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English-Italian phrasebook

Hello Buongiorno [bwohn johr-noh]
Hello. (informal) Ciao [chow]
How are you? Come stai? [koh-meh stai]
Fine, thank you Bene, grazie [beh-neh, graht-tsyeh]
What is your name? Come ti chiami? [koh-meh tee kee-ah-mee]
My name is… Mi chiamo… [mee kee-ah-moh]
Nice to meet you Piacere di conoscerla [pyah-cheh-reh dee koh-noh-
Please Per favore [pehr fah-voh-reh]
Thank you Grazie [graht-tsyeh]
You're welcome Prego [preh-goh]
No problem Non c'è problema [non cheh pro-blay-mah]
Yes Sì [see]
No No [noh]
Excuse me Mi scusi [mee skoo-zee]
I'm sorry Mi scusi [mee skoo-zee]
Goodbye Arrivederci [ah-ree-veh-dehr-chee]
See you Ci vediamo [chee veh-dee-ah-moh]
Sure Certamente, or Certo [cher-tah-men-te or cher-toh]
Really? Davvero? [dah-veh-roh]
I don't speak Italian Non parlo italiano [non pahrloh ee-tah-lee-ah-no]
Do you speak English? Parli inglese? [pahr-lee een-gleh-zeh]
Is there someone here who Qualcuno parla inglese? [kwahl-koo-noh pahr-lah een-
speaks English? gleh-zeh]
Help! Aiuto! [ah-yoo-toh]
Good morning Buon giorno [bwohn johr-noh]
Good afternoon Buon pomeriggio [bwohn poh-meh-ree-gio]
Good evening Buona sera [bwohn-ah-seh-rah]
Good night Buona notte [bwohn-ah-noht-the]
I don't understand Non capisco [nohn kah-pees-koh]
Where is the toilet? Dov'è il bagno? [doh-veh eel bah-nyoh]
Leave me alone Mi lasci solo/a [mee lah-shee soh-loh/lah]
Don't touch me! Non mi tocchi! [nohn mee toh-kee]
I'll call the police Chiamo la polizia [kyah-moh lah poh-lee-tsyah]
Police! Polizia! [poh-lee-tsyah]
Stop! Thief! Al ladro! [ahl lah-droh]
I need your help Ho bisogno del suo aiuto [oh bee-zoh-nyoh dehl swoh
It's an emergency È un'emergenza [eh oo-neh-mehr-jen-tsah]
I'm lost Mi sono perso/a [mee soh-noh pehr-soh/sah]
I lost my bag Ho perso la mia borsa [oh pehrsoh lah meeah
I lost my wallet Ho perso il mio portafoglio [oh pehr-soh eel myoh pohr-
I'm sick Sono malato/a [soh-noh mah-lah-toh/tah]
I need a doctor Ho bisogno di un dottore [oh bee-zoh-nyoh dee oon dot-
Can I use your phone? Posso usare il suo telefono? [pos-soh oo-zah-reh eel swoh
1 uno [oo-noh]
2 due [doo-eh]
3 tre [treh]
4 quattro [kwah-troh]
5 cinque [cheen-kweh]
6 sei [seh-ee]
7 sette [seh-the]
8 otto [oh-toh]
9 nove [noh-veh]
10 dieci [dyeh-chee]
11 undici [oon-dee-chee]
12 dodici [doh-dee-chee]
13 tredici [treh-dee-chee]
14 quattordici [kwahr-tohr-dee-chee]
15 quindici [kween-dee-chee]
16 sedici [seh-dee-chee]
17 diciassette [dee-chee-ah-sseh-the]
18 diciotto [dee-choh-toh]
19 diciannove [dee-chah-noh-veh]
20 venti [vehn-tee]
21 ventuno [vehn-too-noh]
22 ventidue [vehn-tee-doo-eh]
23 ventitré [vehn-tee-treh]
30 trenta [trehn-tah]
40 quaranta [kwah-rahn-tah]
50 cinquanta [cheen-kwahn-tah]
60 sessanta [sehs-sahn-tah]
70 settanta [seht-tahn-tah]
80 ottanta [oht-tahn-tah]
90 novanta [noh-vahn-tah]
100 cento [chehn-toh]
200 duecento [dweh-chehn-toh]
300 trecento [treh-chehn-toh]
1.000 mille [meel-leh]
2.000 duemila [dweh-mee-lah]
1.000.000 un milione [oon mee-lyoh-neh]
number… numero… [noo-meh-roh]
half mezzo [mehd-dzoh]
less meno [meh-noh]
more più [pyoo]
now adesso [ah-dehss-oh]
later più tardi [pyoo-tar-di]
before prima [pree-ma]
morning mattina [mah-teen-ah]
afternoon pomeriggio [pom-eh-ree-joh]
evening sera [seh-ra]
night notte [noht-the]
Clock time
one o'clock AM l'una [loo-na]
two o'clock AM le due [leh doo-eh]
noon mezzogiorno [mehts-oh-jor-no]
one o'clock PM le tredici [leh tre-dee-chee]
two o'clock PM le quattordici [leh kwat-tor-dee-chee]
midnight mezzanotte [mehts-ah-noht-eh]
today oggi [ohd-jee]
yesterday ieri [yeh-ree]
tomorrow domani [doh-mah-nee]
day after tomorrow dopo domani [doh-poh doh-mah-nee]
this week questa settimana [ques-tah set-tee-mah-nah]
last week la settimana scorsa [lah set-tee-mah-nah skor-sah]
next week la prossima settimana [lah pross-see-mah set-tee-
Sunday domenica [doh-may-nee-kah]
Monday lunedì [loo-nay-dee]
Tuesday Tuesday [mar-tay-dee]
Wednesday mercoledì [mehr-koh-lay-dee]
Thursday giovedì [joh-vay-dee]
Friday venerdì [vay-nehr-dee]
Saturday sabato [sah-bah-toh]
January gennaio [jen-ny-oh]
February febbraio [feb-bry-oh]
March marzo [mar-tso]
April aprile [ah-pree-leh]
May maggio [mah-jyo]
June giugno [jyoo-nyo]
July luglio [loo-lyo]
August agosto [ah-ghost-oh]
September settembre [seht-tem-breh]
October ottobre [oht-tohb-breh]
November novembre [no-vem-breh]
December dicembre [dee-chem-breh]
Shopping and Commerce
a bra un reggiseno [oon rej-jee-sehyn-oh]
a butcher una macelleria [oona mahch-ah-lahr-ee-ah]
a camera shop un negozio di fotocine [oon neg-otz-ee-oh dee foh-
a candy/smoke shop un sale e tabacchi [oon sah-leh eh tah-bak-kee]
a chemist (pharmacy) un farmacia [oon far-mah-chee-ah]
a clothing store un negozio di abbigliamento [oon negozio dee abb-eel-ee-
a delecatessen una salumeria [oona sah-loom-ehr-ee-ah
a gift shop un negozio di regali [oon neg-otz-ee-oh dee reg-
a hardware store un ferramenta [oon fehr-rah-men-tah]
a jewelry store una gioielleria [oona jee-oh-eel-leh-ree-ah]
a grocery store un negozio di alimentari [oon neg-otz-ee-oh dee ahl-ee-
a shirt un camicia [oohn kahm-eech-ah]
a skirt una gonna [oona gohn-nah]
a supermarket un supermercato [oon soo-pehr-mehr-kot-oh]
a tobacco shop un tabaccheria [oon tahb-ak-ah-ree-eh]
a wine shop una enoteca [oona en-oh-tek-ah]
Can I pay with a credit card? Posso pagare con un carte di [pohs-soh pay-gar-eh kon oon
credito? kart-eh dee kred-eet-oh]
Can I rent a car? Posso nolleggiare una [pohs-soh noh-lej-jee-ahr-eh
macchina? oon-ah ma-keen-ah]
Can you help me miss? Signorina, puo aiutarmi? [see-nyor-een-ah poo-oh eye-
discount sconto [skohn-toh]
Do you have somehting else? ha qualche cosa altro? [ah kwal-kay coh-sah ahlt-roh]
dollars i dollari [ee dohl-ar-ee]
free gratis [graht-ees]
Give me five twenty euro bills Mi dia cinque biglietti da venti [mee dee-ah ching-kweh bill-
euro eeettee dah ven-tee eh-oor-oh]
How much is the fare? Quanto costa la corsa? [kwantoh kohstah lahkorsah]
I want... Ho voglia di... [oh vohl-ee-ah dee]
I'm just looking Sto solo guardando [stoh sohloh gooahrdahndoh]
income reddito [rehd-dee-toh]
interest rate tasso d'interesse [tahs-soh deen-tehr-ess-she]
investment investimento [een-vest-ee-mehn-toh]
large bills banconote grande [bank-oh-noh-teh grahn-deh]
larger piu grande [pee-yoo grahn-deh]
loss perdita [pehr-dee-tah]
money soldi [sohl-dee]
pants pantaloni [pahn-tah-lohn-eh]
pounds i sterline [ee ster-lee-neh]
safe cassaforte [cahs-sah-fohrt-eh]
sale saldi [sahl-dee]
shoes scarpe [skahr-peh]
signature firma [feerm-ah]
small change i spiccioli [ee spee-chee-oh-lee]
Where can I find...? Dov'e posso trovare...? [doh-veh pohs-soh trohvahreh]
Where can I get a taxi? Dov'e posso prendere un taxi? [doh-veh pohs-soh pren-dehr-
eh oon tas-see]
Where do I sign? Dov'e debbo firmare? [doh-veh dehb-bhoh firm-ahr-
Where is the cashier's Dov'e lo sportello del [doh-veh loh sport-ehl-loh dell
window? cassiere? cahs-see-ehr-eh]
Where is the currency Dov'e l'ufficio cambio? [doh-veh loo-fee-shee-oh
exchange? kam-bee-oh]
Travel and Lodging
adult adulto [ah-dool-toh]
aisle seat posto al corridoro [pohs-toh ahl kor-ree-dohr-oh]
baggage claim ritiro bagagli [ree-tee-roh bahg-ahl-yee]
balcony il balcone [eel bahl-koh-neh]
bathroom il bagno [eel bahn-yoh]
bathtub vasca da bagno [vahs-kah dah bahn-yoh]
bed il letto [eel let-toh]
bed and breakfast Inn agri tourismo [ahg-rhee toor-ees-moh]
bill il conto [eel kohn-toh]
boarding pass la carta d'imbarco [cahr-tah deem-bahr-koh]
bus l'autobus [lahoo-toh-boos]
Could you call a taxi for me, potrebbe chiamarmi un taxi, poht-treh-beh kee-ahm-ahr-
please? per favore? mee oon tas-see, pehr fah-
dining room sala di pranzo [sahl-eh dee prahn-zoh]
elevator l'ascensore [lash-en-sohr-eh]
full board pensione completo [penzeeohneh kohm-plet-oh]
hotel albergo, hotel [ahl-behr-goh, oh-tell]
I have a reservation Ho prenotatzione [oh pree-noh-taht-zee-ohn-eh]
I'd like a room for the night vorrei una stanza per un notte [vohr-eh oona stan-zah pehr
oon noht-the]
I'l like non smoking vorrei non fumatore [vohr-reh nohn foo-mah-tohr-
I'm leaving tomorrow parto domani [pahr-toh doh-mahn-ee]
Is the flight late? E il volo in ritardo? [eh eel voh-loh een ree-tahr-
Is this the train for Rome? E questo il treno per Roma? [eh kwes-toh eel tray-noh pehr
key chiave [kee-yahv-eh]
late in ritardo [een ree-tahr-doh]
luggage i bagagli [ee bag-ah-glyee]
maid la cameriera [lah kam-ehr-yee-ahr-ah]
on time in orario [een ohr-ahr-ee-oh]
one way ticket biglietto solo andata [beel-yet-toh soh-loh ahn-
please wake me at eight me svelgi, per favore, alla otto [mee svell-yee, pehr fah-vohr-
eh, al-lah oh-toh]
room la camera [lah kam-ehr-ah]
room service servizio al camera [sehrvitzeeoh ahl kamehrah]
round trip ticket biglietto andata e ritorno [beel-yet-toh ahn-daht-ah eh
sink il lavandino [eel lahv-ahn-deen-oh]
The window wont open la finestra non si apre [lah fee-nest-rah nohn see ahp-
There is no hot water non c'e acqua caldo [nohn chay ah-kwah kahl-doh]
ticket office la biglietteria [lah bee-lyee-ett-teh-ree-ah]
what is the fare to Naples? Quanto costa un biglietto per [kwan-toh kost-ah oon beel-
Napoli? yet-toh pehr nap-oh-lee]
What is the nightly rate? quanto si paga per notte? [kwan-toh see-pahg-ah pehr
what time does the train a che ora parte il treno? [ah kay ohr-ah pahr-teh eel
depart? tray-noh]

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