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Different subjects, different skills – how to study Math, Physics and Chemistry


Mathematics is the study of quantity, structure, space, and change. It is a tool we use to solve real-life
problems. So, proficiency in mathematics is measured by our ability to use it to solve difficult problems.

Students who are weak in mathematics, typically, study without writing and practicing with pen and paper.
They may be spending a lot of time in reading, remembering or trying to understand the problems.

Mathematics requires us to practice solving problems with pen and paper. Only by attempting problems in
various ways do we become proficient in applying the quickest method in the shortest time. So, students who
like to study by practising with pen and paper, automatically tend to excel in mathematics.


Physics is the study of matter and its motion through space-time and all that derives from these, such as
energy and force. Physics requires thorough understanding of concepts.

Proficiency in physics is measured by our ability to reconstruct or model the physical world through the
various laws it follows, and predict the outcome of a given situation. Application of formula to solve problems
requires modelling the problem into solvable mathematical equations. Typically, the mathematics involved in
solving the problems is very simple. Most students get stuck in the modelling of the problem. They don’t
know the method of applying the formula to arrive at a mathematical model to solve the equation. If one does
not understand the problem and application of the formulae, no amount of practice will help. Even if one has a
perfect memory of the formula and quantities involved, it would not be possible to solve the problem. Just
knowing and remembering the concepts as written in the books may not be enough.

Students who are weak in Physics, do not spend time in reading and understanding the concepts. They may be
spending a lot of time in reading, remembering and practicing the problems.

Physics requires reading, thinking, visualizing, integrating and understanding. Students who spend time in
reading and understanding concepts, do well in physics.


Chemistry is the science concerned with the composition, behaviour, structure, and properties of matter, as
well as the changes it undergoes during chemical reactions. It is the study of various atoms, molecules,
crystals and other aggregates of matter whether in isolation or combination, which incorporates the concepts
of energy and entropy.

Physical chemistry requires thorough understanding of concepts to solve problems. Inorganic chemistry
requires knowledge of properties and reactions. Organic chemistry requires understanding as well as
knowledge of the compounds and their reactions. All in all, we find that there is a lot more to learn in
chemistry than physics and maths combined.
Students who are weak in chemistry do not read and remember. They may be spending time in trying to
understand the system or practicing the problems.

Chemistry requires reading, integrating, learning and revising. Students who spend time in reading and
learning naturally do well in chemistry.

Proficiency in physics is measured by our ability to reconstruct or model the physical world through the
various laws it follows, and predict the outcome of a given situation.

Manage Your Most Valuable Asset – Time

Time Management
Tick, tick, tick … time just keeps moving on.

You have so many competing demands on your time: School, coaching, homework, assignments, reading etc.
There seems to be a perennial shortage of time. How can you come to grips with all of it?

Time really can’t be managed. You can’t slow it down or speed it up or manufacture it. It just is. Time
management is MANAGING YOURSELF when following some basic time management principles

First thing is to determine how you are spending your time now. Capture the last entire week on a piece of
paper and see the timetable you followed. Count the total number of hours spent in self study during the entire

Once you have completed such an analysis you can begin to change the way you manage yourself in relation
to time.

Some time saving tips

1. Identify “Best Time” for Studying: Everyone has high and low periods of attention and concentration. Are
you a “morning person” or a “night person”. Use your power times to study; use the down times for routines
such as laundry and shopping.

2. Study difficult topics First: When you are fresh, you can process information more quickly and save time as
a result.

3. Use Distributed Learning and Practice: Study in shorter time blocks with short breaks between. This keeps
you from getting fatigued and “wasting time.” This type of studying is efficient because while you are taking
a break, the brain is still processing the information.

4. Make Sure the Surroundings are Conducive to Studying: This will allow you to reduce distractions that can
“waste time.” If there are times in your hostel or apartment when you know there will be noise and
commotion, use that time for mindless tasks.
5. Combine Activities: Use the “Two for one” concept. While sitting in school, finish readings of the
textbooks whenever you get time. If you are spending time at the barber’s shop, bring some numerical to
solve. If you are traveling to or from the institute in a public transport, bring your notes to study and

Goal Setting

Ask any successful person, the secret behind his success, and very likely the answer will be “goals”. Goal
Setting is extremely important to success.

The personal goal chart is a strategy for setting realistic goals for studying and carefully evaluating the ways
by which those goals will be achieved. It takes into account one’s motivations for fulfilling particular goals. It
is said that “desire to learn” gives “success” and “success” gives “desire to learn”… so it sounds circular!! But
once you get into this circle nothing can stop you from achieving what you want. You might have heard that
“nothing succeeds like success”. What that means that it is important for one to get some success to achieve
more of it.

Long term plan (Annual) should be made with a view of exams, holidays and school. It creates a overall
structure under which smaller milestones are set. In absence of a long term plan, you suddenly find shortage
of time when your exams and tests are close by and you have no alternative.

Deciding on a short-term plan calls for daily and weekly planning. These plans are the most effective because
they are more realizable as compared to long-term plans.

You can also make achievable short plans like:

“Completing 25 questions on determinants this Tuesday evening”,

“Revising volumetric chemistry on Monday”, etc.

Create a competitive study group

Prepare a competitive study group

Your best source of cooperation is your competition. Working with a competitive study group goes a very
long way in the successful preparation of IITJEE. When you decide to study in groups, you recreate a
cooperative environment to multiply your knowledge exponentially. Students can learn very quickly by
sharing their knowledge, skills and resources.

Group formation guidelines

• Look for people who are experts in certain subjects and topics.
• Seek diversity in expertise. There should be at least one expert from each subject. Within a subject,
look for experts in different areas like organic chemistry, physical chemistry, calculus, co-ordinate,
electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics etc.
• This could lead to having a group that is very diverse. It is good because you may also have different
learning styles represented in your group.
• It may not be possible to find all experts from the friend circle itself. So, it is important to seek out
experts from other areas.
• Make a study group of five to seven people (Larger groups get unwieldy. Groups with less than 5 are
difficult to sustain)

How to study in groups?

• Ask your friends for clarifications of doubts.

• Quiz and challenge each other with questions from the IITJEE syllabus.
• Share useful concepts and questions
• Be very eager to help. Answer and teach whenever somebody has a problem.
• If you have to teach a concept, you have to have complete clarity and understanding of the concept. So
you are not only helping the other group members, but also you are reinforcing your own knowledge.
• Someone should take the role of the session leader to keep the session productive.
• Take a few minutes at the end of the session to evaluate what you’ve done.
• Don’t meet more than once in two weeks
• Meet at least once a month
• Don’t meet without a clear agenda for the meeting

Attending lectures and taking notes

Attend all lectures, even if attendance is not mandatory. Using someone else’s notes can help, but it is no
substitute for attending the lecture. When you hear the information, process it, and write it in your notes, you
are already beginning to learn the information. Reinforcement of the information through revision of your
notes completes the learning process.

A student spends about 25 hours per week, in coaching and school, attending classes of Physics, Chemistry
and mathematics.

Taking Notes From Lectures

Taking notes during a lecture can be a frustrating, almost overwhelming, job.

What should your notebook look like after a lecture?

In general, it should look a little like an outline with clear main ideas and some sub-points with a moderate
amount of details and examples. There should probably be some white space so that you add notes from your
text or from the next day’s lecture.

• Sit near the front and center of the class. You will have the most direct communication with your
professor, and you will less likely be distracted.
• Read the chapter from the textbook before the lecture. It makes a tremendous difference to the
understanding of the lecture. This way, a student can focus on the difficult parts of the chapter and ask
• Learn to identify main points. Professors often give cues to what’s important by repeating information,
changing their voices or rate of delivery, listing items in order of importance, and, of course, by
writing on the chalkboard. What key point is the professor making?
• Maintain eye contact with the instructor. Of course you will need to look at your notebook to write
your notes, but eye contact keeps you focused on the job at hand and keeps you involved in the lecture.
• Stay active by asking questions. Active listening keeps you on your toes. Whenever you have a doubt,
immediately ask for clarification. Get very specific in the question that you ask.
• Try to anticipate what the professor is going to say. It keeps the mind involved and active in the
learning process. Your mind does have the capacity to listen, think, write and ponder at the same time,
but it does take practice. You can think faster than the lecturer can talk.
• If the classroom is too hot or too cold, wear appropriate clothes to deal with it.

An essential skill for good note taking is good listening.

Hearing vs. Listening

Is there a difference between hearing and listening?

Yes, there is! Hearing is simply the act of perceiving sound by the ear. If you are not hearing-impaired,
hearing simply happens.

Listening, however, is something you consciously choose to do. Listening requires concentration so that your
brain processes meaning from words and sentences. Listening leads to learning. Most people tend to be “hard
of listening” rather than “hard of hearing.”

Develop a System- The Ultimate Weapon

Develop a System- The Ultimate Weapon to Win the IIT JEE Battle

Compile the study material

Some questions that come to our mind are:

• How much material?

• What IIT JEE courses material should I use?
• Should I study from the school textbook or the one recommended by the tuition teacher?

There is little time to complete one set of textbooks. It is next to impossible to complete two different sets.
Keep just one set of text books for studying the theory (concepts, definitions) and basic problems.

The new pattern of IITJEE has brought it much closer to the school syllabus. So, ideally, it should be the
textbook recommended as part of your school syllabus. There is very little difference in the theory presented
from one textbook to another. After one set of textbooks is completed, students can look at other books as

Similarly, keep just one set of IITJEE course material.

Note: Collecting too much material is a recipe for disaster

After you have chosen the material that is best for you, how do you put it to the best use? There are as many
different ways to study, as there are different people. The trick is to find the study style that works best for


This is one of the most useful activity. It takes minimum effort and brings maximum result. Students, who are
used to studying from coaching notes, tend to avoid reading. This is the single biggest reason for their failure.
No coaching notes can replace reading of textbooks. The information you gain from reading is important. If
you just “do it” without learning something, it is a waste of time. Train your mind to learn!

Read the following:

1. Title
2. Core text and examples
3. Introduction and Summary
4. Heading and subheading
5. Graphics – charts, maps, diagrams, etc. are there to make a point – don’t miss them.
6. Reading aids – italics, bold face print, chapter objective, end-of -chapter questions


You must understand thoroughly the major ideas and concepts presented. Without such a conceptual
framework, you will find yourself faced with the impossible task of trying to cram hundreds of isolated facts
into your memory.

* Locate and note down the new terms, which are introduced in the chapter.
* Note down statements, definitions, formulas, etc. which you must remember completely and precisely.
* If you are not able to figure out the meaning, then look it up in the glossary or dictionary.
* Study charts and figures. They usually summarize in graphic form the major ideas and facts of the chapter.

Note: It is a good idea to keep a glossary of your own in the front page of the book. Record the terms and their
definition or the page number where the definition is located. This is an excellent aid to refer to when you are
reviewing for an examination, as it provides a convenient outline of the course.

Ask question
Ask questions and keep trying to answer them as you read the chapters. The more the questions, the better
your comprehension is likely to be. You may always add further questions as you proceed. When your mind is
actively searching for answers to questions it becomes engaged in learning.
* Write down the key takeaways (learning) from every topic (make notes)
* Write down the questions that you cannot answer?
* Mark sections for clarification wherever necessary
* Review the key takeaways (notes) after completion

IIT JEE Study Planner: Minimum recommended time for self study

Most students find it difficult to determine exactly how much time, they should spend in activities in studying.
This is particularly important right at the beginning of the study so as to make an effective study plan.

This is complicated even more by the fact that every chapter requires different amount of time. Even different
subjects require different amounts of time in theory and problems.

The different questions that come to the mind of the student are:

• How much time should be spent in reading from the textbook?

• Are the notes from tuition/coaching enough? Can I manage without reading the textbook?
• Is there anything to read from the textbook in Mathematics?
• How much time should I spend in solved examples given in the IITJEE course material>
• How much time should be allocated to a certain topic?
• How much time should be spent on a problem that is not getting solved before looking at the solution
or asking for help?
• How much time should I spend in testing at home?
• How should I calculate the total time required?

We have tried to answer these questions by giving an indicative time plan.

List of chapters (with recommended time slotted)

Reading Solved Conceptual Exercises Chapter

Topic Total (textbook) examples problems (problems) test
1Complex numbers 21 2 2 1 16 2
2Quadratic equations 19 1 1 1 16 1
3Logarithms 6 1 5 1
4Progressions 10 1 2 1 6 2
Permutations and
5combinations 22 1 2 1 18 2
6Trigonometry 35 2 2 1 30 2
7Straight lines 18 2 3 1 12 3
8Circles 21 2 4 1 14 4
9Conic sections 34 4 4 1 25 4
10Binomial theorem 33 2 3 1 27 3
11Functions, Limits and 49 4 4 1 40 4
Differentiability and
12differentiation 19 1 4 1 13 4
13Application of derivatives 33 1 3 1 28 3
14Indefinite integration 10 1 3 1 5 3
15Definite integration 10 1 3 1 5 3
16Area under the curve 19 1 5 1 12 5
17Differential equations 14 1 4 1 8 4
18Determinants 23 1 5 1 16 5
19Matrices 11 1 2 1 7 2
20Probability 16 1 4 1 10 4
21Vectors 13 1 3 1 8 3
22Three dimensional geometry 10 2 2 1 5 2
Total 446 34 65 21 326 66

Units, dimensions, vectors
1and calculus 15 2 2.5 0.5 10 2
2Kinematics 13 3 2.5 0.5 7 3
3Laws of motion 18 2 2.5 0.5 13 2
4Work, Power and Energy 17 2 2.5 0.5 12 2
Center of mass, linear
5momentum, collision 28 4 3 1 20 4
6Rotational dynamics 33 4 3 1 25 4
Elasticity, fluid dynamics
7and properties of matter 35 4 3 1 27 4
8Gravitation 16 2 1.5 0.5 12 2
9Simple Harmonic Motion 21 3 2.5 0.5 15 3
10Wave motion 23 4 2.5 0.5 16 4
11Heat and Thermodynamics 48 5 5.5 2.5 35 5
12Electrostatics 45 5 3.5 1.5 35 7
Electric current and
13resistance 28 4 3 1 20 4
14Magnetism 27 4 2 1 20 4
Electromagnetic Induction
15and AC 18 3 2 1 12 3
16Geometrical Optics 21 4 2 1 14 4
17Wave Optics 18 4 2 1 11 4
18Modern Physics 18 5 2 1 10 5
Total 442 64 47.5 16.5 314 66
1Basic concepts of chemistry 18 3 2.5 0.5 12 2
2Structure of atom 15.5 3 2.5 0 10 2
3Periodic properties 10 3 1 6 2
4Gas laws 21 4 2.5 0.5 14 3
5Chemical bonding 15 3 2 10 2
6Chemical energetics 18 3 2.5 0.5 12 2
7Chemical equilibrium 20 4 1.5 0.5 14 3
8Ionic equilibrium 23 4 1.5 0.5 17 3
9Redox reactions 16 3 2.5 0.5 10 2
10General organic chemistry 29 5 1.5 0.5 22 4
11Hydrocarbons 16 4 12 3
12Alcohols and ethers 13 3 10 2
13Alkyl and aryl halides 13 5 8 4
14Solutions 26 3 2.5 0.5 20 3
15Solid state 21 3 2.5 0.5 15 2
16Chemical kinetics 20 3 2.5 0.5 14 2
17Electrochemistry 25.5 3 2.5 20 2
18Nuclear chemistry 14.5 3 1.5 10 2
Functional groups containing
19nitrogen 14 4 10 3
20Aldehydes and ketones 14 4 10 3
Carboxylic acids and their
21derivatives 19 4 15 3
22s-Block elements 17 5 1.5 0.5 10 4
23p-Block elements 24 5 1.5 0.5 17 4
24d-Block elements 19 5 1.5 0.5 12 4
25Metallurgy 19 5 1.5 0.5 12 4
26Qualitative salt analysis 19 5 1.5 0.5 12 4
27Coordination compounds 15 5 1.5 0.5 8 4
Total 494.5 104 40.5 8 342 78

Chapter tests 210

Full length tests 120at least 20 tests of various formats, of 6 hrs each
Self assessment 30
Revision / other material 60
Total Time (Required) 1802.5

This is just a recommendation. Students can make changes to the study plan based on their proficiency in the
subjects. The actual time spent by the student can vary by 10% – 15% depending on the student’s personal
style of study. Please consider that the time given here is the minimum that a student needs to spend. The total
time spent in studying for IITJEE across 2 years should not be less than 10% of the given.

IIT JEE study Planner: Daily timetable

All of us know how to prepare a daily timetable.

It is an essential tool is setting up a daily routine.

However, most of us have stopped using this powerful tool.

The biggest reason that students state for stopping the use of timetables is that its ineffective.

“It does not work”

“We cant follow the timetable. It makes us feel bad”

“I do better without a timetable”

“It creates pressure”

These are all valid reasons.

However, we face these problems because of the manner in which we use the timetable.

We have a habit of focusing on the failures. If we have been able to follow the timetable 80% of the time, we
look at the 20% when we could not follow and declare it a failure.

In reality the 80% time that was effectively utilized made it a success. It is never possible to follow the
timetable 100%. Timetable is just a tool to guide us in utilizing our time. It reminds us to start work when we
want to. If the timetable is unsuitable, we should change it to suit our schedule.

However, this tool can only work if we look at its success in stead of the failure.

We feel bad only when we look at the failures.

It is the nature of the human psyche to expand whatever it focuses on. If we focus too much on the failure then
we will only find failure.
In reality, failure does not exist. It is just another attempt to success. The attempt transforms into failure when
we stop attempting.

In reality, we work on some kind of a timetable even without writing it. This timetable is etched in our heads.
Since it is not written, there is no measurement possible.

When we write down the timetable, it will allow us exact measurement of the utilization of our time. You can
hope to increase your performance only if you have a way to measure it. Without measurement, any change is
performance is a mere perception. I tmay or may not reflect reality.

Please utilize the format below to plan your days.

Fill up the timetable with activities. A sample of these activities is

Wake up / Off to sleep – These times should be closest to our biological clock for maximum efficiency. The
human body is designed to operate efficiently in the day time. Try to sleep by 12 midnight (latest).

School, Tuition/Coaching, Travel time

Brush, bath, toilet, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Spend at least 7 hours in sleep every day

Take out a minimum of 45 minutes in physical activities like Sports, yoga, exercise everyday. You can club
this activity with friends. SMS, talking with friends on cellphone etc shoul dbe limited to 30 minutes per day.

Do not spend more than 45 minutes in TV, internet, video games etc.

IIT JEE study Planner: Weekly timetable

Students have a different schedule for every day of the week.

It is advisable to put together a weekly timetable.

This will give us a good view of the time available in a week.

There are some weekdays when students have to attend both school and IIT JEE coaching / Tuition. This
leaves very little time for self study.

There are days when we have the entire afternoon, after school, available for self study.

The weekdays are of particular importance. This is the only time, when students get a lot of time to cover all
the pending work.

Unlike Class X, when students take it easy on weekends, IIT JEE preparation calls for extra studies on
Some tips for IIT Physics and Maths
For science/maths students in general, and IIT-JEE aspirants in particular, learning the skills of problem
solving is very important. Questions and problems in science (especially physics!) and maths contain factual,
conceptual, theoretical and numerical ingredients all entangled with each other. And this makes solving them
tough for the beginners. That is why students begin to fear Physics and Maths because these two subjects
requires finest quality of problem solving skills from students. There is no universal technique that can solve
all problems because different problems usually require different methods and approaches for successful
solution. Nevertheless, if a student works systematically then soon problem solving will become fun for

Thus for the benefits of the student community (or any body who is interested in learning the art of the
problem solving) I have presented below a sequence of steps that, if followed, can immensely help in solving
questions in Physics and Maths.


• Read The Question/Problem carefully.

• Identify what is being asked.
• Make a list of knowns and unknowns.
• Note carefully the information given (Sometimes, some informations which are part of general-
knowledge are not specifically given. Note such relevant informations – if any)
• Sketch a neat diagram or a rough graph to aid your thinking (Diagrams and graphs should be drawn
in such a way that they describe the situation of the problem clearly)
• If you can make an estimate of the final solution (by reasoning or some logical guess!), then you must
do that. Because at the end when you actually get your answer by solving the problem then you can
check the truthfulness of your answer by comparing it with your estimate.

PART-2 :

• Write a verbal description of relationship among all quantities.

• Write all relevant formulae known to you involving known and unknown quantities.
• Examine similar problems to see if their solution techniques are applicable.
• Look for a pattern so that you may think upto many steps ahead of your calculations.
• You may start with a special simpler case to gain insight.
• Sometimes a problem may be broken into two or more number of non-overlaping cases and each case
may be solved separately.


• DO all calculations according to your decided plan.

• Check your solution with your estimate and graph. Does it make sense? Does it seem resonable?
• If every thing seems fine, then you have got your solution.

Questions with no negative marking

Questions with no negative marking

There are two types of questions, which have no negative marking.

1. Integer type: Students have to “calculate” down to the finest value and then indicate that value in the OMR
(Optical Mark Recognition) sheet. This is where the test really lives up to its definition — “objective”. But
not multiple choice.

For example, if the answer to a particular problem is 112, then the students have to arrive at the correct
answer. In the answer grid that contains four columns of numbers running from 0 to 9, they have to darken 0,
1, 1 and 2. The OMR reader would read the answer as 112 and only to that answer, marks would be awarded.

2. Match the following: The students are asked to match the items in the left column with those in the right

A seemingly simple proposition, if you were to exercise ‘fix a couple’ and ‘eliminate one possibility’ kind of
techniques. However, it would not work here.

Let the left column have (A, B, C, D) and four options in the right column be (w, x, y, z).

The final marking would look something like this: A- x,y; B- x; C- w,z; D- w,y,z.

You would have to mark exactly like this in the specially designed grid in the OMR sheet to get any credit for
this question. If you were to mark all others correct and then D-w,z, no marks would be awarded for this

If you were able to get out of the compartment mode of thinking and look for applicability of concepts across
subject areas, you would do well. For example, when you look at an area in Mechanics, you should also
realize that the same concept may be present in five other topics, viz., Motion in one dimension, Motion in
two dimensions, Work Energy Power, Rotational Dynamics and Laws of Motion. Which means you should be
able to use one concept in different areas to get these type of ‘Match the following’ questions.

Well, that is what the JEE intends to seek in young aspirants – can you ‘size up the situation’?

Questions with negative marking

When there are questions with ‘negative marking’, the first thought that comes to mind is, SHOULD I TAKE
A CHANCE? If you are not 100 per cent sure of the answer, then you will not consider answering it at all, lest
you get negative marks. But that is exactly what you need to avoid.

Though random guessing is thoroughly discouraged, it may still be prudent to eliminate options and get to
probably two likely answers so that your probability of getting it correct goes up. This is possible in all
questions, which have Multiple Choices. However, if there are no such choices given (as it was the case in
two sections last year), then it is better to leave such questions alone.

3 key skills – Remembering, Understanding and Practice

We have different styles of study. Some like to read and remember, some others like to read and understand
the phenomenon and still others like to practise by writing and solving. If we want to do well in IITJEE, we
should have skills in all three areas:

• Reading and remembering

• Conceptual understanding
• Practice

Every subject requires all three skills.

Reading and memorizing

Whatever we read gets retained in the head as memory. We can recall from our memory when we are needed
to do so. It has been observed that we tend to remember better if we have written something ourselves. We are
required to reproduce these things at will while solving problems.

We have to learn the formulae. One can understand their source by going through the derivations, wherever
possible. However, eventually, what matters is that we know the formula. We can learn/remember all
formulae by reading, writing, and revising them again and again. It helps to have a compendium of all

For example, if we don’t understand the derivation of formulae in mathematics, we won’t be able to apply
formulae effectively. However, while solving problems, one does not have the luxury of time to derive it. So,
it must be pulled out of our memory instantaneously.

Conceptual understanding

It is critical to understand the conceptual framework of a subject. It is important to understand the flow of the
logic in the argument being put by the narrator. The examples and illustrations used should fit well into our
understanding. We observe various phenomena around us in everyday life. Physics and chemistry attempt to
explain the reason behind these phenomena through various concepts, laws, deductions etc. We should gain a
thorough understanding of the system / concept being explained, before attempting to learn any formulae or
solve any problems. This can be done, with the help of examples. Apply the concept to different real life
situations and predict the outcome. If the understanding is correct, the outcomes predicted will be right.
Conceptual, theoretical questions are a great way to check ones learning of concepts.


After writing down the formulae required and applying the concepts, we still have to solve the mathematical
equations. Solving problems is a skill. If there is no limit to the time available, a lot of students may end up
solving all the problems in a test. However, the key is to solve maximum number of problems in a given
amount of time, which is the duration of the test. The best performer manages to solve maximum number of
problems in the given time. This needs practice. In a competition, we don’t want to lose time in
experimenting, deriving etc. If we have practiced enough, we would know the exact manner in which a
problem can be solved. This saves time in solving a problem and gives s extra time to solve others. Therefore,
to score high in a competition, practice is a must.

You should have a well thought out methodology for your IIT JEE preparation.

Setup a Routine: The 1st step of smart and successful studying is to build a routine. A lot of our time and
energy gets lost in deciding about the time and place of work. It is easy to procrastinate (postpone work) in
absence of a routine.

• Place: Find a quiet place, away from distractions, with ample room to work. It could be a desk in your
room, the dining table, or the local library.
• Time: Figure out what time of day you can concentrate best, and what works into your schedule. Use
that time every day to study.
• Every day: Make a time table to study at the same place at the same time, every day.

Posture: Sit in an alert posture

We can’t study effectively if we are not alert. If you are sprawled on the bed or sitting in a reclining posture,
your body gets the message that it is time to rest. The mind stops working or becomes slow. Typically, the
effectiveness becomes less than 25%. 1 hour of such study is equal to 15 minutes of study in an alert posture
on your table and chair.

Do not fool yourself by counting such time as study. It is similar to us not being able to sleep while standing.
When we are standing, the body gets a message that this is not the time to sleep.

Stay healthy : Achieving and maintaining high levels of performance (critical for success in IIT JEE) are
difficult if an individual is in poor physical or mental health. It is important that one gets adequate rest,
exercise, and nutrition.

Good mental performance can be achieved only with good physical health. Spending some time regularly in
outdoor, physical activity like sports, running walking etc. is absolutely essential. Relaxation and
concentration techniques of Yoga are very useful.

Organize study material: Keep all your homework material in one place, ready to be used. Keep it
organized, and you won’t need to waste your time searching for it when you get down to studying.

Decide upon the material that you are planning to study during your preparations. Most of us don’t have
enough time to complete even one set of IIT JEE course material. Collecting more than one set is a wastage of
time. It also ends up confusing the student. Most of the coaching have very similar course material. A little
better material does not make much of the difference. As a matter of habit, do the following in your study of
the material*

• Complete the reading of the text books

• Writing and compile your notes
• Read and understand solved examples
• Attempt numerical problems
• Mark unsolved problems for 2nd attempt
• Take tests
• Revise

*Set yourself a deadline for completing each component and make sure you stick to it.

Distractions: Cell-phones, friends, SMS, TV, Video games, surfing, chatting are some of the biggest time
drains. Most of the students lose maximum amount of time in these activities. These activities do not require
much effort (unlike sports) and they can go on for a long time. There is nothing wrong in indulging in such
activities for entertainment. However, it is important to watch the time that gets consumed.

Some methods of dealing with distractions are:

• Turn the cell-phone ringer and SMS alert tome to ‘Silent’. Respond to your friends but only as per
your schedule. This will send the message that you are serious about not being disturbed.
• Schedule a fix amount of time for TV, Video games, Internet combined. Typically, the time spent
should not exceed 45 minutes. You can check your mail in 15 minutes. Watch your favorite TV
program in 30 minutes.
• Fix just one day in a week for video games. Don’t try to mix any of these activities with studies. This
will spoil the fun in both.

Avoid ‘Marathon’ sessions: Marathon study sessions (longer than 1 hour) are the least productive way to
study. Typically, most of us have attention spans ranging from 30 minutes to 60 minutes. The mind starts
getting distracted after this attention span. It is good idea to unwind and take 10-15 minute breaks after every
study session.

What is motivation?

Motivation is a desire that activates us to take action to fulfill that desire.

So, what is your motivation to appear in IIT JEE?

This is a question only you can answer. Whatever the reason, please remember that it is choice you have
made. It has not been thrust upon you by somebody else. If you choose to compete for IITs then you should
raise your level of performance to be able to crack it.

Considering the level of competition, it calls for a tremendous effort mentally and physically.

If you don’t have a very clearly articulated reason to appear in IIT JEE, you may find it difficult to keep
yourself motivated through the period of preparation.

Most people are very enthusiastic and motivated when they start their preparation for IITJEE. However, only
those few, who manage to maintain that motivation till the end, crack good ranks in IIT JEE

Create a ‘Motivational Strategy’

Write down all the desires in your life. It is the knowledge of these desires that will propel us towards our
success. Be absolutely honest while writing them down. Don’t worry if your desires do not look good when
you write them down on paper. Link those desires to your success in IITJEE. Some examples of these desires

‘I want to learn’: If we look at ourselves, we have always been very keen and curious on learning new
things. This gets lost somewhere during the school education.

IITs provide a great opportunity to satisfy that desire to acquire knowledge.

‘I want to be independent’: We all grow up to be independent adults. Independence can be financial, social
and emotional. We live in the protected environment of our households, schools and society.

IITs provide the best grooming environment for professional, sports, academic, cultural and literary growth.

‘I want recognition’: All of us like to be recognized for being good at certain things. It helps us feel good
about ourselves.

IITians are recognized the world over for their knowledge and skills. They are treated with respect and love.

Similarly, link all your goals and desires to the positive outcome of what you want to achieve.
This way, you will be able to pull yourself back whenever your enthusiasm is going down.

Secondary Motivation
Sports champions are the most competitive people. Most of them overcame great challenges on the road to
championship. In the process of their discovery of life, they found great ways to keep themselves motivated.
Read up the quotes and biography of sportsmen. Emulate their strategies.

Motivational Support
Take help from people around us in keeping us motivated.

Self-motivated people also, falter and need help getting back on track.

Setup a motivational support system at home, at school, and at work. The support system may be as simple as
a “buddy system” with friends.

Declare your intentions of cracking IIT JEE with good rank, among your family members. Let them know
how you are completely focused on it. All those who care about you will, thereafter, automatically support
you. They will encourage you to keep putting your best.

Have discussions with them related to IITs and IITJEE. Keeping IIT JEE at the top of your mind helps in
keeping the focus. It helps to talk and discuss your problems with your support system. Such conversation
help in breaking the monotony and boredom

Engage in positive Self-Talk

Self-talk refers to the process of bringing our attitudes to a conscious level. It is what we say to ourselves and
it reflects our self-esteem. Self-talk can be negative, positive, or neutral. Learning to engage in encouraging
self-talk is an effective motivating strategy. An individual must be his/her own best friend, and to do so
involves recognizing one’s assets and reminding oneself of them.

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