Sei sulla pagina 1di 4

Answer the Red Boost Narberth

Cross Roll Call And Knock No One


,\rlllbti"e naY shOll I,] h,·,,,,,'l'orth havo whieh p\,el'Y entel'pri"ing ,\ IlI(,l'i "an EVERY COMMUNITY TO PROVIDE FACILITIES FOR OUT·
"onlJllUllit~- "houhl posse"s an,l ,,,hidl
an 111],]ed sign'ifh-all"e foJ' :'\aJ'l>erth
folks, as it was Oll the 1!1:.!0 allniyer- \\'ill fore\'er prec'lude tho lHll11ission of DOOR PLAY FOR ITS YOUTH AND A RECREATION
in"ong-rnous features ill our mi<1st.
sary of that COllspiellous dnte, :'\II\'elll-
bel' 11, that Borollgh residPllts, with Th,'rel'ol'{'. h<'1 wepll uow aull thp Oil'] CENTRE FOR ALL ITS MEMBERS.
high reso]ye, allthoriz"d th,' j'ol"lllatillll or th,' mouth, all Oppol'tuuity is alfo['(l-
of u. citizpn~' a~Hodatioll to (Ill H. fl'W 1I1(ll'(~ (,it iZPlIs 1() g"pt, 011 110:11'4]
p]a~-grolln,l pllrpllses th" fill" str"t"h 01'
a \'enturo whieh "'ill 1'{"]OUllrl to their The Last Available Site for Such a Purpose in Narberth is Now on the
lalld I>elw""ll "'indsor alH] Ha\'prfol'l!
a,~('nlle:-;, (,Jl(lillg' at ,r~YIlJlPw(H)(l a\"(llllH.l,
",'prla"t iUI-( "I'{'dit, \I'hi"h \\'ill indicate
that they pll""e"" ill truth a proper
neaJ'I~- (i a('res, "'hieh. :11],]",1 tot he t \\'0
aclditiollal ncres whieh arc aYai]al>h' foJ'
I'l'"ol-(uitioll of tho ohligatiou which is
theirs \dlh resped to 1111' c'ollimullity in
Shall the Community Secure It for Its Own or Shall It Be Allowed to 00
cOllllemnatioll \I'ithollt ('ost, ",ill afford \\'hic.h the~- Ii,"" "'hi,,h "hall make plain
that ,\morieanisJll is not only :L plati-
for Commercial or Other Depreciating Enterprises?
almost S aCl'('S of ('('lItra1h- ]o('at(',l
ground for conllllllllit~- l't'c'1'(:atillll pur- t\ll]e, hut a st('rling, Yirile thing, that
in\'ol\'('s dut ip" as w(']1 as rights, that
The Answer Must Be Made Now.
poses, athletic actidti('s, ete,
So, then, the start has heell Illa,]e am]
the records do llllt shll\\' that all~' proj-
hep,] is pai,l to tl\(' Ollt stanc]ing fact
that that generation ",hieh do"" not
Here Are the Facts of the Case:
ect hereahouts has h,'en gJ'eetecl with proYide for its po"terit~- has to he
Illore ref1'('shillg puhli,' spirt llor a more hralldp,] in the 1'("'01'<]" a" a wreteh~/l SITE: Nearly 6 Acres between Windsor and Haverford Avenues, ending,
railllre, as unworth~- allll unfit.
nnanimous desire for ei"ic hettel"lllent
and progr('ss. Act ion has heplI t h(' key- It is essential, th('n. that th(' ('o-op- at Wynnewood Avenue, now owned by Pennsylvania R. R. Co.
noto of the (,Ilt('rpri"" sillcc its incep- pl'atioll shall C'OIlIl' without eajoling
tion, and actioll lllU"t "ontinue to he the I :llHl withou1 (·(Iaxing. 1{(\(']lill~ in lIlilHI
that, aftpr all, 110 perllliment exp('lll]i-
PRICE: $30,000, a figure which it is said private factors are willing to
slog-an, for ,,'hat has alre:llly he ell dOlle
is a Hog-('t her too fine, too praiseworthy, t-ut'l':-i a n~ to 11(' 111:111('. as the' a~s()eia· pay.
to sufi'er from letharg-~-, frolll any spe- (iou propo,,",] is onl~- to hold the grolllHl
c·ies of in IHWUOIIS c]c'''lIel \Il]('. and it i" until slll'h tilll('. a Yl'ar 01' two. as thl]
('xl'ecte<1 t hat by De r (,IlIher 1st every I\orough "an 1l\~I'{'h;I"l' it oJ!i"ia'lIy, an,l OFFICIAL CONDITIONS: Borough cannot take immediate action officially
detail ,,,ill b(' cOIllpleted an<1 the Bor-
ough will then han' ill its grasp the
dnriJlg' t11p tillll' the eitizens' 1l10ney is
in\'('"I<'<1 it is to I,,· 1'('gar,kc1 as worth on account of present obligations and also because Bond Issue involved can=
last aYailahl" ,It·,,irahlc spot for the
(Continued on Page 4.)
not be approved by Electorate for at least one year. A year might be too
playgrolln1l r:Il·ilit iI'S an,l yillage g-reclI,
late-it unquestionably would be-therefore-
WqUttk6giuiug i1roduuuttinu It is proposed that a Company shall be formed of Narberth Citizens who
shall provide on a Stock or Bond Basis for the Equity Money necessary to get
In these times of progress in the affairs of the Nation and of the title to this Property now, as no binding options can be had. Will you co=oper=
World, and in the development of unity among the Nations and the ate along these lines?
strengthening of the ties of federation among our several states, it is
meet and fitting that each and every individual shOUld devote serious
i-A deposit of $100 shall be made for each share of stock
moments to the giving of thanks for the many blessings which we
or bond.
enjoy. 2-The subscribers shall obligate themselves to hold the plot
subject to its pnrch".se by the Borough for a period of 3 years,
With the outlook foi' the most bountifUl YIeld in the staples of hfe
the price to be paid by the Boroug'h to represent cost, which shall
which this country has ever produced, there is renewed reason for our
include the amount invested, plus interest, plus whatever carry-
giving of thanlts. The problems, foreign and domestic, whch have
ing charges have been incurred.
beset us in the past are, we lJelieve, in fair way to be solved. Our na-
tional, state, l1lunicipal and individual prosperity is constantly increas- 3-If the Borough fails to exercise its option within 3 years,
the Association can sell the property on its own account, in which
case a tidy profit should accrue to each man who co-op::rates in
The PreSident of these United States, and the Governor of the Com- this enterprise. Therefore, you are assu!'ed of a handsome re-
monwealth of Pennsylvania 11 ave, by proclamation, set apart and design- ward irrespective of what turn events take-
ated Thursday the Twenty-fifth day of November in the year of our Lord,
one thousand, nine hundred and twenty as a day of National Thanlt;;-
(A) Either by the incalculable benefit you bestow on the
entire community, particularly its youth, together with the en-
giving. hanced value which is assured every property in the Borough,
Now, therefore, I Carroll Downes, Cllief Burgess of the Borough of including your own, 01'-
Narberth, do hereby likewise proclaim that this day and date shonld (B) Vou will share in the excellent money profits which are
bc observed by the citizens of our Borough in proper manner and in altogether probable if the ground were used for a private venture.
accordance with the proclamation of the President of the United State3
and the Governor of the COlll1llOnwealth. As this outline is prepared, $22,500 has been subscribed as the result of a
Given under my hand and th'J seal of the Borough this Seventeenth
day of Novcmber in the year of our Lord, 1920, and of the Independenc.e
very casual and limited canvass.
of the United States, the One Hundred and Forty-sixth year. Not one man has rejected the idea nor the request for his co=operation.
Attest (Signed) CARROLL DOWNES
Charles V. Noel Chief Burgess Remember, you are not asked to give the money away-nor to lend H-
Secretary You are asked to invest it-at interest-in a fine piece of Main Line prop=
Situated in your own Home Town, right under your very eye-
In the Far East Christmas Market In a location where by the very nature of things the value must con=
NOVEl\ffiER 23 DECEMBER 4, 1920 stantly increase.
l 'rhe Community Club is anticipating
an unusual llll"'cting on Tucsuay', NOVClll-
The :'\arbert1l Methodist Episcopal
Church ",ill hold a Christmas Market
ill the Y. M. C. A. on Saturduy the
Therefore, confirm the amount which you ought to subscribe-
Arrange so that Narberth will assure its future-
hoI' :!;l. when the' aftel'llOOIl will h0
devoted to .Tapan. There will be a .tt h of Del'ember.
travel talk In- :Mrs. William F. Hamil- 'rhis Christmas Market will save you That its children shall have all the facilities other communities afford-
ton, :Mrs. H;\Il1ilton spoke of her trip monoy. All articles for sule will Ill'
throllg-h .1:Ipall at one of the recollt lIew ;uerl'hall,lise just. out of tho shops, and which no community should be without-
County COlln'lItions; alld has been se- etc., allll as eVl'rything is donated you
eurcd for the :'\nrh('rth Cillb. There will he ahll' to pllrehase fine attrncti,'e That healthful, clean athletics shall be provided for-
",ill be eurios too frolll the East. The gifts for vel'," l"~llsonablo priees anJ at
sitting will he .Tapane"o, the hostesses t he same timo help the Llll]ies' Aid of That our Borough shall have a Recreation Centre and a Village Green avail=
will rf'[ll'f'sellt .Tapan('se women, and tho the Chureh to assist in raising 1I0cessary
young girls rcnclel'ing tho Music will be 1I101Ie)' fur improvements. able to all its residents-
ill eostllllle. ~[iss Hose Hickin "'ilI sing. '1'he Christmas Market will he op('n
'rhreo ~-oun:-: girls ",ill give :t selection n fternOOll and evening-. That encroachment of any and all undesirable features shall be positively
Come bny your Christlllas Gifts and
from th,' :Mika,lo, Hllll :i\[iss Ann Bar-
,'Ia~- will sing a' Lullabye, tho music sa\'c monoy. precluded.
Ill'ing C'01l1jlOSe,l 1,y her mot he 1', Mr~. Homo Bali". PHlIl'Y Artic1('s, Aprous,
.Tosl'ph Bareht~·. Dolls, • 'Ilot Dogs," Candy, lee Cream, That we shall not lose the last oPP,ortunity which is available to us to do
Fish 1'olld. .Jellies and Preserves und
Blise(llla JleOllH.
that which has been so long desired.
'1'he reglllar ll11'l'tiJlg of the Cluh on PARCEL POST SERVIQE SUS-
Do not wait to be asked. Do not let delay spoil nor mar the fine spirit of
a ftpl'Jlt)()J1 .• l'OVPIHher 23, is to
be n t.Tapul1e:-:;c lllcctill~.
PENDED the occasion!
Pal',·e!s eanIlot ho uee,'ptl'tl for dis· Su bse I'i pi iOlIS lllay Ill' l'l'scn't;L1 by appJica tion to the officers
'rhe n,'wh- 1'01'1I1l'.1 orehest ra will llIeet
at :! 0 'e1oei~ in the COlllunity Hoolll un-
)lah,h to the ,\7,Ol'(,S IIlltil fnrthor notic,·. of tl\(, tplIlporal'Y organization.
Notiee date<1 No\,elllhor 10, 19:20.
d('r th" direetioll of 1\[rs. joseph Bar- J. J. CABREV, Temporary Prcsi(lcnt.
c1uy. AllY 'l1lC who has at finy time
played 11 string instrument is invih1d XMAS PARCELS ROBERT J. NASH, 'l'cmporary Secretary.
to join the c1uh ol'f~hestra, and atten,] Shollld he lIIaile<l early Hnll wrnpjl(',l ROBERT J. EDGAR, 'l'emporary 'l'reasul'pl'.
theso rehearsals. sec-lIreJy. Purcels lIIa~' be insured up to
$!i.OO for :lc.; $i'i to $:!i'i, iie.; $25 to $50
(Continued on Page 4.) 10c.; $50 to $100, 25e. '
- Of course, "'I

illg flowpr,.; frolll III)' gllnlen for the pnst Telephones,
OUR TOWN 11I01lth.
.\Iy olll,\' regr... i,.; thllt I di(1 1I0t re-
deliver - any
place'- any
port thp Jllatll\1' at all (\:tl'lipl' date, as 1268 time.
An Exp~rimel\t in Co-operative Ih,' al'l'pst Wll"; Illa,ltr withill t\\'L'lIt,\'-follr
Journalism-No Paid Workers. h"ur,.; 1'1'0111 the t illie the I'llIl1plaillt was The Brightest Spot in Narberth
It i~ to 1,,' hop,'d the WOI']; of YOllr
A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
Owned and Published every Saturday
1'"li('e ('Ollllllitt,'e nnt! Otli,·,'1' X,',·ill"; ;,.;
by the Narberth Civie Association.
flll1~- nPI'I'",'int,'t! 11,\' otll1'l' I'l'sidellt,.; of
Subscript ion price 011<' ,Iollar aJlll fifty
YOllrs \"('1'" I rilly.
cents per year in a,h·alle,'. (~ig-II,'d) FIL\':,\K .\', CL,\IU\:.
As bestos Insula ting Company
OFFICERS OF THE NARBERTH 315 W. Main Street, Norristown, Pa.
March 26, 1920.
Narbrook Residents THE FIRESIDE PHONES
President, Robert .J. Edgar.
Vice-President, Joseph H. Nash.
Approve Playground Norristown 791 MArket 4686 NArberth 302·J or 661·J
:\Iail your l'ar('e1H <'arly.
Vice-President, Augustus .1. Laos.
Vice·Presi(lent, J.[rs. C. P. Powler. LETTER FROM VICTOR D. ABEL
Treasurer, ~[iss .Haizie .1. Billl]lsoll. SHOWS NARBERTH'S COM-
t (I
'rIll' .:\Illt'rif'nll Ht't!
11l'l'OIlIC a lIJelll her.
enl:-;,"; ill\"itt, ..;
Estimates submitted on covering Boilers, Pip-
Secretary, ::\Iiss Huth Eo Prescott. MUNITY SPIRIT FOREMOST
Directors] !l:!:J, Mrs. A. B. Ross, Mrs.
IN MINDS OF NARBROOK I'an'p],.; S(,lIt ]'Y Illail Ina\' 1Je
ing, etc. All kinds of covering for all purposes
RESIDENTS •• Do lIot o!'l'n \I'llt i! Xlllas:"
D. D. Stickney, .J, Garfield Atherholt,
1. A. Miller, C, Lawrence Warwick, A. To th,' Edilol" of 0111" '1'011"11:-
E, Wohlert; Dircelor" l!l:lS, .J, .f. Ca-
brC'y, "'alter A. Pox, II. H. Hillegas,
ChnrlcR 11. A. Chaill. W. R. D. Hall,
Thp J·(':·;jd(,llt~ :llltl pr(lJlt'l't.\~ OWJIl'J'~
lI"ithill th,' "'"dill"S of :'\arl'l"lIoJ; Park
111('1 }'('('I'1Jth' :tilt! orgalliZI'd n:-- 'nH' Xar-
HeIIP\\, your 11Il'lll1H'i":"ltip
CroH"; an,1 join 111' ill :\nr},nlil.
i:Jdi,'~ will gi, e y011 :J ,,:tIl.
ill t lJ~' H".1
lJ,.r .------------------------------------------------------------
Harry A .•Jacohs; Directors l!j~l, P. A.
Lanahau, Danicl Leitch, G('orge T.
Knutzen, .J, B, X('sp('r, Jo'lctehcr 'V.
hrollk Pa r1~ 1III}II'o\"('1I1t'1l1 .\ :-;:-;0(' in t ion
1'0)' t h,' ]>1'011101 i011 of ,,· .. 1I'll 1"<' lI"it hill 1h\'
Park alJd abo 10 1')Wlllll':q1,'1' :llId gI't
:\Ia.l;" a goo,1
h.\' n'IlL'\\"illg" youI' Hl'd Crol"S
~ho,,·illg for Xa)'I"'l'lh
Sti tes.

Ilt'hilld all\~ 1lIO\'('1IIPlll ",hil'h i:-, to tIll'
" .. 11\'1'1111'111 of tl11' 1I·!tO](' of :'\lIl"h\'rth.
ship throllgh the I,wal ol'gallizatioll, . . REALTOR ..
l'lId(,1" the' l,dl"l" "at"gor.,' it \\"lI~ Oil)'
Editor. p}t':lSllJ'P 10 ]'(ll't'i\'(' 1'0111 )'lr. EIIg-:I1' a Miss Mazie .r. ~iIllJl";OIl is ,-i~itillg­ Specializing in
\·pr.\~ itll(ll't'st iug' l'l'port" (If t hI' Pl'lIgTP:-i:--i ~II'. lIIltl ~[r,.;. \\'. "\ I't 11111' Coh', III

A. J. Loos, Henry Rose,

Iwing' ]11:111(' low:! I'll t lip ('()lllpl('t ioB of
Illt fund :lJld progT:l1I1 I'UI' :I("'luiring' 1111'
Brat 1Ieho)'o, \"1.
AS9')cilltc Editors. t 1':11'1 (II' sub·
O"!'lllllld 1I0W
,idilln' of lh,' 1"'II)]~'·h·lIllia 'HlIilJ'oa,1
oWIlI·d 11\' :l Hll'- C:hl'islllIllH :-;eab lhi,.; Year i"r
all ':Olll' Chri~t llla~ IlllliJ. .!lei" stalt'l'
MAIZIE .J. SIMPSON, 1"'IW':,'11 \Yill.bol" .\\"(:11)]" alld th,' rail· "111 'th,' \\'hit" l'lagll(', Bll," YOllr "'lll~
Oashier. rflad rClI' thl' P"I'!'OSI' of ;-:PI'llrillg tn ill ~:a )'1>cl'th.
:'\lIl"lII'l"lh :1 Illod,'rn plllygl"olilld lIlId
'II hJt.t i(' 1i,'ld.
Send all advertising and news items to :\Ii" Idll :\I:I~- nalld" i~ 110"· a 1;l'a,;·
It \\':ls Il1t' SI'IISI' (If Il1t' 1}]('('1 illg' tha1
p, O. Box 966. \::111' lllll':-il'. hnYillg' l'tllllp1t'tl'd hl'l' train· Mortgages-Fire Insurance
Ih,' "ll",· .. ~~rlll ,'ol:JpJt.tioll of lhis pro· illg" ill {;al'l'i.'!:-'llll aud ;--';:tIll:lritHll Illh-
Our Towll is 011 sale Ilt the depot g'r:IJll is of vital illlport:llll'(' 111 tht'
"ilal,.;. 1001 Cheatnut Street, Pbila. 104 Grayling Avenue, Narberth
newsstnnd, llnd at the store of H. E. I"llllll"" of :'\"rl"'l"tlt :lIltl \\"ill k,',,1' it :11
Walnut 4443 - Race 1580 Narberth 605
Davis. tllt' 1'l'o11t 1':J1I].~ of prog:n':-:~i\"(' l'Ollllllllll-
it ii.':-'. 1"::11·11 IIIl'tllllt,1' pn':-;I'111 p]('d.:.!,·i.'d '1'1ll' I"illg-·~ ]iallghl,'rs \\"ill hold a Membe-, Philadelphia Rt!al Edott! Board
Entered llS sccond-class matt~r
hi:- 11101':11 :llld. \\"1\(,1'(' po~:-,ih1t" lill:lll- holtl" I'a!;,' at Ih,' hOllll' or .\ll's. llewit.i,
October ]5, 1914, at the Post Office r.t l'i:J1 ;-;UI':HII'1 10 tll(' lIJldl'J'tnkillg. ~\:-; llli E~:-;I'X ;lVt'lIltl',' :---;allll'da,\p, :\"U\"l'lIdll'l'
Narberth, Pennsylvania, undcr thc act tt'IlIPIl!':ll'.\P PI'I':-;jdplll of tIll' ~\:-:':-:Ilt"i:11 iOll. ~Ilth. I'nliH t\\"O til ti'''l' o'elul'k.
of March, 1879. it is IlI~P p 11':1:-;\1 rt' t () 1'1'(':-;('111 10 11H' 1'(':-'-
-~---_.-._----'--'- itll'llb "I" :\nrl.,'rlh, thl""lIgh "OUI" Thl' "·h,,e! lIill I", Jilk,l ill .I'lllllary
'1'0\\"11" 1hl' viI'\\":-: of tlto:-;t' li\'illg hi and t ht' 'Ii 1':'1 dr:L\\-ilJ~ \\·ill Ill' Ilwdl' fur
~nrllnllik ]):tr1\ :LlId 1tl ur;,,!:I' IlP0!l all of

tlli.' j'pl'l'tl:1"" t(')"Ill of ("Olll't fl'oJIl tlll~
OUR TOWN will gladly print
any news itCJm about any subject
that is of interest to Narberth
folks, but iu order to meet the
Illr i'1'l1o\\" l,j t i Zt'lI:" tIl(' t'Xl n'lIll' lh':-;i 1':1-
iJilil.\P of a:-;:"L,qillg" 111 :111 \\":1,\':-; po:.;:-;ihjp
tIll' \\'ul'l~ Ill' tllt' l'lIl1I111ittt,t' havill~
1·11:1 1':,2.'(' of t hI' a I"I':I IIgl'l1lt'1l1:-:.
li:--t:-; of a:--;-';i.::-;:--i.'d Illt'li aud

Edward \Y. ~Illith,

Uotlie!> E~lellg-,'r
\\,Olllell ,"ut·

IS Wisdom
Victor D. Abel.
printing schedule, all "copy" 11.:1\\:-i \\t.'1'e gUlllling ·.la~t
alltl l'o:-;i1l1::I:-:ll'1' to live within one's income always rather than some day to
~atllrday ill Ihe l'il'!\erillg \alley. 'rhey
-manuscripts-must reach the have to live without it. Saving something regularly, no
editor by 6 P. M. Wednesday each
Narberth High Wins hat;gi.'d foul' l'alddts.
matter how little, is the surest way.
Defeats Lower Merion High in Close Ci,·il :-:l"I'\·i"l' exalllillalioll ill );arherth
~U\"('lllbel' :!7. Lueal :.;e~n~tary j:; ~lis:; Savings deposited here are investments, as well, for
HlIlll lIalls at tIll' ]'o"t oti;"e, who will
SAT., NOVEMBER 20, 1920 :'\arl'"rtlt. I'll .• X",'. .I::,-This aftcr- sopl'l,\' all lIe"""sar~' "Iallks alltl ill,.;trlle- deposits earn 3,/( interest compounded. Begin the upbuilding
('I'o\\'d g'a1hpl"('d 011 tlh~ tiolls.
nOOIl all illlllll'll:"t' of your income protection fund, by opening an account with us.
gTtllllllJ:.- 1)1' 1.0\\"t'1' l-ligh
EMERGENCY PHONE CALLS Kl'hnol 10 \\"i111l':-::-; tIlt' tl':tlll':-; g-allll' wi:h l)llrillg thl' ~tUl'l1l T\lt'stla~p Hight; a
Fire, 350 11](' Xal"h"l"lh High ~"hlJlJl. .111 fa('!' th" larg" tn',' Oil tIll' laWll of J.lrs. tilllall,
Police, 1250 attr:u,tioTl W:l:-; :-;() g'1'l'at thnt a \'ast"t'r at Iii:! ])lIdh'\" .\'·'~lllle. was blowll dO\\"ll.
nowd has lI"'·,'!" ass"lIJ1,I,',1 t Ill'r",
fl':llll:-- l'1'pl"C':""'llt l'd :-;(·hODb It':-;:-; t hall
.111 fallllg il 'stru"k tl;,' h,'USl' hreakill;;
SI'\'I'J':d willtlo\\"s alld oth('ndse daIuag-
The Merion Title and Trust Company
half-Ill ilL, apal"t, all,l th,' spirit tlt,·~· di,.;- ing t Itt' propl'l'ty. OF ARDMORE, l'A.
Editorial I'Jay,'d ("'ok,'d Ih,' ,'llt1:lIsiaslll 01' th,'
lnon' ,'old-hloo"I'''. hnt ('qllall,'- ('age ..,
"'(' rt'grt'l to j,'arll Ihat AIlII,,~te
portioB of thl' ('1'0\\"11. The gallI(' ,,,ns
111 I h,' n'jlt,rl II"hi,'h II"lIS IlIlIdl' h~' tlw :\Il'l"hior, dallghler of 0111' fOrJ\I<'1' prill'
:l \'t.'I"~P :-;pil'itt'd 111:-;:-;1l'. tilt' \\"illllill~ tl'aJlI
,'ijJal, :\1 r. "·illialll T. :'IIt'I,'hior, has II<'l'lI
1'l'I,VgToliliti COllllllit II',' al 1 hI' jJllhlil' hi.'jll~ Xal'1Jt'l'th~ :-;t'lIl't' 1:: tu 7.
\"('Jy ill with Typhoid Fen'r at tlte
Narberth Office - - Opposite Station
IlH.'etillg" or ('itizl'lJ:-; {III .\I'I11i~li("t' ]):1:/, :\arh" .. th l'o~iloll L(I\\"('r :\I(' .. ion
SOllie hi~'ldy illtl'l'l'~,tilq~' rl':Itlln.. ·~ of tht..l ~lt'klJifll' hOlllt' in ~prillgtoWII, Pa.
,J"lIkins ]('fl "lid llotig"s
Borollgh's IiJ"lIll'illl sitlllll iOll 1I",'r" !;C. lIa,·i~ ', 1('l't 1,(('kl,' :\1"Kellt-y
v(',tll'd. ill"kdillg II", fll,,1 111111 );a:,' Kontz(' , .. krt g·na .. ti ,.,., .. Kis,;e) 1·'1<'t,·her :\L ~1 itl'~, \\'111, 11. Crealll<'r,
hpl't h. ':-, 1l1'(ISI'lit illdphlptlllPss i:-; ()Hl~· B. \Ya .. d .. , .. ' ,·,'nl"]" ... ,., .. ~o,,",'r ,Ir., lIol'a,',' :'II. ~t'i!l'II, .Iohll Gilroy, \\'al-
8::,;)(1(1. of "hidl $ll,I)(I(I will h" liqllid- :'IJa ..1ill ..... righl gllard \'ertl,.;" ler :\1. Bllrkhardt. alld .Iallies 11.. Follia
ntl'(l oil or h,'fon' .lall'I'II','- I, I!):!:!, as Enboll " .. ". rig-ht ta('klt, Case ,'oU~titlll(' th,' ,'ouIJllitt('e Oll B~·-Law,.;,
C'"t'J'Y :-:illl(illo' fund i~ rio'llt 11p to tht'
ll1arl~ :tlld all"','xjJl'lI~l'~ lIr~ \"'1'1 ~lri('jly
withill "lIIT"1I1 n',·,'I1I1", . Tlli,.; \"('I"\" sat-
UtiiOllt' .. " ... right ('tid " .. P:lth~r
J. ])i..I;('y .. , qllart.· ..1Ja"k ." DlI ..ham
Kllapp .,'. I"fl halfiJa,']; .. I\:ilpatril-k
COllstiluli"l1 ulld ('harll'r or th(' );al'-
berth I'laygroulld As,.;"eialioll :lI1'! the
lir,.;t 1Il<'('liug of th,' l'oulJuitlee will he
isfnetoJ'\~ f'OllllitifJll 11:1:-0 01lh- lJl't:1I HeM :'IL ni('k,'~- ., .. ight haJf1J,lt'k , .1'ax<'y will be worth a while investment if ordered to measure
h"ld at :'II r. :-;1 il"~' 1',,~i.I"II'·" 011 :'I[ou-
['OllljJlisi,,'d h," lhl' IIlItirillg 'alld illtl'lli- ('ook" ... ". fnllha('k M"rdan 11ay l'\"Cllillg", :\O\"l'llltH'l' ~:!. lO:!(). It i~ here. You will get
g"111 ajJpli('lIt iOIl "hi"h COIIII"ib have 'l'oll('hdo\\"o~-Kilpatrick, .T. Dielw~', eal,'uatrd thut this fOl'Iui,lah!l' array
gin'lI ollr:tfIairs for thl' last f,'W Y"lIr~, M, Di('k,,~'. (;oals frolll tOIl,,1:"own-•.1. I. Artistic Hand Tailoring
us }l1'l·\"iuus 10 that Wt' \\"\')'(' ill a s(lrr.,'
of kgal lig-ht" \\"ill pl'odue,' a dOl'U1UL'Ut
Di,,];,','" ]'0,,·,,11. whiell would "\"eu fuuel iou ill aBo]·
plight, all'! it n"!lIil'l'd thl' h"n'lIleall 2. Splendid and accurate fit
III"thod~ whi,'h 1I"1']"t' Ildol'll',l to I'II"d
Sh",·ist ie jUl'i~d it'! iou,
the jJl'l''''lIt highl," d,'~irahll' sitlllltioll, 3. Authentic and Smart Styles
Th,' (Tl'dil of thl' Borollgh is 110"· at th,' 4. Quality Trimmings
highl'~t of it~ history, lI"il h a";SI'S~llIl'lIt,.; BUYS NARBERTH RESIDENCE.
:jlli,'ldy al'l,,'oa,·hillg $::.(1(111,(111(1, all,1 :t 5. Exclusive 100 % all pure Wool Fabrics
is ,,]lugt'thl'r lil;t'I~' that COIIII"ib, 1'1'.1 I'r,,~iti<'lIt-:'Ifr~. E. C. Bat,'h"lor.
lip a:-; t Ill):'~ :tl'p 011 1114' ('U1'l1 heef anti ~Illullell .'\: Barry ha '.1' sol,1 for Alll'u Come in, m~ke your selection for a new Suit or Overcoat
First Yi,'" .1'r",.;,-:\lr,.;. C. P. Fo,,"ler.
('ahlJ:q"::I' of h'g-islatioJl, l'oads :LlId Sl'W- H",'oll,l Yin' 1'I'l',,;,-:\1 rs. A. B, Ros,l.
X. Youug to .T, \\'. Ferg-u,,;oll a Colollial from the gn;md assortment of over 500 styles on display.
el's and :-rHl'hag-I' :lfld :IShl'S~ will \\,pl- l't.'l·dt1l'Il('o of tWt'lYl' I'OUIII:-<, of ~t neeo,
Corl'l'sIH)llcling ~t'(' 't.-l\frs. E. !\[l1S- French Dry Cleaning and Dyeing. Scouring, Pressing,
('Ollll' Ihp OplltIl'tllllit,'- to spl'l'at! thplIl' with garage, .I-l Ellllwoo,1 a \"('11 Ill', Nar-
,,1m III!'.
:,\~l\'c~ 011 wt l1'a 1'(\ Pl'·1:--: :-ill('h a:-: the
Hp('OI'dilig K(len'1ary-:\rl'~. X. J\ntlcr-
I,,'rth, whi"h was ]J('1<1 for ,.;ale at $1[;,- Repairing. Work Guaranteed. Prices reasonable.
pla~'gl'olll"I, if it i" al al! I'ra'" ieahlp, ;)00.
(l~ :-:ueh Pllh'rpl'i:-;PH al'(~ quilt' ill :lel'ord
1"011. Telephone us, Narberth 1749 R. and our automobile
'l'r,'a";lIrer-:\fr~. .Te,.;s" Harri,.;.
,,·ith thpil' 0\\"11 high 1"'l'sollal stillul- will call at your home for your clothes.
Chairmen of Conullittecs
at'd", lIlIt! tlll' ('Ollllllllllit~' ,·all .1"1"'11,1 Fi lIall(',~-:\frs. \\', :l\[lIlholla n(l.
on tl1"111 to n'll,h'l' pll'""tin' lIit! 'Yilhin
thpir lilldtatioll~ 11II(1 st ill ,'oll,ltu't tJlll
!Itllllinistratioll of our p\"('IT,la,' alfail''';
Hospitalit~·-M]"s. \\'. Li,·ingston,
L,,~i,.;lal ion-Mrs. ,\. B. Hoss.
Lit:"ratll",'-Mrs. H, 1-'. \\·oo,l.
Two cents per wor<1 If ('asb uecolU·
In thp "arpf1l1 'lilt! .iut!i,'i,',u~' IImlllll'r l\T"III1Jl'r,.;hil'-~f]"". Hora,·" :l\foore, panics al!,'crtlsement: otherwise. lIve
102 Forrest Avenue, Narberth, Pa.
\\"hi,.]1 has ehara"t"l'iz"t! tlu'il' ]ll'p\'iolls ~fllsi('·-l\frN, .Tos"l'h Barela,'"
supprvi:-:joll. ccnts per word,
I']'('ss--:\fr,.;, U, A. ,T,lt'ohs.
.1'rogralll-?lfrs. C. P. Fowler. Open Evenings Until 9 O'clock
1\'0\,(,1111",1' !lth, 1!I:!Il. TEACHER or Jler~ou eapahle of earil.;;
"'ill,l~or lIlIt! lllllllpd"11 A \'l'1I11l'~, Jnnior Chaptcr for youllg ehildrl'u waut"d for alter'
Xal'l,,'rth, l'l'lIl1a. lIatiug- 'l'ue,.;,lay afteruoou,.; at the Y.
To th., l'n'Hidl'lIt alld Melld,,'rH of Bor- ehll i nlla n-:\[rs, Hora"" ~I O'lI'''. ;\L C. A. Alldr",.;,.;, X, Olll' TowlI. (H·P)
ough COIlIll'iJ, :'\arlll'rth, 1'('lIIla.
\'i.,<, Chainnlln-l\lr,.;. Kurlllan ~ollth·
FOR RENT-Hall' or a two ,'ar garage
The writL'r wislw,.; to thallI, an,l high- -$!l II 1I101lth. ](I::~, Xarh,'rth An)- Cleveland and Ford Sales and Service. Quick deliveries on
ly "OJIlllu'II,1 YOllr I'x"L'lh'lIt Polie!' De·
partllIellt for th" alT('st IllJ(1 l'oll\'ietioll OFFICERS OF THE WOMEN'S AUX·
IIU,'. (H·P) all cars. All k.inds of Auto Repairing
of the ";lIeak thil'f ,yho h:l<l hl'1'1I Hteal· ILIARY, NARBERTH Y. M. C. A.
!'l'l'~ident'-:"Mrs, D. D. :::iticklley.
FOR SALE--'l'hnJl' pip('!, tape,.;tr~· Ii," Work. Guaranteed Oils, Gas, Supplies
illg" ";llih'. Pholl" Xarl"'l'th 1Hl::-,T.
Viee·President-Mrs. J. B. Darlington.
(H·P) Narberth 1605 L. C. SHAHAN. Prop.
Secretury-l\lrs, C. L. McLean.
SPENDING VERSUS SAVING Treasurcr-Mrs. H. C. Keirn.
J..if" iUHlll'llHt'P is Hfllllll~·.1t \\:"hpll
hur UIl)"tlJiuc- whntsO(l\"t'I' .\"Ol) HlIt'IHI ;\"nul'
1ll0nf"~' nlll) it is ,l.:'OIlP. But w!lt'll y01l hHY
Chairmen of Oommittees,
GARAGE SPACE for 1'!'lIt-Apply ]\[r~.
PeaHc, :lIS Narberth An'., Narherth. The Misses Zentmayer's
Membership-Mrs. Samuel Dickie. (C·Ii)
life InHlll'Htll'l' ~·Otl sU\'p ~'otll' 111011(1)'.
the 1II0re PHI thus NflPllll th" rlelll'1' "lther
or )'olll' fUllIlly will :-;ulllP tlllw bt'.
Visiting-l\Irs. Romaine Hoffman.
HOllse-Mrs. W. N. Mills. FOR SALE-New Home Hotary Sewill~
FREDERIC A~ LANAHAN Social-Mrs. G. Merritt Davis. l\Inchine chenp. Phone Narberth Will Reopen September 15, 1920
Phonl' Nllrberth al4 n. Musie-~Irs. T. Noel Butler. 358 M. (6·1'·)

tiollal l\ft'et ing-, A HC'rviee of Hong an,l arrang",l with }'l'IInkfor,1 ni~h 8t'hool

prai,;e for ,',onllg people. and (;"1'111:\ IItOWII }'rit'IHl,;'. '1'0 theso

Kill That Cold With A ~s~/~.e!A

i:+;i P. l\1.-I';"C'llillg \\"orship. ,Sermon allll'S 11I1)('h "all lin ,~rl'ditt'<1 towal'll our
11," lhe pastor. J\[II,;i(' 1Iy lhc Chorus ~l1('(·('~:-:fu! S(,:I~Oll.
Finest Photoplay The-
direde" I,,' I'rof. C, C. :'\i,'". 'I'hl' lil'st goa 1111' of tl1l' s('a';OIl was lost, atre 01 118 Size In the
"The Stream of Life," 1I0t thJ'()lIg']1 th,' pOOl" playing of the Entire World.
])0 Hot lllisH seeillg th(' gn'at lie;\, I"alll as a \\"holl', hilt thl"oll~h thl' ig"llor- Pb.topl.,....-ConUnuous 10 A. M. to U.S.
photo'pla,", "'I'he Sln'llIlI of Life," al)('" "I' pl'lIa1l," 1'IJ1"s Oil lh" part of P.M.
s[lIming 1'01' th .. last tillll' io :'\arherth "'\"I'I'al of lh,' p1a~'I'I's. 'I'hl"ollg"h thl'sc
to-llight, :'\0\'. :!1l1h) at :'\arherth lIlistak"s onr ,'11:111""'; to will wCl"e 10Ht. Phlla.• Po.
::I1l'thodist El'i"'opal ('hlll'eh at H:1l0 0" 0111' othl'J' ~nllJl's 11:1\'(' l)('(\H Wol1 jn
,·I,wk. :'\othillg- lil'l' it sillee (:ritlith's ordl'l". Tho ,,'oJ'l'S of all thl' A"\Il1es
FOR AND "Birth ot' a :"atioll." .\drlli"ioll fifty folio\\" :
('Pllt:-;. :'\nl'l"'l"lh (I •••• llal"h" i
Colds, Coughs La Gri.ppe \Y,'"k,daY :"ot ie"s: );nl'l",)·th :!II ... Ha,lliolllil'ld 0
\\'"dne"i:l\' ~+I h. i :1111 P. J\L-Pr('- Xnl"lIl'rth 7 ., .. Haddoll Hl'ig-Itt,; 0 PROGRAM
Neglected Colds arc Dangerous IJ:lrat()I'.\~ 111(:11111(\1';-; (·lns:-o. :\al"hl'l"lh 1:': ,\liillgtoll 0
T:.'c', :!'O c:'ances. !{eep this mandard remedy l:andy for the first snee"". H:IIII P. :\I.--('ra\"('r "'n'i,',,. :\al"1:"l"th IS '" ::Ilof\l·",;towll 0
Breaks up n cold in 24 hours - Relieves Thill'S":"', S\l\'. ·:!.i. 111:::11 ,\. :\1'.- );arl'I'l"th 1:: '" 1.0 11",' r ::Ill'l"ion 7
4\lIlI\I:ll l"~Jiofl Thallksgi\"ill~ _Day ~P1'4
Gripp~ b 3 days-Excellent for Headache
,'i,'l' of tlll~ Prutestallt Chllrl'1I1''; of
'I'otal ., .71 .. , " , ., 1,1 WEEK of NOVEMBER 22
Ouinin3 in thi~ form does not affect the head-Cascara is best Tonic j)lIl"illl~ all till' ~:IIIIl'S :,pl''1111iil t,'alll-
Laxative-- No Opiat'" in Hill's. :\arhl'rlh at lh,' :\l"l'thodist Epi"'o)lld \U)J'I" tllt\ rl\:->ult of li,li' ('oH('hillg, was
Chlln·h. Hl'\". .Johll \'all :\ess, pre,;id' :lispla,"",1, 'fh" spirit of lh., t"alll abll
jug. ll,'~ thl\ Ht'\". ;\\"('l'~' S.
W:t:-1 \'pry ~Oll(J, ('~lh,('i:lIl,Y at Lo,,"{\1'

lh'IIII1IY. l\ll1si,' IIl1d"r tht' dire('tioll of
Prof. 'Cla !'l'II,·" C. :\ i'·I'.
Grand Bazaar
:\["l"i"lI. \\"h " !'l' 1 h" illololllilabJp spil"it ot'
t lip !l \('1 I f'nl:"lIPd t lit' OpplllH'1I1 ~, dpf't'II:-ot'
"Behold My Wife"
,,1111 "11:J1,Jood liS to \\"ill 1111 IIphill ,'i,·tol·,'"
BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE '1'111' ;\II IIl1al Christlll::S Bazaar 11'11.1,,1' Till' n'gulnr lilll'lIP of t~l(' tt'HIIl folIow:-::
Lndi(':-;' ..:\id ~l)l'i(,1.'4 illlSpi('(':-; will hl~
IlI'ld, aft "1'110011 alld l""'lIill~, Oee. o1th, 11. E... , .. OolioJ"lII'
:11 thl' r. 2\1. c. ;\. 1\lIildill~. :\arh"rtll. H. '1'••..•• Dn\'i:"
SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. Rev. Avery S. Delllll1Y, Pastor.
l'l'ppal'L' ttl :-;(,1('(,t ,\'11111' (:lIri:"tlll:lS gift,.; H. (i • . '" . :\Iart ill
(' \\'al"<l
~1I11l1a.\·. \'O\"I'lniH'l' ~1, ']n~lJ:
1'1'0111 this ",,' raordillar'.,· dS)lla~' of
Merion Meeting House, Merton, Pa.. fn 11('~~ wOI'I< and c'lIlJiI'(' J10\·Pltil':"i. I.. n Kllllt;~"" ~IAIN l'I\OnUCTION !:l'l'AltTli AS r<EAa
11 :1111 A. :\r.-~lol'lIillg \\'orship. :-;er, L. 'I' EnlJllall AS l'OSsI8LE TO 10.00 A. ;\I., 12.00, 2.00,
111011 b,"lh,' pastor Oil th,' sllhjl'"t, ":-;a\,· I.. I'; l<'lIkills «':qol.1
Merion Mecting is open for worBhip THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 3.J5, 11.45, 7.·111, 9,30 P. M.
illg Till' ~a\'('d-Th(' Hp\'i"nl \Ve Xel't1·
(~. ll. . 001". Dil' k i,'
every First·day morning at 11 0 'clock. :\1:111. :!:~::27, :~S. H. ll. B.. , .I:llapp
:!:::l) I). :'\1.--EXt'J'('i:-:I'S e01l11l1t.'lIlOratiJl~.{ Rev. John Van Ner,s, Minister.
We CUI diallj' weleome any visitors who L. 11. H i\L Di<'ld"
Ih,' T\\""lIty-nillth ,\lIl1i\"er,;ary of t!t\l Jo'. B
desire to worship with us.


Bibl" ~('hool.
Dr. .Johll GOJ'(lon \\'ill

7:1111 ('. :\I.-Ylln~ People's ]\[eclillg.

!I:~;) .\:
for Jlt'x1 Hllllda\":
~1.-':-;i1nola,' ~,'h;,ol.
11 :1111 ,\. ::IL--I'"l,ii,' \\"lIrship. :--iI'1'-
t: 'ool:e
Tilt' fil':-:l :-:tring' J):I'II \rho st:tl'l'(·d ill
I ht' ,":ll'ioll:-- gallil's :11'(' Hih'.\~, ~1I1l'c1h'y,
I.ead,'r, :\Iiss .Jeall Honston. 111011 h~' t h,' p:IS' 01" frolll t 1Il' t I'xl "lk- lIilJooglls•.\. \\"lIl"d, (,'al.l\\,,'11 alld ::IllIll,'r. RayDlond Weiss, Proprietor
W:Lrt' that tholl forgl't 1I0t." l'lIt' :l,'t'r:q.::l' \\"l,jg:ht ur tltt' Il':l11I i:-: ap"
Rev. R. F. Cowley, Rector.
7:,1;) 'I'. ::I1.-E\"l'lIillg' \\'orship. :-';lIh,
,ip(·'. "TIJt' ('ross of \'hl'ist." l[~'IIII1S
7:()() P. ~L-~I'lliol' Elldp:l\'ol' I'roXillllll,'I:.' I.-I.). lilll' 11;11, h:ll'!,ti"loI, I,Li. GASOLINE, OIL, SUPPLIES
ilq.~. :\Illr·h ('n'dit is 0111" 2\11". Bal"foot. Ihe

Earl.,' :\I:,,~ "" ~l1ll1la~'s at 7 ;\. ::II.

:lllti :-;Pl'lllOJlS Oil tht' thl'llll'.
7:1111 1'. ~1.-,lll1liol' Elld,'a,'ol" 1III'I,tillg" ('0:1('11. rill' Iii=-- ulltiring" {'I1'ol"t ill pl';Jdu(·· EXPERT REPAIRING
hl'lol ill till' II"\\" I'rinlnl"\' H''''1I1. ill" a IH'\\'"rful t"lIl1l 1'01" OUI' sl'hoo!. ,\s
Lukl' :!:~.:'~:L T .Iephone Narberth 1633
Late ::II a", 111 .\. :\1. 7:,1;) 1'. ::IL--I';\'('IJillg" \\'ol"ship. SI'I'- "o;"h a 1101 fri"llil III' is \\",,11 lik"d hy
\\~(\t'k dn\' ~t'I'\'il'l\;';:
::IlasH's 1111 h,,]." days, li.::O alld S.:;O 111011 thl'III1' "\\'rittl'lI !o"forl' MI'." ,til lhl' jl1n.'"t'J'~ :Illd !lis :"pil'i.t ill :-:ti('ldug --" -------'.. ------
\\'"dlll'sd;I.'.' ,,",:1111 1': ::Ir.,-ThallksgiY-
;\. ::II'. "'""k,1:I."~ :11 S. En'ning I1CYO- :\'('xt ,rt'chll'~d:l,\' 1,\"plling: 1'r:1~'1'1' '0 tl.l' It':1111 thl"lIl1;~h Ihil'k :llId Ihill lIIay
iug Prayt'r ~11·t'1iJlg:.'et, "Things
tioJl~ :tlltl lit Ill'!' :"ipl'\"it,('s at regular for \\'hi,'h I Thallkfll!."
1I1l'l'ting. ~uj,.i",'t," \\'hnt ha,'" 1. to Ill' 1a !u'!1 :Is all t':\:llllpit',
il,' t ha 111\1'111 1'01'." NurlJerth vs Lower Merion
1 illl(,~. '1'hursda,", 111::;11 .\. i\I.-Cllion
rrhalll.:;sgiYing" ~pr\'il'l' ill rhl' .:\rl'thlltlht
Chu!"l'h. ~"1'1I1011 b," 1h" IHI't or of thi"
Thallksgi,'illg' J)i1,':. 111:::11 .\. :\1.--
Cnioll ThHtll,:-.;g'i\"illg ill the" -:\rt'1hod;..;t
~attlrd:l'''. ;\0\"('11111('1' l:~th W:1:" all
idl'al .1:1\' '1'01' footh:III, 1Ilid th" :'\adll'l"th
'Ilid 1.0;\"1'1" 2\1"l"ioll lligh ~,·hools took
ALL SAINTS CHURCH, WYNNE- Chul'('h. ('hul'<·h. ~"I'11\1I11 h.,' 111"'. ,\. :-;. ])1'111111,)'.
WOOD, PA, ()II ~t1Ild:I~' 11101'IIi,,12.", :'\0'-. :!,""', :\rl', \'all :1,I\'alltllg" of th,' hrisk \I'''al:ll<'l" l~'
";1:q.::ing" tht ' ('losl':,,1 :lnd 1H':-'1 pla~'('d
Plumbing Roofing
:'o:I':"~ will prt'ilC'll 011 tIll' :-.;igllilif'allt'p of
Rev. Gibson Bel!, Locum Tenens.
NARBERTH .METHODIST .EPISCO- 111(, I'()tllillg" lit' 1111' Pil;..: :rilll l·~ath('r~. Thi~ fopth:lil gallH' til' the ::,('a:-:UJI, oil Heating
Rev. Malbone H. Birckhead, Associate. PAL CHURCH \\'i!1 hl' fo!1o'sl'd '"I \\· .. ,!tll'sda." 1"·l'llilig. 1411\H'1' -.:\It'l'iOIl gl'oulId;..;, Bo1h tt'alllS
11",,)"(' \\",,11 1','p)"('~"I1I"d alld th" Slll,,·tll'
Sunday scn'ices: J)('(,. I. II\~ :I 1):I~. .:,"l':tIl1 ill (lOIlIIlIt ' 111111':1· The Time is Ripe Now for Us
8.15 A, J\L-Uoly Communion. Arthnr S. Wal1s, Pastor. I ion of t 1;1' rl'('I'(":llt i'II:lI'~-, gi \'1'11 11.,' t hl~ I (ll':"i kept t hl'lll:,,('h't'~ \\'a nIL 11,\' Ilia king

!J.45 A, J\r.-Sul;l1ay School. \\,l'sIIUillst"I' ('il"dl'. :IS lllUt·h ll()i~(' H:" pn:--:"ih!l'.
'I'IIl' 111"11 ll'I1 t tll" whistll' hit,\\", buth to overhaul yOUf HEATING SyS-
11.00 A. ::IL-::IIorning service and ser- ~l1Jlll:t.'·' ~ O\"('lllht'l'
:21;.;t. Till' \\'Olllt'II'~ Bihlt' (1l:1~:" \\"('1'(\ dt'-
It':lill:" Wt'l'l' fig-lJtillg' thl'ir hard('st to TEM fOf the coming WINTER.
mon. !I:~::; ,\. ::II.-~ulld:l\' Sl'1100!. 1i.~~lttfl\lI.I' \'lIll'l"tnilll'd at th,' hOIlIl' ot'
A free auto111ls brings tllO children to
and from Sunday School and the mem'
!I:~;; .\. i\1.-~I"1I Bible Cla,;s. Hon. :\Irs. L. .\.1.:11111"'1"1 last Thursda," ,'\"('n-
\I'ill Ih,' lallr"ls of thl' da\'. '1'h,' 1'1101 of
thl' lirst half sa\\" ],0\\'1';' 2\ftorion 11'alll
We are in a position to give you
excellent SERVICE immediately.
F. \\'. ~t ill'S, T,'a"III'I'. It':ltlill~!:h,\p a z.;l'ol'l~ of 7-0.
hers to and from Church, lcaving Nar· ] 1 :1111 ,\, ::11.-:\1 orlli IIg worship.
berth Station at !J.40 ani! 10.40. If .\lth"uglt it SI"'IlI"ol lhat );ar!J('rtlt WE are the Agents for Ihe KING
Thalll.:;sg·jYiJlg: ill ~(\rIlIl)Jl Hlld Atithclll.
requested it will lea Ye the station at \\"as ont-"lassl'oI ill til<' first half, t1ll'y KOAL KARBURETOR, a device
Ii :~;i 1'.:\1.-1-:1'\\"01'1 h League De\"o-
8.00 for the early ser\'ice. "allll' hal'k wilh 11"\\' h,,}!,' alld I'lIe1'gy which Kuts your Koal Bill 25-40;;'.
ill lh" s,','olld half. \\'ithill ihc Jir,;t d<:si~ned for Furnaces, Tank
1',,\\, IIlillllt"S of plar, .Johll Oil'kil', ot' Healers, Boiler~ a' d Coal Ranges.
:'\ a rbl'rh. b',' 1IIl'a liS of olle of hi,; fa 1lI-
Give us a Kall. Narberth 302J.
Narberth Register 'illS IOllg "II:\,rlllls, "'o!"l'd lh l, Jirsl loudt-
dl"l"lI for :\ar!Il'rth, bllt h,' faihod to
ki,·k lhl' gOld. 1.0\\"('1' ::Ileriull tlll'I1 hod
Two Lines, JOe per issue; Sc for each additional line 11.\' tlll(~ p;,iIlL

.o\CCOUNTANTS ,\t l:,..J('

III th,' h,'gilillilig of tIll' lasl 'lllllrll'r,
althoug"h 1..')\\'('1' ~\lt'l'ioll was h'adill~ 7 For Permanent
10 Ii, it 'I"as l'asil\" ",'l'I1 that th,'" \\:tlltld
Gult.hull, II. Ii, 1'lILlik Accountanl, 303
COl1WUY An'JllIt', X:lJ'lWl'th. l'a.
1le1m, n.
C. Certified Public Accountant.
,JaU'k!oiOIl, .\UIll-·. \"ioll11 ]lI:-itructloll,
'l'l'lt'plloIH', ~al'bt',.t11 :ntj-.J.
I.. OUIS, ."UIIIlJ.' 11. !'iallo ll'llcllCr.
lIot 1'l'lIlaill altl':!;1 as th" ~arh,:rth Iii'll'
W:I:-' :"1l'atli1y ad\":IIlC'illg through ('olltin-
202 Dudley aV". Phone. Narberth 100-W.
MHm,,'I'Os ('O\'EBI:-;(i.
~:aulllo,Areul!!' Bill!;. 1'lIont', 31G-J.
SCHOOL NOTES lIa! gaills 111 a 01" b~' tit" sIal' flllll I:tl' I"
,\rthllr ('!Iok,'. WithiIl a fl'll" 1I111llll'IIls BUY A
..\sl)('.... ul" III",ulatillJ.: ('nmlU1n~', ".-Iferles, ... 11. III :-Iarbertb ave. "'Without Imlting, without rest,
:n,-. \\', :\Iaill ~tI'P\'t. :\,Ol'l'i:-,toWll, Pa" Phone, 666·M. litis 'I"as l"l'aliz,,01 as ::Ilillarll Ili"ki"
Lifting bctter lip to best."

Smedley Built Home

~4'(' dlsp):Ir ;It}\'l'l't iSPIIll'nt III t hi:-, isslll', Sinl1)"'On, llorry 4\. 232 Essex Ave. "ani",l thl' ball ano" th,' lill\' for
Pllont'. Nurbertll G3(j. :'\arhl'rt h's SI"'Ollo! tOlll'h,doWIi. ,J"hll
AUTO~IOUII,mS. Tyson, Warren R. Pbone, Narbertb 1202· W,
Le",,' Garlll{e-Rcpalrlnl;. Etc. Phone, 1605. I>il'kitl Idt"kl'tl t1l,' g"oal, 1llHkillg' tlll~
Narherth (;urul:c. I'hone NllrLJerth 1Il33. OI'TICIA~l'! NARBERTH lIIGH SCHOOL HAS
Fenton. Carl Ir. 606 Essex ave. Phone, 6aS-" ';('OJ"(' 1::-7. whit'li was Jillal. .\~ sooll
~P(' ,!isplny ndYl'rtispllIent In this IsslIe.
Pblla. addre..... 1808 Cheetnut st. Locuot i l l STRONGEST TEAM IN YEARS lS :\lillard Ili('kil' 111:11'" th,' tOIl\'h,doWII,
.\t"'I'O~IOHIJ,E I"EI{\'J{'E. Zentma)'er, Josel,h. 2~S S. 15tll st.. Pbtla. I h,' :\a1'l)(,l"lh rOllll'rs \\"1'111 wil,l \\"ifh
Donohue. l'lltrit'l, .... l'!tOll(' ]03:1.
itl,\~. 111 a f('\\' llii II tI t (':'; t hI' ~:lJl1(' \\':1:"
See disVlny 1l1}\"prtisl'llll:nt in tlli~_~~~'H1e.
~nhit' ('('lIsun', 11 11011(', :\al'lH'l"t II hl_. Walzer, Fred.
117 Winsor ave. Pbone, 1247-J.
\\'hl'1I th" first "all 1'01' ,'alldid,il"s 1'01'
Ih" foot],all It':J1I1 \\"as Sl'lil Ollt 1>,' 11\"('1' alld :\:J1'h"rth Iligh :-;"ho,,] hilll WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY
~('t' tlispln,\' ad\"('1't i:-iI'!IH'lll ill this issllt'. ('oa('1t Barfoot 1111 ~,'p"':al)('1' 7t1l. it \\"a's WOII it:" lIlor;t illljl0l'tnllt g':llll(' uf the
PAI'En 11.\:-;<;1:-0<.:.
BANKS nu~"d. Horu('(' ~. ::1:: :\I"t'lhlg' 1101ls4' L:IlIt'. alls\\"l'l't'fl b~~ a l:tl'g'p 1I1J1l1h('1" of ealldi- ,"pal'. Phone, Narberth 1687
Merion Title & Trust Co. Phone, Ardmore I. PIIOJlP ;;;.ti. olal,'s. 'I'his S<i1wd illl'1IIlI"r1I1I:IIl," \'etpl'- );a1'lll'rlh was I'slll,,'iall," jllbilant ovcr
See dlspla~" advertisement tn thtl!l tssue.
Shand, Alex. C .. Jr. Pilone, No. 1710.
Nurberth Statlon,
flArcadla." 16th and Cbe8tnut eta., Phlh
See display advertisement In tbte I••ue
:111:-0 arOll'lItl '\'holll
I"alll ,'oul,1 Ill' fornH"1.
a~ a JllW!PU:-O,
AllIoug th"lll
"'pr" Capt. .r"IJldus. "11,1; Cook,', full,
a :-otl't1l1~ Ih" ,'i"t"r\', illaslllllch as holh sl'1\()o],;
had 10,,1,,';1 UlllIlI tho g'allll' l'arli,'1' ill
t Itt' :-o(.:t~t)1l :L:"i lIIor(~ or ]pss of a prac-
Smedley. \\'01. n. li: H. T. Pilone. 1l00. Dunie! Ie. ,....,,1"111, .\t. II .. h:II'1,; .r.
ni"I,i,', (l"arlt'rb:lI:k: Da\"i~, t it,t' ~.!::tlll(' for 1..<lw(.'1' nr('rioll IH'e\"iollH to
See display advertisement tn tble laaue.
:!l:! FOl'l't'st AveutH'. PIIOlll', ~pl'lICC ~WOti,
Ollie" 1Iollrs: ti to ,~ I'. ~J.
1:1I·1d,,; Martill, gllal'ol; H. \\'al"ll, (,,,"t,,r; I h"ir big ~aIlII' of th(, seasoll \\"ith Had, REAL ESTATE
:'II. Dil'ldl'. half],a<:k all<1 Kllapp, half- 1101' lli~h :-';l'!wol. UO\\'I'''''1', bel'au,;c ot'
Davl., II. E. Phone. 1254-W. l'LU)IBINU, E'l'C.
See display advertisement In thle leeue. Cool, Bros. l' l1Ont' 30~,J. h,"'k. In a,lditioll 10 thl'';'' \\""1'" the
stnr:-: of las1 Yt':lr's :"H'('oJltl tl'alll: _A.
:>-:ar!",rl h ',; g!'l'at ililprOY"JIl,,1It through
Ih,' ,,'asoll. t hl' jll':Il't i ,.•' ga JIl" dl'\"l'loped
Ivy Cand)" ShOll, r:: See dlsIJlu~' uu,'ertlst'ull'lIt In tbls Isslle,
2l!l HU"erforu A no. Phone. Nnrbertll 170". ll'uII, 11. B. 1'llOnt', Nnrbt'l'th l(jO~·J. Ward. Knlllzt'I;, El"Illllall HlIII Cahlwl'lJ. i lito :J !"l'al "OlltI'St.
CAIU'I~NTlm!' Al\J) nUIU)ERS See display advertisement 1n tble •••u. ""\',,ral 11('\\' pla,""l's J'l']lorted also \\"ho LOUIS RICKLIN, Manager,
Jenkins, Chas. L. RICAL EtlTATE ~!:a\'t' jll'Oll1i:--p of ll('('OJllilig stars, atllong-
103 Dudley ave. Phone. ](jS4. C.. hl\\"ell, J. A. Pbolle, lUl:>7 Football Team,
See dleplu.y advert1seluent In tble t•• Ut Ihl'ul O<liOI'III', Hilt,,'·, Hilll'~as, f'lIlelll(,y
CONTltACTOlt OF PLASTEltlNG •'raseh, 11. C. Pbone, 252-W. a IHI J\lull,'I'. NARBERTH HIGH SCHOOL.
FrBtantonl, Jllmes, & Sons. See display advertisement '11 tbls 1.lue l'rp1i II Ii 1I:l 1'\" pnll,tie(\ \\"as he(J'11l1 it1t~
239 Humpden n,'e. Phone, 1697,lV. Ibberg, IJent T. Pilone 1713.
Orr, Dr. A. J.. 101 Elmwood avo Pbone, 8U-W.
St'e ulspluy ud\'l'rttselllent In tblB IBBoe.
Nash, Robert oJ. Phone. 605.
III"di:Jt"h' I,,: th .. CO'"'h 10 h,u7lell the
pla~'('I'S ior tIll' Ilig gall)('s. Al1 t hc 11I('1\ Cotter's Meats
Philo., Phone, Filbert 425~. Keltb Bldg.
Sehembo, Hr. ,John, Phone Narbertb 316-lV.
Money tor Flret and Second Mortcage.
ShU')HOn, James C. 232 E8l!JeX aVe.
Phone, fl36, or 1420 Cheetnut st.
han' ]'('port",l I'"g'u],irl~' for pl'lIeti('" 01\
Ihl' lil'ld Sill"", all,1 ,!l',,'1'\'" lIlu,'h {,1'(',lit
Subscribe for
Cor. Grayling and 'Vlnusor uves. HOOFING. ETC. for their spirit.
Office HOlIl's until 9 P. M. dully.
Gllra-Memnle,' Co. Phone, 1268-W.
See display advertisement In tbls Isoue.
lkfol''' Ill<' s,·h"IIt:l.. opl'lI",1 \\"ith Dar-
h." lli,~h HI'hoot. pra('ti('(1 g"alll('~ were
"Our Town" A Quality For
Howard's. Phone. 1267. )filler. John A. H3 lona ave. Phone, 661-J
Sbep. 246 Havertord ave. Pbone, IUII-.'
People Who
See dlsDlay advertleeme"t In thle IMue.
J~LECTRICIANS 'l'he .MiKSCH Zentn,n,'er'l'4 lihHler"urtcn, ]:!.~)
Want The Best
Case, W. G. PhOIl!', 39::i- lY. Wln,lsor UVl'lIlle, Nurbl'rth.
See dlsplnr 'lIh'e!'llst'tnent In tills Isslle.
Pueh, Vert 22& lona ave.
Nar. Phone. 650-W. Ard, Phone, 181-J.
Het' dlspluy ,"I\·"I·t1st'lIll'nt In this Issue.
Good Wear Shoe Repair Sbop,
C"nHtuntlne, n. G. 2ij~ Hun'l'foru uve.
Important Announcement Groceries and Provisions
imperial Grocery Co. Phone, Narbertb 606, Phone, Narb<'rth 170G, W.
powman, Samuel r. (LIfe,>
XurlH'rth ~hnt· Stort-. :.!O!t Ifun'l'ford
See dlspluy ndvertlseull'lIt In this IUlIe.
:}\'I'. Thursday, December 9th, 8.00 P. M.
116 Elmwood ave. Phone. 651-W, T.\JI,On,...
LUI1u.hulI, Frt'(h·.·kl\: .\.
:-;lIl'h"rlh. I'll.
~o;-, Jo'o1'l'ps{" :lVt'" Prhnost. II. :!:~l H:t\'t'l'fol"tI :l\"" .. !'\al'llt'l'lll,
~('t' dl:"pln,\' :ltl \'t')'t f:.H>t1lt'lIl itl t hl:-: 1:-::-:11('.
A meeting will be held at the
~('P lli:-:pla.\' adn'rlbplIlt'llt 111 this IH:-: 11 t',
!froUer Bros. (Fire, etc.)
'.l'ht·. J~(~Wtlr .;\h·rlcHl 'l'ullor ('Ulll"11I1'\',
10:! IIOl'l't'~t An'lll1t'. l'n1'1Jt'l"th, Pa. Subscribe for
209 Woodetde ave. Phone. HU-R.
Wimer, Wm. lVood. 106 ForeBt Avenue.
Pilone, 326 R.
Gilroy, John 211 Eeeex ave. Pbone, 1245-R.
S('P dlsIJln:.· Uth"Pl·tisPIllPul ill this I:O:SlHl.

The above department should.

rreltteet u.e to the community, the lIet call
talns the name of every profe...lonal maL
be ot tb. Y. M. C. A. ~'Our Tatun'"
Philo.. addreee, Llncotn Bldg.
Iltltes, Fletcher W. 4U Haverford ave.
tradesman. mechanic, shopkeeper. etc.• Wbf To discuss and take action on the recommendation of
does or can In any 'Wa)' serve hte fellow
Pbone. 872-W Pblla. addre..e. Crozer Bldg. towneman, and who Is progreselve enouBt the Directors of the Association that
LIGIITING FIXTURES to add name to lIet Qf Regleter.
McDonald John. Narberth phone, 1281.
1538 Cheet. et.. Phlla. Phone, Spruce 1111.
Ae It I. dlmcult tor tboee contrlbutlnl
their time and el'fortIJ to tbe production or THE PROPERTY BE SOLD H. C. FRITSCH
"Our Town" to personally eltbsr kno... o'
IntervIew all oucll, It would be moot help Pr tpertJes For Bent and Salt
Geul*rnl "'Il~"Jle 11111,
.Tohn T. (l,It'iI, Proprietor.
tUI It those nDt now fDund In tbe prlnto,
Ust would send In a memo or theIr nam•• Be present and give the Association the benefit of Flte In811rantltl
St't' .1I"plnr n,h-ertlsenll'nt In this Issue.
address, phone numbers and buelne_. o.
protesstonl for listing. Tbls will co.t u tol
your thought. Bell Pbone au IT.
Cotter, Ho"ard F. Phone. 1298. lowo: 10 cento each I"ue tor I lin•• I • OIat.
See dlelliay ad"ertleement In tblo looua. rnr -ach additional IIno. " III Building. Narberlll, Fa.
lIlarks wore principally directed to \
Heverelld nn<1 ::'Ifl's. Van Kess. lIe re- WOMEN'S COMMUNITY CLUB Narberth Playground GLEAN·..·SAFE···WHOLESOME
connted thc many things which had
I"'"n a"colllplish,,<1 dllrillg the past ten
years, alld spo lw in the highest terms (Contiuned from Page 1.)

of praiso of the ulltiring efforts which UNDER BACTERIOL061CAL CONTROL
hllll (,ollstanll~- b"ell p"t forth by Hev- (Continued from Page 1.)
'I'here will he a 'l'radinl-.: Post at t113
el'('IIl1 \'all ='ess, as well as :Mrs. Yan
Xess, 10 npbllil<1 the spiritllal anclmoral
01:,a.ll 1.uee~illg da~'s unti~ Chrisl ..
II1Is IS (01' t h(' COI,,'('nl('lIee (>1' inl(,l'cst 1'Ith's, rtllll reeolllpellse
Pasteurized Milk DELlVERIES
slanding of not ollly the 1'l'es])yll'riall i tho wOln('n "'ho nrc raising llIone~' 1'01'
Illnd(~ inclUl' ('Ollr~c :If·(·ortlillgly. .An
Brynclo~ilkcerlilled WEST PHILA.
CllIIrch, hilt ='arh"rth in general.
As a lallg-ihle e\·idelleo of the lovn
I the llllil<1ing fllml of the Cluh. oullille of Ih,' Iillalldal nspec!. of the (Pedrlalle Soelet;v) OVERBROOK
pro.i(',·t npp"ars ill this issue of Our Special "Guernsey" MERION
all<1 high estecm in "hi('h the Church TO\l'II. alld it is "XI,,','h',l that thosc ",ho Milk WYNNEFIELD
'1I1d eongn·gal ion ]101,1 thl'ir Pastor and nfc1llhers 1IIll~' hrillg all~' al'tiel"s for
h:I\·" 1101 as \'l·t aYaill',l thcll1sl'h'cs of (Roberts·& Sharpless' BALA-CYNWY
his lI"il'", :;\[1'. Beatty then present,'<1 to sal". Jt IlI11Y h(' ill the lin" of fancy Palrle,,)
II,,' pl'i"il"gl" to pal'ti,'ipato in Ihis
He\·. \'an ='css, a leathel' purse, con· goods suital;]e for Christmas gifls, ';1' NARBERTH
,rho1<'solll" Yl'II1111'l' ",ill qlli"kly "0111')
tailling a l'111'ek f?r :t.SU1l1 of nlo!,,'y I it IIlny he goo,li('s tltat wouM he too
h'1IIptillg to 1('(\1' 11111 il the IIl'xt day.
to Ih,' ,','nln' nnd in,li,·at .. Ih,' alllollut
Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE
l'l'l'r"s"nting the lll,llndllal cOlllnhu' th",\' \l'ould like 10 invest. Table .and Whipping WYNNEWOOD]
I ions whi,'h h:lll heell made hv the Bl'illl.( nllyt.hing you h:I\'(' to sl'1l. .ICrellm.
F'll' Go,1 and Countr~·. ,,,c
associ:ltc our· IIll'lIlh"rs of the Preshyterian Church. Jt lIIaY he n,,(,,'ssnrv to cut some of
seln's log-ethel' for the following' pUl'pOHt'H:.
Mrs. rau =",ss was ab,; presenle,l ,vith t hl's(' ~lih~I'l'ipt JOBS <1;I\\"n, C\,(lll t hol"O
'1'0 uphold alld deft'llll tllP COllslittlti.on 01 On XO\"I'1II1H'1' :J;; tIll' allnual dues will
a hOll<juel of yellow chrysamthellllllll s . Itln'ad~' 1II1111,", as ,'Yery citiz"11 ",ith the
th .. Cllitl'<! Htnt ..s o( AlIlcrkn; to Inullllaill
Jaw and ordcl'; to (oslcl' und \ler\lc!ulltc
one hUIHln'll
l11'(,.'SC'l'\'C thp
lWI' ePllt.
A lllPl'ieaniSlII ;
:111(1 ineltleu!s of our
A resume of the '\'ork <lone hy the
l'reshytoria n Churl'll <1uri III.( the past
he pa~'ahll" It is re<juest",l Ihat the
lIlellll,l'l's lila ke pa.\·nll·nt a t this lIleet·
illg allll so san' hoth the treaSlIl'('1' and
proper <1isposilioll should he afforded a
fail' OppOI'!.UIJity, all'] the iun'stll1ellts
shoul,l, t hl'r"fore, be as willl'1." dislrih·
lIssoclntion ill lhe \\'nr; to lUculeule
a scnsc o( !'«li"lduul olJI.ll'(lItlOIl to the
,lecade, shows that HeY. Yan Ness d')·
livere<1 lJ;;:l sermOIlS, in addition to li;;;\
the IIl('1Il11('r tillle alld tl'ouhle. ut.ell as circulIIst.ances will all()\\·. If 45th and Parrish Sts.
cOJlllllunitr. ~tal(\ nlHI l"ntIOll; to combat this is illt"'1'rete,l as simply nil nlluslHtl
the uutocrncy of !loth Ihc chlsses nnd th.. a,l<1resses on other occasions. He nltllle
lllHsses; to mal;;:c rigoht the muster of :;,StilJ past oral calls, perfofllled ]]0 hap- 011 Saturday nflcrlloOlI, X')\'l'llIher :JO, lIlanller of sl illlulatillg adioll, ·pletlSe
Illight; to IH'olllOte I)l'HCe and g-ol!(l will o,n will he t he first l('sson of t.he course in lal«1 nolo of the fa'~t I hat as this is
earth; to :;af(\;;UHl'll 11111.1 tJ'UIlHllut to po~·
t.. rity the \lrlndples of jnstic... frec<l~)J,?
and d('mOCl'nc~'; to couseerate nlld saucUf)
tisllls, ol1iciated at li:J fnnerals, an,l ;;;\
!lIdieati \'e of the growth of the
the Chil,lren's Datll'ing' Class. 'Phis is
hehl in tho pOllllllnnil~- rOolll under tho
\l'ritl"l1 ;,1 eitiz"lls han' suhserih.. <l for
*~:!,;}OO, "'hieh is quill' aHlp]l' to g'l1ar-
our COIlll'Ulleshill h~' our dcvotlo,n to n~l1t\1111
helpfullless.-l'l'enllllJle 10 thc Constltutioll Church is the faet that <1uring the sUlwr\'ision of t.he eluh, nllll is for all a II tl'e the ,'olllplet" su'",,,ss of the p lau. Plumbing, Gas Fitting
peri,"l of tho present past orate, .J.;d I he Xarherth Chi1,l]'('1l who nrc ilrter- 'I'hereforo, lIIake haste and do not let
of th .. AU«'I'I<':\n 1,<,/-:1011.
1Il'1\' Illemhel's lun·e hecn receive,l into ('sted. '1'herc have h,'en S'JlIII' ",ho have illlportunity spoil nor lIIar th" spirit of and Heating
hall to 1.(0 to Phil:llllphia 10 tako les- Ihis deei de,lly auspil'ious oeeasion. The
NEXT DANCE the Church. There have heen dislllisse<1
sons and others who eouM 1I0t learn aetual l'a~'ment of t h" lIIonl'~' ean he
to ot],,'1' ehurehes l1fi persolls, while the
11I'esl'lIt dlllre!t mellllll,rship totals ·[1 J. hecause they "·l're too ~'oung to go so arl'ang,,<1 in It maJIII('J' "'hi('h shon1<l ('or· Phone, Narberth 1602-J
'1'he <1at" for the u"xt ,lanee hus been far. 1\frs. C. 1'. '1'o",h'r will lw at tho res]Jon<1 with t.h" eon"eni","'e of the in-
ehallge,l frolll ='ovelllher ::!;; to 'Ve.d- '1'he amoullt of mOlley contributed by
the Church to loeal expellses ,,,as $;;i,- COllllllullity roolll at :1 :;10 1'. ::'If. to f'n- n'stor, in ;10. (iO al"l no ,lays. '1'he suh·
ncs,lav en'nilq..(, XOl"('mlwr ::!.J.. It wlll roll tho chihlr('lI. Tho !(,I'IIlS aw eash serihers to (latl' an' as follows and a
be a 'finl' <1anee an,l the music is ex- li(i;;. Ahout olle-half as mueh more was
Ti,'kets at H<nmrd's Drug E,\"iven to hellevolences. Tho Church,
(lUl'illg the decade, was able to clear
in advance. ,'olllplet",l list will he puhlished in a
:-iueect'llillg' iSHUP: The Narberth Electric Shop
off a ,kbt of approximately $S,Ollll.lIl1j it On Friday C\"('lliIlg, XO\'cHllIPr ~H,
illstall(\(l a JlP\\- pipe organ at. a cost Ihere ,rill be an A<1ult Daucing Class
\V. C. Allen R. C. JOlles LAUNDRYETTE-The Walher
ARMISTICE DAY CELEBRATION A. \\r. An<1erson ::'Ilallrlce Lacy
of $:l.:JlIlI.llll, a 1111 ma,le IIUJlwrous im· op"ned, in t.he COllllllunity HOOln. This .Tamps Artman Daniol Leitch
that driel without a wringer.
'1'h(' ::'Ifain Linp ,\l'1nisliee Day Cele- prov"'llenl s to the church property. At <'iass is also uJlller the Slll)(~I'\'i~ion of .T. .r. Call1'e~' A. ,T. Loos
Ihe pl'l'sent time the huihlillg is heing the Cluh.
W. G. CASE, 323 Conway Ave.
brat ion hpld in the Lo,,"er ::\[erion High ,T. ,\. Caldwell C. H. MeCarter
"nlarg,',1 hy the (,ollstru,-t ion of a,],ji- Bel.(inllnl'S will he given special ill' Phone. Narbarth 395 W
School .\ \Il1it ol"iuul last 'l'hurs<1ay even- C. H. A. Chain H. r. nfeConllell
ing, ,,"as a gn'at SlW"pSS. All those 1 iOlls to the a\lllitorilllli allli also to the st ru,,1 iOIl frolll S 1'. ~r. to !l P. ::'If. Those ::'Ifiehael Collins .Tohn McDonald
,"ho h,'anl ::'Ill'. f'tites' talk ,,"ere j'('- ~lllllla~' ~khool port iOll. '\'h is lattcr im- of ad\'all('e,l experiellee 1'1'0111 !l 1'. 1\f. (;('orgo ilIarlde
Hobt. Compton
,,"anlpll for ",'nturing out on such a I'I'OV"lllen!. has .insl 11("'n eomplete,l, alld to ]() 1'. 1\f. ,\11 111"lIIbers are, however, Chas. 'V. Compton It .r. Xash ,
waS 1'11\(,,,<1 ill adllal s"n'ice last SUll- welcome to ~'Ollll' nt Ihe hour of eight if L. \\r. Xickerson
b:lll nigh t.
da ,'. 'rhe '\'ork Oil t he extension to they so desll'e.
C. P. Cook
Cook Brothers L. 1\f. Kicholson rara':M~GinleYIQ
NEW SERIES B. & L. ASS'N. th;' allllilorilllJl has 1I0t as vet been 'rhe dass wi 11 11I",,1 oll l' he alt ernnte Howanl E. Davis C. Y.Noel U 123 South 17!1!St Philadel~ ~
sl art ",1. . Fridays. ~lH,,'ial fpat Ul"l'S on certain K P. Dold P. X. Purcell
'1'he ='arlH'l"lh AlIIpI'i,'an Lpg-ioll lluilu- ]("Yl'.I'''llIl \'all =,,,ss an,l nfl'S. Yan e,·cniug-s. TIH' da t LIS a rp as f(Jllow~: Hob!:. .T. Dot hard Dr. J . •T. Schembs
illg aUIl Loan .\sso'·atiou ,,"iii open. its
SCt'Olltl Sl'ries till Tucs<lay C V Clllng,
Xl';';S \\"pn' a:--:--istp{l ill rp('civillg' hy the
EI,l"rs 1.1' 1h" Chlll'ch a lid tlwr wive,:;.
November :J1i. ])P""llIber HI, D"('l'mlll'r
ill, :;\[as<jlll,rad" .Tannal'.'· i ..JIlIllIar.,· :J],
Hoh!. .r. Edgar
])1'. C. '1'. Faries
A. C. Shand, Sr.
A. C. Shand, Jr.
GARAnteed Roofs
Durillg' thp ('''{,lIing, \ntS fur- Danee j Fe! .rual'\· ·1. 10',,1 'rlla 1'\' ] S
J)pl'l'mlH'r i. a li::\O 0 'clol' k, at the
Littll' Oni,"'. Cor. Blll""oo,l and Essex
nishe,l hv all o]"(·lll'stra. "'hil" the 1IIe1ll-
It"I'S of t'h,' ,']lOir n'n,1<·;·c,l severnl sele,~­
Dun",,: :llan'h
J,,,n~' t.h,·",' ,lates .;"
::'If:·II'..!1 ]~. Ajll·il
.las. A. Gallagher
\\'. '1'. Harris
II. ,\. Smith, Sr.
Dr. O. •T. Sn\"der
Av('. ])'."11"" :'II. F. lIa ughe.\· Pll't "h(']' \\'. '~t it,~s
(ions. Folhl\l·i IIg t 1«' ]'("'('I'tioll, refresh· 11111111. I l'l'lIlS, ('n~1t III :lth':l11 ('{'. For Ed\\'al'll S. Haws ='i"holas '1'hourol1
1III'II1s WPI'<' S(')'\'(',l h~' tl,,' ladies. t"lIl'lh,'1' parli"lIlnl's 'pJlolle ~;al'h"rth If. H. Hill('~as I1arn' B. '\'all

1li:lS-1\f. Fred Hipkiss \\'111.' E. "-at ers
MAILS TO AND FROM NARBERTH. \\'. ~. lIowara Ha."," o Il11 \\'l'iss
'fhp Ul'xt Ineding of the Post will
Ineollling Mails Arrive. rj'h(\I'(' wi!1 Itt' a 1'lIJl!J1I:lg'(' sale ('arly .fohll B. \\'illiams
be hpl,l Oil Fl"ida~' l'"pning, Novcmucr lknt. '1'. Hyberg
~li. A lal"ge attl'nuanl'e is requesteu us GAO A.~r.-PI'OIlI all points. ill D''''","ber for the b"lIt'lit of Ihe H. A. ,Jacobs .\. E. \\' oh lert
this ,,·ill he Conllll:J11l]l'r SnJilh's last !l.OO A.l\L-Local from Paoli. ('Iu h. ::'Ifl'lI,]'l'rs are ]'('qupsh'll to sa'·" .r. D. Yowell
lOA:) ,\.?lI.-Prom nll points. for this sal<'. Thpl'e is a ~peeial call
l::!.OO ::'II.-Fl'01ll all points. for ]11011 'H ~l1it:-,. These will he repaired rl'he lJleetillg' on rrhul'sday night was At Narberth Station there
1.4;, P.M.-Frolll nll points, a JIll put ill goo,l ',onditinll if sellt to din'cte,l b~- ])1'. Suydcr as ehairmnn,
all,1 his ejfl'l,ti",~ preselltnt:ioll of the
is a Real Estate Office
::.;JO P.~r.--Local frolll Paoli. \l~e ('01lllllittpe early. Phone Xarherth
Coml' out Sa turda v afternoon anu 4,·1:) P.~r.-Pro!ll all points. ., •O·,T. suh.i,','t ,,·ou1<l mako further deiillitioll that is giving courtesy,
(i.:iO P.~r.-Loeal from Paoli. of the situation Illlne('l'ss:Il'Y if the service and knowledge
help finish painting' Om Nc,," Home.
nll'l'iing' hall been attl'n<1l'<1 b~' all tlwse
Fall in line anu be a hooster of your in mauers concerning
Mails Close for Departure. MONTGOMERY COUNTY FEDERA- Irho are illt illlatl'ly mill persollally con-
bcst fello,,"ship opportunity.
S.H A.~r.-Por all poillts.
"I'I"IJ(',l ill the pro.iect IlIlller way. A de- property. We are at your
1.00 P.l\r.-l~or all poillts. laik,l n'pol'!; was l'resl'ute<1 by an in-
HELP THE RED CROSS 1.:JO P.~r.-Loeal 10 Paoli. ,'('st igat i Ilg eOll11llittee outlining' all th0 service. Phone
:UO P.~r.-Por all poillts. Presi<1ent-Ml's. R .•r. Rolston, Fort f,'atllrl's of the case, lpgal, civic an,] NARBERTH 1713
"~p. as iu,li"i,luals, ,,"ill lIcver hc al,le ·1.20 I'.~[.-Lo"al to Paoli. lillalldal. 111111 a resolution authorizing
to pay our <1"ht of gra tit ude to the ri.::!!) P.~r.-Fol' all points. aJl ol'gamza t ion ,,·it h telllporary ofliccr~
\'aliant nll~IIIII('l"s of the ='arh('\'th Rcd Vice·Prcsident-ilIrs. D. T. .Jones, \I·as unanilliously adopted.
Cross. '1'0 suh,,'ribe to membership ill
the He,l Cross for $1.00 pel" yca l' is one
opp0l'1 1Il1i1~' w,' IU"'e of showillg our
~rnil arri\·cs •. 10 A. ::'II.
~[n il ,'los('s :'.2;, P. ~T.
Secretary-MrR. C. P. Fowler, Nar·
,\uothcr mel'!in;:: is planned for No-
v"III1>('r ;;0. 1 !l~(). WllCIl the COlllmittee BENT T. HYBERG
oil Org-allizat ion ',,"ill rep01't and the as·
apprecia tioll. herth. ",wiat iOIl f01"llll'd ill a permallcnt fash-
Trcasurer-Mrs. W. H. Pugh, :Merion. iOJl.
Presbyterian Church KITCHEN.

Gives Reception l'resi<1ent--'Villiam 'Vood Wimer,

I :\a rherth.
I hereby subscribe for shares of Stock the
to Pastor Pirst Vice·Pn~si<1ent-::'IIrs. Edw. Y.
1fa rt shorne. lIa Ycrfor<1. NARBERTH AMERICAN LEGION

~ccou<1 Vice·Presi<1ent-P. H. Chasc,

COMPLETE TEN YEARS SER- Treasurer-H. \\r. Shelton) Narberth. Second Series Beginning December 7, 1920.
VICE IN NARBERTH Secretary-Leah 1'. Caclbury, Havel"
ford. Name .
Growth of Church Sh0W11 Board of Directors.
::'Ifrs. 'V. A. Barr, 'Vayne.
Address .
Reveren<1 ana 1\fn,. ,Tohn V:\n Ness
Dr. C. A. Fox, Aramore. SHARES-$1.00 Each ENTRANCE FEE-25e Per S!lare
\vere given a rpecpt ion by the officers
~Iiss Sidney EnlJls, 1I[erion.
and mcmhcrs of the Karherth Presl}\'- :;\fakl' ('hl'ek~ ]ta,nil,]!' to ='AHDEHTII A~[EHICAN LEGION BUlL\)-
lerian Chureh last ',,"cdnesday evenin'g, ::'I [I's. C. P. Fowler, Narberth.
~fr. E, Y. lIa I'tshorne, Ardmore.
lNG AND LO.\~ .\SSO(,L\TlO~.
in honor of their having completed ten l\[eetings First Tuesday of e\'ery 1II0llth at the Log Cabin, llayerforu and
ycars of sprvice in Narherth. The Mrs. 'V. H. Gibbons, Ardmore.
1\frs. C. G. lioag, JIn "erfora. Xarherlh :tHnncs, 7.30 to !) P. ::'If.
occasion ,,·as 11 most delightful Olle, and
l\fiss .r. r. Magee, Cynwia. Officers
was atlcmled h~' upwal'll of four lllllld-
1\[rs. "P. N"i('hnl~on. A I'f1111 nl'P. Clarence '1'. Faries, Presi,lent Uarry A. Silll]1son, Secrctary
dred memhers of tho Church nnd the
nf1";. H. W. Sl'l1l'1"s. :"arlll'rih.
congregation. 'l'he Snnday Sl\llOol por- George O. Smith, Vice-Preside"t Homee T. SlIIcdley, Treasurer
~fr. \Y. W. Will,,'r, :-\arhl'rth.
tion of the Chureh, including the new Walter ;\1. Bllrkh:tnlt, Esq., Solicitor
addition which has just been placed in
3C1'vice, was clahoratoly aecorated with
palms and cut flowers. A. Vi. Burns
Arthur C. Kohl Harry A. Simpson
A<1rlresses "'cre made In- Rcv. Avery
S. Delllmy, pastor of' the Bapti;t
DAVIS' II. Ne'\'lon Compton
lIfaurice B. ,111 Marais
.John A. Mowrer, .Jr.
Willitllll L. Peebles
Horace '1'. Smedley
Gcorge O. SlIIith
Church, and Hev. Arthur S. 'Valls, pas- Complete Line of Clarence '1'. Faries, l\f. D Alban E. Reid Donald P. Trotter
lor of the :Methodist-Episcopal Church. Goodyear Tennis Shoes .Tames W. Follin S. Rohcrt Ross Edwin H. Wipf
Roberty L. Beatt~·, Ruling Elcler, spoke
on behalf of the officers llml members
of the Presbyterian Church. His }"I}-
._e ..••..••• -.-----
Kreider Shoes
for Children


Authorized TAXI SERVICE at Narberth by on School Shoes
Permit from Penna. R. R. and Certificate of Public Patrick F. Donahue
Better come in and look
Convenience from Public Service Cf'mmission. them over
Taxi meets all trains Store orders promptly delivered
Only authorized taxi cab service on call and demand Baggage called for and deliv~red Freight delivered
in Narberth. . Narberth Shoe Store
Open Day and Night Phone 1633 209 Haverford Avenue
...........•........... ....... -.. _...

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