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19/11/2020 Lista de verificación de HACCP - SafetyCulture


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Plan de control crítico de análisis de peligros

Haga clic en el botón "Agregar" para el paso de procesamiento

Paso de procesamiento

Análisis de riesgo

Paso de procesamiento

Ingrese texto

Peligros potenciales

Biological Chemical Physical

¿Es signi cativo este peligro potencial para la seguridad alimentaria?

si No N/A

Punto de control crítico… 1/5
19/11/2020 Lista de verificación de HACCP - SafetyCulture

¿Es este paso un PCC?

si No N/A

• Critical Control Point (CCP)

Ingrese texto

Hazard description

Ingrese texto

Critical limits for each control measure

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19/11/2020 Lista de verificación de HACCP - SafetyCulture


• What

Ingrese texto

• How

Ingrese texto

• Frequency

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19/11/2020 Lista de verificación de HACCP - SafetyCulture

• Who

Ingrese texto

Corrective action

Ingrese texto

Veri cation activities

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19/11/2020 Lista de verificación de HACCP - SafetyCulture

Recordkeeping procedures

Ingrese texto


Full Name and Signature of the Inspector 

Please note that this checklist is a hypothetical example and provides basic information only. It is not intended to take the place of, among other things,
workplace, health and safety advice; medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment; or other applicable laws. You should also seek your own professional advice to
determine if the use of such checklist is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction.… 5/5

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