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Cristy Pearl Quibod

Created Apr 29Apr 29
Group 8: Theological Foundation of Education
Paul of Tarsus and St. Augustine of Hippo

1. How did St. Paul, as a master teacher, influence your

Historically, St. Paul is a Christian missionary who works Christian
Education and provided a manual of instruction for us, teachers. St.
Paul, a master teacher, influence me as a teacher to equipped with his
(6) six educational principles which will literary help me to possesses
with ethical standards and moral values which its main function of
education is the holistic development of a child and well-balanced
personality of the students, and also to develop all dimensions of the human
intellect so that our children can help make our nation more democratic,
cohesive, socially responsible, culturally rich and intellectually competitive
As a teacher who is the foundation of knowledge, skills and virtue. Moral
values essentially a training that teaches us how to lead our lives in the best
and right way. Being honest, just, lawful, compassionate, generous, showing
compassion and empathy to share love and care are essential principles of
moral education. It is more of a lifestyle activity that enriches our way of

1. Which among the 6 educational principles of St. Augustine of

Hippo do you think best describe your philosophy as teacher?
Explain your answer. 
As an educator, I would like to choose the 6 th educational principles of
St. Augustine. Accordingly, “In the tension between faith and reason,
faith must predominate” I think it is the best thing that will describe my
philosophy of teaching because I need to consider some of the
controversies it has with respect to the conflict between scientific
perspectives and Biblical teachings. For an example, the topic about the
World History is the Origin of Man.
As a Social Studies teacher, we cannot dodge the context of
controversial issues as part of discussions especially the conflict between
scientific perspectives and Biblical teachings. These issues can disturb
the peace and stability of the scholastic environment. Therefore, it is
important to explain to my students that the worldview is a philosophical
understanding of how you believe the world to be. Science is a process
used to study the natural world through observation and experiment.
As science observes the universe, it finds problems and questions which
are very philosophical in character which therefore cannot be solved
scientifically, but can be illuminated by a theological perspective. With
this, it is safe and better for me to explain that science produces a better
understanding of God’s creation, and thus it should produce a better
understanding of God.

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