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PHARYNGITIS and kidney damage from the
accompanying autoimmune process
 infection and inflammation of the throat
 peak incidence occurs between 4 and 7
years of age
 either bacterial or viral in origin
 may occur as a result of a chronic allergy  Streptococcal infections are generally
in which there is constant postnasal more severe than viral infections.
discharge that results in secondary  symptoms are mild
irritation  the back of the throat and palatine tonsils
 usually accompanies all common upper are usually markedly erythematous
respiratory infections (bright red)
 the tonsils are enlarged and there may be
a white exudate in the tonsillar crypts.
 Petechiae may be present on the palate.
 A child typically appears ill with:
 a high fever
 an extremely sore throat
 difficulty swallowing
 overall lethargy
 Temperature is usually elevated to as high
as 104° F (40° C).
 The child often has a headache.
VIRAL PHARYNGITIS  Swollen abdominal lymph nodes may
 causative agent of pharyngitis is usually cause abdominal pain.
an adenovirus  A throat culture
 symptoms  confirms the presence of the
 mild: Streptococcus bacteria
 sore throat
 fever
 regional lymph nodes may be noticeably
 Treatment consists of a full 10-day course
of an oral antibiotic such as:
 Erythema present in the back of the
 penicillin G
pharynx and the palatine arch.
 clindamycin
 Laboratory studies will indicate an
 Cephalosporins or broad-spectrum
increased white blood cell count.
macrolides such as erythromycin may be
 If the inflammation is mild, children rarely
prescribed if resistant organisms are
need more than an oral analgesic such as
known to be in the community.
acetaminophen or ibuprofen for comfort.
 Help parents understand the importance
 Warm heat applied to the external neck
of completing the full prescribed days of
area using a warm towel or heating pad
also can be soothing.
 The recommended treatment days are
 By school age, gargling with a solution
necessary to ensure the streptococci are
such as warm water to help reduce the
eradicated completely.
pain. B
 If they are not, the child may develop a
 Because children’s throats feel so sore,
hypersensitivity or autoimmune reaction
they often prefer liquids to solid food.
to group A streptococci that can result in
 Infants, especially, must be observed
rheumatic fever or glomerulonephritis.
closely until the inflammation and
 Symptoms of acute glomerulonephritis
tenderness diminish to be certain that
(blood and protein in urine) appear in 1 to
they take in sufficient fluid to prevent
2 weeks after the pharyngitis.
 2 weeks after treatment, children may be
asked to return to the health care facility
with a urine specimen to be examined for
STREPTOCOCCAL PHARYNGITIS protein to detect acute glomerulonephritis
 Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus  Measures for rest, relief of throat pain,
 organism most frequently involved in and maintaining hydration,
bacterial pharyngitis in children
 All streptococcal infections must be taken
seriously because they can lead to cardiac
By: ZaiBasig

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