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The Philippine Educational System

The mission of the Philippine educational system is to provide quality basic education that is
equitably accessible to all and lay the foundation for life-long learning and service for common good.

“The beauty of education is it’ll never be taken from you”. These words coming from our
parents’ mouth are truly motivational and inspiring. But what is the true purpose of education? And
what are the roles of the government to our educational system. Who really dwells education? It cannot
be denied that our educational system is imbedded with Filipino values until this day. In the Article XV,
Section 4 of the 1973, it states that “all educational institutions shall aim to inculcate love of country,
teach the duties of being a Filipino citizen, and develop moral character, personal discipline, and
scientific, technological and vocational efficiency”. Indeed, our schools nowadays are striving to engage
the young learners to our customs and traditions. That is why MTB-MLE was proposed and approved
by the government to be included in the curriculum, strengthening music education, lifting the good
manners and values education subjects and matching technology and life skill or the livelihood
education. The goals of music education are more on the rights of the learners to learn; be able to listen
to music, to sing, express himself, play instruments and interpret musical notation. This is related to the
Section 1 of Article XIV of the 1987 which stated that the state shall protect and promote the right of
all citizens to quality education and make the education attainable to everyone. The opportunities of
studying music is not only for who can afford to pay; but it should be for all. The misconception has to
stop that music is only for who can sing and elite families. The more that those who are financially
challenge and hopeless people are the ones has to be given the chance to enjoy and appreciate the world
of music because they are the most in need emotionally and mentally, where music and musicians can
cater those kinds of support. Lastly, I know this cannot be seen in the General goals of Music Education
but to fulfill the ambition of the government to inculcate love of country and duties of citizenship is
through also teaching and introducing our own heritage. One of which is to strengthen our own music
and to support or local musicians into something bigger that could benefit also their ambitions and to
help preserving our culture. Among schools, learners, government and civils it’s going to be a give and
take process or helping one another. These institutions are still useless if one of the most important
elements will not be functioning well. Education is good when both servers and the needy are practically
have common sense.

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