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Algorithm A ISO 13528

A set of p data is sorted in ascending order: x1, x2,…, xi,…, xp.

The robust mean of this data is referred to as x *, the robust standard deviation with s *. The starting
values of x * and s * (i = 1, 2, ..., p) are calculated as follows:

x* = Median xi (4.3.26),

s* = 1,483 Median |xi – x*| (4.3.27).

A factor φ is calculated to improve the values of x * and s *

φ = 1,5 s*

For every xi (i = 1, 2,…, p) one calculates

x * - φ if xi <x * - φ

xi * =x * + φ if xi> x * + φ (4.3.29)

xi other values

Then the new values for x * and s * are calculated:

The summation takes place via i.

The values for x * and s * can be determined iteratively, i.e. the improvement for x * and

s * is repeated until the process converges. Convergence is achieved when

the third significant digit remains unchanged from one iteration step to the next.

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