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Client Experiences Labor Pain Acute pain related to labor Goal: Check the vital signs. monitor Client reports pain is relieved
associated with the After nursing intervention, and document any changes or controlled
Objective: contraction of the muscles of the client will: or findings that can be
Observed Pain uterus and by pressure on indication to pain severity Demonstrate use of
Diaphoresis cervix Be able to express relief and relaxation skill in means of
Restlessness comfort with pain being To evaluate client’s/SO’s coping with pain
Facial Grimace controlled assessment of pain by
Uncomfortable including the location, Verbalize sense of control of
Irritability Be able to determine the characteristics, onset, response to acute situation
V/S Taken as follows: pain’s location, duration, frequency, quality, and positive outlook for the
BP: 130/80 characteristics, onset, and severity of pain future
PR: 85/min duration, frequency, quality,
RR: 22/min and severity of pain Assist client to explore Verbalize pharmacological
T: 36.5℃ methods for regimens or
O2Sat: 98% Be able to show an appealing alleviation/control of pain by nonpharmacological methods
facial expression in relation providing comfort measures that provides relief
to methods that will be with repositioning and the
utilized in alleviation/control use of heat of cold packs Patient has regained an
of pain ample amount of rest and
Promote wellness by strength
Be able to take adequate rest Encouraging the client
periods in relation to prevent adequate rest periods
possible fatigue that can
affect with pain Instruct and Encourage client
use of relaxation techniques
Be able to utilize relaxation such as to take Deep and
techniques in relation to Slow Breathes
reduce tension that may
affect pain Assess current knowledge on
Collaborative approach for
Be able to gain knowledge on pain management based on
collaborative approaches for client’s understanding about
pain management and acceptance of available
treatment options
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