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How to collect Apache and Jserv debugging information - 11i

Whenever users experiences an error, request a screen shot of the error and any further error
details that they can report. But in the case of non reproducible, enable the following middle tier
debug settings following these steps:

NOTE - If you have configured a Shared Application Tier File System then
please substitute $IAS_CONFIG_HOME for the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME values below.

1. Shut down iAS 10222 (Apache) using the (or script

2. Backup the existing files in the following files:


After making a copy of these files, please archive these files into a separate directory, or remove
them completely if not needed. This enables new log files to be created when the applications
server is restarted and will help you to focus on the current problem.

NOTE : In the following section AutoConfig users should modify the < CONTEXT >.xml file as
noted below then run AutoConfig to recreate the configuration files. If you are not using
AutoConfig you can manually update the configuration file directly

3. Enable debug logging for Apache

AutoConfig variable
s_apache_loglevel Change to "debug" Default value is "warn"

Manual update
Modify $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf
LogLevel debug

4. Enable debug logging for mod_jserv

AutoConfig variable
s_apjservloglevel Change to "debug" Default value is "warn"

Manual update
Modify $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc/jserv.conf
ApJServLogLevel debug

5. Enable debug logging for Jserv

AutoConfig variable
s_oacorelog Change to "true" Default value is "false"

Manual update
Modify $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc/

6. Enable debug logging for Forms Listener Servlet JVM (Optional)

This step is only relevant if you have implemented Forms Listener Servlet as
described in Note 201340.1 "Using Forms Listener Servlet with Oracle Applications 11i"
and the reported problem is to do with the Core Forms

AutoConfig variable
s_oaformslog Change to "true" Default value is "false"

Manual update
Modify $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc/

7. AutoConfig users should now run AutoConfig to update the configuration files

8. Restart iAS 10222 for these changes to take effect using the (or script

9. Replicate the problem

10. Review the log files for errors and warning messages relevant to the reported issue

The following files from the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/logs directory

a) access_log.< ID Number >
by default rotatelogs is enabled, so there is a separate log file for every 24 hours.
b) access_log_pls.< ID Number >
PLSQL requests. By default rotatelogs is enabled, so there is a separate log file for every 24
c) error_log
d) error_log_pls

The following files from the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/logs directory

d) mod_jserv.log
e) jserv.log
f) All files from the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/logs/jvm directory
These will have filenames of the form < JVM GroupName >.< JVM Instance>.stdout|stderr
For example OACoreGroup.0.stderr
g) $COMMON_TOP/rgf/< Instance>_/javacache.log
If you are obtaining this information for a Service Request logged with Oracle Support, please
upload all of the log files from step (8) above and also provide the following information:

a) Configuration Files
All files located in the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf directory**
** ensure you do not include any subdirectories such as ssl.key
All files located in the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Jserv/etc directory
The following files from the $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/modplsql/cfg directory
$FND_TOP/secure/< SID>_< Hostname>/< SID>.dbc

b) iAS version information

The version of iAS can be obtained by running the following command

$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin/httpd -v

NOTE - For shared APPL_TOP customers this is the actual $IAS_ORACLE_HOME and not

c) Java Version
With the latest versions of AutoConfig for Unix platforms, the file
"wrapper.bin=" entry will point to a script (normally
$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin/, which was implemented in order to allow
the capture of the stdout and stderr output. Refer to this file to find the explicit path to the
java binary, which is referred to as JSERVJAVA in the script.

On Windows platform the "wrapper.bin=" will point directly to the java.exe binary.

Run the following command to identify the version of Java being used :-
/java -version

You may be able to use the following script on Unix platforms to automate the above step
sh -c "`awk -F= '$1 ~ /^JSERVJAVA.*$/ {print $2}'
$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin/` -version;"

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