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From the Writings of Sha’ul

Romans 6:1-23, 7:1-25

Speaking on sin, Sha’ul writes that we must not sin; however we are taught by well
meaning teachers who have obtained their counsel from pastors of bygone days that for
us humans to be able to live a sinless life is impossibility.
Is it really impossible? If it was wouldn’t what Sha’ul taught us and what Yeshua taught
us all be in vain? We know through these writings that the Torah was to let us know what
sin was, and by knowledge through the Torah we became aware of what part of our life
was indulging in sin. That the Torah pointed out to us what sin was, and in that sense was
only good for us while we yet lived in these mortal bodies without a Messiah, that
sacrifice of animals was the propitiation for sin, and covered up our sin, but it did not blot
out our sin, it merely hid it like the animal hides hid the nakedness of Awdawm and
Chavah. What then did Yeshua do for us as humans? What exactly was the purpose of His
death? And how do we apply it to our lives today? That is what we want to know as
followers of Yeshua,
First of all let us examine the words of Yeshua, did He ever teach us that we were human
and doomed to a life of sin? For if Yeshua taught that we could not help but sin then
surely this would be a good foundation for our belief that surely we are unable to control
ourselves as humans and keep from sinning. When you examine the writings and sayings
of Yeshua you will find quite the contrary that He never taught that we can go ahead and
sin. He didn’t teach that forgiveness of sins is a continuous thing. Yeshua never taught
us to bow down to the desires of these bodies because He was giving us a way of escape
for our weaknesses. The things he did command while He was yet alive were to “Go and
sin NO MORE!” Mishpocha no more means “never again”. Righteousness is our
ultimate goal, holiness is our ultimate goal, but to continue in sin is not our goal, on the
contrary we are to sin no more.
There are some who would tell you that we cannot keep from sinning, The scripture says
that there is none perfect, and if that is so then I have to ask you if the disciples were
sinners also? If the disciples continued to sin would the Ruach have filled them so much
that the people would be healed by Kefa’s shadow falling on them?. I tell you Kefa’s
shadow could do nothing it was rather the emanating Ruach from his Mishkan
(Temporary temple) that healed the sick and afflicted.
In these mortal bodies, if we continue to walk without the forgiveness of our sin we
cannot walk in righteousness, and in that sense there are none righteous that have no
salvation through Yeshua Ha Moshiach, however I am of a certain belief that if we strive
to understand what it is that Yeshua brought us through the sacrifice of His flesh and
blood, we will understand the whole mystery of the Gospel of Yeshua. What is it about
this teaching that has been made hard for people of Yahaveh to understand?
What is so impossible about living a life without sin? How is it that we put such a
impossible constraint on something that should be the desire of every follower of
Yahaveh, after all isn’t the fulfillment of following Yeshua’s teachings that we should
seek the kingdom of Yahaveh? What exactly does that mean? Does it mean to seek after a
dimension that we do not live in?
The Kingdom of Yahaveh is the place where we will all live for all eternity, and the
hardship that has been placed on us by the perspective of living a life that finds sinless
ness impossible makes our belief null and void, in that it teaches us that we are forgiven,
but then teaches us that we are doomed to sin, over and over again.
I say to you that we must investigate who stands to gain by your living a sinful life? Why
would anyone perpetrate such a thing as to teach thousands, millions of humans that
living a life without sin is impossible? What would this individual stand to gain by
humans “Choosing to sin under a big disillusionment?”
Let’s go back in time to the Garden of Eden, Here we have two humans who were in the
flesh, the same as you and I, with one exception, while yet in their mortal bodies death
had not entered their existence or environment, so therefore they inhabited a human body
that would have lived forever, had they did one thing, obeyed Yahaveh. See now we have
a place to start our investigation to see where this sin thing began, and we do know and
attest to the fact that all of the things in the “Bible” happened for us upon whom the ends
of the world are to come.
Let’s see now what happened, One commandment….”Don’t touch that tree….” One
disobedience to Yahaveh and now man is steeped in sin, as we see in the following
chapters the result of disobedience to the creator results in our suffering the
consequences. We were told we were warned, but we did not listen and apply what the
Father had instructed us.
In order to fully understand this let us look at the players in this misfortune of humanity,
we have Awdawm who “walked with Yahaveh.”, and his wife Chavah, and one more
character if you will, satan.
What did satan have to gain by tempting Chavah? Satan wanted mankind to disobey
Yahaveh by choice, how do we know this? Read the book of Iyov (Job) 1:1 here we find
a man who was blameless, a man without sin according to Yahaveh’s word, this man
shunned evil, turned away from it. Iyov had seven sons, and three girls, a total of ten
children, seven of which were boys.
Being a blessed man, Yahaveh asked the Adversary what he thought of His servant Iyov,
how he was a good man and shunned evil? Ha satan’s answer was, How can he help but
bless you, you give to him, and bless him, but if you take everything away from him he
will curse you. See satan hates it when you are a good person and fear Yahaveh, and
chose to follow Him from the goodness of your own heart, willingly and full of
obedience, this is more than satan can do, he cannot serve Yahaveh, he thinks himself
better than Yahaveh, and wishes for all creation to thin themselves higher than Yahaveh
as well, to join his hatred towards Yahaveh.
What did satan have to gain by tempting Yeshua? The Adversary wished to cause Yeshua
to turn on Yahaveh, his hopes were to turn the very son of Yahaveh against His Father,
and show how his power of persuasion was greater than the power of Yahaveh.
How did this come out to play in the scheme of things for all humanity? If we believe in
the forgiveness of sins, and then after we gained such enlightenment begin to walk out in
our daily lives what we believe then we would begin to understand the roots of our
existence, and the very meaning of why Yahaveh created us in the first place.
Yahaveh has more trust in His creation than His creation has in itself, which is
understandable since we are not the creator.
Why did Yahaveh want mankind to chose to not to eat of that tree of the knowledge of
good and evil? Our choice is very important, we are commanded to obey, however we are
given the option to not obey, what is unique about us humans is that we have a free will
that can chose to serve Yahaveh. For us to discover this is the beginning of wisdom of the
universe, and the bringing of the end of the ages.
The “Plan of salvation” has very great meaning, and very easy to understand mechanics.
It is simply this, that our Father in heaven wishes us to choose to be obedient, not like
robots, but to trust Him with everything concerning us. How do we begin to understand
the end result of this would be? To be in these human bodies and choose to not sin, can a
man choose not to sin?
Sin is a result of disobedience that is true, but even worse than that it is the result of
chosen disobedience. In other words we have the ability because of our free will to
choose to do that which is right or to do that which is wrong. We know what is right and
what is wrong, but to turn from what is wrong is Heavenly minded to choose to do what
is wrong is earthly minded.
It is not as we have been taught something we just are naturally meant to do, if sin had
that great of power then we would be still slaves to sin, and the cross of Yeshua would be
of no effect on us.
The reason this has been kept from you is two fold, one is because Yahaveh’s fullness of
time had to come yet for it to be revealed to you, and two satan has done his best to keep
you from finding out this truth. If you found out that you could live without sin, then this
would mean the end of the age has come, and satan would know that he has but a little
time left before our Lord Yeshua returns.
Naturally it behooves satan to keep you from finding out all truth, to even hide the truth
concerning who and what you are, if he is successful then he wll live a longer life
according to what he understands the truth to be, however his knowledge is limited to this
dimension and he cannot know the mind of Yahaveh, nor can it be revealed to him.
satan is in darkness and as such the things of the light are not for him to know, or
understand. This is the very reason when Yeshua was on this planet that he was unable to
accurately find Him and destroy Him at birth, though Yeshua did manage to make it to
the cross by the evil hands of the Romans, this was all in the time allotted for it to happen
according to prophecy.

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