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In any production system, in order to attain minimum total processing time (or total inventory –in
– process time) it is necessary to have a balanced production system. In a balanced line, each
operator should produce the same number of product units per unit time. But as the time value for
each operation varies, so it needs to assign different number of operators for different operations,
i.e., it operation no. 1 needs 2 operators then next operation 2 might need 5 operators to produced
the same number of product in the same time. Therefore, the first step in formulation an efficient
production schedule is to determine the number of workers per operation necessary to yield a
balanced production line for the required output. The next step in making the production schedule,
is to determine the proper amount of backlog time which will prevent bottlenecking with a
minimum "in process" inventory. Suppose those 2 operators in operation 1 produces 2 bundles (1
each) in 10 minutes time. But can we pass those bundles to operation 2? No, as there are 5
operators waiting. So, there has to be at least 5 bundles produced in operation 1 before we pass
them to operation 2. Now to produce 5 bundles of operation 1, it will take 30 minutes (actually 6
bundles will be produced as each operator works on a whole bundle).

Hence in this case there are two simple graph methods that can be used to calculate the minimum
backlog time required for minimum inventory-in-process without bottlenecking.

The steps for the 1st graph method are as follows:

1. Determine the operating time per bundle for each job (operation).
2. Compute the number of operators needed for each operation in order to yield the balanced
production required per unit time (hour).
3. Construct a graph with the X-axis, the abscissa, marked off in time units and the Y-axis, the
ordinate, marked off in bundle units.
4. From the information from step 1 and 2, plot the operating time required to produce groups of
whole bundles for each operation. Plot this in a block format as illustrated in fig. 1

Plot the block graph structure for each job in the sequence in which the operations are
performed in the line.

While plotting the operations keep the 1st operation at the X, Y zero juncture of the graph.

S. S. Ray, Associate Professor, NIFT, Kolkata

The block graph structure for each job will have a rising step formation. The slopes of the
block graph structures will be alike for all the operations because the total amount being
produced per unit time in each successive operation is alike for each operation (as the line is
balanced ).

The stairway dimensions, rise and tread, of each “stairway” graph line will vary according to
the relative graph space measurements assigned to bundles and time values.

The block graph structure for a successive operation will begin at the time value at which
sufficient bundles have been produced in the preceding operation to permit all of the operators
of the successive operations to begin working simultaneously.

5. If blocks from two successive block structure overlap, this signifies a bottleneck between the
two operators. If means a lag time is required between the time at which sufficient bundles are
produced and the time at which successive operators can begin without overtaking the
production of the operators in the preceding operation. The minimum lag, needed to present
such bottlenecks, can be determined easily by measuring the greatest abscissa overlap in two
overlapping blocks.

Now, let us take an example of production schedule where the targeted production is 6 bundles
per hour. And let us take 4 successive operations whose work contents per bundles are 20,50,
30, and 80 S.M. respectively.

Hence to produce 6 bundles per hour the number of operator required in each operation and the
number of bundle produced by each operator in those operations are determined and shown in
the following table

Operation no. 1 2 3 4
Work content of each bundle in 20 50 30 80
Bundle produced by one operator 3 1.2 2 0.75
per hour
No of operators required to produce 2 5 3 8
6 bundles per hour

S. S. Ray, Associate Professor, NIFT, Kolkata

Now if we plot the graph then we get the graph as shown in fig 1

To clear the concept of plotting the graph let us have some details.

In operation 1, as there as two operators and the work content of each bundle is 20 min, hence here
the 1st two bundles will be produced on 20th min., let us plot the block. We cannot start operation 2
at this stage, as there are 5 operators who need 5 bundles.

So, next two bundles of operation 1 will be produced on 40th min. Let us plot this block, we still
can not start operation 2 as there are now only 4 bundles and we require 5.

Figure 1

So, next two bundles of operation 1 will be produced on 60th min. Plot this block and continue.

Now at 60th min when in total 6 bundles are ready, we can start operation 2.

As in operation 2, there are 5 operators and the work content of each bundle is 50 minutes.
Hence 5 bundles of operation 2 will be produced at 110th min (we started this operation on 60th
min and it took 50 min). Plot this block.

S. S. Ray, Associate Professor, NIFT, Kolkata

At this stage can we start operation 3?

Yes, as there are 3 operators and 5 bundles are ready for them.

So, continue the plotting blocks for operation 2 and start plotting blocks for operation 3
starting at 110th min.

Similarly plot operation 3 and 4.

From the graph we can see that at a later stage blocks from operation 2 and 3 as well as blocks
from operations 3 and 4 are overlapping.

That means there going to be bottlenecks at those stages. To prevent that we need to measure
the greatest abscissa overlap. In case of 2 and 3 it is 20 minutes. Hence that starting lag time
between 2 & 3 should be 20 min. to prevent bottleneck. Hence operation 3 should be start at
130th min instead of 110th min.

Figure 2

S. S. Ray, Associate Professor, NIFT, Kolkata

Similarly, operation 4 should have another 10 min of starting lag time over 60 min with operation
3 to avoid bottleneck. So, operation 4 should start at 230th min.
So, if we start the operation at those times then we get the graph at fig. 2, which shows no
Beside the minimum lag time, we can also add any safety time factor as an insurance against
bottlenecking in the event of machine breakdown, absenteeism, etc.
The graph in fig. 1 shows that there is a definite repetitive pattern of backlog between operation 2
& 3 as well as between operation 3 & 4
The pattern reveals the minimum and maximum number of bundles as backlog between the
It also shows the time interval with which the backlog will occur. Here the pattern repetition
between operation 2 & 3 takes place in every 150 min., similarly that between operation 3 & 4
takes place in every 240 min. Beside the graph, this time interval of pattern repetition can also be
calculated by taking the L.C.M of bundle time per operator of two successive operations. This
calculation of time interval can also be done in terms of number of bundles. As shown in the graph
( fig. 1) the pattern repetition between operation 2 & 3 takes place after every 15 bundles,
Similarly that between operation 3 & 4 takes place after every 24 bundles. This can also be
calculated by taking the L.C.M. of the number of operators assigned between two successive

Steps for 2nd graph method are as follows –

1. Plot graph for each operation separately on individual transparent graph paper
2. The graph sheet of operation 1 is stabilised.
3. Superimpose the graph sheet of operation 2 on the stabilised sheet of operation 1 with their
ordinate perfectly superimposed. Shift the graph sheet of operation 2 laterally along the
abscissa until there is no block overlapping between this these two successive operations.
Stabilise this sheet.
4. Similarly superimpose the graph sheet for 3rd operation on the 1st two and stabilise it as
discussed in step 3.

This process is continued until all the successive graph sheets have been superimposed and shifted
properly two remove block overlap. The finished product is a graph showing the minimum lag
time required between the successive operations. The respective lag times are the values of the
distances on the base abscissa line (Zero Y ordinate value) between the initial production blocks of
two successive operations.

S. S. Ray, Associate Professor, NIFT, Kolkata

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