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Shakiba Hossan Tanha


Section 03

Answer to the question No. 1

Communication is that the act of transmission and receiving information. Communication is a

method by that information is changed between people through a typical system of symbols,
signs, or behavior. It can be verbal, non-verbal. Communication involved one sender and one
receiver. In terms of individual and cultural perspective, communication can be very complex to
understand. It transmits message based situation, emotions and activities.

Communication in individual perspective: Individual communication is that the act of act

construct a plan an inspiration or concept while not the accompaniment of alternative team
members to collaborate with, every plan generated is alone that of the individual during which
case it’s up to the individual to implement a technique to accomplish his/her goal or main


1. If we look at one picture, the first thing that we do is intra personal communication. We
try to understand it alone and sometime we share our perspective to some of our close
friend but obviously we will try to explain what our perspective is, which is truly

2. ‘9 and 6’ is the best example for individual perspective. For example, if we see 6, the
opposite persons perspective would be 9. So without knowing the whole scenario, we
always come up with an answer based on individual perspective.

Communication in cultural perspective: The cultural communication maybe symbolic method

by that reality is made, maintained, repaired and reworked. But communication is created
through culture, it totally depends on the way how the culture was communicated.


1. Cultural perspective, shows that how the person is born and brought up, for example,
when someone enters to our home, the guest always keeps the shoe outside, so
whenever the guest enters the home, they see the shoe rack is outside, so eventually
without any verbal communication, the guest understands that the shoes are meant to
be kept outside.
2. When you visit someone in corporate level, they usually offer his visiting card, in Japan if
the visiting card is not received or kept in the pocket that’s very offensive, in Bangladesh
perspective no one cares about visiting card. In short, visiting card plays an important
role in terms of gestures and respect based on the culture.

Answer to the Question No. 2

Ladder of Inference:

Ladder of inference is a thinking process that everyone goes through, it can be consciously or
maybe unconsciously. But most of the time people goes for an action unconsciously, so to
control our self and to take proper decision before going for action, people tries to follow
ladder of inference. The stages of ladder of Inference are:

Stage 1: Facts and reality

Stage 2: We experience these facts and reality selectively based on our beliefs and past
Stage 3: We interpret what they mean based on our selected reality.
Stage 4: We apply our existing assumptions
Stage 5: We draw conclusions based on the interpreted facts and assumptions we have made.
Stage 6: We develop beliefs based on these conclusions.
Stage 7: We take action based on our beliefs.
Your views seem to strengthen the information you choose, and how you understand it which
becomes a continuous feedback loop ('positive' does not actually equal 'good' in this case). On
top of theories, this also produces a negative circle of building further assumptions, which then
obscures the situation's original truth and evidence.
1. During the co-curricular fest back in November 2019. I assigned one of my club member
to bring the decoration item at 10 am, but he arrived at 12 pm, which was really
frustrating for me. I have shouted at him, really bad. Then after the end of the event, I
came to know that, he went to hospital for his mother’s checkup and then came back
from there. So both of us learned a lesson from that, never go for action without
knowing the situation. And the lesson that he learned that, always needs to be keep
2. Recently while giving an exam, I have lost my internet connection. I waited for quite
long, then I realized that, I have only 15 minutes left to submit my exam paper. Then I
tried to contact my faculty, he replied to connect through data, but I was panicked and
couldn’t understand how to connect through data to my laptop, though I know how to
do it. I was panicked and eventually I failed to submit my exam on time. But later when I
explained my situation to my faculty, he arranged a viva exam for me. So the lesson that
I learn was not panic so quickly, before trying for alternative option. In this situation, we
should be calm and think about how to handle the situation.
Answer to the question No. 3
Picture a)
Denotation: We can see a picture of an old lady showing thumb filled with ink.
Connotation: The picture shows that, she had done some government work like passport or
national id where she had to put her signature. As the lady was old and backdated, she put her
thumb as a signature. The picture shows the generation gap in the 2020. During her time, the
signature was totally depended on the finger print.
Picture b)
Denotation: We can see a picture of an early marriage in a village.
Connotation: The first thing that came while seeing the picture was early marriage. It clearly
shows that, the bride is not happy about the marriage, whereas the groom is going to have a
responsibility. At the background, the costume of the girls, seems to show the environment and
location of the picture. It is most probably in slum area, or any village, where the practice of
early marriage is common.

Word Count: 960

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