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Periodic Classification of Elements

NEB Syllabus
 Introduction
 Mendeleev’s periodic law and periodic table
 Anomalies of Mendeleev periodic table
 Modern periodic law, modern periodic table
 Advantages of modern periodic table
 Division of elements into s, p, d, f blocks
 Periodicity of physical properties like valency, atomic radii, ioinic radii, ionization energy or ionization
potential (IE or IP) , electronafinity (EA) , Electro negativity (EN)

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Periodic table is a table in which all the elements (metals, non-metals and metalloids) are included either according
to their atomic mass or atomic number. The goal of the table is to make the study of elements and their compounds
easy, simple and fast. Many Scientists have contributed for the development of the table (Dobereiner, John Newland,
Lother Meyer, Mendeleev, Moseley). Total number of elements discovered so far in the periodic table are 118 (
IUPAC 2016) and the last element is Oganesson(Og)
Mendeleev’s periodic table included 63 elements at the beginning and later he published a modified form of the table
having seven horizontal rows and nine vertical columns/groups.

Mendeleev’s Periodic law and periodic table

Born : 8 Feb 1834

Died : 2 Feb 1907
Age : 72
Nationality : Russian

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

Mendeleev’s Periodic Law (1869)

This law is based on atomic mass. This periodic law states that “The physical and chemical properties of the
elements are periodic function of their atomic weights”
It means that when elements are arranged according to their increasing atomic weights, the properties are
repeated after a regular interval although the atomic weights go on increasing.

Mendeleev’s Periodic Table

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Mendeleev’s Modified Periodic Table

Features of Mendeleev’s periodic Table

1. Groups or families
There are altogether 8 vertical columns known as groups or families. These groups are given roman numerals i.e.
from Group I to group VII & Group VIII (zero group noble gas group is not known at Mendeleev’s time)
2. Periods
There are altogether 7 horizontal rows which are called periods.

Advantages of Mendeleev’s periodic table

1. Systematic study of elements
It helps to study the properties of elements and their trends of variation in group and periods rather than an
individual element.
Valency : Along a group is almost same but changes gradually across a period with the increasing in atomic
Atomic size : Gradually increases along the group and decreases across the period
2. Prediction of new elements
He left gaps in his periodic table for the those element which were not discovered at that time.
He predicted the properties of undiscovered elements by comparing the properties of neighboring elements.
He left two gaps in periodic table and gave their names as
Eka aluminum (properties are similar to that of Al) - which later found to be Gallium
Eka silicon (properties are similar to that of Si) which later found to be Germanium
3. Correction of faulty atomic weights
Many doubtful atomic weight were corrected by the help of his classification.
He corrected atomic weight of Be .
The equivalent weight of Be is 4.5 and valency 3
Atomic weight (A) = Equivalent weight (E) x Valency (V)
A = 3 x 4.5 = 13.5
So , Beryllium (Be) should placed in between C (A=12) and N (A=14) which is not true.
Mendeleev consider Be must be a bivalent (having valency 2) and corrected atomic weight
A = 2 X 4.5 = 9 which is true.

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Anomalies of Mendeleev’s Periodic Table:
1. Position of Hydrogen
Hydrogen resembles with alkali metal (Group I) as well as Halogen (Group VII) in periodic table. Hence
position is not clear
Similar to Alkali metal
 Hydrogen is Monovalent
 Hydrogen reacts with Halogen
H2 + Cl2  2HCl
 Hydrogen forms monopositive ion in solution

HCl H+ + Cl – NaCl Na+ + Cl –

Similar to Halogen (non metal )
 Hydrogen is diatomic molecule
 Hydrogen reacts with alkali metal as halogen.
2Na + H2  2NaH 2Na + Cl2  2NaCl
 Hydrogen forms mono negative ion
Na H  Na+ + H- , Na Cl  Na+ + Cl-
He placed Hydrogen in Group I which is controversial.

2. Position of isotopes
Isotopes have same atomic number but different atomic weights hence must occupy different position in
periodic table but they are placed together in Mendeleev’s periodic table which is against his Law.
Chlorine ( Cl35.5 & Cl37 ) Hydrogen ( H1 , H2 & H3)

3. Anomalous pair
Certain element having higher atomic weights have been placed before those element having lower atomic
weights without any justifications which is not according to his periodic law.
Ar (A= 39.9) placed before K ( A=39.1)
Co ( A =58.9) placed before Ni ( A= 58.7)

4. Position of group VIII elements

Group VIII includes 3 elements in each row and have different atomic weight but are placed in same group
which is not according to his periodic law.
Group VIII
26Fe (55.8) 27Co (58.9) 28Ni ( 58.7)

44Ru (101.1) 45Rh (102.5) 46Pd ( 106.7)

5. Separation of similar elements & grouping of dissimilar elements

Elements having chemically similar properties are placed separately.
Example : Cu and Hg are separately placed.
Elements having chemically dissimilar properties are placed together.
Example : Coinage metals like Cu, Ag, Au are least reactive metals are placed together with highly reactive
alkali metals like Li, Na, K.

6. Position of Lanthanides and Actinides

The Lanthanides and the Actinides are placed in the main body of periodic table without any proper reason.

7. Cause of periodicity:
It does not explain the cause of periodicity.

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Modern Periodic law and Periodic table

Full name : Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley

Born : 23 Nov 1887
Died : 10 Aug 1915
Nationality : English
Citizenship : British

Moseley was shot and killed during the Battle of

Gallipoli on 10 August 1915, at the age of 27.

Henery Moseley “Harry”

Modern Periodic Law or Moseley Law (1913)
Modern periodic law was developed by Mosely. This periodic law states that:- “ The physical and chemical
properties of the elements are the periodic function of their atomic number.”
Cause of periodicity
Periodicity :
The repetition or recurrence of similar properties of elements after certain regular intervals when they are arranged
in an increasing order of their atomic number is called periodicity.
The recurrence of similar properties is due to the recurrence of similar outer (valance shell) electronic configuration.
The similar properties of element gets repeated after the intervals of 2, 8, 8, 18, 18, 32. These numbers are called
magic numbers.

Modern Periodic Table:

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Structural features of modern periodic table:
The periodic table consist of 18 vertical columns called groups and 7 horizontal row called periods. In IUPAC system
elements are classified from group number 1-18, however in long form system (American system, Bohr’s) elements
are classified from group number I to VIII including group number zero.
Elements from group number I to VII is classified into sub group A and B and group VIII is further subdivided into
3 columns. s and p block element written as sub group A . d -block element are classified as sub group B. Group
are arranged as follows.

IUPAC 1984 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

s- block element d- block element p-block element

Group I to VIII are subdivided into A and B and are as follows :

IA (1) : Alkali metals ( Excluding H)
IIA (2) : Alkaline earth metals
IIIA (13) : Boron Family (Trivial name- Iscosagens)
IVA (14) : Carbon Family (Trivial name- Crystallogens)
VA (15) : Nitrogen Family (Trivial name-Pnictogens )
VIA(16) : Oxygen family (Trivial name- Chalcogens)
VIIA(17) : Fluorine Family or Halogens
VIIIA (18) : Zero Group or Nobel gases
IB (11) : Copper Family or Coinage metals
IIB (12) : Zinc family or Volatile metals
IIIB (3) : Scandium Family-consist of Lanthanides (rare earths) and Actinides
IVB (4) : Titanium Family
VB (5) : Vanadium Family
VIB (6) : Chromium Family
VIIB (7) : Manganese Family
VIIIB (8) : Iron Family
VIIIB(9) : Cobalt Family
VIIIB (10) : Nickel Family

Modern periodic table consist of 7 periods. They represent principal quantum number.
Period No of elements Types of periods
1 2 Very short
2 8 Short
3 8 Short
4 18 Long
5 18 Long
6 32 Very long
7 29 Incomplete

The 14 elements in sixth period ( from atomic no 58 to 71) are called lanthanides or rare earth metals .
The 14 elements in 7th period ( from atomic no 90 to 103) are called actinides.

 Lanthanides and Actinides have been placed separately from the main body of periodic table at the bottom
to avoid unnecessary sidewise expansion of periodic table.

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Classification of elements into s, p, d & f blocks based on valance shell electronic configurations

a) s- block elements:
The element in which the last electron enters the s-orbital are called s-block elements. Their general electronic
configuration is ns1-2 where n represent outermost shell. The elements of s-block are representative element. Alkali
(IA) and alkaline earth (IIA) metal belong to this blocks.

General characteristics of s block elements

1. They are highly reactive soft metals.
2. They are strong reducing agent.
3. They possess low melting and boiling point.
4. They are highly electropositive having low ionization energies and form ionic bond and show +1 and +2
oxidation state.

b) P- block elements:
The element in which the last electron enters in the p- orbital of their outermost energy level are called p block
elements. The general electronic configuration of p block element is ns2np1-6.The element of group 13(IIIA) to group
17(VIIA) and group 18 (zero group) of the periodic table belongs to this block.

General characteristics of p- block elements

1. It consist of mostly nonmetal some metal, and some metalloids.
2. They mostly form covalent bond.
3. Their I.P. is higher than s- block element.
4. They show variable oxidation state.

c) d-block elements:
The element in which last electron enters the d-orbital of their penultimate energy level (n-1) are called d- block
element. The general outer shell electronic shell configuration of d- block element is (n-1) d1-10ns1-2.The element of
this block is also known as transition elements since their properties intermediate between those of s-block and p-
block elements. This is situated at the middle part of periodic table and consist of metal only. It comprises total 10

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General characteristic of d -block element
1. They are hard metal with high melting points.
2. They form both ionic and covalent bonds.
3. They form colored complexes.
4. They show variable oxidation states.
5. Most of transition metals and their compound are used as catalyst.

d) f- block elements:
The elements in which last electron enters the f-orbital of their antepenultimate energy level (n-2) are called f-block
elements. The valence shell electronic configuration of these elements is (n-2)f 1-14(n-1)d0-1ns2 these are also known
as inner transition elements and are classified into two series and placed at the bottom of periodic table. 4f series
also known as lanthanide and 5f series also known as actinides.

General characteristics of f block elements.

1. They are heavy metal with high melting points.
2. They show variable oxidation states.
3. They form coloured compounds.
4. They have a tendency to form a complexes.
5. All actinides are radioactive in nature.

Advantages of Modern periodic table

1) Elements are arranged in an increasing order of atomic number and it is more superior to Mendeleev’s
periodic classification.
2) The anomaly disappears when pairs like Ar-K , Co-Ni etc are arranged in an increasing atomic number.
3) The isotopes have same atomic number but different atomic mass and therefore occupy same position in
periodic table.
4) Isobars have different atomic number but same atomic mass and therefore occupy different groups in modern
periodic table.
5) The study of elements is more systematic and convenient by classifying elements into s, p, d and f blocks
and elements into metals and non metals
6) The position of Hydrogen is kept along with the alkali metals according to its outermost electronic
7) Similar group elements are kept together and dissimilar group elements are separated.
8) Lanthanide and Actinides are decided to kept below the main body of periodic table due to their similar
valency and similar chemical properties is justifiable.
9) It is able to describe the cause of periodicity of atomic properties based on outermost electronic

Disadvantages of Modern periodic table

1. Helium should be kept in s- block elements according to its outermost electronic configuration but it is kept
in p-block.
2. Group VIIIB consist of three column without any justification.
3. The dual nature of hydrogen (equal tendency of losing and gaining e-) makes the position of hydrogen
4. The table unable to include Lanthanides and Actinides in main body of periodic table.

Periodicity of the physical properties:

Periodic properties:
The properties which are related with atomic structure or electronic configuration of elements and that shows
gradual change on moving along group from top to bottom or in the periods from left to right are called
periodic properties.
Periodic properties are valency, atomic size, ionic radii, ionization energy, electron affinity and

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Periodic Variation of Valency
Valency in the periodic table across a period first increases and then decreases. There is no change going down a
Periodic Variation of metallic and non-metallic character
Metallic properties increase down groups as decreasing attraction between the nuclei and the outermost electrons
causes the outermost electrons to be loosely bound and thus able to conduct heat and electricity. Across the periods,
increasing attraction between the nuclei and the outermost electrons causes metallic character to decrease.

Non-metallic property increases across a period and decreases down the group due to the same reason due to increase
in nuclear attractive force. Metals are ductile while non-metals are not.

Atomic Size
Atomic size is compared in terms of atomic radii.
Atomic radius
The distance between the centers of the nucleus to the outermost shell (valance shell) containing electrons is called
atomic radius. It is measured in picometers (pm) or Angstroms(Å) units.
1 pm = 10-12 m and 1Å = 10-10 m , 1Å = 100 pm

The atomic radii are expressed in terms of

Covalent radii, Metallic radii , Vander Waal’s radii and Ionic radii

Covalent radii:
Atoms of the nonmetals are bonded by covalent bond, hence their size is expressed in terms of covalent radius.
Covalent radius is defined as one half of the distance between the nuclei of two covalently bonded atom

r r
Nucleus Nucleu

Where, r = radius st shell
Metallic radius
In metals, atoms are held together by metallic bond and their size is expressed in terms of metallic radius.
It is the half distance between two nuclei of atoms held by metallic bond.

Vander Waals radius

In noble gases, atoms are held together by van der Waals force of attraction and their size is expressed in terms of
van der Waals radius.
It is the half distance between two nuclei of atoms held by van der Waal’s force of attraction.
Variation of atomic radii (atomic size) in a period:
On moving from left to right in a period, the value of n (principle quantum number or no. of energy level or no. of
shell) remains same for that period and the added electrons enters into the same shell but nuclear charge increases
by +1 unit and effective nuclear charge also increases due to which the electron clouds are pulled strongly towards
the nucleus and size of atom decreases.

Elements Li Be B C N O F Ne
Period or n 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
No. of e- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Nuclear charge +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10

Atomic size decreases

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Variation of atomic radii (atomic size) in a group:
On moving from top to bottom in a group, the value of n (principle quantum number or no of energy level or no of
shell) increases for particular groups and the added electrons enters into the new shell. Although the nuclear
charge increases the effective nuclear charge remains almost same and the inner electrons causes the shielding or
screening effect and electron clouds are less tightly held by the nucleus due to which size of atom increases.

Elements Value of n No. of e- Nuclear

(Group ( No. of shells) charge
IA) (Z)
Li 2 3 +3 Atomic size
Na 3 3+8=11 +11 Increases
K 4 11+8 =19 +19
Rb 5 19+18 =37 +37
Cs 6 37+18 = 55 +55
Fr 7 55+32 = 87 +87

Ionic radius
Distance between the center of nucleus and the valence shell of an ion is called ionic radius.
Ionic radius can also be defined as the distance between the nucleus of an ion and the point where the nucleus
exerts its influence on the electron cloud.
Cation: formed by the loss of one or more electrons
Anion : formed by the gain of one or more electrons

Size of Cation
Cation is formed by the loss of one or more electrons. Cation is always smaller than that of parent atom though
the nuclear charge remains same. Decrease in the number of electrons increases the effective nuclear charge &
electron clouds are strongly pulled towards the nucleus. Hence size of cation decreases.
Example: The size of Na+ ion is always smaller than Na atom

- e- Z = + 11
Z= + 11
e = 11 Electron removal e = 10

Z = nuclear charge Na+ ion

Na-atom e = elctron

Size of Anion
Anion is formed by the gain of one or more electrons the size of anion is always greater than that of parent atom
though the nuclear charge remains same. Increase in the number of electrons decreases the effective nuclear charge
& electron clouds are held less tightly by the nucleus. Hence size of anion increases.
Example: The size of Cl- ion is always greater than Cl atom

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+ e-
Z = + 17 Electron additon Z= + 17
e = 17 e = 18
Cl-atom Z = nuclear charge
e = elctron Cl- ion

Iso electronic Species

The species (atoms or ions) having same number of electrons but different magnitude of nuclear charge are called
isoelectronic species.

Size of isoelectronic species

As the magnitude of nuclear charge increases the effective nuclear charge also increases. Hence electron clouds are
pulled more strongly towards the nucleus and size of the isoelectronic species decreases.

Isoelectronic N- - - O- - F- Ne Na+ Mg+ + Al+ + +

(atoms or
No. of e- 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
No. of proton +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13
charge) or Z

Size of isoelectronic species decreases

Question for practice:

1. Compare the size of the following species with proper the reason.
Ca and Ca+ + ii) F and F- iii) Cl- and K + iv) Cl- and Ca+ + v) Ar and K +
-- ++ -
vi) O and Mg vii) F and Ne

Ionization energy (IE) or Ionization Potential (IP)

The amount of energy required for removal of most loosely bound electron (valance electron) from an isolated
gaseous atom to form gaseous cation is called Ionization energy or first ionization energy (IE 1). It is usually
measured in KJ/mol unit.
X (g) + Energy (IE) X+(g) + e-

Example: Na (g) + 496 (KJ/mol) IE1 Na+(g) + e-

Successive Ionization Energy

The amount of energy required for the removal of successive electrons from cation is called successive ionization
The successive may be..
1st IE ( IE1): energy required for the removal of valence electron (first electron) from atom to from unipositive ion.
2nd IE( IE2): energy required for the removal of second electron from unipositive ion to form dipositive ion.
3rd IE( IE3): energy required for the removal of third electron from dipositive ion to form tripositive ion
And so on……..
Decreasing order of Ionization Energy is IE3> IE2> IE1

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Example: successive Ionization energy for Aluminum is
Al (g) + IE1 (577 KJ/mol) Al+ (g) + e-
Al+ (g) +IE2 (1820 KJ/mol) Al++ (g) + e-
Al (g) + IE3 (2470 KJ/mol) Al+++ (g) + e-

Note: In order to form Al+++(g) ion from Al(g), we have to supply 577+1820+ 2470 = 4867 KJ/mol

Factor affecting Ionization energy

Size of atom:
As the atomic size increases, the force of attraction between nucleus and valance electron decreases and therefore IE
IE α 1/Atomic size
Nuclear Charge:
As the nuclear charge increases, the force of attraction between the nucleus and electron also increases and more
energy have to supply to knock out the electron from the shell. Therefore, IE increases.
IE α Nuclear charge
Shielding or screening effect:
If the number of electrons in the inner shell is large then screening effect will be high as a result of which attraction
between the nucleus and electrons decreases and hence IE decreases.
IE α 1/Screening effect
Half-filled or completely filled electronic configuration
Half-filled and completely filled orbital are more stable due to the symmetrical distribution of electron around the
nucleus. Hence large amount of energy is required to remove e from such orbitals. Eg He, Be N, Mg.

Periodic variation of Ionization energy

Along periods:
IE increases because as we move across the period the nuclear charge as well as effective nuclear charge increases
and the electron clouds are pulled more strongly towards the nucleus and atomic size decreases. Hence the
electrostatic force of attraction between the nucleus and valence electron also increases & large amount of energy is
required to remove an electron.

Across Groups
IE decreases along the group. Although the nuclear charge increases the effective nuclear charge remains almost
same and the added electrons enters into the new shell. The electrostatic attraction between valence electron and
nucleus is decreases due to the shielding effect or screening effect caused by inner electrons. The valence electrons
are less tightly held by the nucleus and small amount of energy is sufficient enough to knock out the valence electron.

Electron affinity (EA)

The amount of energy released when an electron is added to isolated neutral gaseous atom in its lower energy state
to form an anion is called electron affinity. It is usually measured in KJ/mol unit.

X (g) + e-  X-(g) + Energy (EA)

Example: Cl (g) + e-  Cl-(g) + EA (-349 kJ mol-1)

NOTE: (Here –ve sign shows the release of energy)

EA measures the capacity of an element to form negative ion. Larger the value of EA, greater is the tendency to form
negative ion.

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Factor affecting Electron Affinity
Size of atom:
Larger the atomic size, the greater will be the distance between the nucleus and incoming electron. As a result of
which the force of attraction between the nucleus and incoming electron decreases hence the EA decreases.
EA α 1/Atomic size
Nuclear Charge:
As the nuclear charge increases, the force of attraction between the nucleus and the incoming electron increases and
hence EA increases.
EA α Nuclear charge

Shielding or screening effect:

If the number of electrons in the inner shell is large then screening effect will be high as a result of which attraction
between the nucleus and electrons decreases and hence EA decreases.
EA α 1/Screening effect

Half-filled or completely filled electronic configuration

Half-filled and completely filled orbital are more stable due to the symmetrical distribution of electron around the
nucleus. Hence these orbitals have lower tendency or no tendency to accept electrons & EA is very low.
Example: EA of C-atom (-121.8 KJ/mol) > EA of N-atom (less than or equal to 0 KJ/mol)
Here, N has half -filled configuration.

Periodic variation of Electron Affinity

Across period
On moving across the periods, atomic size decreases, nuclear charge as well as effective nuclear charge increases.
Both factor tends to increase the attraction between the incoming electron and nucleus and hence EA increases.
(Exception Mg, Be, N, P, inert gas)
Along Group
On moving along the groups, atomic size increases, because added electrons inters into new shell. Although the
nuclear charge increases effective nuclear charge remains almost same and the inner electrons causes the shielding
effect. Hence there is decrease in the attraction between incoming electron and nucleus and EA decreases.
Example: EA is decreases on going from Cl to Br and I but EA of F is less than Cl because the added electron
experiences electronic crowding more in F than in Cl.

Electronegativity (EN)
The tendency of an atom in a covalent molecule to attract the shared pared of electrons towards itself is called
electron negativity (EN).

There are number of scales to determine the value of EN. Such as

i) Mullikan Scale ii) Pauling Scale.
Pauling scale is the important among all the scales and according to this scale F is most electronegative atom (EN=
3.98) and Cesium is least electronegative atom (EN=0.7)

Factor affecting Electronegativity (EN)

Atomic Size:
The smaller the size of atom, greater is the tendency of that atom to attract the shared pair electron towards itself.
Therefore, EN increases.
Nuclear charge:
The increase in the nuclear charge increases the attraction between shared pair electron and nucleus and hence EN
also increases.
Shielding or screening effect:
If the number of electrons in the inner shell is large then screening effect will be high as a result of which attraction
between the nucleus and electrons decreases and hence EN decreases.
EN α 1/Screening effect

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Charge on ion:
Cation has higher electronegativity than its parent atom due to its smaller size. Similarly anion has lower
electronegativity than its parent due to its larger size.
Example: Li (EN = 1.0) Li+ (EN= 2.5)
F (EN= 3.98) F- (EN= 0.8)
Effect of hybridization:
The Electronegativity of an atom increases as the percentage of s- character of hybrid orbital increases.

Example: The EN of C-atom is in the order of

sp C-atom > sp2 C-atom > sp3 C-atom
(s=50%) (s = 33%) ( s= 25%)
Decreasing order of value of EN of C-atom : Alkyne > Alkene > Alkane
Therefore, H-atom of alkyne is more acidic in nature and most reactive among alkene and alkane H-atom.

Periodic variation of Electronegativity

Across periods:
As we move from left to right along the period, nuclear charge as well as effective nuclear charge increases and
atomic size decreases. Therefore, electronegativity increases along the periods.
Along groups:
As we move from to bottom along the group, the nuclear charge increases and added electrons enters into new shell
and effective nuclear charge remains almost same and size of atom increases and attraction between bonded electron
and nucleus decreases and EN also decreases.

Summaries of periodic trends in atomic properties:

Z increases & S almost constant hence increased Z overweighs S

Atomic size decreases Ionization Energy Increases
Z = nuclear charge Electron Affinity Increases Electronegativity increases
S = Shielding effect
Reducing strenght decreases Metallic property decreases

Z & S increases Across Periods

but S overweighs increased Z
Atomic size increases
Ionization Energy Decreases
Electron AffinityDecreases Along Periodic Table
Electronegativity Decreases Effective nuclear Charge (Zeff) = Z-S
Reducing strenght increases Z= Nuclear charge( number of protons)
Metallic property increases S= shileding electrons

Summary of periodic trends of Atomic properties

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