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God’s Works’ Are Being Done, part 1

[FJ Alexander Alex Halsworth]

FJ Alexander [Alex] Halsworth: Born on May 15,

1951, RJ’s Olympian. Robert Jackson Halsworth,
RJ, father [1925-2007] and [Marx] Little Mickey
Mick Kelly, mother [1925-2007]. And, Alex, my
brother, my very best friend in the whole wide

My sister [Michele Kelly, 1947- ] and eldest

brother were my best friends, too. Eldest brother
[William Michael (Bill Cummings) Halsworth,
1942- ] our mother’s only son from her first
marriage. Bill was nine [9] years older than Alex.
Bill was highly instrumental in teaching languages
to Alex during his very early years of learning and
because Bill also chose to focus and teach Alex
[demonstrated an aptitude for languages] learning-
understanding the power of language, it was his
major in high school, Bill’s [graduated in
Anchorage, Alaska, late 1950s]. Our father RJ,
also spoke fluent German and other languages,
too. RJ’s mother [paternal grandmother] insisted
German spoken, when her grandchildren came to

Mickey [Mick] was our mother’s nickname. It was not a Mickey Mouse original, however, she did get
stuck with that anyway. It came from her grandfather [paternal], when she was born. He looked at her
and since she had rather big ears, he said: “Well she looks just like a little mick,” it was an Irish
nickname for evidently a trait in the tribe. And, named after Great Aunt Marx, such a big girl name for
a tiny little baby. She never grew taller than about four [4] foot eleven [11] inches as a full grown
woman. Jitterbug champion due to being able to dance-fly like a pretty bird – Michele has photos of
her winning a contest and it was just after World War Two [WWII].

America during the time of deciding how the super power status world game was going to be in the
coming, a BRAND was sold to those taken and destroyed in essence, their essences. No internet at the
crossroads, then, what a rear-view 20/20 mirror travesty now!

RJ was born in Indianapolis, Indiana and was the eldest of three. Paternal Grandmother [maiden
name Murt], was from Germany. It was a small village-town where the entire family were artists,
artisans, craftsmen, musicians, poets, and, and, and built the churches, co-created the stained glass
and iconography [Catholic-Christian] on it – wood-workers, co-created the pews and furniture out of
hand-carved precious woods. RJ was a fine artist who could draw anything. He was also a musician
and played well. He was attending art school, a body builder who modeled [jockstrap had to be worn

1- God’s Works’ Are Being Done, part 1, [FJ Alexander Alex Halsworth]
in those days, Michele has photos] semi-nude. RJ quit to enlist and join the Army Air Corps as a First
Lieutenant. RJ’s grandfather [paternal great grandfather Halsworth, rumored name changed, black
sheep from England] married and RJ’s father [paternal grandfather] had enough Cherokee blood,
that he became an alcoholic who never recovered. Diabetes eventually took his life. I was very young
and he was in a wheelchair with no legs since amputation was the remedy back then, last time I recall.
I wept and still do, it is forever in my memory as an unnecessary stain on the silence of nothingness,
modern medicine?

RJ decorated with more Huey Helicopter hours than any other pilot, by Lyndon B. Johnson. First Lt.
Pilot at age 22, shot down over Germany [his home lineage by mother, second generation to America].
How that must have been for him. Prisoner Of War [POW] until the end of WWII, and it was his first
flight he was shot down and landed in his parachute in a tree, where he was retrieved by the enemy. RJ
did not murder. Needless to say, he was damaged goods, a hand full of rice, the daily allotment food
standard was a two [2] year sentence. RJ an incredibly powerful farm boy from Indianapolis, Indiana,
a robust picture of health, gifted artist, body-builder, genuine curious scholar. Almost sick to death
and the rest of his life, seriously ill. RJ’s children were compromised, POW, does not end there.
Corruption in blood, body, mind, spirit, the lineage from the intentional damage via the all seeing eye,
is real and the eye watches carefully to make certain the future is secure for it and only its’ lineages.

The law of compensation. I recollect the story, RJ and another farm boy could milk a cow and
somehow managed to get to a German farmer’s cow and milked it. They returned to the other
prisoners held captive, that had never milked a cow, and all of them were able to drink fresh cream
straight from the pasture.

When RJ returned from Germany, after WWII, he was hired to work a job at Eli Lilly. He was an
honest human being [practicing Catholic] and his conscience blew the whistle. He was fired. RJ was
also schooled in the maths, anthropology, zoology, psychology, sociology, he never stopped his
education because he said he was a naturalist. RJ witnessed not for public consumption, [drugs] sold.

Alex discovered the job RJ chose after being fired from Eli Lilly Pharmaceutical Corporation, was not
exactly what he should have chosen either. Alex decided when he was old enough to see more as a
grown-up professional human being, to confront the evil, first-hand.

When are American ordinary families provided [freedom], a choice about the darkness and how to
stand opposing the sins’ of the father visited upon the children, setting their teeth on edge?

Historically corrected for Alex: It was then, as now, the same agenda which manufactures through
whatever control can be manipulated, a wherewithal to produce children, a family. Alex did not know
the world wide web could be the sparkler to lite a global firecracker. To see Egypt standing and
demanding the same as Alex when he too awakened, from RJ: choosing a more conscious state of
being human, the freedom to be free.

The care for the love-honor-justice-respect-truth, a loyalty and the dignity to be, which this unit
requires, family —to be a healthy functioning, well-disciplined and pivotally balanced in the ups and
downs called life —is not happening and here it is the Twenty-first Century.

2- God’s Works’ Are Being Done, part 1, [FJ Alexander Alex Halsworth]
Hell on earth appears to be a chosen agenda, sold as though the only brand at a banquet and yet, the
table for all to eat at is provided without a name tag stipulating which dish starves who-whom.

IT is an agenda since the families’ whom have had control on earth could, yoke people as though their
property, animals are human beings belonging to the pyramid, the all seeing eye. Alex was determined
to do what Rachel Corrie did, tell the truth. Alex stopped too, in doing what he was, to also join in the
chorus of souls who unite and pray like hell, that awakening happens in time before the core of
wherever burns in eternity the energy damned forever? We are our brothers’ keepers whether we
accept the truth or not. BUT, a keeper is not a decider, torturer, controller, dictator, nor a benevolent
democracy masquerading as if high crimes against all but its’ humanity, were a crown star to wear.

What does this almighty world power, the all seeing eye have to fear from the base of its pyramid?

Alex read all the correct books which were very few, then, 1960s, regarding: CONSPIRACY
THEORIES, THE ILLUMANITI (ie, the all seeing eye). Cloak and dagger Alex called it. I, thought
him rather mad, then.

Alex said IT is addicted to the shadows because in the darkness the evil can grow and hatch the plans
which only separate [divide and conquer]. Always in our history, it has been a well thought out and
carefully orchestrated plan to destroy the wholeness of an energy which must be honored, assiduously
protected. A very high price tag comes with the name of freedom in America, most especially after its
criminal wars designed as though not an insane reality and sold to the population over and over as
though a necessity, life’s only promise(s) for our future(s)!?!

Alex was a fine art artist, an accomplished musician and a writer. He was the Captain of a fishing
vessel in Alaska, in the waters of the Bering Sea for ten [10] years writing his manuscript. Attending
the International School in Bangkok, Thailand, Alex was an honor student but, drugs readily available
in Southeast Asia worried RJ, and therefore, Alex was enrolled at a military academy his senior year.
After graduating from high school, in Brownsville, Texas, Alex attended University of the Americas in
Mexico City, since he was also fully fluent in Spanish.

The title that appeared time and time again, before his ship was downed in the Bering Sea, God’s
Works’ Are Being Done. Both parties [Russians and Koreans] called in the numbers on the ship per
required, as it sank and reported the sinking but, did not lift a finger to save the four crew members on
board and the cook Alex hired, was a mother of four. Her children lost her, and the other two crew
members also had families. Sinisterly, it was after a fish trade with the Russians and/or it was the
Koreans [languages were very important], that the ship disappeared [in Alaska, RJ was a high
ranking United States’ Secret Service Officer and set-up those now military-bases].

In 1986, on September 10, Alex was killed. RJ was born September 10. In essence, Alaska called
Alex’s manuscript back to the root. He wanted to be as far away from modern civilization as he could,
to write. He also wanted to communicate and discover more about what it was that drove him to
understand what had happened in the history of time. He said: this is going to take the deafening roar

3- God’s Works’ Are Being Done, part 1, [FJ Alexander Alex Halsworth]
of silent rage in the wilderness to work out the scribble, bibble, bibble-scribble.1

And, the truth be known, it had to be safe and far away from RJ so another .357 Magnum could not be
put to Alex’s head, pointed directly at his temple - RJ warned Alex, a bullet in it, should Alex finish the
writing about the Central Intelligence Agency [CIA]: known as Evergreen Air, then and now
—Evergreen International Aviation [EIA-CIA]. It was the greatest threat to secrecy RJ lived with,
until his Olympian’s carefully orchestrated? Time for a season to die so the writing could not tell the

How to heal the people’s pain as to why, oh please tell us why-why-why. It is 2011, and the secret
service bases in Alaska, as well as the EIA, stand. The EIA and RJ, are in Alex’s safely kept draft
writings, which he vehemently opposed [RJ].

Thus, to take the writings’ of Alex and serve our family for the price it has paid to the all seeing eye for
not freedom, is to me: God’s Works’ Are Being Done, continuation in Homage to RJ and FJ
Alexander [the Great] Halsworth and the legacy of Mick who lost two great loves in WWII [first
husband, and then a great love, U.S. Navy boy]. Mick continued to have the courage, married RJ, a
damaged goods Prisoner of War, WWII-POW. LOVE they both truly did cultivate in all the [hate,
shame, physical violence] horror of a military-industrial complex lifestyle, to be told. They lost their
only son together and never recovered from the TOXIC shame, pain, insanity of the loss. In their
hearts, minds and souls for 61 years, RJ and Mick, now together forever in eternity. Alex now with
family again, father and mother. Thank heaven. Our family’s innate good, continues a tradition from
the reality of whistle blowers’ consciences.

Congressman Ron Paul. Republican and formerly, Libertarian. A Medical Doctor [MD, Vietnam].
There is an understanding among those who follow Congressman Paul. Primarily the community in
America considered the Christian Class and those whom are interested in the choices about finance –
gold, silver, and the Mises Institute. RJ and Mickey were indoctrinated into the idea, also. In my
understanding and knowledge of the Pauls,’ the family prays together as Christians. Congressman
Paul also chooses to represent the United States’ Presidency.

One picture is worth a thousand words and Congressman Ron Paul has chosen to demonstrate the
same icon which also appears on the United States’ money to prove the subconscious and unconscious
are not connecting the dots to the consciousness and, the end-game result? Super consciousness is a
confused time-bomb [edifying not a higher standard of imaging in our minds] as Robert Pape
programs for our future images of terror [Cutting the!?].

U.S. Presidents are supposedly elected in America but, also now, that big lie has been exposed.
Please, may we ALL PRAY about the thankful hope on our horizon now, The Patriot Act in the wisdom
of healthier minds AND the truth can be told as more honest than the repeated lies by poly-druggies
sick from a sick society, primarily, whom are easily and effortlessly controlled by many addictions.

Alex played classical guitar, Mozart, mostly.

4- God’s Works’ Are Being Done, part 1, [FJ Alexander Alex Halsworth]
Are We the People able to conclude the leaders schooled in law: who-whom are the keepers of the
language rules of due process, probable cause and therefore the basic cornerstones to modern
intelligent thinking in choosing promises, can continue in their oaths, vows, to protect and honor
—and therefore, shall not contaminate our Republic form of democracy, by and through
unconstitutional attacks further on freedom in modern day transparency?

Congressman Ron Paul, et al., another prayer, Please: Great Almighty Nature-Creator, God, remove
all the evil from MONEY which exchanges and trades flesh and blood, living human beings. Of course
we know the money also worships slaves’ sweat, tears, bodies, minds, spirits, who came and were
forced but, did not fight evil with evil, rather —shared in the building of a great named nation,
America. Blacks continue to this day to be ignored for building the United States’ on their people’s
broken backs, as though not worthy of being human [Africans]. Therefore, REMOVE all subliminal
programming [all seeing eye], which propagates, promulgates, perpetuates, exacerbates and thus,
corrupts the idea [un-sub-conscious and super-consciously], contracts ensuring equality.

Can it be, Congressman Ron Paul, et al., that the tap root of all evil became America’s nemesis? The
digital credit-money from the International Business Machines [IBM] has only been allowed:
secretive and deceptive purposes for an All Seeing Eye GOVERNMENT WHOM IS OBEYED
unconsciously, subconsciously, consciously, super-conscious, too?

This you are very bold about: the Republic of the United States’ of America is a democratic form of

A nation that cannot, nor would not —certainly it should not EVER [see the root of all evil] deceitfully
in a shadow operation only connect to those whom a bull whip was braided in the story, and the money
changing evil driven into the light, then, too.

United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary: Senator Patrick J. Leahy, Chairman, Democrat-
Vermont. Credentials from Georgetown University, study of law. And, U.S. Constitution? [What else
is there in the business of running a Republic form of government]!
Democratic Members; Herb Kohl, Wisconsin; Dianne Feinstein, California; Chuck Schumer, New
York; Dick Durbin, Illinois; Sheldon Whitehouse, Rhode Island; Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota; Al
Franken, Minnesota; Christopher A. Coons, Delaware; Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut; and,
Republican Members; Ranking Member Chuck Grassley, Iowa; Orrin Hatch, Utah; Jon Kyl, Arizona;
Jeff Sessions, Alabama; Lindsey Graham, South Carolina; John Cornyn, Texas; Mike Lee, Utah;
Tom Coburn, Oklahoma.

God’s Works’ Are Being Done. How? In this named higher standard collective, Committee of the
Judiciary in the Senate of the United States 112TH Congress. The Country which chooses the brand
God Blesses, how are God’s Works’ Being Done?

See:; Results of Executive Business Meeting - February 3, 2011, The

Senate Judiciary Committee held an executive business meeting to consider pending nominations and
legislation on February 3, 2011.

5- God’s Works’ Are Being Done, part 1, [FJ Alexander Alex Halsworth]
We The People have received God’s Works’ in the Patriot Act, and of course that came from the
September 11, 2011, attack which has never been forensically, scientifically, or in any way whatsoever,
examined it appears by those schooled at University, in our good law.

RJ and Mick voted for George W. Bush, Jr. [times two]. It was a fracture in our relationship,
however, when RJ passed and Mick had to have full-time twenty-four hours a day and seven days a
week care [24-7/365], because she had been taking oxygen full time for two [2] years, to stay alive
and care for RJ, I did not hesitate to become my mother’s hospice nurse. Before mother Mick passed
she knew the truth because I slowly, but surely told her everything I knew-know and we loved each
other beyond any words. She said: I have lived my whole life wrong and accepted it and was able to
leave with rather than the lies, truth. Ends Part I.

Part II, scribbled and bibbled, Roberta Kelly, 02/14/11.

6- God’s Works’ Are Being Done, part 1, [FJ Alexander Alex Halsworth]

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