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The characteristic of population based on all units is called parameter while the measure of
sample observation is called statistic.


Data collection used for a population.

Which among the set is bimodal?

={122, 221, 122, 223} (NS)

When the number of elements of the population is fixed and thus making it possible to
enumerate it in totality.

It is important to study statistics in order to formulate well-advance predictions.

These are numerical measurements that arise from a natural numerical scale.

. Quantitative Variable

these are the two main branches of statistics

Descriptive and Inferential

Example of this are number of episodes of respiratory arrests or the number of re-
intubations in an intensive care unit.

Discrete Data

It means a subgroup of the members of population chosen for participation in the study

It is the average of all the elements of a set


These are often used to communicate research findings and to support hypotheses and give
credibility to research methodology and conclusions.

Statistical Method and Analyses

Which is considered as qualitative data?

The texture of a rock

Comparison is one of the main functions of economics as the absolute figures convey a very
less meaning.


Qualitative data are variables that cannot be ordered in a logical or natural way.


The characteristic of population based on all units is called parameter while the measure of
sample observation is called statistic.


It aims to describe various aspects of the data obtained in the study.

Descriptive Statistics

The statistics are presented in a indefinite form so they also help in condensing the data
into important figures.

The mean is sensitive to any change in value, unlike the median and mode, where a change to an
extreme or uncommon value usually has no effect.

Select one:


It aims to describe various aspects of the data obtained in the study.

Select one:
a. Inferential Statistics
b. Differential Statistics
c. Scientific Method
d. Descriptive Statistics

These are the two main branches of statistics

Select one:
a. Population and Sample
b. Descriptive and Inferential
c. Differential and Statistical
d. Qualitative and Quantitative

When the number of units in a population are uncountable, and so it is impossible to

observe all the items of the universe

Select one:
a. Finite
b. Infinite
c. Existent
d. Hypothetical
These are often used to communicate research findings and to support hypotheses and give
credibility to research methodology and conclusions.

Select one:
a. Analysis of data
b. Scientific Methods
c. Statistical Method and Analyses
d. Experimentation

Statistics is only the science of uncertainty and not the technology of extracting information
from data.

Select one:

It is important to study statistics in order to formulate well-advance predictions.

Select one:

When the number of elements of the population is fixed and thus making it possible to
enumerate it in totality.

Select one:
a. Finite
b. Infinite
c. Existent
d. Hypothetical
Statistics help predicts the future course of action of the phenomena.

Select one:
a. Formulation and Testing of Hypothesis
b. Comparison
c. To present facts in definite form
d. Forecasting

The randomly selected 100 students for a survey is called a population

Select one:


Nominal scale is _______________________ in nature, which means numbers are used here only
to categorize or identify objects.

It is the study of how to collect, organize, analyze, and interpret numerical information from data.

These are the two main branches of statistics

Descriptive and Inferential

Example of this are number of episodes of respiratory arrests or the number of re-intubations in an
intensive care unit.
Discrete Data

When the number of elements of the population is fixed and thus making it possible to enumerate it in

This industry use statistical approaches to estimate the number of depositors and their claims for a
certain day

Statistics help predicts the future course of action of the phenomena.

It is when numbers don’t define the characteristics related to the object.
= Nominal

Data collection used for a population.

Standard Deviation is a measure of how spread out is the distribution.

When the number of units in a population are uncountable, and so it is impossible to observe all the
items of the universe

Descriptive Statistics is the branch of statistics that involves organizing, displaying and describing data.

What is a number or attribute computed for each member of a population or a sample?

There are two key variables in every experiment: the dependent variable and the independent variable.

The value of statistics is strong because they can serve as predictions as well as probabilities in certain


It is commonly used for analyzing experiment results, testing their significance and displaying the results

Statistical Method

We use statistics when the number of cases that can occur are really small.


It a characteristic or feature that varies, or changes within a study


Variable that always goes on the x-axis, or the horizontal axis

Independent Variable

Variables are central to any analysis and they do not need to be understood well by the researcher.

It is the science of uncertainty.

Probability and Statistics

In ratio scale, variables can be systematically added, subtracted, multiplied and divided.

Which is another term for dependent variable?

Predicted Variable

It varies according to changes in other variables.

Dependent Variable

Scientific research rarely leads to absolute certainty.


Statistical variables do not contain numerical values but rather something


The significance of statistical figures can be seen best when validating solid arguments or predictions out
of hypotheses or conjectures that may seem overwhelming to a layman


It involves the application of specific statistical techniques to disciplines in biology such as

population genetics, epidemiology and public health.

Appropriate use of statistical methodology in data analysis means the data should be analyzed in a
way that is both scientifically and statistically unreasonable.
The interval scale gives the ability to quantify and differentiate between options.

Measurement at the interval or ratio level is desirable because we can use the more
powerful statistical procedures available for ____________ and _______________________.

= Median and Standard Deviation(NS)

It is a variable that goes on the y-axis, or vertical axis.

Dependent Variable

Although in an interval scale, since there is an absence of the absolute 0 and it works on the
principal of an arbitrary 0, the division of variables is not possible.

Scientific data rarely lead to absolute conclusions.


Say you want to figure out which brand of microwave popcorn pops the most kernels so you can get
the most value for your money. You test different brands of popcorn to see which bag pops the most
popcorn kernels. Which among the choices is the independent variable?
Brand of popcorn bags

Nominal provides the least amount of detail, and ratio provide the most amount of detail.

The independent variables are called as predicator variable because independent variables predict or
forecast the values of the dependent variable in the model.

Sex or Gender is classified under what level of measurement?


Classify the level of measurement it belongs: Gender


The measures of central tendency are mean, median and mode.


How many levels of measurements were discussed?


The population is not confined to people only, but it may also include animals, events,
objects, buildings, etc.
It is often based on statements of statistical significance and probability.
Modern science

It is used to make predictions or comparisons about a larger group (a population) using information
gathered about a small part of that population.
Inferential Statistics

Which of the following definition defines interval scale?

Have meaningful intervals between measurements, but there is no true starting point (zero).

It is always possible to transform data from a higher level to a lower level but never the other way

Nominal is hardly measurement. It refers to quantity more than quality.


Ratio scale is the 2nd level of measurement that reports the ranking and ordering of the data without
actually establishing the degree of variation between them.
Which is not an importance of levels of measurements?
Helps in solving complex mathematical problems

One disadvantage of the mean is that a small number of extreme values can distort its value.

It is a characteristic that varies from one individual member of population to another individual.

Age is under what level of measurements?

a. Interval
b. Ordinal
c. Ratio
d. Nominal

By default, all variables fall in one of the four scales.


It is a nominal level variable that can take only two values (yes/no, male/female,
= Dichotomy

It is used as a comparison parameter to understand whether the variables are greater or

lesser than one another using sorting.
= Ordinal

It tries to describe the relationship between variables in a sample or population and

provides a summary of data in the form of mean, median and mode.

= Descriptive Statistics

The time invested often requires determination of the appropriate methodology to apply in
analysis corresponding to the hypothesis and design of the investigation.
Knowing the level of measurement helps you decide what statistical analysis is appropriate on the
values that were assigned

Variables can be defined in terms of measurable factors through a process of


The randomly selected 100 students for a survey is called a population


Point _______________________ is an essential characteristic to measure a ratio between any two


Which is classified as Ratio?

a. 30 degrees celsius
b. Sibling
c. Birth order
d. Yes or No

These are often used to communicate research findings and to support hypotheses and give
credibility to research methodology and conclusions.
Statistical Method and Analyses

Compute the frequency of all nominal variables using what formula?

b. =COUNT()
d. =FREQ()

Compute the average of all variables using what formula?



Use this test to compare differences between two independent groups when dependent
variables are either ordinal or continuous.

Select one:
d. Mann-Whitney test

d. Statistical Test

Valid for both non-Normally distributed data and Normally distributed data

Select one:
a. Non Parametric Test

The parametric test is the hypothesis test which provides generalizations for making
statements about the ____________________ of the parent population.

Select one:
c. Mean
Parametric test is mainly based on differences in medians

Select one:

Uses parametric scale

Select one:
d. Interval

The intent is to determine whether there is enough evidence to "reject" a conjecture or

hypothesis about the process. The conjecture is called the ______________________

Select one:
a. Null

Uses non parametric scale

Select one:
a. Ordinal

A skewed distribution is one reason to run a parametric test.

Select one:

If you have parametric data, you can run a Wilcoxon rank-sum test to compare means
Select one:

It is the most frequently occurring variable in a distribution.

Select one:
b. Mode

Percentile is a way to represent position of a values in data set.

Select one:

Descriptive statistics are typically distinguished from ____________________________.

Select one:
c. Inferential Statistics

The most complicated distribution would list every value of a variable and the number of
persons who had each value

Select one:

It is defined as the middle of a distribution in a ranked data

Select one:
a. Median

It provides a visual representation of the data.

Select one:
a. Graphical Method

The _______, ___________ and ____________ are the three commonly used measures of central

Select one:
c. Mean, Median, Mode

Descriptive Statistics simply summaries about the sample and the measures

Select one:
What is the median of the scores of the subject Language?

Select one:
d. 2.5

The advantage of using non probability sampling is the accuracy of the statistical methods
after the experiment

Select one:

Snowball sampling can be effective when a sampling frame is easy to identify.

Select one:

Question text

When the standard deviation is small, the curve is tall and narrow; and when the standard
deviation is big, the curve is short and wide

Select one:

The t-statistic rests on the underlying assumption that there is the normal distribution of
variable and the mean in known or assumed to be known.

Select one:

Stratified sampling is used when we might reasonably expect the measurement of interest
to vary between the different subgroups, and we want to ensure representation from all the
Select one:

Inferential statistics always talks in terms of statistics, but this can be made highly reliable by
designing the right experimental conditions

Select one:

Cluster sampling can be more efficient that simple random sampling, especially where a
study takes place over a wide geographical region.

Select one:
The total area under the normal curve is equal to 2.

Select one:

Uses non parametric scale

Select one:
c. Ordinal

Use when you want to find a correlation between two sets of data.

Select one:
b. Spearman Rank Correlation

It is the measurement of average distance between each quantity and mean

Select one:
c. Standard Deviation
The parametric test is the hypothesis test which provides generalizations for making
statements about the ____________________ of the parent population.

Select one:
c. Mean
Non parametric assume that the data is normally distributed

Select one:

Uses parametric scale

Select one:
b. Interval

If your data isn’t normally distributed, you can’t run the Kruskal-Wallis test., but you can run
the nonparametric alternative–the ANOVA

Select one:

It is defined as "the statistical measure that identifies a single value as representative of an

entire distribution."

Select one:
a. Central Tendency

It is the term given to the analysis of data that helps describe, show or summarize data in a
meaningful way such that, for example, patterns might emerge from the data.

Select one:
a. Descriptive Statistics

It is the test of association for ranked variables.

Select one:
d. Goodman Kruska's Gamma

It is a method that allows researchers to infer information about a population based on

results from a subset of the population, without having to investigate every individual

Select one:
b. Sampling
It is the difference between lowest and highest value.
Select one:
a. Range

It is the most frequently occurring variable in a distribution.

Select one:
a. Mode

Parametric test is mainly based on differences in medians

Select one:

The formula of sample mean is

Select one:

Quota sampling has the advantage of being time-and cost-effective to perform whilst
resulting in a range of responses (particularly useful in qualitative research).

Select one:

Which of the following would not allow you to calculate a correlation?

Select one:
a. a curvilinear relationship between X and Y

Question text

Every time you try to describe a large set of observations with a single indicator you run the
risk of distorting the original data or losing important detail.

Select one:

Stratified sampling improves the accuracy and representativeness of the results by reducing
sampling bias.

Select one:

If you have parametric data, you can run a Wilcoxon rank-sum test to compare means
Select one:

A researcher finds a correlation of .40 between personal income and the number of years of
college completed. Based upon this finding he can conclude that…

Select one:
c. more years of education are associated with higher income.

Enter the formula:
D3: = C3^2
Copy the formula up to D7.

What is the equivalent of the formula given in the variance formula?

Select one:

Use this test instead of a one-way ANOVA to find out if two or more medians are different.

Select one:
b. Kruskal - Wallis test

This method is a nonprobability sampling technique where existing study subjects recruit
future subjects from among their acquaintances.

Select one:
c. Convenience Sampling

A set cannot have more than one mode.

Select one:

Subgroups of the population are used as the sampling unit, rather than individuals

Select one:
d. Clustered Sampling

Percentile is a way to represent position of a values in data set.

Select one:

Individuals are selected at regular intervals from the sampling frame.

Select one:
c. Systematic Sampling

Display networks of relationships among variables, enabling researchers to identify the

nature of relationships that would otherwise be too complex to conceptualize

Select one:
c. Sociograms

A set can have more than one mode.

Select one:

Parametric tests can provide trustworthy results with distributions that are skewed and

Select one:
Measures of central tendency are ways of describing the central position of a frequency
distribution for a group of data.

Select one:

Parametric type of test.

Select one:
a. ANOVA Test

If the sample data are consistent with the null hypothesis, but consistent with the
alternative, then we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the alternative hypothesis
is true.

Select one:

It arise out of the fact that sampling naturally incurs sampling error and thus a sample is not
expected to perfectly represent the population

Select one:
d. Inferential Statistics

Correlation refers to

Select one:
b. the association between two variables.

It is the attempt to apply the conclusions that have been obtained from one experimental
study to more general populations.

Select one:
d. Inferential Statistics

Statistics is only the science of uncertainty and not the technology of extracting information
from data.

The randomly selected 100 students for a students for a survey is called a
population False

Comparison is one of the main functions of economics as the absolute figures

convey a very less meaning. False

When the number of elements of the population is fixed and thus making it
possible to enumerate it in totality. Finite

These are the two main branches of statistics Descriptive and Inferential

Example of this are number of episodes of respiratory arrests or the number of

re-intubations in an intensive care unit. Discrete Data

The population is not confined to people only, but it may also include animals,
events, objects, buildings, etc. True

Descriptive Statistics is the branch of statistics that involves organizing, displaying

and describing data. True

It aims to describe various aspects of the data obtained in the study.

Descriptive Statistics

Statistics is only the science of uncertainty and not the technology of extracting
information from data. False

The measures of central tendency are mean, median and mode. True

Appropriate use of statistical methodology in data analysis means the data should
be analyzed in a way that is both scientifically and statistically unreasonable.

The significance of statistical figures can be seen best when validating solid
arguments or prediction out of hypotheses or conjectures that may seem
overwhelming to a layman. False
The more variables, the more complex the study and the more complex the
statistical analysis. True

The value of statistics is strong because they cannot serve as predictions as well
as probabilities in certain trends. False

Variables can be defined in terms of measurable factors through a process of

______________. Operationalization

It is the science of uncertainty. Probability and Statistics

It is also a logical grouping of attributes. Variable

It varies according to changes in other variables. Dependent Variable

Statistical variables do not contain numerical values but rather something

_____________. Descriptive

It is a variable that goes on the y-axis, or vertical axis. Dependent Variable

It refers to the relationship among the values that are assigned to the attributes
for a variable. Levels of Measurement

It is the study of how to collect, organize, analyze, and interpret numerical

information from data. Statistics

It is used to make predictions or comparison about a larger group (a population)

using information gathered about a small part of that population.
Inferential Statistics
The central tendency of the ordinal scale is _______________________________.


Scientific data rarely lead to absolute conclusions. True

The nominal scale forms the basis for such analyses as the Chi-Square because
those analyses require that some category is compared to at least one other
category. False
Numbers can be also used to order. True

The concept of measurement has been developed in conjunction with the

concepts of numbers and units of measurement. True

Variable that always goes on the x-axis, or the horizontal axis

Independent Variable

It is also a logical grouping of attributes. Variable

The significance of statistical figures can be seen best when invalidating solid
arguments or predictions out of hypotheses or conjectures that may seem
overwhelming to a layman. False

The value of statistics is strong because they can serve as predictions as well as
probabilities in certain trends. True

The randomly selected 100 students for a survey is called a population True

It is a characteristic that varies from one individual member of population to

another individual. Variable

It is a nominal level variable

that can take only two values
Hungarian) = dichotomy
It is always possible to transform data from a higher level to a lower level but
never the other way around False
Variables are central to any analysis and they do not need to be understood well
by the researcher. False

The significance of statistical figures can be seen best when validating solid
arguments or predictions out of hypotheses or conjectures that may seem
overwhelming to a layman. False

Compute the frequency of all nominal variables using what formula?


One disadvantage of the mean is that a small number of extreme values can
distort its value. False

The value of statistics is strong because they cannot serve as predictions as well
as probabilities in certain trends. False

What is the mode of score under Believe? 3 , 5 , 4 , 2

There is a subtype in ordinal scale with only two categories like one of the
nominal scale and is known as dichotomous ordinal scale. True

When the number of units in a population are uncountable, and so it is impossible

to observe all the items of the universe Infinite

It is commonly used for analyzing experiment results, testing their significance

and displaying the results accordingly. Statistical Method

Variables can be defined in terms of measurable factors through a process of

______________. Variable

Which is not an importance of levels of measurements?

Helps in solving complex mathematical problems

What is a number or attribute computed for each member of a population or a

sample? Measurement
This industry use statistical approaches to estimate the numbers of depositors
and their claims for a certain day. Banking

Qualitative data are variables that cannot be ordered in a logical or natural way.

It is the scientific study of earthquakes. Seismology

The central tendency of the ordinal scale is __________. Median

Ratio scale is the 2nd level of measurement that reports the ranking and ordering
of the data without actually establishing the degree of variation between them.

Non-parametric tests are “distribution-free” and, as such, can be used for non-
Normal variables True

The parametric test is the hypothesis test which provides generalizations for
making statements about the __________ of the parent population. Mean

It is the test of association for ranked variables. Goodman Kruska’s Gamma

Parametric test can provide trustworthy results with distribution that are skewed
and nonnormal True

Parametric type of test. ANOVA Test

With this test, you also estimate the population median and compare it to a
reference/target value. 1-sample Wilcoxon signed rank test

Non Parametric Tests can provide trustworthy results when the groups have
different amounts of variability False
It provides a mechanism for making quantitative decisions about a process or processes.

= Statistical Test

Those that make assumptions about the parameters of the population

distribution from which the sample is drawn Parametric Test
Measures of central tendency are ways of describing the central position of a
frequency distribution for a group of data. True

Use this test instead of the sign test when you have two independent samples.
Mood’s Median Test

It is a computer system capable of capturing, storing, analyzing, and displaying

geographically referenced information; that is, data identified according to
location GIS

Variance is a square average of distance between each quantity and mean. True

Descriptive Statistics simply summaries about the sample and the measures True

What is the median of the scores of the subject Language? 2.5

There are four major characteristics of a single variable that we tend to look at

What is the mean of the scores of the subject Language? 5 , 3.07 , 1 , 2

Measures of dispersion aim to provide an accurate description of the entire data


Descriptive Statistics can be used to highlight potential relationships between variables.

Display the relationship between two quantitative or numeric variables by plotting one
variable against the value of another variable

= Scatter Plots
We use inferential statistics to make judgments of the probability that an observed
difference between groups is a dependable one or one that might have happened by
chance in this study

The most complicated distribution would list every value of a variable and the
number of persons who had each value False
Visually represent the frequencies with which values of variables occur.

It gives an indication of how close an individual observation clusters about the

mean value Variance

Every time you try to describe a large set of observations with a single indicator
you run the risk of distorting the original data or losing important detail. False

This is non-probability samplingtechnique wherein the assembled sample has the

same proportions of individuals as the entire population with respect to known
characteristics, traits or focused phenomenon.
Purpose Sampling , Convenience Sampling
Quota Sampling , Snowball Sampling

Measures of central location include the range, quartiles and the interquartile
range, variance and standard deviation False

Display networks of relationships among variables, enabling researches to identify

the nature of the relationships that would otherwise be too complex to
conceptualize Sociograms

If paired scores, occupy the same positions within their own distributions (high
with high and low with low) Person r will be high and positive.

A skewed distribution is one reason to run a parametric test. False

Which of the following is not a use for r? Validity , Power analysis

Reliability , Correlation

It is the measurement of average distance between each quantity and mean

Standard Deviation

Systematic sampling is often more convenient than simple random sampling, and
it is easy to administer. True

Parametric test is mainly based on differences in medians False

Inferential statistics always talks in terms of statistics, but this can be made highly
reliable by designing the right experimental conditions False

It is the test of association for ranked variables. Goodman Kruska’s Gamma

Visually represent the frequencies with which values of variables occur.


The parametric test is the hypothesis test which provides generalizations for
making statements about the mean of the parent population True

1: Use this test to estimate the median of a population and compare it to a

reference value or target value 1-sample sign test

Quota sampling has the advantage of being time-and cost-effective to perform

whilst resulting in a range of responses (particularly useful in qualitative
research). False

When the standard deviation is small, the curve is tall and narrow; and when the
standard deviation is big, the curve is short and wide True

It is the process of taking a subset of subjects that is representative of the entire

population. Population Sampling

Negative IQR is fine, if your data is in descending order True

This method is nonprobability sampling technique where existing study subjects

recruit future subjects from among their acquaintances. Snowball Sampling

Mean may be influenced profoundly by the extreme variables called

_______________. Outliers

Snowball sampling can be effective when a sampling frame is easy to identify.

It isa non-probability sample that is selected based on characteristics of a
population and the objective of the study. Snowball Sampling , Purpose Sampling
Convenience Sampling , Quota Sampling

It is perhaps the easiest method of sampling, because participants are selected

based on availability and willingness to take part Convenience Sampling

It is a method that allows researchers to infer information about a population

based on results from a subset of the population, without having to investigate
every individual Sampling

It is done usually because it is impossible to test every single individual in the

population Sampling

Descriptive statistics help us to simplify large amounts of data in a sensitive way.


We use inferential statistics to make judgements of the probability that an

observed difference between groups is a dependable one or one that might have
happened by chance in this study True

Measures of dispersion aim to provide an accurate description of the entire data


What is the mode of the scores of the subject Mathematics? 6

With this test, you also estimate the population median and compare it to a
reference/target value. 1-sample Wilcoxon signed rank test

Procedure: Enter the following formula:

C3: = B3-$B$9
Copy the formula up to C7. What is the purpose of the $?
Money , Decoration , Relative Reference , Absolute Reference

What other solution can you do to compute for the average of the scores?
What is the average of scores of the subject Mathematics? 5 , 2 , 3 , 1

A set cannot have more than one mode. False

This is a sampling technique where the samples are gathered in a process that
does not give all the individuals in the population equal chances of being selected.
Non Probability Sampling

Procedure: Calculate the variance for midterm scores by breaking down the
Where: is the mean, X is each scores of the variables, and N is the number of
Enter the following labels ni the appropriate cells:
A9: Mean = C2:
A10: N= D2:
A11: Variance=
A12: Std. Dev=

What is the formula of variance? (Di ko alam sagot)

It arise out of the fact that sampling naturally incurs sampling error and thus a
sample is not expected to perfectly represent the population Inferential Statistics

Non-parametric tests are “distribution-free” and, as such, can be used for non-
Normal variables True

Use this test instead of a one-way ANOVA to find out if two or more medians are
different. Kruskal- Wallis test

Variance is a square of average distance between each quantity and mean. True

A population can be small or large, as long as it includes all the data you are
interested in. True

In statistics and probability, quartiles are values that divide your data into
quarters provided data is stored in an ascending order. True
It gives an indication of how close an individual observation clusters about the
mean value Variance

What is the mean of the scores of the subject Language? 5 , 1 , 2 , 3.07

Measures of central location include the range, quartiles and the interquartile
range, variance and standard deviation False

A low standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be close to the
mean of the data set. True

Valid for both non-Normally distributed data and Normally distributed data
Non Parametric Test

With this test, you also estimate the population median and compare it to a
reference/target value. 1-sample Wilcoxon signed rank test

Correlation analysis as a research method offers a range of advantages True

It is a method of statistical evaluation used to study the strength of a relationship

between two, numerically measured, continuous variables (e.g. height and
weight). Correlation Analysis

It is the measurement of correlation and ranges (depending on the correlation)

between +1 and -1. +1 indicates the strongest positive correlation possible, and -1
indicates the strongest negative correlation possible.
Pearson’s product-moment coefficient

What must data be in order for a Pearson’s product-moment to be conducted?

All of these

The most popular forms of Chi-Square used in business studies include Pearson
product-moment correlation, Spearman Rank correlation and Autocorrelation.

The straight line equation y=b0 + b1x is an example of a linear relationship. This
means that the changes in one variable are accompanied by the proportional
linear changes in another variable. If you increase one variable by 1 and the other
by 0.5, this is a linear change. False

Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient was designed just for linear relationships.

Technically, if we get a low value, or a zero value, it does not mean that there is
no relationship. It just means that there is no linear relationship. False

Homoscedasticity can be checked using which type of graph? Scatter Graph

Procedure: Calculate the correlation coefficient using the CORREL function.

What is the format of the CORREL function? =CORREL(Array1, Array2)

What is the result of the calculation? -0.69 , 0.96 , -0.96 , 0.94

In this correlation the correlation coefficient is not robust due to the fact that
strong linear relationships between the variables are not recognized
Pearson’s product-moment correlation

On the negative side, findings of correlation does not indicate causations i.e.
cause and effect relationship. True

The coefficient of determination and the R-squared (R2) are not the same False

You cannot use a Pearson’s correlation to understand whether there is an

association between exam performance and time spent revising False
If a researcher aims to find the average height of a tribe in Columbia, the variable would
simply be __________________ in the sample.

= The height of the person (NS)

Correlation coefficient ‘r’ is calculated through the what formula

r = n ∑ xy - ∑ x ∑ y
√(n ∑ x 2 – (∑ x) 2 )(n ∑ x 2 – (∑ x) 2 )

When reporting a Pearson’s product-moment in APA format, you would use x.

If the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient shows zero value, this
definitely means that there is no relationship between the two variables

It implies the correlation among the values of the same variables but at various
times Autocorrelation

If most points depict a dispersed descending line this would suggest there would
be a weak positive relationship True

It is is calculated by taking ratio of the sample of the two variables to the product
of the two standard deviations and illustrates the strength of linear relationships
Pearson’s product-moment coefficient

What type of relationships does a Pearson’s product-moment assess?

It can only assess a linear relationship

It is calculated by changing lagged data with the formula for the Pearson product-
moment correlation coefficient. Autocorrelation Coefficient

What is the reason why it is not necessary to create a scatter chart?

It is just for visualizing the data

Procedure: Enter the following data in you Microsoft Excel.

What are the variables in this analysis? Unit Price and Units Sold

Methods of correlation and regression cannot be used in order to analyze the

extent and the nature of relationships between different variables False

By what alternative name is Pearson’s Correlation Analysis also known?

Pearson’s Product-Moment

It is rare to find perfect correlation (+1 or -1). True

If all points cluster in an ascending line this would suggest there would be a strong
positive relationship True
7. Now that we have got Excel to calculate the correlation coefficient we need to
interpret it to understand its true meaning. The value is always between -1 and
+1. What is the value of the perfect negative correlation -1

A bell shaped curve to a scatter graph would suggest what?

There would be a non-linear relationship and a Pearson’s product-moment
should be used

It is a measure of the strength and direction of association that exists between

two variables measured on at least an interval scale.
Pearson’s product-moment correlation

If correlation is found between two variables it means that when there is a

systematic change in one variable, there is also a systematic change in the other

The correlation coefficient is sensitive to outlying points therefore the correlation

coefficient is resistant. False

If correlation is found between two variables it means that when there is

__________ change in one variable, there is systematic change in the other

______________ correlation exists if one variable increases simultaneously with

the other, i.e. the high numerical values of one variable relate to the high
numerical values of the other. Positive

Residual plot in regression analysis is used to mean plot of regressors False

One-way ANOVA between groups is used when you want to test two groups to
see if there’s a difference between them. False

The ANOVA structural model (X = + + ) maps sample scores in terms of

populations, groups, and individual scores. True

A one way ANOVA will tell you that at least two groups were different from each
other. True
An ANOVA test is a way to find out if survey or experiment results are significant

The ________ sum of squares measures the variability of the sample treatment
means around the overall mean Treatment

As variability due to chance decreases, the value of F will Increase

The degrees of freedom for k columns of size n will be.. k-1

A two way ANOVA is used to compare two means from two independent
(unrelated) groups using the F-distribution. False

The two-way ANOVA compares the means between the groups you are interested
in and determines whether any of those means are statistically significantly
different from each other. False

It compares the means of two (and only two) groups when the variances are not
equal. T-Test
It is a popular test; it is the test to use when conducting experiments


The number of rows in which total variance in a one way ANOVA partitioned is.

The alternative hypothesis for the test is that the two means are equal. False

A Student’s t-test will tell you if there is a significant variation between groups.

The ________ sum of squares measures the variability of the sample treatment
means around the overall mean Treatment

The number of rows in which total variance in a two way ANOVA partitioned is..
What name is given to data which is made up of frequencies? Ordinal data

Which of the following formats is correct for reporting an independent sample t-

test in APA format?
U (22) = 5658, p > 0.05
t(34) = -.478, p < 0.001.
one of these
r(18) = +.987 , p = 0.06

The t-test family is not based on the t-distribution, because the difference of
mean score for two multivariate normal variables approximates the t-distribution.

Negative correlation is a relationship between two variables in which one variable

increases as the other decreases, and vice versa. Negative

These are important in statistics and are often used in the natural and social
sciences to represent real-valued random variables whose distributions are not
known. Normal Distribution

If FDATA = 5, the result is statistically significant

Always , Sometimes , Never , None of the mentioned

What are the variables in this analysis? Unit Price and Units Sold

By which other name is the chi-square goodness of fit test known?

Wilcoxon , One-sample chi-square
Two-sample chi-square , Directional chi-square

What is probability?
The dispersion of the data
The integrity of data
The central tendency
The likelihood that something occurs due to chance

It presents the distributions of two categorical variables simultaneously, with the

intersections of the categories of the variables appearing in the cells of the table.
Bivariate Table , Variate Table , Observation , Tabulation

In this, the hypotheses are not about population parameters Non Parametric Test

It isa table that illustrates the relationship between two variables by displaying
the distribution of one variable across the categories of a second variable
Bivariate Table

In contingency analysis, we expect the actual frequencies in each cell to

approximately match the corresponding expected cell frequencies when the
characteristics are independent. True

The number of rows in which total variance in a two way ANOVA partitioned is.

Contingency tables and degrees of freedom are key elements of the chi-square
test True

How do statistics inform the reader of the central message?

Summarizing and creating meaning from aggregated data

This method of sampling is a non-probability sampling technique wherein the

assembled sample has the same proportions of individuals as the entire
population with respect to known characteristics, traits or focused phenomenon.
Quota Sampling

The Chi Square statistic compares the tallies or counts of categorical responses
between two (or more) independent groups. True

What does the mean of the distribution of differences between the means equal
for the null hypothesis? 0

What is the meaning of ANOVA? Analysis of Variance

Parametric tests are those that make assumptions about the parameters of the
population distribution from which the sample is drawn. True
It is a tool that allows you compare the relationship between two variables.

It is one of the measures of correlation which quantifies the strength as well as

the direction of such relationship Pearson’s product-moment correlation

It is used to measure the strength of a linear association between two variables,

where the value r = 1 means a perfect positive correlation and the value r = -1
means a perfect negative correlation. Pearson’s product-moment correlation

As the number of observations increases the t-distribution gets to look more like
the standard normal distribution. True

It is the simplest form of analyzing data. “Uni” means “one”, so in the other words
your data has only one variable. Univariate Analysis

There are commonly two types of ANOVA tests for univariate analysis - One-Way ANOVA
and Two-Way ANOVA.


When performing a chi-square goodness-of-fit test, a large value of the chi-square

statistic provides evidence that the null hypothesis should be rejected. True

Parametric statistical procedures are less powerful because they use less
information in their calculation. False

What is the result of the calculation? -0.96

Methods of correlation and regression cannot be used in order to analyze the

extent and the nature of relationships between different variables False

A correlation coefficient that is applied to ranked variables was introduced by

Spearman, whilst Pearson and Fisher introduced independently correlation
coefficients that measure the strength of the relationship between non-ranked
variables. True
It uses a random sample of data taken from a population to describe and make
inferences about the population Inferential Statistics

If your measurement scale is nominal or ordinal then you use parametric statistics
If your measurement scale is nominal or
ordinal then you use ______________________________.
= Parametric Test

What is the value of the perfect positive correlation +1

Homogeneity of variance is the assumption that:

The two populations have different variances

The error deviations within the SSE statistics measure distances: within groups

For the answer in number 8, the chi-square statistic formula is:

X 2 = (ad – bc) 2 (a + b + c + d)
(a + b)(c + d)(b + d)(a + c)

The inferential statistic rests on the underlying assumption that there is the
normal distribution of variable and the mean in known or assumed to be known.

The population is not confined to people only, but it may also include animals,
events, objects, buildings, etc. True

It is used to make predictions or comparisons about a larger group (a population)

using information gathered about a small part of that population.
Inferential Statistics

Comparison is one of the main functions of economics as the absolute figures

convey a very less meaning. False

Standard Deviation is a measure of how spread out is the distribution. False

The measures of central tendency are mean, median and mode. True
Which among the set is bimodal? {12, 22, 43, 22, 12}

The mean is sensitive to any change in value, unlike the median and mode, where
a change to an extreme or uncommon value usually has no effect. True

It is important to study statistics in order to formulate well-advance predictions.


Statistics help predicts the future course of action of the phenomena. Forecasting

It is often based on statements of statistical significance and probability.

Modern Science

It a characteristic or feature that varies, or changes within a study. Variable

Scientific research rarely leads to absolute certainty. True

The more variables, the more complex the study and the more complex the
statistical analysis. True

Variables can be defined in terms of measurable factors through a process of

________________. Operationalization

Independent and dependent variables always go on the same places in a graph.


Appropriate use of statistical methodology in data analysis means the data should
be analyzed in a way that is both scientifically and statistically unreasonable. False

Say you want to figure out which brand of microwave popcorn pops the most
kernels so you can get the most value for your money. You test different brands
of popcorn to see which bag pops the most popcorn kernels. Which among the
choices is the independent variable? Brand of popcorn bags

It is the non-parametric alternative test to the independent sample t-test.

Mann-Whitney test
When the difference between two population averages is being investigated, a t
test is used True

It is not possible to have a significant test statistic in a study where the effect is
slight. False

It is any characteristics, number, or quantity that can be measured or counted

It describes methods for analyzing quantitative data

A chi-square (X2) statistic is used to investigate whether distributions of

categorical variables differ from one another. True

Statistical Significance, or the probability of finding statistical significance is also

known as P-Value

A statistical test provides a mechanism for making quantitative decisions about a

process or processes. True

If any of the expected cell frequencies are less than 5, categories can be combined
so that all expected frequencies are at least 5. True

The main difference between the z and t-tests is that

For a z-test the population mean and standard deviation are needed

The chi-square distribution (also called the chi-squared distribution) is a special

case of the beta distribution. False

As the experimenter changes the independent variable, the change in the

________________ is observed and recorded Dependent Variable

This method is a non probability sampling technique where existing study subjects
recruit future subjects from among their acquaintances. Snowball Sampling

Non-parametric tests are valid for both non-Normally distributed data and
Normally distributed data, so why not use them all the time? True
As the number of observations increases, the t-distribution looks more like the
standard normal distribution. True

It is the act of taking a portion, or sample, of one sound recording and reusing it
as an instrument or a sound recording in a different song or piece. Sampling

A potential source of confusion in working out what statistics to use in analyzing

data is whether your data allows for parametric or non-parametric statistics. True

It is information that can be categorized into a classification. Discreet Data

The non-parametric test is the hypothesis test which provides generalizations for
making statements about the mean of the parent population. False

Analysis should reflect the design, and so a matched design should be followed by
a matched analysis. True

In a chi-square test for goodness of fit, the null hypothesis is used to create an
ideal, hypothetical sample. The frequencies in the ideal sample are called
___________. Expected Frequencies

Effect size is just another phrase for error term False

If you are using interval or ratio scales you use non-parametric statistics. False

A nice thing about the correlated groups design is that it can still be done even if
there are an uneven number of observations in the groups. False

The null hypothesis for all chi-square tests asks whether the observed number of
cases in a sample what we expect from knowledge of the population. True

The inferential statistic rests on the underlying assumption that there is the
normal distribution of variable and the mean in known or assumed to be known.

It is a sampling technique where the samples are gathered in a process that does
not give all the individuals in the population equal chances of being selected.
Non Probability Sampling

It is used to understand the nature of relationships between two individual

variables. Correlation Analysis

The t-test assesses whether the means of two groups are statistically different
from each other. True

What should Levene’s test be in order to use the ‘equal variance assumed’ row of
a t-test? It should be significant (P < 0.01)

The only difference between the z and single sample t-test are the size of the
samples. False

What is the purpose of a goodness-of-fit test?

To assesses whether the central tendency, variability and distribution of sample
is different from that of the population

What is a statistical test which is widely used to compare the mean of two groups
of samples. It is therefore to evaluate whether the means of the two sets of data
are statistically significantly different from each other? T-Test

Statistician now believe that if the expected value (E) falls below 5-10 our chi-
square test is not valid. False

The formula for the Chi-Square is a ratio. False

Test statistic for equality of r population means is MSC/MSE

The chi-square test is used when we have ordinal data. False

It is generally assumed that the ANOVA is an 'analysis of dependencies.'

A t-test compares means, while the ANOVA compares variances between populations. You
could technically perform a series of t-tests on your data
As the number of observations increases the t-distribution gets to look more like
the standard normal distribution. True

It is difficult to do flexible modelling with non-parametric tests, for example

allowing for confounding factors using multiple regression. True

This industry use statistical approaches to estimate the number of depositors and their
claims for a certain day

Select one:
a. Banking
b. Mathematics
c. Economics
d. Medicine

Which is considered as qualitative data?

Select one:
a. Height of a building
b. Temperature of a patient in degree
c. Number of students
d. The texture of a rock

Which among the data is a sample?

Select one:
a. All Employees of XYZ Company
b. One section out of all IT Students
c. Makatizen
d. Filipinos

Data collection used for a population.

Select one:
a. Sampling
b. Sample Survey
c. None of the Choices
d. Census

The statistics are presented in a indefinite form so they also help in condensing the data
into important figures.

Select one:

It is the average of all the elements of a set

Select one:
a. Mode
b. Mean
c. Median
d. Range

It means a subgroup of the members of population chosen for participation in the study

Select one:
a. Sample
b. Parameter
c. Census
d. Population
Interval scales are exactly like ratio scales, except that they have a true zero point
It is the variable whose change isn’t affected by any other variable in the experiment.
=Independent Variable
These are often used to communicate research findings and to support hypotheses and give
credibility to research methodology and conclusions.

Select one:
a. Statistical Method and Analyses
b. Analysis of data
c. Scientific Methods
d. Experimentation
Descriptive Statistics are used to present _______________ descriptions in a manageable form.

Select one:
a. Qualitative
b. Quantitative
c. Descriptive
d. Parametric

Analysis of variance is a statistical method of comparing the ________ of several populations.

Select one:
a. proportions
b. variances
c. standard deviations
d. means

To determine whether the test statistic of ANOVA is statistically significant, it can be

compared to a critical value. What two pieces of information are needed to determine the
critical value?

Select one:
a. expected frequency, obtained frequency
b. mean, sample standard deviation
c. sample size, number of groups
d. None of the mentioned

It is referred to as such because it is a test to prove an assumed cause and effect


Select one:
a. T-Test
c. Correlation Analysis
d. Chi-Square

If the true means of the k populations are equal, then MSTR/MSE should be:
Select one:
a. close to 1.00
b. more than 1.00
c. a negative value between 0 and - 1
d. close to 0.00

The number of rows in which total variance in a one way ANOVA partitioned is..

Select one:
a. 0
b. 4
c. 2
d. 3

It has an absolute zero.

Select one:
a. Nominal
b. Ratio
c. Interval
d. Ordinal
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Which is not a level of measurement?

Select one:
a. Nominal
b. Proportion
c. Ordinal
d. Interval
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Question 3
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Which among the set is bimodal?

Select one:
a. {122, 221, 122, 223}
b. {2, 2, 2, 3, 4,}
c. {55, 44, 33, 22, 11}
d. {12, 22, 43, 22, 12}
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Question 4
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Classify the level of measurement it belongs: Score in IQ Test

Select one:
a. Interval
b. Ordinal
c. Proportion
d. Ratio
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Question 5
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Descriptive Statistics is the branch of statistics that involves organizing, displaying and
describing data.

Select one:

Question 6
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Sex or Gender is classified under what level of measurement?

Select one:
a. Nominal
b. Ratio
c. Interval
d. Ordinal
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The independent variables are called as predicated variable because independent variables
predict or forecast the values of the dependent variable in the model.

Select one:

Question 8
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A set is said to be multimodal if it has _________________________.

Select one:
a. Three or more modes
b. Two modes
c. No mode
d. Four and more modes
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What does it says about question number 5?

Select one:
a. More people does not receive any gifts
b. More people receives video game
c. More people receives clothing
d. More people receives sports gear
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Question 10
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It a characteristic or feature that varies, or changes within a study

Select one:
a. Attribute
b. Criterion
c. Variable
d. Classification
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Question 11
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Which is an example of interval scale?

Select one:
a. Time of the day on a 12-hour clock
b. Income
c. Ruler
d. GPA
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Question 12
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Classify the level of measurement it belongs: Gender

Select one:
a. Nominal
b. Ratio
c. Ordinal
d. Interval
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The only permissible aspect related to numbers in a nominal scale is “counting.”

Select one:

Question 14
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All measurements contain some uncertainty and error, and statistical methods help us
quantify and characterize this uncertainty.

Select one:

Question 15
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The population is not confined to people only, but it may also include animals, events,
objects, buildings, etc.

Select one:

Question 16
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It has the highest level of measurements.

Select one:
a. Proportion
b. Interval
c. Ratio
d. Ordinal
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Question 17
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There are two key variables in every experiment: the dependent variable and the
independent variable.

Select one:

Question 18
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It is the outcome variable measured in each subject, which may be influenced by

manipulation of what variable?

Select one:
a. Continuous
b. Dependent
c. Independent
d. Discrete
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Question 19
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Which is not a level of measurement in Statistics?

Select one:
a. Ordinal
b. Proportion
c. Nominal
d. Interval
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Question 20
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Which is another term for dependent variable?

Select one:
a. Controlled Variable
b. Explanatory Variable
c. Predicted Variable
d. Input Variable
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Question 21
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It does not only classify and order the measurements, but it also specifies that the distances
between each interval on the scale are equivalent along the scale from low interval to high

Select one:
a. Ordinal
b. Nominal
c. Ratio
d. Interval
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Question 22
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Statistics provide a measure of proof that something is true.

Select one:

Question 23
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These are measurements for which there is no natural numerical scale, but which consist of
attributes, labels, or other non numerical characteristics.

Select one:
a. Discrete Data
b. Continuous Data
c. Qualitative Data
d. Quantitative Data
Which is not classified as Nominal?
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Question 24
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Comparison is one of the main functions of economics as the absolute figures convey a very
less meaning.
Select one:

Question 25
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Which of the following definition defines interval scale?

Select one:
a. Have no order and thus only gives names or labels to various categories
b. Have meaningful intervals between measurements, but there is no true starting point
c. Have the highest level of measurement
d. Have no order and thus only gives names or labels to various categories.
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It is also a logical grouping of attributes.

Select one:
a. Criterion
b. Attribute
c. Variable
It depends on physically measuring things.

= Analytical Method (NS)

d. Classification
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Question 27
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Compute the frequency of all nominal variables using what formula?

Select one:
a. =COUNT()
b. =FREQ()
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Question 28
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Statistics is only the science of uncertainty and not the technology of extracting information
from data.

Select one:
Question 29
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When the number of elements of the population is fixed and thus making it possible to
enumerate it in totality.

Select one:
a. Existent Population
b. Infinite Population
c. Finite Population
d. Hypothetical Population
Clear my choice

Examples of ratio level data include distance and area (e.g., acreage).

Question 30
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Achievement is classified under what level of measurement?

Select one:
a. Interval
b. Nominal
c. Ratio
d. Ordinal
Question 1
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Uses non parametric scale

Select one:

a. Interval

b. Ratio

c. Proportion

d. Ordinal

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Question 2
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The t-statistic rests on the underlying assumption that there is the normal distribution of
variable and the mean in known or assumed to be known.

Select one:


Question 3
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Use when you want to find a correlation between two sets of data.

Select one:

a. Kruskal-Wallis test

b. Mann-Whitney test

c. Mood's Median test

d. Spearman Rank Correlation

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A population can be small or large, as long as it includes all the data you are interested in.

Select one:


Question 5
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Valid for both non-Normally distributed data and Normally distributed data

Select one:

a. Non Parametric Test

b. Descriptive Statistics

c. Inferential Statistics

d. Parametric Test

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Question 6
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The parametric test is the hypothesis test which provides generalizations for making
statements about the ____________________ of the parent population.

Select one:
a. Median

b. Range

c. Mean

d. Mode

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Question 7
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If your measurement scale is nominal or

ordinal then you use ______________________________.

Select one:

a. Parametric Test

b. Non Parametric Test

c. Inferential Statistics

d. Descriptive Statistics

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Question 8
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Uses parametric scale

Select one:

a. Proportion

b. Interval

c. Nominal

d. Ordinal

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Question 9
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Parametric type of test.

Select one:

a. Chi-Square

b. Mann-Whitney Test

c. ANOVA Test

d. Fisher's exact test

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Question 10
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Those that make assumptions about the parameters of the population distribution from
which the sample is drawn

Select one:

a. Inferential Statistics

b. Descriptive Statistics

c. Non Parametric Test

d. Parametric Test

Question 1
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It is defined as "the statistical measure that identifies a single value as representative of an

entire distribution."

Select one:

a. Measures of Dispersion
b. Central Tendency

c. Measures of Location

d. Measures of Spread

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Question 2
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Visually represent the frequencies with which values of variables occur.

Select one:

a. Scatter Plots

b. Sociograms

c. Histograms

d. GIS

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Descriptive Statistics simply summaries about the sample and the measures

Select one:



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What is the mode of the scores of the subject Social Science?

Select one:

a. 2

b. 2.8

c. 3

d. 5

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Question 5
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Mean may be influenced profoundly by the extreme variables called _____________________.

Select one:

a. Standard Deviation

b. Range

c. Variance

d. Outliers

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The formula of sample mean is

Select one:



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Measures of central location include the range, quartiles and the interquartile range,
variance and standard deviation

Select one:



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Display networks of relationships among variables, enabling researchers to identify the

nature of relationships that would otherwise be too complex to conceptualize

Select one:

a. GIS

b. Scatter Plots

c. Sociograms

d. Histograms

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Question 9
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It is a measure of where the "middle fifty" is in a data set

Select one:

a. Interquartile Range

b. Variance

c. Percentile

d. Range

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Question 10
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It is the measurement of average distance between each quantity and mean

Select one:

a. Range

b. Percentile

c. Standard Deviation

d. Variance
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In ANOVA, 2 and 2

Select one:

a. estimate the size of the difference between groups

b. are central elements of the structural model

c. can be used to partition the total variance in scores into its components

d. identify which groups in the design are significantly different

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Question 2
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The error sum of squares can be obtained from the equation in two way ANOVA
Select one:

a. SSE = SST – SSR - SSC

b. SSE = SST + SSR + SSC

c. SST = SST + SSR - SSE

d. SSE = SST + SSR - SSC

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Question 3
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Analysis of variance is a statistical method of comparing the ________ of several populations.

Select one:

a. variances

b. standard deviations

c. proportions

d. means

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Question 4
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The main purpose of an ANOVA is to test if two or more groups differ from each other
significantly in one or more characteristics.

Select one:



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If you have categorical data, you'll want to run a non-parametric ANOVA (usually found
under a different heading in the software, like "nonparametric tests").

Select one:



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The ANOVA structural model (X = + + ) maps sample scores in terms of populations,

groups, and individual scores.
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Question 7
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To test equality of means of more than 2 populations which of the following techniques is

Select one:

a. T-test

b. Chi-Square Test


d. Interval estimate

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Question 8
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The alternative hypothesis for the test is that the two means are equal.

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Question 9
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T-test can help you to figure out if you need to reject the null hypothesis or accept the
alternate hypothesis.

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Question 10
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The ________ sum of squares measures the variability of the sample treatment means around
the overall mean
Select one:
a. interaction

b. treatment

c. error

d. total

An interval scale indicates direction, in addition to providing nominal information.


Nominal comes from the Latin root ‘name’ meaning nomen.


Classify the level of measurement it belongs: Birth Order


In ordinal measurement the numerical values just "name" the attribute uniquely.

It is a branch of science that deals with the collection, organization, analysis of data and
drawing of inferences from the samples to the whole population.

= Statistics (NS)

Using a ratio scale permits comparisons such as being twice as high, or one-half as much.

It is always possible to transform data from a higher level to a lower level but never the other
way around


Parametric tests have no statistical power


If you are using interval or ratio scales you use _________________________________.

= Parametric Test
Descriptive statistics therefore enables us to present the data in a more meaningful way,
which allows simpler interpretation of the data


It involves the examination across cases of one variable at a time.

= Univariate Analysis

A low standard deviation indicates that the data points are spread out over a wider range of


In statistics and probability, quartiles are values that divide your data into quarters provided
data is sorted in an ascending order.


What is the average of scores of the subject Mathematics?


Descriptive statistics help us to simplify large amounts of data in a sensible way.


Distributions cannot be displayed using percentages

What is the average of scores of the subject Social Science?

=2.6 (NS)
What function is use to compute for the average in Excel?

With descriptive statistics you are simply ________________ what is or what the data shows

= Describing(NS)
It is used to describe the basic features of the data in a study

= Descriptive Statistics
What is the median of the scores of the subject Science?

A researcher can create a map to represent data relationships visually using this

= Histogram Programs

We use unplanned comparisons to determine

= which pair or combination of means are significantly different(wrong)

You find a statistically significant ANOVA. In order to determine which groups are different,
you must conduct

= both planned and unplanned comparisons (wrong)

The greater the value of the F ratio,

= the larger the total variance(wrong)

ANOVA tests in statistics packages are run on parametric data.

The ______ sum of squares measures the variability of the observed values around their
respective treatment means.

= interaction (wrong)
The F ratio is defined as the average within-groups variance divided by the average
between-groups variance.

The F ratio is typically used to test differences between

= a sample and a population mean.(wrong)

Which of the following is an assumption of one-way ANOVA comparing samples from three
or more experimental treatments?

= All of the mentioned(wrong)

Any difference among the population means in the analysis of variance will inflate the
expected values of

= All of the above(wrong)

Which of the following assumptions of ANOVA can be discarded in case the sample size is

= Each population has equal variance (wrong)

The error deviations within the SSE statistic measure distances:

= between groups(wrong)

The number of rows in which total variance in a two way ANOVA partitioned is..

=3 (ns)
Statisticians assume a cause effect relationship and say that one or more independent,
controlled variables (the factors) cause the significant difference of one or more


If the MSE of an ANOVA for six treatment groups is known, you can compute
=all answers are correct(wrong )

If data in two way classification id displayed in r rows and k columns, then the degrees of
freedom for interaction will be…
=r-1 (wrong)

The null hypothesis in analysis of variance asks whether

= all groups are the same(wrong

Conducting a single F test in one-way ANOVA protects us from Type II error.


When the k population means are truly different from each other, it is likely that the average
error deviation:

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