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Team Building 1







Team Building 2

Team Building and its Attribute to Success

Tasks involved in property management can be challenging and difficult to accomplish.

As such, it is extensively essential for the management to find ways that would help the

employees thrive through challenges at work. Extreme shifts of the marketplace are among the

leading challenges facing property management companies. In addition, such companies face

heightened turnover of the employees, which makes management difficult. Moreover, property

management companies often face disconnection between the top managers and the

subordinates. However, they can overcome such problems by establishing a functional team

among their employees (Tarricone and Luca, 2002).

Team building is a job design where employees in a company form small groups with an

aim of working together. The essence of creating teams for members to work together is pooling

available resources. In the world of property management, each employee has unique skills and

knowledge they use to deliver quality work. Therefore, it is advisable for a company to coin a

reliable strategy to help the involved employees work together. Team building is an example of a

strategy that is bound to work in favor of the employers. The concept behind team building is

creating credible means of employees working together. It is not only about working together,

but also creating a functional team that delivers the expected results.

Team building also helps employees enjoy working together. There are different steps

that can be taken when establishing team building. For example, sports are a clear path that

employers can organize for their workers. Such moments help employees to interact and get to

know each other. Subsequently, this assists employees to know the people they associate with at

work (Tarricone and Luca, 2002).

Team Building 3

Success in property management is met when employees work together towards a

common goal of the company. Hence, a company has to ensure that the employees work within

the expectations. Team building is a concept that several companies apply in securing successful

means of operating within the company. For example, some employees prefer working alone

because of the commission they are about to receive once they close a deal. However,

competition among employees from the same company gives other companies an opportunity to

thrive in the industry. Competing employees lose focus of the target as they try to rake in hefty

commissions without regarding the company’s target. However, when team building is rolled out

in a company, employees are highly bound to realize each other’s potential. In turn, working

together becomes easy and successful (Tarricone and Luca, 2002).

Team building gives employees a vision they can base their efforts on when working on

different projects. It is essential to have a team of workers, but it is more important to create a

common desire among the members. Coming up with an intriguing and common goal for the

team heightens the chances for the team to succeed in all they undertake. For example, public

housing section is a challenging work category, but creating a common and achievable goal for

the team to work towards provides the members with the will to succeed. Team members

propping each other at work is one of the common attributes of a successful team building

strategy. It is necessary that members show support to each other for the common purpose of

flourishing in the property management industry.

Public housing in the United States is quite minimal, which makes managing property in

this sector quite difficult (Robbins, 2012). For example, identifying the property is not only

tough but also managing it is essentially difficult. Hence, participating in teams provides the

much-needed pooled resources and effort to succeed. Creating trust among the employees is a
Team Building 4

vital step to undertake while dealing with property management in a public housing estate.

Members of a working team need assurance from their employers concerning the work

availability. Therefore, team leaders need to determine the means of creating trust among their

employees (Tarricone and Luca, 2002). For example, employers can come up with values they

uphold in their work. Subsequently, they convince their employees to envision these values in

order to build trust between the two parties. In the property management industry, for example, it

is essentially difficult to handle real estates within a public domain. However, when the leader

believes that it is possible to manage such properties while maximizing the profits, his team

trusts that it is feasible.

Communication is an integral part of a successful team. Hence, team buildings activities

should be meticulous enough to allow communication develop among the involved team

members. It all starts with the leaders where they need to create appropriate channels of

communication among their employers. For instance, in the property management sector, market

shifts are a common happening that unfold when dealing with public estates. In the event of a

market shift, whether positive or negative, team leaders should communicate to their employees

about the situation. Consequently, team members are well equipped with knowledge concerned

with the real estate sector. Additionally, team members find trust in their leader and success is

imminent within such a group (Tarricone and Luca, 2002).

Team Building 5


Robbins, G., 2012. America's public housing is a mess – and the UK is copying its model. The

Guardian. [Online] (updated 18 April 2012) Available at:


policy> [Accessed 3 October 2013].

Tarricone, P. & Luca, J., 2002. Successful teamwork: a case study. [Online] (updated 2002)

Available at: <


[Accessed 3 October 2013].

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