Sei sulla pagina 1di 4




Big Minstrel Show Main Attractions of Baseball Today 'lhe FIRESIDE Chora~ in Big Open I Senior, Pla~ Is Next
AIr Concert Week s BIg Event
Splendid Triumph May Fete Secret ba~.1 ~ IOh A . .. In Narberth
hamel t er ctlvltles
St. Margaret's Troupe !Mr. and :Mrs. \Vm. Fl. Borv('r and M . IB d
(1&Ilg-hter Shirley have retllrl1~(1 fro.ffi USlCa 0 y
Scores Another Success VJashingtol1, D. C.
I •_ _


:lI1VOl1l' rl8r. :llljl llllV rr'l

:.;n ~(l;n~ tllr ll'attN '~'ill hl' very ~"ratl"
fllll\- r("'('h rd ~w tlwIIl.
Tilt. hig hit of Olio \\a~ .Tor Kt'l),,~-.
\I 110 fli'portl'fl ,,-illl grrat glee ill long-
lr~u: .. (l l,,~rr(I"JJl:dll! 'rile lw\yild"f-
1lI .. "t of tlir :Illtlit'ller ~tnrted "hen it
fiNt ],,,h(>I(1 him ill IIi' 1ll11"11 hl'r:!ltl,·,]
,oa,t flf '''I'it'll 11111", "ith it- ~uitt' 11'\-
((',outillurd on Page 4)-

Coming Events
Saturday, May 5th
Ba-"ball, ;1,:10 P. ~r.
Tuesday, May 8th
"Th(' Y rllo,," .J :l('kl'ts," by \Vomen's
r,oJ11lllIlIJity Cluh, at Palaee 'rhelJ,tre,
Tuesday, May 8th
'r'llt, IJl'xt and last nH·(~ting' of the-
Basehall, IU:; P. M.,
I'lul. Y£>lIr will Ill' lIPId Oil May 15.
Friday. May 11th This \I'm he a !-un<'11eOIl for mellllbers
Card Party by W:olllen's Auxiliary Ulllv, E"('ryon(' will I> II\'(' 1L jo]J .... time,
of Tennis Association, 3.00 P. M, Cl1lJb so .Ion'~ fQrg-t>t t,o let l\[ rs E. H.
(,(wkrill kllJOIW if Y'OlI ,,"'ant a pla<'e, re·
Rous(', s('fved II t the tables, This will be one
Thursday. May 10th of thl' CllIh's famous 50 ('ent lun('hoons.
Basl'ball, (i.I!) P. M. Mis>s Miriam Sharp ooJebrnted her
Friday, May 11th eil('hth bJ.~av with a party 011 A~ri1 :\11'1'. H. Weigan<1 gave- a PUI,ty on
Narberth H. S. Senlior ClaB.'; play, :lOth. .Mnonl(' 'thOtle pre8'C11 t were Alice 'fllY 4-tll in honor of her lUster, Mi8ll
BloogJett, Mary MicheJller, Virgtinia Marion Bryan's !Jl'oven'fl('('nth birthday.
"Mrs. Temple's Telegram." SdhQol Abele. Ruth Tweed, Katlutrine lJukens,
Auditorium, 8.00 P. M. Naomi Weaver and Dorothy Merkle.
Mrs. H. Ronald Paige was the reci-
Kay 18th and 19th $1.50 and up, and pient of a 8urpJ1ise birthllay party on
Mr. Walter Surre.Jl and family are ph~)IIing Nnllberth
Baptist Ohurch May F&be at Y. M. C. moving from Montgomery Avenue w Davilfl-AfIllistant Title om· MHlTJflllY lal'd:.
A. the Roosevelt Bourevord.
, ," \- '- ",~.~'_:'" .. : .....

]-lACE Tlt'() 0URToWN

\lilt il bhe final g-amp. Rmith., with :I cJose pruning does not apply to the Telephooea, or conn_....
A Co-operative Oommunity Journal
S"orp of 197, "'a~ h~gdl mnn for the
Thl't'p g'lllltPO< ('nd,'d t.h .. fir"l S""SOIl of
fhe Int.'r'Ohurcl~ Lemgu,', wllieh 1'00\"1·<1
Hnrdy <'Iimher" or Hamhlers; these
should he shorteneel back if the\' hnve
~rol\"n he.voud their nllottell sp'll"'e anll
thin out the very smnll shoots.
lS88 HOWARD'S deUTer - • ..,

Owned and pubU.bed every Saturday by

,".'1')' sUt1C'essfuL TIl(' IJI'Jlg'ue wal< in'
,sti,tutlXI with th.. rlouhh· (lu!"pose t,l
Protection. Befon' the ground freez,'s
solid the "oil shoulrl he pulle,l up arounel
The Brightest Spot in Narberth
tbe Narberth Clvl" Auoelation.
By Collum Righter
prodlling recri'tlltion fOlr 1111' pa rt.i pi,
Jlant" Illlel for ('~cating a spirit of fel--
the hllse of the plants, 7 or S inches,
and the surface of the h.·,] afterward
A Drug Store in the Moat Modem Se1l8e of the Term
Fifty Cent. pel' y ...... In advan"e GARDEN TIPS low~h:ip IlmOI~ thp mell olf tlhe v'llri, well "overed with dried leuves or porn·
I I \1 f k I otll!! Ohur(',hl\.'t. Th('> rpsult... haV'.' heen stalks. WhplI so protecterl, even the

" ,'" r ." . ll.", ,)J' t \\ 0 ""." s 11'1 ('list., ltll t hn t e-ould h ... hOnPd fo<r ns .'.an he most tender \'arieties of Hybrirl Tea
11i .."o"I' IIr,' O\I'rlll'Hd. 1.lll·rrv·hlolllll h rI to b " I"h 't SRed h Hoses are elltirel" harth.' us far north
:, JlIl.,.,illg, "11' pring '1111' ;,:~ouI;,d with nlUc... "'Ir. yt1nn y w (). ,n ne.> t I t e
~ll'lI\\'.tlak..s; .\'Jril hlo~"()llls lire O!len, gJlmes._~ 11 1I' !.It'hs''ores mn." nlO laVI'
I .I

,., I III '" 11 "'."
jng alld th .. grppn i'll.Ildse'npt· is w~wth'I'1 ... 8.... h 0'· ....
f .
TIll I I n'p, all,
'\" r "''''' .,.. I'CT
as II " 0 'l many
1 ,," ~
f ,'n~)('" t I' TI\"a ry wa" {ppll lin", rna or
pi "8 0 , f l ' : . . "I A 11
ns Winnipeg,
Insects. CaterpHlnrs lind Rose Gruhs
are the worllt pests thnt attack roses,
anrl these should he destro~'eel hv hand
Ice CrealYl Time
rll,hhi'"h, This il< th .. amhitious hUlllhle·; °1 tIl' j.."lIn;'Cs \\ e,r, '\e1r~ f' OSl'. . .
I' f I I I 'I I I' Ie- gamoes un!'w ,. {'''''''', 0 sl>l'cta tors picking ",hen they fir8t appear. Green Warm spring days make ice cream more popular
)("'>l ,.,'11""" 0 rpvl'rv lllil '1'\'1 try" I f II _~ th 'II h tll flies are allfo trouble80me in most see'
",hpll Ih<ll1,.nnd,. of them hovI'r amid i w: Hl '0 ow"", ,elll \I-I I IllUC en· u- tions, but if the plant.~ are syringed
Pblllp Atlee LivIngston. Editor 1 h.. hh"."WILS in a grand droning cho·: "'lll!.m. earetully with 11 soluti'On of soft soap in
than ever.
Ralpb R, Dunne. Treasurer T1lS (witb upologies ifA> the Chonl! Ho· i the proportion of one pound to six gul·
"i"I)') nn,1 Slip from perfumed clwlipOCo<, ROSES FOR OUTDOOR PLANTING Ions of water with some tobacco dU8t Do you know that our Cream is made every day,
Correspondence for tbe Editor should a III I after huving siJ)Jll'd\ rhl'nllleln's --- added to the same it will be found ef,
be sent to PilSt Office Box 966. Remit- hlu.· in the l1a.(',e Ihey l<.tagger off on, Oultural Note8 fective. right here in Narberth?
tances for advertising, subscriptions and I wo p~'llindl'rs tll in poroh chnir The {'ultivation of Hyhrid Tea Roses Mildew. This ,,;11 nppear on r08e
membership to Box 58. cUl<hions whHe Ifedate folks Soil on is as follows: plants In the enrly autumn or rluring
depot them III error and rise to llhant their, The SOU. The soil whicb be8t 8uits the eummer if the weatheT is very, very
We have many delicious flavors, absolutely fresh.
Our Town i8 on sale at the
newe'8tand, and at the store of H. E. ~~:;p~li'~~:~~~I:~~ it~le~e;::Ul~::~~nlang-, the Rose is a rleep, unctuous loam, witb wet. The be8t prevenootive is Sulphide
Davi8. ,I • •• ' . ,free drainage, lUI Roses rI'o not thrive of' Potassium used in the proportion of
,where there is stagnnnt moisture, If one-quarter ounce to a galIon of water You'll Taet. tM
Entered as sccond-class mattcr October :'t[~\.\. i" a Is" Ihp Vim.' "f f,air,·,.t "hruh" these conrlitions are not to he had nat· and sprayed on the foliage onee n week,
l~tb, 1914, at tbe PostbOmce at Narbertb., aud of hird,soug', allto hird-seed, But urall.v, they must, as far as pOSllible, ,be when thl' mildew first makes its 6ppear' Differ.ftc.
PennsylvanIa, under t e act of Marcb 3. I t t 'I t I 1ftI t l , th
1879, uo uu I 1(' pu, 0 Ie mon I IS I' provided. In the first place, if drain.' ance.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '[ gardeuer 's ,Irpwm nt'aliz....l. Persoually,. fige is bad, the !mil must be thrown ou~ The twelve favorite Hybrid-Tea
. , our gur<!\t>uer '" drea.m has always been' to a depth of 18 inches, and, if it is Thoses for the Middle St.ates, as voted
OUR TOWN wtll gladly print an, I a ,thorough"hn'll night l11aTt', 'p() il1u, not eonvenient to use tHes, about 5 or, bv members of the Ameripnn Rose So-
HnJJS about any subject which is of! 'lITl1'I~', aftl'T II strpuuous day. ",I it ollrp Ii inches of hroken bripks or othel\ ciety:
interest /0 Narberth fotks. COPY1 1l1JSt ~\ugU"I, " .. ,"\Okp ".t t\\t.' the aext rough materinl s:h'Ould be thrown in th6 Columbia Pink
is due 011 Tuesday of each week, at. morlllng tllldpr I~" l\lJrnhl~ JlUprl"88lOU hottom, and a layer of turf Inid on top; Duchess of Wellington ,. Yellow
6 P M . L ate ,
copy ,
recewe. d W ed- ,we wPre
I .
Ira,prSllug Hll\'pl1ford A,pllUe CTraMY .~i,le rlown. On the top of the:
I' , I' I'" .
; arraye' IU a VO 1I1111110U, IJlg ItJe au, turf should be placed a lnyer of well·
'A t, 'T,
alserln Ilg. 'IC ona. , ... ,
T I't
nesday evelllng wtll be printed onlv, one sock, with nu n,.,.elllohl~' of some; deeayed farm,yard manure, then a light Ki~sr:env ,~~ ~ .~'. ,... " ,', ,. .,',., ·.Pink
if space is still available. I I,.W~) hUII.he,l t.o\\u·folk 111 fu1I t.ITl'S' la:ver of soil, and another layer of Lady Ailce Soonley Pink
=================,IJlllug th .. "1111' ",l1k, aorl .!,...·T1og lIt mllnure. on top of whiph shouM be Los' Angeles,." ,', Pink and Gold
us, • • • ploel'd the remainder of the Boil, to Dailv Mail, ..... , .. ,., Coral
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - , TREATMENT OF HARDY PLANTS l\llded a liberal supply of well,ehopped·
"hi"h, if lighl nnll sanrly, should he Mrs: Aaron Warrl.,., .. ,
Ophelia., .. " ,
"'" Yellow
The Store will be Closed Tuesday
EMEHGENCY PHONE CALLS I Prol)a'hly O\'' 1'10...(' of ~[Il\"~ first up turf, raising the whole of the heo Raoinnpe .. , , , " .. Riose
Firc, 350,
Police, 1250,
I w'I(>ek Ilen;ly iIi I harrl~' plllnll< ,,;.. n,hovI' 10 a height of ahoul 12 inches a·hove
i Ihp gmunrl, If this is thp e-.a..... , finish of tIle ()riginal level of the soil. In -ense
Red RR,!ianee ,
Frau Karl Drusphkl,.", ... Whitl'
', ,Cl'risl'
and Thursday after 6.30 P. M.
or Ardmore 20. di/!,gillg ill thp Willl{'r'l< ,'overi n.g of heavy Jand, a laver of lime rubble (T I
_________________ i nfallure. Jf it i" nHt th .. (''.lSI', do uot. swel'ten should he llllderl, a~ this will hl'lp to ;\ , une on .\') p, k
the soil. " mencan. I nr .... " .. " .. , In
,Onp of thl' fun,lal1lelltaJ rull', of Sll'" P1 tin h 11 he deferred until the <I. .-\merrr.nn BCflut;V,., .. ",. Rose
SOMEWHAT OROWDED f'PRsful goa ft1e.n.illg i~ ne\-{'r to wastp an g" ou , d' . . Dr. "nn PIpet " .. ,.,."" .. Pink
nl:IIIUrp, If "ou fppI lik .. "t, rn.k,.. olf __ oil is in proper con ItlOn to receIve Gardpnia ... " .. , .. , .. ,.,. Yellow
Once "gaill "Our Towll" hatl 10 ,,'JIll" of il a'n,l k,...·p il for mul<-hill~ the planls, as it is a great mislakp ~o P61tl', Searlel 0limlwr"., ,Scarlet
!Jound I.he NIIlI"llls of t.hl' ptl(lpl' in J.ili"" hUI "'" IlO ll"Nlllnt W""lp it. "'il· plant in wet soil. Teas nnd H~'lm,1 Sih'er :'t{oon .. ,., ... , ... " White BERGNER HARDWARE COMPANY
w:ith ':1 ranl ill ort}pT 1'0 gp1 ('vpryt Idug fu I "':1"1.. lIlak..s woefnl wa Il~. YOU Tp<IS should 1)(' planlerl ebout If' indws
Oil Ihe four pa.g I' 1', l)Pspit,p thp slll,, komI, R"llll'rnIJPr Lilv'~ llIule·h. Ii is ar"rl, an,l Ihe Hyhrid Perppluals :? fe .. t
f"r III,ort' import","t U;all th .. :\1:111111. aparl, keeping all manure away frolll THE atJE
Iype, it h"" h"1'1l a ta"k.
(·nfOr1Ullut .. h,. we arl' not fill",wi" Ilv .. * +:. dirpct ,'onleet with thp roots \\'hpl1
a1l)(' to ~"'ing -morl' thall 'OIlP six-p':'lgt:r '''11 ":11' ""f,'I." 11'1I1l~plalll hnn1.\' planting, Firm Ihp ~oil \\1'11 orollllrl Ih,' Big :'t[an in Aurli"npe (turning
:If lJli~ :--I';I:-Villl, and so h:\'-(' ht'C'1l uhlig-r··d thing,.
iliOn' th:tll ("opT lwfOT(' ill "Oil h'1\'" an,·.
lllltftl Ih,' fift""nth 1'1"0 '''i d .. d plal1ts an'] gi\'e a thorough walpring.
Should "I>U do it, fill Pruning, :\11 Ihp short. pr.. matnr.. h·
'Irnnnd)-"('an'1 :-·lHI spp llllything1" I \-----------:----------------,
to "I'fillJl"
'tit,· h"I,', wi'lh purl' ",ai",. and "af,·,. ripl'npil \\'ood an'] all small slll1ot,' ~Tnn (pnthPlieaWly)-"Cnn 'I i
oUT his:t.tlTV.
:\"pxl ,,'('t'-k proIlJi~t·:-, 111 h(l tilt· 1:l!'oOl 'Ill' pi:Jnt.", :1 ........ ;lft('r\Ulrd~. rro ,-Iloulri be eul .. lean aWIlY, lp<lving .i"'t SI',' a slrl'llk of th ... slngp." I MARSHALL CO.
or thi~ o\-.'r·loadilll! of tilt' :Hl\"l'rti:-:illg "';1\ t' 1'\1'4'111'1' :tll <H(il 11:1 T.'" \\:lft-ring pot Ihl' strollge,,1 ~hool" from 4 to Ii inC'll('- Big \Tan (~llrensl.jpalJy)-"Wh~'.
l·ollln)JI~. Hlld \\t' will h(' :Ihlt, til ~I'rl'nd r :"'::lrdf'll 11-0:--1' It':!." lH' \I""'l·d for flu' long. Prllning should he done imll1l'di
Ihen, {'II 11'11 ~'ou \\'hat to rio. You
Ilu-r iJlt:o Ollr fllHTP p:lsil:," TPadahll' 1.\"lH4_ "'1"1" "I' i 11 ... 1 t':111 of :III a~sidlH)\l,S, ',"p at('l~' (Ifler th" plants art' ,,<'I onl. if il
l{l"'p your ","'" On me awl langh "hpl1 PHONE. NARBERTH 1661J
Th .. 1I1lt' f:,ll'l app"rl'llt from Ih .. pr,·· 1111\1' :,-lll!l] ":1'111 pt'rt',',-tl,- ~:Iti:-fat·tor~· ha' not hepll prpviou,~' doop, Thi-
~1'lIt lI\-I'r]HHd 1:-: tlaat ('fr(lrt~ will . . 01111
h:t\'p tn h" Ill:.d" til llwkt' thi~ 1'0111-
1'''1l".2 I :111'.\ \\ ill 11111 fr,ld HII :l~ t':I.Hil,\·, , Pillar and Climbing Roses T do,"
T11\lllit.\" p:lJlPf :J ..... ix-p:q,,~-t' a.tTll'ir. If ()]I' Illlp.,rt;III'~ 1hillg to k!,(,1' ill lll,ill,l
tlH' prflJlI'r t'f! Iqll'T:ltiolJ i/'oi fortlwtlll1ill:": '1 1;:--: Sl1I11IJIl'1" lh:IIL:.-" ,J!:llltt',j ill tlll'
:I!'i \\40 f"f'l ",UTi' il \\ill. "(lll!" T',\\11" ~'r:ll~ \\il1 11. 11 tlU\\I'!' j'lt tIll' ~'II1lTlII'r
,'ill 1II'.kl' it . . "'\"'HT!,J 1,j~ 1l1~llp ill .... ,/1' 1,-,11 :1- if :111' :--:",,'ilJ~ j ... dr:I'" 111'111
111'\1 fall. .\ Il:~~t'r jJ;I~'l'r .: ";111 ... 111:\' '~'l' .....:.'111111ll"r hl't' . rt' tIJI' ~:I'nl" ill "hi"!l
\\'1' 11111~1 1:~1\'I' 11"\'''';, :!tld thn!
11"1'1'(' <", ~IJ: I:' l'r 1 hil1~" \\ "I"" pl;lltl'd, "'('
IH'Oplf' of Xarht'M",1i \\ill 1I:1"!' til do \""1"1' ~l'!l .,"f':Jr;-.; J":ll"ltill!! tll\' :l,pplil'lI'

A "super"-milk
mort', ill orcl.'r 10 Jll:lh,' tlu' 1:('\\:". tillll Ill' tlli . . tllll' "hil'h i ... pl'rfp{'tl.,"
It al~o Tllfl.a.t):;l tla:lt l)lorl' Ill' our 11I,·r if ~ -Inldl'
llt·l'lItr:dioll i~ Inixl'(} "pith l·t 1

"l::IJt~ nU1::--t t1:-1P 'I(Jur Town" a:-: 11H'ir. 1h,· . . nil ill I'ortioll:i lit' t·w" :llltl .'\'tJ !Inrl
:Jd\'('~tising Illl'dil1l1l. Tll i :-; :-ohtluld 1I0t :1 !l:llf.
)11' <Ii t1i.,·n it ill th,' fa"" ,,1' Ih,' hi,~1i
l'irl'nlati,ofl. \\'1' h~i\ I' h('IH'~_ 111 till' 1'\('111 fit' 111(\ Sl'a~"'1111 hl'ill~ dr,-,
. Til£" l!rllwth Itf tll.' p:llll'f, 1IIf' :11, lltllroll~'h h" :llId 1B1I}1-11. \Y't' d'fl lH'l'
'r(l\\ til of tllt' 1:'''-11 1'111 Pfl'~;.\· \\1'11 llilt l ' \ \ 1I:It, h;11 Sll;ll, ;",,J lHukli ;111\"
h:ltld-,iu·hnlld, 1,1'1':-'

11Ittl: _!:!ll\\_ \'. :1.'", hpiIJ~' '"arl'flll tll 11-\1' old 11':i\'('~~­
;111,1 dl" (lJ1~>~" Th ..... " TIi;l\" I"l':tdih" Ill'
'1Il1~1-11"11 frtlJll Tilt' ("llIlllltlni·tv llihrar\',
. . : ;t1 ri ll'! IJIlllSff hc.o dOlll',
!\-fr. Thnnta:-; :\1. ClIlbt'rt"iIIIl, ('III-it' "']11" 1,1 ... " '-011 do, :--,~;lk~
.\11.1 ~lI"lk
without an equal!
"rn'Tl\, as hI' "~J~ SCI a·ffl~I·,ti·'l1atl"'- ('nHt,t! ., i~l, ";Irl" '~light ~prilll:.lilli! is u11f'rl,\'
In"" thC' l"hildrl'lJ t !ll' hi!l." :1"\ \\,pll 11.,;("(:0-: .... :1 \ t' in ('.(IIIIII'I·t ion with ('loth(':"\
11 1111
h~v fhp 'olIII'T p('oplt l , p:Ls~('d II(' irorlt'd, - Ilo \'ll~H ~o:lkinrr
lIut 0'> l1"ollt 111 That sums up the quality of Ayrshire Milk- cap methods, assuring an alfalfa rich in vita=
1his life Rutul'<!r.I\' u;,rl"t. Apr'l ~". IIi" "01 ":ll'li,-,. than 4 1'. ;-'1.' YIlU "'null!
(l('1partnre \nIJl" ('a'ln ' , lik .. th .. ('on~tal1tl~· lllll "ilnt thl' :-1111 to ,prt'\'I'Jlt .'"O~lr df':lr the product of the Penshurst Farms. mins.
dp'('r('uRin£! whir of :1 Hlot,or, until it phlifS "I'''!'1 .l!f'tlill'~ full\" ~.;():Ikpd \\'·o·nld
,li.p.:-o ,nwa\" ill th'(I distal1l'p, (·-nntrn.~tillg Yflll_1 Of 1"'Ollr~I' 1I0·t ~ - ,\~ n 11l=lth,r'
\'jviilly ';'ith Ih" s'lnrlTl !"llging wi,thont (If fad "oil w(lnli~ lik" to h .. fnll-- >"Otl ~'
Penshurst Inspected Raw Ayrshire Milk not Ayrshire Milk is a perfect food as it comes
;It tlul tim .., (',"ill'l'lll'" that ;1 ~~lpr('lIw p,l IIIH": lI\(lrt' ,·onr~(>'lf. \\'Olllclll;t "(lll-:
p"wer ahll' to roek th .. ""rltI ('an n1so H:tth"r' \'"rv ,\'('11 th,,'u, . from the cows. It needs no modifying, as its
II":ld nsoul gl'nth' 111to ,'1 ,'rn i'l\'. • • only compares favorably with the best certified
Mr. C'uHwrt,""'n', ll~ th(' tilll'; of hi" PESTS high quality ingredients are perfectly propor= ..
tI"H,t.h, "liS a uH'utlwr "fthp \'olulltl'pr '1'1,,·,' 111':1\' I", nllo\l ,·tI fJl11 I"lIIl of milk, but is produc;:ed under standards much tioned to the needs of the human body.
Fi,rpm,'n'~ Rl'lil'f .-\"so,·ialioll of I'hila' f1,,· 1';lTd,.n: olliv rI" n',t I"t Ihplll ,]1"
ti"lphin, hll\'infl; ., I'tIII w'ilh til(' .. II.. 1lI"lj'h 111'\\'1-' '1<'" '>II't sl'l',IIJingt' hv
giue" of th(\ Hpl'ilrg- OHrclf'lI lIi)loo·t' (';0., tr:lIllplillg 01; tht'1I1.
al n time wl1('11 Ih(' \'"lu,rl,'pr Pir,'nwn th .. ('""\"pnl;"",,,11 sllnd !>ox with H few
\Yf' hn'1p futln~l
higher than those required for certified milk or
for any grade of inspected milk. It is bottled on the farm promptly after milking
., !-:

fo,,~lut for htI~ ('011'11:111.", lind ,':,. with (rl\" th,'rl'ill to 1,,· Ih .. ir SI1(>l'i:11 Itt'lhght.
eJ!of'h othl'r for,·~', ~honl,l Ih('~' pro,'.' to hop gpUing ,,,. and distributed just as promptly by Scott=Powell.
The f'lllwral \\:1'" hl·l<1 "'pn.n,'stl'll.\' ~1l11.'· 1111 IIln·11lI gpa.h Ii' th,' prohlpm is,
nHernoon. J\Tu~' 2, al till' rl'sirll'n,'p of, "llsilv '"'01-'1"]' I", n'·oYillg th·p S~lIlel hox i
his niece, ~f:rs, Bh1l'er L, f'otllp,P, :!20 10 thp front por"h ami installing a;'
This super milk comes from a herd of 200
Ayrshire Milk of this class is sold in Boston
.. - .

'V'lyne Ave., servipl' hein>g pon,]nete-il "ollapsihle g'(lte al Iht, steps t,o hillller' registered Ayrsh~re cattle, the first herd in Penn=
hy Re-v. A. R. W~I1I,., ministt'r of th.· IIt"jr rUllning llwa.\'. I and throughout New England at 35c per quart-
Methodi'!'ot Ohurph, whNI' Mr. Cllt'(wn, ,
son aitltentied sin('e ,'oming to Xllrh"I,t,h,
• •
sylvania to be fully accredited tuberculosis free here for much less.
nssi9t.oo by Rpv. A'-l'rv S, Demm\', of Th.· rl'lnNlv for theose i~ wh:lle oil
tb:e Bapti;1 Chnrpn, pasror -to th~ fn-' !'loap, kl'ro!4'<n(., water or arsenicnl poi-
by the Bureau of Animal Industry of Pennsyl=
1ll11y of :\[rs. Rt:IPP, ,,~ilh wllieh ,Ie, sons, Thl'v tnuSot he caref'llllv w(lUh..·,l.
nomination the\' are affiJintcd. ,W", ,~tr()lIily Itd\'opntp kn~c,king the
~ania and the U. S. and now fully accredited for If you want to make sure of the quality of your
The hn<l\' no\\' rests ill 1\[1. PI'U('e dp,sITlll"tin' th.iwl!'8 into n tin pan full
C'emetery, ,Philnrlel)l'hill, Kyll1,hoc.Dif' of' (1.f II mixture of air ..Iakerl liml' and
the fourth consecutive year. milk ask these questions:
tl"e eterllnl reSot in fhe mansion whieh I' \\'hl·I.· Il'ad nnd! hurJlJing' the \\-lhQlc
Christ. Saviour, hns> gone to pre- husin"s" in the kitchen range. Th.U!
pnre for him, IIi... Inst tllOughts w('re) in ~In nrlmira.hh' .\\'11.\' to keep th('m off Employees of Penshurst 'Farms are inspected Is it produced from a fully accredited herd?
of M,olher, allrl n1ny his OXnmplt' in your ('«tntI'.
visualizing M,oth",r hec,k1oninl/! him from
~egularly by Dr. E. C. Town, of Narberth, and are Is it bottled and sealed on the farm?
the otller shor..., in ,his 7~th yoor. be
nil inspirnti'Oll durl~ t;h.l8 weoelki(Boy
W,eek), and' 4ln in<'entive in the future
OHAMPIONSHIP r~quired to pass tests more rigid than are re= .... ..
for " every indli....idual to meet f his oh.1ri· 1'11('. Inter-Ohu~h
llntl<m in thl~ CQ'lnnlll1llit,y ()r the 1Jdl- l'!olf"tl its Isehedule on Thul'tlda,v night,
Bow~ing Ll'ngu'e quire'd for certified milk. The milk control office-Board of Health, Ard=
lift of' our fellowmen. have some pRil"t ,
ill the p.omin of the Kin dom of 0'00 Ar nl 26th, ,,-hpTI thl' fipul, ,plny"ofl
more, ~ell Phone, Ardmore 18101 will answer .
,on cartll al~d ftn the' SO~l/f8 of final l!,'lIne" j,pt\\'t'ellthp :\[J<·t.hodn..t nn<] I~np-

triublf}h. I II t, ~\,llln" we,re held,. T,he MlCtlllOdlRt.t< The cattle atPenshurst Farms are fed on your questions about milk produced or sold in
\\'011 two of th.· three ~nmes nlld
:I W~T to the lust
thle.rl'fm'(' win the championship, TIll' alfalfa grown' on the farm and cured by cock and this district.
B1pt.i>,t~ pUll I'Up n. s1iffl fi~hl, hut were
DAN3Eof. the '1'l'nnis C1ub IllInhle to. o,',erIWlI1C, ·their. opPllllent.~
AND I SAW hl'fi,utifu,1 Indieos
1vELJ" 'li'rOflm<Yo lllell, RIll] I
H:EA'RD Iiwell mUl'i{', ~ Distributed Exclusively By
MAtl!Y ~f~ Iny,visits to tlle
",.NOR'I\HiEA'8Teorner ·of the 'hoiJ.ll , .i,'.':
1V1HrmE.~ gentleiillail oi(>~loi .

Scott-Powell Dairies
"- ,~.;,

I)I!APENS;E[> iii ,liqUid of . :,~

...- .....
'n.Ol'orv hur.;hilt:strictly' II, III -
MR. Vm~TF}AD, " . . . -. ,- '. " . . ,. , .'.\
RO·.GOODwIIl! mv timl'
i Jt AVE t1cdd~.i\· to :o~ ,imolll;!
. THOSE presNl't nit the
,'NEX'rdll\nec Ftidny
Producers of Milk. HFresher by a Day" ,,~ '.:,

'MAY lSTH. ,ne I ku'O\\'

rON'LYpoas t;his \\:uy ollce
'THElF.r.:rotfiE itbeli;o-o"P!l m~ 45th and Parrish 'Streets
. !N1O'I" t"l . ;f1lUt8 IWtlu6ne· of tI,es!!
. ,', .. nF:-LlO-RTFUT;iJ.ft·uifs whieh, I
···;·,;.'.~~~~IJ~:'n1M,,~;.'V~~~!.,s,Pa. - _.' :-'~.-' -, .- ..... _,~, .. - ... .. ;--',-.;.~._~ .._-
'-.--'---' ~-"- ,-~....: ., ,~- ."-,-- '. -. "

.. YOU:' rc-eeiyoe o.n ,in!v.i,tnltiOli,

'. ' ;Ai:J:l{fhoPc , to see' YOlt' ,.
:"THEBE'" . ..'
:··.~ ...'\·I ..:tb1ink·"'~o~~ . ' . . ':' "-
.... ..'. .J,'W. D •• ' - "~ •. '

'.. ;APll10jtestO~' 0•. 11.

. .",.'
'.', ': . - .:~,
. ' .,. '... ...
.~ ~. ~. ,..".,t . ' :'.' ,'.


.,t' ",

' .
Sunday masses at 7 0 'clock and 10
o 'clock. On first and third Sundays
the late Mass is a High Ma8ll, followed
by benediction.
Daily Mass at 8 A. M.

Anticipate your next season's coal requirements by
ordering NO\\- for delivery during spring Montgomery Pike, Narberth, was estab-
lished 1682. Here William Penn wor-
and summer Ishi.pped, as well 6.S m~ny other noted to the Borough officials and. Citizens of N ar-
CHUTE CARRY ,Friends. One of the historical Ipots -f
.. Egg } i America is open for worlhip every berth on the completion of the purchase of the
Stove $14.50 $15.00 1 First-day (Sunday) morning at 11
Chestnut o'clock. Recreation Center.
Pea . 11.50 12.00 First-day School is held every Firat-
• Buckwheat " 8.50 9.00 day (Sunday) at 10 A. M. in the Meet·
Coke - . 9.00 9.50 ing House. Anyone desiring to attend Time will prove this to be one of the
either the adult class or the young peo-
wisest actions ever consummated in our town.
25 cents a ton dis- pIe's class will be very welcome.

count will be allowed BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE

Now, let's get busy and promptly put the
for cash on delivery EVANGEL
. Rev. Avery S. D!mmy, Pastor. land in shape and forever remove the present
Buy In Narberth.
"Coal that Really Heats"
Sl'r\'i,'ps, ~un,tllY, ~lllY 6, I!¥,!:l:
HA,; A. M.~lu\(lay SchooL ,
11.00 A. ~I.----<~fIlrn;i,"ng- Worship. l'om- i
(Bunion ReJ"v:i{·-e. i
i.l)() P. ~L-Yl()UlIg Pe.ople'lso Hociet'Y.:
• i.4;; 1'. :'\I.-Evening' Worship. ee},J.o!
,Solo h~' ~IT . •\. O. Bet;r:ler, ,t Au M,,-,
t,ill," Hodella-rel. Oth<'r musk hy the
Ey"ngl'l QUllrt('tte. "
\\'"dll(>sd:ly. :\Iay !I. ~Iid-",,<'k I'm\", REALTOR
.. r ~r.('pt illg at ,~.OO. .


Narberth Office City Office
OHUiRCH At the Station 1214 Locust Street
Why pay a high price fOI' an inferior grade of paint M. E. McLinn, Pastor. Member Philadelphia Real Estate Board
when you can get the best "SHERWIN.WILLIAMS" !J"ylig·ltl :-;,,, illg Time:
~1"ldn.\· :->,·ho,I\ "lid RihlP ('1"".. al
at a low price? !tA.; .\. ~1.
Prl'~II'hillJ! ~pr\"il'p,S :it 11 A. :\1.
E\"(,llill~ St'r,if'PH a·t 7A.I P. ~1.
By the way-we have the Old English Waxes at the :\1(Jrllill'~ Tht'ltlt,: >, ..\11 OVPflcolnilLg
Faith.' .
advertised price. E\ C'llill:":· Tht'III(': •• \·j(·tnry OVl'r
Hihl,' ('I,,,, alld ('''!l'chislIl -1 ..~O 1'. ~I.,
H. RICKLIN \\· ..d 11""1,, Y •
.\ 'tH'(·tflt~ IIf tilt" ('liun'h (.~)ull('jl :it
Ihl' IHHIIII of :\Ir. Frank, on 'fucRdav
"'·I'lling, dlid ....pll'llllid UIIl! de~i~h:t'
II "rk. W,· "n' r..,,01.,- with'g",
till·llnl ('lI-11pt'r:ltioll to ~o fOTwnrd.
()ur ppqpl(' will o:I':'I"·'·p :\luthpT'~ J>:I\'

Begin Now ·111 :\':l.\~ 1::, :ld \\ (> \\":1111 td hl'!.!.ill p:lrl~
1.1 ~l't f\':illv for it. . ,
.,', n t·ol;.t!,'ft'~:ttillll \\1' tlll'an til h\l'
to build a.n income protection fund for use when sickness or lack
'Ilill Ilfllg·I"I·"" ....
of employment causes a temporary loss of income.
A fixed amount saved each week and deposited regularly here will NARBERTH METHODIST
grow surprisingly EPISCOPAL CHURCH
As little as $1 will open a Saving Account and -1', interest is Rev. Arthur S. Walls. D. D.. Pastor.
credited, compounded.
:'.11111;:1 \, \1 :1.'" Ii,
!tA.-, .\. ~1. -Hil,;,' .'.;,'111101.
THE MERION TITLE & TRUST COMPANY 11.IHI .\. ~[.-(·""UII:llliol. .\lIth"lIl:
ARDMORE NARBERTH BALA·CYNWYD "I (',,"101 '''I JIll \\';Ihllllt '1'I1('l'''
~lillt'T. (''OlIllllllllioll ('h""I: "Hr"ad 'or
tiJ,· "·'oTld." Tl''1~t,.
li.l.-, I'. ~I.--";p" orl h L'-:l.gU('.
~.4;i I'. ~1.-1·;\"II:ill~ "'o,rshil' -.",i~h
Order your coal as far ahead as possible and'state the me you prefer ,'t'TIIIIIII. ..\ II.t1U·III: .. [':"1'11 ~I('," ~liIJ<or.
a.nd your next choice.
While coal will be scarce, everyone will be supplied.
"-"",,'PI FPiI,,"'ship," Hwl-
Ten Millions of Dollars' worth of New Central
27 yards tn PbUa-
Church Notes
Till, L"di.,,..' Aid i'h><,'iety will hoil!.
Office Equipment will be added to the
Spruce t~OO

Ardmore lOt
delpbla and Suburbs
at your aervlce,
Including ODe at
thl,ir rl'gular mouthly meeUllg o,n T'ues-'
day ev('n'ing, lit till' C1H1rch. j Bell System in Pennsylvania this year
ARDMORE. The \\',0'1I1:all's Forpign M]!<Sionary 1"'0-
ri('ty will hold H~ ~fllY mceting. 011 J
I Uondlay. nt :!.;:U 1'. M., nt the hQmc of:
GEO. B. NEWTON COAL CO. i ~[,r:: Wm. ~. Lamh, 44~ Hrook'hul'Bt I THIS money will be spent for new switch-
I boards,additions to presentswitchboards,
~5a;;;;;;;;:;;5=~===~~~~~~~2S=======~=s~I;THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH
terminal room equipmentand a thousand
Rev. John Van Ness, M:inister.
and one other things which go to make
:\l('etilll{s for !-iunlln)', ;\Ia~' Ii:


9.45 A. ~I.-Bihle Hehoot
11.00 A. ~f.-~JorlJing WCl"8hip. I';"r
up a modem telephone office.
IIlIOIl th,elll(': •• Tht' Ast'enR3otl OJ
Do you remember the old high-wheel bicycle, the 10hriM." The investment for new equipment will
horse..,cars, the quaint styles of dress and other relics 4.00 P. I:\f.-.Jullior EII<i,,:!vor :\1 ('(,t-
which were in common use within the memory of most ing.
i.OO P. l\I.-Hl'llior Elld.'l\yor ':\I('e~
cover every central office in Pennsylvania.
of us? Who would want them back? Civilization in ing.
our day is going forwal'd with smashing strides. We 7.45 P. ~r.-Evenil\g W~rship. Ser' As fast as equipment is received from the ..... ;

are prOUd to know that in our business we have kept mOil th~rtl(': "A l\Ies""ge frmn S\,ring-
fully abreast of progress and have done our share to time."
Church Notes
i j ·factories it is placed into service. Never
eliminate many of the discomforts of bygone years. The 8-tudies in th'e F41istlee tQ the I
ThomUIlll will be eontiinue<i u.t the Prav-:
was the demand for telephone service
er Meeting next We.dnesday evenh~.! I greater and never in the history of the
MORE THAN All lovel'8 of God's Word are es-peciallv I ,':'
invhted. -
telephone company were such tremen-
750 ,000 '
.MO'ther'lj Da~', whie.h is the lfecOIul:
Sunday in May, will be eelebrnted in I I
t·his Ohureh with mnny spe<'lial f.ea!turell. i
III the mornil~g thel'e will 'be a sermon I
dous amounts of equipment placed in
Have endorsed the
n.pprOoprilllt~ to thc oPe(llltiOIl !ling-
ing by n 011 ildrell 's Chorus.
P. M. t1l1~re will be a meeoting for
At 4,30

"'omen only, and ill thc en'n'illg thl're I

one year. .~.'~.....

II ",lill Ibe a drama tie l'eprest'lIJtllltion Qf
Thor fin idenl Christian home.



Th~ Tho~,
.B:il-metal~machine,co~p~l' orgalva~
is, an
Henry Mathews

, ~zed, L~nolp .cYhn~er WhICh has, no~ffimty for soap,

rlll~es~~lIYWlth ho~watel:. 'T}llm~ ar¢.5:positions·:to ~. ~.. '

the s~lllgiIlg, reversl1:~l~" 'Yrl~r+--<>nlf on~ ,lever' opel'.,.

ate.s It. 'Only 2 ,ope.ratIng ·levers on the machine and
wrmger. .

$10.00 Down Tw~::Mo4els"

A Small payment .,'~o. 25~,·$U5.00
, EachC Month ' N()~:32. $tZe, $165..00...
flAG/:' FUUH
Ooue's Ooop wal!> an unsurpassed Tbe show wa,.. pro<!ul'e,1 h~' William
BE EXHIBITED AT MEMORIAL \"ehie1e for h;lllrity of a .T. Lnwrenl'e, hi~ronip
whn n.lso top- supervised
BUILDING notch order. HenY)" Smith depi('Jted in "X"lIi(' Xnrbert.h." :LIHU
nmsterly and mirt.l1ful foshion the high
u a.1~ nccou!1lt
of tlH' pcrforlll:.'1II(·..e:; w-ould bc grievous·
Do You Want a Battery Recharged
Those wi:<hing- to plaa a Ill''' g-ILrtlell points of t.h·e French doctor's well· Iy lacking if i,t dill not this or Repaired
or relllodel an old one will find ..p1e'n· 1m own dis&ertl1(oiolls, while the heroi~ ('x{'"Il('lIt le,,<!er', I'xtroordinary skill
'did ,,"~gl'.~ti<lIIs ill the six lI\ot! .. I" of
sllInlJ g-"rel"lls lllilll" Ity Tl'si,I,'nts ()f
I reatment llIpplio<! hy his ze:LLou~ assis.
ran'ls, .A,T1l0~ nnd .Joke, perHIOnified by
ill "tnrting fl'ol1l th(' groullt! up to
bring- fnrlh "'ond"rfll! lI",hi"\,pllIt'nt, ;11
Called for and Delivered
THE NEW MAGAZINES Ihe ('tllll'IILlln;t\, lint! 101l1l,'d to th,',1It' (':1"<' allf! Ke~"", I<'ft n<Jllhin.g' W Iw tIIin!'l·If(-)'~Y. Tlu"TP IS a g(lilius for yo.u,
(;" r<! I' II nil \' Ha.!,'. 'l'hl'SC mot!l'ls w",",' <I,·..·irl'(1 except till' i~ltline whj('h hnd a prill",t' (If go,,,1 f"Jlo"''', and St. ~far· Service Batteries, 25 cents per day
, 'Magazine Arrival" Bulletin is H\wg ~h·nwJl and' won priz(l:-\ at. tht' ;{u:tliollul to lit: "pp],i"d no thl' ntT"t,tl'd p"rls h", g:JrI"t '" :lliIlMtrt·!" r".ioi,·1' II""t go(),l
at the Library FlowPT Sho\\", >:cw YorI\:, and are ('0111- f"Tt· thl' pati,'nt i1'"tirp<! into their fortullt' pln,'p,1 him ill thl'ir I'nOI.
plt'l,· ill .,,·pr~· ,10Ia.i1. Th .. ~' illl·llI,ll' a ,j'I\"n\' he<1s on th" ",'pning'S. '1'h(' A. W. WARD, ~r.
'1'1,,' 1IL:,g-azillps f"r :lrn~' hll\'(' !,pg-un hOll~(". I!nrn;gt', 1lnW(\f ~:Ircl(,ll. llr~·illg M!"'d;lcular nnMt"";",,1 display utrord·

tit nrri,·(· at till' Libl"nrv n~ illdit'utt1tl g-roulIcl:-i :11111 \·(:,gt\tahJ(l J..,'"llrl!t:II, "d by Sl'hasti"n lilldol)'h ",ill '1l(' tl,,'
I,y I II(' .. :lr:,g-azillp .\rr'inil " bulll' Aftl'r :lIlt\' ll1th i,1 is ,"afe t.o trall~' ,"hjet'! of a "I"·,'i,, J n.r.t it'lt' iu next 417 Narberth Avenue Phone 1255-W
,,:hil'h hanl-"S Oil tIll' wall ill til(' nU4{a' 1'1:0111 Il'ndl'~ ",'gl'tnhll' and' 11I""I'r plallis. \\pek's l'OUT Town," wht)Jl a g-raphi,' Floest ftaotoDl.!JY The-
zillt, ("OTllt'T. Tht· arri"a18 !'\o fur in- Tht' ",),. has IIll'r"forp 1""'11 arranl!"" ill""tr:l,tioll willI,,· I'nl,li"l,,·,j. tOg'l'.th,'r .tre o' lIB slze In the
dndt, th.· ··H""klllflll." .. ,John :lIar· f"r Il,al "at.,. EXlj)('rts \\ ill bl' "" ha"" ,,'th nn I'xpl:",,'tJlr~' "od" "hi"h will Entire World.
~ill'l"' ~lJ:l4-.rn,zitHI.l, awl Hit' .IJl'Oll~"\It' t·o gi\-t' H{h-il'l~ 011 pfalltillg and hook- ,·I".'idal .. on"" ""11 f"r :lil th" mllny "'b.lopla,..-Cootiounua 10 A. M. to II.S'
IIt'alltif"I.'· Thl'S<' thrt·p ilia g-llzint'" h'l" for bt'j!i""l'r, ,,"ill 1,,' ,,"ld. 11I<>"lt'd poilll" "'lii"h hu\"(' :lri~",n ill P.M.
aT,' Oil 11,,' reg-nlar ><nh",·ripl.ioll list of .\11 :"bll'd altm"tion wil h,' thl' TllII "011 ".'.,'t i,," "itll th" pxli'chiti,,". It PhD••• P •.
Ib,' Lihmn- lIml nrp IlYllil:,hl,· for ,i"I,,' Ihl' Ha\'('rfor,1 ('ollt'V;1' hnn" "lIr· ~t'(':lIS to bt' tilt' ('(,J1:-'t'II~\l~ (If th(· ('0111"
rqadillj! on' ,·a,·h Library day. TllI'Y illl! 1'1,,· tl'a h(lllr" from fOllr 11111 il "ix. 1"'111:'1." f.lul,1 Ih,' "lrlJ",ritn, "hollld h,,\"('
ah· nl"o kppl Oil fill' in the n'fprt'n,·,· Tn "",,(' of rain t.111' s:ill' "ill hl' ht'ld Ilt'I'1I adJllillist.t'r.·d irrp~pt'(·t i,"p of tht> CLOTHES TAILORED TO THEm
.11'1'1' rl '"0<'"1. alld Illay hI' lI,htaine,l hy (I" II", nl'xt "l"ar day. ('-OII!'l'('tj'II't1C'('.!'\. PROGRAM, ORDER
asl,illl! for Iht'lII lit Ih,· ,It'"k or hy 111' :I[ r,. H. C. Ho fflll a n, ('h a irma II (If II", 'I'h,' "pl"n<lid II1I1Sil' I\'as 1II111er th"
'1uiniuj! of :llrs, ))OllllpJI.,·, th,' rt'fl'rt'IIl'" \'nrlH'rth h(lolh, will hnY'" nlan~' 110\'1,1· diTe('tion of Thnma.< A. Quinn, "'II"
liJ'rnri'an. I ie' 011 sa Ie. Pink i" t.hl' "olor of till' di"r"~,,rd"d thp nil lllerOll , ('nll'l which WEEK OF MAY 7 Men of character Uke clothes of char-
acter. The personal satisfa.ct1on they get
"The aon"" !ll'nlllifn!" thi" II10nl h I.ot>th 1!<....or:,liollR. Pillk hfl,..k .. t" to :Irp ;0 Iwu ,'" 11111.1" for Ih,' 1""'lling" "f out of them cannot be realized in any
is thp sprin'l! fllrni"hinl! II II 1ll1",r, lIlId "flrry pl1lntM "iill mal,1' it ,'asipr for :I 1'111,' 11 r\' Iltl in"'''" hnd,e lor "nd J.,'1l v e other way. The new BUJnm81' styles and
("Hrri~~ tHan\' ('}WTmillg, H~ W(ll1 tiM pratO :'\nrberth rl',i,lellt, to t'akl' lh .. ir I'llI" IIi" tillit' IIIl!lparing-Iy to :1I'('mnplish th('
tiN,l, "ngTg-':stiolls for ll('llntif~'illl! th,' l·ha~l·~ hOTlIP ill the hUl"'!-I or ill :ll1tIIIlIO- d"lil!lIlflll rt'sll1ts whi .. h wl're mnnifest.
"Money, Money, Money" fabrics are ready to show you-they're
correct--and the cost 16 not an oblJt8,Cle.
hOllll'. Tltl' ('o,'er, hy ('I"yton Kni",ht. h,)",. Let US show you our idea of clothes
j, pSI,(>('iaJl~'. interl'sting with iu. fin', value at $40,00 and up.
I'ln{'e flank,ed ihy sP.f.tle:; and topped by SUITABLE TIP HEMSTITCIDNG
all 01,1 ship's mo(le!. The co,'er ".(lm· MAIN PRODUCTION 8TART8 A8 NEA'
1'''1 it ion offl' 1\' made by'" The Housl' MODERATE PRICES A8 P0881BLE TO 10.00 A. M., 11.00. 1.0t!
B('a u tifu I," t hli" yea r hn ye resu l,te.J.· 111
., I say, port('r, did you find fifty
a. RnH'.('pS>lsion oE" "cry artistic (,O'·PTS. dolla rs 011 the floor tbis morning'"
WORK PROMPTLY DONE 1.~5. 5.411. 1.411, 9.10 P. M.
whieh hn,'e added mu{'h to the yalul' ..f " y e~, suh. 1'hank you, suh." A. J. HERRSCRAFT Ladies' and Gents' TaUors
thl' IIln~llzil1e. The ,table of content" 318 Dudley Ave., Narberth, Pa,
ine1ude nrtil'l('s lin bookcases and hook· Cleaners and Dyers
~hel\,(~6, on lumpshndes, 011 arbors in thl' BIG MINSTREL SHOW A SPLENDID
garden, and on needle tapestry.
"111'1' Intprnntional Rtudio" 1S unoth"r
(('"ntinlled from Page 1)
Narberth Taxi Service
Patrick F. Donahue
Pressing Relining
102 Forest Avenue
Narberth 1749-R
JI1u.g-nzin.. to ",Meh the Library su),·
f;(·rih,·,. Thi" mugazi1le is de""t.ed I'll, tural a...·(·olllp:tuil11C'llt (If a. Browll dt·rll.\'.
WILLIAM lEW BORG &COl Open Day and Night Phone 1633
Narberth, Pa. We call and deUver

tirpl" to ~lrl nn,l is OIl!' of thl' mosl :Ind it rnll ri'Ot Il~" witth darillg :d'Hn '1Inting and Dlooratlng
he3l;liful on the taohle. It ""as pur· ,1,(111 h.' rl"'('all',1 10 th" "Iarll,·d 81"'" 212 Woodbine Ave., Nerberth, P •.
,.Jlnset! :01 the "ugge,.tiol1 of ttLt' Art t a,t on; 1hf" lIl,H,r,'p)llus HI ,"sf t'rip~ of liW' Phone, Ardmore 1436 W Narberlh 1768 W
)),'pnrtllll'l1t of ",hid, Mrs. Batdll'lor "i" "hi"h had hepn ~, dol,,,'" ~af\' 'i
is .. hairma,l1. Etlt'h l1umher hos an 1111' ;'·:lHreIpd l"'iJ1f'(l the \\~lIrld ":1:-\ 1~(;rl1. 1'11(' I
I1sllnll\" arttraHi"p po,'pr 6n ('0 lor llllrl !ale,ot rl'port.e aTl' to t hI' dfl'l'l th". Sarberth an-\" Ardmor.. UI3-J
at It'a~t on(' full pagp col<>r plll.t('. l'h,' ~I r:-. r{ ... ll('~' ha~ t'lIllllt!t' rt~·()\"l'r.(·o .JUST IN
mUg'uzin,' is \\'ell i11ul'trated in hl~lPk llt'r It·ortlla],·y, VERL PUGH We Oarry a Full Line
:01111 whit{', and "arTie:; interesting- ur·
til' II''' 011 t he modern tl'lldency in art.
E,'eTY one who is ;nterest-ed in this
plms; of ('111111Te will nnel d~light in
Electrical Contractor
EI....trlcal R.,palre and Appllancel
SU Gra)'Ung Ave. 8 Crlck..t Ave.
l"llph jlSSne of the mag'fizine. Justice of the Peace Narberth. Pa. Ardmor... Pa.
"1'hl' Xnti(lIIal Geog-r.lphip," thl' most populnT llUlIgazine 'If
Cleaning,Altering, Pres81IIg
nIl. Ih(' "Literal)' R~1ipw," the "Ln· Fire Insurance-Best Companies
dil'''' Home .T()'IJrl1a.l," the "Woman's
Phone 1749W-215 Haverford An. rara - Mt;Ginley
216 N.13tjlS~! Phila. I~
10 Read)·-mad.. 8nlh and Snlto )lad.. to Ord..r

HOlllp Ooompanion," "!"lPTilbner's" and
"Harper's" are aIM foun.d reguhLrly,
on the tahle.
The new "~raglazine Arriva.l , I bul.:
F or B
ow. ·log and Bell PhoG., Sprace 38·1111 lad 38-117
KeYlloo. Pboa., RIC, 78-14
Above Am. Store
We call for and deUver
Y OUR own home is an
'ideal investment, always
under your personalprotec.
letins ha"e heen prepared by MJ'B. Pocket Billiards tion, adding to your enjoyment
Donnell", und hang in the magazine'
c-Orner ~oo.r tIDe tibbIe to indkllite the
1Ia'" .cometo..the
RECREATION ROOM GARAnteed Roofs ·HARRY B. WALL while it .adds to your wealth.
armWlI of each IMlgoa.21ine. One bulle· But have you protected that in.
tin announces t.h e maga2;lne& . ----" d No. C I Forreat Ave.
"""",,-ve __" L PARKE BIiLL PROM" N...berth l2&&-W Plumbing,.G.. Fitting vestment against deterioration?
during the the
month, and the other ~~:~~:~~~~;;;~~~~=:I
n and Heating
the current montb.
arrivinlg for
GEORGE W. BOnOMS Permsnencec:ostsbutlittle more
There is also a magazine mlhle for NARBERTH PA than temporary construction.
the children, hut t,hoeirs needis no ad-
vertisling, as- it is often diffie-ult to find
COOK' BROS. -CoatractOr aad Builder- Phone, Narberth l80U Ask the hdp of your building
1"'1'11 lrMndnng room neer it. PLUMBING. HEATING 420 Rockland Ave. Narbertb. ra. material dealer. He knows
'ROOFING the best types of construe:tioD
Thos.A. Kemgl &SOn @I1C1 the best IDateriaIa to use.

In th(' Orpha.n!>, Court of l\lontgomery

Jobbing promptly aUendtd to FOT Permanent
County, Pa. M....t P...... ".r"rtIl8l1
Satisfaction Building and Contractina

Til the Mnttt'T of the Estllte of HOIWsrd , Da, PIaoD•• Narb.r'" 302 J
T. Hamor, lot(' G,f the Townl>hip of ~~!!!:!!!!!!:!!!!!ii!!i!!ii!!ie~!!ii!!i!!!:!!!!!!:!!!E~!!!:!!!!!!:!!!!!ii!!i~ Homes For Sale Or Rent
LOW'('T l\fl'rion, ~ll()ntJ!;omery Count.y, BUY A
~. NARBERTH Plans & Estimates
smcd~yBUilt Home
Xootiee is hereb)' g-iv~n
tha1 Sarah J. Furnished For
Hamer, widoow o<f t.he sndll ileee-<lcnJ1, has BEAUTY SHOP Alterations & Rilpa1r1ng •'crire Stan.dJlrdbylJJh:'dt ali other makts are 'I1Ila51Dr.d "
filed in said (1ourt her petition for Scientific Cflre of Face and S~alp
her I'xeml'ti{)ll, with nn invcntory .of, ~Ionlcuring Marcel Wavlnlt Write, Phone, Call
.... Holr Bobbing Phone 1606-'1'
(·a&l1 which shl' has elected' to r""al1n,: Residential Appointments
amounting to Fh'e Hundred Dollars
($500) under tJbe Act of .June- i, H117,,'-
211 Haverford Avenue ~ WM. D. & H•.
. LEYII~~~~~~~~~~~1
the ('-ourt on the Twel1:t.y·Third day, I
and that, thc some ""ill be n.pprO\·erl h)':
• of Mllv, 192:1. unless ('xceptiOl1s thcl'('-:
to IIr.. · flle~l befoore that time. :
Edred J. Pennell,
Attorney for Petitioner.

The Milk Plant of the Main Line

Two eentll per word if C&lb aecom·
panle. advertisement: otberwise. lin
Modern' and Complete
centl per wol-d;

late of Narberth, Montgomery Coun- '
ty, deceased.-Lettel'B teste.mentary on.
the abovc estatc' having been grunted
to the undersigned. all persons indebted
to said estate are reqllested to make
immediate payment, an,1 those baving
leg<l) C'lnims, to present the snme with·
out fdelny to
P. O. address 28 Avon Road, Narberth,.
Pil.. . .
, ,~

.-;'''1 .~_::::~ ~ ="""'.

Or her Attorney,
P.O.. nddress 402 De Knlb St., Norris.
-r_·,.,,,~~~~ .:\
I e
tqwn, Pa. .

WO~ for u.a,i' 's worl,

d\lYs and Thuts<llny&.'
Fit2; ~treeot.

Diagram of Dairy BUildings, showing bnproved apparatus 1Dstalled for properly ha.ndUng MUk and cream each day, in order to
, . . absolutely safeguard. the health of our customers.
. . . . ' . . ' . .~

The Departinents Of Pasteut:izing and Bottling, llawMilk Room, and PowerHouse are all separated by adequate and fire-proof partitions,
prevent~'anY'Coitta~ationfrom dust,or flies. .' . .' '. '
"FQB SALE~Blocli,Baby: 'Ooaeh,;ren .
.',' 'DoHrir8~:"BiLby'·.pen Wtth:1loor,' thri,e '.' Ih add.itio~'t~ 'o~ st~ict rectuirementsat thefai'm" each" can of milk is examined ~dtest~ before it. is passed and weighed.
i:'kI1rnr.,~nrl1il~h 622-,J. ,.:.(30:,pj,
AU~iscl.arified,bYace~trffti~c1~fier,the.inostemci(mtinachineforbasUJ:ing absolutely clean 'oiilk, free of~lI extraneous matter.
':FOR '~';":"~~r~tne~t over·
.: ':,l'.ir01.0()l118"Ia.VlitJory,furished, Ad:'
IrRrUge; ': AUb~ttlesatewaShed, rinsed. aDd
sterilii.ed With bolling\Vater, in ail Automatic Power Bottle Washer.
. '."
dre,;s.. t,.lB ,'-1. ',care·HOur· T-o-Wn,.'!.(3Q,l') ,
. "'. " ' _. ~ .":.' . . .. -. . Our ~Dtite systenl'will be explainedbyou~~~·ddvers. and,ourplant 'is open daily to interested customers.
"', .:tQB . ··lJAx.~~ying· :h~;u.1 >i&~d.;~ft~h
... ·:~;,:-.:~~.~;.rl
':'''''L .
:Brookbunt~.o\,~l'~ ::(SO"p)
",< '. ;... '. ," .• .'., -.' ..'. "'-', ' .. . '.' . ':


", -' . ,

" 1,
" ", " , - ,

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