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Current Genetics (1984) 8 : 499-506 ~ ~ ~

© Springer-Verlag 1984

Comparison of the lignin-degrading white rot fungi Phanerochaete

chrysosporium and Sporotrichumpulverulentum at the DNA level

Ute Raeder and Paul Broda

Department of Biochemistry and Applied Molecular Biology, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, P. O.
Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD, UK

Summary. DNA-hybridisation studies showed a close domly chosen clones from these libraries, containing
relationship between Phanerochaete chrysosporium chromosomal sequences, were hybridised to restricted
ME446, most used in lignin degradation studies, and total DNA of all four strains by the Southern procedure.
Sporotrichum pulverulentum Novobranova, the other Mitochondrial DNA and the ribosomal RNA genes from
standard lignin degrading strain. Two other strains of the four strains, which were enriched as AT-rich satellite
P. chrysosporium were both less related. We show that DNAs, were also compared.
P. chrysosporium ME446 and S. pulverulentum Novo-
branova both have a GC-content of 59% for chromosomal
DNA with the rRNA genes present as an AT-rich satel- Materials and methods
lite; the mitochondrial DNA has a GC-content of 33%.
The genome size estimated for P. chrysosporium ME446 Culture of fungal strains. The strains listed in Table 1 were
is about 4 - 5 x 107 bp. grown on agar plates containing 2% malt extract (Oxoid) at 37 ° C.
For DNA preparation liquid medium containing 1.5% malt ex-
Key words: Lignin degradation - Phanerochaete chry- tract was inoculated with a spore suspension (about 0.3 ml of a
sosporium - DNA homology 5 ml spore suspension made from one heavily sporulated plate
per 400 ml of medium). The cultures were grown in 2 1conical
flasks for one day at 37 °C shaken at 100 rpm.

DNA preparation. DNA was prepared using a modification of the

Introduction "gentle extraction method" described by Specht et al. (1982), as
follows: pellets from 8-10 x 400 ml culture were collected in a
sieve, washed three times in 50 mM EDTA and dried in several
The white rot fungi Phanerochaete chrysosporium and portions onto filter papers (Whatman #1, in a Buchner funnel,
Sporotrichum pulverulentum are studied because of connected to a waterpump). The resulting "cakes" were peeled
their ability to degrade lignin ( F e n n and Kirk 1982; off, frozen in liquid nitrogen and lyophilised overnight. The
Ander and Eriksson 1976). S. pulverulentum lacks a lyophilised material (about 4 5 g) was ground with mortar and
pestle until it had the consistency of fine sand. It was resuspended
reliable mating system. On the basis of morphological
in 100 ml 50 mM TrisHC1 pH8, 100 mM EDTA pH8, 150 mM
comparison it has been described as an imperfect form NaC1, 2% SDS, 20% toluene and shaken at 60 rpm for three days
of P. chrysosporium (Burdsall and Esyln 1974; Eriksson at room temperature on a rotary shaker. The suspension was
and Petterson 1975). As part of a project to study the filtered (squeezed) through 2 layers of nylon stocking to remove
molecular genetics of lignin degradation by these fungi particles. The filtrate was shaken with 1 volume of phenol : chlo-
roform:isoamylalcohol (25 : 24 : 1, phenol was saturated with
we have compared S. pulverulentum with three strains of
50 mM TrisHC1 pH 8, 100 mM EDTA pH 8, 150 mM NaC1) for
P. chrysosporium at the DNA level to learn more about 10 rain. The phases were separated by centrifugation for 1 h at
their relationship. 10,000 rpm in a Sorvall SS34 rotor (9,200 x g). The aqueous
Gene libraries were prepared from S. pulverulentum phase was taken off carefully~ mixed with 2.5 volumes cold
and one of the strains ofP. chrysosporium. DNA of ran- ethanol and centrifuged for 20 rain at 10,000 rpm in a Sorvall
GSA rotor (13,300 x g). The pellet was dried and resuspended
in 6 ml 30 mM TrisHC1 pH 7.8, 36 mM NaH2PO4, 2 mM EDTA
(final pH about 5). The solution was incubated first with 1 ml
Offprints requests to. U. Raeder RNAseA (5 mg/mL Sigma Type IIIA, preincubated for 15 rain at
500 U. Raeder and P. Broda: DNA of lignin-degrading fungi

Table 1. Fungal strains

Strain ATCC CCCCMIb Geographical Abbreviation

# # source used

S. pulverulentum Novobranova 24,725 a - - Sp

P. chrysosporium Burdsall Lombard ME446 34,541 - - PcA
P. chrysosporium Burdsall Nicot Elphick 74,691 France PcF
P. chrysosporium Burdsall White 110,120 Papua New Guinea PcP

a Listed in the American Type Culture Collection as P. chrysosporium

b Catalogue of the Culture Collection of the Commonwealth Mycological Institute

100 °C in 50 mM Naacetate pH 6.5) for 2 h at 37 °C and then restrict 50 ~g of fungal DNA completely with EcoRI was esti-
with 2 ml protease (10 mg/ml, Sigma pancreatic protease Type I, mated in a time course experiment. Five aliquots of 50 /~g of
preincubated for 2 h at 37 °C in 50 mM TrisHC1 pH 7.5) over- total fungal DNA were partially restricted with EcoRI for the
night at 37 °C. The solution was extracted with 1 volume phenol. estimated time using 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 and 1/32 dilution of the
chloroform, isoamylalcohol and subsequently with ether. Resid- amount of enzyme necessary for complete restriction. 50 /~g of
ual ether was removed by shaking the solution gently at 45 °C. DNA were restricted completely with EcoRI. DNA from these
The aqueous layer was brought to a volume of 10 ml with 50 mM restrictions were pooled and size fractionated on a 10 40%
TrisHC1 pH 8. 10 g of CsCI and 200 /A of ethidium bromide sucrose gradient (prepared in 30 mM TrisHCl pH8, 1 M NaC1,
(10 mg/ml) were added successively. The solution was centrifuged 10 mM EDTA in a Beckman SW41 rotor run at 25,000 rpm,
for 65 h at 38,000 rpm in a Beckman Ti50 rotor (95,200 x g) at 76,800 x g, for 24 h at 4 °C). All DNA fragments larger than
17 °C. Fluorescing bands were taken off the gradient and ethidi- 8 kb were recovered. DNA of kgtWES-T5:622 was restricted
um bromide was e~racted several times with isopropanol with EcoRI, the two large fragments were separated on a 10 40%
(saturated with buffer and CsC1). The solution was diluted 1 : 3 sucrose gradient from the small replacement fragment and re-
with sterile water. DNA was precipitated with 2.5 volumes of covered. Vector DNA (the large fragments, about 1 ~g) and the
ethanol, spun down, dried and resuspended in 10 mM TrisHC1 size fractionated fungal DNA (about 0.5 #g) were ligated and
pH 8, 1 mM EDTA. For CsCI gradients containing bisbenzimide packaged in vitro. The resulting phages were titered on E. coli
(Hoechst dye #33,258 from Calbiochem Behring) 2 - 3 mg of MM21. About 4 x 104 phages were recovered for each gene
DNA (isolated as above) in 8.3 m150 mM TrisHC1 pH 8, 10 mM library. The average insert size as determined by restriction was
EDTA, were mixed with 9.6 g CsC1 and 1 ml bisbenzimide about 10 kb. These gene libraries are not complete since they
(1 mg/ml, made up in water). This solution (which contained do not contain any EcoRI fragments of more than 15 kb length;
some yellow, threadlike precipitate) was centrifuged for 65 h at this constraint would exclude about 30% of a genome with 59%
33,000 rpm in a Beckman Ti50 rotor (71,000 x g) at 17 °C. DNA GC content (see below) and randomly distributed EcoRI restric-
was recovered as described above for CsCl-ethidium bromide tion sites.
gradients. In order to remove carbohydrate which sometimes
cobanded with some of the DNA bands in the gradients, the Nick translation and Southern hybridisation. As probes about
DNA (after ethanol precipitation and resuspension in 25 mM 1 #g of fungal hybrid clone DNA or mitochondrial DNA were
Naacetate pH 7) was loaded on a small DE52 column (Whatman, labelled by nick translation (Manlatis et al. 1982) with about
0,1-5 ml). Carbohydrate was washed off in 2 3 column volumes 10 /~Ci 32pdATP (Amersham PB204, 3,000 Ci/mmole) and
25 mM Naacetate. DNA was eluted with 2 column volumes 2 M 2.5 U DNA Polymerase I (Boehringer) in the presence of 0.01 pg
Naacetate and precipitated with ethanol. For exact spectropho- DNAse I for 1 h at 18 °C. The incorporation rates were between
tometrical measurement of DNA concentrations and for the 30% and 60%. Labelled DNA was separated from unincorporated
GC-content estimation experiment DNA was purified on a second dNTPs on Sephadex G50 coloumns. To prepare the nitrocellu-
CsCl-ethidium bromide gradient. lose-filters (Millipore HAWP) 20 t~g of total or ehomosomal
EcoRI restricted DNA or 1-5 #g of restricted mitochondrial
Construction of gene libraries of Sp and PcA. Bacterial strains: DNA were run on 0.6% agarose gels, denatured and neutralised.
E. coli LE392: supE, supF, thyA, metE, (Brunel et al. 1979); The DNA was blotted overnight to the filters (Southern 1975).
E. coli MM21: supE, supF, thyA, metE, rpsL, (Collb) (Brunel The filters were washed in 6 x SSC, baked for 2 h under vacuum
et al. 1979); E. coli BHB2688: (kimm434, ci857, b2, recl3, at 80 °C, wetted in 6 x SSC and prehybridised in 6 x SSC, 0.5%
Eam7, Sam7)/h (Hohn 1979); E. coli BHB2690: (kimm434, SDS, 0.1% Ficoll, 0.1% polyvinylpyrrolidone, 0.1% BSA0 100
c1857, b2, red3, Dam7, Sam7)/h (Hohn 1979). The vector ~g/ml denatured, sonicated calf thymus DNA for 2 - 4 h at 68 °C
hgtWES-T5 "622, used for making the gene libraries, is a deriva- (200 t~l/cm2 filter). Hybridisation was done in a solution with
tive of the EK2 replacement vector hgtWES, XB' (Leder et al. the same content as the prehybridisation solution but with
1977). hgtWES-T5 - 622 was constructed by Davison et al. (1979) 10 mM EDTA and 1 ~g of heat-denatured labelled probe (50
and given to us by J. Davison. EcoRI restriction fragments of ~zl/cm2) with gentle agitation for 14-18 h. Hybridisation tem-
abotlt 3 15 kb can be cloned in this vector. The vector was perature was 68 °C except for the heterologous hybridisation
amplified on E. coli LE392. Hybrid phages were selected on with labelled mitochondrial DNA of Aspergillus nidulans (a gift
E. coli MM21 (Davison et al. 1979). In vitro packaging mixes from P. Sims) which was carried out at 55 °C (Kiick and Esser
were prepared from lysates of E. coli BHB2688 and E. coli 1982). After hybridisation the filters were washed in 2 x SSC,
BHB2690 (Maniatis et al. 1982). Fungal DNA fragments were 0.5% SDS for 5 min, in 2 x SSC, 0,1% SDS for 15 min both at
prepared in the following way: the minimal time necessary to room temperature and in 0.1 x SSC, 0.5% SDS for 2 h, followed
U. Raeder and P. Broda: DNA of lignin-degradingfungi 501

by another 1/2 h, both at hybridisation temperature. Total c~.f

1251 labelled RNA of strain PcA (kindly provided by R. Haylock), Gf = x Gv
was hybridised in 5 x SSPE, 0.1% SDS, 0.1% Ficoll, 0.1% poly-
vinylpyrrolidone, 0.1% BSA, 100 g/ml denatured sonicated calf where Gv is vector genome size (in this case 35.1 kb, the length
thymus DNA as described above at 68 °C. Autoradiography was of the part of kgtWES-T5.622, present in the clone used as
done with Fuji X-ray film (for 32p) or Kodak XAR-5 X-ray film probe).
(for 1251) and an intensifier screen at -80 °C.

GC content estimation of DNA from strains Sp and PcA. Marker

DNAs from Staphylococcus aureus (33% GC), kc1857 (50% GC)
Results and discussion
and Streptomyces coelicolor (71% GC, a gift from K. Kendall)
(20 #g each) were run separately and together with fungal DNA
(40 #g of total DNA or 20/~g of mitochondrial DNA) in CsC1- Isolation o f mitochondrial DNA and enrichment o f
bisbenzimide gradients. The gradients were prepared with ribosomal DNA in CsCl-bisbenzimide gradients
8.3 ml DNA solution in 50 mM TrisHCl pH 7.5 10 mM EDTA,
10.8 g CsC1 (for total DNA) or 10.2 g CsC1 (for mitochondrial From 5 g lyophilised fungal tissue several milligrams of
DNA) and 1 ml bisbenzimide solution (1 mg/ml). They were run
in a Beckman Ti50 rotor at 33,000 rpm (71,000 x g) for 65 h at high molecular weight DNA were isolated. Restriction
17 °C. and electrophoresis on agarose gels showed that a
relatively high proportion of DNA of the four strains is
Genome size estimation of strain PcA. Constant amounts of total
fungal DNA (6.7 /~g) alone, and mixed with various amounts of
DNA of ~.gtWES-T5.622 (1/5000, 1/2500, 1/1000, 1/500 of the In order to isolate mitochondrial DNA, total DNA
amount of fungal DNA) in 20/A 0.5 M NaOH, 1.25 M NaC1 were was fractionated in CsC1 gradients containing bisbenz-
spotted onto a nitrocellulose filter (2 cm x 2 cm for each spot, 3 imide. This compound binds to adenine residues in the
replicates). During application the filter was fixed at its edges, DNA, thereby reducing the buoyant density in CsCI
not touching a surface below, so as to avoid sample losses. The
(Miiller and Gautier 1975). This "gradient stretching"
filter was left to dry in this position for 20 min, floated on 0.5 M
TrisHCl pH 8, 1.5 M NaC1 until completely wet, submerged in effect has been used by others to separate AT-rich mito-
this solution for 5 rain, rinsed in 6 x SSC and baked under vacu- chondrial DNA from chromosomal DNA (S. Oliver, per-
um for 2 h at 80 °C. Two filters were prepared. As probes DNA sonal communication) and to separate GC-rich ribosomal
of two clones of the PcA gene library containing chromosomal DNA ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae (Petes et al. 1977).
DNA were labelled by nick translation, separated from unincor-
porated dNTPs and hybridised to the filter bound DNAs at In shallow CsC1 bisbenzimide gradients (71,800 x g in
68 °C. The filters were washed as described above. As a back- a Beckman Ti50 rotor) total DNA of the four strains was
ground control labelled DNA of ~gtWES-T5.622 was hybridised separated into three bands: the lowest and main band
to filter-bound fungal DNA. After hybridisation and washing the containing chromosomal DNA, above this a relatively
filters were checked for non-specific binding of radioactivity by weak "satellite" band and one strong band about 2 cm
autoradiography. The individual filter squares (2 cm x 2 cm)
were cut out, dissolved overnight in a scintillation mix (Packard above.
"Filter count", 5 ml per square) and the radioactivity was mea- DNA from the uppermost band was restricted and
sured in a liquid scintillation counter. The proportions of radio- identified as mitochondrial DNA by heterologous South-
activity in the vector part (v, in %) and the fungal part (f, in %) ern hybridisation using Aspergillus nidulans mitochon-
of the probe was measured in the following way: an aliquot of
drial DNA as labelled probe (Fig. 3). In CsCl-ethidium
the labelled probes was precipitated with ethanol, resuspended,
restricted with EcoRI and run on an agarose gel. The bands bromide gradients (the last step in the DNA preparation
(from vector and insert) were cut out of the gel and transferred procedure) a very faint fluorescing band inside a carbo-
to Eppendorf tubes. Water was added to a final volume of 200/~1 hydrate band about 2 cm below the main band was visi-
each. The agarose pieces were dissolved by boiling. The dissolved ble in all four strains. DNA from this band was separated
agarose solution was mixed with 5 ml "Filter count" and the
from carbohydrates on a DE52 column, restricted, label-
radioactivity was measured in a liquid scintillation counter.
The data were evaluated in the following way: a straight line led by nick translation and run on an agarose gel. The
of slope a and intercept/~ was fitted by least squares analysis to autoradiographs show the same restriction patterns as
the graph of cpm hybridised to the filters plotted against the for mitochondrial DNA. This correspondence and the
proportion of vector DNA on the filters. The intercept/3 is thus position of this DNA in CsCl-ethidium bromide gradients
a measure of hybridisation of fungal DNA alone and was corrected
suggest that this DNA is covalently closed circular mito-
by substracting a background due to hybridisation of vector
DNA to filter-bound fungal DNA alone (117 cpm background chondrial DNA. It may however also be possible that a
compared to intercept values of 8,093 cpm and 9,150 cpm). The fraction of the mitochondrial DNA is trapped by carbo-
slope c~corresponds to the additional hybridisation due to vector hydrate and bands together with it, regardless of its con-
DNA added to the filters. In order to compare the molarities of formation.
fungal and vector sequences on the filters, c~and ~ must be scaled
Restriction of the DNA of the "satellite" bands in
according to the differing amounts of radioactivity present in
the vector and the fungal sequences of the probe; this gives a/v CsCl-bisbenzimide gradients shows that these bands con-
and ~/f. The genome size of the fungus (Gf) can then be calcu- rain repetitive DNA, which was readily visible as distinct
lated as bands in EcoRI restricted total DNA of the four strains.
502 U. Raeder and P. Broda: DNA of lignin-degrading fungi

strains, indicating the presence of a 10 kb repetitive

sequence with a single target size for these two enzymes.
In addition there are two smaller bands visible in BamHI-
restricted satellite DNA of PcP and in HindIII-restricted
satellite DNA of Sp, PcA and PcP. The sizes of these
fragments (about 5.6 kb and 4.3 kb in all cases) again
add up to approximately 10 kb (Fig. 1). This suggests
that at least in Sp, PcA and PcP there are two sets of the
10 kb repeat which are similar but have slight sequence
The size and tandem arrangment of the 10 kb repeats
were consistent with their containing the ribosomal
RNA genes. In order to test this hypothesis, we used
total RNA as a probe for ribosomal RNA genes, as it
consists mainly of ribosomal RNA. 125I-labelled total
RNA of PcA was hybridised to Southern transfers of
EcoRI-restricted chromosomal and satellite DNA of PcA.
Figure 1 shows tht the predominantly hybridising bands
were the 3.3 kb and 2.2 kb bands of the 10 kb repeat
(with less hybridisation to the 1.1 kb band). There was
also hybridisation to a 6.7 kb band which corresponds to
Fig. 1. a Autoradiograph of a Southern hybridisation of 125I-
labelled total RNA of PcA to EcoRI-restricted DNA of PcA (not a minor band in the EcoRI-restricted satellite DNA;
containing mitochondrial DNA). b, c Agarose gel electrophoresis this could be due to heterogeneity of the ribosomal
of satellite DNA of Sp (S), PcA (A), PcF (F) and PcP (P) restricted RNA repeat, as revealed more strikingly in the HindlII
with EcoRI, BamHI and HindllI. digests described above. We assume that the very similar
satellite sequences of the other three strains also contain
ribosomal RNA genes.
We show in the next section that these satellite bands The occurrence of ribosomal RNA genes as an AT-rich
contain the genes for ribosomal RNA. satellite in appropriate gradients may be a more general
Mitochondrial and satellite DNA account for about property of basidiomycetes. Garber and Yoder (1983)
15-19% and less than 5% of total DNA respectively. have recently reported similar results with Cochliobolus
Contamination of mitochondrial DNA with chromosomal heterostrophus.
DNA is less than 0.02% as judged from signal intensities
in Southern hybridisation experiments. The proportion
of mitochondrial DNA isolated in CsCl-ethidium bromide Comparison o f t he mitochondrial DNAs
gradients, was estimated to be less than 0.1% of total of the four strains
Restriction digests of the mitochondriai DNAs of the
four strains show similar fragment patterns for Sp and
Satellite DNA PcA. The patterns of PcF and PcP are different from
those of Sp and PcA and from each other (Fig. 2). The
Restriction digestions of satellite DNAs of the four differences in the restriction pattems can be either a
strains show that they are enriched for repetitive DNA. reflection of general sequence divergence or of extensive
Restriction with EcoRI shows the same main pattern for DNA rearrangments as observed in intraspecific compari-
Sp and PcA on the one hand and PcF and PcP on the sons of mitochondrial DNAs of many species, especially
other (Fig. 1). The largest strong EcoRI band of Sp/PcA lower eukaryotes and plants (Collins and Lambowitz
is a double band. The approximate sizes of the strong 1983). To decide between these possibilities, labelled
EcoRI bands (for Sp/PcA: 2 x 3.3 kb, 2.2 kb, 1.1 kb; mitochondriai DNA of each strain was hybridised under
for PcF/PcP: 6.7 kb, 3.3 kb) add up to about 10 kb for stringent conditions to BamHI restricted mitochondrial
all strains. As these repetitive DNAs band separately in DNA of all four strains (Fig. 3). The autoradiographs
CsCl-bisbenzimide gradients and as there is no band of show that mitochondrial DNAs of Sp and PeA cross-
10 kb or smaller visible in total, high molecular weight hybridised perfectly as expected. Both hybridised only
DNA run on agarose gels, the repeat must be tandemly weakly to mitochondrial DNAs of PcF and PeP. Mito-
arranged in all four strains. Restriction with BamHI and chondriai DNAs of PcF and PcP hybridised more strong-
HindlII shows bands of approximately 10 kb for all four ly to each other than to mitochondrial DNAs of Sp and
U. Raeder and P. Broda: DNA of lignin-degrading fungi 503

PcA, but the former pair is not as closely related as the

latter pair. This means that the restriction differences
between Sp/PcA compared to PcF and PcP can be ex-
plained b y general sequence divergence.
Labelled mitochondrial DNA o f Aspergillus nidulans
was hybridised under non-stringent conditions (55 °C)
to BamHI-restricted mitochondrial DNA o f the four
strains and to EcoRI-restricted mitochondrial DNA of
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (a gift from S. Oliver). Figure
3 shows that the mitochondrial restriction bands which
hybridised most strongly, and therefore contain the
most conserved sequences, have the same size for Sp and
PcA on one hand and PcF and PcP on the other. Hybrid-
isation to mitochondriai DNA o f S. cerevisiae is much
An interesting observation was that rnitochondrial
DNA of each o f the four strains hybridised also to bands
o f the 10 kb repeat o f the respective strain under strin-
gent conditions. Even mitochondrial DNA o f A . nidulans
hybridised to bands of the 10 kb repeat of PcA under
non-stringent conditions (Fig. 3). This might be due to
homology between nuclear and mitochondrial ribosomal

Fig. 2a, b. Mitochondrial DNA of Sp (S), PcA (A), PcF (F), and
PcP (P) restricted with PstI (a) and BamHI (b). Lane m contains Comparison of homology between the chromosomal
HindlII-restricted size marker hc1857 (23.8 kb, 9.4 kb, 6.6 kb, DNAs of the four strains
4.3 kb). Lane a contains EcoRI-restricted DNA of PcA (not con-
taining mitochondrial DNA). Lane Sc contains EcoRI-restricted We have tested DNA homology between the four strains
mitochondrial DNA of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. b y Southern hybridisation o f labelled random chromoso-

Fig. 3. a Autoradiograph of a Southern hybridisation (at 55 °C) of labelled mitochondrial DNA of Aspergillusnidulansto EcoRI-restricted
DNA of PcA (lane a: not including mitochondrial DNA), to BamHI-restricted mitochondrial DNA of Sp (S), PeA (A), PcF (F), PcP (P)
and to EcoRI-restricted mitochondrial DNA of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc). b - d Autoradiographs of Southern hybridisations (at
68 °C) of labelled mitochondrial DNA of PcA (b), PcF (c) and PcP (d) to BamHI-restricted mitochondrial DNA of Sp (S), PcA (A),
PcF (F), PcP (P) and to EcoRI-restricted satellite DNA of PcA (sA), PcF (sF) and PeP (sP). The filters for these hybridisations were
prepared from gels like those shown in Fig. 2(b) and in Fig. 1 (for EcoRI-restricted satellite DNA). Note that the amount of mitochon-
drial DNA on these gels is smaller for PcF and PcP than for Sp and PcA.
504 U. Raeder and P. Broda: DNA of lignin-degradingfungi

real sequences (obtained by cloning) of one strain to gests a lower degree of DNA homology of PcF and PcP
constant amounts of restricted total DNA of all four compared to Sp and PcA. However we cannot exclude
strains. The previous identification of mitochondrial and that PcF and PcP have a very much larger genome size
ribosomal sequences allowed us to exclude such se- than Sp and PcA. Some similarities between the Southern
quences from this comparison. The hybridisations were hybridisation patterns between PcF and PcP (not shown)
carried out under stringent conditions. Provided that the indicate that PcF and PcP are more closely related to
genome size and the copy number of the sequences each other than either of them is to Sp or PcA. This is
which correspond to the probe sequence are similar for also consistent with the similarities of the 10 kb repeats
the tested strains, the strength of the hybridisation signal and the mitochondrial DNAs, described above.
on the autoradiograph is an indication of DNA homology.
Gene libraries of Sp and PcA were prepared by cloning
random EcoRI fragments (> 8 kb) into XgtWEST-T5 -622.
Phages from randomly picked plaques (ten from each Estimation of the GC content of DNA
library) were propagated and DNA was prepared. The from strains Sp and PcA
DNAs were restricted with EcoRI and run on agarose
gels to check for the presence of inserts: two out of the Bisbenzimide in CsCl-gradients increases the separation
twenty DNAs did not appear to contain inserts. DNA effect of DNAs with different GC-contents by binding to
from such a gel was blotted onto nitrocellulose filters adenine-residues in the DNA and thereby reducing the
and hybridised with labelled mitochondrial DNA of PcA. buoyant density in CsC1 (Miiller and Gautier 1975).
Three of the eighteen clones with inserts hybridised. As Experiments with marker DNAs of different GC-contents
mitochondrial DNAs of Sp and PcA are almost identical (33%, 50%, 71%) showed a linear relationship between
and were found to hybridise also with the ribosomal GC-content and position in the CsCl-bisbenzimide gradi-
DNA repeat, it was assumed that the DNAs of the fif- ents. Gradients prepared by running in a Ti50 rotor at
teen clones which did not hybridise do not contain 71,800 x g at 17 °C separated the marker DNAs by 0.78
mitochondrial or ribosomal DNA. Eleven of these fifteen ram/l% difference in the GC-content. Chromosomal and
clones (six from the Sp library and five from the PcA mitochondrial DNAs of Sp and PcA were run separately
library) covering about 0.1% of each genome (see in such gradients with internal markers and gradients
"genome size estimation" below) were labelled by nick with marker DNAs were run in parallel. The positions of
translation. Each probe was hybridised under stringent the fluorescing bands were plotted against GC-content of
conditions to EcoRI-restricted total DNA of the four the markers.
strains. Figure 4 shows typical autoradiographs obtained The GC-contents were estimated to be 59% for chro-
in this experiment. mosomal DNA and 33% for mitochondrial DNA for
The DNA of all eleven clones hybridised with similar both Sp and PcA. These values are comparable with
efficiency to Sp DNA and PeA DNA, indicating high those reported for other basidiomycetes (Storck and
DNA homology between these two strains. Five (three Alexopoulos 1970; Villa and Storck 1968).
of Sp and two of PcA) hybridised to similar sized frag-
ments in total DNA of both Sp and PcA (e.g. Fig. 4a,
d). These hybridising fragments correspond in size and
number to the cloned fragments. From the six other Estimation of the genome size of strain PeA
clones which hybridised to differently sized fragments in
total DNA of Sp and PcA, four (two of Sp and two of We have estimated the genome size of PcA as a multiple
PeA) hybridised to more EcoRI fragments in total DNA of the known genome size of XgtWES-T5-622. This ap-
of the respective strains (two or three) than were original- proach depends on the following concept: in a mixture
ly present in the clone (one or two; e.g. Fig. 4b, c, e). of two genomes (here PcA and XgtWES-T5"622), where
This indicates the presence of more than one (probably the amount of each DNA is proportional to its genome
two) slightly different copies of the tested sequence size, all single copy sequences are present in equimolar
(or part of it) in the genome. This could suggest that the amounts. A labelled clone, consisting of a fungal single
two fungi Sp and PcA are diploid. None of the clones copy sequence and the vector sequence (with a known
tested contained middle or highly repetitive sequences; distribution of radioactivity in the two parts), was hy-
Wu et al. (1983) made similar observations with another bridised to a constant amount of filter-bound fungal
basidiomycete Coprinus cinerus. DNA alone and mixed with various amounts of vector
In contrast the signals obtained from hybridisation of DNA. By measuring the amounts of hybridisation and
Sp-derived and PcA-derived clones to EcoRI-restricted considering the distribution of radioactivity in the fungal
total DNA of PcF and PcP were much weaker. This, like and the vector part of the probe, the ratio of filter-bound
the results with the mitochondrial DNAs, strongly sug- fungal DNA: vector DNA was determined at which
U. Raeder and P. Broda: DNA of lignin-degrading fungi 505

Fig. 4a-e. Autoradiographs of Southern hybridisations (at 68 °C) of labelled DNA of random chromosomal clones of Sp (a, b, c) and
PcA (d, e) to EcoRI-restricted total DNA of Sp (S), PcA (A), PcF (F) and PcP (P) (20 #g per lane). The clones used in hybridisations
(a, b, c, d) contain one fungal EcoRI fragment; the clone used in hybridisation (e) contains two fungal EcoRI fragments. Lane m con-
tains 3 ng of HindlII-restricted DNA of ~.c1857.

CPM '~



• ,! ,IP
1:o l:s-~ "~ ." ~ 1:.~ R

Fig. 5. a Graphical representation of the data obtained in the genome size estimation experiment. R is the ratio of the amounts of filter-
bound fungal DNA: vector DNA. The amount of hybridisation (cpm) of the two different probes used in this experiment are marked
with (o) and (x) (three replicates each). The two straight lines were fitted to the two sets of values using least squares analysis, b Auto-
radiograph of one of the filters after hybridisation with increasing amounts of filter-bound vector DNA from the bottom row (R = 1 : 0)
to the top row (R = 1 : 1/500).

equimolar amounts of the fungal and the vector part believed to contain single copy sequences for the follow-
would hybridise. Provided that the vector and the fungal ing reasons: (1) they do not contain mitochondrial or
sequences hybridise with the same efficiency (tilter ribosomal DNA; (2) their intensities o f hybridisation are
driven hybridisation), this ratio of equimolar hybridisa- similar to those o f the other nine clones; (3) t h e y hy-
tion is the ratio o f equimolar presence of fungal and bridise only to those EcoRI fragments in restricted total
vector single copy sequences and corresponds to the DNA that correspond to the EcoRI fragments in the
ratio of the sizes o f the two genomes. clones.
Two o f the PcA clones from the cross-hybridisation Figure 5 is a graphical representation o f the results.
experiment were chosen for this experiment. They are Evaluation o f the data showed that equimolar hybridisa-
506 U. Raeder and P. Broda: DNA of lignin-degrading fungi

tion would occur at a ratio o f fungal to vector DNA of Acknowledgements. This work was part of a programme sup-
1,161 : 1 and 1,347: 1. F r o m this the size of the haploid ported jointly by BP Venture Research and the Agriculture and
genome is calculated as 4.1 or 4.7 x 107 bp. This is com- Food Research Council. We wish to thank Olwen Birch for ex-
cellent technical assistance and John CuUum for helpful com-
parable with the genome sizes of other basidiomycetes ments on the manuscript.
such as SchizophyUum commune (complexity of 3.3 x
107 bp; Dons et al. 1979)) and Coprinus lagopus (3.5 x
10 v pb; Dutta 1974), which were determined by other References
Ander P, Eriksson KE (1976) Arch Microbiol 109:1-8
Brunel F, Davison J, Merchez M (1979) Gene 8:53-68
Burdsall HH Jr, Eslyn WE (1974) Mycotaxon 1:123-133
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Davison J, Brunel F, Merchez M (1979) Gene 8:69-80
(1) The two lignin degraders P. chrysosporium MFA66 Dons JMM, DeVries OMH, Wessels JGH (1979) Biochim Biophys
and S. pulverulentum Novobranova are very similar Acta 563:100-112
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Swift MJ (eds) Decomposer basidiomycetes. Cambridge,
(2) Two other strains classified as P. chrysosporium University Press, p 67
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monwealth Mycological Institute #74,691 and Hohn B (1979) Methods Enzymol 68:299-309
Kiick U, Esser K (1982) Curt Genet 5:143 147
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comparison as indicators for intraspecific variations, Maniatis T, Fritsch ES, Sambrook J (1982) Molecular cloning: a
are both less related to S. pulverulentum Novobra- laboratory manual. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New
nova and P. chrysosporiurn MFA46, but may be York, pp 264-267
Miiller W, Gautier F (1975) Eur J Biochem 54:385-394
more related to each other.
Petes TD, Hereford LM, Botstein D (1977) Cold Spring Harbor
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(3) The genome size ( 4 - 5 x 107 bp, estimated for P. 1207
chrysosporium ME446) and the DNA GC-contents Southern EM (1975) J Mol Biol 98:503-517
(59% for chromosomal DNA and 33% for mitochon- Specht CA, DiRusso CC, Novotny CP, Ullrich RC (1982) Anal
Biochem 119:158-163
diral DNA) o f S. pulverulentum Novobranova and
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P. chrysosporium ME446 are similar to those of Villa VD, Storck R (1968) J Bacteriol 96:184-190
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(4) The ribosomal DNA repeat which was present as an
AT-rich satellite to bulk chromosomal DNA was
Communicated by B. S. Cox
found to occur in two sets in three of the four
strains. Received March 1 / May 14, 1984

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