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Instituto Colombo Venezolano - CECOVE

Bachillerato CLEI, Ciclos Lectivos Especiales Integrados

Resolución 1244 del 2 de noviembre de 1999


Profesor: Diego Fernando Ardila Ariza, Qco. Ambiental Fecha: Noviembre 15 de


Área: Humanidades, español e inglés Asignatura: Inglés Ciclo: VI (Undécimo)

Bibliografía: Top Notch 1, Editorial ALWAYS LEARNING - PEARSON.

1. Resumen: Tema N°1: Preguntas con WH (31 de Octubre - 02 de Noviembre).

 Preguntas de información (WH-Question): son preguntas que formulan una intención

comunicativa e informativa, la cual se interrogan a partir de ¿qué o cuál? (What), ¿dónde?
(Where), ¿cuándo? (When), ¿por qué? (Why) y ¿quién o quiénes? (Who).

 Estructura (enfocado para el presente simple): Las preguntas informativas Wh-

Question tienen las siguientes partes, Wh (What, Where, Who, When or Why) - auxiliar do
or does + sujeto + verbo en forma base + complemento + ?.

Ejemplos: los siguientes ejemplos que se presentan a continuación corresponde a hechos


a) What are your occupations?.... I’m a singer, and he’s a student.

b) Where are their friends from?... They’re from Germany.

c) Who are your teachers?... Their names are Mr. Park and Ms. Kim.

d) When do you listen to music?... When I check e-mail.

e) Why does she need a new suit?... Because her suit it old.

Tema N°2: Adverbios de frecuencia (31 de Octubre - 03 de Noviembre).

 Adverbios de frecuencia: Estos adverbios se emplean para indicar "que tan seguido"
hacemos tal o cual actividad; el cual se usa exclusivamente en el presente simple. Lo
relevante de estos adverbios es que no cambian dependiendo del tipo de persona que
estemos hablando. Para este caso, se estudiaron los siguientes adverbios: always
(siempre), usually (usualmente), sometimes (algunas veces) y never (nunca).

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Bachillerato CLEI, Ciclos Lectivos Especiales Integrados
Resolución 1244 del 2 de noviembre de 1999

 Estructura (únicamente para el presente simple): comprenden las siguientes partes,

sujeto + adverbio (always, usually, sometimes or never) + verbo en su forma base +

Ejemplos: los siguientes ejemplos que se presentan a continuación corresponde a eventos


a) She always plays soccer on Saturday. d) They never take a nap in the afternoon.

b) I usually check e-mail in the evening. e) You always cook chicken on Sundays.

c) We sometimes go dancing on weekends. f) He usually drives in his car on Tuesdays.

Tema N°3: Presente y pasado perfecto (07 - 09 de Noviembre).

 Presente perfecto: es un tiempo verbal que expresa actividades que ocurrieron en el

pasado y que en el presente siguen ocurriendo; es decir, siguen vigentes como
actividades. El verbo auxiliar es haber; en el inglés corresponde así: I, You, We, They se
emplea have y para el caso de los pronombres He, She, it se emplea has.

 Estructura (oraciones positivas): consta de las siguientes partes, sujeto + verbo auxiliar
haber (Have / Has) + verbo en pasado participio + complemento.

Ejemplo: Marco has studied English since five years / I have lived with parents every life.

 Usos: para este tiempo verbal, a continuación, se explican algunos de los usos comunes.

a) Acciones que comenzaron en el pasado y que no han terminado aún en el presente.

Ejemplo: I have not slept in the past two days.

b) Acciones que comenzaron y acabaron en el pasado pero que su efecto continuo en el

presente. Ejemplo: I am not hungry because I have eaten an apple.

c) Acciones que comenzaron y acabaron en el pasado pero que el interlocutor ha situado la

acción en un intervalo de tiempo no acabado. Esta situación de la acción en un intervalo
temporal no finalizado obliga a construir la oración en presente perfecto. Ejemplo:  I have
been in USA this year.

 Estructura (oraciones negativas): consta de las siguientes partes, sujeto + auxiliar del
verbo have (haven’t) or has (hasn’t) + verbo en pasado participio + complemento.

Ejemplo: They haven’t played soccer since 2000 / She hasn’t take aspirin for three years.
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Resolución 1244 del 2 de noviembre de 1999

 Estructura (preguntas): consta de las siguientes partes, auxiliar have or has + sujeto +
verbo en pasado participio + complemento + ?.

Ejemplo: Have you been in France this year?.

Respuesta positiva: Yes, I have or Yes, I have been in France this year.
Respuesta negativa: No, I haven´t or No, I haven’t been in France this year.

 Adverbios en el presente perfecto: este tipo de adverbios se adicionan para intensificar

las acciones o hechos en presente perfecto. Los adverbios más utilizados son: ever,
never, already, yet, before, even, entre otros.

Ejemplos: estos adverbios se emplean de acuerdo con el tipo de oraciones o preguntas. A

continuación, se muestran algunos ejemplos.

a) She has never finished her degrees. d) Have they finished their homework yet?.

b) They have already made a lot of money. e) Jacob hasn’t left his job at the hospital yet.

c) You have even become billionaries. f) Have you ever been to England?.

Tema N°4: Voz activa y pasiva (14 - 16 de Noviembre).

 Comprensión de oraciones en voz pasiva y activa: La voz activa y la voz pasiva son
dos maneras de presentar la misma situación enfocándola desde perspectivas diferentes.
En el caso de la voz activa, nos interesa la persona responsable de la acción (el agente),
mientras que en la voz pasiva nos interesa el paciente o el resultado de esta acción,
como, por ejemplo:

Ejemplo - voz activa: Bell invented the telephone (relación agente objeto).

Ejemplo - voz pasiva: The telephone was invented by Bell (relación objeto agente).

En ambas frases el sujeto de la frase constituye información conocida sobre la que

aportamos más detalles. El pasaje de activo a pasivo implica diferentes cambios:

a) El objeto del verbo pasa a ser sujeto de la frase. El agente aparece en una posición
posterior, normalmente introducido por la preposición by.

b) El verbo pasa a tener la estructura: verbo auxiliar to be + participio pasado.

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Bachillerato CLEI, Ciclos Lectivos Especiales Integrados
Resolución 1244 del 2 de noviembre de 1999

La diferencia entre la voz activa y la voz pasiva no es solamente formal. Se trata también de
una diferencia de significado: en la frase activa, el sujeto de la frase es responsable de la
acción; en la frase pasiva, el sujeto de la frase recibe los efectos de la acción.

2. Logro I: Maneja correctamente preguntas en todos los tiempos.

2.1 Indicadores del logro III:

 Reconoce con claridad los diferentes interrogativos.

 Maneja adecuadamente verbos interrogativos.
 Organiza gramaticalmente las estructuras de preguntas.
 Utiliza correctamente los auxiliares en interrogativos.

2.2 Logro II: Describe modalidades en oraciones con diferentes porcentajes de tiempo.

2.2.1 Indicadores del logro II:

 Reconoce los adverbios de frecuencia con su intensidad.

 Narra eventos en diferentes tiempos.
 Interpreta correctamente textos escritos.
 Identifica con claridad adverbios en diferentes situaciones.

2.3 Logro III: Reconoce verbos en pasado participio en los tiempos perfectos.

2.3.1 Indicadores del logro III:

 Reconoce verbos en pasado participio con su significado.

 Maneja adecuadamente have/has en oraciones afirmativas.
 Desempeña buen manejo en oraciones negativas.
 Utiliza estructura gramatical en oraciones.

2.4 Logro IV: Desarrolla correctamente oraciones en voz pasiva y activa.

2.4.1 Indicadores del logro IV:

 Hace uso correcto del verbo to-be en oraciones activas y pasivas.

 Maneja adecuadamente los tiempos presente y pasado en activas y pasado.
 Interpreta correctamente textos escritos.
 Utiliza órdenes gramaticales en voz activa y pasiva.

3. Desarrollo de actividades:
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Resolución 1244 del 2 de noviembre de 1999

 Ejercicios prácticos en clase y extraclase de gramática sobre preguntas WH-Questions:

What?, Where?, When?, Why? y Who?.
 Ejercicios prácticos en clase en referente oraciones con adverbios de frecuencias:
Always, sometimes, never y usually.
 Taller en clase sobre preguntas de información WH-Questions y oraciones con adverbios
de frecuencias (expresiones de tiempo).
 Taller extraclase con material audiovisual sobre oraciones con adverbios de frecuencia.
 Ejercicios prácticos en clase y extraclase de gramática sobre oraciones en presente y
pasado perfecto.
 Taller en clase y extraclase respecto a la estructura gramatical de oraciones en presente
y pasado perfecto.
 Taller extraclase con material audiovisual sobre el presente perfecto.
 Ejercicios en clase sobre oraciones en voz pasiva y activa.
 Taller en clase y extraclase sobre el tema de voz pasiva y voz activa.

4. Actividades de la guía de trabajo N°9:


I. Complete each question. Write Where does or Where do.

Example: 1. Where does your teacher live?.

2. __________ your brother study English?.

3. __________ your sisters go shopping?.

4. __________ Garret and Tom play soccer?.

5. __________ your parents go dancing?.

6. __________ you go out for lunch?.

7. __________ your friends exercise?.

8. __________ you eat breakfast?.

II. Complete the questions. Use What, Where, Who, and the correct form of be. Show both
forms when possible.

Example: 1. A: Who is your new classmate?.

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Resolución 1244 del 2 de noviembre de 1999

B: Her name’s Janet.

2. A: __________ your teacher from?.

B: He’s from Canada.

3. A: __________ your friends’ names?.

B: Adam and Gary.

5. A: __________ your new neighbors?.

B: They’re students from Australia.

6. A: __________ your colleagues from?.

B: They’re from India.

III. Use the words to write information questions. Use the correct form of be. Begin each
question with a capital letter and end with a question mark.

Example: 1. friends’ / what / names / your

What are your friends’ names?

2. from / where / teacher / your


3. e-mail address / what / new / your


4. city / she / what / from


5. your / occupations / neighbors’ / what


6. the / students / from / where / new


III. Read each conversation. Then complete the questions.

Example: 1. A: When do you brush your teeth?.

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Resolución 1244 del 2 de noviembre de 1999

B: I brush my teeth before breakfast and after dinner.

2. A: What time __________________________________________________________?

B: I get up at 8:00.

3. A: What time __________________________________________________________?

B: My parents come home at 7:00.

4. A: When _______________________________________________________________?

B: My husband? He makes dinner at 8:00.

5. A: When _______________________________________________________________?

B: Jeb and Lisa? They study before dinner.

6. A: What time __________________________________________________________?

B: My daughter goes to work at 9:00.

IV. Write (✓) if the sentence is correct. Write (✗) if the sentence is not correct. Make

Example: 1. I check never e-mail in the evening (✗).

Correction: I never check e-mail in the evening.

2. We usually visit friends on weekends ( ).

Correction: ______________________________________________________

3. They listen always to music in the afternoon ( ).

Correction: ______________________________________________________

4. She goes sometimes to parties on Friday evening ( ).

Correction: ______________________________________________________

5. Hank and his wife go dancing never ( ).

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Resolución 1244 del 2 de noviembre de 1999

Correction: ______________________________________________________

6. I sometimes take a nap after lunch ( ).

Correction: ______________________________________________________

7. My classmates play usually soccer on Sunday ( ).

Correction: ______________________________________________________

8. We exercise in the morning always ( ).

Correction: ______________________________________________________

V. Write sentences with the simple present tense. Use the cues. Begin each sentence with a
capital letter.

Example: 1. listen to music / after dinner / always / I

I always listen to music after dinner.

2. usually / my sister / on Saturday / visit friends


3. we / in the evening / go dancing / sometimes


4. never / go out for dinner / they / on weekdays


5. my brother / on Sunday afternoon / go to the movies / always


6. at 7:00 P.M. / usually / her grandfather / take a nap


7. play soccer / sometimes / my sister / after school


8. never / check e-mail / I / in the morning

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Resolución 1244 del 2 de noviembre de 1999

VI. Complete the conversations. Write questions with Who and the simple present tense.
Begin each question with a capital letter and end with a question mark (?).

Example: 1. A: Who does the laundry?

B: My brother does. He does the laundry in the morning.

2. A: ___________________________________________________________________

B: My sister does. She always washes the dishes.

3. A: ___________________________________________________________________

B: I do. I take out the garbage every day.

4. A: ___________________________________________________________________

B: My mom does. She goes shopping on Saturday.

5. A: ___________________________________________________________________

B: My brother does. He always comes home at 5:00.

6. A: ___________________________________________________________________

B: My dad does. He makes lunch on weekends.

VII. Listen to the conversations. Then choose the correct answer for each question.

Conversation A:

Example: 1. What does Karen do?. 2. What is the teacher´s name?.

a) She’s a teacher. a) Mr. Ryan.

b) She’s a student. b) Mr. Willis.
c) She’s an artist. c) Ms. Karen.

3. Who is James?.

a) Karen´s friend.
b) Karen´s teacher.
c) Karen´s brother.
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Resolución 1244 del 2 de noviembre de 1999

Conversation B:

4. What is the woman´s first name?. 5. What is the man´s last name?.

a) West. a) West.
b) Andrea. b) Young.
c) Anita. c) Andrew.

Conversation C:

6. What is the woman´s last name?. 7. What is the teacher´s name?.

a) Clark. c) Smith. a) Brian Brown. c) David Smith.

b) Brown. b) Ellen Clark.

VIII. Complete each conversation with the correct word.

Example: 1. A: What time does she get up?. B: She gets up at 6:30.

2. When _______ you plan to study?. B: As son as I get home from School.

3. Who _______ with you right now?. B: My friend Alice.

4. When _______ your brother cook dinner?. B: On Mondays and Thursdays.

5. Who _______ those people?. B: My grandparents.

IX. Write about your regular day. What do you do?. Write five sentences. Use some frecuency
adverbs (always, usually, sometimes, never).


La actividad se debe desarrollar con base en el siguiente video:

What do you do in the morning? -

I. Check the things Marie says she does in the morning.

______ listen to music ______ take out the garbage ______ do the laundry

______ read ______ watch TV ________ take a nap

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Resolución 1244 del 2 de noviembre de 1999

______ exercise ______ clean the house ________ go food shopping

II. Complete each statement with the correct answer.

1. Marie gets up at on weekdays _______.

a. 7:00 A.M. b) 5:00 A.M. c) 6:30 A.M.

2. Paul never gets up before _______.

a) 8:45 A.M. b) 8:30 A.M. c) 8:00 A.M.

3. On weekends, Marie sleeps until _______.

a. 10:00. b) 8:00. c) 6:00.

4. Marie does laundry in _______.

a) the morning. b) the evening. c) the morning and the evening.

5. Marie exercises on _______.

a. Tuesdays and Thursdays. b. Mondays, Wednesdays.

c. Saturdays and Sundays and Fridays.

6. Paul says he does laundry _______.

a) on Tuesday or Thursday. b) on weekends. c) in March and September.

III. Write short answers to these questions about Marie’s morning activities.

1. Does Marie make breakfast?.


2. Does Marie wash the dishes?.


3. Does Marie take a bath?.


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Resolución 1244 del 2 de noviembre de 1999

4. Does Marie check her e-mail?.


5. Does Marie put on makeup?.



La actividad debe ser desarrollada a partir de la información obtenida en la siguiente


What do you usually do during the week? -

I. Match the person with the sentence.

a) b) c)

1. “I love to have dinner around 6:00.” _______.

2. “I’m more of an evening person.” _______.

3. “I don’t take a nap in the afternoon.” ________.

II. Check each statement True or False. True False

1. Angelique goes to the movies during the week. _______ _______

2. Jessica usually eats dinner late. _______ _______

3. Lisa is a morning person. _______ _______

4. Deepti doesn’t have time for a nap in the afternoon. _______ _______

5. Alvino usually has breakfast after eight. _______ _______

6. Jessica does the laundry every day. _______ _______

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Resolución 1244 del 2 de noviembre de 1999

III. Complete the sentences. Use affirmative or negative forms of the simple present tense.
1. Angelique _________________________ to concerts during the week.
2. Jessica _________________________ laundry often.
3. Alvino _________________________ breakfast between 6:30 and 7:00.
4. Blanche _________________________ lunch at 1:00.


I. Write sentences in the present perfect, using contractions. End each sentence with a

Example: 1. (I / not meet / your sister). I haven’t met your sister.

2. (they / eat / dinner).


3. (the books / not arrive / from Tokyo).


4. (they / take / that class twice).


5. (she / study / three languages).


6. (they / see / that movie three times).


7. (my wife and I / not visit / Australia).


8. (I / not write / the report).


9. (my friend Ben / not speak / to them about the party).


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Resolución 1244 del 2 de noviembre de 1999

II. Complete each short answer.

Example: 1. A: Have you met John? B: Yes, I have.

2. A: Has Janet eaten lunch?. B: No, __________________.

3. A: Have your friends gone to the concert?. B: Yes, __________________.

4. A: Have you done your homework?. B: No, __________________.

5. A: Has your mom come home?. B: No, __________________.

6. A: Has the movie started? B: Yes, __________________.

III. Write the questions in the present perfect. End each with a question mark.

Example: 1. A: (your parents / meet / our teacher). Have your parents met our teacher?.

B: Yes, they have.

2. A: (you / call / your kids). ________________________________________________

B: Yes, I have.

3. A: (you / finish / the report). ________________________________________________

B: Yes, I have.

4. A: (they / speak / to their banker).


B: No, they haven’t.

5. A: (you / see / Shakira in a live concert).


B: No, I haven’t.

6. A: (Leon / look / at the new website). _________________________________________

B: Yes, he has.

7. A: (Karen / eat / dinner). ________________________________________________

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Resolución 1244 del 2 de noviembre de 1999

B: Yes, she has.

8. A: (your brother / go running / this week). _______________________________________

B: No, he hasn’t.

9. A: (your son / graduate / from the university).


B: Yes, he has.

IV. Choose the correct adverb to complete each sentence.

Example: 1. Jake has eaten Peruvian food (ever / before / already).

2. Lucy hasn’t (ever / never / already) gone to the top of the Taipei 101 Tower.

3. My friends have (already / before / ever) gone snorkeling.

4. My husband and I haven’t taken a tour of San Salvador (yet / already / never).

5. She’s climbed Grouse Mountain (before / yet / never).

6. Have your classmates (before / ever / yet) played volleyball?.

7. Has your daughter used a laptop (before / never / already)?.

8. We haven’t (already / ever / never) gone sightseeing in Italy.

V. Write statements and questions in the present perfect.

Example: 1. (ever / you / be / to Paris). Have you ever been to Paris?.

2. (yet / I / not / try / Thai food).


3. (already / they / do / the homework).


4. (never / Maria / eat / Japanese food).

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Resolución 1244 del 2 de noviembre de 1999

5. (before / you / visit / the Museum of Art).


6. (already / you / climb / Yellow Mountain).

7. (yet / your brother / see / Usher in concert).

8. (ever / Max / try / snorkeling).


VI. Write a check (✓) if the sentence is correct. If it is not correct, write ✗ and make

Example: 1. I haven’t never tried Indian food (✗).

I haven’t ever tried Indian food OR I’ve never tried Indian food.

2. She has ever gone to the top of the Eiff el Tower ( ).


3. They haven’t ever taken pictures of the Great Wall ( ).


4. We’ve yet taken a tour of New York ( ).


5. He’s already climbed Mount Fuji ( ).


6. Have you been ever to Los Angeles? ( ).


7. Has she eaten ever potato soup? ( ).


8. My sister has tried already snails ( ).


VII. Complete each statement or question with for or since.

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Example: 1. I’ve been here since 2:00.

2. My parents have been married ________ 1990.

3. Have your children been in Smith Street School ________ a long time?.

4. Louisa has lived in Caracas ________ fifteen years.

5. I’ve been outside this movie theater ________ 5:30.

6. We haven’t eaten in this restaurant ________ two or three years.

7. Our teacher has taught English ________ 2005.

8. How many students in your class have studied English more ________ than two years?.

9. I haven’t seen a single good movie ________ last month.

10. Who hasn’t read a good book ________ a long time?.

VIII. Complete each statement or question with the present perfect.

Example: 1. She has seen (see) Ocean Story ten times so far.

2. My wife says she ____________________ (not go) to any good movies lately.

3. _______ always ____________________ (you / want) to watch We Missed the Last


4. Our local movie theater still ____________________ (not show) King Pong.

5. Is this the first time ____________________ (you / wear) 3D glasses?.

6. The Green Tree is the worst documentary Tom King _______ ever _____________

IX. Choose the word that correctly completes each sentence.

Example: 1. Have you had gelato (yet / ever )?.

2. I’ve (already / before) been to India, but I’d like to go again.

3. Have they (yet / ever) been to the top of the Sears Tower in Chicago?.
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4. Sarah has eaten Mexican food, but she hasn’t tried sopapilla (already / yet).

5. You don’t need to introduce us. I’ve met Les (ever / before).

X. Complete the sentences using the present perfect. Do not use contractions.

Example: 1. A: Have you eaten (eat) yet?. B: No, we haven’t. Shall we eat together?.

2. A: I ______________________________ (go) to China three times.

B: Wow!. I am going for the first time next week.

3. A: ______________________________ (see) the new Brad Pitt movie yet?.

B: No, they haven’t. They’re going to see it tonight.

4. A: I arrived in New York a few days ago.

B: ______________________________ (go) sightseeing yet?.

5. My mom ______________________________ (take) so many great pictures with her

digital camera. B: Nice! Can I see some of them?.

6. A: ______________________________ (speak) to the new student yet?.

B: No, but I plan to speak to her after school today.

7. A: I ______________________________ (not learn) how to use this computer.

B: You haven’t? But it’s so easy to learn!.

XI. Choose the sentence in each pair that is written correctly.

Example: 1. a) I never been a good student. b) I have never been a good student.

2. a) Bob climbed a mountain when he was only 13.

b) Bob has climbed a mountain when he was only 13.

3. a) We taken the neighbor’s dog for a walk before.

b) We have taken the neighbor’s dog for a walk before.

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4. a) Matt has gone to another country. b) Matt has gone to another country last summer.

XII. Listen to the conversation. Then choose the name of the person who has done each

Example: 1. Angie - Jonathan - Karen. 2. Angie - Jonathan - Karen.

3. Angie - Jonathan - Karen. 4. Angie - Jonathan - Karen.

5. Angie - Jonathan - Karen. 6. Angie - Jonathan - Karen.

7. Angie - Jonathan - Karen. 8. Angie - Jonathan - Karen.

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XIII. What are some activities you started in the past and continues to the present. Write six
sentences about it.

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________________________

6. ______________________________________________________________________


La actividad se debe desarrollar con base en el siguiente video:

Have we met before? (Scene 1) -

I. Check each statement True or False. True False

1. Ms. Novak is from Chicago. _______ _______

2. Marie has never driven a taxi in Egypt. _______ _______

3. Ms. Novak met Marie in Paris. _______ _______

4. Marie moved from Paris three years ago. _______ _______

5. Katerina is Ms. Novak’s sister. _______ _______

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Instituto Colombo Venezolano - CECOVE
Bachillerato CLEI, Ciclos Lectivos Especiales Integrados
Resolución 1244 del 2 de noviembre de 1999

6. Ms. Novak has seen Marie in photographs. _______ _______

II. Complete the conversation with the words you hear in the video episode. Use contractions
when possible.

Ms. Novak: I know. We __________________ (1) in Chicago. You __________________ (2)

waitress in a restaurant near the Art Institute.

Marie: I __________________ (3) to Chicago.

Ms Novak: __________________ (4) a taxi in Egypt?.

Marie: No.

Ms. Novak: You __________________ (5) the pilot on a small airplane in China. You
__________________ (6) me over the Great Wall.

Marie: No.

III. Use the cues to write true statements about the people. Use the present perfect.

1. Marie and Ms. Novak / meet before


2. Ms. Novak / see the Great Wall


3. Marie / drive a bus in Peru


4. Katerina / live in Paris before


5. Marie / be to Chicago


La actividad debe ser desarrollada teniendo en cuenta el video:

Have we met before? (Scene 2) -

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Instituto Colombo Venezolano - CECOVE
Bachillerato CLEI, Ciclos Lectivos Especiales Integrados
Resolución 1244 del 2 de noviembre de 1999

I. Complete each statement with the correct answer.

1. Ms. Novak has _______. 2. Ms. Novak says she has seen _______ in this city.

a) not been to this city before. a) many things.

b) been to this city eight times. b) everything.
c) been to this city many times. c) nothing.

3. Mr. Evans does not believe Ms. Novak has _______.

a) seen the City Opera.

b) toured the Japanese Gardens.
c) done everything in this city.

4. Mr. Evans asks Marie _______ to the “Museum of Cheese.”

a) reserve tickets for.

b) get the address for.
c) get a tour guide for.

5. The “Museum of Cheese” _______.

a) has every kind of cheese.
b) does not sell cheese.
c) only has very old cheese.

II. Check each statement True or False. True False

1. Ms. Novak is going sightseeing. _______ _______

2. Ms. Novak does not believe there is a “Museum of Cheese.” _______ _______

3. Mr. Evans is meeting Ms. Novak at the corner of Fourth and Oak at 7:00.
_______ _______

4. Marie has been to the “Museum of Cheese.” _______ _______

5. There really is a “Museum of Cheese.” _______ _______

III. Complete Mr. Evans’s questions with the words you hear in the video episode.

1. “_______________________________________________ the Riley Museum of Art?”.

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Instituto Colombo Venezolano - CECOVE
Bachillerato CLEI, Ciclos Lectivos Especiales Integrados
Resolución 1244 del 2 de noviembre de 1999

2. “_______________________________________________ the Olson Building?”.

3. “_______________________________________________ at Andre’s Café?”.

4. “_______________________________________________ Cold Beach?”.

5. “_______________________________________________ the ‘Museum of Cheese?”.


I. Rewrite each sentence using passive voice for simple present tense.

Example: 1. People produce cars in this factory.

The cars are produced by people in this factory OR The cars are produced in this factory.

2. The farmer grows carrots in his field.


3. Mrs. Lawrance milks her cow twice a day.


4. Alexander plays golf every Sunday morning.


5. Maisie takes a lot of nature photos at weekends.


6. Mason and Lucas read story books every day.


7. Lexi and Megan eat ice cream three times a week.


8. A mechanic repairs your car in his garage.


9. Eva's mother brushes her hair every morning.


10. People cut down more and more trees every day.
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Instituto Colombo Venezolano - CECOVE
Bachillerato CLEI, Ciclos Lectivos Especiales Integrados
Resolución 1244 del 2 de noviembre de 1999

II. Rewrite the passive sentences into active sentences.

Example: 1. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.

Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

2. The book was written by an Irishman.


3. The president was elected by the people.


4. The bag was packed by his mother.


5. The child was hit by a car.


6. The exercise is completed by the teacher.


7. Google was founded by Larry and Sergey.


8. Football is played by the children.


9. The computer is used by Karla.


10. Coffee is sold by Marie.


III. Are the sentences written in active or passive?. Choose the best answer.
Example: 1. Steven likes to play baseball. Active Passive.

2. Bingo is played in Britain. Active Passive.

3. He lost his keys yesterday. Active Passive.

4. A letter was written. Active Passive.

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Instituto Colombo Venezolano - CECOVE
Bachillerato CLEI, Ciclos Lectivos Especiales Integrados
Resolución 1244 del 2 de noviembre de 1999

5. They are listening to their music. Active Passive.

6. They usually read e-mails. Active Passive.

7. These cars are produced in Italy Active Passive.

8. French is spoken in Niger. Active Passive.

9. Lots of houses were destroyed. Active Passive.

10. The bus driver was hurt. Active Passive.

IV. Rewrite the active sentences into passive.

Example: 1. They understand Spanish. The Spanish is understood by they.

2. My friend bought a new car.


3. John cleaned the bathroom.


4. The teacher closes the window.


5. The girls can play basketball.


6. Our dog didn’t bite the cat.


7. The mechanic repairs cars.


8. The electricians test the fire alarm.


9. Levi Strauss invented the blue jeans.


10. Frank takes photo.

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Instituto Colombo Venezolano - CECOVE
Bachillerato CLEI, Ciclos Lectivos Especiales Integrados
Resolución 1244 del 2 de noviembre de 1999

V. Make passive forms from the given phrases. Mind the tenses in brackets.

Example: 1. English - to speak (Simple present).

The news is spoken English by the interlocutor.

2. Films - to watch (Simple present).


3. Posters to make (Simple present).


4. Stories - to tell (Simple present).


5. Computer game - to buy (Simple present).


6. Books - to write (Simple past).


7. Volleyball - to play (Simple past).


8. Songs - to sing (Simple past).


9. Skateboards - to ride (Simple past)


10. A prize - to win (Simple past).


VI. Write the story of your life (life events). Use the past simple.

VII. Write the routines of your life. Use the simple present.

Notas importantes para tener en cuenta en los escritos:

a) Los escritos anteriores deben incluir párrafos empleando la estructura gramatical correcta.

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Instituto Colombo Venezolano - CECOVE
Bachillerato CLEI, Ciclos Lectivos Especiales Integrados
Resolución 1244 del 2 de noviembre de 1999

b) Cada composición textual debe contener como mínimo quince oraciones.

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