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Coopers Colour Codes: Why It Needs Throwing Away

In this article I will explain why Coopers Colours Codes is no longer an effective training tool
and provide you with the exact method  I used to improve my awareness  skills which allowed me
stay safe in a police career  that spanned 17 years service. The technique I use is called the 'Threat
Scanning Method' and it is supported by science and is based on techniques from advanced
driving and also training for the visually impaired

The Issues With Coopers Colour Codes

Coopers Colour codes was one of the first things I learned as a police officer as a method to keep
me safe, alert and recognise potential threats to myself and others. Some 20 years later I know it
is still taught across the globe as a learning base for awareness in confrontational situations and  it
was originally developed by a pistol instructor. It is now heavily used for general personal safety
training across the globe as a way for people to recognise which 'states  of  awareness' they  are

For those that don't know the codes used in the Cooper system are used to describe the awareness
levels of individuals and they are broken down into  4 groups or colours.

 Code White

Code Yellow

Code Orange

Code Red

Code White- This was always taught to me as being completely switched off to threat, un aware
of any dangers around them

Code Yellow-  This is what most would called 'switched on'. A person in this state would be
aware that in alleyways there could be a threat to their safety if they walk down them, they are
aware of the aggressive male in the pub even if they are stood across the bar from them. It is the
state that any cop or self defence student should always be in when out and about.

Code Orange- This is the state you get in when a threat starts to emerge, perhaps  that guy has
moved to your side of the bar. Perhaps a group of lads have walked over to your side of the road
as you are walking home. It is the state of a potential emerging threat.

Code Red- This is the fight or flight mode. In simple terms it is when you are involved in an
incident that requires physical action fast! Either you are going to fight and or you are going to
run away to avoid harm.

You can actually watch Jeff Cooper himself explain his colour codes here:
So there you have it, this is pretty much how Coopers Colour codes are taught across the planet to
law  enforcement and self defence students and I understand why. It is a simple way to discuss
how people are switched off to dangers around them, however I personally have for many years
now had a great deal of doubt that the system is accurate or in fact correct.

Now Coopers focus is heavily based on firearm usage but  he actually states in the video that "if
you are in zone white when you are attacked the only thing that will save you is the incompetence
of the attacker".  He also talks about whilst we might want to be in Zone or code white it will
never happen in this time due to the turbulent nature of society.  Things I actually disagree with
because he places a heavy and unscientific emphasis on the personal ability to shift zones. Which
I will prove is wrong.  

Many will argue that this system was devised for pistol/firearms  which again may be the case
however Cooper himself states that this system can be used for all confrontations and as you will
see it is actually being taught for personal safety training . If you watch the video I feel that the
Cooper system places a heavy emphasis on 2 things:

1. Your actual readiness to shoot/  fight with someone

2. The decision to actually  shoot/  fight with someone.

In opposition to the Colour Codes I feel our levels of awareness are far more complex and are not
self governed and as I will show you in this article the Cooper Colour Codes  now look as
antiquated as the video above.

Awareness in Self Protection

If you go to  any self defence instructor and ask them what they feel is the most important aspect
of self defence the vast majority will say "awareness" and they are right to do so. It is the most
basic skill we possess. By having good awareness skills we can spot potential threats to our safety
and take action to avoid them. Yet despite this being a 'key' self defence skill very few people
actually teach awareness and in fact I have even heard some people say that 'you cant teach it' and
even if it is taught the vast majority will  revert back to Coopers Colour codes and basically
discuss the colour codes and then expect people to suddenly become 'aware 'of threats around
them by expecting them  to turn on awareness like a switch when it simply doesnt work like this.

We really have failed as self defence instructors to help students to become more aware and I
personally think Coopers Colour Codes have become an unscientific 'crutch' which makes the life
of Self defence instructors easier so they can get onto the 'fun' stuff. If awareness is so important
why  has no one  spent any time on the subject. It really is annoying that so many self defence
and especially martial arts instructors have 'washed' over this key area of personal development
and rely on the  colour codes as a 'go to guide' which I am certain they were never intended to be.

What is Awareness?
If we are actually going to write about awareness we need to learn exactly what it is. 

Part of the failure of Coopers colour codes is the vast over estimation of our concious ability, it is
based on a system that makes out that we are somehow in control of our states of awareness,
when in fact we  have a far more complex friend running the show on a day to day basis- our
The subconscious brain is a very powerful tool because it pretty much takes care of everyday life
for you. Only when your concious brain requires you to think about things does it actually need
to. This is exactly what happens when you learn to drive. At first there seems to be hundreds of
complex actions to consider-  what gear should I be in, how much pressure should I place on the
clutch, mirrors, speed, cars around me, lanes, road signs and the list  goes on and on. However we
know that after a few years we can  get into a car and just drive as if it is second nature, but wait
what about all those complex things we need to do that were once so hard, yes you got it, the
subconscious brain is taking care of business while we talk to our passengers and in some cases
even on a hands free phone kit.

When I think back to my years in the police what was going on when I responded to a 999 call.
On route I would be using the police radio, driving at speed with sirens on and blue lights
flashing, breaking speed restrictions and the same road laws that are designed to keep us safe,
avoiding cars and all this at the same time  as processing key information about the incident I was
travelling to, often asking questions so I could acquire more information. It begs the question-
who was driving the car? 

Of course we know that it was myself doing this but in essence I am a machine, a very complex
one at that. At work in my brain is a wide range of elements that you could call systems or even
secondary brains.

Computer scientist and artificial intelligence specialist Marvin Minsky suggested that human
minds may be a collection of enormous numbers of machine like, connected sub agents that are
themselves mindless. This is of course just one view point but it is referred to as the 'society of
mind' framework. All the small parts add up to for a society that allows us to complete very
complex tasks. In his book "The society of mind" he writes:

'Thousands and, perhaps millions of little processes must be involved in how we anticipate,
imagine, plan, predict and prevent-and yet all  this proceeds so automatically what we  regard it
as ordinary common sense'

However the issue behind this theory is that it is all too civilised. After 20 years in the police I
know that after 5 pints of Stella Artois  common sense goes out of  the window.  I have seen
people I regard as rational and calm individuals change in the presence of alcohol and that is
before you even bring into the discussion ego.

In 1920 Sigmund Freud suggested three competing parts in his model of the psyche: the id
(instinctive), the ego (realistic and organised) and the super ego ( critical and moralizing). Other
models have also been introduced throughout the years however I personally prefer the
descriptions used by Neuroscientist David Eagleman in his book Incognito in which he describes
us as having a dominant 2 party system of our brain- Reason and Emotion. Regardless of which
model of  thinking you use  it is clear that we (as in our concious self) are actually not alone in
operating our day to day activities, instead we have a vast array of complexities that govern our
behaviour and abilities. 

Violence as Tool or an Emotion

If we now recognise that our brains are clearly very complex it brings into discussion the validity
of Coopers Colour codes. I will be the first to state I have never actually read the source material
of Cooper Colour codes(only watched the video) and although I possibly should I dont need to
because of how generalised the method has become(it is this generalisation that I am against),
there are enough texts out there to state that whatever the original goal of Pistol Instructor 'Jeff
Cooper' was when he created them, the codes  have been referenced in the manner I described
earlier for a long time and BAFTA award winning self defence expert Geoff Thompson even
refers to them the same way in his excellent book "Dead or Alive". Whatever the codes started as
they have ended up as  a personal safety training tool

The thing we should be concerned with ourselves is if this method of teaching valid or is it as
fictional as 'no touch knock outs'? 

In my personal experience of violence I have come to the conclusion that violence is a direct
result of 2 things. It is either a tool or a vehicle to gain or obtain something- be it a physical item
such as a wallet (as in a robbery) or even an pleasure such as when a rapist uses violence to rape a
female. The other formation of violence comes as a direct result of emotion.  For example a
person will attack another out of nothing but pure anger, in this way violence becomes the
physical manifestation of that emotion. Whilst this is an over simplistic definition it has been the
source of my own awareness skills for a long time- and not Coopers Colour Codes.

My personal system of awareness is actually based on not understanding my own levels of

awareness but actually on my own levels of knowledge and my ability to increase the chances of
'seeing' a threat. Let me explain:

Coopers version is all about 'states of awareness', as if we can actually control our own state. In
many ways we can but on only on a momentary basis. We often hear a parent tell a child to "be
careful" when they are engaging in an activity that could have negative consequences. As such
you see a child often stop and look around them to form some form of 'risk assessment' based on
the dangers. However in most cases the child carries  on with their behaviour until a parent
physically intervenes because the child cannot see or understand the consequences of risk. It is
the child  who with prompting has  actually looked around and assessed the risk to themselves. 

Think about that for a second- The child has been prompted (received a parents command) they
then  stop for a second and assess the risks and the  child takes one of 2 actions. They  either alter
their behaviour or carry on. This takes place in a split second and the child who may not even be
able to talk due to their age will  make a decision. We know that it is  not them making this
decision on  a concious level but their subconscious. What happens if they hurt themselves? Well
if you are a parent you know  that they are not likely to do this again!

On  a practical level my 2 year old daughter shows me this in action  all the time. On one specific
occasion she decided to start hitting her  5 year old brother with a toy. He told her to  stop but she
didnt, I told her to  stop  but she didnt! Eventually her brother took the toy off her. However not
long after she started again until the brother pushed her away and she fell to the floor crying.
Guess what, she didnt do it again. She has learned  that if she hits her brother he will push her

Everyday life is full of  these learning experiences- from touching a hot radiator to eating foods
we dont like and all these decisions go on behind the scenes in our subconscious.

Coopers Colour codes ignores the vast power of our subconscious and actually requires the
student to self monitor their awareness levels and 'switch on' in the face of danger. However the
critical element here is the one thing that Coopers codes miss out. It relies on either being told the
need to 'switch on' as in the parent child model or the person does the switching 'on' themselves!  
The ability to 'switch on'  requires the person to have recognised the potential threat in the first
place or live in a rather bizarre relaxed  state of self imposed readiness. But how does a person
actually spot a threat in the first place, what process is behind this?

The Problem With Vision

We all know that the eyes do not actually see, instead the mind makes up a picture- a 3D Model if
you like as it processes the data and we know that our vision isnt perfect even if we have perfect

One third of the human brain is devoted to our vision however it is not the movie style  recreation
we think it is. Just because we see something does not mean we have actually seen it. Magicians
have specialised in exploiting the vulnerability of the vision of humans, they very often perform a
trick in front of us and we have no idea they have because they have lead us to focus our vision
elsewhere. Focus is the key!

In essence we only see what we focus on and we only focus on things we want to. Take driving a
car again! We are driving along and the car in front slams its brakes on- we then do the same
without any concious thought. Before we have consciously become aware of this our sub
conscious has taken over and taken action. It knows that we need to brake or we will have an
accident and before you become aware your foot is pressed on the brakes and  you screech to a
halt. This happens even if we are talking to the wife about dinner (granted if you are travelling
too close and  too fast you simply hit the car in front). Let us take a look at our focus in action.

The Invisible Gorilla

Chances are you will have seen the Invisible Gorilla Test before but if not here it is, please take it
as it will go some way to explaining my issues with Coopers Codes, just watch this short video
and go along with the test:

If you did the test you may or may not have seen the Gorilla coming into shot. The crux of this is
that it was an experiment in selective attention. Basically in a University experiment students
were asked to count how many passes were made and less than half the students in this test
actually saw the Gorilla walking in the game. This 'selective attention' is the main reason that
Coopers Colour Codes falls down it is based on the critical assumption  that just because you are
'switched on' you will see a threat. This is simply not true.

This places the key to awareness actually on education, experience and visual skills and not your
personal levels of awareness! This fires directly against the current and over used approach of the
Colour codes and actually places a far greater emphasis on the requirement of experience within
situations that require critical observation. In essence if you dont know what your  looking for
you are unlikely to see it!

So by telling people to 'switch on' or go to code yellow  just wont cut it unless there is an
accompanying educational process which tells people what they need to be looking for and even
then there should be procedures in place to protect your failures in observation and awareness.

I have personally been present when victims have been described as in 'code white' after an attack
which is totally unfair and has  no scientific basis whatsoever. In boxing there is a saying "its the
punch that you dont see coming that knocks you out' and personal safety is the same. It is the
attack  that you dont see coming that you cannot avoid!
The Reticular Activating System and Its Use In Personal Safety
If we acknowledge based on science and experience that Coopers Colour Codes makes no sense
at all and is actually pointless to teach what are the alternatives?

Many years ago I started to research 'awareness' and discovered part of our brain that has
involvement in our states of alertness and it is called the RAS  or the Reticular Activating System

The Reticular Activating System is actually part of the brain that governs our state of awareness.
It is the thing that gets switched off when we undergo general anaesthetic however studies show
that it also governs periods of high alertness. 

Whilst this post is not an indepth look at the RAS it is clear that you cannot go around teaching
people to be in certain states of awareness when in actual fact this is  totally wrong because it is
known that during high states of awareness blood flows to the RAS. Coopers  colour  codes (or at
least how they are taught) seems to imply that we can send blood to this area  of  the brain on

So what happens to the colour codes? Get rid of them. This might sound cruel but why keep
driving home a process that doesnt make sense?

Over the years I have heard a lot of time people critiqued for their lack of  awareness. The classic
example of  this is the female walking home alone at night down a dark alleyway. Sure she knows
this isnt right but unless she was to have a negative experience she is likely to believe 'it will
never happen to me'.

The funny thing is, statistically she is actually pretty right! The likelihood  that she will be
attacked is far less than most self  defence instructors would admit. But what if as she was
walking a male suddenly appeared behind her and she felt and then saw his presence. As blood
flowed to her Reticular Awareness System her state of awareness would be heightened and she is
in what traditionally could be classed as code orange with the potential to move to code red.  In
reality even if this was just a random guy walking down the alleyway the  female would likely to
have had such a poor frightening experience she would change routes in future.

The key take away from this is that even with zero knowledge of awareness levels or Colour
codes her own body has taken over for her. The subconscious will have registered news stories
over the years of rapes and murders and like a bolt of lightening has put her in the zone ready for
fight or flight.

Experience is a great teacher but you need to have had that experience. If the female in the above
scenario had no personal levels of awareness or risk ( code white) then she would not have felt
fear,  her RAS would not have kicked in. But experience tells  me that even without instruction
we have an inbuilt  defence mechanism that does well without much help.

The traditional and often evangelist self protection instructor will tell female students to avoid
dark alleyways and its easy to see the sense in this. The truth though is that a person can be
attacked  in any location where 3 components come together. These are of course the following:

Note that it is not levels of awareness that serve as a method for the potential victim to either
avoid an offender or the location of an offence or remove themselves from a situation. Instead it
is all to do with knowledge of possible outcomes. For door supervisors the key would be to
remove the offender from the location prior to  an assault taking place. For other people it might
be getting a taxi home as opposed to walking. This has nothing to do with codes and everything
to do with tangible threat analysis which is dependant on the speed of the decision can be done
either consciously or subconsciously. 

Again this has nothing to do with the state of awareness you are in but is actually all about the
ability to spot the offender or the offence location. This is knowledge or experience and
sometimes a combination of both. However to  do both requires visual skills!

Awareness v Education
By now I hope you are starting to see just how pointless even discussing awareness using Colour
codes is. There has been for a long time now the misguided belief that  if you tell a person  about
Jeff Coopers colour codes  then in some way shape and form  you will magically transform the
student and they will instantly switch on and be able to spot potential threats. The relaxed and
experienced doorman or police officer will  be able to spot a troublemaker far easier than the
'wired' up  rookie  desperate to impress. 

This again has nothing to do with codes and everything to do with something known as
Combinatorial Explosion.  Although you may be unfamiliar with the term it is something that
separates computers that play chess from grand chess masters. It is the ability to see things far
beyond that which normal people/ a computer can see and it comes as a result of experience.

An example of this is the doorman that refuses a person entry. To the bystander this may seem
cruel and often goes against the logic of anyone, however the years of experience has taught the
doorman that this guy is too animated, to muscled up  and too  heavily intoxicated  to be inside
his venue. The seasoned doorman knows this guy is full of cocaine, steroids and alcohol and he
doenst want to be dealing with him later at his venue. He knows this male  has trouble written all
over him. The rookie would have let him inside only to be fighting with him later.

In the book Bounce by Matthew Syed the subject of performance is thoroughly examined and we
see experience is talked about greatly.  In essence expert knowledge isnt gained overnight and it
is sadly ignored by most martial  arts and self defence instructors.

The Importance of Vision in  Personal Safety

As we have seen already the colour codes have no  basis in science and instead we have see that
there is a complex operations ongoing with our subconscious which has a basis in experience also
which is trying to keep us safe.

However  we have also discovered that focus is actually a key component in 'awareness'. Just
because we are looking for something does  not mean we will  see another key event such as the
Gorilla in the experiment or the magician palming a coin. We only see what we are focused on
and what we focus on is largely dictated to  us by our subconscious programming.

The Phantom of the Opera-

I recently had this experience when I travelled to London  and went to see 'The Phantom of the
Opera'. Years of going to the theatre had  taught me  to focus on the stage where the actors were
and it took my wife to nudge me to show me the Phantom behind me on wires and above the
stage! Of course if I  had known he would be doing this then I would  have looked. It is this
unique combination of knowledge, experience and vision that actually dictate our awareness and
not ourselves. 

The Threat Scanning Method

Earlier I told you about the method  I had used throughout my  career and as I developed  it I
believe I got better at using it.  I call it the Threat Scanning Method and it comprises of 3 main




1. Knowledge
The first part of this method is heavily based on knowledge. This can either  be taught externally
or self taught. The key here is to learn more about the potential threats that you may or will face. I
will  give 2 examples:

First consider a  door supervisor- any course where you are running door supervisor training
should include 'awareness' however just  by telling people about the states of awareness using
colour codes is  not going to help anyone. There should  be a heavy focus on the types of threats
doormen face. This can be as detailed  as you like and draw  upon real life events if you can.  I
would recommend  you make the accounts as detailed as possible and this will  help the students
to visualise the scenario. Only by going over as many potential hazards as you can will the
student embed this knowledge. From an incident with a gun to a guy concealing a screw driver. It
important to keep these incidents factual.

On the other hand if  I was  teaching a group of middle aged women I would be using factual
stories around hazards. Such as the girl who was stabbed on her way home when she took a  short
cut through the woods to a murder in a secluded car park at night. This is not scare tactics by the
way, you are actually using real incidents to  re enforce your training and help  to embed their
personal levels of knowledge. 

You see this is the key difference here- you are actually teaching the student about things to 'BE
AWARE OF' rather than just telling them that in certain situations they should switch on. You are
teaching people based on the individual threats they may face. This is not a catch all event, you
need to specifically teach people based  on their needs and not just'wash over' things. 

The next phase of the Threat Scanning Method involves experience. For this I recommend
scenario training. Having taught the student about real life incidents their personal knowledge has
already grown.  The scenarios can  be as detailed as you want them to be as long  as  the key
elements are covered. Perhaps a guy trying to get into a club  is refused and he pulls a screw
driver out. The scenario will provide the experience that when you refuse a person entry they may
have a weapon on them that you do not know about. 

Whist this may seem obvious to  some it wont be to a lot of  people. But by adding reality based
scenarios to training you are re enforcing the knowledge taught in step 1. 
Although I know many instructors out there already using steps 1 and  2, I have never heard
anyone teach visual training techniques. This however is the key and as we have seen already just
because you aren't looking at things doesn't mean you will be  able to see something. 

I personally use a method I discovered from  advanced driving techniques and also it is used to
help train visually impaired people.  This method is called scanning!

Rather than fix your eyes on an area you need to scan the area in your visual field  rather than just
look ahead. For example if I am walking home at  night I will start to scan. Instead of  keeping
my head down I will look in the distance, at the alleyway entrance up  ahead, at the car reversing
out of a driveway and onto the footpath in front etc ect. Most people will  either have their head
looking at their phone or be staring into space. 

This is not the same as being aware, this is all about focus! 

If you were to consider Coopers colour codes I would be in state white-  why? Because  I know
that there is next to zero chance of being attacked. I dont need to impose some  kind of  'alert
state'. Common sense tells me I will be ok.

However as my scanning picks up the shadows of the gang standing in the alleyway my
subconscious has made me aware of this  and based on my  training I know that there could be a
chance they say or do something. Rather than  take this risk I make  a sensible decision and cross
over the road. 

Please note that this has nothing to do with any 'code' I have simply made a risk assessment based
on something I have seen. 

The tick here is to learn to scan effortlessly and to do this  you can practise all  the time. In the
car, walking or running own  the road etc. What starts off as a complex task soon becomes the
norm .

Observational and Situational Links

One of the key things I am looking for is situational or observational links and this is what you
want to teach your students.

An observational link is quite easy to learn and is part of the Threat Scanning Method.  Think
about driving again, a ball  comes into the road as you drive. What do you think could be coming
after the ball? A child.

Personal safety at any level  is the same and if you see a gang  on a street corner drinking then
you know from experience that this group could cause issues  for you as you walk past. 

A situational link is slightly different because it involves your participation in a situation as it

happens. For example if we look at the door staff refusing entry we know that in that situation the
male may respond in a few different ways such as  simply leaving, shouting abuse, trying to force
their way in, trying again to  sneak in or even brandishing a weapon. Because you have this
knowledge your prepared. 

Putting it All Together

The goal of  the threat scanning method is and always has been simple, to remain relaxed and
calm.  This allows me to make sensible decisions based on ever changing information. The way I
would like to explain this is to use a standard example, as an officer I  would often turn up to
incidents with people injured and screaming. Most often they would be drunk after a big fight has
gone on and tensions are still running high.   Coopers Codes really should dictate I be in state
orange or even red. In truth I am relaxed but focused- How?

Because I was aware of my role and responsibility I could quickly assess dangers and threats as
well as gaining key witness  information. I have scanned the scene and have seen the guy with
blood on his knuckles.  

This has nothing to do with any state  or code of  awareness and has everything to  do with
knowledge, visual recognition and observational  links.

But I have Taught People and They Still Put Themselves at Risk
Now here is the issue, we  often refer to  people as being unaware or actually in code white
because despite training courses and knowledge they still put themselves at risk. This is actually a
really poor description. 

The person who takes risks despite knowledge of those risks  has made a decision either
consciously or subconsciously that the benefits or gains of this decision outweigh the risks. 

There are hundreds of domestic violence victim's who  stay with their partners despite knowing
they are at risk of being killed one day. There are many young girls that walk  home alone at
night and down darkened  alleyways even though they are aware of the risk of being attacked. 

Note this is not the  same as being unaware, this is actually a choice made.

In conclusion
I started this article by explaining that the modern use  of Coopers Colour Codes is wrong and has
no real use in self protection. We have looked at the reasons behind this and suggested that the
Threat Scanning Method is a far better way of training awareness.

My issues with the  colour codes is that they are now used as a  training tool and a descriptive
method and this is really inaccurate. Just because a victim didn't see the attacker doesn't mean
they were 'switched off'  and just because the doorman got stabbed doesn't mean he was not
focused on his job. As humans we are very complex organisms and by constantly referring to an
outdated model of 'awareness' analysis fails to take into account the human element. 

I often  wonder why the fascination around these 'colour codes' but I think it is all about people.
We all find it easier to label others and certainly criticise people and I think in many ways
Coopers Colour Codes has been a way to criticise others. Do you view CCTV videos  online  and
place blame on the victim? 

The other aspect that the codes fail to recognise is the ability of the offender. Very often  an
offender will  hide or actually disguise their techniques and just like a magician  people fail to
spot this. 

The video below is an example where the  victim had no chance

You could argue that if she was in a heightened state of awareness she  may have been able to
react and seems she had a hood up but are we need to teach personal safety with some actually
reality and normalisation. If people are always on pins of being attacked then personal safety has
failed to do its  job and that is to help people feel more safe and confident and not make them feel
in fear!

One of the key aspects of self defence training is getting people to feel  empowered and the
Threat Scanning Model works  because it is  relaxed, after all it is just a  way of seeing and only
when we actually see something that catches our attention based on knowledge or experience do
we  need to take action and even then we might not want or need  to but I personally feel the
more relaxed we are the more likely you can spot dangers.

The actual video of Jeff Cooper talks  about muggers selecting victims based on stature etc. This
is  true,  we know that people who are not  confident  or  are vulnerable will slouch, drop their
heads and look an easy target. Self Defence training empowers people and  tells them that if they
are attacked they can and do  have the power to  fight back, and if  they make key changes they
are likely to avoid trouble and stature is part of  this. But that is different than being 'aware or
ready to fight back'.

To finish  I personally believe that Coopers Colour Codes is an outdated model of analysis. We
know from modern science that we do not think like the colour  codes and encouraging people to
be in some form of readiness is not needed. Through quality training and information you will be
able to enjoy a relaxed lifestyle where you are equally ready to defend yourself and take action. 

To finish off and for a bit of fun our last video showcases the famous scene from the Pink Panther
films  where the Inspector comes home. I personally feel that Coopers Codes want everyone to be
in that state of awareness!

Take care and stay safe

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