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Emily Donahue


Subject: Mathematics
Grade: 6th

Common Core Standard(s):

6.RP.A.1 — Understand the concept of a ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio
relationship between two quantities. For example, "The ratio of wings to beaks in the bird house
at the zoo was 2:1, because for every 2 wings there was 1 beak." "For every vote candidate A
received, candidate C received nearly three votes."

Objective(s): At the end of this lesson my students will be able to…

● Define ratio and use ratio language to describe associations between two or more
● Define and understand a ratio as a set of numbers that associates two or more quantities.
● Use ratio language and notation to compare quantities, including
● The ratio of __ to __ is __ to __.
● The ratio of __ to __ is __:__.
● For every __ __, there are __ __.
● There are __ __ for every __ __.
● Write different ratios for the same situation.

Resources/Materials List:
● Pencil
● Paper/Notebook
● Ratio Shapes worksheet
● Scissors
● Different diagram worksheets
● Assessment worksheet

The first two lessons in this unit introduce students to the concept of ratios and the language
used to describe them. In this lesson students are introduced to different sentence starters that
can describe ratios in different ways. They will continue to use and internalize this language
throughout the unit.
● In this first lesson, the focus is on students describing ratios when given objects,
diagrams, or a situation. In the next lesson, students will begin to explore how to
represent ratios using diagrams.
● Introduce lesson #1;
You have the following collection of shapes:

These shapes can be sorted into different groups. For example, you can make a group of squares
and a group of circles. We can use ratios to describe how these groups are related; for example,
the ratio of squares to circles is 4 to 10, or 4:10.
Sort the shapes into as many different groups as you can think of. For each one, describe the
association between the groups using a ratio.
● Students will be instructed to use a diagram of their choice (that they believe will help
them the most) to sort the shapes into ratios

Guiding Questions

● What other ways do you see to group the shapes? Note that not all of the shapes need to
be used; for example, you can compare blue squares to white squares (2:2) or white
squares to white circles (2:6).
● Use these sentence starters to describe the ratios of the shapes in your different groups:
○ The ratio of __ to __ is __ to __.
○ The ratio of __ to __ is __:__.
○ For every __ __, there are __ __.
○ There are __ __ for every __ __.
● Introduce lesson #2;
The students in Mr. Hill’s class played games at recess.

❏ 6 boys played soccer

❏ 4 girls played soccer
❏ 2 boys jumped rope
❏ 8 girls jumped rope
Afterward, Mr. Hill asked the students to compare the boys and girls playing different games.
Mika said: “Four more girls jumped rope then played soccer.”
Chaska said: “For every girl who played soccer, two girls jumped rope.”
Mr. Hill said, “Mika compared the girls by looking at the difference, and Chaska compared the
girls using a ratio.”

1. Compare the number of boys who played soccer and jumped rope using the difference.
Write your answer as a sentence as Mika did.
2. Compare the number of boys who played soccer and jumped rope using a ratio. Write
your answer as a sentence as Chaska did.
3. Compare the number of girls who played soccer to the number of boys who played soccer
using a ratio. Write your answer in two different ways.

Guiding Questions

● How did Mika determine the difference that she used in her sentence?
● How did Chaska determine the ratio that he used in his sentence? How else could you
describe the ratio of girls who played soccer to girls who jumped rope?
● What is another way that you can express the ratio in part b?
● What is another comparison you can make about the students at recess? What ratio
describes your comparison?

Plans for differentiation:

● Lower leveled students will be encouraged to use diagrams to help represent and separate
the numbers/pictures of ratios.
● Lower leveled students will not have to do all the guided questions.

Assessment: Students will be given an assessment worksheet. Their mastery of this task will
indicate whether or not the objective was achieved.

Plans for accommodation/modification:

● Students may need support connecting statements to the information in the problems;
allow for small group work.
● Students who finish fast will have an “anchor” problem to answer.

What’s next? After this lesson, students will have an understanding of ratios, defining ratios,
and use ratio language to describe associations between two or more quantities. Next, this lesson
will lead into students learning to represent ratios using discrete drawings and understanding that
the order of numbers in a ratio matters.
Name:_____________________________________________________ Date:______________

Assessment Worksheet
Different types of sports balls are shown below.

Write 4 ratio statements to compare the different types of sports balls in the collection.

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