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Covers of the most complete knowledge base on this topic known to this author:

Also recommended: The Secret Science at Work, by Max Freedom Long (1953) the Three Selves, Simply the clearest map-model of the whole person by Bruce Dickson, VERBATIM reproduction in all forms encouraged as long as credit is given to: Bruce Dickson ~ Tools That Heal Press Best Practices in Healing System Resources by and for kinesiology testers Curriculum for energy schools and healing schools, 11 books-eBooks on Smashwords, Amazon, Scribd, Lulu Publishing inquiries welcome

The future is already here; its just not very well distributed yet. ~ William Gibson, author Neuromancer

3S, The Three Selves, The clearest map-model of the whole person
The Three Selves is simply the clearest, simplest most useful model of the earthbound human psyche for several reasons: - It's comprehensive, leaves out no part of the human psyche - Explicitly and directly acknowledges and incorporates the spiritual capacity of human beings, our wings to fly - Honors and embraces the material aspects of human beings, our strong roots in the Earth - The model scales down easily to versions shareable with five year olds - The model can be grasped in its entirety by college sophomores, does not require a Masters degree, nothing essential overly-intellectual or esoteric - Encourages healthy group process, adds to the knowledge base of healthy group process - Compatible with Compassionate (nonviolent) Communication (NVC) For all these reasons, the 3S is a candidate for the "big tent" in psychology, long searched for by 20th century psychology enthusiasts, under which all other models of the psyche can be understood and have their own contribution clarified. The 3S and its better known fragment, the inner child, remains the fastest growing and most widely used holistic model of the human being at this time. "The inner child" became a mainstream meme thru John Bradshaw in the 1980s. Consequently the "inner child" is practical for counselors, healers, and therapists across all methods and modalities. The three selves model is the whole; the inner child is only the lower one-third. Contents

The three selves (3S) is related to models of the psyche you may already know: - Freud's model of the psyche: id, ego, superego, - Transactional Analysis' model of child, parent, adult, The 3S model makes the above models make much more sense; also, the synergy they have together becomes obvious. For many reasons, some given below, mainstream 20th century science, education and psychology gave the 21st century very little in terms of a model of the healthy whole person. These had to come from the fringes, off the beaten path, from the holistically inclined folks. The Three Selves Model Our high self is our Intuition, our Guardian Angel, our connection with higher spiritual Benefactors on an as-needed basis Our conscious self is our rational mind--either thinking or feeling. This is the one who pays the bills, picks red socks over blue socks in the morning. Our basic self is our inner child, our habit body, our reactive self, the operating system of the human psyche. This is the one who holds together our memories, habits and routine behaviors into one whole person. Our lower self is also our immune system, subconscious, etheric body, and the Little Artist of The Artist's Way. These are all functionally equal in that, from the conscious self's point of view, each and all are contacted in the same way. By the way, our yak-yak mind, the "monkey mind," is real, it's between the conscious and basic self. It can be more towards the rational mind, where we experience it more as "self-talk" and can hear the words, hear the negative messages we give ourself. Or it can be lower in frequency, towards the inner child, where the words themselves will be more obscure and the feelings will predominate. What each self does uniquely The b/s is the most active self here in 3D Q: If the basic self is so basic, why havent I heard of it before?

A: You have. The basic self is our gut brain, "butterflies in the stomach," gut instinct and a thousand other expressions. Our physical center of gravity is widely discussed in every eastern martial art practice as "hara," or "dan tien" and a dozen other martial arts expressions. This parallels Western rhetoric, where the words sub-conscious and unconscious have many shades of meaning. As martial artists will tell you, our physical center of gravity is also the center of our physical vitality, healing energy and "chi." So the basic self is nothing new. Our basic self is our "center of gravity" in more ways than one: It is the center of our sub- and unconscious feelings, the center of our subconscious, the center of our behavior, the center of our preferences, the center of our habit body, our "library" of habits on all levels PACME. Up until the 1990s, the hara was primarily only of interest to martial arts and chi gung enthusiasts. By 1990, kinesiology testing converged with NLP made it possible to communicate with the inner child about anything and everything of direct concern to the inner child. If we had NO basic self Without the basic self (b/s) we would have no sensory channels to perceive the outer 3D world. Further, we would be unable to hold, handle and manipulate objects here in 3D. Further, without the b/s we would have no metabolism, breathing, blood circulation. The b/s is also in charge of the etheric centers. If it does not trust whats coming in, it will not open to those energies. So the b/s is the starting place for our senses and sensitivity of all kinds. When the b/s is allowed to run the show here in 3D Because the b/s is the most active self of the three selves in 3D, some people believe this makes it the most significant self here. Not so. If the basic self was to run the show here, then we would never grow up. Habits we learn in childhood would continue unabated and unmodified. Old comfort zones, once established, would never change and be defended to the death. The original Planet of the Apes is a vision of a planet where only the

basic selves rule. The popularity of Planet of the Apes lies in basic self interest in how things would look if the conscious selves were overthrown and basic selves were in charge. The Lord of the Flies (1954) in part comes to similar conclusions of what society would be like if children (the basic selves) ran things. The conscious self (c/s) is the most significant self in 3D The c/s is the decider, the chooser and the completer in all mundane affairs (John-Roger). The conscious self is the foreground of our human Earth experience. The basic self and high self are "background" by design. From Spirits perspective, if a soul signs up for an Earth embodiment, you are signing up for practice and exercise in making healthy decisions, as best you can. Making more & better decisions, healthy decisions, decisions for the highest good of all concerned exercises the soul's capacity for choice; soul is choice--among other things. The h/s is our most active self in spirit The high self knows much more about the life plan of the soul than either the conscious or basic self. The high self is closer to the level of the Karmic Board, where the blueprint of the present was negotiated with the soul. The high self is open to other spiritual Beings, White Brotherhood, devas and Benefactors. When we ask for spiritual assistance, the h/s passes the request on up the line, if it cannot fulfill the need. Q: If the 3S model is so simple, why is it so little known today? A: The spread of the 3S model had to wait for two historical developments. First, the invention of "psychology" as a distinct topic, in the 1800s. Second, the widespread, virtual failure of psychology separated from human aspiration, our natural spiritual capacities in the 20th century. The 3S remains one of very few models of the human psyche explicitly acknowledging and incorporating the spiritual side of the human experience in an wholly ecumenical manner. Accessing the basic and high selves

The inner child, immune system, Little Artist, sub-conscious and unconscious are are FUNCTIONALLY the same and accessed the same way, thru loving, kindness, listening and muscle testing. Hence the related fields of dowsing, muscle testing, self-testing, self-healing and Spiritual Energetics. Beauty surrounds us when we live in our blessings, Health Intuitive Bruce Dickson Healing Each Other Health Intuition 310-280-1176 ~ healingeachother [at] gmail 1:1 sessions available in person and by phone.

Gift sessions by phone to find and repair the weak link in your Ring of Success. Practitioners, healers and coaches especially invited to call.

Tools That Heal Press

Best Practices in Healing System Resources by and for kinesiology testers
Bruce also recommends which is how I put myself back together. ~


Bruce also recommends and John-Rogers Discourses. They helped me find and realign my own "lost sheep" with Loving. All books available in PAPER or EBOOK at Smashwords, Amazon, Scribd, etc.
- Your Habit Body, An Owners Manual

- Self-Healing 101! Best Practices in Healing System; How to Talk with Your Immune System - Meridian Metaphors, Psychology of the Meridians and Major Organs - Willingness to heal is the pre-requisite for all healing

- You Have Three Selves Vol ONE; Simply the clearest model of the whole person; Orientation - You Have Three Selves; Vol TWO Simply the clearest model of the whole person, Find the 3S in your life & pop culture - The Inner Court: Close-up of the Habit Body - The NEW Energy Anatomy: Nine new views of human energy; No clairvoyance required - The Five Puberties, Growing new eyes to see children afresh - Radical Cell WellnessEspecially for women! Cell psychology for everyone; A coherent theory of illness and wellness - How We Heal; and, Why do we get sick? Including 35 better, more precise questions on wellness and healing, answered by a Medical Intuitive - You have FIVE bodies PACME; Spiritual Geography 101 - The Meaning of Illness is Now an Open Book, Cross-referencing illness and issues - Rudolf Steiners Fifth Gospel in Story Form Hands of Life, Julie Motz Messages from the Body, Michael Lincoln Ecotopia & Ecotopia Emerging, Ernst Callenbach Our Many Selves, Elizabeth O'Connor Touch for Health, 2nd Ed, Mathew Thie Your Body Speaks Your Mind, 2nd ed. Deb Shapiro Core Transformation, Connierae Andreas Forgiveness, Key to the Kingdom, John-Roger Blessed Among Women, Arnold Michael The best solution is always loving
If you get stuck, give me a call.

The best solution is always loving If you get stuck, give me a call. TAGS ~ jung, 3s, three selves, transactional analysis, ho'oponopono,

energy psychology, new psychology, better psychology, holistic psychology, replacement psychology, whole-brainedness

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