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Importance of Competence

Designing a appraisal forms

5 competencies those are most appropriate for the role of a showroom sales man/

Human resource management 3

Importance of Competence:

Competence is a standardized requirement for an individual to properly perform a

specific job. It encompasses a combination of knowledge,
skills and behavior utilized to improve performance. More generally, competence
is the state or quality of being adequately or well qualified, having the ability to
perform a specific role.

Competence is employee’s skills and abilities, training needs and

potential for performance improvement and career development.

This approach developed as a reaction to the idea that there are ‘universal
principles’ for designing organizations, motivating staff etc.

New research indicated that different forms of organizational structures could be

equally successful.

Essentially, it all depends on the total picture of the internal factors and external
environment of each organization and the Management has to find the best way to
meet the demands of its tasks, people and environment based on particular
situations or events.

Though, Chic, Smart &trendy (fz) L.L.C, is a local company but it has many
outlets all over the country. So for any business it will not be easy enough to deal
with every staff that is joining in or else leaving the job. Staff should be trained so
they know the companies objectives and what need to be done to get the best out
comes. For all these there is always needs for competencies.

Successful managers know that at the end of the day it is not what we do but what
we deliver that matters. Having results focus is about knowing what outcomes are
required and focusing our self and those that we manage on delivering the results.
This results focus keeps us on track and reduces the scope for distractions.

After I have identified what is competency to my CEO, I should present him with
an appraisal form, and show how the job evaluation is carried out

Designing a appraisal forms:

Performance appraisals are essential for the effective management and evaluation
of staff. Appraisals help develop individuals, improve organizational performance,
and feed into business planning. Formal performance appraisals are generally
conducted annually for all staff in the organization. Each staff member is appraised
by their line manager.

Annual performance appraisals enable management and monitoring of standards,

agreeing expectations and objectives, and delegation of responsibilities and tasks.
Staff performance appraisals also establish individual training needs and enable
organizational training needs analysis and planning.

To set up an appraisal system the manager need to ensure that the following has
been done:

• Relevant paperwork is complete and available

• Meeting to inform staff and arrange times
• Aims and objectives of appraisal system are clear to all
• Members of management (or human resources) have been selected to carry
out appraisals and trained in how to do complete the task

They allow staff to:

• Feel valued
• Understand what is expected of them
• Understand the business they are involved in
• Understand their weaknesses
• Identify their strengths
• Identify areas they need further training in
• Offer opinions and insights that may improve the business as a whole

Think about everything that performance appraisals can achieve and contribute to
when they are properly managed, for example:
• performance measurement - transparent, short, medium and long term
• clarifying, defining, redefining priorities and objectives
• motivation through agreeing helpful aims and targets
• motivation though achievement and feedback
• training needs and learning desires - assessment and agreement
• identification of personal strengths and direction - including unused hidden
• career and succession planning - personal and organizational
• team roles clarification and team building
• organizational training needs assessment and analysis
• appraise and manager mutual awareness, understanding and relationship
• resolving confusions and misunderstandings
• reinforcing and cascading organizational philosophies, values, aims,
strategies, priorities, etc
• delegation, additional responsibilities, employee growth and development
• counseling and feedback
• Manager development - all good managers should be able to conduct
appraisals well - it's a fundamental process

Evaluating that training program

Evaluation is crucial for providing further information about future training. If

you’re training has been well received and has resulted in positive changes in how
people do their jobs, then it has clearly been a success and is worth repeating. On
the other hand, if participants say they did not like the training and it has no effect
on how they do their jobs, then the training needs to be changed. Sometimes
evaluating training also might result in further new training needs being identified.

Follow-up and support

The training course is only part of the learning process; putting the learning into
practice is the next step.
While on the course, it is easy for people to feel motivated, but less easy when they
have returned to their day-to-day work. Although training evaluation forms are
useful for getting immediate feedback from participants, the real test of successful
training is whether the way people work has changed and improved.

Action planning On the training course participants could be encouraged to

outline an action plan for what they want to achieve in the next week, month, or
three months after the course. The trainer or the participant’s manager should
follow-up these action plans to see if any progress has been made.

Questionnaires These could be sent out by the trainer a few months after the
course to see how much of the information has been retained.

Follow-up site visit Here the trainer can take the opportunity of talking to
colleagues and health service users to see to what extent the health workers have
been able to incorporate their new knowledge and skills into their work.
Follow-up training sessions A short session to discuss some of the challenges or
barriers to using what has been learnt on the course in the workplace. Participants
can also share their experiences and encourage and support each other.

5 competencies those are most appropriate for the role of a showroom sales
man/ woman:

Competencies Effective behavior Ineffective behavior

Customer service Appreciable &warmly Ignoring customer
welcomes customer
Communication skill Good at communicating. Bad communication skills
Written as well as verbal not able to deliver
necessary information.
Learning ability Is able to learn and apply Does not care about
to work performance in the job
Convincing skills Is able to convince the Are not able to convince
customer and make them customer due to lake of
buy the goods. practice or no idea
Good listener Able to listen and observe Doesn’t care about what
what customer has to say customer says and do not
and work upon it. take it into account
Focused in the matter

Other than those above mentioned there are other competencies need to have
in employees:

A Three-Part Foundation of Skills and Personal Qualities

Basic Skills: Reads, writes, performs arithmetic and mathematical operations, listens,
and speaks

• Reading - locates, understands, and interprets written information in prose and

in documents such as manuals, graphs, and schedules
• Writing - communicates thoughts, ideas, information, and messages in writing;
and creates documents such as letters, directions, manuals, reports, graphs, and
flow charts
• Arithmetic/mathematics - performs basic computations and approaches
practical problems by choosing appropriately from a variety of mathematical
• Listening - receives, attends to, interprets, and responds to verbal messages and
other cues
• Speaking - organizes ideas and communicates orally

Thinking Skills: Thinks creatively, makes decisions, solves problems, visualizes,

knows how to learn, and reasons

• Creative thinking - generates new ideas

• Decision making - specifies goals and constraints, generates alternatives,
considers risks, and evaluates and chooses best alternatives
• Problem solving - recognizes problems and devises and implements plan of
• Visualizing - organizes and processes symbols
• Knowing how to learn - uses efficient learning techniques to acquire and apply
new knowledge and skills
• Reasoning - discovers a rule or principle underlying the relationship between
two or more objects and applies it when solving a problem

Personal Qualities: Responsibility, self-esteem, sociability, self-management,

integrity, and honesty

• Responsibility - exerts a high level of effort and perseveres towards goal

• Self-esteem - believes in own self-worth and maintains a positive view of self
• Sociability - demonstrates understanding, friendliness, adaptability, empathy,
and politeness in group settings
• Self-management - assesses self accurately, sets personal goals, monitors
progress, and exhibits self-control
• Integrity/honesty - chooses ethical courses of action

A performance appraisal form for a showroom sales man/sales woman:

org/division/dept: Location/based at:

Name: Position: Ref:

Year or period covered: Time in present position: Length of service:

Appraisal date & time: Appraisal venue: Appraiser:

Right yes or no option in the following: date:

How would you rate low medium high

Ability to counsel clients Before this training

about the item or the product
After this training

Ability to manage clients Before this training

regarding the item or product
After this training
Comfort level in providing
services to clients in relation Before this training
to the topic covered in the After this training
Before this training
Able to communicate
effectively After this training

Before this training

Able to identify the need and
want of the customer After this training

Recommendation if any:

List the objectives you set out to achieve in the past 12 months (or the period
covered by this appraisal) with the measures or standards agreed - against each
comment on achievement or otherwise, with reasons where appropriate. Score the
performance against each objective (1-3 = poor, 4-6 = satisfactory, 7-9 = good, 10
= excellent):

Objective Measured/ Score Comment


Other issues (to be covered separately outside of this appraisal - continue on a

separate sheet if necessary):

Signed and dated by appraisee: and by appraiser:

Holding regular informal one-to-one review meetings greatly reduces the pressure
and time required for the annual formal appraisal meeting. Holding informal
reviews every month is ideal all staff.


The formal annual performance appraisal is generally the over-riding instrument

which gathers together and reviews all other performance data for the previous

Many organizations face the challenge of developing greater confidence, initiative,

solutions-finding, and problem-solving capabilities among their people.
Organizations need staff at all levels to be more self-sufficient, resourceful,
creative and autonomous. This behavior enables staff can operate at higher
strategic level, which makes their organizations more productive and competitive.
People's efforts produce bigger results. It's what all organizations strive to achieve.

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