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Homeosiniatry – Combination of

Acupuncture and Homeopathy

Weihe’s points – Fundament of Homeosiniatry aka Pharmaco-acupuncture

The word homeopathy was first coined from the Greek words ‘’homoios’’ and ‘’pathos’’
which means similar and suffering respectively. Research by the man named
Hahnemann, he was able to identify toxicity of plants and minerals using a form of
attenuation that is unique and noting the effects on healthy subjects. In turn, a patient
suffering from a similar ‘’drug picture’’ is given this attenuation to determine if it can
alleviate and cure an ailment.

Toxicology was studied over time and remedies of proving result were noted and
recorded. A unique “drug picture” was discovered, and this is made of the grouping of
symptoms which gives a form of a mental snapshot, a gestalt for a particular substance.
This gave birth to discoveries such as the untidiness familiar with Sulphur patients, the
corpulence of ammonium salts, the hysteria unique to Ignatia bean, body stench notable
with Pyrogenium etc. These discoveries made clinical keynotes available making
identification of remedies that suitable each ailment available. This drug picture made
clinical practice easier and delivery faster with the sole aim to cure, a far cry from what is
obtained in allopathic practice which provides palliative with drugs such as calomel,
opium, Fowler’s solution etc

Weihe’s Points Discovery and development of Homeosiniatry aka Pharmaco-


Dr. August Weihe (1840-1896), a German homeopath was born from a famous doctor
who was also a good botanist. Dr. Weihe later became one of the first students of
Hahnemann. Weihe noted that the grouping of symptoms as done with the drug picture
manifest in a unique topical tender point, a ganglion similar to the contraction of the
muscular and subcutaneous tissues.

With this discovery, he further studied his thousands of patients to search for the location
and know the identity of these tender points. He documented more than one
hundred homeopathic remedies as a result of this research identifying their unique tender
point. He eventually came up with around 270 points in the body that are painful when a
particular patient is in need a certain homeopathic remedy. He also discovered the connection
between these points and different medications. These points are called “Weihe points” (the
German name is “Die Weiheschen Druckpunkte”)
The Weihe’s Points Method – Homeosiniatry has a solid scientific basis, and by the further
development done by Soulié de Morant and de la Fuye in France, it was found to have
resemblance with Chinese acupuncture points. This method has proven to be of great use
to homeopathic practitioners, giving precise accuracy when choosing the homeopathic

Homeosiniatry treatment technique aka Pharmaco-acupuncture based on Weihe’s


Weihe through his research discovered that when the homeopathic remedy was used in
curing certain diseases, a particular point in the body became tender a result of pressure
relieves. His research work located 197 points, linking these points with specific
homeopathic remedies which were prescribed for the specific ailment. The use of these
points helps to confirm the right medication to prescribe without any mistake or doubt is
called Homeosiniatry also known as homeopuncture or Pharmaco-acupuncture. These tender
points coincide with Alarm points (As-Shi) described in Traditional Chinese Medicine
TCM. Each alarm point represents the organ in the human body. The alarm point that
corresponds to a particular organ of the body becomes tender as result of an ailment
affecting it.

Homeosiniatry or Pharmaco-acupuncture is the integration

of Homeopathy and Acupuncture. It involves injecting homeopathic medicaments in the
acupuncture points of the traditional Chinese medicine. This procedure involves the use
homeopathic medicines in the form of injectable ampoules administered by doctors. One
of the advantages of Homeosiniatry that makes it efficient is that the medicaments are
injected directly into the affected area or acupunctural point. This would method
overcomes the oral barriers the response of the patients to Homeosiniatry or Pharmaco-
acupuncture is faster than the use of acupuncture or homeopathy exclusively.
Acupuncture gives the cure a complementary action by enhancing the healing. Another
major advantage of Homeosiniatry is that it is very safe to use. Despite the fact that its
remedies are powerful in action cooperating with the body’s defense, the accurate
measure of strength is not too high to lead to undesirable side effects.

Homeosiniatry or Pharmaco-acupuncture is a blend of two methods in holistic

medicine – homeopathy and acupuncture. It has shown profound results in people, and
its results are almost quick. This is a better alternative for treating chronicle and acute

Further Works around Weihe’s Points and development of Homeopsiniatry and


Weihe’s Points discovery brought an apparent new perspective in the homeopathic world
by simplifying the process of selecting a remedy for the certain ailment. Also, homeopath
at that time that had dual training in acupuncture noted similarities in tender points
discovered by Weihe and the known acupuncture points of the body as many of them
were also mostly the same.

Some other liberal homeopaths continued to work on Dr. Weihe’s Points technique and
found more points in the body in addition to those he discovered. There are a total of 350
pressure points, and these points have 350 corresponding homeopathic remedies.

Other prominent works were done to further Weihe’s Points research is that of Dr. Anton
Jayasuriya. He began administering homeopathic remedies with the use of needle which
was the first of its kind which he called the ‘dip and prick’ method. This method includes
the use of acupuncture needles, dipped into a homeopathic liquid remedy and punctured
into the point.

Jayasuriya incorporated this treatment method from his previous experience with the
treatment of vitiligo using the homeopathic remedy called sepia. This practice was further
developed to become what is clinically practiced today.

Further studies of the works of Weihe and Jayasuriya have led to the discovery of
neurological workings of the body which include the combination of toxicology and
neuropuncture due to their actions and effects. These discoveries include false active
points in the body which can be a little difficult to tell. There could be two different
active points discovered during the examination, and this could be a hint to a third
remedy to be used. The difficulty in determining a false active point is when patients
respond positively to more than only one remedy.

These points can be of great help in confirming a presumed diagnosis to prescribe the
perfect remedy rather than doing a guesswork. It also shows the urgency a case requires.
This practice is still done by some homeopath in achieving great result because it gives
some hint to remedies which are not thought of from inception but becomes needed after
closer observation.

How Homeosiniatry aka Pharmaco-acupuncture and Weihe’s Points Method Works

or Pharmaco-acupuncture consists of examining how certain
Weihe’s Points method
sensitive points on the surface of the human body. Homeopathic clinical picture found its
source from Weihe’s discovery as it corresponds to an individual distribution point,
sensitive to pressure. This can be employed as a confirmatory diagnostics in classical

Let use this example as a case study. A 13-year-old girl shows these three characteristic

– She cannot sleep on her left side

– She is afraid of thunderstorm

– She experiences headaches on studying at school and get relieved when she gets fresh
air from the open space (walk in the park, keep window open, etc.)

The use of homeopathic Phosphorus, in this case, makes us realize that the point of
insertion of Xiphoid located on the front median line of the sternum is so obvious to be
more sensitive to pressure than the environment. This infers that the sensitivity of one or
multiple points for a particular homeopathic remedy is an obvious physical sign of worth
which makes a complete classical homeopathic picture of the patient.

Treatment using Weihe’s Points puncture technique – Homeosiniatry in

Philadelphia Homeopathic Clinic

Homeosiniatry and Pharmaco-acupuncture is a combination of acupuncture and

homeopathy which is not so commonly practiced today. Most practitioners practice either
of the two, and it is rare to see a blend of the two holistic medical practices.

Philadelphia Homeopathic clinic stands out in the practice of Pharmaco-acupuncture

or Homeosiniatry. The Medical Director of Philadelphia Homeopathic Clinic, Victor
Tsan, MD is certified in the practice of both acupuncture and homeopathy. The clinic is
known for treating many patients with various disorders with remarkable improvement.
Dr. Tsan has been using his expertise in the last four decades to bring about succor to
many patients. Coupled with his 40 years academic and clinical experience, Philadelphia
Homeopathic Clinic has earned a good reputation in the practice
of Homeosiniatry and Pharmaco-acupuncture in Philadelphia and vicinities.

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