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Multidisciplinary Focus on: Dyspnea

edited by / a cura di Giorgio Scano

Measures of dyspnea in pulmonary rehabilitation

Metodi per misurare la dispnea in riabilitazione
Ernesto Crisafulli1, Enrico M. Clini1,2
Pulmonary Division and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Unit, Villa Pineta Hospital, Pavullo (MO), Italy
Department of Oncology, Haematology and Pneumology, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy

Dyspnea is the main symptom perceived by patients affected La dispnea è il principale sintomo riferito da pazienti con pa-
by chronic respiratory diseases. It derives from a complex tologie croniche dell’apparato respiratorio e rappresenta il
interaction of signals arising in the central nervous system, prodotto dell’interazione complessa di numerosi segnali che
which is connected through afferent pathway receptors to nascono dal sistema nervoso centrale, il quale riceve afferen-
the peripheral respiratory system (airways, lung, and thorax). ze da recettori delle strutture respiratorie periferiche (alte vie
Notwithstanding the mechanism that generates the stimulus aeree, polmoni e torace).
is always the same, the sensation of dyspnea is often Pur avendo un unico meccanismo di generazione dello stimo-
described with different verbal descriptors: these descriptors, lo, la sensazione dispnoica è spesso percepita e descritta dai
or linguistic ‘clusters’, are clearly influenced by socio-individ- pazienti in termini differenti: i descrittori verbali, che defini-
ual factors related to the patient. These factors can play an scono un linguaggio in “cluster” specifici, sono influenzati da
important role in identifying the etiopathogenesis of the molteplici fattori socio-individuali legati al paziente. Possono
underlying cardiopulmonary disease causing dyspnea. svolgere un ruolo determinante nell’identificazione etiopato-
The main goal of rehabilitation is to improve dyspnea; hence, genetica della patologia cardio-polmonare causale.
quantifying dyspnea through specific tools (scales) is essen- Il miglioramento della dispnea rappresenta il principale obiet-
tial in order to describe the level of chronic disability and to tivo della riabilitazione e la quantificazione di essa, attraverso
assess eventual changes after intervention. Improvements, strumenti specifici (scale), assume un elemento indispensabi-
even if modest, are likely to determine clinically relevant le per la definizione del grado di disabilità cronica respiratoria
changes (minimal clinically important difference, MCID) in e dell’eventuale miglioramento clinico-sintomatologico post
patients. intervento. Tali miglioramenti, anche se di modeste entità,
Currently there exist a large number of scales to classify and possono comunque produrre variazioni clinicamente rilevanti
characterize dyspnea: the most frequently used in everyday (MCID).
clinical practice are the clinical scales (e.g. MRC or BDI/TDI, in Al momento esistono numerose modalità di classificazione e
which information is obtained directly from the patients caratterizzazione delle scale della dispnea: nella pratica quo-
through interview) and psychophysical scales (such as the tidiana si distinguono scale cliniche (rilevate dal colloquio di-
Borg scale or VAS, which assess symptom intensity in retto dal paziente come le scale MRC e BDI/TDI) e psicofisiche
response to a specific stimulus, e.g. exercise). (quali Borg e VAS che valutano l’intensità del sintomo come
It is also possible to assess the individual’s dyspnea in rela- risposta a uno specifico stimolo, ad esempio l’esercizio fisico).
tion to specific situations, e.g. chronic dyspnea (with scales È inoltre possibile distinguere momenti differenti di rilevazio-
that classify patients according to different levels of respira- ne della dispnea: in particolare esiste una valutazione della di-
tory disability); exertional dyspnea (with tools that can spnea cronica (misurata attraverso scale idonee alla stratifi-
measure the level of dyspnea in response to a physical stim- cazione di pazienti con disabilità respiratorie differenti), della
ulus); and transitional (or ‘follow up’) dyspnea (with scales dispnea da sforzo (con strumenti utili alla determinazione
that measure the effect in time of a treatment intervention, della risposta dispnoica a uno stimolo fisico) e della dispnea
such as rehabilitation). transizionale o del follow up (attraverso misure che rappre-
sentano gli effetti a distanza di un intervento terapeutico, ad
Keywords: Chronic respiratory diseases, dyspnea, rehabilitation. esempio la riabilitazione).

+ Enrico M. Clini
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia - Villa Pineta Hospital, Pneumology and Respiratory Rehabilitation Unit
Via Gaiato 127, 41026 Pavullo (MO), Italy
Data di arrivo: 29/10/2009 – Accettato per la pubblicazione: 10/11/2009
Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine 2010; 5(3): 202-210

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eases. The work/effort element, inadequate due to

Dyspnea measures in pulmonary rehabilitation - Misurare la dispnea in riabilitazione respiratoria

Crisafulli E, Clini EM
Parole chiave: Dispnea, patologie croniche polmonari, riabili-
tazione respiratoria. respiratory muscle fatigue or such as occurs during
physical exercise, provokes an increase of the
Dyspnea, the main symptom present in patients ‘corollary discharge’ [10] (central motor command
with chronic respiratory diseases, is a general term to the sensitive cortex through small, highly local-
that characterizes a subjective sensation of difficulty ized interneurones in the central nervous system,
in breathing [1]. In clinical practice, the quantita- that function as sensory receptors). The intensity of
tive assessment of this symptom can be useful for the command, alone or in combination with the
defining the patient’s real level of respiratory dis- force generation and contraction of the respiratory
ability; applied in pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) as muscles, is appreciated at the conscious level as
an outcome measure it is useful to establish the effi- ‘difficulty of breathing’ [11].
cacy - in terms of improvement of symptoms – of The respiratory muscles are nevertheless important
the intervention carried out, particularly in relation to in the experience of dyspnea. ‘Unsatisfied inspirato-
programs that include general exercise training [2]. ry effort’ is a cluster that refers to conditions in
which there is a disparity between central respiratory
THE LANGUAGE OF DYSPNEA output and mechanical response of the respiratory
system and it is considered to play a fundamental
Although it is an aspecific symptom generated role in the increased perception of dyspnea during
through a common mechanism, dyspnea consists of physical exercise in patients affected by COPD and
qualitatively distinct sensations that vary in intensity interstitial diseases [12-14]. In COPD, in fact,
and that, influencing the patient’s personal percep- dynamic hyperinflation during exercise contributes
tion, are closely dependent upon multiple personal most to provoke mechanical limitations of the chest
factors such as socio-economic status, linguistic cage with a consequent increase of end-expiration
aspects, affective-cultural components and previous lung volume and limitation to the increase of both
personal experience [3-5]. flow volume and inspiratory capacity, responsible
Hence, since dyspnea is perceived and described in in their turn for the sensation of ‘difficulty of breath-
different terms and modes, it is retained that there ing in’ [12,15]. Reduced lung volumes and
exist a series of ‘descriptors’ [1] indispensable for increased central respiratory drive explain the
the expression of a specific language linked to effi- imbalance between increased central stimulus and
cacy of intervention and to defining the underlying probable reduction of the peripheral feedback
pathophysiological causal mechanisms [4-6]. between lung and rib cage [12,13]. The perception
Regarding these multiple distinct sensations, diverse of this disparity is possible since the corollary dis-
verbal descriptors have been grouped into distinc- charge is modulated by a series of peripheral
tive “clusters” that have a high discriminating mechanoreceptors that provide precise information
capacity [4-6]: a recent study [7], in fact, claims that on the inspiratory muscles, on variations of flow-
the language used to describe the sensation of dys- volume produced and on the calibre of the airways
nea is capable of differentiating and thus classify- [11]. The disparity between this sensory feedback
ing, through specific descriptors, individuals affect- and the degree of effort in breathing is what under-
ed by chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases lies a pathogenetic mechanism of dyspnea recently
(COPD). proposed and defined as ‘neuroventilatory dissocia-
In the field of cardiopulmonary disease, the five tion’ [12].
descriptive clusters in the language of dyspnea most ‘Rapid or shallow breathing’ is the respiratory clus-
frequently selected are: ‘chest tightness’, ‘increased ter referred as a transitory experience by normal
effort of breathing’, ‘unsatisfied inspiratory effort’, subjects during intense physical exercise or in the
‘rapid or superficial breathing’ and ‘breathlessness’ presence of external chest restriction [4-6]; it char-
[1]. acterizes, in pathological terms, the response to
The sensation of ‘chest tightness’, frequently report- exercise of patients with interstitial diseases [14].
ed by asthmatic patients during acute bronchial The increased central drive provokes an increased
obstruction, may derive from the stimulation of the breathing rate due to the reduced lung elastance:
pulmonary sensory receptors through vagal and this mechanism would appear to be mediated by
autonomous pathways [8]: these slow adapting vagal receptors [16].
receptors, excited by the contraction of the airway ‘Breathlessness’, ‘lack of breath’ or ‘a sense of suf-
muscle fibers, together with receptors from irritation focation’ is a cluster that tends often to be associat-
(fast adapting) and C fibers could respond to the ed to patients affected by congestive heart failure or
local airways inflammation [8]. Supporting this other pathophysiological conditions (pregnancy,
hypothesis would be the clinical observation that physical exercise, COPD). This dyspnea cluster is
anesthesia of the airways with lidocaine induces the characterized by an increased respiratory drive,
chest constriction associated to bronchial obstruc- usually associated to increased ventilation [4]; it is
tion induced by histamine [9]. in any case probable that the increased “impuse to
The cluster ‘increased work or effort of breathing’ breathe” comes directly from chemoreceptor affer-
includes instead descriptors often selected in condi- ents and from an increased alveolar partial pressure
tions of increased mechanical load, such as occurs of carbon dioxide in the blood (PaCO2) [17]. In
in COPD and in interstitial or neuromuscular dis- addition, this mechanism seems not to depend

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Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine 2010; 5(3): 202-210 directly on the activation of the respiratory muscles or obtained by determining the “Effect Size” (ES),
on an increase of pulmonary ventilation: in patients mathematically calculable as the variation of the
with a high cervical lesion on mechanical ventilation, score after a rehabilitation intervention divided by
in fact, the addition of PaCO2 to the inspired gas pro- the standard deviation of the baseline value [21]: a
duces a “hard to breathe” sensation characterized by greater variation of dyspnea linked to PR evidences
the “hunger for air” notwithstanding that ventilation is a high value of ES.
maintained at a constant level [17]. At present, there exist numerous modes for classify-
ing and characterizing the tools used to assess dys-
pnea. Substantially, one can distinguish “discrimi-
native” scales (that differentiate study populations
based on the level of perceived dyspnea) from
In patients with chronic respiratory disability “evaluative” tools (that identify variations with
improving exercise tolerance and the correlated respect to a baseline condition). In addition one can
symptom of dyspnea constitutes the main goal of distinguish “categorical” scales, that quantify the
rehabilitation. Assessment of dyspnea, thus, is symptom according to categories (mild, moderate
essential as an outcome marker of efficacy. and severe dyspnea, as in the Borg Scale), from
Moreover, in patients admitted to PR programs, the “analogical” scales (e.g. the Visual Analogue Scale
assessment of dyspnea during exercise makes it or VAS, where the determination of the severity of
possible to tailor the training program to the dyspnea is of an analogical type). Furthermore,
patient’s needs and capacities [18-19]. depending on the relationship that exists between
In reality, the difficulty of “measuring” a symptom assessment scale and the symptom it is possible to
implicates, as already stated, the need to be able to distinguish “direct” scales (that investigate directly
translate a subjective personal experience into a the level of the symptom perceived) and “indirect”
numeric parameter. Furthermore, the symptom of (that evaluate, for example, the activities that dysp-
dyspnea represents a single and specific dimension nea limits in daily life). Finally, based on whether
of respiratory disease, measurable only through the assessment tool identifies a single or several
direct assessment: it is not, in fact, possible to eval- dimensions of the sensation of dyspnea it is possible
uate it indirectly from other instrumental examina- to distinguish “unidimensional” scales (which con-
tions such as, for example, lung function tests [20]. sider only the type of activity that provokes the dysp-
The use of specific tools (assessment scales) to nea) from “multidimensional” scales (which also take
quantify dyspnea thus permits to classify the severi- other aspects into account, such as functional impair-
ty of the symptom and the distress generated there- ment, the size of the task that evokes dyspnea and the
by, and to monitor it over time (Table I). degree of exertion associated to the sensation).
Numerous clinical studies have thus utilized dysp- In daily clinical practice there exist thus “clinical”
nea – through variations of the assessment scales – scales (completed by the patient during the medical
as a clinical outcome useful for evaluating the interview) and “psycho-physical” scales (that evalu-
response to muscle training interventions: these ate the intensity of the symptom as a response to a
changes in symptoms, even if of a modest size, can stimulus, such as physical exercise or pharmacolog-
produce clinically significant variations in the ically induced bronchodilatation).
patients (minimally clinically important difference,
MCID) (Figure 1) [2]. A statistical criterion useful for Clinical scales
analyzing the sensitivity of the dyspnea assessment Medical Research Council (MRC) scale
tool in terms of the effect of rehabilitation can be Defined in 1959 by Fletcher et al. [22] the MRC


Dyspnea assessment
Measurement tool chronic at exercise at follow up

MRC ++ - ++
BDI ++ - ++
TDI - ++ +
Modified Borg Scale - +++ -
VAS - ++ -
LCADL ++ - ++
PFSDQ ++ - ++
OCD - + -
Definition of abbreviations: BDI, Baseline Dyspnea Index; LCADL, London Chest Activity of Daily Living Scale; MRC, Medical Research Council;
OCD, Oxygen Cost Diagram; PFSDQ, Pulmonary Functional Status and Dyspnea Questionnaire; TDI, Transitional Dyspnea Index; VAS, Visual
Analogue Scale. +, ++, +++: different levels of specificity; -: absence of specificity.

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are composed of three categories (functional

Dyspnea measures in pulmonary rehabilitation - Misurare la dispnea in riabilitazione respiratoria

Crisafulli E, Clini EM
CHANGES (POST-REHABILITATION) ACCORDING TO THE MCID impairment, magnitude of task and magnitude of
effort) that are useful for quantifying the limitation
due to dyspnea or the patient’s capacities that have
Unit of measurement (points or categories)

been impaired [25].

0 In the BDI each of the three categories has 5 levels
of symptom severity from 0 to 4 where 0 corre-
sponds to the most severe level: summing the scores
-4 for each category, a lower total score indicates a
worse clinical condition (12 is the maximum possi-
-6 ble score which corresponds to the least physical
limitation the patient can experience). The scale can
-8 TDI
be administered informally by the doctor, nurse or
-10 physiotherapist during the patient’s medical inter-
view and takes from 4 to 5 minutes to complete:
-12 recently, a computerized version of the BDI has
been introduced in order to compare the total
Definition of abbreviations: MCID, minimal clinically important scores obtained by different interviewers.
difference; MRC, Medical Research Council; TDI, Transitional Dyspnea In the area of ‘functional impairment’ (due to respi-
Index ; VAS, Visual Analogue Scale. ratory disease), functional loss is evaluated in the
sphere of both daily living and occupational activi-
ties, which are often completely suspended.
‘Magnitude of task’ on the other hand assesses what
scale, the first clinical scale for the determination of daily living tasks can provoke dyspnea, presenting
dyspnea, is a 5-point scale based on the sensation activities of increasing intensity with 5 available
of breathing difficulty experienced by the patient response levels, 0 indicating always the greatest
during daily life activities (Table II). Patients, reading degree of impairment (dyspnea at rest). Finally,
the scale, are invited to recognize their own level of ‘magnitude of effort’ evaluates specifically how
respiratory fatigue or, as is more often the case, the much effort needs to be sustained by the patient to
MRC can be directly administered. evoke dyspnea. This last aspect of the BDI is per-
Level 0 represents the lowest level of dyspnea haps the most singular in that it differentiates
impairment perceived, level 4 the greatest dyspnea patients who, while performing the same activities,
impairment. While for level 0 and 1 the MRC is sustain efforts that are extremely diverse; the vari-
considered as a symptomatic scale, in that the effort able “time needed to perform the activity” is also
that produces the symptom is defined, levels 2, 3 explored together with the type of activity (more or
and 4 yield indications concerning personal capac- less strenuous).
ities and social impact (see Table II). As regards the Concerning the reliability of the BDI, several reports
activity theshold able to evoke the sensation of dys- have shown a good correlation between the BDI
pnea, the MRC is not able to evaluate the mode of total score and follow up assessments [26], good
performing the task, nor the effort or time required inter-observer agreement [27] and good correlation
to complete it. with total scores of other dyspnea scales [28,29].
Hence, while it is widely used in the field of reha- Regarding use of the TDI, in order to explore with
bilitation, mostly as a discriminative tool to charac- respect to the baseline condition any functional
terize study populations or stratify patients with changes (including type and degree) it is necessary
diverse lung function impairment [23], the use of to use the scores of the BDI as a reference point and
the MRC scale, due to the limited number of levels
present, may not be specific enough to detect mod-
erate changes. Variations of 1 point in the scale nev-
ertheless signify a perceived clinical improvement
Baseline Dyspnea Index (BDI) - Transitional
Dyspnea Index (TDI) 0. I only get breathless with strenuous exercise
These two tools [25] are often used in rehabilitation 1. I get short of breath when hurrying on the level or walking up a
slight hill
both as a measure of treatment outcome and to
assess daily living activities (see below). While the 2. I walk slower than people of the same age on the level because
of breathlessness or have to stop for breath when walking
BDI, as its name indicates, constitutes the initial
at my own pace on the level
baseline assessment (discriminative tool), the TDI is
3. I stop for breath after walking about 100 yards or after a few
administered at a certain point after the rehabilita-
minutes on the level
tion intervention has been carried out and it pro-
4. I am too breathless to leave the house or I am breathless when
vides a measure of change with respect to the base- dressing
line value.
The unique feature of the BDI and TDI is that they From [23] mod.

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Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine 2010; 5(3): 202-210 remind the patient about the comments and choices The RPE [35] is a categorical scale with verbal
made during the initial interview. The patient descriptors (termed anchors) associated to a score
accordingly can choose the score 0 (no change) or that rates the perceived level of exertion. The author
report a slight, moderate or marked change, worse designed this dyspnea scale to overcome the limits
or improved with respect to baseline (3 levels above of comparing scores between different subjects: for
or below zero) and this gives the scale great sensi- the same numerical score attributed to a sensation,
tivity in determining changes in dyspnea. The scores in fact, one cannot be sure that for two different
of the 3 categories are thus summed to obtain the subjects the sensation is the same, and it is thus not
total score (variation) of the TDI which ranges possible to compare scores across subjects.
between - 9 and + 9. The verbal anchors thus create categories of sensa-
Used in studies with COPD patients in clinically tion with which subjects can easily identify: “mod-
stable condition, the TDI has shown to be sensitive erate intensity” is placed at the center of the scale,
in measuring changes in dyspnea after use of phar- “strong” and “weak” symmetrically at the two ends
macological drugs (e.g. tiotropium) [30] and in of the scale.
measuring the progressive decline in lung function The principle of the scale - composed of 15 levels,
[31]: variations of + 1 represent the threshold of from 6 to 20 - is based on the notion that during
MCID at which the patient can perceive an physical exercise a close correlation exists between
improvement of dyspnea (from BDI) [32]. However, heart rate (HR) and workload: the scores of the RPE
in the rehabilitation of COPD patients, use of the have in fact been translated from values of HR dur-
TDI to assess outcome with respect to muscle train- ing exercise tests in a normal subject, where the
ing has shown this scale to be not particularly ade- score 6 corresponds to 60 beats/min (medium rest-
quate or sensitive to perceived improvement in dys- ing HR) and the score 20 to the other extreme, i.e.
pnea [33]. 200 beats/min (considered as the maximum HR
attainable at exercise peak).
Psychophysical scales
Psychophyscial evaluation is a branch of psycholo- 10 Category-Ratio (CR 10)
gy that studies the laws that regulate the perception The CR 10 [36] is a categorical scale with a score
of sensations in response to variations of stimulus. from 0 to 10, where 0 (as a measure of dyspnea)
Experimental studies of Stevens [34] in 1957 made corresponds to the sensation of normal breathing
it possible to quantify perceptions by means of (absence of dyspnea) and 10 corresponds to the
methods and techniques regarding the estimation of subject’s maximum possible sensation of dyspnea.
magnitude (the subject attributes a numerical score Also with this assessment tool the reference values
to a workload added) and the reproduction of mag- are always linked to verbal anchors, chosen from
nitudes (the subject increases or reduces the stimu- commonly used terms, to facilitate the evaluation
lus until the sensation is equal to a multiple or frac- and recall the sensation to the patient’s mind.
tion, as requested, of the baseline stimulus). In this Above the value of 10 it is possible for the patient
type of scale an absolute zero can be identified to give a higher score, if they wish: this allows
(absense of perception of the symptom) and the patients to connotate with still greater precision
intervals in the score are equidistant. their own sensation (it is thus an open scale).
The psychophysical approach has made an impor- The version of the CR 10 that is usually adminis-
tant contribution to the quantification of dyspnea, tered in respiratory patients is the version modified
in particular to dyspnea arising during physical by Mahler and Horowitz in 1994 [37] known as the
exercise and which can be evaluated by means of “Modified Borg Scale” (Table III) which uses specif-
laboratory tests (cardiopulmonary exercise test, ic descriptors of dyspnea. In the field of rehabilita-
CPX) or field tests (6-min walking test, 6MWT). tion, the modified Borg scale is widely used as an
Gunnar Borg in the ’70s, building on these premises, instrument to prescribe workload during muscle
elaborated a categorical scale, the Rating of Perceived training sessions [18], and the clinical significance
Exertion (RPE) [35], and the subsequent modified ver- of the rehabilitation outcome (in terms of perceived
sion of the 10 Category-Ratio (CR 10) [36], both used dyspnea during physical exercise) has been validat-
to assess the sensation of exertional dyspnea and ed [38]. Now, since the perception of exercise
fatigue perceived during physical activity. induced dyspnea depends on the stimulus to which
From the methodological point of view, however, the patient has been subjected, the evaluation by
the Borg scales require particular care and attention means of the Borg scale should ideally be carried
in their administration. The operator must a priori out at the same workload.
evaluate the patient’s emotive disposition (since Numerous studies in COPD patients have used this
patients can over- or under-estimate the perception scale as an outcome measure [39-41]. In reference
and quantification of the symptom) in order to be to CPX, for the measurement of dyspnea in muscle
certain that they have understood all the informa- training pre- and post- intervention, variations of
tion required to complete the scale and also that the -1.8 units (ES = 1.0) [39] and -2 units (ES=1.5) [41]
score they give to the symptom as they perceive it have been documented in iso-workload assess-
regards “their sensation”, i.e. it will not be judged ments at incremental CPX, while changes of -1.6
or corrected. units (ES = 0.8) have been reported in iso-time eval-
Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) uations at endurance CPX [39].

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since the line on which patients mark their refer-

Dyspnea measures in pulmonary rehabilitation - Misurare la dispnea in riabilitazione respiratoria

Crisafulli E, Clini EM
ence point corresponds to the “continuum of dysp-
0 (Dyspnea) NONE nea perception”.
0.5 (Dyspnea) EXTREMELY MILD The VAS is economic and easy to use, but the men-
1 (Dyspnea) VERY MILD tal operation required of the subject is certainly
2 (Dyspnea) MILD complex and calls for a good capacity for abstract
3 (Dyspnea) MODERATE
thinking, difficult to achieve at extremes of age. It is
thus of little value applied in children and very eld-
4 (Dyspnea) INTENSE
erly subjects.
5 (Dyspnea) RATHER INTENSE Like the Borg scale, the VAS – with a well estab-
6 lished validity and reliability [1] – is a scale com-
7 (Dyspnea) VERY INTENSE monly used in rehabilitation, especially to measure
8 dyspnea in response to physical exercise [1]. It is
9 (Dyspnea) ALMOST UNBEARABLE thus used in numerous studies [24,40,45] as a sub-
jective outcome marker: its value decreases by
10 (Dyspnea) UNBEARABLE
approximately 20% compared to baseline in the
From [37], mod. cardiopulmonary exercise test, [40,45] while it
decreases by 12% in the 6MWT [24].
In emphysema patients undergoing lung reduction
surgery [42] VAS evaluation of dyspnea at iso-work-
load during CPX has shown a notable reduction of
the individual’s perception of the symptom (on
Concerning use of the 6MWT as a stimulus test for average from 79.6 to 49.3, with 30.3% variation).
dyspnea in COPD patients on oxygen therapy (with In general, even if few studies have considered the
respect to a group of COPD patients not on oxygen VAS from the point of view of the MCID as a post-
therapy), one study [41] showed a non significant exercise index of rehabilitation outcome, a mini-
reduction of dyspnea according to the Borg scale mum variation of 10% is considered indicative of
(4.1 vs. 4.8; ES = 0.5). Significant findings were clinical improvement [43].
reported instead (mean reduction of 3.6 units, ES =
1.8) in emphysematous patients undergoing lung
reduction surgery (iso-work load at incremental
exercise testing) [42].
In general, however, it is known that variations of 2 Dyspnea and muscle fatigue, common symptoms in
units with respect to baseline are associated to a respiratory disease patients, often cause interfer-
sensation of perceived improvement [43], this being ence with many occupational activities and in the
more evident in patients with a higher baseline resp- disease progression can limit the individual’s partic-
iratory disability. ipation in social and/or recreational activities. In
more advanced phases of the disease, in fact, respi-
Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) ratory patients are not infrequently impaired also in
First described by Aitken in 1969 [44], the VAS their ability to perform autonomously personal and
(Figure 2) found its first field of application in eval- domestic tasks defined as activities of daily living
uating different sensations, and only subsequently (ADL).
was it applied to determine dyspnea. It is a closed When “basic activities of daily living” (BADL) are
scale (delimited at its two ends) composed graphi- impaired, the patient needs others to help them ful-
cally of a vertical or horizontal line 10 or 20 cm fill their own personal primary care functions: in
long and at the two ends of which (often indicated severe cases, support is necessary also for elemen-
with dots) correspond two “pictures or verbal tary functions such as eating, washing, dressing or
descriptors”, one depicting the maximum intensity
of dyspnea sensation and the other the absence of
The choice of verbal descriptors at the two extremes
must take into account the semantic value that FIGURE 2: VISUAL ANALOGUE SCALE (VAS)
these terms may have for the individual and the
terms thus must be carefully evaluated: e.g. the term
“unbearable” to describe the maximum sensation of
dyspnea could be understood by the patient as
more absolute than the term “maximum”.
In quantifying dyspnea, the patient is asked to indi-
cate on the VAS the point which corresponds to
his/her own perception, evaluated as the distance Absence Maximum
from the zero extreme (non dyspnea) and expressed of dyspnea dyspnea
as a percentage of the total length of the line. The
VAS is thus an instrument of an analogical type From [44], mod.

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Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine 2010; 5(3): 202-210 moving about inside the house. Since promoting with very severe COPD a modified, abridged ver-
the patient’s autonomy in carrying out ADLs is a pri- sion (40 questions only, taking 7 minutes to com-
mary goal of PR, the measurement of dyspnea as a plete) has been developed and it has shown an
symptom during these very activities is an aspect excellent validity, reliability and ease of use [52].
that should not be overlooked [46]. The Oxygen Cost Diagram (OCD) [49] is, on the
A “centralized” assessment of the needs and moti- other hand, a self-evaluation tool designed to pro-
vations of the individual will thus require both “sub- vide an estimate of physical exercise limitation.
jective” analysis (by means of interview or ques- Conceptually similar to the VAS, the OCD is
tionnaire) and “objective” analysis (validated meas- designed as a vertical linear scale 10 cm long with
urement scales capable of precisely assessing the common ADLs listed on both sides: at the bottom
functional status and the individual’s living environ- end of the list are activities with a small oxygen
ment). demand (sleep); as one climbs the list, physical
activities make a progressively growing energy
Subjective elements of evaluation demand culminating, at the upper end of the scale,
Self-evaluation questionnaires enter into this cate- in “walking fast uphill”. Patients are invited to indi-
gory. They give qualitative information about how cate with a line the point corresponding to the phys-
the individual perceives their own capacity to cope ical task that provokes in them a sensation of dysp-
with their personal care and domestic care require- nea such as to require the suspension of the activity.
ments, as well as their need for physical and recre- The administration of the OCD is very rapid (takes
ational activities. about 1-2 minutes), and in patients with COPD the
There exist, however, few valid instruments capable OCD has been found able to distinguish different
of measuring in a simple manner the perception levels of disease severity [53]. However, longitudi-
that patients have concerning the effects that their nal studies testing the instrument’s sensitivity with
dyspnea and muscle fatigue have on ADL. Among respect to variations in physical condition have
the most important are the London Chest Activity of shown a poor capacity of this scale to detect both
Daily Living Scale (LCADL) [47], the Pulmonary improvement and decline post-rehabilitation
Functional Status and Dyspnea Questionnaire [54,55].
(PFSDQ) [48] and the Oxygen Cost Diagram (OCD)
[49]. Objective elements of evaluation
The LCADL [47] is a standardized scale, easy to Objective instruments useful both in individual
administer and specific for patients with severe measurement and in monitoring basic functional
COPD. The primary goal of this scale is to offer a capacity during the performance of multiple ADLs
measurement of the patient’s ability to carry out are the BDI/TDI [25] and the Borg scale [37], both,
ADLs through an estimation of the level of per- as described above, widely validated and currently
ceived dyspnea during performance of the investi- adopted to assess patients affected by chronic respi-
gated activities. The theory on which the instrument ratory diseases. The level of physical activity neces-
is based is that dyspnea, during the common daily sary to provoke the sensation of dyspnea is, on the
life activities of the patient, induces a condition of other hand, the goal of the MRC [22].
significant limitation in the individual’s functional As a stimulus to detect dyspnea in ADLs, one may
capacity and social participation. consider the test of simulation of 4 common ADLs
The scale investigates the level of disability induced performed by the upper limbs (putting plates back
by dyspnea associated to 15 common activities, on a shelf after washing; simulating window clean-
subdivided into 4 areas (personal care, domestic ing on a blackboard; putting groceries in the cup-
activities, physical and social activities) that are board; changing a light bulb) [56]; this test has
mostly carried out on a daily basis in the home: already been reproduced [51] and validated in
recent studies have in fact shown that the LCADL is COPD patients showing a good correlation with
a reliable tool for evaluating dyspnea during ADLs ventilatory and metabolic responses to convention-
[47,50]. Excluding the part related to domestic al exercise tests [56].
activities, the LCADL has been shown to be useful
in identifying changes in lifestyle (also at follow up)
in patients admitted to a rehabilitation program
[51]. Dyspnea is a very common and frequent symptom
The PFSDQ [48] is a self-completed questionnaire in chronic respiratory diseases, reported by patients
consisting of 164 questions investigating the indi- through specific descriptors and clusters. From the
vidual’s functional status and level of dyspnea dur- point of view of an objective estimate of this symp-
ing the performance of activities. It is subdivided tom, it is fundamental to have instruments and
into 6 categories: personal care, mobility, home measurement scales that are able to characterize at
management, nutrition, recreational activities and baseline patients with different levels of respiratory
social activities. Despite the fact it was designed disability (MRC, BDI) and observe the evolution in
specifically for use in patients with respiratory dis- time (TDI, LCADL).
eases, it is not very widely used, perhaps because In patients undergoing rehabilitation these instru-
many of the questions present are not applicable to ments can moreover perform the function of out-
patients with severe disease. Hence, in patients come markers (Borg scale and VAS, in particular).

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Use of the MCID as an instrument for orienting the available. In our opinion future studies need to

Dyspnea measures in pulmonary rehabilitation - Misurare la dispnea in riabilitazione respiratoria

Crisafulli E, Clini EM
significance of the outcome, even if specific to the focus on this precise issue.
measurement scale used, does not yet seem system-
ically reliable as a method to evalutate changes in CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT: The authors have no
dyspnea in this clinical setting, in particular on conflict of interest to declare in relation to the subject of this
account of the limited number of studies and data manuscript.

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