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Ben Pakulski presents…

The Pakulski
Precision Leg
Exercise Execution
Legal Disclaimer
The information presented in this work is by no way intended as medical advice or as a
substitute for medical counseling. The information should be used in conjunction with
the guidance and care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning this
program as you would with any exercise and nutrition program. If you choose not to obtain
the consent of your physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duration
of your time using the recommendations in the program, you are agreeing to accept full
responsibility for your actions.

By continuing with the program you recognize that despite all precautions on the part of
Pakulski Fitness International, there are risks of injury or illness which can occur because of
your use of the aforementioned information and you expressly assume such risks and waive,
relinquish and release any claim which you may have against Pakulski Fitness International,
or its affiliates as a result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or
as a result of, the use or misuse of the program.
General Exercise Principles Legs INDEX



Exercise Principles.......................................5 & 6

1. Squatting Movements...............................7 & 8
2. Lunges & Step-Ups................................9 & 10
3. Leg Presses................................................11
4. Leg-Curl Movements............................12 & 13
5. Deadlifts..............................................14 & 15
6. Glute/Ham Raises & Glute Bridges........16 & 17
7. Leg Extensions............................................18
8. Hip Abductions / Adductions.........................19

* if you would like detailed video demonstrations

of the exercises contained within this document, I
include them and many more in my #1 best selling
program, MI40-Foundation!
General Exercise Principles Legs INDEX

General Exercise Principles

(review frequently)

Posture (unless stated otherwise):

• keep head neutral (inline with spine relative to torso), shoulders back and depressed,
scapula contracted (allow zero internal / external rotation of shoulders or any arching), abs
/ core-tight (spine stable), chest proud and torso tall

• when upright, your torso should be vertical or ‘very slightly’ forward (approx. 30º) pivoting
from the hips, NOT from the spine (stick butt back a little so hips move behind shoulders)

• when standing, contract glutes and hams to prevent hip sway (shove feet into the floor)


• hold the weight(s) with an ‘even’ firm grip of the hand (though not too tightly)

• wrists should remain neutral or back (unless stated specifically), never forward

• always initiate from the working muscle (try to build tension prior to even executing)

• aim to fully lengthen and fully shorten the muscle (unless otherwise stated)

• a muscle is fully lengthened when its antagonist is fully contracted (be conscious of this)

• contract through the entire range of available motion (full flexion and full extension)

• keep constant tension on the working muscle (no pause at the top / bottom unless stated)

• no extraneous movement / body English

• aim to always work in straight lines (unless otherwise stated)


* the tempo and reps dictate the load (aim to keep perfect form throughout, adjust the load
accordingly to reach desired reps, do not adjust the form)

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General Exercise Principles Legs INDEX

• for strength-based training (less than 8 reps), a brief pause to ‘reset’ at the top and
bottom of the movement is acceptable

• when aiming for 8+ reps in a set, focus on avoiding rest at any point (unless otherwise
stated); keep the motion smooth / almost rhythmic throughout

• only allow a spotter to assist in pushing past complete failure (AKA forced reps) if you’re
an advanced bodybuilder (unless specifically stated to do so); beginners or people
learning proper execution should not attempt forced reps

• incline / decline bench angles are variable unless specifically stated; change them up
frequently if equipment availability allows, every 2 to 4 weeks or so, aiming to hit the
muscle from as many different angles as possible over time

• partial reps are acceptable at the end of a set, just so long as tension remains on the
working muscle and form / tempo remains intact (within the range that can be achieved)

• using a rest / pause scheme (taking 3 seconds rest between reps) is acceptable in order
to complete desired rep target if close when rep target is less then 8 (i.e strength training)

• between exercises, take the same rest period prescribed for the previous set

• if the weight selected is evidently a little too light, rather than stopping the set and
increasing the load, slow the tempo and squeeze the working muscle as hard as possible
in order to create maximum tension

• inhale deeply through the nose on the negative, explosively exhale through the mouth
while pushing through the positive

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General Exercise Principles Legs INDEX

Squatting Movements

Common to all prescribed exercises below:

(if you have a longer than normal femur (thigh bone) and / or don’t have great flexibility in
hips, hamstrings or ankles, perhaps elevate heels between 1/2 an inch to 2 inches during
the movement. Evaluate)

• feet shoulder-width apart unless otherwise stated

• pretend feet are in concrete (don’t let body ‘fall forward’ or knees cave inwards)

• keep hips, knees and ankles in a line

• avoid any internal / external rotation of hips

• don’t drop (imagine hamstrings pulling the body through the negative)

• come down until glutes are fully contracted (bottom position), then ‘drive’ up

• even weight distribution throughout (push with the whole foot, except during Hack

• aim to co-contract glutes and quads throughout (especially at the bottom given the
potential for unnecessary joint stress)

• don’t focus on trying to get your body up from the ground / platform, think about pushing
the ground / platform away from you

• squeeze heels either in towards each other or out, preferably out (’intent’)

Barbell Back Squats / Bodyweight Squats:

• keep knees directly over the heels / toes

Wide-Stance Barbell Back Squats:

• place feet 18” or so apart and externally rotate the toes to about 45° / heels in

• simply let knees fall outwards during the movement

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General Exercise Principles Legs INDEX

Dumbbell Squats (heels elevated):

* elevate the heels by placing them on top of a 45lbs weight plate for example

For quad emphasis: hold dumbbells beside hips & keep torso vertical throughout

For glute emphasis: lean forward at the hips holding dumbbells in front of knees. Avoid any
rounding of the spine / keep chest up.

Do not apply inward / outward ‘intent’ during this particular variation

Front Squats (barbell / Smith machine):

How to hold the bar

• with the bar in the squat rack slightly below shoulder level, walk right up close so that
the centre of the bar touches the base of the neck; raise arms up and straight out in front.
Notice a small area where the bar can sit / balance (against the base the neck), though be
aware that it may feel a little uncomfortable at first. keep your arms / elbows up but bring
them across the body (towards opposite shoulders) and position them against the bar to
ensure the bar doesn’t roll forward during the exercise. Step back, and begin.

• come down as low as possible while maintaining a vertical plane

Hack Squats:

(ensure to “physically rehearse” (warm-up) with a couple of sets)

For Ham / Glute Emphasis:

• place feet a little higher on the pad

• aim to go as deep as possible

• push with the heels while using downward heel ‘intent’

For Quad Emphasis:

• feet shoulder-width and low on platform

• pay extra attention to keep the quads under constant tension as it’s near impossible to go
too low with contracted quads (if the tension begins to disappear you’ve gone too far
down (or too fast))

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General Exercise Principles Legs INDEX


Common to all prescribed exercises below:

• head up, chest up

• keep hips, knees and ankles in a line; no internal / external rotation of hips

• if balance is an issue, pick a focal point to help assist

• bring back knee lightly to (as as close to) the floor aiming for a good stretch of the hip

• ideally, front knee should end directly above the ankle at the bottom (at maximum inline
with toes); stay in complete control throughout

• try to just lightly touch the back foot to the floor and don’t initiate off it to ascend

• co-contract glutes and quads & focus on pushing the ground away (not trying to lift up)

• contract through front leg only (everything evenly distributed)

• aim to push with the whole foot, a little extra force from the toes is acceptable though

For quad emphasis:

• keep torso vertical throughout

• the larger the stride, the more the glutes will activate so keep step shorter

For glute emphasis:

• the aim is to increase the range of motion at the hip joint, therefore lean forward at the hips
during the eccentric, though avoid rounding the spine (chest up)

• imagine you are about to lunge forward at the bottom; ideally, front knee should
end directly above the ankle at the bottom (maximum inline with toes) with glutes fully
lengthened, extended at the front

• take relatively short steps, bring back knee lightly to the floor (or as close as possible)

• push straight upwards on the concentric standing tall at the top

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General Exercise Principles Legs INDEX

Lunges (bodyweight / dumbbell / barbell / walking / reverse / alternating):

(step forwards or backwards; however stepping backwards should help to avoid any
migration of knees over toes. Walking, or alternating legs on the spot, are both acceptable)

When pressing the front leg into the ground to come up, also keep shoving it back hard
until the other foot then becomes the front foot, and is planted on the ground ready for the
negative (to keep constant tension)

Step-Ups (bodyweight / low cable resistance / dumbbell / barbell)

(use platform that allows for a good stretch at the bottom)

• bodyweight over front leg / quad

• while keeping chest up, aim for maximum hip extension (stretch of the back leg); aim for a
knee angle of greater than 90° and certainly don’t stand too close to the bench

• stand straight up and lock out / extend hip at the top, the body should go straight up and
down, not back and forth or rotating; only use the power and force of the front leg to come
up if possible (no push from back leg / hip unless absolutely necessary)

• barely touch the ground on the way down before coming back up

* ensure the cable keeps constant tension throughout

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• keep your back flush against the seat (no arching) & butt down (pull on the handles and
drive hips into the pad throughout); head back against the pad at all times

• pull down with the hamstrings bringing the thighs / knees back just prior to the point at
which the hips begins to roll / back arches (keep in mind that the higher the feet, the
greater the range of motion will be and vice versa); don’t just let the weight “fall”

• ensure constant movement and come up just prior to knee lock-out (no resting unless
specifically instructed)

* if performing one-legged variation, keep the resting foot on the ground ideally

For quad focus:

• placing the feet low on the pad will shorten the quads the most effectively (be aware that
the range will be smaller - don’t let those hips roll!)

For hamstring & glute focus:

• place one foot high and wide (not a necessity, though most trainees find this much easier
for isolating the hams & glutes). Use the angle of the back pad closest to the floor for
greater range of motion, and place the feet “comfortably” high, not excessively high. Move
the foot of the working leg outside of shoulder width. Toes externally rotated to about
45º, ankle joint outside of knees & knees outside of hips. Bend the knee slightly & allow it
to simply fall outwards on the negative

• Alternative (for advanced trainees): apply downward heel “intent” throughout. Shove heel
down hard when initiating every rep (everything down the back of the legs should
contract); once you’ve mastered this, and no sooner (when you’re certain that the
emphasis is on the hamstrings at all times), progress by also shoving the knee downwards
as opposed to pushing the weight “away”

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General Exercise Principles Legs INDEX


Lying Leg Curls (body extended):

(prop-up upper body into a position that keeps the hips (not the spine) in full extension, the
back flat and the glutes fully contracted (this should result in the body forming a horizontal
straight line), maintain this.)

• force the pelvis / hips down & drive them into the pad (no letting butt come up); almost
allow knees to come up off the pad with hips locked-down and forward

• thrust butt forward and contract glutes

• aim to get heels as close to butt as possible (while keeping hips down)

• no internal or external rotation (keep hips, knees and ankles in straight lines)

• contract quads at the bottom

• keep feet and toes neutral throughout

Lying Leg Curls (body flexed):

• execute as above, though lean over (to lengthen hamstrings) and bring butt up slightly
(keep hips locked-down / forward)

Seated Leg Curls:

Same principles as above though:

• sit tall (abs tight, torso at 90º, head looking straight ahead), no leaning back

• hold body in position with the hands (don’t move or shift around, stay vertical)

• flex quads at the ‘top’ as an intensifier, place a ball, Pilates block or bottle etc. between the
thighs and squeeze it throughout the movement

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General Exercise Principles Legs INDEX

Single Leg Standing Leg Curls (hip extended):

• keep body upright (chest up); no forward lean or bend at the waist

• extend the thigh (keep it off the pad) and thrust hips forward until glutes contract
(maintain this position throughout)

• bring as close to butt as possible at the top (keeping hips flexed)

• contract quads at the bottom

• refrain from allowing butt to kick backwards into flexion

• to extend the set if necessary, lean over (to lengthen hamstrings) while shoving thighs into
the pad

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General Exercise Principles Legs INDEX


Stiff-legged Deadlifts

(barbell or dumbbell)

(hand grip is variable unless specifically stated plus wrist-straps are acceptable for working
sets (especially for high reps). Toes may also be elevated slightly using a weight plate, a 1”
block for example, to increase the stretch)

• keep chest up, back flat (spinal column straight) and head neutral (no looking up/down)

• hips, knees and ankles in a straight line

• take a shoulder-width grip

• keep legs rigid, but soften / bend knees ‘slightly’ throughout (don’t lock them out)

• don’t think about bending over, think about shoving the butt/hips backwards

• once butt is back as far as possible, begin to lower the weight

• don’t allow torso to ‘fall’ forward, keep knees behind toes throughout

• aim for a max stretch at the bottom (no rounding of lower back, maintain posture)

• from the bottom, squeeze the glutes and hams HARD and contract up while shoving th
heels into the ground; focus on simply ‘driving’ / extending the hips/butt forward

* if training for hypertrophy (8+ reps), stop short of reaching a vertical plane at the top (avoid
rest to ensure continuous tension)

* applying ‘Intent’ is encouraged, either:

1. shove heels straight down into the ground (forcefully contracting hams and glutes)

2. shove heels down and ‘out’

3. shove heels down and ‘in’

4. if elevating feet, think about pulling the toes upwards (can combine with the above); keep
weight back on the heels

(if strength training (<8 reps), go only with option 1)

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General Exercise Principles Legs INDEX

Rack Deadlifts and Snatch-Grip Deficit Deadlifts:

(straps recommended on working sets if needed, especially any high rep sets)

* for rack deadlifts: set the bar at a height that allows you to maximally descend prior to any
back rounding (2” below knee-height will work best for most).

* for Deficit deadlifts: elevate the feet approximately 4-6” by standing on stacked weight
plates (or an alternative; just ensure it’s a very stable surface) - take an overhand grip on
the bar, hands as wide as possible, and place the heels together with toes externally
rotated to 45º ( ‘duck toe’) – let the knees simply fall ‘out’ on the way down.

Execution for both:

• drop butt down / bring hips back as far as possible, raise head and depress shoulders

• drive the ground away as well as the chest towards the ceiling, no rounding of lower back

• if strength training (< 8 reps) come right to the top and attempt to bring arms behind torso

• if hypertrophy training (8+ reps), stop short of complete lockout at the top (shoulders
should remain just in front of hips about 2 - 3” from a vertical position) plus reset very
quickly at the bottom avoiding any rest

• don’t let the body fall forward during the movement (keep chest up and knees behind the
toes throughout); concentrate on moving up and down predominantly by moving the hips
back and forth

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General Exercise Principles Legs INDEX


Glute Ham Raises (on 45º Back Extension Machine)

• avoid hip obstruction: adjust pad to about 2 - 4” below hip joint (around midline of pelvis)

(typically, use a 45º angle back extension machine; if needing to use a raised foot pad,
adjust so that the body reaches a horizontal position perpendicular to ground at the top)

• shove pelvis / hips into the pad throughout (aim to keep them locked- down)

• keep chin / chest up throughout the movement (no rounding of lower back)

• no internal / external rotation of hips, spine ridged, feet in a line, glutes / hams contracted

• pause briefly at the bottom when hamstrings are fully stretched

• shove heels back while contracting glutes & hams to come up (no upper body / spinal

• top position is reached when the body forms a horizontal straight line from head to toe (no
need to hyperextend at the top)

• to complete a set, if needed, drop the hands to the ground and push to assist back up

* feet / toes can be positioned as per preference; externally rotate toes to elicit more of the
outside of the hamstrings and vice versa

* if attempting for the first time, bring arms across / in front of chest during the movement;
the next progression would to hold the hands behind the head, the next would be to hold
a weight plate against the chest

* advanced: if / when a high level of execution is achieved, you may rotate at the top of the
movement one way, then in the opposite

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General Exercise Principles Legs INDEX

Glute Bridges (bodyweight / barbell):

• lay across a flat bench with only shoulders / upper trap in contact (if weighted, hold a
barbell across the hips)

• feet shoulder-width apart with knees directly above ankles

• come all the way down and really stretch

• from the bottom, ‘drive’ up and squeeze the glutes at the top hard while simultaneously
thrusting the hips towards the ceiling as much as possible (when you think you’ve gone up
high enough, go 2 inches further!)

• try to pull the heels / hamstrings in towards the butt throughout, especially on the way up

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General Exercise Principles Legs INDEX


(optional: place a Pilates block or bottle for example in between the thighs and attempt to
squeeze it throughout)

• (to shorten the quads from both ends) sit proud with chest up / a slightly arched lower
back (no leaning backwards against the pad); hold this position throughout and keep arm
in place so butt doesn’t elevate

• keep hips, knees and ankles in a straight line and the patella (knee- cap) pointing towards
the ceiling throughout

• perform the exercise under complete control (zero explosive movements) and come to
complete lock-out at the top aiming for a peak contraction.

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General Exercise Principles Legs INDEX


Hip Abduction or Adduction Machine

Abductions = pulling weight towards each other

Adductions = pulling weight away from each otherr

• chest up, abs tight, ribs down (keep upper-body stationary)

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