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People over Profit…Responsibility over Power…

Democracy over Institutions!

We are the risk takers; We
are the innovators; We
Message from Gary Dugger, Austin Gray Panthers Convener are the developers of
The Gray Panthers of Austin are coming together with renewed and dedicated commitment to new models.
make a real difference in our City, State, and Nation. Maggie Kuhn, Founder
At our Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa Party and meeting we elected four new activist board mem-
bers. They are Chris Neilson, Beverly Henson and Sharron & Leslie Aisenman. Chris and Beverly,
son and mother, are not new to our struggles and both bring a lot of passion Gray Panthers of
to the front lines. Sharron and Leslie are recent California transplants and Austin’s Newly Elected
bring their grassroots hands-on experience with them.
Board Members for
Chris is engaged in an ongoing battle with the City, the Transportation 2011
Board and Capitol Metro to allow electric cabs to operate legally in our
City. Beverly is an ex-union organizer with loads of energy and fierce Gary Dugger (Convener)
determination. Paula Traffas (Secretary)
Kathy Tyler (Treasurer)
Leslie is our new tactician who brings a new and innovative way of ap- Leslie Aisenman
proaching Direct Action. He says we need to ask the right questions and let Sharron Aisenman
people supply their own answers, such as: Patricia Bordie,
What happened to the $200 million given to Cap Metro for Job Creation? Why do all of our gov- Beverly Henson
ernment entities refuse to investigate well documented allegations of possible corruption in job Vera Janes
stimulus funds and housing funds? Chris Nielsen
Sharron is already responsible for our new look newsletter. Pictured Below: Austin GP Holiday
Party More on page 2
Please join with us as we begin the New Year of 2011 with hope, a surplus of justified outrage and
a new program of well thought out direct action, to start bringing our city, state, and country back
to where they belong. On the side of the people.

Austin Transportation Department Acts Against The Public Interest

At a time when Capitol Metro is decreasing services while increasing fares, and Taxies regularly
refuse short haul services to the Senior’s, Disabled and others within our communities to and
from their local markets and Pharmacies, the Austin Transportation Department has consistently
thrown roadblocks that thwart the use of low cost Electric Vehicles for Hire.

While the use of LSVs (Low Speed Electric Vehicles) has been encouraged by the City of Austin
since 1995, and Austin Energy has disbursed tens of thousands in
direct rebates to purchasers of Electric Vehicles, our visionary
city leaders and the Austin Transportation Department has stead-
fastly rejected the only innovative and cost effective proposal that
responds to the needs of the people.

The idea of using LSV’s (Low Speed Electric Vehicles) as a mode

of public transportation was proposed to the Continued LSV page 2

The Gray Panthers is an intergenerational, multi-issue national social action organization dedication to three main causes…
the environment, health care and peace.
Page 2

Holiday Celebration/Meeting Tops Off 2010 Tex. Rep. Elliott Naishtat’s Dire Warning to New Mexico Motel Industry*
On Dec. 5, 2010, The Gray Panther’s of Austin gathered at Lyons Gardens for a fes-
tive Holiday Celebration of the accomplishments and failures of the year, and a
rededication to the challenges ahead in 2011. Members, activists and supporters
gathered together for an afternoon of eating, schmoozing, and serious discussion.
The event was filled with the joys and warmth of fellowship. We were welcomed by
Panther Convener Garry Dugger, elected a New Board of Directors committed to a
more activist 2011, and received a spirited message from Charlotte Flynn, Austin
Panthers’ doyen and founding member.
Our Guest Featured Speaker was Texas State Representative Elliot Naishtat. He laid
Guest Speaker Texas
Charlotte Flynn (left), Austin out the gloomy legislative prospects with surprising good humor and insight. Rep. Elliott Naishtat
Gray Panthers’ doyen and Pointing out that the Minority in the Texas House had even lost the ability to deny
founding member shown with the chamber a quorum by going to New Mexico, as they had done in a previous
Gary Dugger, Convener at GP session and regaled his listeners with an hilarious account of a Capitol Hanukah candle lighting led by
Holiday Celebration at Lyons several Hassidic Rabbis and watched by a clueless Gov. Perry. He described the dance around a Meno-
Gardens. rah, in which he and Gov. Perry participated, as a cross between a Texas Two Step and a Jewish Hora.
But Naishtat also called attention to the bitter legacy of Tom Delay’s criminal behavior that resulted in the
“Never cease in the present gerrymandered Republican dominated State Legislature and Congressional Delegation.
With a 22 to 28 Billion Dollar shortfall in the current State budget, Representative Naishtat warned we
fight for peace, should anticipate draconian cuts in funding. Education , Social Services, in fact in all programs affecting
low income individuals and families, the disabled, seniors, any disadvantaged group, will be on the chop-
justice, and equality ping block and the prime target of the state deficit hawks. He
for all people. Be called upon us in the Gray Panthers of Austin, and in all grass-
roots groups to redouble our efforts to protect the hard won vic-
persistent in all that tories of the past and to doggedly oppose the efforts of those
who would, in effect, turn back the clock to a darker time.
you do and don’t allow Leslie Aisenman
anyone to sway you *Elliott Naishtat was one of “the Texas Eleven, a group of Texas Senate Democ-
rats who fled Texas for Albuquerque, New Mexico for 46 days in 2003 aimed at
from your conscience.” preventing the passage of controversial redistricting legislation that would have
allegedly benefited Texas Republicans. A group of Texas House representatives,
...Leonard Peltier dubbed the Killer D’s, had fled the state earlier that same summer for the same
reason.” Wikipedia GPs eating, schmoozing, and discussing issues.

LSV Continued from page 1 Austin City Council in June, 2008. Since then the Capital Outlay of every City Council budget meeting reflects
that the City of Austin has spent taxpayer dollars on Electric Vehicles for the express purpose of transporting
passengers on public roadways. But, when the city was petitioned to allow these vehicles to provide commer-
cial transport for the many citizens who might benefit from such a lower cost alternative, the Austin Transporta-
tion Dept. straight away dismissed the concept. Why? Because in the opinion of the department’s Director,
Robert Spillar, LSV’s are unsafe for use, this in the face of findings by the National Highway Transportation and
Safety Admin. certifying them to be safe for street use. When confronted with the NTSA study results and
guidelines, Austin’s Trans. Dept. denies that the Federal guidelines are valid while producing no evidence to the
contrary. And our city fathers and mothers seem afflicted with a sudden case of deafness.
Chris Nielsen with his
mother Beverly Henson Something seem wrong here? Who benefits from such a high handed and unfounded position? Obviously
(both new GP Board
Members) enjoying the some oxen might be gored. Cap Metro, Taxies. Pedi-cabs, or??? Progress and change often brings loss to
GP Holiday Party at some. But it is the interests of the people that must reign paramount. LSVs are the most cost effective and
Lyons Gardens. efficient mode of urban transport available today. With a 50+ mile range and no need for imported gas, the op-
erational cost of an LSV is minimal to say the least. Traditional LSVs cost under $0.25 to fully charge, less than
½ a cent per mile, and models are available with solar roof kits, decreasing the charging cost still further. In a time where energy has
never been more precious and our dependence upon fossil fuels has proven to be the bane of our civilization, we as a society must em-
brace alternatives that offer solutions, not persecute the innovators while ignoring the public's interest. Chris Nielsen

Gray Panthers of Austin, Convener: Gary Dugger 512-225-4789; Ofc: 512-458-3738
3710 Cedar St, Box 15, Austin, TX 78705 Nat’l Gray Panthers
Page 3

The People Must Come First by Clint Smith, Nat’l Gray Panthers Executive Board

Putting people first is not only our mantra, it is our dedication and our Goal. In this time of Cor-
porate-Governance in which our Supreme Court is now unable to tell the difference between a
legal fiction and real, live, breathing human beings, in which their fully bought and paid for poli-
ticians scream for tax cuts for the wealthy and deficit reductions on the backs of the poor and
the middle class, it’s time to build and reignite New coalitions like those that served the people
in past struggles against institutional racism, war mongers, poverty, and for human rights,
workers rights, women’s rights, immigrant rights and all forms of human freedoms.
It is not enough to put out lonely calls for and against. It is not enough to talk among ourselves
and our counterparts; we must reach out to the broader population, because the people know
things are not right! They may not know why. They may place blame on the wrong root
causes. But being wrong is not their crime, it is ours, for our failure to communicate and organ-
ize. In times like these it falls to us, to those unfettered to the corporate dominated media, to Austin Gray Panther, Charlotte Flynn (left) shown
with President Obama and unidentified person.
continually make our case without pushing people away.
We know what causes deficits. It’s not social services but failed tax policies that have given
away untold riches for little if any return. Why do so many young people believe Social Security
will go broke before they can collect? Because we have left the field to those who will employ
Never Forget!
any method or fabrication to achieve their end, the destruction and privatization of one of the Every City belongs to the people who inhabit it.
most popular programs in American history.
Every County belongs to the people who inhabit it.
Why does Cap Metro blithely attack its greatest source of public support, the transit bus riders, Every State belongs to the people who inhabit
and under the guise of deficits raise rates regardless of social cost, while pandering to the
smallest service group by lowering the fares for the few who ride the Leander Trolley? We must it, and..
take the time to point to the possible corruption that resulted in the misuse of stimulus funds
intended to produce jobs and improved service for the people. Where was the outcry when the “This Country, with its institutions,
old Cap Metro Board covered their backsides with actions that appear to be Public Official
Abuse or Corruption or Misuse of Public Funds? Why is there no demand for accountability, belongs to the people who inhabit it.
for investigation? We don’t need more laws, we need more effective enforcement and a vigor-
ous prosecution of malfeasance by elected and appointed officers and officials.
Whenever they shall grow weary of the
Activism on the local level is the People’s source of power and redress. Since Corporate power existing Government, they can exercise
is wielded best in a social vacuum where it can function with little or no opposition, it does eve-
rything possible to control the fountains of ideas and information. We are no longer a Nation of
their constitutional right of amending
readers. The Benjamin Franklin’s and Thomas Paine’s who agitated and roused a nation with it, or their revolutionary right to
newssheets and pamphlets are no longer able to get traction. For decades Corporate Power
has extended its reach into every aspect of American society, almost without opposition. Today dismember or over throw it.”
is different. With the Growth of a free and neutral internet ideas are beginning to circulate and
grow again. But for it to be able to empower a free society it must continue to be free and neu- Abraham Lincoln
First Inaugural Address 1861
tral so that new ideas will no longer be governed and controlled by wealth and political power.
Dare to be free and stand up for the people.

Report of the Austin Gray Panthers Executive Board Meeting Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Our newly elected Executive Board met at our newly selected monthly meeting place, the comfortable and accommodating Lyons Gardens. The new board
confirmed the recommendation of Gary Dugger, Panther Convener, to expand a group of activist committees, headed up by Board Members.
Membership Committee: Clint Smith Austin Panthers National Board member Direct Action Committee: Leslie Aisenman
Fundraising Committee: (Chairperson to be selected) Mobility Committee: Chris Nielsen
Newsletter Committee: Sharron Aisenman Legislative Committee: Paula Traffas
Everyone is urged to become a part of one or more of these and join in developing and executing our many important activities. If there is an area of major
concern that you wish to work in that is not represented here, come to our next meeting and put it on the floor.
The New Board also approved a motion to actively oppose and protest Cap/Met’s policy of decreased services and increased fares for Transit dependent
Bus riders, while lowering fares and increasing subsidies for the Leander Trolley, the trolley to nowhere. We shall make our presence known and trumpet
our popular opposition on the trolley line, the bus lines, and at Cap/Metro & City Council Meetings.
Our next open board meeting on Tuesday, February 15, at 6:30PM, will be followed by coffee, cookies and a general membership meeting beginning at 7:15.
We invite you to join with us and be a part of the Conversation and the Decision Making. Bring a friend! Bring Many Friends!!! It’s time for Gray Panther
Growth! Regular Meetings will take place on the Second Tuesday of each Month at the same time and place.
Continued page 4 Executive Board Meeting
Page 4

Executive Board Meeting Continued NEW! COALITION OF COMMUNITY CONCERNS!

The Board passed a motion to begin protesting Cap/Met’s Increases in fares to
pay for the Leander “Trolley.” Where did the Millions in “Jobs Stimulus Funds” On Saturday, January 8, 2011 , Marcelo Tafoya of LULAC District
go? We’re mad as hell and won’t stand quietly by while City Council Members 12 organized a meeting at of members from over 40 Community
and their appointees stick it to us and ignore the people’s reasonable questions. Coalitions at Lyons Gardens. It was agreed by those present to
CAP/MET’s Great Disappearing Act of 2009/2010. When $200 million Federal unite and join forces in our fights for justice, transparency and
Stimulus Funds dollars for Job creation and Service improvements disappeared accountability from our elected officials and their appointees.
to wipe out metro’s red ink, wasn’t this misappropriation? Wasn’t it used to cover Our next meeting will be held Saturday, February 12, 2011, at 2:00
the cost-overruns and overspending of the former board? What's the current p.m. at Lyons Gardens.
boards’ culpability in failing to investigate when presented with the evidence? Is
there no price for looking the other way? Why hasn’t the Travis County Prosecu- Many people present told personal stories of abuses and corruption
tor or the U.S. Attorney launched investigations? Haven’t both been provided by agents of government. Their repeated pleas for justice have
with documented evidence? Is there something seriously wrong with this been ignored. Virginia Pratt, in her letter to Lamar Smith (see letter
picture? (See letter below to Lamar Smith from Virginia Pratt.) below) lays out numerous abuses of power and criminal behavior.
Watch for Gray Panther CALLS TO ACTION ! We will no longer be ignored! Justice will be heard and served!

Honorable Lamar Smith

<>& amp; amp; amp;nbsp;
Chair, House Committee on the Judiciary-
United States Congress-

Re: Request for Congressional Investigation: <Unresolved Questions of violation of Criminal Statutes>; City of Austin
Officials use of Federal Funds (including 'Stimulus Funds') & related mis/mal/nonfeasance, abuse of Public Office!
Dear Congressman Smith:
-The purpose of this communication (posted as well by US Mail, Certified/Receipt requested) is to request your immediate
inquiry into the issues of possible fraud, waste and abuse of Federal Funds reflected in the accompanying documents
(referenced in TODO and NOKOA publications, above, and in the LINKS* provided, below). The hard-copy printed versions
of these documents are available for review on request.
-In your Austin American Statesman profile of Jan 2, 'Representative Smith goes back to Washington with New Powers',
your dedication to getting Federal spending under control, as well as the vigorous prosecution fraud, waste and abuse
are clear in the AAS' comment "Rep. Smith will have oversight and subpoena power (as Chair of the powerful House Judi-
ciary Committee) to investigate how the administration enforces laws."
-In view of your commitment(s), above - on behalf of your Austin Constituents here in the Twenty-First Congressional
District - this information is forwarded {as reflected on AND included in my letter
of July 29, 2009 (below) and its following 'thread'}, with the request that you institute an investigation into the failure
and or refusal to act (on the serious questions repeatedly brought to them) of 'corrupt activities': i.e, Misuse of Fed Hous-
ing (& Stimulus) funds, forgery of official documents, perjury by City of Austin/Travis County employees/Officials, & inac-
tion by Travis County District Attorney's Office} Finally, Mr. Chairman, & as the file reflects, even our (& others) repeated
requests (since early 2008) to the U.S Attorney for the Western District have not had a response - nor, for that matter,
even acknowledgement!
-Bottomline, Austinites Lobbying for Municipal Accountability A.L.M.A. is as strongly dedicated to the principles/
objectives reflected in our title as you & the Congress are, Mr. Smith, to yours.
We appreciate YOUR help!
Virginia Pratt

CC's to;;;;


Gray Panthers of Austin, Convener: Gary Dugger 512-225-4789; Ofc: 512-458-3738
3710 Cedar St, Box 15, Austin, TX 78705 Nat’l Gray Panthers

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