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oe RYDIS The Wooden S RULES FOR GLADIATORIAL COMBAT written by IAN BECK RY DIS The Wooden Sword RULES FOR GLADIATORIAL COMBAT written by IAN BECK To Christina - to whom I always seem to be apologizing. (I'm Sorry!) Index INTRODUCTION RUDIS 1 The Gladiators Movement Combat Success of Attacks Effect of Damage Attack/Defence Poss. Chart Other Weapons Gladiators using 2 Weapons simultaneously Multiple Combats After Hand-to-Hand Combat The Retiariu The Laqueraii Gladiators on the ground Pugilis Contra-Retiarius & Gaetulians OPTIONAL RULES SUPER RUDIS Campaign Game & Examples of Combat RUDIS 2 Types of Warriors Combat Range Weapons Single figs. attacked by more than 1 Protection, Cover,Fortifica'n Essedarii v Hoplites Hadrians Wall ; Bestiarii v Animals RUDIS 3 - Chariot Racing Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 HEXAGONAL DISPLAY CHART 15 19 20 23 24 24 25 30 30 34 37 38 41 NTRODUCTION First,a word of explanation;- Back in 1975 I wrote 'Rudis' because I vas dis-satisfied with the currently available sets of Gladiatorial rules. That year Bradford University Wargames Society published them and the first printing of 200 copies were all sold out at Northern Militaire Tabletop Games had shoun great interest in them so it was decided that they vould take up publication; they would, however, have to make "one or two changes" so as to make the rules "more commercial". (The original set included considerable amounts of waffle, notes, comments, wittisisms and plain rubbish - this was cut out). Unfortunately, these changes reduced the clarity and the readability of the rules. A change in manag- ement at Tabletop produced @ change in policy and "Chattier" rules vere encouraged - ve vrote "Once Upon a Time in the West" on these lines - they have therefore alloved me to "re-do" Rudis to give the product you have just bought;- The new improved 2nd. edition Rudis with added WAFFLES! The rules are divided into three sections, the first deals vith basic hand-to-hand combat between small groups of gladiators, the second are for larger and more spectacular combats - all of which ere believed to have occurred - and the third are the already well knoun chariot racing rules (slightly amended) which though having precious little to do with glediatorial combat are great fun. I earnestly hope that, through these rules, gladiatorial conbat may, at last, be taken seriously as a Wargame. (but not too seriously!) To conclude I would like to thank the following people vho helped 'road test' these rules: Ne Py: Berey Mr". Bussey Mr J. Goodall Mr J. Spencer. In addition I vould like to thank the members of the Bradford University Wargames Society (1975) for their help in publishing the first set. Thanks also to Mr Bob Connor of Tabletop Games for carrying on the good ao 5 ass © Ian Beck 1976. Revised June 1980

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