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Student Task Force on SROs Student Contract A​g​reement

I agree​ ​to enter the Student Task Force and ​ALL ​meetings with an open mind, willing to listen
and hear what other students have to say. My mindset shall not be fixed but is obligated to have
my own opinion on the subject matter.

I agree​ to follow ​ALL ​ rules set by the students on the Task Force and will be respectful of those
decisions that the group makes; along with respecting the opinions and ideas of those in the

I agree​ to respect ​ALL ​students and adults in the room regardless of my beliefs, and I agree to
voice my concerns regarding students and adults involved with the Student Task Force.

I agree​ to put my phone and ​ALL ​further communication devices away throughout the entirety
of the meeting and only have it out if discussed in advance with an adult or in an event of an

I agree​ ​to meet in person at our designated location as it was agreed upon by ​ALL​ students on
the Task Force week one; accommodations are set in place for those concerned about the further
spread of COVID-19, but ​ALL​ students are expected to meet in person and are able to be virtual
if only have they been in contact with someone with the virus or are in another situation with
equal or greater caution.

I agree​ to keep ​ALL ​information that comes from the Student Task Force strictly confidential
from previous and future meetings and I will not share that information with others outside of the
group, which includes my peers and different organizations.

I agree​ ​to come directly to the Student Task Force with any concerns and further clarifications I
may have, which include things that have happened either within or outside of the group so that
ALL ​students are aware of what is going on.

I understand that​ if any of these agreements or aspects of the contract created by the students
are broken, I am at risk of being removed from the Task Force completely, while still being held
accountable for keeping ​ALL ​the information obtained from the group confidential.

I ________________________________________________ by signing this document, agree

to the above statements outlined by the students of the Student Task Force on SROs.

DATE: _______________________

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