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Meeting Time/Date:​ October 16, 2020 ​(10:00 - 11:00am)

Purpose: ​Update Derek on our project idea and gather his feedback on sending surveys to the garden
Place: ​Zoom
Members attended:​ Dan, Renae, Jonathan, Chrissy

● Discuss survey
○ Derek’s thoughts on survey and flyer?
○ What should we include in our next survey?
○ How will Derek distribute these surveys?​ QR codes posted at garden entrance?
○ When​ will he share the survey?
○ What should we include in our next survey?
● What are his expectations regarding our project given our plan so far?
● We also spoke to the virtual tour team and we’d collab with them to create a shared homepage
● Team will meet on Tuesday (10/19) to discuss logistics around website layout
○ Does Derek have any thoughts/ideas for the website?
○ Site will include: Meet our community members, popular/trending produce, recipes,
forms, and contact

Derek’s Responses
● Derek can email all the members with links to surveys
○ Surveys with diff titles may attract different people
○ Sending the same one multiple times might ....
● He has headshots of members
○ Would like to see faces, pictures of garden, photos of their harvest
○ Pictures of the food/recipe in their garden
○ “Could you send a photo of you in the garden”
● Asking members “Do you need Derek's help?”
○ “Who’s interested in giving a garden story?”
■ Give them the option of reaching out to US or Derek
● One survey for recipes, one for stories

○ He imagines it more of it being a book than a website
○ Clicking on recipe, he wants to see: the person, blurb about where the recipe came from,
time of year (gardening is seasonal)
■ Raw food category, cooked food, pesticide
● Plant changes (planting lettuce… done in 2 months)
● Yearbook
○ What can people take away with them?
○ A memento of member’s time in the garden
○ Yearbook pdf (template - table of contents)
○ Yearbook + member’s recipes!
● How can we make it a part of the community garden life?
○ People don’t update their personal recipes
● Idea: Map of community garden plots, mouse over plot “read this recipe”

Next steps:
● Send Derek copy for emails/announcements
● Update survey + collect responses
● Research templates/yearbook ideas
○ Design/layout ideas
● Define table of contents for recipe book
● Potential survey idea: identify what info members are willing to share
○ Photos? Fun facts? Favorite thing to grow?

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