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Monastic Tradition

Follower of the

By Igor Moreno

George Cameron (order #9480062)

Follower of The Monkey King
These monks follow the teachings of an elu- actions. It has the exact game statistics as
sive mythical figure known as The Monkey the main character and can take any action
King, said to have undertaken an epic jour- the original character would be able to take.
ney to the west in times almost forgotten. The original character and the clone share
the same ki point, hit point and possible
Eight-Ton-staff Training temporary hit point pools, so if one takes
damage both are affected and ki points are
Achieving great strength and mastering depleted more rapidly. Despite that they are
the use of the quarterstaff are some basic considered two separate characters for any
tenets of those who follow the Monkey other effects. Keeping a clone during com-
King. Starting at 3rd level you can spend 1 bat costs 1 ki point per turn. The clone van-
ki point to add double your Strength modi- ishes if the original character falls uncon-
fier to the damage roll of an attack using a scious or dies. It can also be dismissed as a
monk weapon or an unarmed strike, provid- bonus action at any of the monk’s turns.
ed that the attack roll also used Strength as
its modifier. Additionally your training with
the quarterstaff makes it deadlier in your Heavenly Transformations
hands. Its base damage becomes 1d8 and When they reach 17th level the Followers of
1d10 if used with two hands as per its the Monkey King gain their master’s ability
versatile property. to shapeshift into various forms, animate or
inanimate. At the cost of 8 ki points you can
Golden Gaze of Evil Seeing cast the true polymorph spell on yourself,
requiring no material components. Howev-
At 6th level you learn the Monkey King’s er the transformation is never permanent,
power of knowing if evil is lurking around. and you revert to your normal form as soon
You can spend 2 ki points to cast the detect as concentration is broken or one hour has
evil and good spell. As part of the training passed. It is not possible to use this feature
you also gain the power to survive extreme while maintaining a clone.
conditions. At the cost of 2 ki points you can You are also considered a
cast the protection from energy spell on natural shapeshifter for de-
yourself. termining if certain spells
and similar effects can
Hairspawn Clone affect you. Most fol-
Followers of the Monkey King can create lowers that reach
a physical clone of themselves to serve as this level of
an ally during combat starting at 11th level. mastery favor
To use this ability the follower must, after a the form of a
long rest, perform a special ritual that takes giant ape as
10 minutes and requires a lock of hair from their prima-
the follower and 100gp worth of incense ry alternate
and jade, which the ritual consumes. The polymorphed
follower will then be able to summon a form.
clone once during a period of 48 hours.
The clone can be summoned during com-
bat as a bonus action and at the cost of 3
ki points. It takes its actions during your
turn, but after you have taken all your

George Cameron (order #9480062)

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George Cameron (order #9480062)

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