monly used in small-scale operations, while continuous stirrer is housed at the center.
countercurrent columns are employed in large-scale op- Schematic representation of the arrangement is shown
erations. Batch operation involves high specific energy in Figure 1. A mixture of a predetermined quantity of
consumption and idle time. The continuous countercur- coconut oil and water is prepared in a storage tank and
rent spray towers require very high initial investment. In fed to reactor via a dosing pump supplied by Jagdish
India both batch and continuous countercurrent operations Engineering Works, Bombay, capable of operating up to
are in use. 20000 kPa and having adjustable stroke length with a
The hydrolysis can be brought about over a batch of oil maximum capacity of 2 L/h. The high-pressure dosing
by a spray of high-pressure water. This scheme could have pump and reactor are connected by 316 stainless steel tube
somewhat poor productivity in relation to continuous on which a check valve is mounted. This is provided in
countercurrent operations. No work on semicontinuous addition to a built-in nonreturn valve on the pump. The
hydrolysis has been reported so far. reactor outlet is connected to a cooler where cooling water
The reaction can also be conducted in a continuous circulates followed by a 316 stainless steel back-pressure
stirred tank reactor. This scheme offers advantages with regulating valve to maintain pressure inside the reactor
respect to energy integration and productivity in addition during the experiment.
to cost advantages in terms of investment. In this scheme,
a mixture of water and oil is pumped to a reactor. In this Experimental Procedure
paper, we examine the behavior of this configuration Water and oil are mixed in the desired proportion and
theoretically by using the model developed earlier (Patil stirred well to obtain a uniform mixture, and this was
et al., 1988). The model predictions are then tested ex- continuously pumped to the reactor by the high-pressure
perimentally. dosing pump. It was found that no segregation of wateroil
emulsion occurred in the feed line, and also it was verified
Experimental Apparatus that the back flow of the reactants was completely pre-
A laboratory autoclave of 1-L capacity made from 316 vented by providing the additional nonreturn valve on the
stainless steel mounted in a compact, electrically heated feed line. Runs were conducted at chosen residence times
furnace was used. The specifications of the autoclave are until steady state was reached, which was determined by
given elsewhere (Patil et al., 1988). The top flange houses trial to vary between 1.5 and 2 h. Cooled product emerging
a cooling coil with provision for cooling the water inlet and out of the reactor was collected, maintaining constant
outlet. A 316 stainless steel rupture disc tested at 50 000 pressure inside the vessel by prior setting of the back-
kPa and 600 "C is also provided. The flange contains a pressure regulating valve.
thermowell for temperature measurement and four ports. The mixing pattern inside reactor was examined; for this
One of the ports is connected to a pressure gauge for purpose, a step input of a tracer solution containing freshly
pressure measurement. The others are connected via prepared sodium hydroxide was used.
0888-5885/ 8812627-0135$01.50/0 0 1988 American Chemical Society

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