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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,895,078 B2

Mueller (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 25, 2014
CONTAINING A EP 1326 598 B1 T 2003
JP 55-45.391 3, 1980
(75) Inventor: Adam Mueller, Coburg (DE)
Awasthi, et al., “A Review on Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extrac
(73) Assignee: Bionorica Ethics GmbH, Neumarket tion of Natural Products', Chemical Engineering World, 32(10):
(DE) 65-71 (1997).
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Nelson, Robert A., “Hemp Husbandry'. Chapter 6, Cannabinoid
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Chemistry, (2000).
U.S.C. 154(b) by 2038 days. “Vascular Plants of Russia and Adjacent Countries'. Humulus,
(21) Appl. No.: 10/399,362 “Vascular Plants of Russia and Adjacent Countries', Cannabis L.,
(22) PCT Filed: Oct. 16, 2001 Veress, T., "Sample preparation by Supercritical fluid extraction for
quantification. A model based on the diffusion . . . . Journal of
(86). PCT No.: PCT/EPO1/11967 Chromatography A. 668: 285-291 (1994).
West, David P. “Hemp and Marijuana: Myths & Realities”, North
S371 (c)(1), American Industrial Hemp Council, Inc., (1998).
(2), (4) Date: Oct. 16, 2003 Tibor, Veress, “A SZuperkritikus fluid extrakcio alkalmazasa az
igaZSagugyi SZakertoi Vizsgalatokban. Olaj, SZappan, Kozmetika,
(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO02/32420 45: 56-61 (1996).
PCT Pub. Date: Apr. 25, 2002 Korte et al., “New results on hashish-specific constituents.” Sieper
Bulletin on Narcotics, 27: 135-43 (1965).
(65) Prior Publication Data
US 2004/OO49059 A1 Mar. 11, 2004 * cited by examiner
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data Primary Examiner — Chris R Tate
Assistant Examiner — Randall Winston
Oct. 17, 2000 (DE) .................................. 1OO 51427
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Novak Druce Connolly
(51) Int. Cl. Bove + Quigg LLP
A6 IK36/00 (2006.01)
CO7D 3II/80 (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT
A6 IK3I/35 (2006.01)
(52) U.S. Cl. The invention relates to a method for producing an extract
CPC .............. C07D 31 1/80 (2013.01); A61K3I/35 from cannabis plant matter, containing tetrahydrocannab
(2013.01) inol, cannabidiol and optionally the carboxylic acids thereof.
USPC .......................................................... 424f725 According to said method, the dried plant matter is ground
(58) Field of Classification Search and subjected to a CO extraction and the primary extract
None obtained is separated. The invention method permits A or A
See application file for complete search history. tetrahydrocannabinol to be selectively obtained both from
industrial hemp and from drug-producing hemp, optionally
(56) References Cited after dissolving the primary extract in ethanol, separating
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS undesirable waxes and removing the solvent under reduced
5,227,537 A 7, 1993 StOSS et al.
6,365.416 B1 * 4/2002 Elsohly et al. ................ 436,177
6,403,126 B1* 6/2002 Webster et al. ............... 424,776 4 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Nov. 25, 2014 Sheet 1 of 3 US 8,895,078 B2

U.S. Patent Nov. 25, 2014 Sheet 2 of 3 US 8,895,078 B2

U.S. Patent Nov. 25, 2014 Sheet 3 of 3 US 8,895,078 B2

US 8,895,078 B2
1. 2
METHOD FOR PRODUCING AN EXTRACT cannabinoids from a monoterpene and a phenolic acid, and
FROM CANNABIS PLANT MATTER, present a C parent substance. In literature, two different
CONTAINING A numbering systems for cannabinoids are found. The older
TETRAHYDROCANNABINOLANDA numbering system is based on the monoterpene skeleton,
CANNABIDOLAND CANNABS EXTRACTS whereas the more recent IUPAC designation which is exclu
sively employed in the present application, relates to the
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED dibenzopyrane skeleton.
APPLICATION Among the most important cannabinoids there are:
A-tetrahydrocannabinol A-THC
This application is a national stage of PCT/EP01/11967 10 A-tetrahydrocannabinol A-THC
filed Oct. 16, 2001 and based upon DE 10051 427.8 filed Oct. cannabichromene CBC
17, 2000 under the International Convention. cannabidiol CBD
cannabigerol CBG
15 cannabinol CBN
Field of the Invention Besides the above mentioned cannabinoids, the associated
carboxylic acids thereof are moreover found in the raw drug
The present invention relates to a process for producing an as well as in the plant products. As a general rule, the car
extract containing tetra-hydrocannabinol, cannabidiol, and boxylic acids have the function of a biosynthetic precursor.
optionally the carboxylic acids thereof from cannabis plant Thus, for instance, the tetrahydrocannabinols A- and
material in accordance with the preamble of claim 1, a pri A-THC and CBD are generated in vivo from the THC car
mary extract from cannabis plant material in accordance with boxylic acids by decarboxylation from the associated canna
claim 8, and a process for producing tetrahydrocannabinol in bidiol carboxylic acids.
accordance with claim 13 and a process for producing can A-THC may, for instance, also form upon cyclization of
nabidiol in accordance with claim 14. 25 CBD. Another possibility is that A-THC may be generated
Cannabis (hemp), together with the genus Humulus under certain conditions, for instance acidity, by double bond
(hops), belongs to the family of Cannabinaceae, with hops, isomerism from A-THC or its carboxylic acid, respectively.
for instance, not containing any cannabinoids. For the botani In the following, the chemical structures of some cannab
cal and chemotaxonomical differentiation of the genus Can inoid active principles and the nomenclature of the two active
nabis there are two different concepts. One differentiates 30 principles of tetrahydrocannabinol are specified, which bear
between three species, Cannabis sativa Linnaeus, Cannabis the IUPAC names (6aR-trans)-6a, 7.8.10a-tetrahydro-6,6,9-
indica LAM., and Cannabis ruderalis, while a different trimethyl-3-pentyl-6H-dibenzob.dlpyran-1-ol or A-THC,
theory only sees the existence of the one collective species and (6aR-trans)-6a,7,10,10a-tetrahydro-6.6.9-trimethyl-3-
Cannabis sativa L. made up of the Subspecies Cannabis pentyl-6H-dibenzob.dlpyran-1-ol or A-THC. A-THC is
sativa ssp. sativa and ssp. indica. Moreover the cannabis 35 also known under the designation of Dronabinol.
plant is differentiated into a drug type and a fiber type, with
differentiation being performed on the basis of the quantity
ratio of the main cannabinoids, cannabidiol (CBD) and
A-tetrahydrocannabinol (A-THC). Fiber hemp, whose cul
tivation is permitted for fiber production, must not exceed a 40
A-THC content of 0.3% relative to the dry plant mass, while
the drug type may exhibit a A-THC content of approx.
5%-15% relative to the dry plant mass.
The ratio of A-THC to CBD in fiber hemp is mostly less H a.
than 1.5. The varieties rich in A-THC may reacharatio of 2:1 45 CHCH
to 7:1. Cannabis sativa L. occurs worldwide in all warm and Tetrahydrocannabinol carboxylic acid
moderate Zones with the exception of the humid tropical rain COOH
forests. It is an annual to biennial, anemogamous herb which
may attain a height of up to 8 m. The dioecous, rarely mono
ecious inflorescences contain the active cannabinoids in the 50
resin which is mainly secreted by the numerous glandular
bracts in the leaf axils. As a general rule, all the plant parts of
Cannabis sativa L. with the exception of the seeds may con
tain cannabinoids. The highest cannabinoid concentrations
are found in the floral bracts and fruit stalks. The leaves have 55 CHCH
a low content of cannabinoids as a function of leaf age, while A-Tetrahydrocannabinol A
the stalk and particularly the root exhibit clearly lower can HO CH3
nabinoid contents.
In Germany, the known cannabis preparations having a
hallucinogenic effect, marijuana and hashish, are subject to 60 CH3
the regulations of the Narcotics Act as non-trafficable narcot
ics like opium, morphine, heroin, cocaine and LSD.
Cannabis sativa L. contains more than 420 different com
ponents, with 61 compounds of these belonging to the class of CHCH
cannabinoids. These are lipophilic, nitrogen-free, mostly 65
phenolic compounds. The neutral cannabinoids are bioge A-Tetrahydrocannabinol
netically derived from a monoterpene and a phenol, the acidic
US 8,895,078 B2
3 4
-continued Thus, e.g., DE 41 00 441 A1 discloses a process for pro
ducing 6,12-dihydro-6-hydroxy-cannabidiol and its use for
producing trans-A-tetrahydrocannabinol. In particular DE
41 00 441 A1 describes the manufacture of 6,12-dihydro-6-
hydroxy-cannabidiol, which is obtained by reacting olivetol
and cis-p-menth-2-ene-1,8-diol, and its further reaction to
trans-A-tetrahydrocannabinol by using suitable catalysts.
A drawback of this prior-art process, however, is the rela
2 tively high expenditure and the ultimately costly product
CHCH 10 obtained.
A-Tetrahydrocannabinol carboxylic acid Apart from this, solvent extraction, e.g. with the aid of
HO CH ethanol, and steam distillation of cannabis constituents is
known; in particulara hashish oil (cannabis resin extract) also
CH referred to as Oil, Red Oil or Indian Oil is known, which is
15 produced with the aid of solvent extraction or distillation
OH from cannabis herb or cannabis resin and which is a dark
brown, viscous and sticky oil. The oil thus obtained is subse
quently mostly diluted with edible oil for improved handling
and contains up to 65% of the hallucinogenic agent A-THC
(Kleiber/Kovar: Auswirkungen des Cannabiskonsums: Eine
Cannabidol Expertise zu pharmakologischen and psychosozialen Konse
COOH quenzen, Stuttgart: Wiss. Verl.-Ges. 1998).
CH Dronabinol, A-THC, has meanwhile been approved in the
USA in accordance with USP United States Pharmacopeia
CH 25 24, pp. 613. 614 as a medicament—also incapsule form—. In
accordance with this monography, dronabinol contains no
OH less than 95% of A-THC and no more than 2% of A-THC.
As of Feb. 1, 1998, dronabinol may be prescribed as an
CH 30
anaesthetic in Germany.
WO 00/25127 A1 moreover relates to the extraction of
Cannabidol carboxylic acid hemp for the isolation of tetrahydrocannabinol from the natu
ral cannabis plant. What is described in particular is an
extraction process with an apolar organic solvent, followed
In the framework of the present invention, the expression by fractional distillation under reduced pressure in order to
“tetrahydrocannabinol’ or “THC' where not otherwise 35 produce distillates having high tetrahydrocannabinol con
specified—is to encompass any isomers, in particular double tents. As Suitable apolar solvents, lower alkanes such as, e.g.,
bond isomers. hexane, heptane or isooctane are named in WO 00/25127A1.
In many cultures and for a long time, Cannabis has been a In accordance with Examples 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 of reference
traditional drug and a remedy. Up into the 20th century, WO 00/25127 A1, exclusively drug hemp having tetrahydro
cannabis was employed for the most variegated ailments— 40 cannabinol dry concentrations of 2.20%-7.82% is extracted
with hexane.
from asthma to migraine. Restrictive legislation against can
nabis on the part of the USA, however, brought about its Such primary hexane extracts in accordance with WO
complete disappearance from the pharmacopoeia and from 00/25127 A1 contain 28.76% (Example 2) up to a maximum
physicians repertories of treatment. of 41.2% (Example 3) of tetrahydrocannabinol.
45 Apart from tetrahydrocannabinol, WO 00/25127 A1 does
In the meantime, many of the therapeutical effects handed not disclose any further constituents of the hexane primary
down are coming to be confirmed in clinical research. At eXtract.
present, the pharmacological use of cannabis active prin Starting out from the above explained prior art and from the
ciples is of importance essentially in the following indica new legal situation in the Federal Republic of Germany, it
tions: 50 accordingly was the object of the present invention to provide
the appetite stimulating effect, in particular in the case of A-tetrahydrocannabinol, A-tetrahydro-cannabinol and can
AIDS-related afflictions accompanied by cachexia and nabidiol in pure form and as an extract in the form of prepa
wasting syndrome, rations for medical applications, wherein the active principles
the antiemetic action for inhibiting nausea and vomiting, should preferably be obtained from hemp varieties having
particularly in connection with chemotherapy under 55 low cannabinoid contents for the reason of better availability.
administration of cytostatic agents, Interms of process technology, this object is accomplished
the reduction of muscle cramps and spasms in multiple through the characterizing features of claims 1, 13 and 14.
Sclerosis and traverse lesions of the cord with paraplegia, With regard to an extract having the main constituents
pain and migraine treatment—in chronic pain therapy also A-THC, A-THC and CBD, the above object is accom
complementarily with opioid treatment, 60 plished through the characterizing features of claim 8.
lowering intra-ocular pressure in glaucoma, In accordance with the invention, a primary extract con
mood improvement, taining tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiol, and optionally the
and in particular cannabidiol as an anti-epileptic. carboxylic acids thereof, is obtained from cannabis plant
Owing to the interesting therapeutic range of the cannab material in that the dried plant material is comminuted, the
inoids, a number of experiments were carried out to enrich, 65 plant material is extracted with the aid of CO under super
isolate and/or synthesize the cannabinoids exclusively from critical pressure and temperature conditions at a temperature
drug hemp. in the range of approx. 31° C. to 80°C. and at a pressure in the
US 8,895,078 B2
5 6
range of approx. 75 bar to 500 bar, or in the subcricital range as alkaloids, flavonoids and chlorophylls may be separated
at a temperature of approx. 20°C. to 30° C. and a supercritical out, so that the inventive primary extracts are even the more
pressure of approx. 100 bar to 350 bar; or extracted under Superior to the ethanol extracts known in the prior art and to
Subcricital pressure and temperature conditions; and the the extracts prepared with the aid of chlorinated hydrocar
obtained primary extract is separated under Subcricital con 5 bons, for the latter in any case are fairly high in mono- and
ditions, or under conditions that are Subcricital in terms of sesquiterpenes as well as chlorophylls, flavonoids and alka
pressure and Supercritical in terms of temperature. loids.
In terms of cannabinoids, the primary extract of the inven As an alternative, the CO laden with THC and CBD as
tion contains high proportions of cannabidiol carboxylic acid well as with proportions of reduced mono- and sesquiterpe
(CBDS), cannabidiol (CBD), and A-tetra-hydrocannabinol 10
nes, flavonoids, chlorophylls and alkaloids may also be
carboxylic acid (A-THCS), and A-THC(when drug hemp is passed over adsorbers charged with adsorbents or separators
used). (FIG. 1).
The production of CO extracts is known in principle.
Thus, e.g., DE 19800 330 A1 discloses the production of a Preferred adsorbents are those selected from the group
pharmaceutically active extract from Tanacetum parthenium 15 comprised of silica gel, diatomaceous earth, bentonites,
through CO extraction with the aid of an extraction plant as bleaching earth, activated carbons, in particular magnesium
used in the present invention. oxide and alumina, as well as mixtures thereof.
As a particularly preferred cannabis plant material, for In order to increase the extraction yield, it is preferred to
reasons of procurement on an industrial scale, one from Can repeat extraction at least once, with extraction preferably
nabis sativa L., in particular hemp of the fiber type, i.e. being repeated with diatomaceous earth and/or some other
so-called industrial hemp, is used. adsorbent.
Owing to currently valid legislation, industrial hemp spe The inventive primary extracts from Cannabis plant mate
cies of the fiber type may contain 0.3% of A-THC at maxi rial containing A-THC and cannabidiol are substantially free
mum in the Federal Republic of Germany; for Switzerland an from monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes and moreover free
upper limit of 0.5% A-THC applies, based on the dry plant 25 from alkaloids and flavonoids, and contain practically no
mass in either case. chlorophylls.
The like industrial hemp varieties may be cultivated both in Where a hemp of the drug type is used as a starting mate
the Federal Republic of Germany and in Switzerland, for rial, A-THC is the main constituent of the primary extract,
example, while requiring neither any complicated cultivating and CBD the second highest proportion.
permission nor any complicated safety installations during 30 Where, however, a hemp of the fiber type is used as a
Storage. starting material, which is being preferred, CBD and in a
It is thus advantageous if cannabis plant material of the given case the carboxylic acids thereof are found as the main
fiber type may be used for the production of primary extracts constituents of the primary extract.
containing A-THC and CBD, for it is possible to employ The primary extract of the invention contains at least
such starting material having a low A-THC content for the 35 reduced proportions of monoterpene and sesquiterpene
inventive process without any further operating and handling hydrocarbons, alkaloids, flavonoids and chlorophylls, and is
permissions as are required in the case of drug hemp types. preferably already free from these components, in particular
Varieties entering into consideration here are in particular from alkaloids, flavonoids and chlorophylls.
the French varieties Fedora 19, Felina 45 and Futura 77, the Where undesirable waxes are present in certain industrial
Hungarian varieties Kompolti and Uniko-B and the Finnish 40 and drug hemp varieties, these are purified after completed
variety Finola 314, for the average for all varieties lies clearly primary extraction and decarboxylation by Subsequent disso
below the specified limits (Mediavilla, V. and Brenneisen, R. lution of the primary extract, e.g. in cold (20°C.) ethanol or
1996: Mitt. Ges. Pflanzenbauwiss. 9: 243-244). ethanol Solution, and separated from the non-dissolved wax
When it is possible to employ drug hemp types, however, by filtration. The filtration residue amounts to approximately
the A-THC content in the primary extract is higher than in 45 3-5%. In order to obtain the purified extract, the solvent, e.g.
one produced of fiber hemp. ethanol, is again removed under reduced pressure.
The addition to the CO of an entraining agent selected In order to obtain A-THC and CBD from the primary
from the group consisting of propane, butane, ethanol and extract thus purified, the cannabidiol carboxylic acids und
water, has the advantage that hereby the yields for A-THC A-tetrahydrocannabinol carboxylic acids contained in the
and CBD may be increased without involving the drawbacks 50 primary extract are decarboxylated into cannabidiol and
as with an extract produced, e.g., with ethanol or ethanol/ A-tetrahydrocannabinol through increase in temperature.
water or methanol/chloroform or with other chlorinated Where A-THC is to be obtained as the main constituent or
hydrocarbons. in pure form, the CBD may be reacted into A-THC through
Typically the entraining agent concentrations are in the catalyzed cyclization.
range of 1-10% based on the employed quantity of CO. 55 Here a A-THC may form depending on process condi
The extraction process of the invention preferably operates tions, which in itself also possesses interesting pharmacologi
in the Supercritical range at a temperature of approx. 31°C. to cal properties. Thus A-THC may, for example, be employed
80° C. and a pressure of approx. 75 bar to 500 bar, in particular as an antiemetic in pediatric oncology.
at a temperature of approx. 45° C. to 65° C. and a pressure of Where the primary extract was obtained from fiber hemp
approx. 100 bar to 350 bar, preferably at a temperature of 60 and the entire CBD is to be transformed to A-THC and
approx. 60° C. and a pressure of approx. 250 bar. A-THC, cyclization into A-THC and A-THC takes place
In the Subcricital range, in contrast, a temperature of during preparation of the secondary extract. Cyclization takes
approx. 20° C. to 30° C. and a supercritical pressure of place under the following conditions:
approx. 100 bar to 350 bar are used. The decarboxylated primary extract is mixed with a water
The measure of arranging a layer of adsorbent on the mate 65 binding agent and a catalyst defined more closely hereinbe
rial to be extracted downstream relative to the CO, flow has low. The mixture is treated in a high-pressure extraction plant
the advantage that monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes as well (FIG.2) with supercritical CO., preferably at 300 bar and 70°
US 8,895,078 B2
7 8
C. By this treatment, the CBD present in the primary extract -continued
is substantially reacted to A-THC and A-THC. HO CH
The obtained extract is separated out under pressure and
temperature conditions subcricital for CO., preferably at 5 CH
approx. 55 bar and approx. 25°C.
As a water-binding agent Zeolitic molecular sieves having OH
apore size of 3-10A, preferably 5 A may be used, and useful rCH
catalysts are metal-containing halogen salts containing the CH
metals tin, Zinc, iron or titanium, preferably Zinc chloride. 10 3
The secondary extract thus obtained only contains very
little CBD and is highly enriched in A-THC and A-THC.
Suitably for obtaining pure or nearly pure A-THC or
A-THC, respectively, a treatment in a high-pressure appara
tus with supercritical CO, is performed as described in the
following (FIG.3). -CO
To this end, preferably a high-pressure column (FIG. 3)
Subdivided into segments, comprising a bottom segment for
dissolving the primary extract in Supercritical CO., a purifi
cation segment filled, e.g., with silica gel (mean particle size
of 0.02 mm to 0.2 mm, preferably 0.1 mm), a head segment
for discharging the mixture dissolved in Supercritical CO of A9-THCS
CBD, A-THC and A-THC into three separating vessels for 25
separate separation of the purified CBD and the purified
A-THC and A-THC.
The extraction conditions prevailing for purification in the
column are supercritical for CO., preferably 180 bar and 55°
C., in the first separating vessel where CBD is separated out 30
for CO. Subcricital conditions in terms of pressure and Super
critical conditions in terms of temperature, preferably 70 bar
and 50° C. In the second and third separating vessels, where
A-THC and A-THC are separated out, conditions subcrici 35
tal for CO in terms of pressure and temperature are to prevail.
in the second separating vessel preferably 60 bar and 30°C.,
in the third separating vessel preferably 55 bar and 25°C. HO CH3
If fiber hemp is used, it may possibly be necessary to
further purify the tetrahydrocannabinol products A-THC and 40
A-THC thus obtained with the aid of additional processes CH3
Such as preparative chromatography or HPLC.
Where the primary extract was obtained from drug hemp 'eCH2
and purified CBD is furthermore desired as an end product r
besides purified A-THC, the cyclization of CBD into CH3
A-THC and A-THC, or the production of a secondary
extract is omitted. A-THC is an isomer of A-THC and forms
substantially during the cyclization of CBD zu A-THC as
well as in the presence of acids. Under certain circumstances
it is necessary for the A-THC, A-THC and CBD thus 50
obtained to be purified by further processes such as prepara
tive chromatography or HPLC.
The reaction scheme of these reactions is given below:

-CO 60

US 8,895,078 B2
-continued from the head of vessel 5b via conduit 7, pressure regulation
HO CH3 valve 8, with extraction pressure being reduced to less than 75
bar, in the exemplary case to approx. 60 bar. The CO extract
CH3 mixture then arrives at heat exchanger9 where it is heated to
a temperature supercritical for CO., preferably to 45° C.
Under these pressure and temperature conditions, extrac
tion of that extract portion takes place in the separating vessel
10 which essentially still contains undesirable monoterpenes
CHCH and sesquiterpenes. The extract mixture consisting of CO.
10 and essentially of A-THC and cannabidiol as well as the
carboxylic acids thereof, exits from separating vessel 10 via
conduit 11, pressure regulation valve 12, heat exchanger 13,
and finally is conveyed into separating vessel 14.
As may be seen from the scheme of formulae, A-THC may With the aid of pressure regulation valve 12, the separation
under the action of acids isomerize to A-THC. 15 pressure in container 14 is set to pressure conditions Subcrici
As cannabidiol taken for itself has interesting pharmaco tal for CO., in the exemplary case 50 bar. The separation
logical properties while furthermore lacking the psychotropic temperature in vessel 14 is controlled by heat exchanger 13 to
hallucinogenic effect of A-THC, cannabidiol itself is also of a temperature Subcricital for CO, in the exemplary case
interest for practical application because it may be used, e.g., about 20°C. Under these conditions the pure CO is separated
as an anti-epileptic. from the primary extract enriched in A-THC and cannabidiol
Cannabidiol may be obtained in accordance with the inven and the carboxylic acids thereof in separating vessel 14.
tive process of claim 15. The pure CO is conveyed via conduit 15 to liquifier 17 that
A-THC by itself also has substantially lower psychotropic is equipped with a condenser coil 16. From here the liquid
hallucinogenic effects than A-THC and may be obtained in CO is Supplied via pressurizing pump 18 to heat exchanger
accordance with claim 14. 25 19, to be available for the following extraction cycle.
For opening the extracting vessel, i.e. for charging and
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS emptying the vessels with, or of the starting material, the
CO, is either vented directly via conduit 21, or supplied via
Further advantages and features of the present invention conduit 20 to recycling plant 22 which then pumps the liquid
result from the description of practical examples and from the 30 CO, into the CO, storage vessel 23.
drawings, wherein: FIG. 2 shows a schematic representation of a CO extrac
FIG. 1 is a schematic representation of a CO extraction tion plant for producing a secondary extract highly enriched
plant for producing the primary extract of the invention; in A-THC and A-THC.
FIG. 2 is a schematic representation of a CO extraction For the reaction, in particular the decarboxylation, of the
plant for producing a secondary extract highly enriched in 35 cannabinoid carboxylic acids contained in the primary extract
A-THC and A-THC; and into A-THC and CBD, the primary extract in the exemplary
FIG. 3 is a schematic representation of a CO extraction case is treated during about 2 hours at 80°C.
plant for separation of a primary and/or secondary extract in A mixture of decarboxylated primary extract, water-bind
CBD, optionally A-THC and A-THC in a high-pressure ing agent and catalyst is introduced into the extracting vessel
column. 40 200. CO, at a temperature of 70° C. and a pressure of 300 bar
enters into contact with the material to be extracted and
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION extracts the desired components.
Following cyclization, the secondary extract highly
Ground Cannabis plant material comprised substantially enriched in A-THC and A-THC exits from vessel 200 at the
of inflorescences and leaves is charged into extracting vessels 45 top end of extracting vessel 200 via conduit 202 and arrives in
1-4. CO having been brought to a temperature of approx. 60° separating vessel 205 via regulating valve 203 wherein
C. and to a pressure of approx. 250 bar, enters into contact pressure is reduced to 60 bar or 55 bar, respectively—and heat
with the material to be extracted in the extracting vessels 1-4 exchanger 204, the temperature being 30° C. or 25° C.
and extracts the desired cannabinoid components, in particu respectively. Through valve 206 the secondary extract thus
lar comprising A-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol as 50 obtained, which contains small amounts of CBD and is highly
well as the carboxylic acids thereof. Suitably for extraction a enriched in A-THC and A-THC, may be withdrawn from
flow rate of 50-150 kg of CO/kg of starting material is used. separating vessel 205.
At the upper end of extracting vessel 4, an extract enriched The pure CO is conveyed via conduit 207 to liquefier 208
in the cannabinoids leaves the vessel via conduit 6a and which is equipped with a condenser coil 209. From there the
arrives at the bottom of separating vessel 5a. The separating 55 liquid CO is Supplied via pressurizing pump 210 to heat
vessels 5a and 5b are in the exemplary case filled with various exchanger 211, to be available for the following extraction
Zeolitic molecular sieves and with diatomaceous earth as an cycle.
adsorbent. In separating vessels 5a and 5b, the same pressure FIG.3 shows a schematic representation of a CO extrac
and temperature conditions prevail as in extracting vessels tion plant for separation of a primary and/or secondary extract
1-4. The Zeolitic molecular sieves placed in container 6a have 60 CBD, optionally A-THC and A-THC, in a high-pressure
an internal surface of approx. 800 m/g, the zeolitic molecular column.
sieves placed in container 6b have an internal Surface of Via extraction column 300 wherein an extraction pressure
approx. 1200 m/g. of 180 bar and a temperature of 55° C. prevail, consisting of
By charging containers 6a and 5b with molecular sieves— bottom segment 301a, purification segment 301b (charged
preferred, however not indispensable—alkaloids, flavonoids 65 with silica gel) and head segment 301c, the extract mixture
and chlorophylls are further separated from the CO loaded dissolved in CO arrives via duct 302, regulating valve 303
with extract. This CO extraction mixture thus purified exits and heat exchanger 304 in separating vessel 305, where pref
US 8,895,078 B2
11 12
erably a pressure of 70 bar and a temperature of 50° C. are to A low chlorophyll content is particularly advantageous
prevail. It is here that the CBD is obtained. because under certain circumstances, such as when a soft
Viaduct307, regulating valve 308 and heat exchanger 309 gelatin is used for encapsulation of the extract in the frame
the extraction mixture arrives in the second separating vessel work of galenic formulation, chlorophyll may involve cross
310, preferably with a pressure of 60 bar and a temperature of 5 reticulations which may prevent the active principles con
30° C. prevailing. It is here that the separation of A-THC tained in the extract from being released.
takes place. Via valve 311 the obtained A-THC may be
withdrawn. The desired CBD content is in the inventive CO, extract
The A-THC still dissolved in CO, is transferred into sepa higher by a factor 4 to 5, and the A-THC content also by a
rating vessel 315 viaduct 312, regulating valve 313 and heat 10 factor >4, in comparison with the prior-art solvent extracts.
exchanger 314. There it is separated out under a pressure of If one regards the overall cannabinoid content, essentially
preferably 55 bar and a temperature of preferably 25°C. Via
valve 316 the obtained A-THC may be withdrawn. composed of CBD, A-THC and CBN, it may be seen that
The pure CO, is conveyed via conduit 317 to liquefier 318 even the inventive primary CO extract already is made up at
which is equipped with a condenser coil 319. From here the 15 more than two thirds of these constituents, whereas the prior
liquid CO is supplied via pressurizing pump 320 to heat art extracts only contain an overall cannabinoid content of
exchanger 321, to be available for the following extraction approx. 15 to 17%.
cycle. Moreover what is conspicuous in comparison with the
Modifications in the described plant systems are very well
possible without the scope of the invention being restricted extract of the invention are the highly elevated (more than
thereby. 80-fold) flavonoid glycoside contents of the ethanol and hex
As industrial hemp of the fiber type, in the present exem ane eXtractS.
plary case the French Cannabis sativa variety Fedora 19 is The detected terpene and alkaloid quantities are also
employed. The raw drug has an average content of approx. strongly elevated in comparison with the extracts according
0.25% of A-THC and 1.54% of CBD. to the invention:
As a result, a primary extract having the properties indi 25
cated in Table 1 is obtained. The contents of undesirable monoterpenes listed in Table 1
are higher by a factor of 10-30 than in the two primary extracts
TABLE 1. obtained with ethanol and hexane than in the CO primary
extract, and while the sesquiterpene content is higher by a
Primary extracts from industrial hemp with different solvents 30 factor 20 to 40 than in the inventive CO extracts.
EtOH Hexane primary Inventive It is moreover noted that the primary extracts obtained with
extract in accordance
with WOOO,251.27
primary CO2
the aid of lipophilic solvents contain the alkaloids that are
readily soluble in these solvents. Such as, e.g., cannabisativin
Chlorophyll 3.00% 2.85% O.O10% which is highly cytotoxic. This alkaloid contamination may
CBD 14.50% 12.40% S8.000% very well also still occur in an extract prepared in accordance
A-THC 2.30% 2.30% 9.S.00% with WO00/25127 from the primary extract described there,
A8-THC O.00% O.00% O.OOO%
CBN O.S.0% O.S.0% O.100% following additional purification and enrichment steps in
Flavonoid 12.50% 8.50% O.15.0% accordance with WO00/25127 which extract is said to have a
glycosides 98% content of A-THC.
Alkaloids: O.20% O.35% O.OO1% 40
cannabisativin In contrast, already the primary extracts of the invention
Monoterpenes: without any further purification steps—as shown in Table
Ci-Pinene O.02% O.O.3% O.OO1%
1- practically do not contain any more cannabisativin.
B-Pinene O.01% O.02% O.OO1% Thus the ethanol extract contains about 200 times more
Myrcene O.02% O.02% O.OO1% 45 toxic alkaloids, in particular the highly cytotoxic cannabisa
Sesquiterpenes: tivin, and the hexane extract inaccordance with WO00/25127
Caryophyllene O.S3% O.45% O.O.20% even about 350 times more than the CO primary extract of
B-Humulene O.18% O.22% O.OO8% the invention.
A-Selinene O.10% O.15% O.OO4%
Thus the CO extracts of the present invention are superior
This column relates to a test comparing the CO2 extracts in accordance with the present 50 both to the hexane extracts in accordance with WOOO/25127
invention with the prior-art hexane extracts of WO00,25127 as discussed at the outset. An
industrial hemp having the following raw drug data: water content; 11.2% (wt.); A9-THC and to the customary ethanol extracts, because of their high
0.25% (wt.); and CBD: 1.54% were extracted with hexane inaccordance with WO00,25127.
To this end, 100g of air-dried, pulverized industrial hemp wasextracted for 24 hours in 41
cannabinoid contents and the fact that they are largely free
of hexane in accordance with the Soxhlet method. The solvent was removed under reduced from alkaloids, flavonoid glycosides, mono- and sesquiterpe
pressure, and the obtained extract was analyzed with a view to the parameters indicated in CS.
Table 1.
What is particularly advantageous is the circumstance that
When one compares the data of the CO, primary extract in the present invention starts out from a hemp having a THC
accordance with the present invention as shown in Table 1 proportion near Zero, which is not even the case in WO00/
with the hexane extract in accordance with WO00/25127 and
the ethanol extract, initially the relatively good coincidence of 25127 as this reference starts out from higher THC concen
the primary extracts obtained by means of the organic Sol 60
trations in the raw drug inasmuch as drug hemp, not industrial
vents is conspicuous. hemp is extracted there.
Moreover in comparison with the CO primary extract of In view of this very fact it thus is already surprising that
the present invention, there results a disadvantageously high THC and cannabinoids may at all be enriched in technically
chlorophyll content of 3.00% for the hexane extract and of useful amounts from readily available industrial hemp by
2.85% for the ethanol extract. For the extract of the invention, 65 means of CO extraction.
the chlorophyll content thus is lower by a factor of almost 300 Table 2 shows the components of a secondary extract after
than in the prior-art extracts. completed anellation.
US 8,895,078 B2
13 14
TABLE 2 The invention claimed is:
1. A process for producing cannabidiol from a primary
Secondary extract following cyclization (FIG. 2 extract from industrial hemp plant material containing tet
CO2 secondary extract rahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol and optionally the car
P = 300 bar boxylic acids thereof, wherein said primary extract is
T = 70° C. obtained by a process comprising
Measured substance
P = 55 bar
T = 25°C.
extracting dried comminuted industrial hemp plant mate
rial by means of CO
Chlorophyll O.01% (a) under Supercritical pressure and temperature conditions
10 at a temperature in a range of approx. 31° C. to 80° C.
A8-THC 24.3% and at a pressure in a range of approx 75 bar or 500 bar,
CBN O.1% O
(b) in liquefied form in the Subcritical range at a tempera
ture of approx. 20° C. to 30° C. and a supercritical
Table 3 shows the components of a primary extract purified 15 pressure of approx. 100 bar to 350 bar; or
by high-pressure column in accordance with FIG. 3. (c) in liquefied form under Subcritical pressure and tem
perature conditions; and
TABLE 3 separating the obtained primary extract out under Subcriti
cal conditions or under conditions Subcritical interms of
Purified primary pressure and Supercritical in terms of temperature; and
extract after chemical purification in a high-pressure column (FIG. 3
wherein said primary extract contains reduced proportions
Purified primary extract of at least monoterpene and sesquiterpene hydrocar
P = 180 bar bons, alkaloids, flavonoids and chlorophylls; and
T = 55° C. wherein process for producing cannabidiol from a primary
P2 = 70 bar (separating vessel No. 5)
25 extract comprises
P = 60 bar (separating vessel No. 10) decarboxylating cannabidiolic acid and tetrahydrocanna
T = 30° C. bidiolic acid in said primary extract into cannabidiol and
P = 55 bar (separating vessel No. 15) tetrahydrocannabinol through increase in temperature;
Measured T1F 25 C.
Substance Separator No. 5 Separator No. 10 Separator No. 15 30 dissolving the decarboxylated primary extract in the CO,
Chlorophyll O.01% O.01% O.01% extracting agent used, and in this condition treating by
CBD 85.0% O.0% 1.5% means of a high-pressure vessel charged with a catalyst
A9-THC 2.0% O.0% 87.0% for anellation of cannabidiol into tetrahydrocannabinol
and a water-binding agent, wherein cannabidiol is
35 reacted to give tetrahydrocannabinol; and
separating the product enriched in tetrahydrocannabinol at
Table 4 shows the components of a secondary extract pressure and temperature conditions Subcritical for CO.
which was purified in a high-pressure column. 2. A process for producing cannabidiol from a primary
extract from industrial hemp plant material containing tet
TABLE 4 40 rahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol
and optionally the carboxylic acids thereof, wherein said
Purified secondary
extract following purification in a high-pressure column (FIG. 3
primary extract is obtained by a process comprising
extracting dried comminuted industrial hemp plant
Purified secondary extract material by means of CO
P = 180 bar 45 (a) under Supercritical pressure and temperature conditions
T = 55° C. at a temperature in a range of approx. 31° C. to 80° C.
P2 = 70 bar (separating vessel No. 5) and at a pressure in a range of approx. 75 bar or 500 bar,
T = 50° C. O
P = 60 bar (separating vessel No. 10)
T = 30° C. (b) in the subcritical range at a temperature of approx. 20°
P = 55 bar (separating vessel No. 15) 50 C. to 30° C. and a supercritical pressure of approx. 100
Measured T1F 25 C. bar to 350 bar; or
Substance Separator No. 5 Separator No. 10 Separator No. 15 (c) under Subcritical pressure and temperature conditions;
Chlorophyll O.01% O.O1% O.01% separating the obtained primary extract out under Sub
CBD 90.0% O.1% O.3%
A9-THC O.S9/o 1.0% 96.0% 55 critical conditions or under conditions Subcritical in
A8-THC O.2% 85.0% 1.5% terms of pressure and Supercritical in terms of tem
CBN O.1% O.1% O.1% perature; and
wherein said primary extract contains reduced propor
It is, of course, fundamentally also possible to use a drug tions of at least monoterpene and sesquiterpene
hemp for carrying out the process of the invention.
60 hydrocarbons, alkaloids, flavonoids and chlorophylls;
The above mentioned primary extract is treated further in wherein process for producing cannabidiol from a pri
accordance with the description in FIG. 2 and FIG. 3 and is mary extract comprises
Suited as an active principle for the production of a medica decarboxylating cannabidiolic acid and tetrahydrocan
ment for the indications described at the outset. 65 nabidiolic acid in said primary extract into canna
Suitable application types are inhalation, oral, parenteral, bidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol through increase in
as well as enteral application. temperature; and
US 8,895,078 B2
15 16
Subsequently separating the cannabidiol through col- (2) reducing the pressure and/or temperature of the extract
umn chromatography on silica gel or preparative loaded CO, in at least two steps, wherein
high-pressure liquid chromatography. (2a) in a first step pressure and/or temperature are
3. A process for producing an extract containing tetrahy reduced whereby monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes
drocannabinol, cannabidiol and optionally the carboxylic s are separated from tetrahydrocannabinol and canna
acids thereof from dried comminuted industrial hemp plant bidiol by differential solubility,
material, comprising
(1) subjecting said plant material to a stream of CO (2b) in a subsequent step pressure is reduced to a pres
(1a) under Supercritical pressure and temperature con- sure subcritical for CO., whereby tetrahydrocannab
ditions at a temperature in a range of approx. 31°C. to 10 inol and cannabidiol are separated from said CO,
80° C. and at a pressure in a range of approx. 75 bar or (2c) subjecting the CO extracted from step (2b) to
5 00 bar, O increased pressure and temperature and recycling said
(1b) in liquefied form in the Subcritical range at a tem- CO, to step (1).
perature of approx. 20°C. to 30°C. and a supercritical
pressure of approx. 100 bar to 350 bar; or 4. The process of claim 3, wherein step (2) further com
(1c) in liquefied found under Subcritical pressure and 15 prises exposure to adsorbent or absorbent to remove alka
temperature conditions; to extract cannabinoid com loids, flavinoids, and chlorophylls.
ponents; k . . . .

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