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You Don’t Need A Gym...

...To Build A Strong, Lean, Athletic Body…


Bodyweight training works.

And it works very well.

I’ve been using bodyweight training and minimalist style workouts extensively in recent
years and have built a strong, lean and athletic body in the process.

And what’s better is I ​only​ perform ​3 workouts per week​. Each lasting between
30-40 minutes.

So do my clients.
You don’t ​need​ a gym. And you don’t ​need​ a lot of time.

In this short document I’m going to share with you some powerful workouts you can
start doing ​today ​to transform your body.

These workouts will be short, intense and require little to no equipment.

The first bunch of workouts is using your bodyweight only.

The second bunch of workouts will require a pull up bar.

The third bunch will require a pull up bar and a set of rings.

(Note: If you don’t have the equipment for the second and third group of workouts, you
can still do them. Just sub out the movements with equipment. Same goes for any of the

If you are unsure what any of the exercises are, shoot me a DM on ​Twitter​ or email me
at: ​

Alternatively, hop on YouTube and do a quick search.

Training Guidelines
1) Work within your current limits. You don't need to push yourself to the edge
everytime you train. If you work within your current limits they will expand over time.
Adaptation is a process that cannot be stopped. Pay attention to what your body is
telling you and progress will be inevitable.

2) Be consistent. If you want to get results at anything you do in life consistency is key.
Stick with things. See them out. Put all your effort into being consistent with your
training. Rome wasn't built in a day, and your body won’t be either.

3) Avoid pain and excess effort. Pain is a signal. A signal from your body telling you to
stop. You aren't making yourself better by putting your body in pain. All you're doing is
slowing down your progress.

4) Progress every time you train. There are many in which you can progress. Lifting
more weight is progress. Lifting the same weight for more reps is progress. Lifting the
same weight with the same number of reps but doing it in less time is also progress.
Increasing the ways in which you track your progress will allow you to set personal
records every time you train.

5) Track your training. If you aren't tracking your training you’re wasting your time.
This is a very simple trick but one that most people neglect to do. Being able to
physically see your improvements is a great motivator. Start tracking all of your training
either on paper or online using an app on your phone.

How Often To Train

As I mentioned earlier, 3 resistance based sessions is enough to transform your body. If
you wanted you could easily do 4.

It also gives you time to enjoy other activities or hobbies that you like.

In addition, if you want to throw in 1-2 days of cardio (running, sprints, biking, rowing
etc) you could do that as well.

Workout Notes
All sets are done in either a superset or circuit fashion.

For example:​ A1 to A5 = equals 1 round.

So you perform each exercise one after another until you have completed all 5 exercises.

Or you’ll see something like:​ A1 to A2 = 1 round. Complete all round before moving
on to B1 to B2.

If an exercise is too difficult for you, make it easier or lower the amounts of reps.

Whatever you do, don’t do anything that hurts or causes you pain.

Be smart!
How To Warm Up
I’ve put together comprehensive full body warm for you.

This will improve your flexibility and mobility whilst reducing your chance of injury.

It should take you 5-10 minutes and will also be great for you to do on your rest days to
keep the body moving.

Here’s the link: ​

Bodyweight Only Workouts - No Equipment

Workout 1.

A1. Bodyweight Squats x 15-20 (2-second pause at the bottom)

A2. Push-Ups Or Kneeling Push Ups x 8-12 ( making sure to lock out the triceps on each
rep and work as deep into the bottom of the movement as mobility allows) - 1-2 second
pause at the bottom

A3. Plank walkouts x 8-12

A4. Lying Leg Raises x 10-15

X 3-5 rounds

Workout 2.

A1. Bulgarian Split Squats x 5-10 each leg (1-2 second pause at the bottom of each rep)

A2. Single leg glute bridges x 8-12 each leg (2 second hold at the top of each rep)

A3. Straight arm planks x max time

A4. ​Skater Squat​ x 5-10 each leg (if you can’t do these, do reverse lunges for 10-20 reps
each leg)

A5. Table Top Inverted Rows x 8-12 (pause for a second at the top)

X 3- 5 rounds.

Workout 3

A1. 10 get ups

A2. 10 bicycle crunches (each side)
A3. 10 squats
A4. 10 push-ups or kneeling
A5. 10 reverse lunges (5 each leg)

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes

NB: break up the sets if required. As long as the required reps are achieved before
moving to the next station.

Workout 4

10 table top rows

10 squat
10 shoulder tap planks (each side)

9 table top rows

9 squat
9 shoulder tap planks (each side)

Keep going down to 1. Rest 2 minutes. Then work back up to 10.

Workout 5 - A Personal Favourite (I highly recommend doing this once a


Find a hill. Somewhere between 20-50m is perfect.

At the bottom of the hill, perform 5 push ups and 10 squats.

Then sprint up the hill as fast as you can.

Walk down slowly and rest as needed.

Repeat 5-15 times.

(Feel free to change the rep ranges to suit your ability)

Workout 6.

100 squats
100 push ups or kneeling
100 table top rows
100 lying leg raises

As fast as you can - with good form.

Workout 7.

2 push ups or kneeling

20 squats
4 push ups or kneeling
18 squats
6 push ups or kneeling
16 squats

Keep going until the push ups get to 20 and the squats get to 2….

Then work back down….if you can.

Workout 8.

A1. Table Top Rows x 8-12 (hold at top for 1 second)

A2. Plank Walkouts With a Push Up (or kneeling ) x 8-10

A3. Single Leg Glute Bridge (hold at top for 2 seconds) x 8-12 each leg

A4. Bulgarian Split Squats x 8-12 each leg (2s hold at the bottom)

A5. Lying Leg Raises x 8-12

3-5 rounds
Bodyweight Workouts - Pull Up Bar Required
Workout 1.

A1. Chin ups (palms facing you) x 3-8

A2. Push Ups x 8-12 ( making sure to lock out the triceps on each rep and work as deep
into the bottom of the movement as mobility allows)

A3. Bodyweight Table Top Rows x 8-12

A4. Side Planks x max time each side

A5. Hanging Knee Raises x 8-12

X 3-5 rounds

Workout 2.

A1. Bodyweight Squats x 20 - (2s pause at the bottom of each rep)

A2. Single leg glute bridges x 8-12 each leg (2 second hold at the top of each rep)

A3. Straight arm planks x max time

A4. ​Skater Squat​ x 5-10 each leg (if you can’t do these, do reverse lunges for 10-20 reps
each leg)

A5. Walking Lunges x 20 each leg

X 3-5 rounds.

Workout 3.

A1. Chin ups with knee raise (​video​) x 3-8

A2. Close Grip Push Ups x 8-12 ( making sure to lock out the triceps on each rep and
work as deep into the bottom of the movement as mobility allows)
A3. Bodyweight Table Top Rows x 8-12

A4. Straight Arm Plank x max time

A5. Double arm pull up bar hang x max time

X 3-5 rounds

Workout 4.

Round 1 - 60 seconds of each exercise

Round 2 - 45 seconds of each exercise
Round 3 - 30 seconds of each exercise
Round 4 - 15 seconds of each exercise

Get ups (lie on the floor and stand up. Try to use as little assistance as possible)
Chin Ups 0r Bodyweight Rows
Push Ups Or Kneeling

Workout 5.

A1. Bodyweight Squats x 30

A2. Push Ups or Kneeling x 10-15

A3. Chin Ups x 5-8

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes

Bodyweight Workouts - Pull Up Bar And
Gymnastic Rings Required

Workout 1.

A1. Chin ups (palms facing you) x 3-8 ​(if you can’t perform chin ups, either
perform negative reps (jump up to the top of a chi up and lower yourself
down as slowly as you can) OR perform more bodyweight rows)

A2. Push Ups x 8-12 ( making sure to lock out the triceps on each rep and work as deep
into the bottom of the movement as mobility allows)

A3. Bodyweight Ring Inverted Rows x 8-12

A4. Ring Push Ups x max reps

A5. Hanging Knee Raises x 8-12

X 3-5 rounds

Workout 2.

A1. Bodyweight Squats x 20 - (2s pause at the bottom of each rep)

A2. Single leg glute bridges x 8-12 each leg (2 second hold at the top of each rep)

A3. ​Ring Fallouts​ x 8-12

A4. Bulgarian Split Squats x 5-10 each leg (1-2 second pause at the bottom of each rep)

A5. Walking Lunges x 20 each leg

X 3-5 rounds.

Workout 3.
A1. Chin ups with knee raise (​video​) x 3-8

A2. Ring Dips x 5-10 reps​ (if you can’t perform dips, either perform negative
reps (jump up to the top of a dip and lower yourself down as slowly as you
can) OR perform straight arm holds)

A3. Bodyweight Table Top Rows x 8-12

A4. Push Ups (or kneeling) x max reps

A5. Double arm pull up bar hang x max time

X 3-5 rounds

Workout 4.

A1. Ring Dips x 5 (if you can’t do dips, perform negative reps)

A2. Ring Inverted Rows x 10

A3. Bodyweight Squats x 20

A4. Bicycle Crunches x 30 (15 each side)

As many rounds as possible in 15-20 minutes

Workout 5.

A1. Ring Chin Ups x 3-10 reps (if you can’t do chin ups perform negative reps or rows)

A2. ​Skater Squat​ x 5-10 each leg (if you can’t do these, do reverse lunges for 10-20 reps
each leg)

A3. Plank Walkouts x 10 reps

A4. Bodyweight 1.5 Rep Squats x 15-20 reps (go all the way down in a squat, come up
halfway, drop back down and then stand up fully. That’s 1 rep)
3-5 rounds

That’s It….
Simply pick 3 of these workouts per week based on your current ability and equipment

Your bodyweight is all you need to start transforming your body.

You can start doing these ​today​.

If you have any questions or are unsure about anything, please send me a message on
Twitter​ or email me at: ​

I’ll be happy to help.

Now, go try them. And let me know how you get on.

Talk soon,

Jack Coulson

P.S. ​If you found this valuable,​ ​you’ll LOVE ​the emails I send out to my newsletter.

They are packed full of powerful workouts and practical ways you can improve your
health and fitness ​without​ any ridiculously long training sessions or stupid crash diets.

You can sign up for ​FREE​ at the link below:

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