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NIM : 4203111087

1.Analyze what is the cause barrier of indonesian students intelligency?

Asw: I think Indonesia's children's level of intelligence is below that of any other country,
but many factors influence it asa nutrient intake, which I think is highly affected by
intellectual intelligence, which we know so much about (not all) low-economy societies that
it is impossible to provide proper nutrition. But I also recognize that there are still many
Indonesian children with high levels of intelligence. But personally I think the quality of
education also determines a child's intelligence in which the quality of our education
remains inferior to that of other developing countries, and the lack of discipline of
Indonesian people also determines it.
2. Which country do you think that applied the best educational systems to developing the
student's inteligency and it is possible if we addopt that system?
Asw : Personally, I think the quality of education is good in the state of east Asia, especially
Japan and Korea, where they are disciplined and have a system of learning that uses
technology, and there are kids who have their own freedom. But with the condition not
breaking the rules made by the school, there are parents who care so much about their
child's education that almost all the kids there are taking lessons.
It is possible if we follow the study system, but I think it would be difficult because
Indonesian people who are still less aware of the importance of education and of the
dissolution of society and to follow the learning process I think Indonesian children should
have strong mentality, and the weak economy makes it difficult. But whatever it is I hope
Indonesian education will be further along.
3. Explain about the stage of kognitif development according jean piaget?
Asw : jean piaget mebagi perkembangan kognitif yaitu 4 tahapan : sensorimotor,pra
operasiona, operasional konkret dan opersional formal.
Tahapan ini dimulai dari ketika bayi dilahirkam sampai berumur 2 tahun Pada tahapan ini
bayo mengunakan Inderanya (sensorik) seprti melihat, merasaan, mendemgar, Untuk
mendapatkam pengalaman
2.pra operasional
Dimulai dari anak berusia 2-7 tahun dan pada tahap ini piaget membagi ya menjadi 2 yaitu
Fungsi simbolis(2-4 tahun) : sikap anak seperti aktif bermain muncul seperti mencoret
dinding, dan penggunaan bahasa anak sudah mulai berkembang dan pada tahap ini anak
tidak dapat membedakan perspektid sendiri dan orang lain
Fungsi intuitif (4-7 tahun) : pada tahap ini anak mulai menunjukan karakteristik pemikiran
Centration yaitu hanya fokus pada satu hal dan memgabaikan hal. Lainnya
3.Operasional konkret (7-13 tahun) : anak sudah bisa terhadap penalaran logika dan pada
tahap ini anak sudah bisa melakukan sesuatu secara mental
4.operasional formal(7-15 tahun) : pada tahap ini anak sudah mulai memikirkan
pengalaman pengalaman di luar konkret dan membayangkan apa yang diinginkan mereka
dan rasa ego yang tinggi.

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