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It is described as a condition of “matter in motion” caused
by the movement of molecules. All matters contains some heat,
regardless of how low the temperature because molecules are
constantly moving. When a body of matters is heated, the speed of
molecules increases and thus temperature increases. Anything that
sets the molecules of a material in faster motion procedures heat
in that material (Red sicker)
The five general categories of heat energy.
Chemical Heat Energy
Mechanical Heat Energy
Electrical Heat Energy
Nuclear Heat Energy
Solar Heat Energy
CHEMICAL HEAT ENERGY- Its produced heat is the results of rapid
oxidation. The speed of the oxidation reaction is an important
factor, rust is also the product of oxidation, but the oxidation is
very slow. The source of the heat is generated as the result of some
type of chemical reactions. The four types of chemical reactions
that result in heat production are heat of combustion, spontaneous
heating, heat of decomposition and heat of solution.
Four types of chemical reactions that result in heat production are
Heat of combustion,
Spontaneous heating,
Heat of decomposition
Heat of solution.
Heat of Combustion- it is the amount of heat released during the
complete oxidation where the organic fuel is converted to water and
carbon dioxide
Heat of Decomposition- it is the heat produced by the decomposition
of compounds requiring the addition of heat for their formation
Spontaneous heating- it is the process of increase in temperature
of a material as a results of slow oxidation, that is, without
drawing heat from its surrounding, until the ignition temperature
results into combustion
Heat of solution- it is the heat released by the solution of matter
in a liquid. Some acids, when dissolved in water, can produce violent
reactions, spewing (emitting) hot water and acid with explosive
Is the product of friction? Our ancestor rubbed sticks together to
generate heat to start a fire. Internal metal components of machinery
can overheat, due to lubricant break or ball- bearing failures and
cause ignition of available combustibles.
Frictional Heat- it results when mechanical energy is used in
overcoming the resistance to motion when two solids are rubbed
Overheating of machinery- it may cause fire from the heat
accumulated from the rolling, sliding, or friction in machinery
or between two hard surfaces at least one of which becomes
overheated due to the pulley slippage.
Heat of Compression- it refers to the heat that is released when gas
is compressed
Is the product of friction? Our ancestor rubbed sticks together to
generate heat to start a fire. Internal metal components of machinery
can overheat, due to lubricant break or ball- bearing failures and
cause ignition of available combustibles.
It is the product by arcing, shorting or the other electrical
function. Poor wire connections, too much resistance, a loose ground,
and too much current flowing through the improperly sized are other
resources of electrical heat.
It is no common to see “electrical” listed as the cause for a fire
that damaged a building or automobile. Electricity has the ability
to generate high temperature that are capable of igniting any
combustible materials near the heated area.
Resistant Heating – refers to the heat generated by passing an
electrical current through a conductor such as wire or an appliance.
Resistant heating is increased if the wire is not large enough in
diameter for the amount of current. Fire is caused when a simple
extension cord is overloaded with too many appliances plugged into
it. Resistance heating can also be increased if the conductor is
tightly wound. Fire is often started by electrical extension cords
that are wound around the leg of a table or chair to take upon the
Leakage Current Heating- It occurs when a wire is not properly
insulated well enough to contain all the current. Some current leaks
out into the surrounding material such as inside the wall of
structure. This current causes heat and can cause fire.
Heat from Arcing- A type of electrical heating that occurs when the
current flows is interrupted. Interruption may be from an open switch
or loose connection. Arc temperatures are extremely high and may
even melt the conductor.
Inductive Heating- Whenever atoms are subjected to electricity
potential gradients from external sources, the arrangement of the
atoms (or molecules of several atoms) is distorted with a tendency
for electrons to move in opposite direction
Static electricity- It is the build-up of positive charge on one
surface and negative charge on another surface. The charges are
naturally attracted to each other and seek to become evenly charged
again. The condition is shown when the two surface come close to
each other, an in case of a person’s finger and a metal doorknob.
Nuclear energy is the product of the splitting or fusing of Atomic
particles (fission or fusion).The tremendous heat energy in nuclear
power plant produces steam to turn steam turbines. When more heat
produced than is lost (transferred) there is a positive balance.
When more heat lost than is produced, there is a negative heat
A) Nuclear friction- it occurs when subatomic particle called neutron
bombards an appropriate type of nucleus. The nucleus then split into
two lighter nuclei and at the same time releases tremendous amount
of energy in the form of kinetic energy of the fission fragments
Nuclear Fusion- It includes all nuclear reactions in which two
lighter nuclear combined to form heavier nucleus with the emission
of other particles or gamma rays
A member of the natural laws of physics is involved in the
transmission of heat. One is called the Law of Heat Flow.
The energy transmitted from the sun in the form of electromagnetic
radiation is called solar heat energy.
Specifies that the heat tends to flow from a hot substance to a cold
substance. The colder of two bodies in contact will absorb heat
until both objects are the same temperature.
Heat can travel throughout a building by one or more of the three
methods, conduction, convection, and radiation. So the transferred
heat not only facilitates the spread of fire, but also starts a fire
that is not directly related with the first burning.
Is the transfer of heat from a region of higher temperature to a
region of lower temperature by increased kinetic energy? This
increased kinetic energy is passed from molecule to molecule.
Conductors are materials that heat can pass through.
Not all materials are good conductors. WHY?
Poor conductors are called INSULATORS, since heat flows through them
slowly. This is why that are insulated stay warmer in the winter.
The heat is trying to pass through the walls to the lower
temperatures outside, but because the materials in the walls are
insulators the rate of conduction is not fast. In a structural fire,
superheated pipes, steel girders, and other structural member such
as walls and floors may conduct enough heat to initiate fire in
other areas of the structure.
Joseph Fourer formulated the theory of heat of conduction in the
early 1800s which states “the rate of heat flow through matter is
directly proportional to temperature difference.
In early 1900S, German physicist Max Plank formulated this form of
heat transfer. He wrote that all substances emit radiant energy
simply because they have a positive absolute temperature. Radiation
is the process of heat transfer.
He wrote that all substances emit radiant energy simply because they
have a positive absolute temperature. Radiation is the process of
heat transfer by means of infrared radiation, a form of
electromagnetic wave. It’s not need any material medium for their
Radiant heat moves in waves and rays much like sunlight. Radiated
heat travels the speed, as does visible light 186, 000 miles per
second. It is primarily responsible for the exposure hazards that
develops and exist during a fire. Heat waves travel in a direct or
straight line from source until they strike the object.
It is the transfer of heat through a circulating medium, usually air
or liquid. Heat transfer in convection is cheaply responsible for
the spread of fire in the structure. The super-heated gases evolved
from a fire are lights than air consequently rise; they can do
initiate additional damage. In a large the high fireball that
accompanies the incident is referred to as firestone.
Heat of a given material is measured by its temperature. A material
is made up of minute’s particles called molecules that are in
constant motion. The temperature of the material is the condition
that determines whether it will transfer heat to or from other
Celsius degree (also called Centigrade) is 1/100 the difference
between the temperature of melting ice and boiling water at one
atmospheric temperature. On the centigrade scale, the melting point
of ice 0*C and the boiling point of water is 100*C

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