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Unit 3 Guided Questions

Political Impact of Christianity

1. Who were the spiritual leaders of the Church? The Popes were the spiritual leaders
2. What territories did the popes control? They controlled central Italy (Papal states)
3. Define lay investiture. When several rulers pick nominees and gave them the symbol
of their church office
4. Who was chosen by the rulers? Bishops and Abbots were chosen
5. Who was Gregory VII? How far did he believe his power should extend? Gregory Vll
was elected Pope in 1073. He believed his power extended all over the Christian
world and the rulers
6. Did Gregory VII believe that a pope could remove a rule from power? Yes, he did
7. What German King believed that he had the power of lay investiture? Henry lV
8. What was the name of the controversy between Henry IV and Gregory VII?
Investiture Controversy
9. What was the name of the agreement between the King and the Pope, over lay
investiture? The Concordat of Worms
10. Define interdicts. Interdicts forbid priests from giving sacraments (Christian Rites) to
certain groups of people
11. Give an example of 3 sacraments. Baptism, marriage. And Eucharist (Communion)

The Growth of Cities

12. What led to the revival of cities? The revival of trade
13. Who made goods merchants could sell? Craftspeople
14. Where were the new cities and towns founded? In Northern Europe
15. Why did merchants build settlements near castles? They were located on trade routes
and provided protection
16. What was the population of a large trading city? 5 thousand people
17. What were most towns dependent on? The good grown surrounding the manors
18. List three rights that the townspeople wanted from the lords. The right to sell and buy
property and freedom from military service
19. List three things needed to become a citizen. They had to be born in the city or lived
there for some time
20. What rights did citizens have or what offices could they have? They could elect a city

The Renaissance: The Italian Renaissance and the rise of Florence, Italy
21. What does the word Renaissance mean? It means rebirth
22. Many people believed they were seeing a rebirth of which two ancient worlds?
Ancient Greek and Roman worlds
23. Where did the Renaissance begin? It began in Italy and spread to Europe
24. Did the Renaissance take place primarily in the city or in the country? It took place in
the cities
25. Politically, Florence, Italy was ruled by who? Wealthy merchant families like Medici
26. How did Florence prosper economically and socially?
27. People of the Renaissance began to emphasize what the _______________ could
achieve. Individual
28. What is a “Renaissance Man”? a man with achievements in many areas
29. Why was Leonardo da Vinci known as a Renaissance Man? He was a painter,
sculptor, architect, inventor, and mathematician
The Art of the Renaissance
30. What did Renaissance artists want to imitate in their work? Nature
31. What became the subject of focus for Renaissance artists? Human beings
32. How did Renaissance artists make humans in their art look realistic? Using the law of
perspective to make it look three dimensional
33. What achievements of Leonardo da Vinci’s were significant? He mastered the art of
realistic painting
34. What achievements of Michelangelo were significant? His paintings, sculptures, and
architectural skills
35. What was Humanism? It was based on the study of the classics (literary works of
ancient Greece and Rome
36. What kind of subjects did Humanists study? Grammar, rhetoric, poetry, moral
philosophy, and history
37. Who was Petrarch? The father of Italian renaissance humanism

38. Who was Dante? A famous Italian humanist
39. What was his best-known work? The Devine Comedy
40. What language are his works composed in? In Italian

41. What is Erasmus best known for? For defining the humanist movement in Northern
42. What did he translate into Greek? The New Testament

Machiavelli and the New Statecraft

43. What did Machiavelli write a book about? What was it called? The Prince and it is
about how to acquire and maintain political power
44. Before Machiavelli, what should a prince’s activities be based on? Christian
45. What must a prince be willing to act against if necessary? His own conscience

The Reformation: Religion on the Eve of the Protestant Reformation

46. Why was Erasmus calling for the reforming of the Church? Because of the corruption
of the Catholic church
47. What was the Pope interested in between 1450 and 1520? Italian politics and worldly
interest than spiritual matters
48. What did Christians believe the Pope was supposed to support? Spiritual than military
49. What were Church officials concerned with during the 1400’s and 1500’s? Money
50. Define salvation. Acceptance into heaven
51. Why did the Church use relics? For people to pay off their sins (indulgence)
52. Define indulgence release from all or part of the punishment for sins

Martin Luther and the Lutherans

53. Who was Martin Luther? A monk and professor at the University of Wittenberg in
54. What religious issue bothered Martin Luther? How to be certain of salvation
55. What did the Church believe was necessary for salvation? Faith and good works
56. What did Martin Luther believe was necessary for salvation? Faith alone
57. Define justification. Being made right with God
58. What was the only source of truth for Martin Luther? The bible
59. According to Martin Luther, what would hurt your chances of salvation? Buying
60. What was Martin Luther’s Ninety Theses? Statements that were an attack on the
selling of indulgences
61. What were the only two sacraments for Martin Luther? Baptism and communion
62. When did the Catholic Church excommunicate Martin Luther? 1521
63. What made Martin Luther an outlaw? The Edict of Worms
64. Who protected Martin Luther? Fredrick of Saxony
65. What services were performed at Martin Luther’s Church? Bible readings, preaching
of the word of God, and songs
66. What was the name of Martin Luther’s new church? Lutheranism

Calvin and Calvinism

67. Why was John Calvin forced to flee France? Because France was still Catholic
68. What were the institutes of the Christian Religion? A summary of Protestant doctrines
69. Calvin’s beliefs were similar to what other Christian leader? Luther’s
70. How was John Calvin’s beliefs different from Martin Luther’s beliefs? He believed in
the al powerful nature of God
71. Define predestination. Determined in advanced who will and will not be saved
72. What was the name of the court that oversaw the moral life and religion of the people
of Geneva? The Consistory
73. What replaced Lutheranism as the most important form of Protestantism? Calvinism

The English Reformation

74. What did King Henry VIII want to do? Divorce his wife
75. Why did King Henry VIII want to divorce his wife? So that he can remarry and have
a son
76. Define annul. Declare invalid
77. Who granted the annulment for King Henry VIII? Thomas Cranmer (archbishop of
78. What act made the King Henry VIII, the head of the Church in England? The act of
79. What did the Act of Supremacy of 1534 give the king the power to do (to the
Church)? He can close the monasteries and sell their land and possessions
80. Who took over after King Henry VII? His son, Edward VI
81. Who took over after Edward VI? Mary, Henry’s daughter
82. What did Mary want to do to the Church of England? She wanted to restore Roman
83. What was Mary’s nickname? Bloody Mary

The Catholic Reformation

84. Why did the Catholic Church need to make reforms? To strengthen the Catholic
85. What three factors brought about the Catholic Reformation? Jesuits, reform of
papacy, and the council of Trent
86. Who were the Jesuits? Ignatius of Loyola, a Spanish nobleman
87. The Jesuits missionaries were very successful in restoring the Catholic religion to
______________ and __________________. Germany and Eastern Europe
88. What Pope saw the need for reform in the Catholic Church? Pope Paul III
89. What was the Council of Trent? A group f Church leaders and Theologians
90. According to the Council of Trent, what was needed for salvation? Good works and
91. What was forbidden by the Council of Trent? The selling of indulgences.

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