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This Paper is Structured to Fulfill One of the Tasks in the
Education Supervision Course
Supporting lecturer: Yosep Farhan Dafik Sahal, S.Pd., M.Pd.I.

Arranged by:

JAWWAD AZKA KARIM (18.03.3448)




Praise and gratitude go to the presence of Allah SWT, who has given us
extraordinary favors, determination, and strength so that we can complete this
paper. Salawat along with greetings may be bestowed on our Prophet all, Prophet
Muhammad SAW and his family.

In preparing this paper, we have tried our best and of course with the
assistance or references from various sources, so as to facilitate the preparation of
this paper. For that we do not forget to express our gratitude to all those who have
helped us in the making of this paper.

We say many thanks to Mr. Yosef Farhan Dafik Sahal, S.Pd., M.Pd.I.
Lecturer in the Education Supervision course who gave us the opportunity to
compile this paper.

We are well aware that this paper is far from perfect. Therefore, the author
really appreciates input or criticism that builds it so that it can be even better in
the preparation of future papers.

Ciamis, 23 November 2020



FOREWORD .................................................................................................. i

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... ii


A. Background ...................................................................................... iii

B. Formulation of the problem ............................................................. iv
C. Writing purpose ............................................................................... iv


A. Profession and Teacher Competence ............................................... 1

B. Teacher as a Profession .................................................................... 6
C. Concept of Performance .................................................................. 8


A. Conclusion ...................................................................................... 11
B. Suggestion ....................................................................................... 12

BIBLIOGRAPHY ...................................................................................... 13

A. Background
The teacher is one component of educational resources that
requires supervision. The importance of assisting education supervision
for teachers is rooted in community life. To carry out supervision, it is
necessary to have advantages that can see sharply the problems in
improving the quality of education.
A supervisor fosters academic quality improvement related to
efforts to create better learning conditions in the form of academic aspects,
not only material physical problems. When supervision is faced with the
performance and supervision of the quality of education by the supervisor
of the educational unit, of course it has a different mission from the
supervision of the principal in developing the quality of educational
institutions and facilitating school principals in order to carry out
institutional management effectively and efficiently.
B. Formulation of the problem
Based on the above background, the writer needs to formulate the
problems that will be discussed in this paper, including:
1. How is the Profession and Teacher Competence?
2. How is the Teacher as a Profession?
3. How is the Concept of Performance?
C. Writing purpose
Based on the formulation of the problem above, the purpose of this
paper is as follows:
1. 1. To Know Profession and Teacher Competence.
2. 2. To Know the Teacher as a Profession.
3. 3. To Know the Concept of Performance.


A. Profession and Teacher Competence

Teacher Competency Standards are several indicators that can be
used as a measure of the characteristics of teachers who are considered
professionally competent. Teacher competence is a combination of
personal, scientific, technological, social, and spiritual abilities that
comprehensively form the standard competencies of the teacher
profession, which includes mastery of material, understanding of students,
educational learning, personal development, and professionalism.
(, accessed 23
November 2020).

1. Definition of the profession

A profession is a group of disciplined individuals who adhere to
ethical standards and who identify themselves as, and are accepted by the
public as possessing specific knowledge and skills in a widely recognized
body of learning that comes from research, education and training at a high
level, and anyone who is prepared to apply this knowledge and practice
these skills for the benefit of others. (
is-a-professional/, accessed 23 November 2020).
From the Cambridge Dictionary website, a profession is any kind
of job that requires special training or certain skills, often the job is
respected because it involves higher education. Profession can also be
defined as people who do certain types of work, which are considered as a
group. (,
accessed 23 November 2020).

Just like the Cambridge Dictionary of the site, the site Student
Oxford Dictionary defines the profession as a kind of work that requires
training or special skills, especially jobs that require higher education, and
all those who work in certain professions.
accessed 23 November 2020).
Meanwhile, the site, defines a profession as a
calling that requires knowledge of some departments of learning or
science, a call or a business regarding anything, or the body of people
involved in a job or vocation.
(, accessed 23 November
2. Definition of Teacher Competence
Law Number 14 of 2005 (Undang Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 2005)
concerning Teachers and Lecturers explains the definition of Competency,
that competence is a set of knowledge, skills, and behaviors that must be
possessed, lived in, and controlled by teachers or lecturers in carrying out
professional duties.
Teacher competence is a combination of personal, scientific,
technological, social, and spiritual abilities that comprehensively form the
standard competencies of the teacher profession, which includes mastery
of material, understanding of students, educational learning, personal
development, and professionalism. (Mulyasa, 2007).
Teacher competence is also defined as a set of knowledge, skills
and behaviors that teachers must possess, live and master in carrying out
their professional duties. Teacher competence as a learning agent at the
primary and secondary education levels as well as early childhood
education which includes: pedagogical, personal, professional, and social
competencies. (Saragih, JURNAL TABULARASA PPS UNIMED, Vol.5
No.1, Juni 2008: 23).

3. Teacher Competence
The teacher is the most important component in the education
system as a whole that must get maximum attention. This figure will get a
strategic spotlight when talking about educational issues, because teachers
are always associated with any component in the education system.
Teachers have a very strategic role in realizing the goals of national
development, especially in the field of education, so that they need to be
developed as professional and dignified professionals. (Mulyasa, 2007).
Based on this competency standard, a teacher must have four
competencies (Rofa'ah, 2016: 7), namely:
a. Pedagogic Competence
Pedagogic competence is the ability to manage student
learning. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of National
Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 of 2007
concerning Academic Qualification Standards and Teacher
Competencies, which must be owned and mastered by teachers
in relation to Pedagogic Competencies:
1) Mastering the characteristics of students from physical, moral,
spiritual, social, cultural, emotional, and intellectual aspects.
2) Mastering learning theory and teaching learning principles.
3) Developing a curriculum related to the subjects being taught /
4) Organizing educational learning.
5) Utilizing information and communication technology for the
benefit of learning.
6) Facilitating the development of the potential of students to
actualize their various potentials.
7) Communicate effectively, empathically, and politely with
8) Menyelenggarakan penilaian dan evaluasi proses dan hasil

9) Use the results of the assessment and evaluation for the benefit
of learning.
10) Take reflective action to improve the quality of learning.
b. Personality Competence
Personality competence is a personal ability that reflects a
solid, stable, mature, wise, and authoritative personality, is a
role model for students, and has noble character. Teacher
personality competencies can be described as follows:
1) A steady and stable personality has essential indicators: acting
in accordance with legal norms; act according to social norms;
proud as a teacher; and have consistency in acting according to
2) Mature personality has essential indicators: showing
independence in acting as an educator and having a work ethic
as a teacher.
3) A wise personality has essential indicators: showing actions
based on the benefit of students, schools and society and
showing openness in thinking and acting.
4) An authoritative personality has essential indicators: having a
behavior that has a positive effect on students and having
respected behavior.
5) Noble morals and can be role models have essential indicators:
acting in accordance with religious norms (faith and piety,
being honest, sincere, helpful), and having behaviors that are
emulated by students.

c. Professional Competence
Professional Competence is the mastery of learning
material broadly and deeply, which includes mastery of subject
curriculum materials in schools and the scientific substances that
cover the material, as well as mastery of the scientific structure
and methodology.
1) Mastering the material, structure, concepts, and scientific
mindset that supports the lessons being taught.
2) Comply with competency standards and basic competencies in
the subject / development area being handled.
3) Developing creative capable learning materials.
4) Develop professionalism in a sustainable manner by taking
reflective action.
5) Utilizing ICT to communicate and develop themselves.
d. Social Competence
Social Competence is the teacher's ability to communicate
and interact effectively with students, educational staff,
guardians of students, and the surrounding community.
1) Being inclusive, acting objectively, and not discriminating due
to considerations of gender, religion, physical health, family
background and family social status.
2) Communicate effectively, emphatically, and politely with fellow
educators, education staff, parents and the community.
3) Adapt at work in all areas of the Republic of Indonesia which
have socio-cultural diversity.
4) Communicate orally and in writing. (https://gmb-, accessed 23
November 2020).

B. Teacher as a Profession
The ideal or professional teacher is the dream of every education
person, because with professional teachers it is hoped that education will
be of higher quality. However, if the respect for the teacher is not
sufficient, then the hopes or idealism above, may just be a utopia.
To get the professional predicate mentioned above is not an easy
job. This is closely related to the respect of society or the State for that
profession. Developed countries give more appreciation to teachers than in
Indonesia. (
profesi-56, accessed 23 November 2020).
According to Uno (2008: 15), teacher is a profession, which means
a position that requires special expertise as a teacher and cannot be done
by just anyone outside the field of education.
Teachers as professional figures must have work skills that are in
line with the demands of the world of work being endeavored, so that they
have clear authority in improving the quality of educational outcomes.
Teacher competence is highly demanded in carrying out tasks
professionally. This means that the teacher as a profession determines the
performance and quality of teachers. (Tampang and Wonggo, IOP
Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 306, October
2017: 2).
The teacher profession is a professional position that has a main
task in the learning process. The main job descriptions include all elements
of the educational process and students. The main tasks can only be carried
out professionally if the specified professional requirements are met. The
duties of the teacher as a profession are as follows:

1. Helping students to develop all their potential so that they grow and
develop totally and perfectly.
2. Helping children learn so that their intellectual abilities are
developed by mastering various knowledge, skills, experiences,
values, and attitudes,
3. Delivering various knowledge to students by using approaches and
methodologies that are full of creativity so that the creativity of
students grows and develops.
4. Instill various values in students so that they stick and grow into
one with the behavior of students every day.
5. Build the character and personality of students into people who
have certain characteristics and personalities that are needed by the
wider community.
6. Teach students how to relate to other people.
7. Developing students to become people with noble character.
accessed 23 November 2020).

The teacher's function in the educational process is to teach,

educate, foster, direct, and shape character and personality so that humans
turn into knowledgeable, intelligent, and dignified humans. Therefore, not
everyone can become a teacher, not everyone can carry out teacher duties.
Teachers need professional requirements and competencies
obtained through specially designed education so that in carrying out their
duties, teachers will avoid mistakes. The reason is, if something goes
wrong, it will have fatal consequences for the future of students and of
course it is very detrimental to the world of education. Thus, teachers need
professional education that can produce teachers who have professional
abilities as implied by the teaching position as a profession.

To be able to carry out their duties professionally, efficiently, and
effectively, teachers must meet the following requirements:
1. Mastering the science of education, including concepts, theories,
and processes.
2. Mastering teaching learning strategies.
3. Understanding ICT and mastering it to be applied in the learning
process, especially to support the application of learning strategies
developed by the teacher.
4. Mastering developmental pcychology, child psychology, and
cognitive psychology.
5. Mastering learning theory.
6. Understand the various key concepts of sociology and
anthropology that are relevant in the process of child education and
7. Mastering certain fields of study that are relevant to their duties as
a teacher at a certain level of schooling.
8. Understand educational administration, especially about
management of learning.
9. Mastering the concepts and principles of curriculum development.
10. Understand and master value education.
accessed 23 November 2020).

C. Concept of Performance
Performance is an activity carried out by each individual in relation
to achieving the goals that have been planned. Smith (Mulyasa, 2005:
136), states that performance is “…..output drive from processes, human
or otherwise”. Performance is the result or output of a process. Mulyasa
further stated that performance or “performance” can be defined as work
performance, work implementation, work achievement, work results or
work performance.

The concept of performance is expressed by Dessler (1992), which
defines performance as work performance, namely the comparison
between real work results and established work standards. That way
performance focuses on the results of its work.
(, accessed 23 November 2020).
Performance is a universal concept which is the operational
effectiveness of an organization, part of the organization, and its
employees based on predetermined standards and criteria. Because the
organization is basically run by humans, performance is actually human
behavior in carrying out its role in an organization to meet the standards of
behavior that have been set in order to produce the desired action and
From some of the definitions about performance mentioned above,
it can be concluded that performance is a work achievement that has been
achieved by someone. Performance or work performance is the end result
of an activity that someone has done to achieve a goal. The achievement of
this work is also a form of comparison of a person's work with
predetermined standards. If the work done by someone is in accordance
with work standards or even exceeds the standard, it can be said that the
performance is achieving good performance.
The intended performance is expected to have or produce good
quality and still see the amount that will be achieved. A job must be seen
in terms of the quality that is fulfilled and in terms of the amount to be
achieved as planned.
Teacher performance has certain specifications. Teacher
performance can be seen and measured based on the specifications or
competency criteria that each teacher must have. With regard to teacher
performance, the form of behavior in question is the teacher's activities in
the learning process.

The teacher's performance can be seen when he carries out
teaching and learning interactions in class, including preparation in the
form of semester programs and teaching preparation. With regard to the
importance of evaluating teacher performance. Georgia Department of
Education has developed a teacher performance assessment instrument
which was later modified by the Ministry of National Education to become
a Teacher Ability Assessment Tool (APKG).
From the various explanations above, it can be concluded that the
definition of the concept of teacher performance is the result of work or
work performance carried out by a teacher based on the ability to manage
teaching and learning activities, which includes planning learning,
implementing learning, evaluating learning and fostering interpersonal
(interpersonal) relationships with students.
(, accessed
23 November 2020).


A. Conclusion
A profession is a group of disciplined individuals who adhere to
ethical standards and who identify themselves as, and are accepted by the
public as possessing specific knowledge and skills in a widely recognized
body of learning that emanates from research, education and training at a
high level. Teacher Competency Standards are several indicators that can
be used as a measure of the characteristics of teachers who are considered
professionally competent. Teacher competence is a combination of
personal, scientific, technological, social and spiritual abilities that
comprehensively form the standard competencies of the teaching
The ideal or professional teacher is the dream of every education
person. To get the professional title is not an easy job. Teachers as
professional figures must have work skills that are in line with the
demands of the world of work being endeavored, so that they have clear
authority in improving the quality of educational outcomes. Teacher
competence is highly demanded in carrying out tasks professionally.
Performance is an activity carried out by each individual in relation
to achieving the goals that have been planned. The concept of performance
is expressed by Dessler (1992), which defines performance as work
performance, namely the comparison between real work results and
established work standards. The intended performance is expected to have
or produce good quality and still see the amount that will be achieved. The
concept of teacher performance can be seen when he carries out teaching
and learning interactions in class including preparation in the form of
semester programs and teaching preparation.

B. Suggestion
The author realizes that this paper is far from perfect. So the
authors ask for criticism and suggestions for improvement for the future.


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