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World Wide Web is initiated by CERN

Telex is like a Teleprinter-True.

CERN is Situated in Switzerland
URL- Uniform Resource Locator
HTML-Hypertext Markup Language
HTTP- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
APINess Project is related to Paris
DEVSIS-Defense Science Information System
RECON is an Online Service
RECON Online Technique is related to NASA, USA
RECON-Remote Console.
X Modem was developed by Word Chirstionsen
MIF- Marc International Formate
Earlier Name of OCLC- Ohio College Library Center
Y modem was developed by Chuck Forsberg
MNP Stands for Microcom Networking Protocol.
Who Developed Microcom Netweorking Protocol? MicroCom Cooperation.
UNIX is an Example of Operating System
Unix operating system is written in C High Level Language.
NCSA- National Centre for Supercomputing Applications
RM stands for Human Resources Managements
Functional Elements of management “ are POSDCORB
Esprit De Crops” means Unity of Command
Fifth  Law implies Weeding of Books
The Alphabet Used in Colon Classification -7th Edition to indicate partial Comprehension(Agglomeration) is  Z
ADINET , OPENNET, MALIBNET- All are Indian Network
The Association of Information management was formerly known as ASLIB
Special Library Association was founded in the year 1909 in USA
Lamberton is the specialist of Information Economics
Smith Sonion Institute is not a National Library
Time is very important factor between which of the following Short Range and LongRange
Who started Reference Service in India For the First time? S.R. Ranganathan
In Which University Library of India , the post of reference Librarian was frist Created?MADRAS
STPI Software Technology Parks of India is a Society established by the Ministry of Information Technology , Governme

INPADOC- Indian National Patents Documentation Center
ISO-International Standard Organisation
22nd May is the date of birth of Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Index Translationum is a big information Source  and bibliography of translated books published by UNESCO
NICMAN National Information Center on Management was established by NISSAT at Ahmedeabad
MANLIBNET- Management Library Network
Gesner devised the first Bibliographic Classification Scheme.
Katalogus , the word Catalogue comes.
Who is the publisher of Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science? MARCEL Dekker
A Light Pen is an Point Device
In 1969, ISBN has been accepted as official International Standard.
Which is the National Library of UK? The British Library
The First President of IASLIC was DR.S.L. Hora.
Who is the Chairperson of  University Library Committee? Vice Chancellor
Third Law indicates that the document of Library should be brought to the noticeof Users
A Professional Association should primarly work for the development of its members
APINESS- Asia Pacific Information Network in Social Science
Video Text System was developed by CCITT& ITU
Library Science is a subject to study about Techniques and  Methods of Library
Library Science is an art or Science: Science and Art
Which is the largest university library in the world? Harvard University Library, USA.
What was the name of the librarian who was invited by Punjab University> W.Borden
Who was the First Emeritus Professor in Library and Information Science in India?

National Library Week is observed in India every year in the month of Novemeber

Who Founded ILA?Ranganathan.
Where is the headquarter of IFLA?Hague
Who was the first president of IFLA? Issac Collin
J.Kaiser, J.E.L. Farradande and E.J. Coates have made contribution to Indexing theory and Practice
Directing the user to the right source of information is called Referral Service
Public Law480 (PL 480) is an American Law
An Individual who connects an internal Collegue with an external source of information is called Technological Gategkee
A.C.Wollner and M.O.Thomas were associated with  Foundation of ILA
“Content By Journal “ is a kind of CAS
“Tree of Prophery” is formed as a result of Dichotomy
The term UF(Used For) and SA(See Also) are used in Library of Congress Subject Heading
Who designated Dr.Ranganthan, as the father of Library Science in India? Sir Maurice Gwoyer
Telecommunication is the transmission of Information by electronic means
Who is known as Dewey of Japan?Fujio
Who is known as Ranganathan of Pakistan? Dr.Khursheed
Margarert Mann is the Female
Sadler Commission was set up in 1917
Reference and Bibliographies are give while Writing a research report
“ Men are Mortal, Raj is Man, Raj is Mortal “ this is example of Deductive Reasoning
Benjamin A .Custer edited 19th Edition of DDC
Who was the teacher of Rangatnathan In London? W.C.B. Sayers
Which honour was awarded to Dr.Ranganathan for his Contributions in Library Science? PadmaShree
Who is the Co-Worker of Dr.Ranganthan in the following? M.A. Gopinath
The open Access System was introduced in India by Ranganathan.
How many national libraries in Italy? 8
With which agency did UNESCo Collabrate  to establish UNISIST? ICSU
The Concept of “ Anomalous State of Knowledge” was proposed by Belkin
The Concept of Technological Gatekeepers was first proposed by Allen
Medline on CDROm is published By NLM (USA)
Who was Andrew Carneigie? Philonthropist.
AMU, Aligarh, Dr.S.R.Ranganathan did not Occupy any post
Who Was the First Chairman of University Education Commission of India? Dr.Radhakrishnan
IAC-Information Analysis Center
Information has become the most crucial weapon for acquisition of Economic and Political Power? Tre
In India, the Information products and Services are marketed by NISCAIR
The model Public Library established in India with Unesco’s Assistance is Deli Public Library.
The Committee on “ Structure of Public Library Services in England and Wales is known as Roberts Committee
DRTC is not promoting research in the field of Library and Information Science? False
What is Users Need? Information Need
“ Books for all” is the same to which law of of Library Science? Every Reader and his book
What was the name of the Wife of Ranganathan? Sharada
India Office Library is located at Britain
India Office Library possess the Collection of MSS of India
Who was the first Exponent of Scientific method of Research? Bacon
Who devised the Spiral of Scientific Method? SR Ranganathan
To Findout the present Home Minster of India, appropriate source of information is Indias Who Who
Librarian is the Head of University Library
Director is the Head of NASSDOC
“ Library is the heart of an Institution “ was said by Dr.Radhkrishnan
Who Coined the term “ Information Retrieval? Calvin Moores
The term News, Data and Knowledge are Information
Who Coined the term Informatics? Chernyl, Mikhailov, Gilyarvaski
The barriers to Communication and Information Flow are Language Problem, Economic Problem, Political Problem
Non-Verbal Communication is categorized in to Seven Types
Today Society Consumes knowledge and information in Developed Society, Rich Society, Ablest Society
Credit Goes to Scientific Policy Resolution to Jawaharlal Nehru
Mobile Library is a kind of Extension Service.
Library Science Education was started in India by two Americans in 1911 and 195 in the states of baroda and Punjab
The oldest and Largest Library Association in the world is ALA
DRTC, Bangalore and Niscair Delhi are the Indian Institutions offering Library and information Science Education for Spe

IASLIC Indian Association of Special Libraries and Ifnoramtion Center is Cooperating with NISSAT

Retrospective Information Service are provided through Indexing and Abstracting Service
KWIC indexing was devised by H.P.Luhn
Record Terminator  is not a part of Marc Record Structure
ISO 2709 Exchange format specifies the tags to be used.
In ILA , SR was the President
Ranganathan is to Library Science as Einstein is to Physics was said by Eugene Garfield
New Encyclopedia is published from Chicago/USA
Pamphlets Fall under tertiary Sources
The Slogan “ Right Book to the right reader at the right time is given by J.F.K. Drury
Who coined the term “ Initiation  of Readers? DR.S.R. Ranganathan
Who used the word “ Bibliography “ First? Lousi Jacob De Saint Charles
Seymour Lubetzky related to Cataloguing
Who used the term “Thesaurus” first in 1957? Helen Brownson
The term Information was used in 1966 in USSR in the place of Information Science
Librachine was the name given to Book Mobile by Sr
Minimum, Middling and Maximum  Theories of Reference service are given by Samuel Rothstein.
The basic elements of Communication process are Source, message and Reciver
Old and Fragile Books can be preserved by Microfiliming, Digitising and Rebinding
Budget is a financial Method
LISA 1950
WIPO 1967

Ibid - "Same reference cited immediately above" Ibid is a contraction of ibidem, a Latin word meaning “the same plac
most commonly used for footnoting in scholarly texts, allowing the author to say “ibid” instead of citing a lengthy title. In le
may use “id,” a shortening of “idem,” a word which means “as mentioned previously.” If you've ever been reading a text a
the identity of this “ibid” person who seems to get cited all the time, now you know!
Essentially, “ibid” is a fancy form of ditto marks. If, for example, you are referencing something like The Effects of Factor
Emissions on the Greater Nile Watershed: An Environmental Study, that's a long title to have to refer to again and again
reference the title in a footnote, and then use “ibid” in future footnotes. If you move to a new location in the text, you can
with “Ibid (page 23)” or “Ibid, 23,” depending on what kind of citation format you are using.
Loc. Cit - The same place cited
Op. cit - Previously cited
Vide - See
Kothari Commission   - library budget as a percentage of organization budget
Radhakrishnan Commission - Importance of library in Academic Institutions
Mehrotra Commission - Status and pay scales of librarian
Fyzee Commission -  Public Library System
Herman Hollerith - Know as a father of punch card
1.   Who has recognized the three planes of work-idea plane, verbal plane and notational plane       -  S.R.Rang
2.   Grammarian of Library Classification  -                            W.C.B. Sayers
3.   A Designer of a scheme of classification-                         Classificationist
4.   Classify the book       -                                                Classifier
5.   Alternative term for “Analytico synthetic classification”-    Faceted classification
6.   Classification scheme providing redy-made class number-   Enumerative scheme of classification
7.   D.D.C            -                                                                Fully enumerative
8.   D.D.C (21 )   -                                                                Almost enumerative

9. C.C.( ED.6 Almost faceted

TH) -                                                                                       

10.  C.C.( ED.7 )   -                                                                Freely faceted scheme


11.  International classification scheme    -                            Purely Enumerated scheme

12.   U.D.C. -                                                                            Almost faceted
13.  B S O -                                                                                  by FID in 1978
14.  Which of the modes give rise to formation of Basic subject-          fission
15.  Which of the modes give rise to formation of compound subject-   Lamination
16.  Which of the modes give rise to formation of Pure subject-            Distillation
17.  Which of the modes give rise to formation of complex subject-       Losse assemblage
18.  Mass communication-                                                            Distillation
19.  Research methodology                                                          Distillation
20.  Stsastical Method                                                                  Distillation
21.  Oceanography-                                                                      Cluster
22.  Gandhiana-                                                                            Subje\Bundale/Clustring
23.  Indology                                                                                Clustring                                    
24.  Biophysics-                                                                            Fussion
25.  Biochemistry                                                                         Fussion
26.  Natural science                                                                      Agglomerate basic subject        
27.  The Number which is used for fixing the position of an entry is known as -   Cardinal Number                    
28.  Tree of porphyry is                                                            Scheme representation dichotomy
29.  Who propound Tree of porphyry -                                    A greek logician named porphyry
30.  A postulate is -                                                    A self evident statement about possibility of things
31.   The classes belonging to the same array are called -            coordinate classes
32.  A subject formed by coupling of two of more subject on the
basis of some relation between them is---                        complex subject
33.  Division of a basic subject based on a single train of
Characteristics are-                                                            Facets
34.  A subject without any Isolate idea-                                  Basic Subject
35.  A subject with a basic subject and one of more isolate idea
as components is -                                                            compound subject
36.  An arrangement in which subject are in the sequence
Alien,Penumbral,Umbral,penumbral,Alien is Known as -    Apupa pattern
37.  What is Mnemonics   -                                                    aid to memory        
38.  Acroding to C.C. Psychology for Doctor is an example of Inter-subject phase relationship
39.  Educational psychology                                                        Bias
40.  Who introduced the “Principle of Literary warrant”            E.C.Rechardson
41.  Who Introduced the “principle of Helpful sequence”          Ranganathan
42.  Canon of Characteristics is a canon of                                  Idea plane
43.  Canon of Helpful Sequence                                                  Idea plane
44.  Canon of Differentiation                                                       Idea plane
45.  “Wall picture Principle ‘is a Principle of                               Facet sequence
46.  “Whole –Organ Principle is a Principle of                             Facer sequence
47.  “Actand-Action-Actor-tool Principle is                                Facer sequence
48.  Canon of hospitality was termed as canon of Flexibility by W.C.B.Sayers
49.  Principle of Osmosis is concerned with                                Re-Classification
50.  Canon of Terminology is concerned with                             Verbal Plane
51.  Canon of Concomitance is a canon for                                 Verbal Plane
52.  Canon of Modulation is concerned with                               Array
53.  Sequence of two isolate ideas is an array is determined by Principle of helpful sequence
54.  Components of Call Number                                                Class no. and Book No.
55.  Emptying Device is used is CC to provide for                     Hospitality in array
56.  Rangnathan enunciated how many steps in classifying document  9
57.  3 International conference on classification research was held at   Bombay

Important for UGC.NET 2013

1.       National Library open for All     -                                                           1 Feb. 1953
2.       Secretary of Library committee  -                                                           Librarian
3.       First Library Journal in India      -                                                           Indian Library Journal
4.       Extension service to the Blind -            2 Law of Lib.Sc.(Every reader her/his book)

5.       Library Legislation                         -           2 Law of Lib.Sc.(Every reader her/his book)


6.       Associated with child Growth and Adult Growth – 5 Law of Lib.Sc.( Library is growing organism)

7.       Weeding of Book                          -           5 Law of Lib.Sc.( Library is growing organism)


8.       Open Access                                   -       3 Law of Lib.Sc. ( Every book his/her reader


9.       Public Law 480(PL480)                 -           an American Law

10.    Radhakrishnan,Mudliar commission,khothari commission  for – Academic Library
11.   Pary committee (u.K.) for                         - Academic Library
12.    The Kenyon Committee(U.K.)               -1927 the Kenyon Committee on Public Libraries  
13.   The Public Library Manifesto                    -           FID
14.   General Information Program             - UNESCO
15.   Oldest Indian Library science Journal    - Library miscellany
16.   Library science with a slant to Documentation – Sarda Ranganathan Endowment for Lib.Sc.
17.   Herald of Library Science-                          Lucknow
18.   LIBRI                                   -                           Denmark
19.   Three Level of Management   - Top, Middle, Operational
20.   Scalar Chain-   Authorty structure, Top to Bootam
21.   Span of controle            -           The number of subordinate to be supervised
22.   Library Authority Indicate          - Library Member
23.   Library committee        - A group of person drawn with in the Library and expert from outside and representative from
24.   Library committee is a example of         -           Statutory committee
25.   Book selection committee is a example of         -           Standing Committee
26.   Zero Based Budgeting -           The method of Budgeting which is not concerned with wat happened previously ,but
with the requirement of the future.
27.   The different between expenditure and Income is Zero             -   Zero Based Budgeting
28.   Inter Library Loan is the Function of      -           Circulation
29.   Kardex system by – Ramington rand of India for Maintained of Periodical Record
30.   Modular construction is             -           Model building
31.   How Many catalogue Tray for 10000 Catalogue -             10
32.   Flow chart        -           A graph Picture that shows program logic
6. Barcode system uses one of the following technologies        :           Pattern recognition
7. 7.      Information observed and reported by some one else is know as :Empirical  information
8. Table of random numbers are constructed by :
9. Brain Storming:                                                                       Alex Osborn
10. 10.  IV volume of 20th DDC          :           Relative Index
11. 11.  Data Ware house is :               An electronic repository of       organizational data
12. World Intellectual property day         :                                   Aprinl 26 , 2009
13. 13.  Cyberspace is not wires cables and microwave but :  A physical place (dought)
14. 14.  The book “ S.R. Ranganathan : Pragmatic Philosophy of information science a personal biography” :       
                                                                        Yogeshwar Ranganathan
15. 15.  Perochial Libraries :                                                                Thomas Bray
16. TQM needs     :                                                           Concept oriented management
17. Acronym         :                                                           Donald Davinson
18. First Public Library Act :                                            Madras

19. “already the world is well into the third great phase of Human history – the information age ” articulated by :                                                
20. 20.  Buffer overflow          :                                               an attack by computer hacker
21. An equivalent of Is 14000 standards is :                   ISO 9000
22. In flow chat Activity is represented by :                    rectangle
23. One of the following is not a cause for obsolescence of published literature:
No longer valid
1. Gantt chat :                                                                Horizontal Bar chat
2. M in five fundamental categories ( PMEST) :            Matter

3. 26.  GValue added information model for evaluating information systems and centres was provided by :                                                          
4. 27.  Soul 2.0 is complaint to          :                                   NCIP2.0
5. 28.  OSI Stands for :                                                          open system interconnection
6. 29.  ISO standard for Dublic core Metadata elements set is : ISO 15836:2009
7. Seymour Lubetzky was associated with:        catalogue codes
8. 31.  VIRUS:           vital information resources under siege
9. Which among the following is not a copying process ?
1. The largest unit of a database :           A File
2. The term “ Exponental Growth refers to :      Geometrical progression
3. 35.  The exhaustiveness of indexing system will :              Increase precision
4. 36.  ILA :   1933
5. 37.  DELNET : WAN
6. Recommended 6.5% of univ budget  :           Radhakrishna committee
7. 39.  Second Generation computers is        :           Transistor
8. 40.  Where is wisdom we have lost in knowledge :           T.S. Eliot
9. 41.  Bradford formulated the law of scatter :        1948
10. Noise:
11. Saraswathi mahal library         :           Maraja sarafoji
12. Invisible colleges :                             Derek de solla price
13. Half life of information is :     rate of obsolescence of information
14. First univ to introduced M.Phil Programm is LIS 1980: university of Madras
15. 47.  Not a image format     :           UAP
16. 48.  KWIC index was :      HP Luhn
17. 49.  Graphical representation of data on y-axis is :            quadrant
18. Z39.50 :           client server protocol
19. 51.  Phenomena of literature on a subject appearing in periodical devoted to other subject is know as : scatter
20. 52.  Which of five laws of library science strongly advocated adv of open access :        first law
21. 53.  BIOS   :           Basic Input/Output system
22. Punjab Library Primer :           A D Dickinson
23. Classification: Grouping and arrangement of entities
24. Nesting refers :            File organization ( dought)
25. 57.  LIS – FORUM :         NCSI
26. Starvation policy         :           revision of UDC
27. 59.  Five Laws of library science   :           1931
28. Documentation was brought   :           S C Bradford
29. 61.  Wisdom of mass principle       :           wikipaedia
30. 62.  Thesaurofacet  :           jean aitchison
31. 63.  Central tendency         :           average
32. 64.  Atom index     :           INIS
33. Free floating subdivisions : library of congress subject headings
34. NEED:           
35. 67.  Shanon and weaver theory of information is based on:         mathematical theory
36. Bodlein library is the university library of :    Oxford University
37. 69.  A patent may be granted for a new useful and non obvious : innovation
39. 71.  Facebook is a : social networking site
40. 72.  World cat is : oclc
41. Direct method of electro static copying is : xerography
42. 74.  Focus is a : facet
43. 75.  Encyclopedia of library and information science is published by : Marcel dekkav
44. Dare :  undp
45. RSS in internet terminology means : Rich site summary
46. The organizational structure is determined by : span of control
47. See also cross reference normally represent : associate relations
48. 80.  Research done to find a solution for an immediate problem is known as : applied research
49. 81.  The term Informatics was coined by : otto nache
50. 82.  Laissez – faire is : allow to act
51. 83.  The diffusion of innovationa and its acceptance normally follows : S-shaped curve
52. The periodical “ college and research Librararies is published by   :ALA
53. 85.  First Ph.d in the LIS in India : 1958
54. John cotton Dana   : ALA
55. 87.  Indian Reference sources is : J.S.Sharma
56. 88.  Youtube is associated with : Google
57. 89.  Computer virus is a : computer programme
58. Lotka laws is concerned with : productivity of authors ( dought)
59. 91.  Library pathfinders : referral service
60. Charles ammi cutter : rules for dictionary catalogue
61. 93.  Coden is : sericals
62. 94.  Method of experimental enquiry was advocated by : J S Mills
63. Truncation device is used to improve : precision ( dought)
64. 96.  Maximum storage space is available on :  Hard disk
65. Demand Theory of Books selection was coined by : L R Mccolvin
66. The Hyderabad public libraries Act was : 1960 ( Actualy 1955)
67. SRELS   Journals : Bangalore
68. ATM stands for : Asynchronous transfer mode
69. 101.                      Ocr is a : input device
70. 102.                      IASLIC  bulletine is a : quarterly
71. Acheme of role operators are used in : PRÉCIS
72. Intelectual property rights are a bundle of exclusive rights over creation of the mind covering : Both Artistic And Commercial Creations
73. 105.                      CODATA  was establish by : ICSU
74. Which one of the following  has accelerated the growth of electronic publishing : optical median
75. 107.                      Weka is a : data mining software
76. The mechanism required to satisfy exhaustive approach of users : announcement ( dought)
77. Cumulative book index is a : trade bibliography
78. 110.                      Field tag in MARC : directrory
79. 111.                      The inverse square law is the law referred to : lotks’s law
80. 112.                      As per internet standard terminology RFC refrs : request for comments
81. 113.                      Manual of library economy was : brown
82. 114.                      ISBD : IFLA
83. Five new laws of library sicence have been offered n 1995 by : crwford and Gorman
84. 116.                      The papyrus one of the earliest writing materials was mainly used by : Egyptians
85. 117.                      Decimal classification completed hundred years in :1976
86. Principle of recency is releated to : library publicity
87. Computers process data into information by working exclusively with  Multimedia
88. 120.                      Relics are sources of information for : historical research
89. 121.                      Median is not affected by : different values
90. The acronym ubc coined by : Donald davinson
91. 123.                      Name given by sr  ranganathan to book mobile : Librachine
92. Informationas a flow and knowledge as stock : marshall mchuhan
93. 125.                      CCF : UNESCO
94. 126.                      Which one of the following is an indological library: adayar public library       Chennai
95. 127.                      The idea of bibliographic coupling was first advocated by  M.M. Kessler
96. 128.                      Canan for verbal plane are : four
97. 129.                      Baud rate is used to measure : the speed of data transmission in telecommunication
98. 130.                      Ernet is : Education and research network
99. 131.                      Term “epitome” : review
100. 132.                      Thomas website is associated with : Thomas publishers and co
101. 133.                      Which of the following Boolean operator when used enchance s retrieval recall : and
102. Who coined the word ROBOT : KARL CAPEK
103. 135.                      Notation does not make a classification but it may mare it : wc. Berwick sayers
104. 136.                      Farmingtio plan was initiated in uK in the year : 1948
105. The concept kaizen in quality management means  :
106. A postulate is a :         a self evident statement about the possibility of a thing
107. 139.                      PROLOG        ; PROGRAMMING IN LOGIC
108. 140.                      Which of the following is not a house keeping operation in library : reference
109. 141.                      AGRIS  regional centre for European countries in located at Philippines
111. 143.                      Which of the following evaluation techniques is used in forecasting : Delphi technique
112. 144.                      The earliest style of chines writing was mainly : pictographic
113. 145.                      V-mail             :           ware time
114. 146.                      Digital library of resource of Indian cultural heritage has been named as     :Kalanadhi
115. Ugc-net consist of :     4 sections
116. 148.                      First Librarian of national library of india was :         B.s kesavan
117. 149.                      Indcat is a online union cataloge maintained by e: Inflibnet
118. 150.                      Digital library of india is hosted by :  Iis
1.The Science Citation Index began publication in 1961
2.The impact factor was devised by Eugine Garfield
3. The first automated citation indexing was done by CiteSeer in 1997
4.Eugine Garfield was the founder of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), which was located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
5.The h-index was suggested by Jorge E. Hirsch
6.The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), now part of Thomson Reuters.
7.In a given year, the impact factor of a journal is the average number of citations received per paper published in that journal during

8.The ISI Web of Knowledge indexes more than 11,000 science and social science journals.9.The g-index is an index for quantifying
10.The g-index was suggested in 200 6 by Leo Egghe
How many D.Litt degrees offered in LIS in India? 02  two D.Litt degrees offered so far in India. The first one is Dr. B. B. Shukla/ Utka
the Second one is Dr. Amjad Ali Sambalpur University, Odisha
.Ku band used for Satellite Communication
2. a PC connected to network is called Node
.Super Computer speed measured in terms of FLOPS
4.Free software movement done by Richard Stallman
5. First Wiki created by Ward Cunningham
6.Mashups meaning
7.Google Founded by
8.Internet  initial development supported by
9.Minimum Bandwidth required for broad band  is
10. Voice over IP technology converts.......... to ...............
11.Domain used for non profitable organisations is
12. Webcasts means
13.Internet used which kind of switching system
14.Content of Website used by end users through
15.Access and Web hosting services provided by
16.ISDN is a
17.What is Scribd
18.Humanities Index published by
19.Tacit knowledge includes
20.Concept Maps are the tools for
21.The book ''Documentation" authored by
22.KINESICS used for
23.A.B.Maslow related to
24.cybernetics term coined by

The Five Laws of Library Science were enunciated in 1928 by the late Dr. S. R.
Ranganathan, the Librarian of the University of Madras.

Five Laws of Library Science are:

Books are for use
Every reader his/her book("Books for All".)
Every book its reader
Save the time of the reader
The library is a growing organism

First Law "Books are for use "

--Library Hours
--Library Building and Furniture

Second Law "Every reader his/her book"

--Obligation of the State

--Obligation of the Library Authority--(Choice of Books--Choice of Staff)
--Obligations of the Staff
--Obligations of the Reader
--Resource Sharing

Third Law “Every Book Its Reader”

--- Open Access
- - Services---Book Exhibition, Display of New Books,Lists of New Additions
- - The Library Catalogue

Fourth Law “Save the Time of the Reader”

- - Open Access
- - Classification and Cataloguing
- - Charging System

Fifth Law "Library is a Growing Organism"

- - Book Stock
- - Readers
- - Staff
- - Classification and the Catalogue
- - Modernisation
- - Provision for the Future
-- Weeding out of Books

The three landmarks indicating the progress of libraries in India in the post-independence period are:

i) the growth and development of the-National Library at Calcutta;

ii) public library legislation in six states of India leading to the development of public library systems in these states;
iii) the increase in the number of university and college libraries.

The Calcutta Public Library was established in the first half of the 19th century
and the Imperial Library in 1903.

In 1948, the Imperial Library, Calcutta was renamed as the National Library.

National Science Library of INSDOC and the National Medical Library of the Directorate General of Health Services are l

The main aims of the National Policy on Library and Information System are:

i) to foster, promote, and sustain the organisation, availability and use of information, in all sectors of national activity;

ii) to take steps for mobilising and upgrading the existing library and information systems and services;

iii) to encourage and initiate, programmes for the library and information personnel;

iv) to set up adequate monitoring mechanisms for ensuring a rapid development of library and information facilities and s

v) to encourage individual initiatives for the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge and for the discovery of new kno
atmosphere of intellectual freedom;
vi) to secure for the people of the country all the benefits that can accrue from the acquisition and application of knowled

vii) to preserve and make known the nation's cultural heritage in its multiple forms.

National Policy-on Library and Information System (NAPLIS)

The Department of Culture, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, appointed in October 1985
senior library scientists and other specialists, with Prof. D.P. Chattopadhyaya as chairman

To prepare a draft document on the National Policy on Library and Information System.

The Committee completed its assignment and submitted a draft document to the Government on May 31, 1986.

The National Information System for Science and Technology (NISSAT), which is the focal point in India for the UNISIST

The national sectoral policies which have a bearing on the library development are:

i) Education Policy;
ii) Book Policy;
iii) Scientific Policy Resolution;
iv) Technology Policy;
v) Information (Communication) Policy

The National Book Policy, which was also prepared in 1986

The Scientific Policy Resolution adopted by the Government of India in 1958.

The Technology Policy statement announced by the Prime Minister in March 1983

The areas of recommendation of the Report of the Library Advisory Committee are:

i) structure of library system (for public libraries)

ii) library cooperation
iii) compilation of union catalogues
iv) library personnel, status, powers, duties and responsibilities
v) training for librarianship
vi) auxiliary services, like book bureaux, development of library association, formation of Mitra Mandals.
vii) library Finance
viii) interaction between libraries and social education programme.

Secondary Education Commission Report (Chairman Dr. A.L: Mudaliar)

i) establishment of good libraries in schools and provision of intelligent and effective library service;
ii) emphasis on the habit of general reading by children;
iii) in smaller places, school libraries could function as public libraries also. University Education Commission Report (Ch
i) central position of the library in the academic system;
ii) preferred self study and library work by way of supplementing class instructions;
iii) higher branches of learning is mainly a question of learning how to use tools and techniques.

Education Commission (Chairman, Dr. D.S. Kothari)

i) discussed role of libraries in higher education

ii) highlighted the skill to use independently books and documents by
the students in the learning process;
iii) offered eleven useful and important suggestions for the
improvement of university and college libraries.

The areas of recommendation of the UGC Library Committee are:

i) provided a framework and important guidelines to implement its grant-in-aid programmes

ii) library finance
iii) personnel, status, salary etc:
vi) staff strength
v) a blueprint for the systematic development of university libraries
in the country.

Ancient Libraries

• Clay tablets as in Assyria and Babylonia;

• Papyrus as in Egypt;
• Vellum./Parchment and wooden boards in Medieval Europe;
• Hand made paper in China and India;
• Palm leaves, birch barks, silk cloth, copper plates etc., in India; and
• Bone and paper in China:

Edition 6 of Harrods’s Librarians' Glossary and Reference Book (1987) defines a National Library as:

i) a library maintained ~out of government funds;

ii) serving the nation as a whole;
iii) books in such libraries being for reference only;
iv) libraries are usually copyright libraries;
v) the function of such a library is to collect and preserve for posterity, the books, periodicals, newspapers and other dow
the country; This is best done by a law requiring publishers to deposit copies of all publications issued by them; and
vi). being-purchased books published in other countries.

The ALA Glossary of Library Terms, simply defines, the National Library As "a library maintained by a Nation"

Defenition by UNESCO, at its 16th Session of the General Conference held in 1970 "Libraries which, irrespective of the t
responsible for acquiring and conserving copies of all significant:

i) publications published in the country and functioning as a

ii) deposit library either by law or under other arrangements.
They will also normally perform some of the following functions :

iii) produce a national bibliography ,

iv) hold and keep up-to-date a. large representative collection or foreign literature, including books about the country;
v) act as a national bibliographical information centre;
vi) Compile union catalogues
vii) publish retrospective bibliographies..:."

The discovery of printing in Europe in the 15th century

Lord Curzon declared open the new Imperial Library of India on 30th January 1903 in the Metcalf Hall. John Macfarlane
Museum was invited to look after the new Imperial Library, as its first  librarian.

Bibliotheque Nationale de France,

The British Museum Library of Great Britain (Now British Library)

The Library of Congress of the United States

The Indian National Bibliography published by the Central Reference 'Library (National Library Campus, Calcutta), and th
Bibliography, brought out by the British Library.In 1928, the Government of India appointed a Committee under the Chair
Richey, to suggest measures for reorganising the administration of the Library. This Committee, recommended among o
Imperial Library should be declared as a copyright depository Library. This recommendation was followed up by the succ
Mr. Chapman and Khan Bahadur K.M. Asadullah; to secure for the Imperial Library, the privilege of copyright deposit. Bu
not realised until the enactment of the Delivery of Books .(Public Libraries) Act, 1954. While the Calcutta Public Library  h
Mitra and Bipin Chandra Pal as librarians, the Imperial Library also had a galaxy of great librarians as for example,
Harinath De, a scholar and linguist, John Alexander Chapman, K.M. Asadullah, a goodorganiser and administrator, who
starting library training courses in 1935 in the Imperial Library, Calcutta.

Information Systems and Programmes in Science and Technology

1 National Information System for Science and Technology (NISSAT)

2 National Informatics Centre (NIC)
3 Biotechnology Information System (BTIS)
4 Environmental Information System (ENVIS)
5 INFLIBNET: Information and Library Network
6 National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR)
7 INDEST Consortium

Information Systems and Programmes in Social Sciences

1 Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)

2 UGC-Inter University Centre for International Studies
3 UGC-Inter University Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences (IUCHSS)

3. Information Systems and Programmes in Humanities

1 Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts (IGNCA)

2 National Mission for Manuscripts (NMM)
3 Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR)
4 Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR)
5 Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR)
6 National Museum, New Delhi
7 National Archives of India (NAI)
8 Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages (CIEFL)
9 Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL)

NISSAT programme was launched by Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR)

The NISSAT programme was formally implemented in September 1977 with the following objectives:
• Development of national information services;
• Promotion of existing information systems and services;
• Introduction of modern information handling tools and techniques;
• Promotion of international cooperation in information;
• Development of indigenous products and services;
• Organisation of skill development programmes; and
• Promotion of R&D in information science and technology.

The National Focal Point (NFP) of NISSAT was located in DSIR, New Delhi. NISSAT supported 13 national information a
different areas (discipline, product or mission).

Value Added Patent Information Systems (VAPIS)

NISSAT established VAPIS in two areas viz. chemistry and chemical technology (at National Chemical Laboratory, Pune
(at Central Manufacturing Technology Institute, Bangalore).

Directory of periodical compiled by
Library Development Plan : 30 years programm for India Published by
Father of English Bibliography
First Bibliography of Italy" La Libraria"
Bibliograph of france
Allegeminies bibliographies laxicon in two vol. by a German Bibliographer
Write the name of the person who edited DDC seven Times(1891-1919, 4 ed.)
Wikipediea was developed by ?
LISA is published by
Relational Indexing-
Coats Subject Indexing-

A project of UNESCO Orbicom is an international network that links communications leaders from academic,
media, corporate and government circles with a view to providing for the exchange of information and the
development of shared projects. 1994
Global Network for Education in Journalism 1999
Consortium of University Research Libraries (CURL) 1997
Notation does not make a classification but it may mare it
Who coined the word ROBOT :
Term “epitome”
Informationas a flow and knowledge as stock :
Five new laws of library sicence have been offered n 1995 by :
Data Mining Software
CODATA was establish by
Acheme of role operators are used in : Précis
Truncation device is used to improve :
Method of experimental enquiry was advocated by :
The diffusion of innovationa and its acceptance normally follows :
Laissez – faire is
The term Informatics was coined by :
Revision Of Udc
Saraswathi mahal library
Recommended 6.5% of univ budget :
Soul 2.0 is complaint to :
Value added information model for evaluating information systems and centres was provided
Horizontal Bar Chat
already the world is well into the third great phase of Human history - the information age
TQM needs : Concept Oriented Management
Brain Storming
1/3 Visible 2/3 Non- Visible
Perochial Libraries :
Elements of Library Classification
Library Administration Theory And Practice
Cataloguing Theory and Practice
Rules for Dictionary Catalogue
Little Science Big Science
Subject Approach to Information
Manual of Library Economy
Documentation and its facets
Manual of Cataloguing Practice
Sushil Kumar
Dr. S.R Ranganathan , University Delhi, 1950
John Lealand
Darri 1550
Bibliotheque Francoise 1584
Evelyn Mary Seymour
Jimmy Wales
J.E.L.Farradane 1950
E.J. Coats 1963


Wc. Berwick Sayers
Karl Capek
Marshall Mchuhan
Crwford And Gorman
Weka is a
Precision ( Dought
J S Mills
S-Shaped Curve
Allow To Act
Otto Nache
Starvation policy
Maraja Sarafoji
Radhakrishna Committee
Robert S Taylor
Gantt chat
articulated by Alvin Toffler
Donald Davinson
Daming, Edward
Alex Osborn
Information Ice berg
Thomas Bray
S.R. Ranganathan
R.L. Mithal
C.G. Viswanathan
C.A. Cutter
D.J. Desolla Price
D.J. Fosket
N.R. Look
S.R. Ranganathan
C.G. Viswanatham
Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs
Alan Emtage Archie created by Alan Emtage is called the grandfather of all search engines

Alan Pritchard
He for the first time coined the term "Bibliometrics" in a paper titled
"Statistical Bibliography or Bibliometrics?"
Albert Humphrey Albert Humphrey developed SWOT analysis
Alex Osborn Brain Storming
Alireza Noruzi Applies Ranganathan's Laws to the Web.
Allen T J
Technological Gatekeeper / An Individual who connects an internal Collegue
with an external source of information is called
Allent Kent Information Technology good keeper defined by
Allow To Act Laissez – faire is
Alvin Toffler
already the world is well into the third great phase of Human history - the
information age
Andr ew Carnegie Patron saint of Libraries in America
Asa Don Dickson
who was appointed a first fulltime University Librarian in India at Punjab
University / wrote the Punjab Library primer
B.C. Vicker y The book “Classification and Indexing was authoried by B.C. Vicker y
B.C. Vicker y The Book “ Information Science Theo ry and practice written by Vicker y

B.C. Vickery Bradford's Law of Scattering has been further examined by B.C. Vickery
B.S. Jha Who was the chairman of National Library Committee of India
B.S. Kessavan Reference Service is India started by B.S. Kessavan
Bellary Shamanna Kesavan is the first National Libr arian o f independ ent
B.S. Kessavan India He is also known as Father o f Indian National Bibliography as it was
first brought out in its leadership on August 15, 1958
B.S.Kesavan The national Library of Indian a critical Study Writen by B.S.Kesavan
Beesman  The propounder of the term information transfer.
Belkin The concept of Anamolous state of Knowledge was proposed by Belkin
Benjamin A. Custer The Editor in Chief of 19th Edition of DDC.
Bibliotheque Francoise
1584 Bibliograph of france
Black and Moutan Management Grid was formulated by Black and Moutan
Blake theory of Leadership Style
Bradford Bradford’s Law related to Law of scattering
Brascom (1986) defined In formation Society (American Society for Information Science)
British Museum Firstly introduced printed catalog.
BuckLand, Michael Fundamental equation of Information Science
Burton, R. E., and R. W.
Kebler. 1960 The term "half-life" comes from Burton, R. E., and R. W. Kebler. 1960

C. W. Hanson
Divides documentary sources of information into two categories i.e. Primary
and Secondary.
C.A. Cutter Expansive Classification / Dictionary Catalogue
C.A. Cutter C.A. Cutter coined “Author Mark in Classiciation number/ Cutter table
C.A. Cutter “Choice of books is an unending work” said b y C.A. Cutter
C.E. Shannon & W. Proposed Linear model of communication in knowledge based on Aristotles’
Weaver model of communication.
Canon Cody Who quoted"Library is a peoples university? Canon Cody
Carl Savage Used the concept “Invisible College” for the first time.
Charles Babbage Designed analytical engine.
Charles Babbage The father of the computer.
Charles Bishop CODEN was designed by Charles Bishop
Charles W. Eliot Who said "Library is the heart of univrsity? Charles W. Eliot
Chris Hanson
The word Information science first Described by Chris Hanson of ASLIB
Chris Rusbridge Hybrid Library (1998)
Clavin Moors Information Retrieval coined by Clavin Moors
Clavin Moors Zato Coding was invented by Calvin Mooers
Conard Gesner Father of Bibliography (1545)
Crwford And Gorman Five new laws of library sicence have been offered n 1995 by
CURL Consortium of University Research Libraries (CURL) 1997
D.B. Krishna rao
D.B. Krishna rao. delhi university in 1957 First PhD in Lib & Inf.Science in
D.J. Fosket Subject Approach to Information
The term “Web 2.0” was officially coined in 2004 by Dale Dougherty, a vice-
Dale Dougherty
president of O’Reilly Media Inc. Examples of Web 2.0 include social netwo
rking sites, blogs, wikis,video sharing sites, hosted services, web
applications, mashups and folksonomies.
Daming, Edward TQM needs / Concept Oriented Management
Dancer, John Benjamin Concept of Microphotography
Darri 1550 First Bibliography of Italy" La Libraria"
Denis Grogan Divides Documentary Sources of Inf. Into Primary & Secondary & Tertiary
Derek Austin Developed PRECIS.
Donald Davinson Acronym
Douglas Mc Gregor Developed Theory X and Theory Y. (Motivation)
Dougles Engelhand Computer Mouse was invented by Dougles Engelhand
Dr. C.D.. Deshmukh,
The first Chairman of UGC (1956) in UGC 2010 S.K Thorat, now Prof Ved
Prakash 2011 to till
Dr. S.R Ranganathan ,
University Delhi, 1950 Library Development Plan 30 years programm for India Published by

Dr. S.R. Ranganathan

Library as a living system “takes a new matter ,cast off old matter ,changes in
size and takes new shap es and term.” Said by Dr. S.R. Ranganathan

God has chosen me as an instument ,the honour done to me should act as an

Dr. S.R. Ranganathan incentive to the young generation to devote their lives whole heartly to library
sicence and services.” Dr.S.R. Raganathan

Dr. William Ouchi'

Theory Z and the other is Dr. William Ouchi's so-called "Japanese
Management" style popularized

Dr.S.R. Ranganathan
Reference service is the contact between the right reader and the right book in
the right personal way” was stated by
Drek Solla Price Invisible College / Little Science Big Science
E. C. Richardson Defined notation as shorthand sign.
E. Garfield Citation Indexing / Imact Factor
E.C. Richardson The author of Book” Classifcation Theoreticals and Practical
E.J. Coates Things, Property, Material , Action (TPMA)/ Subject Indexing
E.J. Coats Invented the Retroactive ordinal notation
E.J. Coats 1963 Coats Subject Indexing-
Edgar F. Codd The 12 rules for relational database were given by Edgar F. Codd
is Networking, resource sharing, collaboration, and prof essional development
for The education communit

Elbert Allegeminies bibliographies laxicon in two vol. by a German Bibliographer

Elton Mayo Father of Human Relation School
Elton Mayo Hawthrone Experiments were conducted by Elton Mayo
Search engine that finds what your looking for o n the web, and returns
relevant web sites
ERNET Firstly provide E-mail service in India.
Esprit, De Corps Unity of command was proponed by
Eugene Garfield Ranganathan is to Library Science as Einstein is to Physics was said by
Evan Williams
Evan Williams at Pyra Labs used "blog" as both a noun and verb ("to blog,"
meaning "to edit one's weblo g o r to post to one's weblog"

Evelyn Mary Seymour Write the name of the person who edited DDC seven Times(1891-1919, 4 ed.)
F K W Drury Drury enumerated the Right Book to the Right Reader Right Time
F. Hertzberg Father of Corporate Strategy / Proposed Hygienic factors.
F. Monbrary Volte The first editor of “Modern Librarian”
F. W. Taylor The father of Scientific Management.
Fermont Rider International Classicification
Fieder’s theory Fieder’s theory of leadership is known as Contingency Model
Francis Bacon
said 'some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be
chewed and digested'
Francis Bacon Eniucated Scientifc Method
Fujio Who is known as Dewey of Japan?
Gantt chat Horizontal Bar Chat
George Boole Discussed symbolic logic in “Treatise of differential equation”.
George Kingsely Zipf Wrote “Psycho-biology of language
GNEJ Global Network for Education in Journalism 1999
H. Khan and Mann
System analysis has been used first by H. Khan and Mann of RAND
H.E. Bliss Bibliographic Classification
H.P. Luhn (IBM) KWIC / SDI (1950)
Haines Wrote “Living with book”.
Harold Lasswell Harold Lasswell formulated the core questions of content analysis
Harvard and Cornell Harvard and Cornell developed the SMART informational retrieval system
Helen Brownson Who used the term “Thesaurus” first in 1957?
Henri Fayol The father of Classical School of Management.
Henri La Fontaine
Honoured with ‘Nobel Prize’ for his substantial contribution in

Henriette Avram 1966 MARC-I and in 1968 it was converted in MARC-II by Henriette Avr am
Henry Foyal 14 principle for Administration by Henry Foyal
Henry Folkner Library Building Planning Prinicples were proposed by Henry Folkner
Henry Gantt
“Task and Bonus ” system is developed by Henry Gantt / developed Chart
Herbert simon define authority as the power to amek deicision and auide to other
Hermann Rorchach Inkblot test is developed by
Hugo munsterberg
Industrial psychology concepts borrowed from experimental psychology-
hugo munsterberg
Icsu CODATA was establish by
Infibeam Pi is the e-book reading device by
Information Ice berg 1/3 Visible 2/3 Non- Visible
Issac Collin Who was the first president of IFLA?
J S Mills Method of experimental enquiry was advocated by
J. C. M. Hanson Devised Library of Congress Classification System.
J. D. Brown Enunciated the subject Classification.
J. D. Brown Who was Published the monthly Journal “The Library World’
J. E. L. Farradane
Developed Relational Indexing. / Stated Information is Physical Surrogate of
J. Kaiser Give the concept of concretes and processes.
J. Mills Classification Research Group was fromed in year 1952 by
J.D. Brown The author of Manual of Library Economy is J.D. Brown
J.D. Brown
Subject Classification / One place Theory /Open Access System in British
J.E.L.Farradane 1950 Relational Indexing Systems
J.K. GATE The author of Introduction to Librarianship is J.K. GATE
J.R. Sharp SLIC Index ing
James Duff Brown The pioneer of open access system in British libraries.
James I. Wyer
Propounded “Conservative, moderate and liberal theories of reference
James R. Rettig Gave the sixth law of library science “Every reader his/her freedom”
Jawaharlal Nehru Credit Goes to Scientific Policy Resolution to
Jean Aitchison The idea of Thesaurofacet was developed by Jean Aitchison
Jerry and Davis’ In 1994 Jerry and Davis’ launched Guide to the world wide web began
Jimmy Wales Wikipediea was developed by ?
Joan Blau’s Le Grand
Atlass (French Edition) is the largest ATLAS availanle in the world
John Cotton Dana Started New York Charging system.
John Lealand Father of English Bibliography
John S. Mitchell The Editor in Chief of 21, 22 & 23rd Edition of DDC.
Information Society concept Japan 1966 “Johoka Shakal” One of the first
Johoka Shakal people to develop the concept of the information society was the
economist Fritz Machlup. In 1933,
Jorge E. Hirsch The h-index was suggested by Jorge E. Hirsch
Jorn Barger
weblog " was coined b y Jorn Barger on 17 December 1997. The short term
"blog," was coined by Peter Merholz in 1999.

JURAN & Demming The concept of TQM has developed by U. S. Department of Defense, JURAN
K. Wiig The term knowledge management was coined by K. Wiig
Karl Capek Who coined the word ROBOT
Kris argyris
Kris argyris theory of maturity & immaturity managers should develop an
individual from paasivity to increased self determination
Krishan Kumar Library Herald edited by from Delhi library Association since 1958
Kuhn User studies in Social sciences was carried out by Kuhn
L. R. McColvin
L. R. McColvin Theory of Book Selection (1925) demanded by the users for
their information needs.
L.H.C .Tippett
Tables of Random numbers which are widely used was constructed by
L.H.C .Tippett

A number of devices that ar e related to recall and precision have been studied
by Lancaster
Larry Firstly developed Data Flow Diagram (DFD).
Larry Page and Sergey
Brain Developed Google.
Lasswell 5W model of communication introduced by Lasswell
Lasswell model
The early work on modeling of information communication was based on
Lasswell model
Leo Egghe The g-index was suggested in 2006 by Leo Egghe
Lepokurtic Which one of the curves is more peaked than the normal curve? Lepokurtic

LIS Links First social network for Indian Library and Information Science professionals.
Lotkas Lotkas Law related to Author’s productivity
Louis Jacob De Saint
Charles Biolography was first used by Louis Jacob De Saint Charles
Luther Gulick Coined the term “POSDCORB”.
Luther Gulick POSDCORB
M. C. Yovits Stated that Information is data of value to decision making.
M. M. Kessler Advocated Bibliographic coupling for the first time.
M.F. Tube UNITERM / Technical service coined by M.F. Tube
M.M.Kessler Bibliographic Coupling
Madden, Moon, Moore,
Mc Pheron Stated that “Librarianship is not a profession”.
is a global Meta search engine. It provides extensive web search and fetches
Results from top search engines
Maraja Sarafoji Saraswathi mahal library
Marcel Dekker Encyclopedia of library and Information Science
Marshall Mchuhan Informationas a flow and knowledge as stock
Max Weber
Bureaucratic stated by – Max Weber written the book of Theor y o f Social
and Economic Organisation
Mc Colvin Stated the demand and supply theory of books.
Melvil Dewey Quoted "To provide the best books to the maximum readers at the least cost".
Melville Dewey Devised DDC system.
Melvin Dewey He for the first time started library school.
Melvin J. Voigt
Categorized information need into current approach, everyday approach, and
exhaustive approach
Michael Gorman Suggested for Book Order Vigilance Pad (BOVP).
Michael Gorman Wrote “Our Singular Strengths”
Minie Sears Sears List of Subject Heading
NASSDOC (Ist 1974) Mahatma Gandhi Bibliography
Ncip2.0 Soul 2.0 is complaint to
Neena E Brown Started Brown Charging system.
Ole Holsti (1969)
Content Analysis / "Who says what, to whom, why to what extent and with
what effect"
A project of UNESCO Orbicom is an international network that links
communications leaders from academic, media, corporate and government
circles with a view to providing for the exchange of information and the
development of shared projects. 1994
Otto Nache (1979) The Term Coined "Informatics"
Ouchi Theory Z
P.N. Kaula
Who was the First Emeritus Professor in Library and Information Science
in India?
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Delhi public library inaugurated by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in 1951
Pascal Developed Calculating machine.
Patricia B. Knapp Contributed on the systematic use of user's education.
Paul Otlet
He for the first time used the term ‘Documentation’ in a lecture at the
International Congress at Brussels.
Paul Otlet and Henri La
Fontaine Devised UDC.
Peter A. Phyor Zero Based Budget.
Peter F. Drucker The term knowledge worker was coined by Peter Drucker
Peter F. Drucker Knowledge Society (Described) = Peter Druckor (1969)
Peter F. Drucker Introduced Management by Objectives (MBO).
Philippe Dreyfus Who Coined the term Informatics?
It is a library with little or no physical presence of books, periodicals, reading
space or Support staff, but are that disseminate disseminate selective
information directly to distribute library customers, usually electronically”.
Said by
Précis Acheme of role operators are used in Précis
Precision ( Dought Truncation device is used to improve
Prof N.Balakrishnan Chairman for INDEST consortium - Prof N.Balakrishnan
Proquest LISA is published by
Stated “Special libraries serve a specialist clientele, located within a single
R. Astall establishment or group and all engaged in working towards one common
R.A. FISHER ANOVA method was first developed by R.A. FISHER
Committee Recommended 6.5% of univ budget
Photocharging method has become popular in British Public libraries first
Ralph R. Shaw introduced by Ralph R. Shaw who was the Librarian of the Agriculture Libr
ary in Washington (USA)
Renardus april 2002 Which of the following is a multi-subject gateway?
Review Term “epitome”
Richard Matthew
Stallman Founded Free Software Foundation (FSF).

Robert S Taylor
Value added information model for evaluating information systems and
centres was provided
Roger Payne" was famous in Book Binder
S. Halkett & J. Laing The author of “Dictionary of anonymous and pseudonymous literature”.
S.R. Ranganathan Elements of Library Classification, Tree Card System
Samuel Clement
Bradford Bradfords Law of Information. / Documentation,

Samuel H. Green
Desirableness of personal contact between reader and library material was
stressed by Samuel H. Green

Samuel Johnson
Knowledge is of two Kinds, We know a subject ourself or we know where we
can find information about it
Samuel Rothstein Given the Minimal, Middling and Maximum theories of reference service.
Architecture, Planning & Landscape Information Gateway - a global Gateway
for information and a forum for its exchange.
Shannon and Weaver Proposed Mathematical Theory of Information.
Shannon and Weaver defined “Infomration as essentially a measure of the absence of Uncertainty

Shannon and Weaver

is BIT, (Component of communication Sendor, Message, transmitter and
Receiver ) in 1948 Mr. Berlo Simplited this model
Singapore Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) was first started.
Sir Maurice Gwoyer Who designated Dr.Ranganthan, as the father of Library Science in India
S-Shaped Curve The diffusion of innovationa and its acceptance normally follows
Starvation policy Revision Of Udc
Stewart The term Intellecual Capital introduced by Stewart
Sushil Kumar Directory of periodical compiled by
T. S. Eliot Stated “Where is the Wisdom, We Lost in Knowledge...”
Taro Yamane Mathematical formula for estimating sample size is given by
Ted Nelson Coined the term Hyper Text.
Thomas Bray Perochial Libraries
Tim Berner's Lee He firstly designed the World Wide Web (WWW).
Tim O’Reilly Web 2.0
Vannever Bush
Grandfather of Hypertext Vannever Bush and The word Hypertext was
coined y TED Nelson specialized information organization online tool developed by IBM ,
Voltair Best is the enemy of good’ is said by Voltair
W.A. KATZ Introduction to Reference source ” was written by
W.A. KATZ Search Strategy is the looking mirror in the dark said by W.A. KATZ
W.A.Borden Started the Reference Service in India
W.Hulme's W.Hulme's principle of literary warrant
Wan Bertallenfy. System theory is developed due to the effects of Wan Bertallenfy.
Ward Cunningham Ward Cunningham , the developer of the first wiki software
Wc. Berwick Sayers Notation does not make a classification but it may mare it
Weka is a Data Mining Software
Wesig(1993) Information Science coined Postmodern Science
William Gibson Used the term ‘Cyberspace’ for the first time.
Zblgnlew Brozozinski Electronic Society (Suggested) =Zblgnlew Brozozinski (1970)
Zipf’s law Frequency of World Text relation formula
A. B. Maslow Proposed Hygienic factors.
who was appointed a first fulltime University Librarian in India at Punjab
A.D. Dickinson
A.S. Dickson Punjab library premier written by
Abraham Maslow Hierarchy Needs
Archie created by Alan Emtage is called the grandfather of all search engines
Alan Emtage

He for the first time coined the term "Bibliometrics" in a paper titled
Alan Pritchard
"Statistical Bibliography or Bibliometrics?"
Alan Pritchard Bibliometry
Albert Humphrey Albert Humphrey developed SWOT analysis
Aligarh Muslim First B.Lib. Science Course was introduced.
Alireza Noruzi Applies Ranganathan's Laws to the Web.
Allent Kent Information Technology good keeper defied by
Andr ew Carnegie Patron saint of Libraries in America
Asa Don Dickson wrote the Punjab Librar y p rimer
The book “Classification and Index ing was authoried by B.C. Vicker y
B.C. Vicker y

The Book “ Information Science :Theo ry and practice written by Vicker y

B.C. Vicker y

Bradford's Law of Scattering has been further examined by B.C. Vickery

B.C. Vickery

B.S. Jha Who was the chairman of National Library Committee of India
B.S. Kessavan Reference Service is India started by B.S. Kessavan
Bellary Shamanna Kesavan is the first National Libr arian o f independ ent
B.S. Kessavan India He is also known as Father o f Indian National Bibliography as it was
first brought out in its leadership on August 15, 1958
B.S.Kesavan The national Library of Indian a critical Study Writen by B.S.Kesavan
Beesman Information Transfer
Beesman  The propounder of the term information transfer.
The concept of Anamolous state of Knowledge was proposed by Belkin

Benjamin A. Custer The Editor in Chief of 19th Edition of DDC.

Black and Moutan Management Grid was formulated by Black and Moutan
defied In formation Society (American Society for Information Science
Brascom (1986)

British Museum Firstly introduced printed catalog.

Burton, R. E., and R. The term "half-life" comes from Burton, R. E., and R. W. Kebler. 1960
W. Kebler. 1960
C. A. Cutter Invented the Dictionary Catalogue.
Divides documentary sources of information into two categories i.e. Primary
C. W. Hanson
and Secondary.
C.A. Cutter Expansive Classification, Dictionary Catalogue
C.A. Cutter C.A. Cutter coined “Author Mark in Classiciation number
“Choice of books is an unending work” said b y C.A. Cutter
C.A. Cutter

C.E. Shannon & W. Proposed Linear model of communication in knowledge based on Aristotles’
Weaver model of communication.
C.W.Hanson Divides Documentary So urces of Inf. Into Primary & Secondary
Calcutta University First five years integrated course in LIS was introduced.
The First and Oldest University Library was established in British India.
Calcutta University

Calcutta University The first university in India where library committee is formed.
Canon Cody Who quoted"Lib rary is a peoples university? Canon Cody
Carl Savage Used the concept “Invisible College” for the first time.
Charles Babbage Designed analytical engine.
Charles Babbage The father of the computer.
Charles Babbage Analytical Engine
Charles Bishop CODEN was designed by Charles Bishop
Charles W. Eliot Who said "Librar y is the heart of univrsity? Charles W. Eliot
The word Information science first Described by Chris Hanson of ASLIB
Chris Hanson
Chris Rusbridge Hybrid Library (1998)
Clavin Moors Information Retrieval coined by Clavin Moors
Conard Gesner Father of Bibliography (1545)
Connemera Public First Public Library in India.
Conrad Gesner He is regarded as father of bibliography.
D.B. Krishna rao. delhi university in 1957 First PhD in Lib & Inf.Science in
D.B. Krishna rao
D.J. De Price Little Science Big Science
Drek Solla Price Invisible College
D.J. Fosket Subject Approach to Information
The term “Web 2.0” was officially coined in 2004 by Dale Dougherty, a vice-
president of O’Reilly Media Inc. Examples of Web 2.0 include social netwo
Dale Dougherty rking sites, blogs, wikis,video sharing sites, hosted services, web
applications, mashups and folksonomies.

DDC 17 “Auxiliary table for area” was first introduced in DDC.

Delhi University First University to introduce, MLibSc., MPhil and PhD in LIS in India.
Delhi University Firstly establish a full-fledged Department of Library Science.
DELNET The first Library Network to provide e-mail service in the country.
Classifies the documents into three categories, i.e primary, secondary and
Denis Grogan
Divides Documentary So urces of Inf. Into Primary & Secondary & Tertiary
Denis Grogan

Derek Austin PRECIS

Derek Austin Developed PRECIS.
Douglas Mc Gregor Developed Theory X and Theory Y.
Douglas McGregor Theory X & Theo ry Y
Dougles Engelhand Computer Mouse was invented by Dougles Engelhand
the first Chairman of UGC (1956) in UGC 2010 S.K Thorat, now Prof Ved
Dr. C.D.. Deshmukh,
Prakash 2011 to till
. Library as a living system “tak es a new matter ,cast off old matter ,changes
Dr. S.R. Ranganathan in size and takes new shap es and term.” Said by Dr. S.R. Ranganathan

God has chosen me as an instument ,the honour done to me should act as an

Dr. S.R. Ranganathan incentive to the young generation to devote their lives whole heartly to library
sicence and services.” Dr.S.R. Raganathan
Theory Z and the other is Dr. William Ouchi's so-called "Japanese
Dr. William Ouchi'
Management" style popularized
Reference service is the contact between the right reader and the right book in
Dr.S.R. Ranganathan
the right personal way” was stated by
The first centre to use computer in the library and information activities in
Drury Drury enumerated the Right Book to the Right Reader Right Time
E dgar F. Codd The 12 rules for relational database wer e given by E dgar F. Codd
E. C. Richardson Defined notation as shorthand sign.
E. C. Richardson defined notation as shorth and sign.
E.C. Richardson is the author of Book” Classifcation : Theoreticals and Practical
E. Garfield Citation Indexing / Imact Factor
E. J. Coats Coats Subject Indexing.
E.J. Coates Things, Property, Material , Action / Subject Indexing
E.J. Coats invented the Ret roactive ordinal notation
Edgar. F. Codd Gives the 12 rules for relational database.
is Networking, resource sharing, collaboration, and prof essional development
for The education communit
EJ Coates EJ Coates - Things, Property, Material, Action (Subject Cataloges
Elton Mayo Father of Human Relation School
Elton Mayo Human relation – Elton Mayo
Elton Mayo Hawthrone Ex periments were conducted b y Elton Mayo
search engine that finds what your looking for o n the web, and returns
relevant web sites
ERNET Firstly provide E-mail service in India.
Evan Williams at Pyra Labs used "blog" as both a noun and verb ("to blog,"
Evan Williams
meaning "to edit one's weblo g o r to post to one's weblog"
F. Hertzberg Father of Corporate Strategy
F. Monbrary Volte The first editor of “Modern Librarian”
F. W. Taylor The father of Scientific Management.
F.Monbrar y Volte Who is the first editor of “Modern Librarian”?
F.W. Taylor Father of Scientific Theory o f Management
Fermont Rider International Classicification
Fieder’s theory Fieder’s theory of leadership is known as Contingency Model
said 'some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be
Francis Bacon
chewed and digested'
Francis Bacon Eniucated Scientifc Method
George Boole Discussed symbolic logic in “Treatise of differential equation”.
George Kingsely Zipf Wrote “Psycho-biology of language

Great Britain First library act was enacted.

System analysis has been used first by H. Khan and Mann of RAND
H. Khan and Mann
H.E. Bliss Bibliographic Classification
H.P. Luhn (IBM) KWIC / SDI (1950)
Haines Wrote “Living with book”.
Harold Lasswell Harold Lasswell formulated the core questions of content analysis
Harvard and Cornell developed the SMART informational retriev al system
Harvard and Cornell

Henri Fayol The father of Classical School of Management.

Honoured with ‘Nobel Prize’ for his substantial contribution in
Henri La Fontaine
1966 MARC-I and in 1968 it was converted in MARC-II by Henriette Avr am
Henriette Avr am

Henry Foyal 14 principle for Administration by Henry Foyal

Henry Folkner Library Building Planning Prinicples were proposed by Henry Folkner
Henry Foyal Classical Theory, Father of Administration
Henry Gantt “Task and Bonus ” system is developed by Henry Gantt
Herbert simon define authority as the power to amek deicision and auide to other
Hermann Rorchach . Inkblot test is developed by :
Industrial psychology :concepts borrowed from experimental psychology-
hugo munsterberg
hugo munsterberg
Infib eam Pi is the e-book reading device by
J. C. M. Hanson Devised Library of Congress Classification System.
J. D. Brown Enunciated the subject Classification.
J. D. Brown Who was Published the monthly Journal “The Librar y World’
J. E. L. Farradane Developed Relational Indexing.
J. Kaiser Concrete Process
J. Mills Classification Research Group was fromed in year 1952 b y
J.D. Brown The author of Manual of Library Economy is: J.D. Brown
Subject Classification/ One place Theory /Open Access System in British
J.D. Brown
Librar y
J.E.L. Farradone Relational Indexing Systems
J.K. GATE The author of Introduction to Librarianship is: J.K. GATE
J.R. Sharp SLIC Index ing
James Duff Brown The pioneer of open access system in British libraries.
Propounded “Conservative, moderate and liberal theories of reference
James I. Wyer
James I. Wyer Conservative, Moder ate & Liberal Theories o f R ef. Service
James R. Rettig Gave the sixth law of library science “Every reader his/her freedom”
Jean Aitchison The idea of T hesaurofacet was developed by Jean Aitchison
Jerry and Davis’ In 1994 Jerry and Davis’ launched Guide to the world wide web began
Joan Blau’s Le Grand (French Edition) is the largest ATLAS availanle in the world
John Cotton Dana Started New York Charging system.
John Cotton Dana New York Changing System
John S. Mitchell The Editor in Chief of 23rd Edition of DDC.
Johoka Shakal Information Society concept Japan 1966 “Johoka Shakal”
Jorge E. Hirsch The h-index was suggested by Jorge E. Hirsch
weblog " was coined b y Jorn Barger on 17 December 1997. The short term
Jorn Barger
"blog," was coined by Peter Merholz in 1999.
The concept of TQM has developed by U. S. Department of Defense, JURAN

K. Wiig The term knowledge management was coined by K. Wiig

Kaiser Give the concept of concretes and processes.
Kris argyris : theory of maturity & immaturity: managers should develop an
Kris argyris
individual from paasivity to increased self determination
Krishan Kumar Library Herald edited by from Delhi library Association since 1958
Kuhn User studies in Social sciences was carried out by Kuhn
. L. R. McColvin: Theory of Book Selection (1925): demanded by the users
L. R. McColvin:
for their information needs.
Tables of Random numbers which are widely used was constru cted by
L.H.C .Tippett
L.H.C .Tippett
A number of devices that ar e related to recall and precision have been studied
by Lancaster
Larry Firstly developed Data Flow Diagram (DFD).
Larry Page and Sergey Developed Google.
Lasswell 5W model of communication introduced by Lasswell
The early work on modeling of information communication was based on
Lasswell model
Lasswell model
Leo Egghe The g-index was suggested in 2006 by Leo Egghe
Which one of the curves is more peaked than the normal curv e? Lepokurtic

First social network for Indian Library and Information Science professionals.
LIS Links

Louis Jacob De Saint Biolography was first used by Louis Jacob De Saint Charles
Luther Gulick Coined the term “POSDCORB”.
Luther Gulick POSDCORB
M. C. Yovits Stated that Information is data of value to decision making.
M. M. Kessler Advocated Bibliographic coupling for the first time.
M. M. Kessler Advocated Bibliographic coupling for the first time.
M.F. Tube Technical service coined by M.F. Tube
M.M.Kessler Bibliographic Coupling
Madden, Moon, Moore, Stated that “Librarianship is not a profession”.
Mc Pheron
Madden, Moon, Moore, Librarianship is not a profession
Mc Pheron
Madras Enacted first Public Library Act in India.
Madras University First P G Diploma in Library science was introduced.
is a global Meta search engine. It provides extensive web search and fetches
Results from top search engines
Marcel Dekker Encyclopedia o f librar y and Information Science
Martimer Taube Developed UNITERM.
Bureaucratic stated by – Max Weber written the book of Theor y o f Social
Max Weber
and Economic Organisation
Mc Colvin Stated the demand and supply theory of books.
Mc Colvin Demand & Supply Theory of Books
Quoted "To provide the best books to the maximum readers at the least cost".
Melvil Dewey

Melville Dewey Devised DDC system.

Melvin Dewey He for the first time started library school.
Categorized information need into current approach, everyday approach, and
Melvin J. Voigt
exhaustive approach
Michael Gorman Suggested for Book Order Vigilance Pad (BOVP).
Michael Gorman Wrote “Our Singular Strengths”
Minie Sears Sears List of Subject Heading
NASSDOC (Ist 1974) Mahatma Gandhi Bibliography =
Ouchi Theory Z
P. Drucker Unity of command was proponed b y ( P. Drucker)
Pandit Jawaharlal Delhi public library inaugurated by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in 1951
Pascal Developed Calculating machine.
Pascal Calculating Machine
Patricia B. Knapp Contributed on the systematic use of user's education.
He for the first time used the term ‘Documentation’ in a lecture at the
Paul Otlet
International Congress at Brussels.
Paul Otlet and Henri La  Devised UDC.
Peter Drucker The term knowledge worker was coined by Peter Drucker
Peter A. Phyor Zero Based Budget.
Peter Druckor Knowledge Society (Described) = Peter Druckor (1969)
Peter Ducker MBO (Management by Objective)
Peter F. Drucker Introduced Management by Objectives (MBO).
Peter Phyr r Zero Base Budgeting
Stated ”It is a library with little or no physical presence of books, periodicals,
reading space or support staff, but are that disseminate disseminate selective
Powell information directly to distribute library customers, usually electronically”.

It is a library with little or no physical presence of books, periodicals, reading

space or Support staff, but are that disseminate disseminate selective
Powell information directly to distribute library customers, usually electronically”.
Said by

Prof N.Balakrishnan Chairman for INDEST consortium - Prof N.Balakrishnan

Stated “Special libraries serve a specialist clientele, located within a single
R. Astall establishment or group and all engaged in working towards one common
R.A. FISHER ANOVA method was first developed by R.A. FISHER
Photocharging method has become popular in British Public libraries first
Ralph R. Shaw introduced by Ralph R. Shaw who was the Librarian of the Agriculture Libr
ary in Washington (USA)
Renardus april 2002 Which of the following is a multi-subject gateway?
Richard Matthew Founded Free Software Foundation (FSF).
Roger Payne" was famous in Book Binder
The author of “Dictionary of anonymous and pseudonymous literature”.
S. Halkett & J. Laing

S.C. Bradford Documentation,

S.R. Ranganathan Elements of Library Classification, Tree Card System
Samuel Clement Bradfords Law of Information.
Desirableness of personal contact between reader and library material was
Samuel H. Green
stressed by Samuel H. Green
Given the Minimal, Middling and Maximum theories of reference service.
Samuel Rothstein

Samuel Rothstein Minimal, Middling & Maximum theories of Reference Service

Architecture, Planning & Landscape Information Gateway - a global Gateway
for information and a forum for its exchange.
Shannon and Weaver  Proposed Mathematical Theory of Information.

defin ed “Infomration as essentially a measure of the absence of Uncertainty

Shannon and weaver

Shannon and weaver is BIT, (Sendor, Channel, Message, Receiver and feedback) in 1948

Singapore Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) was first started.

Sravasti The first library noticed in India.
Stewart The term Intellecual Capital introduced by Stewart
T. S. Eliot Stated “Where is the Wisdom, We Lost in Knowledge...”
Taro Yamane Mathematical formula for estimating sample size is given by
Ted Nelson Coined the term Hyper Text.
Ted Nelson, Hypertext
Tim Berner's Lee World Wide Web (WWW)
Tim Berner's Lee He firstly designed the World Wide Web (WWW).
Tim O’Reilly Web 2.0
Grandfather of Hypertext Vannever Bush and The word Hypertext was
Vannever Bush
coined y TED Nelson
Which of the following is a specialized information organization online tool?
Vivisimo specialized information organization online tool developed by IBM ,

Voltair Best is the enemy of good’ is said by Voltair
W.A. Katz Introduction to Reference source ” was wr itten by
W.A. KATZ Search Strategy is the looking mirror in the dark said by W.A. KATZ
W.A.Borden Started the Reference Service in India
W.Hulme's W.Hulme's principle of literary warrant
Wan Bertallenfy. System theory is developed due to the effects of Wan Bertallenfy.
Ward Cunningham Ward Cunningham , the developer of the first wiki software
Wesig(1993) Information Science coined Postmodern Science
William Gibson Used the term ‘Cyberspace’ for the first time.
William Gibson Cyberspace
Zato Coding Zato Coding was invented by Calvin Mooers
Zblgnlew Brozozinski Electronic Society (Suggested) =Zblgnlew Brozozinski (1970)

Zipf’s law Frequency of World Text relation formula

Bradford’s Law related to Law of scattering
Lotkas Law related to Author’s productivity
Zip’s Law of Word frequen cy
1440 Bibliothec Nationale, Paris (National Library, France).
1768 The Encyclopædia Britannict was first published between 1768 and 1771 in Edinburgh,Scotland as three volumes
1774 Rampur Raza Library, Uttar Pradesh.
1800 Library of Congress, USA.
1808 Funds for the encouragement of literature.
1810 American Patent Law.
1820 In 1820 Saraswathi Mahal Library established at Tanjore Tamilnadu by Maharaja Sarfoji II
1835 National Library of India.
1836 Calcutta Public Library was established during 19 th Century in 1836
1841 Henri Fayol was born.
1850 First library act was enacted in Great Britain. 1st Library act ant National Level in the world- 14 August 1850
1850 August 14, 1850 is a red letter day in British Library development because: Public Libraries bill receiving Royal assent
1851 Melvil dewey date of birth 10- December 1851. The first library school was started by Melvin Dewey
1852 British Patent Law.
1852 Roget’s Thesaurus.
1856 Frederick Winslow Taylor was born.
1856 Intellectual Property Right Act (India).
1861 Henry Laurence Gantt was born.
1862 State Lenin Library, Moscow.
1864 Max Weber was born.
1867 The Press and Registration of books Act Enacted.
1867 The Press and Registration of books Act was enacted (India).
1876 American Library Association (ALA).
1876 Cutter’s Rules for a Printed Dictionary Catalogue.
1876 Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) by Melvil Dewey.
1876 First Journal of Librarianship was published.
1877 Library Association (LA), UK was formed.
1879 Expansive Classification by C. A. Cutter.
1886 Berne Convention: The international convention for protection of literary and artistic works was first signed at Berne on 9th September, 1886.
1890 Connemara Public Library.
1891 Khuda Baksha Oriental Public Library.
1891 Lyndall Urwick was born.
1892 12th August, 1892 Dr.S.RR Birthday as librarians Day
1895 Browne charging system started.
1895 When was Browne charging system started? 1895
1896 In 1896 Connemara Library at Madras opened to Public
1898 Library of Congress Subject Headings.
1902 Library of Congress Classification.
1905 The first edition of Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) was published.
1906 Douglas McGregor was born.
1906 Subject Classification by J. D. Brown.
1908 Abraham Maslow was born.
1908 Catalog Rules
1909 Peter Drucker was born.
1909 Special Library Association (SLA).
1910 A. W. Borden start a refresher course for librarians in India.
1910 In 1910 year A. W. Borden start a refresher course for librarians in India.
1911 Kaisers systematic Indexing.
1911 The Design Act.
1912 National Library, Germany.
1914 Andhra Pradesh Library Association.
1914 The Andhra Desa Library Association was founded.
1915 American ASA DON DICKSON Started part time apprentship program in librariship in
1917 1915 at Punjab University Lahore
1917 David McClelland was born.
1918 Sarasvati Mahal Library.
1918 The first all India conference of librarians in 1918 was held at. Lahoor
1920 1920 training programe initated at Baglore by dawn of Mysore Sir, M. Vishweswaraiah
1921 Maharashtra Library Association.
1923 Frederick Herzberg was born.
1923 Sears List of Subject Headings (SLSH).
1923 Sears List of Subject Heading Publsihed from 1923(SLSH) use full for small and Medium Libraries, published by H.W. Wilson
1924 Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureau (ASLIB).
1925 Bengal Library Association.
1925 L. R. McColvin: Theory of Book Selection (1925): demanded by the users for their
1926 Biolgoical Abstract srarts in the year 1926
1928 Madras Library Association.
1929 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).
1929 Karnataka Library Association.
1929 Punjab Library Association.
1929 1929 MALA conducted regular certificate course
1931 ‘Five Laws of Library Science’ was first published.
1931 International Institute of Documentation was established.
1931 Melville Dewey Passed away.
1931 Samastha Kerala Pustakalaya Samiti.
1931 In 1931 International institute of Documentation was established
1931 The five laws of Library Science published in the book form in the year 1931
1931 The book 'Library Administration' was brought out by Ranganathan in 1931
1932 Electrically operated book charging system firstly introduced.
1932 The Association of Research Libraries -1932
1932 When did electrically operated book charging system introduced first? 1932
1932 James Duff Brown the pioneer of open access system in British libraries in 1932
1933 Colon Classification (CC) was first published.
1933 India Library Association (ILA).
1934 Headquarter of International Federation of Documentation (FID) was shifted from Brussels to The Hague.
1934 In which year headquarter of FID was shifted from Brussels to The Hague? 1934
1935 Bibliographic Classification by H. E. Bliss.
1935 Reference was defined by James I wyer In 1935
1935 1935 Andhra University started a certificate course (But it was stoped shortly)
1935 The imperial library culcuta( Now known as National Library of India started full time diploma courses librarianship in year 1935)
1936 Bihar Library Association.
1936 In 1936 university of Madras started PG diploma course
1937 International Institute of Documentation changed to International Federation of Documentation.

1937 In which year International institute of Documentation changed to International federation of Documentation? 1937

1938 Assam Library Association.

1939 Henry Mintzberg was born.
1942 Banaras Hindu University (1942) and Bombay 1943 started library science course
1944 Utkal Library Association.
1945 Kerala Library Association.
1945 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
1945 Content analysis was introduced in the year 1945
1946 The Canadian Library Association -1946
1947 Indian National Bibliography first appeared.
1947 National Medical Library, New Delhi.
1947 In 1947 Delhi university established PG Diploma course in LIS
1948 Dr. S. R. Ranganathan was awarded honorary D. Litt. by University of Delhi (1948) and University of Pittsburgh (1964).
1948 Bradford formulated the law of scatter.
1948 National Diet Library, Japan.
1948 Tamil Nadu (formerly Madras) Public Libraries Act.
1948 Books in print (r.r.bowker) first published in 1948
1949 The UNESCO Public Library Manifesto first issued.
1950 Relational Indexing.
1950 When was Information Science added to Librarianship? 1950
1950 In 1950 the different typological study towards mode of formation of subjects done
1950 Current Awareness service has come in 1950
1950 In 1950 the ADI first published its journal American Documentation
1950 Relational Indexing- J.E.L.Farradane 1950
1951 Delhi Public Library.
1951 Hyderabad Library Association.
1951 National Library of India.
1951 The Wheat loan Educational Exchange Programme.
1951 Uttar Pradesh Library Association.
1951 Delhi public library was established in 1951 . Delhi public library inaugurated by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in 1951
1952 Universal copyright convention of 1952 was held at (Berne)
1952 CRG stands for Classification Research Group was fromed in year 1952 by J. Mills
1953 India : a reference annual” was published in 1953
1953 Delhi Library Association.
1953 Gujarat Library Association.
1953 The National Library of India was declared to open to public on 1st. February, 1953 by Moulana Abdul Kalam Azad
1954 Peter F. Drucker defined Management by Objectives (MBO).
4 Libraries are receiving books through delivery of books and newspaper Act 1954
Amended in year 1956.
1954 Peter F. Drucker defined M.B.O. (Management by Objectives in 1954
1955 Hyderabad public libraries Act.

IASLIC (Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centre. 25th June 1955
(ASLIB)UK ans SLA (USA). Mr. Gosh & Muherjee

1956 Delivery of Books (Public Libraries Act) 1954 was amended.

1956 The word Information science first Described by Chris Hanson of ASLIB 1956
1956 UGC established. Dr. C.D.. Deshmukh, the first Chairman of UGC (1956) in UGC 2010 S.K Thorat, now Prof Ved Prakash 2011 to till
1957 Indian Library Association (ILA) became the member of International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).
1957 Indian National Bibliography (INB) first appeared.
1957 Madhya Bharat Library Association.
1957 System analysis has been used first by H. Khan and Mann of RAND Corporation.
1957 When did ILA became the member of IFLA?
1957 Indian national Bibliographical first appeared in 1957
1957 CPM - Critical Path Method, In 1957, DuPont developed as a network model for project management method Designed
1957 In 1957Aligarh Muslim University The first University in India (BLIS course started)
1957 D.B. Krishna rao. delhi university in 1957 First PhD in Lib & Inf.Science in India
1957 INIS Founded in the year 1957
1957 The copyright act of India of 1957 had been amended in August 1983 (last amended 1994)
1957 INB First Published in 1957 and Published by Sakithiya Akademi
1957 National book trust in india was established in the year 1957
1958 Trade Mark: The Trade Merchandise Mark Act 1958, etc.
1958 First Ph.D in the Library and Information Science in India.
1958 Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) was developed.
1958 Library Herald edited by Krishan Kumar from Delhi library Association since 1958 published quarterly
PERT was developed in the late 1950's for the U.S. Navy's Polaris project is management tool using statistical techniques for System Analysis.
1958 Planning, Scheudling and Controlling are the different phase of PERT Study. PEART approach is a device developed to Better utilize of time in a
series of activities. When was PERT developed in 1958. Another term CPM
1959 The term Information scence came into exisit in this year 1959
1959 The concept of Selective Dissemination of Information ( SDI ) was introduced by H.P. Luhn of IBM in 1959
1960 Andhra Pradesh Public Libraries Act.
1961 Gomantak Library Association.
1961 International Classification by F. Rider.
1961 International Conference on Cataloging Principles, Paris.
1961 The Science Citation Index began publication in 1961
1962 Documentation Research and Training Centre (DRTC), Bangalore.
1962 Dr. S. R. Ranganathan was appointed as a National research professor of Library science.
1962 Rajasthan Library Association.
1962 When was Dr.S. R. Ranganathan was appointed as a National research professor of Library science
1962 Informatics 1962 coined by Philipee Dreyfus in USA
1963 Coats Subject Indexing- E.J. Coats 1963
1963 Ted Nelson created Project Xanadu in 1960 and coined the term hypertext in 1963
1963 The frequency of Data India is Weekly by Press Institute of India Founded in 1963,
1964 POPSI.

MEDLARS (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System) established by NLM 1964.
1964 products Index Medicus, MeSH (Medical Subject Heading) for control vocabulary system
1964 Public Library and Museum Act-1964
1965 Karnataka Public Library Act.
1966 Jammu & Kashmir Library Association.
1966 Machine Readable Cataloguing (MARC).
1967 Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules - I (AACR-I).
1967 Machine Readable Cataloguing (MARC) project completed.
1967 Maharashtra Public Libraries Act.
1967 Online Computer Library Centre (OCLC).
1967 Tripura Library Association.
1967 World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) was established by the WIPO Convention.
1967 Indian Library Science (1967) annual
1968 National Library week in india is being Celebrated annually since 1968 (12th to 20th November)
1968 National Policy on Education in Policy established in 1968.
1969 The term "Bibliometrics" was coined by Alan Pritchard.
1969 INTERNET was born in 1969 as: APRANET
1969 When Library Science Abstracts Changed its name to Library and Information Science Abstracts 1969
1970 Patent: The Patent Act 1970 (changes bought in 1994);
1970 The American Society for Information Science (ASIS) organized its annual meeting around the theme “the information conscious society”.
1970 Zero Based Budget: It was developed by Peter Phyor in 1970
1970 INIS (International Nuclear Information Systems) established, 1970 and enhanced 1976.Vienna,
1971 Berne Convention and Universal Copyright Convention was revised in Paris.
1971 International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD).
1971 UNISIST Programme.
1971 CIP (Cataloging in Publication) system begin in 1971 by LC(Library of Congress
1972 Common Communication Format (CCF).
1972 International Book Year celebrated by UNESCO.
1972 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) took up the “Universal Availability of Publication” program.
1972 Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF) was established.
1972 The UNESCO Public Library Manifesto which was issued in 1949 got revived.
1972 When RRRLF was established? 1972 Where is the headquarter located at Culcutta provide ISBN
1972 IFLA took up the “Universal Availability of Publication” program in the year 1972
1972 In 1972 year was the International Book Year celebrated by UNESCO.
1973 Social Science Citation Index.
1974 International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD).
1974 PRECIS.
1974 Research Library Group (RLG)-RLIN
1974 Science Citation Index.
1974 Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC).
1974 In 1974, Zurkowski has given term Information Literacy

1975 AGRIS ( Agriculture Information system) FAO & UNO 1975 onwards at ROME pblished
1976 Universal Availability of Publications (UAP).
1976 Society for Information Scince (SIS) New delhi in 1976
1977 Universal Machine Readable Catalogue (UNIMARC) was developed by IFLA.
1977 British Library’s Automated Information Service (BLAISE): 1977 April, Useful in the field of Biomedicine
1978 Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules - II (AACR-II).
1978 Arts & Humanities Citation Index.
1978 Research libraries and information retrival system (RLIN) situated at Scand ford, California in the year 1978.

1979 Classaurus is a faceted hierarchie schme of terms with vocabulary control feature. The elementary categories of POPSI are DEAPM (Discipline, Entity, Property and
Action,Modifier) 8 (Eight) steps involved in POPSI Indexing. Developed by G.Bhattacharya In 1979
1979 West Bengal Public Libraries Act.
1982 FID.
1982 Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model.
1985 CDS/ISIS software.
1985 CD-ROM was prepared and made.
1985 CDS/ISIS.
Charimanship of Prof. D.P. Chattaopadhyaya, Chairman RRLF by dept of Culture I oct
1985 1985. The committee was named as Committee On National Policy on Library and
Information system) (set up in 1985 CONPOLIS) submitted on 1986
1985 Online Europa year book has a coverage since 1985
1985 SAARC documentation centre was established in 1985
1986 ERNET.
1986 Information Society program for Latin America and The Caribbean (INFOLAC).
1986 National Information Policy.
1986 Brascom (1986) defied Information Society
1987 Manipur Library Association.
1987 Mizoram Library Association.
1988 Anglo American Cataloging Rules, 2nd edition revised (AACR2 R)
1988 Manipur Public Libraries Act.
1989 Haryana Public Libraries Act.
1989 Kerala Public Libraries Act.
1989 Scientific and Industrial Research Network (SIRNET) project was lanched by NISCAIR in The year 1989.
1990 Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) was first started in Singapore.
1990 ISDN was first started in 1990 at Singapore
1992 DELNET.
1993 ADINET.
1993 Goa Public Libraries Act.
1993 Mizoram Public Libraries Act
1993 Project MUSE, an online database of more than 200 journals from nonprofit publishers was launched.
1993 UGC Curriculum Development Committee.
1993 When was the curriculam development committee on LIS instituted? 1990-93
1993 Information Science Wesig(1993) coined Postmodern Science
1994 Meghalaya Library Association.
1994 Orbicom, the international network of UNESCO chairs in communications.
1994 The UNESCO Public Library Manifesto was last revised.
1994 The National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) was established in 1994 by the UGC.
1994 In 1994 Jerry and Davis’ launched Guide to the world wide web began
1995 Journal Storage (J-Store) was launched.
1995 Origin of Dublin Core Metadata.
1995 STOR was founded in the year 1995
1996 Nagaland Library Association.
1997 Consortium of University Research Libraries (CURL).
1997 GreenStone.
1997 Joint Academic Network (JANET)
1997 The first automated citation indexing was done by CiteSeer in 1997
1998 China Academic Library & Information System.
1999 Global Network for Education in Journalism.
2000 Communication: Communication Bill passed, 2000;
2000 EPrints Software.
2000 Information Technology Act.
2000 KOHA Software.
2000 SOUL Software.
2001 J-Gate, an electronic gateway to global e-journal literature.
2002 Chartered institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) was formed.
2002 DSpace Software.
2002 FID was dissolved.
2002 Gujarat Public Libraries Act.
2002 Orissa Public Library Act.
2002 Which organization was joined with Library Association to form CILIP in 2002? Institute of Information Scientists
2003 UGC-Infonet e-journal consortium was launched on-28th Dec-2003
COUNTER (Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources) Launched in March 2002. The first COUNTER Code of Practice, covering
online journals and databases, was published in 2003.
2005 Uttaranchal Public Libraries Act.
2006 Rajasthan Public Libraries Act.
2006 Uttar Pradesh Library Act.
2006 The g-index was suggested in 2006 by Leo Egghe
2007 ISBN changed from 10 digits to 13 digit.
2007 National Knowledge Commission on Libraries.
2010 ASLIB was acquired by MCB group, the holding company for emerald group publishing.
2011 DDC 23rd edition was published.
2011 International Standard Book Number (ISBN) allocation office in India shifted from Kolkatta to Delhi.
2012 Indian Copyright act was latest amended in 2012 which came into force on 21 June 2012
1990-93 Curriculam development committee on LIS instituted
Author and Title Entries. (Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR) first published
able 1. The creation of library catalogs 1876–1997. A conspectus of tools and
critiques in the historical search for best practice.17
Year Publication/Event
1876 Cutter’s Rules for a Printed Dictionary Catalogue, 1st ed.
1904 Cutter’s Rules for a Dictionary Catalog, 4th ed.
1908 Catalog Rules: Author and Title Entries. (The Anglo-American Cataloging Code)
1941 Preliminary second edition by the ALA of the 1908 rules
1941 A.D. Osborn, “The Crisis in Cataloging”18
1942 ALA Rules for Filing Catalog Cards
1948 Rules for Descriptive Cataloging in the Library of Congress
1949 ALA Cataloging Rules for Author and Title Entries
1953 Seymour Lubetzky, Cataloging Rules and Principles: A Critique of the ALA Rules19
1956 Filing Rules for the Dictionary Catalogs in the Library of Congress
1961 International Conference on Cataloging Principles, Paris
1965 Draft of Machine-Readable Cataloging (MARC) format
1967 Anglo American Cataloging Rules (AACR)
1968 MARC II format
1969 International Meeting of Cataloging Experts, Copenhagen
1971 International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD)
1974 First meeting of Joint Steering Committee for Revision of AACR (JSC)
1978 Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2nd ed. (AACR 2)
1980 Library of Congress Filing Rules
1988 Anglo American Cataloging Rules, 2nd edition revised (AACR2 R)
1997 International conference on the principles and future of AACR, Toronto
1998 AACR2 e (CD-ROM under constant revision by Joint Steering Committee)20
1957 Ranganathan Committee on University and College Libraries
1961 Ranganathan Committee on LIS Education
1990 Kaula Committee on Curriculum Development in LIS Education
1997 Subject Panel on Lib. &Inf. Sc.
1997 Karisiddappa Committee on Curriculum Development in LIS
F.W. Taylor 1856- Principles of Scientific Management
Henri Fayol 1841– Functional Management (Command and control)
E. Mayo Sociological Perspective
A. Maslo Hierarchy of Needs Theory
F. Herzberg Motivation –Hygiene Approach
Abraham Maslow Motivational theory
Max Weber- 1864- Bureaucratic organization
Peter Drucker B. Management as a discipline
1946 UNESCO- United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organization
1945 FAO- Food And Agriculture Organisation
1971 UNISIST- United Nations International Scientific Information System
1964 IAEA- International Automic Energy Agency
1970 WIPO- World Intellectual Property Organization
1956 UGC-University Grand Commission
1969 ICSSR- Indian Council For Science Research
1942 CSIR – Council of Scientific And Industrial Research
1999 Global Network for Education in Journalism
1997 Consortium of University Research Libraries (CURL)
S.R. Ranganathan Elements of Library Classification
R.L. Mithal Library Administration Theory And Practice
C.G. Viswanathan Cataloguing Theory and Practice
C.A. Cutter Rules for Dictionary Catalogue
D.J. Desolla Price Little Science Big Science
S.C.Bradford Documentation
D.J. Fosket Subject Approach to Information
N.R. Look Manual of Library Economy
S.R. Ranganathan Documentation and its facets
C.G. Viswanatham Manual of Cataloguing Practice
LISA 1950
WIPO 1967
Ibid - "Same reference cited immediately above" Ibid is a contraction of ibidem, a Latin word meaning “the same place.” This term is most
commonly used for footnoting in scholarly texts, allowing the author to say “ibid” instead of citing a lengthy title. In legal texts, people may use “id,” a
shortening of “idem,” a word which means “as mentioned previously.” If you've ever been reading a text and wondering about the identity of this “ibid”
person who seems to get cited all the time, now you know!
Essentially, “ibid” is a fancy form of ditto marks. If, for example, you are referencing something like The Effects of Factory-Produced Emissions on the
Greater Nile Watershed: An Environmental Study, that's a long title to have to refer to again and again. Instead, you can reference the title in a
footnote, and then use “ibid” in future footnotes. If you move to a new location in the text, you can alert your readers with “Ibid (page 23)” or “Ibid, 23,”
depending on what kind of citation format you are using.
Loc. Cit - The same place cited
Op. cit - Previously cited
Vide - See
Kothari Commission   - library budget as a percentage of organization budget
Radhakrishnan Commission - Importance of library in Academic Institutions
Mehrotra Commission - Status and pay scales of librarian
Fyzee Commission -  Public Library System
Herman Hollerith - Know as a father of punch card
1.   Who has recognized the three planes of work-idea plane, verbal plane and notational plane       -  S.R.Ranganathan
2.   Grammarian of Library Classification  -                            W.C.B. Sayers
3.   A Designer of a scheme of classification-                         Classificationist
4.   Classify the book       -                                                Classifier
5.   Alternative term for “Analytico synthetic classification”-    Faceted classification
6.   Classification scheme providing redy-made class number-   Enumerative scheme of classification
7.   D.D.C            -                                                                Fully enumerative
8.   D.D.C (21 )   -                                                                Almost enumerative

9. C.C.( ED.6 Almost faceted

TH) -                                                                                       

10.  C.C.( ED.7 )   -                                                                Freely faceted scheme


11.  International classification scheme    -                            Purely Enumerated scheme

12.   U.D.C. -                                                                            Almost faceted
13.  B S O -                                                                                  by FID in 1978
14.  Which of the modes give rise to formation of Basic subject-          fission
15.  Which of the modes give rise to formation of compound subject-   Lamination
16.  Which of the modes give rise to formation of Pure subject-            Distillation
17.  Which of the modes give rise to formation of complex subject-       Losse assemblage
18.  Mass communication-                                                            Distillation
19.  Research methodology                                                          Distillation
20.  Stsastical Method                                                                  Distillation
21.  Oceanography-                                                                      Cluster
22.  Gandhiana-                                                                            Subje\Bundale/Clustring
23.  Indology                                                                                Clustring                                    
24.  Biophysics-                                                                            Fussion
25.  Biochemistry                                                                         Fussion
26.  Natural science                                                                      Agglomerate basic subject        
27.  The Number which is used for fixing the position of an entry is known as -   Cardinal Number                                                                    
28.  Tree of porphyry is                                                            Scheme representation dichotomy
29.  Who propound Tree of porphyry -                                    A greek logician named porphyry
30.  A postulate is -                                                    A self evident statement about possibility of things
31.   The classes belonging to the same array are called -            coordinate classes
32.  A subject formed by coupling of two of more subject on the
basis of some relation between them is---                        complex subject
33.  Division of a basic subject based on a single train of
Characteristics are-                                                            Facets
34.  A subject without any Isolate idea-                                  Basic Subject
35.  A subject with a basic subject and one of more isolate idea
as components is -                                                            compound subject
36.  An arrangement in which subject are in the sequence
Alien,Penumbral,Umbral,penumbral,Alien is Known as -    Apupa pattern
37.  What is Mnemonics   -                                                    aid to memory        
38.  Acroding to C.C. Psychology for Doctor is an example of Inter-subject phase relationship
39.  Educational psychology                                                        Bias
40.  Who introduced the “Principle of Literary warrant”            E.C.Rechardson
41.  Who Introduced the “principle of Helpful sequence”          Ranganathan
42.  Canon of Characteristics is a canon of                                  Idea plane
43.  Canon of Helpful Sequence                                                  Idea plane
44.  Canon of Differentiation                                                       Idea plane
45.  “Wall picture Principle ‘is a Principle of                               Facet sequence
46.  “Whole –Organ Principle is a Principle of                             Facer sequence
47.  “Actand-Action-Actor-tool Principle is                                Facer sequence
48.  Canon of hospitality was termed as canon of Flexibility by W.C.B.Sayers
49.  Principle of Osmosis is concerned with                                Re-Classification
50.  Canon of Terminology is concerned with                             Verbal Plane
51.  Canon of Concomitance is a canon for                                 Verbal Plane
52.  Canon of Modulation is concerned with                               Array
53.  Sequence of two isolate ideas is an array is determined by Principle of helpful sequence
54.  Components of Call Number                                                Class no. and Book No.
55.  Emptying Device is used is CC to provide for                     Hospitality in array
56.  Rangnathan enunciated how many steps in classifying document  9
57.  3 International conference on classification research was held at   Bombay

Important for UGC.NET 2013

1.       National Library open for All     -                                                           1 Feb. 1953
2.       Secretary of Library committee  -                                                           Librarian
3.       First Library Journal in India      -                                                           Indian Library Journal
4.       Extension service to the Blind -            2 Law of Lib.Sc.(Every reader her/his book)

5.       Library Legislation                         -           2 Law of Lib.Sc.(Every reader her/his book)


6.       Associated with child Growth and Adult Growth – 5 Law of Lib.Sc.( Library is growing organism)

7.       Weeding of Book                          -           5 Law of Lib.Sc.( Library is growing organism)


8.       Open Access                                   -       3 Law of Lib.Sc. ( Every book his/her reader


9.       Public Law 480(PL480)                 -           an American Law

10.    Radhakrishnan,Mudliar commission,khothari commission  for – Academic Library
11.   Pary committee (u.K.) for                         - Academic Library
12.    The Kenyon Committee(U.K.)               -1927 the Kenyon Committee on Public Libraries  
13.   The Public Library Manifesto                    -           FID
14.   General Information Program             - UNESCO
15.   Oldest Indian Library science Journal    - Library miscellany
16.   Library science with a slant to Documentation – Sarda Ranganathan Endowment for Lib.Sc.
17.   Herald of Library Science-                          Lucknow
18.   LIBRI                                   -                           Denmark
19.   Three Level of Management   - Top, Middle, Operational
20.   Scalar Chain-   Authorty structure, Top to Bootam
21.   Span of controle            -           The number of subordinate to be supervised
22.   Library Authority Indicate          - Library Member

23.   Library committee        - A group of person drawn with in the Library and expert from outside and representative from the user community
24.   Library committee is a example of         -           Statutory committee
25.   Book selection committee is a example of         -           Standing Committee
26.   Zero Based Budgeting -           The method of Budgeting which is not concerned with wat happened previously ,but is more concerned with the
requirement of the future.
27.   The different between expenditure and Income is Zero             -   Zero Based Budgeting
28.   Inter Library Loan is the Function of      -           Circulation
29.   Kardex system by – Ramington rand of India for Maintained of Periodical Record
30.   Modular construction is             -           Model building
31.   How Many catalogue Tray for 10000 Catalogue -             10
32.   Flow chart        -           A graph Picture that shows program logic
6. Barcode system uses one of the following technologies        :           Pattern recognition
7. 7.      Information observed and reported by some one else is know as :Empirical  information
8. Table of random numbers are constructed by :
9. Brain Storming:                                                                       Alex Osborn
10. 10.  IV volume of 20th DDC          :           Relative Index
11. 11.  Data Ware house is :               An electronic repository of       organizational data
12. World Intellectual property day         :                                   Aprinl 26 , 2009
13. 13.  Cyberspace is not wires cables and microwave but :  A physical place (dought)
14. 14.  The book “ S.R. Ranganathan : Pragmatic Philosophy of information science a personal biography” :                                                                                Yogeshwar
15. 15.  Perochial Libraries :                                                                Thomas Bray
16. TQM needs     :                                                           Concept oriented management
17. Acronym         :                                                           Donald Davinson
18. First Public Library Act :                                            Madras

19. “already the world is well into the third great phase of Human history – the information age ” articulated by :                                                            Alvin Toffler
20. 20.  Buffer overflow          :                                               an attack by computer hacker
21. An equivalent of Is 14000 standards is :                   ISO 9000
22. In flow chat Activity is represented by :                    rectangle
23. One of the following is not a cause for obsolescence of published literature:
No longer valid
1. Gantt chat :                                                                Horizontal Bar chat
2. M in five fundamental categories ( PMEST) :            Matter

3. 26.  GValue added information model for evaluating information systems and centres was provided by :                                                                    Robert S Taylor
4. 27.  Soul 2.0 is complaint to          :                                   NCIP2.0
5. 28.  OSI Stands for :                                                          open system interconnection
6. 29.  ISO standard for Dublic core Metadata elements set is : ISO 15836:2009
7. Seymour Lubetzky was associated with:        catalogue codes
8. 31.  VIRUS:           vital information resources under siege
9. Which among the following is not a copying process ?
1. The largest unit of a database :           A File
2. The term “ Exponental Growth refers to :      Geometrical progression
3. 35.  The exhaustiveness of indexing system will :              Increase precision
4. 36.  ILA :   1933
5. 37.  DELNET : WAN
6. Recommended 6.5% of univ budget  :           Radhakrishna committee
7. 39.  Second Generation computers is        :           Transistor
8. 40.  Where is wisdom we have lost in knowledge :           T.S. Eliot
9. 41.  Bradford formulated the law of scatter :        1948
10. Noise:
11. Saraswathi mahal library         :           Maraja sarafoji
12. Invisible colleges :                             Derek de solla price
13. Half life of information is :     rate of obsolescence of information
14. First univ to introduced M.Phil Programm is LIS 1980: university of Madras
15. 47.  Not a image format     :           UAP
16. 48.  KWIC index was :      HP Luhn
17. 49.  Graphical representation of data on y-axis is :            quadrant
18. Z39.50 :           client server protocol
19. 51.  Phenomena of literature on a subject appearing in periodical devoted to other subject is know as : scatter
20. 52.  Which of five laws of library science strongly advocated adv of open access :        first law
21. 53.  BIOS   :           Basic Input/Output system
22. Punjab Library Primer :           A D Dickinson
23. Classification: Grouping and arrangement of entities
24. Nesting refers :            File organization ( dought)
25. 57.  LIS – FORUM :         NCSI
26. Starvation policy         :           revision of UDC
27. 59.  Five Laws of library science   :           1931
28. Documentation was brought   :           S C Bradford
29. 61.  Wisdom of mass principle       :           wikipaedia
30. 62.  Thesaurofacet  :           jean aitchison
31. 63.  Central tendency         :           average
32. 64.  Atom index     :           INIS
33. Free floating subdivisions : library of congress subject headings
34. NEED:           
35. 67.  Shanon and weaver theory of information is based on:         mathematical theory
36. Bodlein library is the university library of :    Oxford University
37. 69.  A patent may be granted for a new useful and non obvious : innovation
39. 71.  Facebook is a : social networking site
40. 72.  World cat is : oclc
41. Direct method of electro static copying is : xerography
42. 74.  Focus is a : facet
43. 75.  Encyclopedia of library and information science is published by : Marcel dekkav
44. Dare :  undp
45. RSS in internet terminology means : Rich site summary
46. The organizational structure is determined by : span of control
47. See also cross reference normally represent : associate relations
48. 80.  Research done to find a solution for an immediate problem is known as : applied research
49. 81.  The term Informatics was coined by : otto nache
50. 82.  Laissez – faire is : allow to act
51. 83.  The diffusion of innovationa and its acceptance normally follows : S-shaped curve
52. The periodical “ college and research Librararies is published by   :ALA
53. 85.  First Ph.d in the LIS in India : 1958
54. John cotton Dana   : ALA
55. 87.  Indian Reference sources is : J.S.Sharma
56. 88.  Youtube is associated with : Google
57. 89.  Computer virus is a : computer programme
58. Lotka laws is concerned with : productivity of authors ( dought)
59. 91.  Library pathfinders : referral service
60. Charles ammi cutter : rules for dictionary catalogue
61. 93.  Coden is : sericals
62. 94.  Method of experimental enquiry was advocated by : J S Mills
63. Truncation device is used to improve : precision ( dought)
64. 96.  Maximum storage space is available on :  Hard disk
65. Demand Theory of Books selection was coined by : L R Mccolvin
66. The Hyderabad public libraries Act was : 1960 ( Actualy 1955)
67. SRELS   Journals : Bangalore
68. ATM stands for : Asynchronous transfer mode
69. 101.                      Ocr is a : input device
70. 102.                      IASLIC  bulletine is a : quarterly
71. Acheme of role operators are used in : PRÉCIS
72. Intelectual property rights are a bundle of exclusive rights over creation of the mind covering : Both Artistic And Commercial Creations
73. 105.                      CODATA  was establish by : ICSU
74. Which one of the following  has accelerated the growth of electronic publishing : optical median
75. 107.                      Weka is a : data mining software
76. The mechanism required to satisfy exhaustive approach of users : announcement ( dought)
77. Cumulative book index is a : trade bibliography
78. 110.                      Field tag in MARC : directrory
79. 111.                      The inverse square law is the law referred to : lotks’s law
80. 112.                      As per internet standard terminology RFC refrs : request for comments
81. 113.                      Manual of library economy was : brown
82. 114.                      ISBD : IFLA
83. Five new laws of library sicence have been offered n 1995 by : crwford and Gorman
84. 116.                      The papyrus one of the earliest writing materials was mainly used by : Egyptians
85. 117.                      Decimal classification completed hundred years in :1976
86. Principle of recency is releated to : library publicity
87. Computers process data into information by working exclusively with  Multimedia
88. 120.                      Relics are sources of information for : historical research
89. 121.                      Median is not affected by : different values
90. The acronym ubc coined by : Donald davinson
91. 123.                      Name given by sr  ranganathan to book mobile : Librachine
92. Informationas a flow and knowledge as stock : marshall mchuhan
93. 125.                      CCF : UNESCO
94. 126.                      Which one of the following is an indological library: adayar public library       Chennai
95. 127.                      The idea of bibliographic coupling was first advocated by  M.M. Kessler
96. 128.                      Canan for verbal plane are : four
97. 129.                      Baud rate is used to measure : the speed of data transmission in telecommunication
98. 130.                      Ernet is : Education and research network
99. 131.                      Term “epitome” : review
100. 132.                      Thomas website is associated with : Thomas publishers and co
101. 133.                      Which of the following Boolean operator when used enchance s retrieval recall : and
102. Who coined the word ROBOT : KARL CAPEK
103. 135.                      Notation does not make a classification but it may mare it : wc. Berwick sayers
104. 136.                      Farmingtio plan was initiated in uK in the year : 1948
105. The concept kaizen in quality management means  :
106. A postulate is a :         a self evident statement about the possibility of a thing
107. 139.                      PROLOG        ; PROGRAMMING IN LOGIC
108. 140.                      Which of the following is not a house keeping operation in library : reference
109. 141.                      AGRIS  regional centre for European countries in located at Philippines
111. 143.                      Which of the following evaluation techniques is used in forecasting : Delphi technique
112. 144.                      The earliest style of chines writing was mainly : pictographic
113. 145.                      V-mail             :           ware time
114. 146.                      Digital library of resource of Indian cultural heritage has been named as     :Kalanadhi
115. Ugc-net consist of :     4 sections
116. 148.                      First Librarian of national library of india was :         B.s kesavan
117. 149.                      Indcat is a online union cataloge maintained by e: Inflibnet
118. 150.                      Digital library of india is hosted by :  Iis
1.The Science Citation Index began publication in 1961
2.The impact factor was devised by Eugine Garfield
3. The first automated citation indexing was done by CiteSeer in 1997
4.Eugine Garfield was the founder of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), which was located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
5.The h-index was suggested by Jorge E. Hirsch
6.The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), now part of Thomson Reuters.

7.In a given year, the impact factor of a journal is the average number of citations received per paper published in that journal during the two preceding years

8.The ISI Web of Knowledge indexes more than 11,000 science and social science journals.9.The g-index is an index for quantifying scientific productivity based on publicatio
10.The g-index was suggested in 200 6 by Leo Egghe
How many D.Litt degrees offered in LIS in India? 02  two D.Litt degrees offered so far in India. The first one is Dr. B. B. Shukla/ Utkal University  and the Second one
is Dr. Amjad Ali Sambalpur University, Odisha
.Ku band used for Satellite Communication
2. a PC connected to network is called Node
.Super Computer speed measured in terms of FLOPS
4.Free software movement done by Richard Stallman
5. First Wiki created by Ward Cunningham
6.Mashups meaning
7.Google Founded by
8.Internet  initial development supported by
9.Minimum Bandwidth required for broad band  is
10. Voice over IP technology converts.......... to ...............
11.Domain used for non profitable organisations is
12. Webcasts means
13.Internet used which kind of switching system
14.Content of Website used by end users through
15.Access and Web hosting services provided by
16.ISDN is a
17.What is Scribd
18.Humanities Index published by
19.Tacit knowledge includes
20.Concept Maps are the tools for
21.The book ''Documentation" authored by
22.KINESICS used for
23.A.B.Maslow related to
24.cybernetics term coined by

The Five Laws of Library Science were enunciated in 1928 by the late Dr. S. R.
Ranganathan, the Librarian of the University of Madras.

Five Laws of Library Science are:

Books are for use
Every reader his/her book("Books for All".)
Every book its reader
Save the time of the reader
The library is a growing organism

First Law "Books are for use "

--Library Hours
--Library Building and Furniture

Second Law "Every reader his/her book"

--Obligation of the State

--Obligation of the Library Authority--(Choice of Books--Choice of Staff)
--Obligations of the Staff
--Obligations of the Reader
--Resource Sharing

Third Law “Every Book Its Reader”

--- Open Access
- - Services---Book Exhibition, Display of New Books,Lists of New Additions
- - The Library Catalogue

Fourth Law “Save the Time of the Reader”

- - Open Access
- - Classification and Cataloguing
- - Charging System

Fifth Law "Library is a Growing Organism"

- - Book Stock
- - Readers
- - Staff
- - Classification and the Catalogue
- - Modernisation
- - Provision for the Future
-- Weeding out of Books

The three landmarks indicating the progress of libraries in India in the post-independence period are:

i) the growth and development of the-National Library at Calcutta;

ii) public library legislation in six states of India leading to the development of public library systems in these states;
iii) the increase in the number of university and college libraries.

The Calcutta Public Library was established in the first half of the 19th century
and the Imperial Library in 1903.

In 1948, the Imperial Library, Calcutta was renamed as the National Library.

National Science Library of INSDOC and the National Medical Library of the Directorate General of Health Services are located in Delhi.

The main aims of the National Policy on Library and Information System are:

i) to foster, promote, and sustain the organisation, availability and use of information, in all sectors of national activity;

ii) to take steps for mobilising and upgrading the existing library and information systems and services;

iii) to encourage and initiate, programmes for the library and information personnel;

iv) to set up adequate monitoring mechanisms for ensuring a rapid development of library and information facilities and services;
v) to encourage individual initiatives for the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge and for the discovery of new knowledge in an atmosphere of
intellectual freedom;

vi) to secure for the people of the country all the benefits that can accrue from the acquisition and application of knowledge; and

vii) to preserve and make known the nation's cultural heritage in its multiple forms.

National Policy-on Library and Information System (NAPLIS)

The Department of Culture, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, appointed in October 1985 a committee of senior library
scientists and other specialists, with Prof. D.P. Chattopadhyaya as chairman

To prepare a draft document on the National Policy on Library and Information System.

The Committee completed its assignment and submitted a draft document to the Government on May 31, 1986.

The National Information System for Science and Technology (NISSAT), which is the focal point in India for the UNISIST/LJNESCO programme.

The national sectoral policies which have a bearing on the library development are:

i) Education Policy;
ii) Book Policy;
iii) Scientific Policy Resolution;
iv) Technology Policy;
v) Information (Communication) Policy

The National Book Policy, which was also prepared in 1986

The Scientific Policy Resolution adopted by the Government of India in 1958.

The Technology Policy statement announced by the Prime Minister in March 1983

The areas of recommendation of the Report of the Library Advisory Committee are:

i) structure of library system (for public libraries)

ii) library cooperation
iii) compilation of union catalogues
iv) library personnel, status, powers, duties and responsibilities
v) training for librarianship
vi) auxiliary services, like book bureaux, development of library association, formation of Mitra Mandals.
vii) library Finance
viii) interaction between libraries and social education programme.

Secondary Education Commission Report (Chairman Dr. A.L: Mudaliar)

i) establishment of good libraries in schools and provision of intelligent and effective library service;
ii) emphasis on the habit of general reading by children;

iii) in smaller places, school libraries could function as public libraries also. University Education Commission Report (Chairman Dr. S. Radhakrishna)
i) central position of the library in the academic system;
ii) preferred self study and library work by way of supplementing class instructions;
iii) higher branches of learning is mainly a question of learning how to use tools and techniques.

Education Commission (Chairman, Dr. D.S. Kothari)

i) discussed role of libraries in higher education

ii) highlighted the skill to use independently books and documents by
the students in the learning process;
iii) offered eleven useful and important suggestions for the
improvement of university and college libraries.

The areas of recommendation of the UGC Library Committee are:

i) provided a framework and important guidelines to implement its grant-in-aid programmes

ii) library finance
iii) personnel, status, salary etc:
vi) staff strength
v) a blueprint for the systematic development of university libraries
in the country.

Ancient Libraries

• Clay tablets as in Assyria and Babylonia;

• Papyrus as in Egypt;
• Vellum./Parchment and wooden boards in Medieval Europe;
• Hand made paper in China and India;
• Palm leaves, birch barks, silk cloth, copper plates etc., in India; and
• Bone and paper in China:
Edition 6 of Harrods’s Librarians' Glossary and Reference Book (1987) defines a National Library as:

i) a library maintained ~out of government funds;

ii) serving the nation as a whole;
iii) books in such libraries being for reference only;
iv) libraries are usually copyright libraries;
v) the function of such a library is to collect and preserve for posterity, the books, periodicals, newspapers and other downbeats published in the
country; This is best done by a law requiring publishers to deposit copies of all publications issued by them; and
vi). being-purchased books published in other countries.

The ALA Glossary of Library Terms, simply defines, the National Library As "a library maintained by a Nation"

Defenition by UNESCO, at its 16th Session of the General Conference held in 1970 "Libraries which, irrespective of the titles, are responsible for
acquiring and conserving copies of all significant:

i) publications published in the country and functioning as a

ii) deposit library either by law or under other arrangements.

They will also normally perform some of the following functions :

iii) produce a national bibliography ,

iv) hold and keep up-to-date a. large representative collection or foreign literature, including books about the country;
v) act as a national bibliographical information centre;
vi) Compile union catalogues
vii) publish retrospective bibliographies..:."

The discovery of printing in Europe in the 15th century

Lord Curzon declared open the new Imperial Library of India on 30th January 1903 in the Metcalf Hall. John Macfarlane of the British Museum was
invited to look after the new Imperial Library, as its first  librarian.

Bibliotheque Nationale de France,

The British Museum Library of Great Britain (Now British Library)

The Library of Congress of the United States

The Indian National Bibliography published by the Central Reference 'Library (National Library Campus, Calcutta), and the British National
Bibliography, brought out by the British Library.In 1928, the Government of India appointed a Committee under the Chairmanship of  Mr.J.A. Richey, to
suggest measures for reorganising the administration of the Library. This Committee, recommended among other things, that the Imperial Library
should be declared as a copyright depository Library. This recommendation was followed up by the successive librarians, Mr. Chapman and Khan
Bahadur K.M. Asadullah; to secure for the Imperial Library, the privilege of copyright deposit. But their efforts were not realised until the enactment of
the Delivery of Books .(Public Libraries) Act, 1954. While the Calcutta Public Library  had Peary Chanda Mitra and Bipin Chandra Pal as librarians, the
Imperial Library also had a galaxy of great librarians as for example,
Harinath De, a scholar and linguist, John Alexander Chapman, K.M. Asadullah, a goodorganiser and administrator, who had the credit of starting
library training courses in 1935 in the Imperial Library, Calcutta.

Information Systems and Programmes in Science and Technology

1 National Information System for Science and Technology (NISSAT)

2 National Informatics Centre (NIC)
3 Biotechnology Information System (BTIS)
4 Environmental Information System (ENVIS)
5 INFLIBNET: Information and Library Network
6 National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR)
7 INDEST Consortium

Information Systems and Programmes in Social Sciences

1 Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)

2 UGC-Inter University Centre for International Studies
3 UGC-Inter University Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences (IUCHSS)

3. Information Systems and Programmes in Humanities

1 Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts (IGNCA)

2 National Mission for Manuscripts (NMM)
3 Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR)
4 Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR)
5 Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR)
6 National Museum, New Delhi
7 National Archives of India (NAI)
8 Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages (CIEFL)
9 Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL)

NISSAT programme was launched by Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR)

The NISSAT programme was formally implemented in September 1977 with the following objectives:
• Development of national information services;
• Promotion of existing information systems and services;
• Introduction of modern information handling tools and techniques;
• Promotion of international cooperation in information;
• Development of indigenous products and services;
• Organisation of skill development programmes; and
• Promotion of R&D in information science and technology.

The National Focal Point (NFP) of NISSAT was located in DSIR, New Delhi. NISSAT supported 13 national information and data centres in different
areas (discipline, product or mission).

Value Added Patent Information Systems (VAPIS)

NISSAT established VAPIS in two areas viz. chemistry and chemical technology (at National Chemical Laboratory, Pune) and in engineering (at
Central Manufacturing Technology Institute, Bangalore).
British Museum Firstly introduced printed catalog.
DDC 17 “Auxiliary table for area” was first introduced in DDC.
(IFLA) Introduced the concept of Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC).
Great Britain First library act was enacted.
Singapore Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) was first started.
(UNESCO) Developed the concept of Common Communication Format (CCF).
Aligarh Muslim First B.Lib. Science Course was introduced.
Calcutta University First five years integrated course in LIS was introduced.
The First and Oldest University Library was established in British India.
Calcutta University

Calcutta University The first university in India where library committee is formed.
Connemera Public First Public Library in India.
DELNET The first Library Network to provide e-mail service in the country.
Delhi University First University to introduce, MLibSc., MPhil and PhD in LIS in India.
Delhi University Firstly establish a full-fledged Department of Library Science.
The first centre to use computer in the library and information activities in
ERNET Firstly provide E-mail service in India.
First social network for Indian Library and Information Science professionals.
LIS Links

Madras Enacted first Public Library Act in India.

Madras University First P G Diploma in Library science was introduced.
Sravasti The first library noticed in India.
A. B. Maslow Proposed Hygienic factors.
He for the first time coined the term "Bibliometrics" in a paper titled
Alan Pritchard
"Statistical Bibliography or Bibliometrics?"
Alireza Noruzi Applies Ranganathan's Laws to the Web.
Beesman  The propounder of the term information transfer.
Benjamin A. Custer The Editor in Chief of 19th Edition of DDC.
C. A. Cutter Invented the Dictionary Catalogue.
Divides documentary sources of information into two categories i.e. Primary
C. W. Hanson
and Secondary.
C.E. Shannon & W. Proposed Linear model of communication in knowledge based on Aristotles’
Weaver model of communication.
Carl Savage Used the concept “Invisible College” for the first time.
Charles Babbage Designed analytical engine.
Charles Babbage The father of the computer.
Conrad Gesner He is regarded as father of bibliography.
Classifies the documents into three categories, i.e primary, secondary and
Denis Grogan
Derek Austin Developed PRECIS.
Douglas Mc Gregor Developed Theory X and Theory Y.
E. C. Richardson Defined notation as shorthand sign.
E. J. Coats Coats Subject Indexing.
Edgar. F. Codd Gives the 12 rules for relational database.
F. Monbrary Volte The first editor of “Modern Librarian”
F. W. Taylor The father of Scientific Management.
Said that “some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few
Francis Bacon
to be chewed and digested”.
George Boole Discussed symbolic logic in “Treatise of differential equation”.
George Kingsely Zipf Wrote “Psycho-biology of language

System analysis has been used first by H. Khan and Mann of RAND
H. Khan and Mann
Haines Wrote “Living with book”.
Henri Fayol The father of Classical School of Management.
Honoured with ‘Nobel Prize’ for his substantial contribution in
Henri La Fontaine
J. C. M. Hanson Devised Library of Congress Classification System.
J. D. Brown Enunciated the subject Classification.
J. E. L. Farradane Developed Relational Indexing.
James Duff Brown The pioneer of open access system in British libraries.
Propounded “Conservative, moderate and liberal theories of reference
James I. Wyer
James R. Rettig Gave the sixth law of library science “Every reader his/her freedom”
John Cotton Dana Started New York Charging system.
John S. Mitchell The Editor in Chief of 23rd Edition of DDC.
Kaiser Give the concept of concretes and processes.
Larry Page and Sergey Developed Google.
Larry Firstly developed Data Flow Diagram (DFD).
M. M. Kessler Advocated Bibliographic coupling for the first time.
Melvin Dewey He for the first time started library school.
He for the first time used the term ‘Documentation’ in a lecture at the
Paul Otlet
International Congress at Brussels.
Luther Gulick Coined the term “POSDCORB”.
M. C. Yovits Stated that Information is data of value to decision making.
M. M. Kessler Advocated Bibliographic coupling for the first time.
Madden, Moon, Moore, Stated that “Librarianship is not a profession”.
Mc Pheron
Martimer Taube Developed UNITERM.
Mc Colvin Stated the demand and supply theory of books.
Quoted "To provide the best books to the maximum readers at the least cost".
Melvil Dewey

Melville Dewey Devised DDC system.

Categorized information need into current approach, everyday approach, and
Melvin J. Voigt
exhaustive approach
Michael Gorman Suggested for Book Order Vigilance Pad (BOVP).
Michael Gorman Wrote “Our Singular Strengths”
Pascal Developed Calculating machine.
Patricia B. Knapp Contributed on the systematic use of user's education.
Paul Otlet and Henri La  Devised UDC.
Peter A. Phyor Zero Based Budget.
Peter F. Drucker Introduced Management by Objectives (MBO).
Stated ”It is a library with little or no physical presence of books, periodicals,
reading space or support staff, but are that disseminate disseminate selective
Powell information directly to distribute library customers, usually electronically”.

Stated “Special libraries serve a specialist clientele, located within a single

R. Astall establishment or group and all engaged in working towards one common
Richard Matthew Founded Free Software Foundation (FSF).
The author of “Dictionary of anonymous and pseudonymous literature”.
S. Halkett & J. Laing

Samuel Clement Bradfords Law of Information.

Given the Minimal, Middling and Maximum theories of reference service.
Samuel Rothstein

Shannon and Weaver  Proposed Mathematical Theory of Information.

T. S. Eliot Stated “Where is the Wisdom, We Lost in Knowledge...”

Ted Nelson Coined the term Hyper Text.
Tim Berner's Lee He firstly designed the World Wide Web (WWW).
William Gibson Used the term ‘Cyberspace’ for the first time.
Abraham Maslow Hierarchy Needs
Beesman Information Transfer
C.A. Cutter Expansive Classification, Dictionary Catalogue
C.W.Hanson Divides Documentary So urces of Inf. Into Primary & Secondary
Drek Solla Price Invisible College
Charles Babbage Analytical Engine
Chris Rusbridge Hybrid Library (1998)
Conard Gesner Father of Bibliography (1545)
D.J. De Price Little Science Big Science
D.J. Fosket Subject Approach to Information
Divides Documentary So urces of Inf. Into Primary & Secondary & Tertiary
Denis Grogan

Derek Austin PRECIS

Douglas McGregor Theory X & Theo ry Y
E. Garfield Citation Indexing / Imact Factor
E.J. Coates Things, Property, Material , Action / Subject Indexing
Elton Mayo Father of Human Relation School
F. Hertzberg Father of Corporate Strategy
F.W. Taylor Father of Scientific Theory o f Management
H.E. Bliss Bibliographic Classification
H.P. Luhn (IBM) KWIC / SDI (1950)
Henry Foyal Classical Theory, Father of Administration
J. Kaiser Concrete Process
Subject Classification/ One place Theory /Open Access System in British
J.D. Brown
Librar y
J.R. Sharp SLIC Index ing
James I. Wyer Conservative, Moder ate & Liberal Theories o f R ef. Service
John Cotton Dana New York Changing System
Luther Gulick POSDCORB
M.M.Kessler Bibliographic Coupling
Madden, Moon, Moore, Librarianship is not a profession
Mc Pheron
Marcel Dekker Encyclopedia o f librar y and Information Science
Mc Colvin Demand & Supply Theory of Books
Ouchi Theory Z
Peter Ducker MBO (Management by Objective)
Peter Phyr r Zero Base Budgeting
S.C. Bradford Documentation,
S.R. Ranganathan Elements of Library Classification, Tree Card System
Samuel Rothstein Minimal, Middling & Maximum theories of Reference Service
Pascal Calculating Machine
Ted Nelson, Hypertext
Tim Berner's Lee World Wide Web (WWW)
William Gibson Cyberspace
W.A.Borden Started the Reference Service in India
Minie Sears Sears List of Subject Heading
Fermont Rider International Classicification
Tim O’Reilly Web 2.0
J.E.L. Farradone Relational Indexing Systems
Zipf’s law Frequency of World Text relation formula
Alan Pritchard Bibliometry
Shannon and weaver is BIT, (Sendor, Channel, Message, Receiver and feedback) in 1948

B.S. Jha Who was the chairman of National Library Committee of India
Krishan Kumar Library Herald edited by from Delhi library Association since 1958
J. D. Brown Who was Published the monthly Journal “The Librar y World’
F.Monbrar y Volte Who is the first editor of “Modern Librarian”?
Renardus april 2002 Which of the following is a multi-subject gateway?
Which of the following is a specialized information organization online tool?

Reference service is the contact between the right reader and the right book in
Dr.S.R. Ranganathan
the right personal way” was stated by
Taro Yamane Mathematical formula for estimating sample size is given by
Hermann Rorchach . Inkblot test is developed by :
It is a library with little or no physical presence of books, periodicals, reading
space or Support staff, but are that disseminate disseminate selective
Powell information directly to distribute library customers, usually electronically”.
Said by

J. Mills Classification Research Group was fromed in year 1952 b y

Bradford’s Law related to Law of scattering
Lotkas Law related to Author’s productivity
Zip’s Law of Word frequen cy
Allent Kent Information Technology good keeper defied by
said 'some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be
Francis Bacon
chewed and digested'
Francis Bacon Eniucated Scientifc Method
Roger Payne" was famous in Book Binder
Architecture, Planning & Landscape Information Gateway - a global Gateway
for information and a forum for its exchange.
is Networking, resource sharing, collaboration, and prof essional development
for The education communit specialized information organization online tool developed by IBM ,
is a global Meta search engine. It provides extensive web search and fetches
Results from top search engines
search engine that finds what your looking for o n the web, and returns
relevant web sites
W.A. Katz Introduction to Reference source ” was wr itten by
E. C. Richardson defined notation as shorth and sign.
Herbert simon define authority as the power to amek deicision and auide to other
Asa Don Dickson wrote the Punjab Librar y p rimer
Infib eam Pi is the e-book reading device by
The word Information science first Described by Chris Hanson of ASLIB
Chris Hanson
Wesig(1993) Information Science coined Postmodern Science
defied In formation Society (American Society for Information Science
Brascom (1986)

the first Chairman of UGC (1956) in UGC 2010 S.K Thorat, now Prof Ved
Dr. C.D.. Deshmukh,
Prakash 2011 to till
E.C. Richardson is the author of Book” Classifcation : Theoreticals and Practical
Andr ew Carnegie Patron saint of Libraries in America
C.A. Cutter C.A. Cutter coined “Author Mark in Classiciation number
J.K. GATE The author of Introduction to Librarianship is: J.K. GATE
J.D. Brown The author of Manual of Library Economy is: J.D. Brown
D.B. Krishna rao. delhi university in 1957 First PhD in Lib & Inf.Science in
D.B. Krishna rao
. L. R. McColvin: Theory of Book Selection (1925): demanded by the users
. L. R. McColvin:
for their information needs.
Zato Coding Zato Coding was invented by Calvin Mooers
Bradford's Law of Scattering has been further examined by B.C. Vickery
B.C. Vickery

B.S.Kesavan The national Library of Indian a critical Study Writen by B.S.Kesavan

A.S. Dickson Punjab library premier written by
The term “Web 2.0” was officially coined in 2004 by Dale Dougherty, a vice-
president of O’Reilly Media Inc. Examples of Web 2.0 include social netwo
Dale Dougherty rking sites, blogs, wikis,video sharing sites, hosted services, web
applications, mashups and folksonomies.

weblog " was coined b y Jorn Barger on 17 December 1997. The short term
Jorn Barger
"blog," was coined by Peter Merholz in 1999.
Evan Williams at Pyra Labs used "blog" as both a noun and verb ("to blog,"
Evan Williams
meaning "to edit one's weblo g o r to post to one's weblog"
Bureaucratic stated by – Max Weber written the book of Theor y o f Social
Max Weber
and Economic Organisation
Henry Foyal 14 principle for Administration by Henry Foyal
Elton Mayo Human relation – Elton Mayo
Industrial psychology :concepts borrowed from experimental psychology-
hugo munsterberg
hugo munsterberg
Kris argyris : theory of maturity & immaturity: managers should develop an
Kris argyris
individual from paasivity to increased self determination
Photocharging method has become popular in British Public libraries first
Ralph R. Shaw introduced by Ralph R. Shaw who was the Librarian of the Agriculture Libr
ary in Washington (USA)
The concept of TQM has developed by U. S. Department of Defense, JURAN

E.J. Coats invented the Ret roactive ordinal notation

NASSDOC (Ist 1974) Mahatma Gandhi Bibliography =
Johoka Shakal Information Society concept Japan 1966 “Johoka Shakal”
Peter Druckor Knowledge Society (Described) = Peter Druckor (1969)
Zblgnlew Brozozinski Electronic Society (Suggested) =Zblgnlew Brozozinski (1970)

M.F. Tube Technical service coined by M.F. Tube

Clavin Moors Information Retrieval coined by Clavin Moors
The concept of Anamolous state of Knowledge was proposed by Belkin

B.S. Kessavan Reference Service is India started by B.S. Kessavan

Bellary Shamanna Kesavan is the first National Libr arian o f independ ent
B.S. Kessavan India He is also known as Father o f Indian National Bibliography as it was
first brought out in its leadership on August 15, 1958
W.A. KATZ Search Strategy is the looking mirror in the dark said by W.A. KATZ
Grandfather of Hypertext Vannever Bush and The word Hypertext was
Vannever Bush
coined y TED Nelson
Pandit Jawaharlal Delhi public library inaugurated by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in 1951
Charles W. Eliot Who said "Librar y is the heart of univrsity? Charles W. Eliot
Canon Cody Who quoted"Lib rary is a peoples university? Canon Cody
Charles Bishop CODEN was designed by Charles Bishop
Archie created by Alan Emtage is called the grandfather of all search engines
Alan Emtage

Albert Humphrey Albert Humphrey developed SWOT analysis

E dgar F. Codd The 12 rules for relational database wer e given by E dgar F. Codd
Jorge E. Hirsch The h-index was suggested by Jorge E. Hirsch
Leo Egghe The g-index was suggested in 2006 by Leo Egghe
Which one of the curves is more peaked than the normal curv e? Lepokurtic

Prof N.Balakrishnan Chairman for INDEST consortium - Prof N.Balakrishnan

R.A. FISHER ANOVA method was first developed by R.A. FISHER
Harold Lasswell Harold Lasswell formulated the core questions of content analysis
Ward Cunningham Ward Cunningham , the developer of the first wiki software
P. Drucker Unity of command was proponed b y ( P. Drucker)
EJ Coates EJ Coates - Things, Property, Material, Action (Subject Cataloges
Voltair Best is the enemy of good’ is said by Voltair
. Library as a living system “tak es a new matter ,cast off old matter ,changes
Dr. S.R. Ranganathan in size and takes new shap es and term.” Said by Dr. S.R. Ranganathan

God has chosen me as an instument ,the honour done to me should act as an

Dr. S.R. Ranganathan incentive to the young generation to devote their lives whole heartly to library
sicence and services.” Dr.S.R. Raganathan
“Choice of books is an unending work” said b y C.A. Cutter
C.A. Cutter

W.Hulme's W.Hulme's principle of literary warrant

Burton, R. E., and R. The term "half-life" comes from Burton, R. E., and R. W. Kebler. 1960
W. Kebler. 1960
Drury Drury enumerated the Right Book to the Right Reader Right Time
Harvard and Cornell developed the SMART informational retriev al system
Harvard and Cornell

Jerry and Davis’ In 1994 Jerry and Davis’ launched Guide to the world wide web began
who was appointed a first fulltime University Librarian in India at Punjab
A.D. Dickinson
Joan Blau’s Le Grand (French Edition) is the largest ATLAS availanle in the world
The early work on modeling of information communication was based on
Lasswell model
Lasswell model
K. Wiig The term knowledge management was coined by K. Wiig
Peter Drucker The term knowledge worker was coined by Peter Drucker
Stewart The term Intellecual Capital introduced by Stewart
Henry Gantt “Task and Bonus ” system is developed by Henry Gantt
Dougles Engelhand Computer Mouse was invented by Dougles Engelhand
Henry Folkner Library Building Planning Prinicples were proposed by Henry Folkner
Jean Aitchison The idea of T hesaurofacet was developed by Jean Aitchison
defin ed “Infomration as essentially a measure of the absence of Uncertainty
Shannon and weaver

Louis Jacob De Saint Biolography was first used by Louis Jacob De Saint Charles
Wan Bertallenfy. System theory is developed due to the effects of Wan Bertallenfy.
Elton Mayo Hawthrone Ex periments were conducted b y Elton Mayo
Tables of Random numbers which are widely used was constru cted by
L.H.C .Tippett
L.H.C .Tippett
The book “Classification and Index ing was authoried by B.C. Vicker y
B.C. Vicker y

Fieder’s theory Fieder’s theory of leadership is known as Contingency Model

Black and Moutan Management Grid was formulated by Black and Moutan
The Book “ Information Science :Theo ry and practice written by Vicker y
B.C. Vicker y

Lasswell 5W model of communication introduced by Lasswell

Theory Z and the other is Dr. William Ouchi's so-called "Japanese
Dr. William Ouchi'
Management" style popularized
A number of devices that ar e related to recall and precision have been studied
by Lancaster
Kuhn User studies in Social sciences was carried out by Kuhn
Desirableness of personal contact between reader and library material was
Samuel H. Green
stressed by Samuel H. Green
1966 MARC-I and in 1968 it was converted in MARC-II by Henriette Avr am
Henriette Avr am
Shannon and weaver information is BIT, (Sendor, Channel, Message, Receiver and feedback) in 19
Who was the chairman of National Library Committee of India. B.S. Jha
Library Herald edited by Krishan Kumar from Delhi library Association since 1958
Who was Published the monthly Journal “The Librar y World’ J. D. Brown
Who is the first editor of “Modern Librarian”? F.Monbrar y Volte
Which of the following is a multi-subject gateway? Renardus april 2002
Which of the following is a specialized information organization online tool? Vivisimo
Reference service is the contact between the right reader and the right book in the right pers
Mathematical formula for estimating sample size is given by Taro Yamane
. Inkblot test is developed by :Hermann Rorchach
It is a library with little or no physical presence of books, periodicals, reading space or Supp
disseminate selective information directly to distribute library customers, usually electronically”. Sai

Classification Research Group was fromed in year 1952 b y J. Mills

Bradford’s Law related to Law of scattering
Lotkas Law related to Author’s productivity
Zip’s Law of Word frequen cy
Information Technology good keeper defied by Allent Kent
Francis Bacon said 'some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed

Roger Payne" was famous in Book Binder

Architecture, Planning & Landscape Information Gateway - a global Gateway for informati
EDWEB is Networking, resource sharing, collaboration, and prof essional development for The edu

specialized information organization online tool developed by IBM ,

is a global Meta search engine. It provides extensive web search and fetches Results from top search

search engine that finds what your looking for o n the web, and returns relevant web sites Entirewe

Introduction to Reference source ” was wr itten by W.A. Katz

E. C. Richardson defined notation as shorth and sign.
Herbert simon define authority as the power to amek deicision and auide to other
Asa Don Dickson wrote the Punjab Librar y p rimer
Pi is the e-book reading device by Infib eam
The word Information science first Described by Chris Hanson of ASLIB 1956
Information Science Wesig(1993) coined Postmodern Science
Brascom (1986) defied In formation Society (American Society for Information Science
Dr. C.D.. Deshmukh, the first Chairman of UGC (1956) in UGC 2010 S.K Thorat, now Prof Ved Pr

E.C. Richardson is the author of Book” Classifcation : Theoreticals and Practical

Patron saint of Libraries in America Andr ew Carnegie
C.A. Cutter coined “Author Mark in Classiciation number
The author ofIntroduction to Librarianship is: J.K. GATE
The author of Manual of Library Economy is: J.D. Brown
D.B. Krishna rao. delhi university in 1957 First PhD in Lib & Inf.Science in India
. L. R. McColvin: Theory of Book Selection (1925): demanded by the users for their information ne
Zato Coding was invented by Calvin Mooers
Bradford's Law of Scattering has been further examined by B.C. Vickery
The national Library of Indian a critical Study Writen by D.S.Kesavan
Punjab library premier written by A.S. Dickson
The term “Web 2.0” was officially coined in 2004 by Dale Dougherty, a vice-president of O’Reilly
include social netwo rking sites, blogs, wikis,video sharing sites, hosted services, web application

weblog " was coined b y Jorn Barger on 17 December 1997. The short term "blog," was coined by P
Evan Williams at Pyra Labs used "blog" as both a noun and verb ("to blog," meaning "to edit one's weblo g o r to post to one's
Bureaucratic stated by – Max Weber written the book of Theor y o f Social and Economic Organisat
14 principle by Henry Foyal
Human relation – Elton Mayo
Industrial psychology :concepts borrowed from experimental psychology- hugo munsterberg

Kris argyris : theory of maturity & immaturity: managers should develop an individual from paasivi
Photocharging method has become popular in British Public libraries first introduced by Ralph R. Sh
Agriculture Libr ary in Washington (USA)
The concept of TQM has developed by U. S. Department of Defense, JURAN
. E.J. Coats invented the Ret roactive ordinal notation
Mahatma Gandhi Bibliography = NASSDOC ( Ist publish 1974)
Information Society concept = Japan 1966 “Johoka Shakal”
Knowledge Society (Described) = Peter Druckor (1969)
Electronic Society (Suggested) = Zblgnlew Brozozinski (1970)
Technical service coined by M.F. Tube
. Information Retrieval coined by Clavin Moors
The concept of Anamolous state of Knowledge was proposed by Belkin
Reference Service is India started by B.S. Kessavan
. Bellary Shamanna Kesavan is the first National Libr arian o f independ ent India He is also known
Bibliography as it was first brought out in its leadership on August 15, 1958
Search Strategy is the looking mirror in the dark said by W.A. KATZ
Grandfather of Hypertext Vannever Bush and The word Hypertext was coined y TED Nelson
Delhi public library inaugurated by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in 1951
Who said "Librar y is the heart of univrsity? Charles W. Eliot
Who quoted"Lib rary is a peoples university? Canon Cody
CODEN was designed by C harles Bishop
Archie created by Alan Emtage is called the grandfather of all search engines
Albert Humphrey developed SWOT analysis
The 12 rules for relational database wer e given by E dgar F. Codd
The h-index was suggested by Jorge E. Hirsch
The g-index was suggested in 2006 by Leo Egghe
Which one of the curves is more peaked than the normal curv e? Lepokurtic
Chairman for INDEST consortium - Prof N.Balakrishnan
ANOVA method was first developed by R.A. FISHER
Harold Lasswell formulated the core questions of content analysis
Ward Cunningham , the developer of the first wiki software
. Unity of command was proponed b y ( P. Drucker)
EJ Coates - Things, Property, Material, Action (Subject Cataloges
Best is the enemy of good’ is said by Voltair
. Library as a living system “tak es a new matter ,cast off old matter ,changes in size and takes new
God has chosen me as an instument ,the honour done to me should act as an incentive to the you
whole heartly to library sicence and services.” Dr.S.R. Raganathan
“Choice of books is an unending work” said b y C.A. Cutter
W.Hulme's principle of literary warrant
The term "half-life" comes from Burton, R. E., and R. W. Kebler. 1960
Drury enumerated the Right Book to the Right Reader Right Time
Harvard and Cornell developed the SMART informational retriev al system
In 1994 Jerry and Davis’ launched Guide to the world wide web began
. A.D. Dickinson who was appointed a first fulltime University Librarian in India at Punjab UNIvers
Joan Blau’s Le Grand Atlass (French Edition) is the largest ATLAS availanle in the world
The early work on modeling of information communication was based on Lasswell model
The term knowledge management was coined by K. Wiig
The term knowledge worker was coined by Peter Drucker
The term Intellecual Capital introduced by Stewart
“Task and Bonus ” system is developed by Henry Gantt
Computer Mouse was invented by Dougles Engelhand
Library Building Planning Prinicples were proposed by Henry Folkner
The idea of T hesaurofacet was developed by Jean Aitchison
Shannon and weav er defin ed “Infomration as essentially a measure of the absence of Uncertainty
Biolography was first used by Louis Jacob De Saint Charles
System theory is developed due to the effects of Wan Bertallenfy.
Hawthrone Ex periments were conducted b y Elton Mayo
Tables of Random numbers which are widely used was constru cted by L.H.C .Tippett
The book “Classification and Index ing was authoried by B.C. Vicker y
Fieder’s theory of leadership is known as Contingency Model
Management Grid was formulated by Black and Moutan
The Book “ Information Science :Theo ry and practice written by Vicker y
5W model of communication introduced by Lasswell
Theory Z and the other is Dr. William Ouchi's so-called "Japanese Management" style popularized
A number of devices that ar e related to recall and precision have been studied by Lancaster
User studies in Social sciences was carried out by Kuhn
Desirableness of personal contact between reader and library material was stressed by Samuel H. Gr
1966 MARC-I and in 1968 it was converted in MARC-II by Henriette Avr am

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